How to clean the hood filter from grease. How to clean grease from a kitchen hood

Modern housewives accustomed to cooking to the maximum comfortable conditions. To do this, the kitchen must be equipped with everything necessary, including an extractor hood. Modern hoods easily cope with their task, purifying the air in the kitchen and allowing you to enjoy cooking. But like many appliances, the hood needs to be properly cleaned. How to do this correctly? Find out from our material.

Types of devices

If you are just planning to purchase a modern and reliable hood for your kitchen, then you should find out in more detail what types of hoods are available and how they differ from each other.

Let's start with the fact that they differ in their design, design, and functionality. The most common option is dome hoods. Many people are already accustomed to this design, and modern manufacturers are increasingly surprising consumers original design these hoods.

Typically, devices dome type equipped with two types of filters: aluminum grease filter and carbon filter. The first type of filter performs the function of a so-called grease trap, that is, it traps particles of fat and soot and periodically requires thorough cleaning.

Another common type of this kitchen appliance- This hanging hoods. Many people are attracted by their compact size and ease of installation. This device is easy to install under kitchen cabinet, which is very practical, as you can save space. As a rule, such hoods are equipped with carbon filters.

Islandgreat option for the kitchen where there is an “island” on which all appliances are installed: stove, oven, etc. This type of hood cannot be mounted on a wall or under a cabinet; they are suspended directly from the ceiling so that the appliance is directly above the stove itself .

There are also options built-in, which are equipped with a retractable panel. In addition, it is important to know that hoods can operate in two modes. The first is the “retract” mode. That is, during operation of the device, all polluted air from the kitchen is removed through ventilation, thereby cleaning the room. The second is “recycling”. During operation of this mode, the hood sucks in polluted air from the kitchen, cleans it using installed filters, in particular carbon filters, and then delivers it back to the kitchen.

When choosing a hood for your kitchen, be sure to pay attention to the performance of the model, what modes it operates in and the noise level it produces.

Once you become the proud owner of this device, the kitchen will always be clean and cozy. There will be no more burning smell or grease stains on your kitchen furniture.

Preparatory work

After long time use kitchen hood it needs some serious cleaning. Of course, you can call a specialist to your home, who will come, clean it and charge you a considerable amount of money. In addition, you can buy a special product that quickly and effectively cleans the device from grease and other contaminants. But often many people prefer another option - to do the cleaning themselves.

Before you begin the process itself, it is worth remembering that the device needs to be prepared. To begin with you need to de-energize it. Also, since the entire process will take place on the stove, make sure it is also turned off and completely cool.

Next, the hood needs to be disassembled. Before you start doing this, be sure to read the instructions, otherwise you may damage the device. If you follow the instructions, you won't be able to disassemble it. special labor. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules.

The hood is disassembled as follows. First, remove the cover of the device. This is done quite easily. Next, you will need to get the filter that is installed in your device. By the way, you need to remove not only the grease filter, but also the air filter, since it also needs serious cleaning.

Again, study the instructions carefully, since manufacturers of many models strictly prohibit cleaning the air filter!

So, when you have removed the filter, the question arises of how to properly and effectively clean this mesh from the grease that has accumulated on it. Many manufacturers indicate that the grease filter can be easily washed in dishwasher. But if you still wash dishes the old fashioned way, then you will have to wash the filter by hand.

How to wash quickly and without worries?

The grease hood is very easy to clean. As soon as you realize that the device is no longer working as efficiently as it was in the first weeks after its purchase and installation, this indicates that it is time to clean the grille and more.

Many housewives are accustomed to doing everything themselves, at home and using improvised means. Below are all verified and effective methods cleanings that will definitely come in handy for housewives.


Regular baking soda, which everyone has in their kitchen, can work wonders. Many people use baking soda not only as a means to make baked goods fluffy, but also to clean plates, spoons, forks, etc.

Baking soda works great on grease stains and quickly and effectively cleans the surface of them. By the way, many who do not have a kitchen hood in their home clean the surfaces of kitchen cabinets from grease and soot using it. But in our case, soda is useful in order to clean the grate from grease, which quickly accumulates on it.

First, you will need a container that can easily accommodate the grease filter. Fill the container hot water. If the container in which you will wash the filter is iron, then you can safely place it on the stove and boil water directly in it.

Add 150 g of baking soda to hot water and lower the contaminated mesh into it. If the container is on fire, then let it simmer for ten minutes. If the container is plastic, then simply leave the filter in the water for 15-20 minutes.

Soda and hot water will do their job: the grease will easily come off the filter. It will be enough to remove it from the container, wash it with a stiff brush and rinse in warm water.


Another effective folk remedy for getting rid of grease stains is table vinegar. We often use it as a seasoning or salad dressing, but, nevertheless, vinegar can serve an excellent remedy for cleaning the kitchen hood filter.

Before using vinegar as a cleaner, look at the label carefully. It shouldn't be too "strong". If you have regular 9% vinegar in your kitchen, you can use it without diluting it with water. If the bottle says that it is 70% essence, then you should be extremely careful and be sure to dilute it with water.

Of course, in order to effectively deal with stains, especially old ones, it is best to use 70% vinegar. Add two to three teaspoons of acetic acid to a glass of warm water. Fill the filter with the resulting mixture, which must first be placed in a spacious container.

Remember that you must wear gloves when working, otherwise acetic acid can seriously damage the skin of your hands. In addition, there should be no strong odor this substance, it is better to open a window or vent in the kitchen.

So, you placed the filter in a container and filled it with acetic acid. After 15 minutes, you can begin traditional cleaning. Apply dishwashing detergent to the sponge and carefully work it over the entire surface of the mesh. Fatty deposits will come off easily and without difficulty. Then all that remains is to rinse and dry the mesh.


It is possible to clean the kitchen hood mesh so that it sparkles clean. Our grandmothers also knew about a simple, but very effective way fight grease stains. Of course, we are talking about ammonia, which is in every home medicine cabinet. The most interesting thing is that this remedy is used today exclusively for cleaning work. For example, for washing windows or to rid silverware of plaque.

If the grease trap is very dirty and methods such as cleaning with soda or vinegar do not help, then you definitely need ammonia. This “helper” is able to cope even with old grease stains.

Before you start cleaning with this product, be sure to open a window in the kitchen. Otherwise, the house will be filled with an unpleasant and heavy smell, which will not be so easy to remove.

Again, we will need a spacious container that the filter can easily fit into. Lay the grease-contaminated mesh, pour boiling water over it and add a little ammonia. If we talk about proportions, then take one tablespoon per liter of water.

Typically, a 15-minute soak will help remove dirt and plaque. But if the mesh needs serious cleaning, you will have to boil it in this liquid over low heat. After that, you just need to rub the filter with a brush, and it will shine clean again. Next, rinse it with warm water, you can use liquid soap so that the smell goes away quickly. Next, we simply dry the mesh and install it in place.

Citric acid

Regular lemon or citric acid will help rid the grease trap mesh of soot and grease. If you have fresh lemon in the house, you can safely use it as a cleaner.

To do this, you need to cut it into thin circles or slices, as you wish. The contaminated surface just needs to be rubbed with a piece of lemon and left for a while. Gradually, lemon juice and its acid will destroy the fat particles, and it will be much easier to wash the mesh. This can be done with ordinary detergent, preferably liquid so as not to damage the aluminum surface.

By the way, very often the surface of the hood itself becomes slightly dirty and small pinpoint spots of grease appear. They can be easily removed with a slice of lemon.

If you don’t have fresh citrus in your house, it doesn’t matter, citric acid is also quite suitable for this. Very much per liter hot water you need to take two or three tablespoons citric acid and completely dissolve it. You can soak a dirty filter in this liquid or soak a sponge in the liquid and wipe lightly dirty surfaces of the hood.

Other folk remedies

If you decide to wash the kitchen hood and its filters yourself, then you will definitely need other folk remedies, which are actively used by many housewives.

For some reason many people underestimate miraculous properties ordinary laundry soap, preferring expensive detergents to it. But in vain. It can help you too.

Rub about half a bar of soap, add hot water to a large container and make a soap solution. Next, lower the grease filter into the resulting mixture and leave it in it for about an hour. Then take out the filter and wash it thoroughly in this solution, using a stiff brush, which will help clean all the cells from grease. Then rinse the device in warm water and dry.

Many housewives use two at once effective means in the fight against grease stains. We are talking about baking soda and table vinegar. You will also need a container and hot water. Pour acetic acid into it in equal proportions and add baking soda. Immerse the mesh in water. The solution will begin to actively foam, and after half an hour of such a “bath” the filter will be clean.

There's another one folk method. This time you will need the most regular salt. There is no need to choose expensive, sea food with various additives. The largest stone one will do. For two liters of water, take a standard pack of salt. You should dissolve it in boiling water, and then immerse the filter mesh in the solution. After about half an hour you can wash it in the usual way– sponge and detergent. Salt will help get rid of old dirt.

Special preparations

Modern manufacturers household appliances often recommended to use professional products for cleaning kitchen hood filters. It is easy to clean the hood inside and out with these products. There are gels, sprays and powders. The only thing that many people do not like is the high price of such a product.

If you prefer special means for cleaning, but still want to opt for a more budget option, then you can use regular white.

In addition, you can use regular the product you use to wash dishes every day. It dissolves grease perfectly and will make the process of cleaning the filter much easier. You can simply apply it to a sponge and rub it over the entire surface of the mesh, or you can make a solution and soak the mesh in it.

If you have a special powder in your home that is intended for drain pipes and is recommended as a means to combat and prevent blockages, then you can use it too. For example, caustic soda works great. It is enough to dissolve it in water and immerse the filter in the solution. After about ten minutes you will see particles of fat float to the surface of the water.

When choosing chemicals to combat grease stains, pay attention to their composition. It is best to choose the means based on acid or alkali. And don’t forget about safety precautions: work only with gloves, open the window and turn off all appliances in the kitchen. Reinstall the mesh only when it is completely dry.

How often to repeat the procedure?

No one can give exact dates or say how often filters need to be cleaned. It all depends on how often you use your kitchen hood.

Watch how the device works. If you notice that the hood has begun to work less efficiently, issue loud noise, the air in the kitchen is not cleaned as well as before, then this means one thing: it’s time to clean the filter.

For prevention, it will be enough if you wash the grease filter once a month. This way, it won’t have time to get too dirty, which means you won’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning it.

The more carefully you monitor this unit, the longer it will serve you and work properly, without breakdowns. Remember that Any technique requires careful and attentive treatment.

A few tips for housewives to note:

  • Always clean and wipe the appliance only when it is de-energized;
  • Every evening, when you no longer plan to cook, wipe the surface of the hood itself and the mesh;

Before cleaning, you need to complete several steps:

    Be sure to turn off the power to the hood

    Remove the cover. Located immediately above the hob, it can be removed quite simply: special latches are snapped off (they are located on the side or front of the lid), and the lid is pulled out of the grooves.

    Remove the filter. The filter also has its own separate mounts or clamps. They need to be removed, the filter removed and immersed in a solution of water and detergent (in proportions 1:4). Leave there for 60 minutes, during which time the fat will soften and will be easier to clean off.

    Remove the pipe (if the hood is equipped with an air duct). The air duct pipe is very easy to dismantle; to do this, you just need to pull it towards you. After this, it, like the filter, must be placed in a basin with soap solution.

    Clean the air filter. If we are talking about a recirculating hood that operates without being connected to ventilation, then you will need to remove the air filter and check how dirty it is and whether it needs to be replaced or cleaned.

Important! Not all filters can be cleaned. You can find out which category it belongs to in the instructions for the hood.

In addition to the main working elements of the hood, we must not forget about its appearance and be sure to clean the case. To do this, you can use the same solution and wipe the surface of the equipment with a washcloth. Then everything is wiped with a dry cloth to avoid streaks.

How to clean a hood grille: effective recipes

After the grate has been in the solution, you can start cleaning it. If its contamination was insignificant and in general the kitchen was not often fried/cooked, then the grate will be easy to clean with a sponge, but most often you have to take on the “heavy artillery”: resort to stronger means.

What you will need:

You need to take a 3-5 liter large saucepan, fill it with water and bring to a boil. Then pour a glass of soda into the pan, stirring vigorously so that it dissolves better. If the container is small, then the soda should be half as much.

When all the soda has dissolved, you can lower the grate into the container and light the fire again. You need to boil it until the fat disappears completely. If the grate does not fit completely into the container, you will have to boil one side first, and then the other.

What you will need:

For this method you will need only 0.5 pieces of laundry soap and 2.5 liters of water. The water will need to be heated and the soap grated - this way it will dissolve in the water faster, creating the desired soap solution.

Advice! To clean the grille, it is best to use proven soap with the familiar inscription “72%”.

You need to moisten a washcloth in the resulting product and wipe the entire hood, including filters and grille. More effectively, complex and old stains are removed with a steel wool.

What you need:

A solution based on acetic acid and hot water is prepared in proportions of 1:2 (if the fat is too old, then cleaning should be done with undiluted vinegar). In this case, you will need to not just wipe, but generously moisten each element, leaving the solution on the parts for 7-12 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

Important! When carrying out the procedure, you need to use rubber gloves so that the caustic acid does not damage the skin of your hands.

What you will need:

This method will require some costs for fruit: you will need 1, or better yet, 2 lemons. They need to be cut in half and peeled. Use the resulting pulp to clean the surface of the hood body, then leave it for a while (5-10 minutes) and wipe everything off with a soft cloth. The operation can be repeated depending on the intensity of the contamination.

Pipe cleaners (the most powerful, radical method)

This method is used only when all previous ones have proven ineffective. Such products as “Mr. Muscle”, “Mole”, “Sano Forte Plus” and the like are suitable.

What you will need:

Gloves must be worn, and the procedure itself must be carried out in a stainless (!) sink or container. Then the product itself is prepared according to the instructions and poured into the sink. The mesh from the hood is also placed there. The reaction will begin immediately: active bubbles, foam and even fountains will notify you of this, indicating an active, dissolving reaction.

At the end of cleaning, the liquid is carefully poured into the toilet, and the mesh itself is washed several times with running water.

Important! You should resort to this method no more than 1-2 times during the entire period of use of the equipment; aggressive agents can damage metal elements. Before starting the procedure, it is better to make sure that the product will not begin to corrode the mesh and test it on a small area of ​​it.

As a result of all the operations performed, the result will be as in this “Before and After” picture:

If such an effect is not observed, then you need to try again and again, combining methods.

Cleaning the hood grille - video

Air duct cleaning

When the grille is finished, you can start cleaning the air duct. The pipe has large diameter, so it is easy to clean, both inside and outside. It is cleaned with ordinary detergent and warm water, then rinsed and dried.

The only thing to consider is that the corrugated surface of the pipe is quite difficult to clean with a regular washcloth, so it is better to use a brush that will penetrate all hard-to-reach places.

Info! At the end of all procedures, all elements of the hood are assembled and the equipment is installed in place.

Hood cleaning frequency

The thickness of fat deposits and cooking activity are the main indicators that determine how often equipment should be cleaned. If it is used frequently and is obviously dirty, the hood should undergo this procedure at least once every 3 months. If the stove is not the most popular device in the house, then you can wash the grate once every 6 months.

Naturally, the more often the grate is washed, the easier it will be to scrape off grease and soot from its surface. Therefore, you should not delay this procedure and complicate your task in the future.

The grease filter can also be washed in the dishwasher, but this will only be effective if it is slightly dirty.

Basic condition effective cleaning— frequency, which depends on how often the equipment is used.

Cleaning a kitchen hood is a rather complex and time-consuming process. However, many people have to deal with it, because the hood is a device that gets dirty quite quickly. As a rule, cleaning the filter is especially difficult.

However, despite all the difficulties of this procedure, it must be performed, otherwise the efficiency of the hood will be significantly reduced.

This is due to the fact that, as a result of clogging, the filters begin to pass much less air through their openings, causing circulation air flow gets smaller.

Before you wash the kitchen hood filter from grease, you should stock up on detergents, rags, and most importantly, patience.

Let's start cleaning

First you need to remove the filter and assess the degree of contamination. Of course, if the hood is new, it will be very easy to clean. To do this, you just need to rinse in hot water with a cleaning agent.

Much more the situation is more complicated appears in cases where the device is quite old. Many people wonder how to clean a kitchen hood that is several years old.

There may be several options here.

The simplest method

  • If the filter contamination is not too serious, you can use the simplest method of cleaning it. In particular, before cleaning the hood in the kitchen, you need to place the filter in hot water with detergent.
  • After the contaminated element has been soaked in water for some time, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures taken. If, after thorough cleaning with your own hands, the filter remains just as dirty, it’s time to move on to more drastic measures.

Drastic measures

  • If the above measures do not give the desired result, you can resort to little tricks. Before washing the hood in the kitchen, you need to fill a large saucepan with water, put soap in it (preferably laundry soap) and add a few tablespoons of soda.

Advice: if the filter does not fit into the container, you can boil it in parts, that is, first one side, then the other.

  • You need to boil for 5-10 minutes, after which the filter should be left in the solution for several hours. This measure must be taken with all parties.
  • This kind of kitchen hood cleaning allows you to remove serious layers of grease. However, it does not always carry the required level of effectiveness. Sometimes you have to resort to other methods.

More drastic measures

If you have no idea how to clean grease from a kitchen hood that cannot be washed using the usual methods, you have at least two options.

First, you can do the following:

  1. Spray the filter with drain cleaner.
  2. If you have a stainless steel sink, you can fill it with water and add cleaning product. In this case, you must first read the instructions for the purchased substance, since not everything can be used in hot water. There are samples that can only be used at low temperatures.

  1. Put on rubber gloves, then carefully lower the filter into the prepared solution.
  1. After 5-10 minutes, not a trace of fat will remain.

This technique allows you to very effectively cleanse fat formations.

However, it should not be used too often, since alkaline substances can destroy the metal structure of the filter. In this regard, there is a need for a more gentle method.

It is possible to clean the filter using drain pipe cleaners, the price of which does not exceed 250 rubles.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Place the filter in a baking tray.
  2. Sprinkle it with cleaning product (mostly sold in granular form).
  3. Gently pour hot water over it. As a result, a violent chemical reaction.
  4. Keep the filter in this position for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the solution into the toilet as carefully as possible.
  6. Rinse the mesh.

Cleaning the hood itself

Tip: in order not to leave streaks, you should wipe the steel lengthwise.

If such a product is not available (or the hood is not made of stainless steel), then there is an alternative method.

You need to dilute 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent (for example, Fairy) in a liter of hot water. This solution requires rinsing the entire surface of the hood.

Before you start washing, you need to household appliance prepare. Perform the following actions one after another:

  • disconnect equipment from electricity;
  • disassemble the device into parts (filter, upper grill and lid);
  • carefully study the instructions for the hood.

Some models require removal of the pipe that connects to the vent. Filters have different specifics, there are modifications for which washing with water is unacceptable. After reading the instruction manual, you can begin cleaning the appliance.

How to clean a kitchen hood using folk remedies

The principle of operation of most products is based on the breakdown of fatty contamination, after which it is easily removed from the surface.

Laundry soap

Regular soap has an alkaline structure, which perfectly breaks down fat and removes it from the surface. The method is perfect for stainless steel surfaces or any sensitive coating.

200-250 grams of soap are grated and dissolved in a bowl of hot water. The mixture is stirred and a filter and grill are lowered into it for 1 hour.

Then, when the soap solution has cooled, use a foam sponge to wipe parts of the hood to remove any remaining grease.

If the surface is made of durable material which cannot be scratched, then rub the hood with a metal brush. The method helps to clean all fresh stains, but to remove old fat the hood method with soap turns out to be ineffective.


Boiling in a soda solution gives excellent visible results the first time. Dilute the concentrated solution:

  1. 200-300 g of powder;
  2. 10 liters of water.

Soda is dissolved in water, the mixture is poured into a bucket or basin and heated. Immerse the hood parts in the container and boil for at least 20 minutes.

If the hood parts are large, then they are soaked in the bathroom in hot water.

You can use baking soda powder to rub separately heavily soiled areas - old fat This is well removed.

Citric acid

Apply either lemon juice or acetic acid diluted in water (1 tablespoon per glass of water) to the contaminated surface. Leave the product to act for 20-30 minutes, after which the surface is wiped with a damp microfiber cloth.

Sometimes you have to repeat the cleaning 2-3 times to see the effect. However, the mild effect of acid does not harm the metal or destroy its coating.

How to clean a kitchen hood with vinegar

More strong action, how lemon juice, vinegar has, especially when its concentration is 9% or more. Cleaning is carried out only with gloves and in a ventilated area. Do not apply to a cotton swab large number liquid and pass it over the contaminated surface. When there is fat left on the cotton wool, take a new tampon and repeat the procedure.

Cleaning with vinegar does not take much time, but after treatment there remains an unpleasant sour smell on the surface. To get rid of it, wash all parts with soapy water and then with plain water.


Ammonia is sometimes used to clean the hood. It is pre-diluted in water (take 50-100 ml of liquid per 10 liters of water). Soak the device elements in the solution and leave for 30-40 minutes.

At the end of the time, wash the parts with soapy water and rinse with water several times to remove the pungent odor.


In addition to cleaning, ammonia gives the surface shine and shine.

Dish detergent

From the lightest and quick remedies To remove minor greasy stains on your kitchen hood, you can try regular dishwashing liquid. Prepare a mixture of water and liquid (10-15 ml per liter of water). The product diluted in water is foamed and the device parts are soaked in the solution for an hour.

For best result Apply a couple of drops of the product to a sponge and wipe all parts of the hood with it. Rinse off the soap well with water and allow the parts to dry.

Pipe cleaner

If you can’t wash the device at all, then use aggressive liquids, for example, pipe cleaner. Its action is based on the alkali contained in it. It corrodes not only fat, but also metal, so you should not use the liquid thoughtlessly.

First you need to apply a little product to an inconspicuous area and observe the reaction of the material. If it does not collapse, then apply a thin layer of liquid to each part one by one, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

The pipe cleaner will certainly cope with even the oldest and largest contamination, but it should be used no more than once a month and only in the most critical situations.

How to wash the body (cap)

Most often, the same contaminants found on the hood body as on the grille are grease, dust, soot and carbon deposits. You can remove them:

  • laundry soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • lemon juice.

Any of the listed products is applied to a damp cloth and applied to areas where the body is dirty. Then wash it off clean water and wipe dry with a waffle towel.

You can use cleaning agents to clean the housing household chemicals. They are specially designed for washing kitchen appliances and effectively combat even difficult-to-remove greasy marks. Such products include “Domestos”, “Sif”, “Mr. Cleaner”, “Komet”.

A kitchen hood, taking the brunt of the fight against grease and soot, helps us maintain cleanliness and a fresh aroma. But at the same time, fatty fumes settling inside and on the surface can impede its flawless operation. And housewives will have to add more hassle when cleaning household appliances. To paraphrase a well-known saying: if you love to cook, you also love to wash the hood.

Time to wash the hood

Maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen is a process the frequency of which each housewife chooses herself. Some people wash everything inside and out every day, while others limit themselves to everyday dishwashing and carry out general cleaning once a quarter.

Indeed, not all things in the kitchen require daily cleaning, and the hood is one of them. However, you need to understand when it’s time to wash the hood and with what regularity it should be done, so that you don’t waste a lot of time and effort cleaning old dirt:

  • if you cook quite often using a hood, then the filter should be cleaned at least once every two weeks;
  • If the intensity of cooking is not very high, then cleaning once a month is enough.

If traces of dirt are visible from outside exhaust surface, filter covered with grease ahead of schedule, and odors are poorly removed from the kitchen, then it’s time to start cleaning without waiting for the allotted time.

Not everything in the kitchen requires daily cleaning

But in any case, do not forget to do general cleaning of the hood at least once a quarter, washing all its components.

What you need to know before you start cleaning

Depending on the design and method of fastening, the following types of hoods are distinguished:

  • built-in - built into the kitchen cabinet, takes up little space and fits harmoniously into the space. Externally it gets less dirty, because it is hidden in a closet;
  • suspended (horizontal and vertical) - the most affordable option in terms of price, characterized by simplicity of design and mounting to a wall or ceiling;
  • island - found in large kitchen spaces, when the area allows you to place hob a table in the middle of the room and install a hood above it;
  • dome (fireplace) - a common type of hood that looks like a roof canopy with a pipe. The most difficult thing to maintain is that dust and dirt settle on both the visor and the air duct pipe.

Photo gallery: types of kitchen hoods

Built-in hood - beautiful and practical Hanging hood - budget and affordable Island hood - chic and scope Dome hood- traditional and functional

Depending on the operating mode, there are:

  • recirculating hoods - provide air purification through a filtration system. Both reusable and disposable filters can be used and must be replaced periodically;
  • flow-through - they clean the air and remove it outside using an air duct. Unlike recirculation ones, they eliminate odors better, but are more difficult to maintain, since they require periodic cleaning of not only the filters, but also the air duct.

Built-in and suspended hoods, as a rule, have a recirculation mode. The main difference is that wall-mounted ones have reusable budget filters, while built-in ones are most often equipped with disposable carbon filters.

Island and dome units can operate in both flow-through ventilation and recirculation modes. But to use the first mode, it is necessary to construct an air duct.

Step-by-step cleaning instructions

First of all, you need to read the instructions, studying the design of the hood, the rules for disassembly and assembly.

Regardless of the type of hood, the process of preparing for regular filter cleaning includes the following steps:

For spring cleaning You will need to additionally disassemble the hood as much as possible:

  1. The first three points are similar to those indicated for regular filter cleaning.
  2. If the configuration of the hood provides for the presence of an air duct pipe and it can be disassembled, then the pipe is removed - it also needs to be cleaned.
  3. For ease of disassembly, it is better to remove the hood from its mounts to the cabinet, wall or ceiling.
  4. Remove the protective cover of the hood (if equipped) by unscrewing the bolts to get to internal elements devices.
  5. Remove the fan cover depending on the mounting method.
  6. At least once a year it is necessary to get to the engine - it also needs preventive maintenance.
  7. Reassemble the parts after they have been cleaned and dried.

Photo gallery: disassembling a kitchen hood for general cleaning (steps 2–6)

If the air duct is not removable, then over time it is better to replace it Before you start major cleaning, you need to disconnect all parts of the hood When unscrewing the bolts, fold them carefully so as not to lose them The motor is hidden behind the fan cover There are connecting wires near the motor - you need to be careful not to damage anything

Video: cleaning the hood with complete disassembly

Features of washing different materials

Main components of the hood:

  • top cover or cap,
  • air duct,
  • fan,
  • grease filters,
  • motor,
  • frame.

A large amount of grease and dirt settles on the top of the hood, so the surface is treated with one of the products for removing grease from the stove and cleaned with a sponge. So that there are no divorces left, clean surface must be wiped dry. Stainless steel needs to be wiped lengthwise to avoid streaks.

The duct is a corrugated tube, which is usually made of aluminum, stainless steel or plastic. Plastic is easier to clean, because less dirt sticks to such a surface, and grease does not accumulate in the recesses. To clean the air duct, it is necessary to rinse it with water, after soaking it in a solution using a degreaser.

Degreasers are suitable for cleaning the air duct

Dirt particles also accumulate on the fan cover, so it needs to be removed and washed, and if necessary, soaked in soapy water.

The hood body also needs processing. Small stains can be removed using dishwashing detergent, then rinsed off warm water and wipe dry.

The motor is the heart of the hood, so it must be cleaned at least once a year. It is better to have a specialist do this, but you can do it yourself. You need to unscrew all removable parts and wipe them with a cloth moistened with alcohol. Next, lubricate the inner bearing with machine oil.

The main defender in the fight against grease and soot is the filter. It takes on the bulk of the pollution. But cleaning it is not so difficult if you know a few tricks and tricks.

Important! Not all filters can be cleaned - you can find the relevant information in the instructions for the hood.

Modern hoods use the following types these accessories:

The easiest way to clean the mesh and grate is to immerse the filter in a container and fill it with hot salted water, leaving for half an hour. Another option is to apply detergent, which dissolves grease, and use a brush to clean the grate and mesh. However, these methods are effective in case small dirt and are more suitable for regular use.

Video: three ways to clean the hood mesh

When all parts are cleaned, they must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Methods for removing dirt and grease

In a hardware store you can find products for removing grease and soot in any price category.

Chemical compositions

The most effective of them are Cinderella “Anti-grease” and Synergetic cleaner, which can be used on any surface, since they do not contain aggressive chemicals.

Also universal means To remove grease stains from any surfaces, Domestos spray, Economy-Santry product and Cif kitchen product are used, however, they may not remove very old stains of grease and soot.

Cilit Bang Anti-grease spray is used for cleaning plastic, glass, ceramic and enamel surfaces. The similar Mister Muscle Kitchen Spray is slightly less effective and cannot be used on painted, aluminum, lacquered or wooden items.

The application process for all of these products is similar: they are applied to the contaminated surface, then washed off with water. The only difference is the exposure time: from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the effectiveness. Like any household chemicals, they require the use of gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Folk recipes

If you decide to wash the hood for the first time in long term service of the device, and the ingrained fat does not want to give in, then you can use the following recipes:

Video: comparison of two cleaning products

Prohibited tricks

Do not forget that you cannot clean the hood while it is plugged into the mains. This is primarily dangerous for you, but the device may also fail.

Read the instructions carefully: if the manufacturer has not stated that the hood parts can be washed in the dishwasher, then it is better not to do so.

It is important to know what material the hood parts are made of. Aggressive chemicals can damage aluminum, as a result the grille and mesh will oxidize and darken.

Adhered grease and dirt can be removed with a scraper, but you should use a plastic one for this purpose, since a metal one can damage the glossy finish or enameled surfaces. For the same reason, metal brushes and abrasive sponges should not be used.

To clean the hood, use a scraper with a rubber or plastic attachment.

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