How to open a beer cap without a bottle opener. Best Ways to Open Beer Without a Bottle Opener

Opening a bottle of beer - what could be easier? But what to do if the lid is not rotatable, you don’t have an opener with you, and there are completely no man-made solid objects with sharp corners around?

There will always be a talented person in the company who will show his extraordinary abilities and save his improvident comrades. However, you can become this superhero, because with some practice you can turn literally anything into an opener.

With another bottle

As a rule, in the initial state we have more than one bottle on hand. The beauty is that two glass containers with beer with a volume of 0.5 liters themselves already turn into an opener.

Do not try to connect the bottles with the teeth of the corks and “pull them apart” - nothing good will come of this. It is better to firmly grasp one bottle by the neck so that the distance between your finger and the cork is slightly less than the diameter of the cork itself. We take the second bottle and rest the edge of its cork against the teeth of the bottle being opened. The resulting lever will allow you to easily open the bottle with a light and confident movement of your hand.

However, one problem remains: how to open the last bottle? :)

Using a lighter

As in the previous case, we firmly grasp the bottle by the neck, but now the grip should be almost close to the cork. Place a lighter under the teeth of the cork.

The knuckle of your finger will act as a fulcrum (so it is important to grip the bottle tightly), and the lighter will become an excellent lever. We confidently and forcefully press on the opposite edge of the lighter body (don’t worry about your finger, it won’t break), after which we get the desired “puff”.

Using thick paper

Any (probably except toilet) paper, when handled correctly, turns into a bottle opener. Perhaps someone took a journal or notebook with them? Fabulous! We sacrifice the page in the name foamy drink and tightly roll the sheet into a tube version, but only flatten it at the end.

Now, if you add up the resulting multilayer strip in half, then the bend will be hard and strong enough to open the bottle.

The correct grip technique for creating leverage remains the same.

Text instructions with pictures are, of course, good, but no one has canceled the truth “it’s better to see once,” and therefore we invite you to personally familiarize yourself with the video that clearly demonstrates the methods described above.

Subscribe to Lifehacker's YouTube channel. There is still a lot of useful and interesting things for you.

We hope that with this knowledge your summer refreshing get-togethers will be even more fun, and now we invite you to turn the comments section of this post into an encyclopedia of “1000 and one ways to open a bottle of beer with improvised means.”

Grasp the neck of the bottle more tightly with your left hand, and take it in your right hand disposable lighter(1) and make a lever out of it by sliding the tip under the skirt of a metal beer cap. Use a tense joint as support thumb on the left hand. Here's an object lesson from applied physics. This method has been widely known for decades, but it can be modernized by using it instead of a lighter. USB flash drive(2). Take stationery stapler(5) and slip its clove under the corrugations of the steel skirt. Walk along the contour of the lid, slightly bending corrugation by corrugation. Eventually the lid will pop off on its own. The same “anti-pressure” procedure can be performed using key(6) or nail files (7).

Square hole in car belt buckle(4) serves as an ideal bottle opener, but you shouldn’t do it in a moving car. If you have run out of patience, and your hands are not skilled enough, you can turn to brute force. Place the bottle between your thighs and hook the lid file(12) and pull upward with force. In the same style you can use spirit level(3) or some electronic device like early models iPod NANO(14). If you're lying around large scissors(15), feel free to use them. The bottle can be opened and ring on your finger (16). ( Wedding ring We do not recommend it - soft metals such as gold are easily bent and chipped.) Place your finger on the lid so that the edge of the ring catches on the corrugated skirt and pull your hand up (or the bottle down - whichever is more convenient for you). It might hurt, but isn't the beer worth it?

It can save you in difficult times and climbing carabiner(17). Push its tongue in and hook the bracket onto the lid skirt so that it can act as a lever.

Another long-known improvised means(just be careful not to get wet!). Find it on the door metal plate, into which the lock tongue should fit, insert the head of the bottle into the lock groove and try to catch the steel skirt on its edge. Now gently turn the bottle, resting on the pad with the other side of the cap.

Any will do table top(18). Press the edge of the skirt against the edge and clap on top free hand. Of course, you are unlikely to be thanked if you use for this purpose antique furniture. In the same way, you can open a beer by pressing the lid against sharp edge some stone(19) or any clamp(20) on some pillar - just make yourself comfortable and don’t overdo it with the force of the blow.

Of course, many items from home kit tools: perfect flat blade screwdriver(8), will do just fine wire cutters(9), very good for this job pliers(10), or even better - narrow nose pliers (11).

Opening a bottle of beer - what could be easier? But what to do if the lid is not rotatable, you don’t have an opener with you, and there are completely no man-made solid objects with sharp corners around?

There will always be a talented person in the company who will show his extraordinary abilities and save his improvident comrades. However, you can become this superhero, because with some practice you can turn literally anything into an opener.

With another bottle

As a rule, in the initial state we have more than one bottle on hand. The beauty is that two glass containers with beer with a volume of 0.5 liters themselves already turn into an opener.

Do not try to connect the bottles with the teeth of the corks and “pull them apart” - nothing good will come of this. It is better to firmly grasp one bottle by the neck so that the distance between your finger and the cork is slightly less than the diameter of the cork itself. We take the second bottle and rest the edge of its cork against the teeth of the bottle being opened. The resulting lever will allow you to easily open the bottle with a light and confident movement of your hand.

However, one problem remains: how to open the last bottle? :)

Using a lighter

As in the previous case, we firmly grasp the bottle by the neck, but now the grip should be almost close to the cork. Place a lighter under the teeth of the cork.

The knuckle of your finger will act as a fulcrum (so it is important to grip the bottle tightly), and the lighter will become an excellent lever. We confidently and forcefully press on the opposite edge of the lighter body (don’t worry about your finger, it won’t break), after which we get the desired “puff”.

Using thick paper

Any (probably except toilet) paper, when handled correctly, turns into a bottle opener. Perhaps someone took a journal or notebook with them? Fabulous! We sacrifice the page in the name of the foamy drink and tightly roll the sheet into a tube version, but only flatten it at the end.

Now, if you fold the resulting multilayer strip in half, the fold will be hard and strong enough to open the bottle.

The correct grip technique for creating leverage remains the same.

Text instructions with pictures are, of course, good, but no one has canceled the truth “it’s better to see once,” and therefore we invite you to personally familiarize yourself with the video that clearly demonstrates the methods described above.

Subscribe to Lifehacker's YouTube channel. There is still a lot of useful and interesting things for you.

We hope that with this knowledge your summer refreshing get-togethers will be even more fun, and now we invite you to turn the comments section of this post into an encyclopedia of “1000 and one ways to open a bottle of beer with improvised means.”

Opening a beer is not difficult for modern homo sapiens. But can you open it with your eye? No))) I'm sure. Then read on. . .


Difficulty level: Difficult

1 step

It's hard for an alcoholic these days. Sometimes there is not enough money not only for a bottle, but also for matches. Beer containers are inexpensive. Therefore, when you finally saved enough for a bottle of beer, looking into your holey pocket, you notice that you don’t even have a lighter to open it. I’ve been missing my teeth for a long time now, but I can’t ask passers-by – for some reason everyone shy away just by looking at you. Heaven! But your eyes are usually always with you, so you don’t have to look for the bottle opener.

Step 2

So, we feel the upper bone above the eye. Have you guessed why? That's right - having hooked the bottle cap onto it, without thinking, we make a sharp jerk with the bottle down. You may not succeed the first time, but with practice, you will be able to open bottles of any complexity very easily.

Step 3

Don't drink too much beer!

If you want to show off in front of your friends, then this method will do:
Hook the lid on the above-mentioned part of the skull. By tilting your head slightly down and making a grimace, pretend that you are trying with all your might to uncork the dance. At this time, use your tongue and teeth to make a hissing sound (like s-s-s-s-s). As a rule, the faint of heart faint at the sight of such a picture.

How to open a beer with a piece of paper

How to open beer by hand.


  • First grab your beer bottle and place it in the middle of your hand.
  • Then grab your skin on the lid and make sure it's nice and tight and won't fall off or else it will hurt.
  • Then twist your hand and out comes the lid!


  • Practice to get faster and eventually this habit will damage your hands.


  • You will cut your hands if you don't do it correctly.
  • Make sure you have a Twist - Off the bottle!!

The operation of a bottle opener is based on elementary mechanics - the principle of a lever; it is easy to make from improvised means. Next I will talk about safe ways open beer bottles that also fit other bottles, such as soda.

1. Lighter (key). Instead of a lighter, you can use another flat, hard object - a spoon, keys or a five-kopeck coin. Get an inexpensive one plastic lighter in more strong hand so that the lower part of the body protrudes slightly from the side of the thumb. With your other hand, grab the neck of the bottle closer to the cap. Slide the corner of the lighter under the cap, not the flat, even part. Click on top part lighters, using the hand holding the bottle as a support for the lever. The cork will pop off, then pour beer into the glass, celebrating your victory.

The disadvantage is that the lighter can get scratched and the keys can get bent.

2. Another bottle. Need to grab right hand(if you are right-handed) the neck of the bottle you are going to open, then firmly press the bottom of it against the table or any other hard, flat surface. With your other hand, grab the neck of the second bottle and turn it over. Place the edge of the cap of the second bottle under the edge of the first. Using the second bottle as a lever to open the first.

After several attempts, everything will take a couple of seconds. This method has only one drawback - the last bottle will remain unopened.

3. A sheet of paper. An A4 sheet of paper, a newspaper, a page from a notepad or magazine, or, in extreme cases, even a banknote, will do. The thicker the better. Fold the sheet in half as many times as you can. Further instructions are the same as for opening with a lighter. If the paper is thin, it may take several tries, loosen the edges of the stopper with different sides.

The disadvantage is that suitable paper is not always at hand, especially in nature.

4. About a wooden ledge. You can open your beer on the edge of a bench, railing or furniture. It is enough to hook the lid on this protrusion and sharply pull it down. Do not use metal surfaces, otherwise you risk pricking the neck of the bottle.

Disadvantage - this method borders on vandalism, after opening the bottle wooden surface scratches remain.

Other practical ways to open a bottle of beer are shown in the video.

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