How to bleach kitchen towels. How to wash kitchen towels so they are as good as new

Towels in the kitchen are an essential attribute, but they get dirty very quickly. And it’s not always clear how to bleach kitchen towels at home, so that the result is decent and the product itself is not damaged. Effective ways There are many, you can choose the most suitable one for each specific situation.

How to bleach kitchen towels using chemicals

In departments with economic and household chemicals can be found various options stain removers suitable for colored materials and bleaches suitable for products light colors. These chemicals are designed to help you find a way to whiten kitchen towels without spending very much time on the whole process. “Vanish” and Amway brand products clean perfectly various fabrics. Application follows instructions.

The main benefits of using chemical bleaches or stain removers:

  • effective;
  • suitable for hand and machine wash;
  • help to bleach kitchen terry towels without boiling;
  • can be used as aid in combination with other whitening options;
  • It is permissible to use without preliminary long soaking of textile products.
However, any specially developed substances problem solving Whitening towels at home is expensive and used up quickly. An alternative substitute suitable for cleaning kitchen fabrics is a dishwashing detergent such as Fairy.

Whitening towels without boiling using dishwashing detergent can occur in two ways:

  • Not a large number of liquid is applied to the stains, left to act for 10-20 minutes, then the product is rinsed;
  • A few drops of the existing product are added to warm water, then the kitchen towels are soaked for 5-15 minutes and then washed.

Because they create a lot of foam, dishwashing detergents are not suitable for use in machines. And you need to choose options for a substance that is either completely colorless, or with a tint that matches the color of the material.

How to whiten kitchen towels using traditional methods

An alternative special means purchased in a store are the products available in every first aid kit. They do an excellent job of bleaching kitchen textiles.


In addition to direct whitening at home, similar options in some cases, the material is also disinfected, which is especially necessary when using waffle kitchen towels.
  1. Potassium permanganate. Taking a bucket or large basin, you need to pour warm water, adding washing powder or shavings of laundry soap (half a bar). Then add 5-10 granules of potassium permanganate and mix the resulting solution well, heat, but do not boil. Fabric products are dipped into the container; they should be covered with a lid or board on top. You need to keep the towels for at least 3-4 hours and then rinse.
  2. Boric acid. Suitable for bleaching light-colored kitchen utensils. Towels must first be washed, preferably by hand. Then dilute 1-2 tablespoons in a container filled with water. boric acid, kitchen towels are dipped into the solution for an hour. Finally, simply rinse them.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide (3%). As in previous version Before bleaching towels with hydrogen peroxide, they need to be washed. A couple of tablespoons of peroxide are added to a bucket or basin containing 5 liters of water, and the mixture is brought to a hot state. Afterwards, the towels are soaked in the container for half an hour, and then washed two or three times with clean, cool water. For greater effect, you can add a few drops of ammonia to the solution.
  4. Powdered ammonia. The washing solution is prepared in a 1:1 ratio based on the amount of laundry: the more dirty towels, the more water and ammonia solution is required. Then the products are soaked in it for an hour and a half.

Additional household chemicals
  1. Soda ash solution with bleach. Two glasses of each substance are dissolved in warm water. The solution should sit for about a day, then it should be filtered. Towels are dipped in the resulting product for 2-3 hours, and then washed and rinsed well.
  2. Silicate glue. This option is only suitable for undyed fabrics. Pour 3-5 tablespoons of soap shavings or the same amount of powder into a container of water. Add a couple of spoons of glue and mix. After dipping the products into the solution, place the container on the fire and stir the contents for 30 minutes. Then rinse the towels.

Household products

Laundry soap
  • Rub the towels with soap, wrap them in a bag and tie it tightly. Leave the items overnight, and the next morning just wash the soap out of the fabric.
  • Plane the laundry soap into a pan or bucket, add a sufficient amount of water and a couple of tablespoons of soda. Soak fabric items in the solution and put on fire, bringing to a boil, stirring. The kitchen towels are “cooked” for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, you must either wash them by hand with a spoonful of bleach, or put them in the washing machine, also adding bleach.
  • For 5 liters of cold water, take 5 large spoons of salt. Textiles are dipped into the resulting salty solution, soaking for 6-10 hours. Afterwards you need to wash the product.
  • You will need not food, but rock salt . A few pinches are applied to slightly moistened areas of dirt on the fabric. The salt is thoroughly rubbed in and left to act for an hour. Then you need to wash the towels at home.

It is not difficult to bleach towels with soda. It is enough to add 2-3 tablespoons of the product to warm water and soak towels in the solution. Or send the container with textiles to boil for 10-15 minutes.

Lemon acid

Before use citric acid Items must be washed in warm water. Then a few pinches of powder are applied to the contaminated areas that need to be bleached and left for 5-8 minutes. Finally, rinse the towels in cold water.

Vegetable oil

In order to bleach the necessary kitchen items with vegetable oil, you will also need soda ash and any washing powder. And in this option You can't bleach without boiling.

Having chosen an enamel dish, the required amount of water is poured into it. Add a glass of powder (it is acceptable to replace it with soap shavings), 2-3 tablespoons of oil and one spoon of soda. Towels are dipped into the solution, and then the container is placed on the stove.

It is necessary to boil for an hour, stirring from time to time. Then remove the container from the heat and let cool. The final step is a cold rinse. running water.

Another option for whitening using regular oil is presented in the video, where you can also see the final result:

Mustard or mustard powder

The method by which towels can be bleached with mustard is considered simple and gentle.

  • A few spoons of powder are poured into water to form a thick paste. It is applied to contaminated areas and left to act for 45-60 minutes. And then the towels are washed.
  • Pour boiling water over mustard powder and let the mixture steep for 70 minutes. After straining the solution, dip kitchen towels into the resulting liquid and leave them soaked for an hour or two. Afterwards you just need to rinse the products.

You need to add 3-4 tablespoons of table vinegar to the heated water. Leave the towels in this solution for an hour. Then wash them manually or using a machine.

Note to housewives! How to whiten white blouse- You can find out .

  1. It is better to remove any dirt from fabrics immediately so that the dirt does not become completely ingrained.
  2. When using chemicals, you must protect your hands by wearing gloves.
  3. You can boil only undyed towels, without embroidery or other decorations.
  4. Bleaching of kitchen textiles occurs at temperatures from 80 degrees for white products and up to 60 for colored ones.
  5. Towels should be machine washed separately from other fabrics.
  6. So that textiles retain their properties longer clean look, after bleaching it is necessary to iron it well. And while rinsing, add a couple of tablespoons of starch to cool water.
  7. Regular hair shampoo will help get rid of traces of fruits, vegetables, juices and berries. Apply a small amount to the stains, leave for 15 minutes, then wash the towels.
  8. To soften very hard water when bleaching, add a little baking soda.
  9. A combination of ammonia and glycerin in a 1:4 ratio will get rid of coffee and tea stains at home, and will also lighten textiles.
  10. To avoid using expensive fabric softeners, you can add a few drops of essential oils to strong-smelling solutions or use such a fragrance during rinsing.
The listed methods will allow you to choose the most suitable one for yourself. suitable option so that the towels in the kitchen always have a fresh and attractive look.
  • Tricks of storage and use
  • Kitchen towels are essential items that should always be at hand and in sight. Therefore, they must be beautiful and clean. Let's find out what methods you can use to wash even the oldest ones. dirty towels to perfect condition.

    10 effective and budget-friendly stain removers

    The easiest way to wash dirty towels at home is in washing machine, and resort to special ways and the product is enough once a month, otherwise the fabric will quickly wear out.

    They will help you get rid of grease and stubborn stains completely. ordinary means, such as:

    1. Salt

    Suitable for: removing coffee or tomato stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: make a solution in a basin based on 5 liters of water - 5 tbsp. spoons of salt and then soak kitchen utensils and leave them for 1 hour. Then we wash it by hand or in a machine.

    And also suitable for: removing red wine stains on white and colored fabrics.

    Recipe: make a very “cool” saline solution, soak and wash the fabric in it.

    2. Laundry soap.

    Suitable for: removing various stains, including grease, on colored and light-colored fabrics.

    Recipe: Rub all dirty napkins generously laundry soap and seal in a bag overnight. After this, you need to wash and rinse the products well.

    3. Washing powder + stain remover + vegetable oil.

    Washing kitchen towels using this method almost always removes the oldest stains. In a large 10-quart saucepan, bring 5-7 quarts of water to a boil, then turn off the heat. After this, add 2 tbsp. l. washing powder (preferably “Automatic”, as it foams less), 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l of any stain remover or bleach and mix the solution. Then put the textiles in the pan, stir a little more and wait until the water cools down. Then take out the towels and, without squeezing out the water, put them in the washing machine. The oil will cause all dirt on the textile to soften and come off the fabric more easily. You need to cover the container and wait until the water cools down, then rinse the products thoroughly. Additionally, boil and wash towels in in this case no need - the oil will not remain on the fabric.

    4. Shampoo.

    Best for: removing fruit stains.

    Recipe: pour shampoo onto the stain, let it sit, and then wash it off.

    5.Ammonia + glycerin.

    Suitable for: removing stains from tea and coffee.

    Recipe 1: you need to soak dirty kitchen textiles in a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio for 1 hour, and then wash.

    Recipe 2: tea stains can be removed with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin in a ratio of 1:4.

    6. Silicate glue.

    Suitable for: removing various stains, but only on white fabric.

    Recipe: the solution is prepared from a bar of soap and a spoon of silicate glue. You need to boil the textiles in this mixture for about half an hour.

    7. Dishwashing liquid.

    Suitable for: removing greasy stains on colored and white fabrics.

    Recipe: dishwashing liquid is applied to greasy stains and the textiles are left for a day, then the towels need to be washed and rinsed.

    8. Vinegar

    Best for: getting rid of mold.

    Recipe: you need to soak the product in a vinegar solution of 5-9% (if necessary, dilute the 70% essence) for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.


    Suitable for: removing stains from beets and tomatoes.

    Recipe: first, wash the towel with laundry soap under running hot water, wring it out a little, and then pour citric acid on the stains and leave for 5 minutes. After which we simply rinse.

    And also suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

    Recipe: Wipe all dirt with citric acid, leave the towel for an hour, and then rinse.

    10. Hydrogen peroxide.

    Suitable for: removing old stains of various origins.

    Recipe: soak dirty areas in the solution, leave for 30 minutes, and then wash in the usual way

    8 Ways to Whiten Kitchen Towels

    So, we've sorted out stain removal and washing. How to bleach kitchen towels if they have lost their fresh look? You can restore the whiteness of gray and yellowed kitchen towels with or without boiling.

    Here are 8 effective and simple ways:

    1. Whitening without boiling using mustard.

    This method both disinfects and whitens. To do this, dry mustard powder is diluted in hot water until it becomes a thick paste, after which the mixture is applied to wet towels and left for 6-8 hours, and then washed.

    2. Bleaching without boiling using potassium permanganate.

    This is very effective method, operating almost always. For a basin of boiling water you need about 200 g of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the water should be only slightly pink). Place pre-washed items in the solution, cover it with film and wait until the water cools completely. And then rinse the towels well.

    3. Bleaching without boiling using boric acid.

    This method is suitable for thick, waffle or terry towels. In a basin with hot water add 2 tablespoons of boric acid, then soak dirty towels in the resulting solution for 2 hours, and then wash them as usual.

    4. Bleaching with boiling, soda and laundry soap 72%.

    Using soda and boiling, you can bleach laundry and remove stains absolutely safely for you and as gentle as possible on the fabric. For this, approximately 50 gr. soda ash should be mixed with grated laundry soap (72%), and textiles should be boiled in this mixture for 1-1.5 hours.

    5.Express washing and bleaching without boiling.

    Some bleaches and stain removers remove stains and grayness very quickly and literally before your eyes. For example, for hand washing 1-2 towels you can use very effective remedy“Universal bleach for all types of fabric” from Amway. It is usually added when washing in a washing machine, but it is better to wash kitchen towels with complex stains by hand.

    We offer this express method for washing kitchen towels: pour 1 liter of boiling water into a regular basin, put all the kitchen utensils there, then add 1 tbsp. l of Amway powder and stir our solution with a spoon. The water will immediately begin to hiss and foam. Then you can leave the napkins to soak until the water cools completely, or after a few minutes you can add cold water and start washing directly in this solution. For washing more complex pollution You need to increase the soaking time or even boil the towels.

    6. Whitening with ammonia

    We are offered to soap a damp towel well, put it in a bag and add 3 tables to it. l ammonia. The bag should be quickly tied and left like that overnight. Then we wash the towels in the usual way.

    7. Bleaching using soda ash, vegetable oil, salt, bleach, washing powder


    • Soda ash - 1 table. l
    • Sunflower oil- 2 table. l
    • Table salt- 2 tbsp. l
    • Bleach - 2 tablespoons
    • Washing powder - 1 cup

    Pour a bucket of water and bring it to a boil. Add all of the above to the water and mix. Using a wooden spatula, carefully lower the towels into the solution and boil for 30 minutes. Leave everything until it cools. And rinse well.

    You can soak towels in this solution for a day if boiling is not possible.

    8. You can make another solution for soaking with 5 liters of boiling water.

    To do this we take:

    • washing powder - ½ cup
    • bleach - 1 table. l
    • vegetable oil - 2.5 tablespoons

    Tip: When washing kitchen towels, you can skip the conditioner by simply adding a mixture of baking soda and a suitable essential oil. This way, your kitchen textiles will delight you not only with pristine freshness, but also with a pleasant aroma.

    Tricks of storage and use

    • Towels made of colorful or dark fabric are more suitable for wiping your hands during cooking, since grease and other contaminants are less noticeable on them. And, of course, try to wash your oily hands whenever possible, rather than wiping them on a towel. An alternative option is paper napkins.
    • Washing kitchen towels will not be a headache if you have a lot of them in the kitchen and you change them often. Ideally, you should have towels for covering baked goods, for wiping clean hands after washing dishes, for drying hands while cooking, for wiping vegetables and fruits, for using as oven mitts, etc.
    • Terry towels - no the best choice for the kitchen, since such fabric easily absorbs dirt and quickly loses its neatness.
    • To prevent towels with stubborn stains that you use throughout the day from being damaged. appearance kitchen, just throw them in a cute basket (not too high and not too low). For example, a rattan wicker basket like the one in the photo on the right will do. Well, clean towels can be stored in plain sight.

    Towels are the constant helpers of any housewife in the kitchen. They are used to wipe dishes, furniture, and electrical appliances. No wonder towels get lost over time. marketable condition, turn gray and become covered with spots. How to restore their whiteness and freshness using available means? In our article you will find the most effective methods whitening and stain removal.

    Why are kitchen towels so difficult to wash?

    White towels and napkins in the kitchen are the pride of any housewife. They look beautiful, elegant, give the interior freshness and special comfort. But it’s the fabrics white get dirty the fastest, regardless of the structure of the material and the type of contamination. On colored towels, dirt doesn't show up as quickly. What is the reason for such difficulties?

    For kitchen towels, not only cleanliness is important, but also disinfection

    Firstly, for cleaning the kitchen we prefer to choose towels made of soft fabrics: cotton, terry, waffle. Their structure is such that the product perfectly absorbs moisture with all the contaminants dissolved in it, and retains it even better.

    The liquid evaporates, dries, and the dirt settles on the closely intertwined fibers, firmly becoming attached to them.

    Secondly, the basis of contamination in the kitchen is often fat-containing substances. As you know, any fat - vegetable or animal - penetrates deeply into the fibers of the fabric, and it is very difficult, sometimes almost impossible, to remove it.

    Note! The longer you use a towel without washing it, the more difficult it will be to remove dirt from it. Try to replace used towels with new ones as often as possible.

    What to do if your kitchen towels have turned gray and look almost like floor rags? Experienced housewives know several methods using herbal and chemicals.

    The first include:

    • mustard;
    • lemon juice (citric acid);
    • vegetable oil.

    The most commonly recommended chemicals for whitening towels are:

    • laundry soap;
    • soda (baking or ash);
    • fabric bleach (for example, "Whiteness");
    • silicate glue;
    • washing powder;
    • dishwashing liquid;
    • “Mole” pipe cleaner;
    • hydrogen peroxide.

    Small stains can be removed simply by using our usual soap, powder or soda. But radical whitening will require more time, as well as the use of more potent substances.

    Photo gallery of funds

    Laundry soap ensures cleanliness and disinfection Lemon juice perfectly whitens Baking soda perfectly removes stains Silicate glue in combination with other products cleans fabric Vegetable oil softens grease stains Hydrogen peroxide cleans, bleaches and disinfects Chemical bleaches perfectly clean kitchen towels, removing any dirt Mustard in powder form cleans fabric by interacting with soap

    Traditional methods

    Naturally, you don’t want to use expensive powders and bleaches to wash kitchen towels. So we will try to give you simple recommendations, which were used by our grandmothers. You can easily find all the necessary substances at home and in the nearest hardware store or even grocery store.

    Table “Folk methods and instructions for their use”

    Product used


    Safety Tips

    500 g bleach, 500 g soda ash.

    Dissolve the products in a bucket warm water, stand for 2 days, strain. Soak the towels in the resulting liquid for 4–5 hours, wash and rinse thoroughly.

    Since this product is very aggressive, use latex gloves and be careful not to get the solution into your eyes.

    Dry table mustard.

    Stir a packet of mustard powder into a bucket of hot water and let it sit for a couple of hours. The resulting cloudy liquid has good bleaching and degreasing properties. Soak towels in it for 3 hours, then rinse thoroughly. Subsequent washing is not necessary.

    Laundry soap and boric acid.

    Thoroughly soap wet towels with laundry soap. Put them in a hot bucket soapy water, add 3 tablespoons of boric acid. The solution should completely cover the towels. Leave for 4 hours, then wash as usual.

    Gentle and harmless way, protective measures not required.


    Sprinkle a damp kitchen towel generously table salt Lightly rub it into the fabric and leave for 1 hour. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of warm water and 5 tablespoons of salt, soak a towel in it for another 1 hour. Wring out, rinse and wash in hot water.

    A gentle and harmless method, no protective measures are required.

    Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.; table salt – 2 tbsp. l.; bleach “Whiteness” - 2 tbsp. l.; soda ash– 1 tbsp. l.; washing powder – 1 cup.

    IN enamel pan Pour 10 liters of water, boil and gradually add all the ingredients in order. Mix thoroughly. Immerse towels in the solution and boil for 40 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait until the contents of the pan have cooled completely. Remove towels and rinse thoroughly.

    If it is not possible to boil, leave the towels in the hot solution for a day.

    The level of aggressiveness of the substance is medium. It is advisable to use rubber gloves. Protect your eyes and mucous membranes from splashes.

    Lemon juice or citric acid.

    Take freshly squeezed juice of 1-2 lemons or dissolve a sachet of citric acid in 1 glass of water. Wet the surface of the towel thoroughly and rub particularly prominent stains thoroughly. Fold the towels into plastic bag for 3 hours, tie. After this, wash as usual.

    Absolutely harmless method, no security measures required.

    Silicate glue – 3 tbsp. l.; laundry soap 72% - half a bar.

    Dissolve these products in a bucket of water and place kitchen towels in it. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat, turn off the stove, cover the bucket with a lid and leave until completely cool. Rinse thoroughly under running water; washing is not necessary.

    A gentle method, it is enough to use rubber gloves when rinsing.

    5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

    Heat water, dissolve salt and hydrogen peroxide in it. Soak kitchen towels in the solution for 5-6 hours. Then rinse and wash.

    5 liters of boiling water, 10 drops of potassium permanganate solution, half a piece of laundry soap.

    Grind the soap into shavings, soften in water, add potassium permanganate. Pour boiling water, stir and dip towels into the solution. Leave overnight, then rinse clean water. This method not only whitens, but also disinfects, so it is well suited for terry towels.

    Safe method, no protective measures required.

    The question of how to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling is asked by almost every housewife. It is impossible to do without a towel in the kitchen. You can wipe your hands with it, remove crumbs from the table, wipe the stove or dishes. That's why they get dirty so often. When a kitchen towel has lost its presentation, do not rush to buy a new one.

    Salt, soap, ammonia and household chemicals

    The washing machine is the most quick way How to get rid of stains on a towel. But unfortunately, it doesn’t always cope with stubborn stains. Therefore, you can bleach towels at home using:

    • regular salt;
    • laundry soap;
    • shampoo;
    • ammonia;
    • dishwashing detergents;
    • vinegar;
    • citric acid;
    • hydrogen peroxide.

    Any housewife always has such tools in her home. But you should resort to such bleaching methods no more than once a month, as they violate the integrity of the tissue.

    How to bleach kitchen towels at home using salt? To do this, you need to make a saline solution. Pour 5 tbsp. l. salt 5 liters of water. Soak oven mitts and towels in this solution. After which they can be washed by hand or with a machine. This method can be used for both white and colored kitchen utensils. Saline solution perfectly removes stains from coffee, tea, tomatoes, ketchup and red wine.

    Soap is used in households for all necessary household needs; washing towels is no exception. In order to get rid of various kinds stains on light or colored kitchen utensils, you need to generously rub the contaminated areas with soap and tie dirty napkins in a bag. For best result Kitchen linens should be left in the bag overnight. Then they should be washed and rinsed well.

    How to bleach fruit stains from kitchen towels? Every housewife knows that pomegranate and cherry stains are very difficult to remove. Shampoo will help get rid of them. Apply shampoo to the dirty area and rub it in a little. Leave for a couple of hours, then wash. There will be no trace of stains left.

    Coffee and tea stains can be treated with ammonia. Mix in proportions 1:1 ammonia and water, soak dirty potholders or napkins in the solution for an hour, then wash. Ammonia will help get rid of old stains if you add glycerin to it.

    You can get rid of greasy stains without boiling. The dishwashing detergent has worked well. Apply the liquid to the textiles and leave it for a day. Then wash and rinse well. This method can be used for both white and colored fabrics. If the stains do not go away after the first wash, this procedure can be repeated. Choose a colorless liquid, because colored liquids can stain fabric fibers.

    Mold can be removed with table vinegar. Prepare a vinegar solution and soak kitchen utensils in it for 7-10 minutes. The laundry can then be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

    Citric acid removes stains from beets, tomatoes and other old stains of various origins well. First, wash the towel with laundry soap and hot water, and then apply citric acid and leave for 5-10 minutes, depending on the freshness of the stain. Then rinse the towel in cold water.

    Old stains can also be removed with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, apply peroxide to the dirt and leave the towel to dry for 20-30 minutes. Then wash the towel by hand.

    Difficult stains can be removed using usual remedy from blockages. To do this, dilute 150-200 g of the product in a glass of water and apply to the contaminated area of ​​the product for 30 minutes. Then wash the kitchen linen in the washing machine on the Quick Wash setting.

    Mustard powder, potassium permanganate and bleach

    It's no secret that boiling whitens towels perfectly, but it quickly ruins the fabric. How to bleach kitchen towels without damaging the integrity of the fabric?

    You can restore the whiteness without ruining the fresh look with the help of mustard.

    This method has been tested for years, and its effectiveness is beyond doubt. Mustard powder not only whitens perfectly, but also disinfects laundry. Pour mustard powder with hot water. It should be a thick paste. Then apply the mixture to wet napkins or potholders. Leave to sit for 7-8 hours. After which the kitchen utensils can be washed.

    How to bleach towels with potassium permanganate? Pour hot water into a basin, add washing powder and a little potassium permanganate. The water should turn a little pink. Place pre-washed towels in a basin and cover with plastic. When the water has cooled completely, you can remove the items and rinse them.

    You can get rid of yellowness and grayness using a stain remover or bleach. Such products get rid of all complex contaminants quickly and effectively. For 1 liter of hot water you need to add 1 tbsp. facilities. Then you need to thoroughly stir the solution and put kitchen utensils into it. In the same water, when it has cooled, you can wash all the laundry by hand, after which you need to rinse it well. The soaking time can be extended depending on the complexity of the contamination.

    To add freshness and a pleasant aroma to your kitchen utensils, you can add baking soda and a couple of drops of essential oil.

    Glycerin, hot milk and citric acid

    Kitchen napkins and towels usually contain stains of various origins. But they are not scary if you know how to deal with them. So, you can get rid of wine or beer stains using lemon juice. Fruit stains will disappear under the influence of glycerin and vodka. To do this, you need to mix the components in equal proportions and apply the resulting mixture to the stain. After 15-20 minutes, you can wash the towel by hand. There will be no trace left of the stain.

    If there is a trace left on the towel egg white, then before washing it should be rinsed in cold water. It's much easier to remove a fresh stain, so don't let it dry. In this case, do not wash the towel in hot water, otherwise the stain will leave a mark.

    Hot milk with the addition of a few drops of blue will help get rid of stains of any origin. This cleaning method is only intended for light colors kitchen linen.

    Traces of mold can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar solution. To do this, you should first wash the towel, and then you can use one of the products. After 10-15 minutes, the towel can be rinsed or washed again.

    Stains from fruit juices and syrups can be removed using alcohol and citric acid. For this, 1 tsp. Heat the alcohol on the stove and add a little citric acid. Apply the resulting solution to the contaminated area and leave for a few minutes. Then wash the kitchen utensils in warm water.

    Potato starch does an excellent job of removing greasy stains. This method is effective only for fresh stains. If a greasy stain appears, sprinkle it with starch and leave for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times, and there will be no trace of dirt left.

    Modern housewives take care of home comfort incomparably better conditions than their grandmothers. And they still complain! Then washing machine If there are few modes, the grill in the microwave takes a long time to heat up... In general, whatever one may say, there are no less problems. How did the grandmothers cope? But their kitchens are always in perfect order and cleanliness. And even kitchen towels, despite constant use while preparing food for the whole family, they shine white. No other way than experienced housewives They are using some kind of magic spells!

    In fact, there is no magic or obscurantism there - just clean cooks at all times knew how to bleach kitchen towels and maintain their whiteness. In the absence of modern chemicals and washing powders, they did it with their own hands and/or traditional methods. And, surprisingly, these proven recipes are still no less (and sometimes more!) effective than high-tech industrial ones. detergents. At the same time, they still did not harm environment, did not cause allergies and cost mere pennies. So, even the most progressive housewife would do well to learn how to bleach kitchen towels at home.

    White kitchen towels at home
    Manufacturers of household items offer us a variety of alternative optionspaper towels, cellulose napkins, foam sponges and absorbent sponges - but we still continue to use textile kitchen towels. Why? Yes, because it is convenient, easy and simply familiar. It is much more pleasant to quickly dry your hands with a towel hanging near the stove than to carefully tear off an absorbent napkin from a roll. But you can immediately throw the napkin away, and stains remain on the towel. To minimize their number, you can use kitchen towels wisely:
    But as for the color of kitchen textiles, oddly enough, white kitchen towels are best. Precisely because stains are most noticeable on a light background - and this means that you will wash the soiled towel as quickly as possible, even before the dirt has time to unnoticeably “take root” in it.

    How to wash kitchen towels
    Before bleaching your kitchen towels with intensive agents, try washing them in the machine on the most intense setting first. Use bleach laundry detergent and extra stain remover, and be sure to turn on the pre-soak setting. The stain remover-bleach must be oxygen-containing, and certainly without chlorine. It is possible that these measures will be enough to whiten kitchen towels without additional effort.

    If the automatic machine fails, you will have another old-fashioned (or rather, grandmother’s) method at your disposal - boiling towels. This is a rather long and not particularly pleasant, but in its own way effective method, which allows you not only to bleach kitchen towels, but also to additionally disinfect them. Boil kitchen towels in enamel or aluminum cookware, over low heat for 20-30 minutes. If this doesn’t help, then it’s better to throw away these towels and not let new ones get so dirty in the future.

    How to bleach kitchen towels without boiling - 10 ways
    Most likely, you won’t have to boil your towels - after all, the modern chemical industry produces very effective bleaches and stain removers. But in some cases their use is impossible: for example, if one of the household members is allergic to them or the necessary product has run out at the very earliest. inopportune moment. Then products that will probably be found in any kitchen will come to the rescue. So don’t rush to the store, try to whiten kitchen towels using folk remedies:
    As you can see, washing and bleaching kitchen towels from grease, chocolate, ketchup and other culinary contaminants can be not only expensive, but also quite available means at home. And this is even cheaper than regularly buying new towels to replace damaged ones. And to prolong the whiteness and cleanliness of kitchen towels, iron them with a hot iron after each wash and drying. Unexpectedly, but true: after ironing, kitchen textiles remain white and fresh for much longer. This is what we sincerely wish for you. Comfort and cleanliness for your home!

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