How do designers make mistakes and how to fix it? Wrong work with the designer. Mistake eleven - trying to save money

So, let's begin! The faint of heart may not read))

1-bar counter. The bar counter was invented as a counter for selling alcohol, the height is set to be convenient for the salesperson-bartender, and so that the mess in the workplace - rags, napkins, dirty dishes, sinks and trash cans - is not visible. At home, this high invention is superfluous.

2- a full-fledged office on the balcony, when in fact there is no reason for the office itself, but there is simply an Internet addiction.

3- partitions in a studio apartment. The studio is a space without division because. Having divided the space with partitions, you return back to the apartment.

4- Variety of colors: each room has its own color and pattern, the right wall is different from the left, multi-colored furniture and textiles, and all this in a regular apartment. There is no need to highlight zones with color; it is better to zone the space with furniture

5- planning errors. Because the apartment is an integral part apartment building, break load-bearing walls, brick up ventilation, cut new openings in load-bearing structures, remove the hood to general ventilation, redo communications in your own way, move wet areas, etc. - these activities without careful preparation of the brain are fraught with bad consequences. It's not even right installed doors then they will irritate you greatly, and redoing them will be expensive and labor-intensive

6- misunderstanding of sizes. The fact that three times as many rooms can be crammed into the plan does not mean that a hundred-meter apartment can be divided into 10 rooms, plus three bathrooms, a couple of dressing rooms and the corridor can be cut to a minimum. It is more convenient to live with wide passages, a free hallway, and large rooms.

7- again the studio is not multi-room apartment. And there is no need to divide it into pieces different wallpapers, different curtains and floor coverings.

8-Provide reasonable storage areas. That is, if you have a small space, you shouldn’t fill closets for clothes, or, on the contrary, shrink your wardrobes to a minimum. There are a lot of intermediate options. The cabinet occupies less space than a closet. And an ordinary micro-wardrobe does not lift the mood.

9- were not provided for. It happens. When planning the "cells", for example, they forgot about the chairs, computer desk, or about a crib. The main thing is that the bed is wider, but the fact that nothing else is included is not important. Or they drew a rectangular one on the plan small sofa, and then in the store I liked the plump one, so I bought it!!

10 - overdoing it with accents. This is yes... a favorite theme))) to mark literally every corner with your presence))) often guests like to visit a remodel and immediately exclaim: here we could have more pillows, and here plants and paintings))) and you go to your home and there, mark your home space wherever you can, including the ceiling. In an oversaturated "marks" and bright accents housing is difficult to find.

11- be careful Classic! Here, too, you need to be very careful. If among your immediate ancestors there was no wealthy intelligentsia who allowed themselves at one time decent interiors, then you better, again, first prepare your brain so that it doesn’t turn out like the saying “we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” The fact is that the classics should be absorbed with mother's milk. If this was not on your menu as a child, then in principle there is nothing terrible, if you have the desire, and there are many opportunities now, the main thing is not to rush straight into the store, but first read, study, and not just look at pictures. Objects did not appear just like that, they were gained through generations of suffering. Otherwise it will be either like the old lady, or like the gypsies))

12- Attention: Provence. Also here, very carefully)) and also first read what, where and why, and then create. If you see that it didn’t work out, just forget the word “Provence” itself. The usual one will remain Russian apartment. At least it won't be embarrassing. Or maybe they’ll praise you))

13- Ill-conceived ergonomics. If there is no space, forget about the bed. Otherwise there will be no room left to move. The days of our grandmothers with uncomfortable sofas are long gone. Manufacturers know what to produce. Many models of sofa beds are equipped with the same mattresses as the beds. When guests arrive, your bed can then easily be turned into a sofa. But you can’t turn a real bed into a sofa. And don’t believe in fairy tales that it won’t be funny for guests to drink champagne next to your marital bed with a blanket thrown over it. It will be, it will be)))

14- TV in the interior. Well, firstly, the TV is not classically placed opposite the window, and under sunny window, and thirdly, this item has already become so obsolete that it is becoming a rarity in our apartments. So let’s mention it here purely symbolically.

15- Kitchen planning. At first glance, this is also difficult. Good advice- ask your mother for advice. The fact is that gadgets are actually not needed. A couple of frying pans and pots are all a very good housewife needs. The only thing you need to remember here is that sockets are not placed in an area where water can splash and the refrigerator is not placed close to the stove. And one more thing: if you are not a chef of a restaurant for 200-300 seats then 4-5 meter kitchen you definitely don't need it. Nobody butchers cow carcasses at home for a long time)))

16 - Be careful Parquet! And parquet is also parquet in Africa. That is, it is not linoleum and not a painted board. So gentlemen, be careful with him, be careful. Wood is capricious, no matter how you cover it or stain it. So in parquet flooring, not only the design is important, but also your careful attitude towards it. So we don’t complain about the sellers, but take off our stilettos at home and don’t spill borscht on it

17 - Slippery floor tiles. Yes.... this is still extreme)))

18-multi-level ceilings yes......

19/1 - multi-level ceilings with spotlights.... ato!))))))))))))

20- drywall. Right here, I don’t know how to beat people’s hands so that they don’t do it in apartments. It breaks easily, you can’t dismantle it painlessly, it looks cheap... and in general it has nothing but shortcomings.

21 - errors in measurements before finishing. But because after finishing the thickness of the plaster increases, baseboards are added and the furniture may not fit, or, on the contrary, you will make a mistake and add more plaster in advance. And then cracks and patches appear

Create perfect design interior design is the dream of not only every designer, but also the ordinary person. Before making renovations, most apartment and house owners try to imagine what it will be like new interior. To create a design project, you can turn to professionals, or you can think about it yourself the smallest details this interior.

Focus on fashion trends, listen to - it's perfect correct actions However, it is worth remembering your tastes, preferences and views on the interior. To create a truly interesting and functional design premises, you need to be able to combine the opinions of professionals with your own, not go to extremes (you will have to live in this interior!) and respect basic rules of interior design. We will not list all the rules now. There are a lot of them, and they treat you like different styles, and to the premises different sizes. Do you want to get an interesting and Beautiful design interior? Don't make basic mistakes.

Top 10 mistakes in interior design

Mistake #1 - Using one color

No matter how beautiful and interesting the color you choose is, it cannot be used exclusively in the interior. If you like it so much, then make it the background, let most of the room (usually the walls) be painted in desired color. But it definitely needs to be diluted matching colors. It can be either a contrasting or matching color. If your interior is too light, add accents using dark tones. Help to warm up a “cold” interior warm colors and shades. Look at what designers use, evaluate the combinations of your chosen color with others. This way you will give your interior not only beauty, but also uniqueness.

Mistake #2 - Accurate zoning

For small apartments and apartments with an open plan, a convenient technique is often used to delimit space without walls -. It should be used wisely. The fact is that a large number of dedicated zones turns large room into a motley patch. If you use zoning incorrectly, your interior will lose its integrity, and with it the feeling of comfort and harmony. To zone a space, you can use not only color, but also lighting, furniture, floor, wall and ceiling decoration. Do not combine a large number of zoning techniques in one room, otherwise you risk visually breaking it into tiny rooms that will be uncomfortable to be in.

Mistake #3 - Incorrect placement of sockets and switches

This is one of the most common mistakes in interior design. The problem must be resolved at the planning stage. Redoing sockets and switches after finishing is done is a bad job. To understand how many outlets you need, count how many pieces of equipment will be in the room. Even if you plan to have only 1 TV in the bedroom, think about which outlet you will plug in the vacuum cleaner or split system. Try to take into account all your possible acquisitions, and also imagine where they will be located. This way you will not only decide required quantity sockets, but you will also know where to place them. Before deciding the issue with the switch, think about the chandelier, imagine the number of light bulbs. If the room is supposed to Wall lights, this also needs to be taken into account. Pay attention to the accessibility of the switches, otherwise it is quite possible that your switch will be behind the door or behind the wall of the cabinet. We remind you that electrical wiring must be done before the preparatory part of the repair begins.

Mistake #4 - Incorrect furniture arrangement

This problem occurs no less frequently than the previous one. For some reason, many apartment owners assume that placing furniture around the perimeter of the room will make it visually larger. Of course, there are very small rooms where there is no other option. But even in small spaces you can improvise by placing, for example, a sofa in the middle of the room. If you put it behind the sofa small table, then you can from the recreation area.

Mistake #5 - No place to store

Very often, people who have not thought through the interior in advance find themselves in an unpleasant situation with a lack of storage space. The conversation now is not about clothes; they usually remember about them. Books, photo albums, souvenirs from different countries, dishes - all this should also have its place. If you are buying a sofa bed, then choose a model with a section for storing linen. You may also meet various options furniture with built-in drawers that are not conspicuous. Shelves - also great option, but don’t get carried away with it, a large number of shelves can turn your apartment into a library. It is quite possible to use them, they will also allow you to create two different zones in the room.

Mistake #6 - Excessiveness

Another common mistake in interior design, typical of people who are trying to give their apartment a unique uniqueness. Remember, even the best things can be too much. Quantity in interior design rarely translates into quality. So, for example, 4 sofa cushions will look great in the living room, but 16 of the same pillows will no longer exist. If you want to post a photo, use one large photo or several medium ones. If you hang 2-3 large photographs in one room, it can deprive it of its coziness. Excessive decor has a negative impact on appearance your interior. One in a pot is good, 10 is already Botanical Garden. In everything you need to know when to stop.

Mistake #7 - Lack of light

Even the sunniest rooms may lack light. This is due to ill-conceived placement. Very often, a lamp on the ceiling is simply not enough to illuminate the entire room evenly. Use desk lamp, floor lamps, wall lamps - they will not only help you see better, but will also add layers to the interior.

Mistake #8 - Prop

If you can't afford natural materials, then use only high-quality analogues. A cheap fake will spoil the entire interior. Avoid artificial flowers, imitation wood and “budget” ones.

Mistake #9 - Impractical materials

Even if you don’t have children and rarely have guests, the fact that stains will appear cannot be ruled out. White furniture it looks great, but cleaning it from the dirt that will appear sooner or later is not so easy. If you buy furniture in this color, make sure that the covers are removed and washed separately.

Mistake #10 - Lack of curtains

Empty windows are more than typical. If you leave them uncovered, decorating the apartment in a different style, then this is another mistake in interior design. It is the curtains that become the final touch, giving the interior completeness, warmth and comfort.

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When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

Your living room only has overhead lighting.

Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system (table lamps, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should select a carpet correct size for your living room. A large carpet will provide visual extension space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

Your TV is out of place

The best place to place the TV is empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

You underestimate the power of pillows

Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If cushioned furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture Neat and small products are suitable, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

Your sofa is against the wall

This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. A sofa near the wall in a spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

Dark furniture in a low room

Your living room will become visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture dark shades. Suitable for a low living room compact sofas, chairs and neat tables, always on raised legs. Opt for neutral light shades.

You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

Furniture that has lost its relevance

There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

Photos are not hanging correctly

The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, a gallery on the wall is a great solution, rather than photo frames placed in all corners.

Large furniture

The most common mistake- fill the room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a spacious corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a pair of armchairs would be preferable.

You neglect the functionality of the living room

If you have rectangular room, then you can adjust it with the help of a cabinet or rack, since the square shape of the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

Several options for zoning:

  • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
  • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
  • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
  • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

There are two things connected with the carpet: important points. Firstly, if we are talking about the living room and other common spaces, then it serves as a base and must accommodate all the furniture in the room. A small carpet on which it is impossible to squeeze a sofa and a couple of armchairs looks ridiculous.

Another mistake concerns the bedroom. Remember: the rug should be placed perpendicular to the bed, not lengthwise.

It should appear as if from under the bed and together with it create a T-shaped composition. If the carpet just lies nearby, the interior looks awkward.

Caitlin Murray, founder and CEO of Black Lacquer Design

“When you create, for example, in the form of shelves or racks, think about what will be there. After all, this will become the design of your room,” says Murray about the second popular mistake.

The gist of it comes down to this: there is a big difference between an eclectic mix of things and a chaotic mess. And on open surfaces you should have the former, not the latter. Therefore, make sure that the accessories are correctly placed and create a coherent, harmonious picture.

The time for headsets is over. Now, if the furniture is perfectly matched to each other, this rather indicates not the owner’s excellent taste, but rather his lack of imagination. So save identical items for catalogs, and choose furniture for your home that doesn't look like identical twins.

Best rooms- those that look like they have been furnished over time.

Max Humphrey, interior designer

Another design technique that has sunk into the past is one single chandelier per room. The chandelier itself, of course, can be, but it is necessary to add to it additional lighting. It improves visibility and adds dynamics to the space.

Designer Holly Hickey Moore recommends using, in addition to overhead lighting, floor lamps and table lamps.

5. Lack of decor

Objects of art and clothing accessories complete the look. IN in this case image of the room.

They are just as important as the rest of the interior elements: furniture, carpets, TV and everything else you want to have in your home.

Holly Hickey Moore, interior designer

If you don’t dream of living in a boring and faceless space, dilute it with bright details: paintings, posters, vases or candles. With them, the apartment will immediately acquire individuality and become more comfortable.

The editors of RBC-Real Estate surveyed professional designers and compiled a list of the most common mistakes made by people who are trying to make the interior of their home designer

Mistakes made during apartment renovation can be very expensive. Often, because of one minor mistake, you have to re-create the interior of an apartment or room.

Almost every year designers had to correct unsuccessful apartment layouts, repaint walls and re-lay floors. The editors of “RBC-Real Estate” turned to professionals with the question of what mistakes “home designers” can hopelessly ruin even the most expensive interior.

Professionals shared examples of what mistakes their clients had made that they had to redo. Of course, it is worth noting that these are only private opinions of professional designers. Some of them are quite debatable.

1. The most common mistake is in the placement of bar counters, says Stepan Bugaev, art director of the Pobeda Design architectural bureau. Many people try to make the bar counter a transition from the kitchen area to the living room. It doesn't always look pretty.

2. You shouldn’t turn your balcony into a full-fledged office with a printer, copier and fax machine. It’s better to place the laptop on coffee table- it's much more convenient.

3. Not recommended for use stationary partitions or doors on rails that divide the space. Thus, inexperienced designers create an apartment, not a studio. The studio assumes that everything is open, there is a feeling of spaciousness.

4. Designers are also unpleasantly surprised by the abundance of colors, which are colorful and quickly become boring. There is no need to highlight zones with color; it is better to zone the space with furniture.

5. Mistakes when planning an apartment. “Many people do not understand the importance of a well-organized space. When planning an apartment, it is important to take into account not only the location of the premises that is convenient for the owner, but also such nuances as the correct size of doorways, indentations in the window area for curtains, indentations from the walls in places where heating radiators are located, the correct distance between plumbing fixtures in the bathroom . When planning an apartment without the help of a designer, customers should at least listen to the foreman who was hired, then the result will be much better,” advises designer Anastasia Koryabkina.

6. Misunderstanding of the scale of the room in relation to the area of ​​the apartment as a whole. More than once I have seen an apartment with an area of ​​120 square meters. m, rugged semicircular partitions for many compartments of 12 sq. m, Boris Voskoboynikov, co-owner of the Nefaresearch studio, gives an example.

7. When designing a studio, it is necessary to take into account that a studio is not a multi-room apartment. It should be solid, with uniform floors, ceilings, etc. The windows in each zone should not be decorated differently, they should unite the entire interior of the space.

8. If you don’t want a feeling of mess and chaos in your apartment, then provide places to store things.

9. Very often, apartment owners forget that the room should have all the furniture necessary for life. For example, they will put one bed, and then complain that it is simply impossible to live in such a room.

10. Too many accents in the interior kill the harmony in the room. IN small space It’s better to focus on one place or piece of furniture. For example, when choosing furniture, highlight as an accent designer chair or chest of drawers.

11. There are too many mistakes when creating an interior in classic style, notes the leading designer of the U-Style studio Dinara Yusupova. Very often, interiors in this style turn out to be too gloomy and stuffy, like in the home of elderly people. It is better to decorate the walls more minimalistically. And don't go overboard with painted tiles or tiled covering in mosaic style!

12. Interiors in the Provence style do not always reflect the desired atmosphere. To ensure that an apartment in this style is not embarrassing to show to guests from Europe, you should choose classic and eye-catching furniture, and not what was inherited from your aristocratic grandmother, or what you bought on flea markets in Europe. It's better to opt for large vases with glaze painting. Models of airplanes and ships made of beautifully colored metal are also suitable.

13. Poorly thought out room ergonomics. It is better to put a sofa in the room than a bed. But you should remember that the sofa folds out and often takes up too much space. Therefore, even when preparing a furniture arrangement plan, it is necessary to take this into account and place other interior items so that the disassembled sofa does not interfere with movement around the bedroom.

14. Placement of a group of furniture for the TV on the wall opposite the window. You should avoid placing the TV in this way, otherwise there will be unnecessary glare on the screen.

15. When planning a kitchen, you need to consider good location all devices. For example, you should not place the refrigerator next to the stove or other electrical appliances. Make indents of at least 15 cm.

16. For finishing the floor, many people use parquet board. Before purchasing the material, you should consult the store about its technical characteristics. This material is very susceptible to external influences, there are often scratches on it, even from a vacuum cleaner. It is better to use a new generation laminate, it is more stable and practical.

17. Often, when renovating an apartment, customers thoughtlessly choose tiles for the floor. Now there are many new technologies in the world, thanks to which manufacturers produce tiles with anti-slip coating. Buy just such tiles for your floor so that you can comfortably move around the apartment and not fall.

18. Another mistake when renovating apartments is using multi-level ceilings, and completely awkward ones, with a huge amount of lighting and unnecessary decor. However, as designers say, such things have long been out of date. Not only does the ceiling height decrease, and the structures themselves often look very ugly, but the owners of apartments with such ceilings have to overpay for electricity.

19. When renovating an apartment and erecting partitions, many customers forget that after plastering the thickness of the walls increases significantly (on average for brick walls thickness may increase to 5-7 cm). If an apartment owner orders furniture and plumbing fixtures by size without taking into account plaster, he runs the risk that subsequently the cabinets, sofas and armchairs simply will not fit into place.

20. It is better not to use drywall during wet areas. It is highly susceptible to scratches and cracks.

21. If you plan to finish the ceilings with plasterboard, it is worth providing small distances from the walls (at least 1 cm), especially if the house is new. During renovations in other apartments, vibration of the walls occurs, so cracks may form.

22. A lot of errors are related to electrical systems, says Victoria Zolina, head of the Zi-Design studio. You need to be especially careful about the location of sockets. It often happens that they are installed in the most inaccessible and inconvenient places. When you start arranging furniture in the room, it turns out that the socket block falls behind the cabinet or, for example, under the tabletop. To avoid such mistakes, it is better to decide in advance on the type of furniture and its location.

23. There are not enough sockets in the apartment. The more sockets there are modern life- the easier your life.

24. Apartment owners often forget about soundproofing sewer pipes. This factor is worth considering if the bedroom wall borders staircase or an elevator shaft. Such a miscalculation literally may deprive you of sleep.

25. You shouldn't dismantle heating radiators just because they interfere with the arrangement of furniture: you will be cold in winter, and in wet months, the walls bordering the street will become damp and may become moldy.

26. A common mistake when installing a heated towel rail is that it should not be placed far from the plumbing duct. Otherwise, it simply will not warm up.

27. It is better to think through the layout of the tiles on site, taking into account the location of the plumbing fixtures or furniture. This way you can avoid unnecessary trimming or unsightly joints.

28. All joints and transitions of one flooring in another it is advisable to hide it under door leaf. It will look discreet and neat.

29. You cannot level the floor without first selecting finishing coating. The fact is that the thickness of tiles, parquet and laminate are different. If this is not taken into account, there is a high probability of thresholds appearing.

30. To avoid constant traffic jams, you should find out in advance the number of kilowatts allocated to your apartment or house. A large area of ​​underfloor heating can lead to unpleasant consequences.

31. An unpleasant mistake can be a large number lighting fixtures in the apartment. They can disrupt a comfortable lighting scenario.

32. Sometimes the placement of light fixtures can make it difficult to open cabinet doors or windows.

33. Before laying electrical wires Draw a diagram of the walls, ceiling and floor indicating the dimensions so as not to damage them when hanging shelves and attaching furniture structures.

Prepared by Vera Kozubova

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