How to update old curtains with your own hands. What can be made from old curtains

No one is surprised that just yesterday fashionable and modern curtains today they are becoming a relic. But don’t throw away strong fabric just because it’s out of fashion or faded a little in the sun. By showing imagination and resourcefulness, you can remake old curtains in such a way that you get new decor for the interior of your home or cottage.

How to give new life to old fabrics

First, you need to understand the type of fabric from which the curtains that have gone out of use were sewn.


This thick fabric made of silk with an ornament made of silver or gold threads. Fibers made from alloys of these metals are sometimes used. During the production process, thread with gold is wound onto linen, cotton or silk weft. Natural brocade is an expensive fabric, so in residential premises they often use imitation, which visually differs little from the original.

It’s a pity to throw away such products, so every housewife can renew old curtains by giving them new life. The easiest of the old ones is the new ones.

Synthetics are wear-resistant, so they are ideal for upholstering the backs and seats of old chairs. To alter curtains, first take measurements taking into account the overlap, then cut out the parts and, after preliminary fitting, sew them from the inside out if they are made in the form of covers. But it’s easier and more convenient to work if pieces cut from old synthetic curtains are glued to the base with interior glue or nailed with a stapler.


Tulle is considered a type of synthetic fabric. After prolonged use, it turns yellow or gray, as a result of which it is replaced with a new one. But there is always the opportunity to use an old one to make the interior more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. First, the fabrics are returned to their original color using bleach. To do this, use strong saline solution, blue or white.

Made from ready-to-use material flower pots, decorations for frames on old photos. If they decorate Vacation home or a dacha - baskets or pillows are decorated with tulle. For a pillow you will need a base stuffed with batting or holofiber and openwork material folded several times. The tulle pillowcase is sewn inside out, placed over the pillow, and then carefully sewn by hand.

Old tulle used to decorate tablecloths: it looks especially beautiful on fresh air in the garden.

Ideas for old curtains

By turning on imagination and creative thinking, they can “reanimate” even the oldest curtains lying in the chest. To realize the idea, you need simple sewing skills and a little patience.


It happens that many small ones have accumulated, and they are all different in style, texture and color. In this case, they do it. Assembled from pieces, they become the most striking and exclusive design element that attracts attention. The end result is cute: the pride of the hostess and the surprise of the guests.

Tip: if you wash all the pieces before work and iron them well with a steamer, the fabric will not shrink or fade during use.

Practical options for sewing curtains or bedspreads in patchwork style the following is considered:

  1. Cotton fabric.

They are easy to care for and can easily withstand frequent washing, which is so important in the case of a kitchen.


Today is the time for individuality in everything. Stamping is perceived as something hackneyed and soulless. Therefore, if there is any opportunity to decorate your home with handmade products, do not miss it. You can sew curtains yourself literally from improvised materials, a rustic curtain with a drawstring or a stylish curtain, complex lifting curtains or simple curtains with rings. Moreover, even a curtain clip can be homemade.

Before you do something drastic, evaluate the situation - perhaps a decorative row, accessories, a small upgrade will help old curtains turn into brand new ones. Do not cut the curtains, but simply add something, significantly changing the design.

You can make new ones from old curtains like this:

  • You can also make wide loops from the same fabric, which will decorate the intersection with the canvas with large buttons in color (for curtains in a nursery these can be multi-colored buttons);
  • Narrow curtains, the print of which you like so much, can be made wider due to the adjacent color of the stripes(for example, in the print there is purple flowers, so the pieces of purple fabric will have to be attached to the main curtain for expansion);
  • You can update old curtains with applique– for example, sew circles with an ornament onto a brown fabric, it turns out that you made the print yourself.

How not to mention the standard option, when curtains are combined from two fabrics horizontally. It turns out that the curtain is divided into two parts, the larger part is made from old curtains, and the lower part, the shorter one, was sewn on from a suitable fabric. The transition area can be decorated.

New life for curtains: how to update old textiles (video)

DIY beaded curtains: step-by-step master class

Thread curtains are not difficult to make yourself. Step-by-step master class will describe all stages in detail.

Where to begin

Before you start making these beautiful thread curtains, measure the length of the window opening. After this, you need to draw a sketch of the future curtains and calculate how many beads you will need.

It is also important to decide on the mounting method; perhaps you can also make it yourself. Well, then choose the material, buy with a small margin, as insurance against defects.

Regular fishing line is usually used as the thread on which the beads are strung.

You can fix the beads on the fishing line like this:

  • Creampies– these are special clamps, they are installed near the bead and secured with pliers;
  • Loop– for this, the fishing line is threaded through the hole of the bead twice, and the second time the loop is tightened well;
  • Nodules- on both sides of the bead.

In the case of a loop, you need to be careful; the position of the bead may change due to such tightening.

Another question in making such curtains with your own hands is how they will be attached to the cornice. There are a few simple options. The first one is curtain rings. The second is a lath, when the fishing line is passed through holes that you also make yourself. Or the easiest way is to drive small nails in the place where the curtain will be fixed.

Cornice and curtain rings are the most reliable option. Such homemade curtains can be removed and hung in another place, which is a practical option for the home.

Crystal curtains: we do it ourselves (video master class)

DIY curtains made of beads: step-by-step master class

This process is quite simple and consists of five main steps.

The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  • Make a rail that will be 7-10 cm larger than the width of the opening, and in it there will be holes in increments of one and a half times the size of the largest part;
  • Prepare pieces of fishing line of the required length; if the fixation is on knots or loops, add 55-60 cm to the length;
  • String the beads according to the pattern that is visible in your sketch;
  • Once one thread is ready, attach it to the rail;
  • The finished strip can be nailed to the opening.

If you want, you can decorate the place where the threads are attached yourself. It can be a beautiful ribbon, a braid pattern, or any strip that will harmonize with the threads and characteristics of the beads.

The master class, as you can see, is simple, besides, beaded curtains do not require such manufacturing stages as cutting and sewing. By the way, from such curtains, made with your own hands, you can make a curtain for a doorway.

Making curtains from beads (video step by step)

DIY curtain clip: doing it right

Usually, holder clamps are made with your own hands. This clamp secures the pick-up. Since the topic of grabs is now relevant, there is a demand for a clamp-holder. There are many options for this accessory - for ascetic curtains, this could be a thin leather belt that double-circles the curtain. For beautiful curtains in a gentle, romantic interior The clip can be in the form of a painted cup without a bottom, into which the curtain is threaded.

A clip that looks like a toy hugging a curtain is suitable for a child's room. And the simplest design clamp is one attached to beautiful grounds a thin metal rod that holds the curtain in place.

If we mean a clip, like a hook, a clothespin for a curtain, then you can do it yourself.

Curtain clip:

  • Specially curved paper clips. Of course, you need to take large paper clips, perhaps multi-colored ones. And intertwine them however you like until you get an interesting clip.
  • Carbine. It can be purchased at a hardware store; it fits perfectly into the slots on the curtain and looks stylish.
  • Safety pin. You don’t even need to decorate them; today you can buy beautiful pins almost everywhere. But if you can’t do without decoration, thread a few beads into such a pin yourself.

If the curtains are lined, you can make stronger clips, and for light curtains, clips in the form of the same paper clips will do.

Curtain clip “Orchid”: made from polymorphus (MK video)

DIY decoration for delicate curtains

Sometimes you want to decorate light, elegant curtains with something - maybe just a small detail, a highlight.

You can find more than one master class dedicated to making such accessories. Try doing something similar yourself. For example, a lace flower.

Lace flower for delicate curtains - step-by-step instructions:

  • First you need to cut out a circle of felt, which will be the base of the flower;
  • Place a small amount of hot glue in the center of the felt circle;
  • To this glue you need to attach a lace ribbon in a circle with a snake, in several layers;
  • The ribbon is laid from the edges to the center of the circle, 1 cm of lace is pinched each time;
  • The fabric is laid until the tape runs out;
  • In the center you glue either a bead in color, or a constellation of sequins, or a stone from an old brooch, or the old brooch itself.

Simple, fast, and no special preparation required. A couple of such flowers in some upper sector of the curtains will be a cute addition to them.

Hemming curtains with your own hands: processing the edge

Any curtains, Velcro curtains, classic curtains, and cafe curtains sometimes need to be hemmed. Especially when it comes to a simple cut, when the edges of your curtains are not processed.

There are several options for edge processing, but there are general rules for all.

Universal mini master class on processing curtains:

  • Select threads for hemming to match the fabric so that they are not noticeable;
  • If it is expected that the material will begin to crumble, finish the edge with an additional zigzag stitch with a maximum pitch.

A double hem is always used, but it is not needed for lined curtains.

How to hem curtains (video)

Sew yourself, according to your sketches, without changing your plans. And then your curtains will not look like a standard product. Play with fixing options, interesting edge treatments, lambrequins, and other decor, making your window elegant and stylish.

Happy sewing!

DIY curtains (photo)

While designing the interior of your home, you carefully selected curtains to match it. However, some time has passed and the old curtains are no longer pleasing to the eye. I want something new, but they still look good and the fabric is good. We will tell you how to update old curtains: photo ideas will help you visually in this process.


If you know how to sew at least a little, you can sew curtains with your own hands. An old product, with the help of simple techniques, will turn into unique thing in the interior of your room.

Every woman, of course, has a lot in her closet that can be used to update the product. Let's not waste money stupidly, but try to improve what we already have. We will help you with this.


On top part sew the curtains decorative tape or braid. In this way, you can confirm an already existing direction or completely change the style.

Strict style

If you consider yourself business person, you can go the strict route:

  • Choose an original cord that matches the tone of your curtain or a completely contrasting one (it depends on your taste and imagination), and wind roses from it;
  • And if you can weave something original from this cord, the curtain will look chic and at the same time strict, as shown in the photo.


This option is suitable for romantics and sensual owners:

  • Sew bows from satin ribbon or shiny braid. The color can be applied a tone lighter or darker than your curtains;
  • Bows will look good in the living room. Here it is better to use silk scarves that have been lying in your closet for a long time;
  • In the living room, curtains with bows will create a festive atmosphere. By the way, it is in this room that friends and family gather.


This option will give the room some formality. Ties can be made from scraps of any fabric, or you can use unwanted ties if you have enough. Sew a ribbon onto the top edge of the curtain to attach the ties to.


Curtains can be decorated with buttons of different shapes, sizes and colors. Such products are suitable for a children's room. If you can arrange the buttons in a special order or lay out a design, the product will look very original and cute.

By the way, this is another reason to communicate with your child, who can be interested in this exciting work. This method is simple and together you can do it quickly, as shown in the photo.


Sometimes you keep scarves in your wardrobe large sizes, which were still left from my mother and even from my grandmother. The things are beautiful and it would be a shame to throw them away. You can throw such a scarf on top of the curtains diagonally. The product will take on a lush appearance.

Painting on fabric

If you have absolutely no idea about sewing, you can use paint to create a masterpiece from ordinary curtains, decorating them with any design. Buy special paints, which can be used to draw on fabric, select a design and create:

  • If you can’t draw by hand, make a stencil, preferably from a waterproof material;
  • After the internal details of the design are cut out, we attach the stencil to the material;
  • Then, using a small piece of foam, apply paint to the open parts of the drawing;
  • Do not dilute the paint too thin, otherwise it will leak under the template, as shown in the photo.


The fabric from which your curtains are made can be used to sew two swags. They need to be hooked onto the cornice. Light fabric, such as a veil, is also suitable for swag.

Lambrequin with tassels

A lambrequin with tassels will look very beautiful and solemn. Choose a suitable fabric of the same width as your curtain, two tassels and a decorative ribbon.

The upper part of the product can be assembled and sewn to the top of the curtains. You will get lush folds that will become bright decoration your updated curtains, as shown in the video.

Let's sum it up

Is it worth getting rid of old curtains if they are still strong and look like new? By choosing the right shades of fabrics and using one of the proposed options, you can successfully update your old curtains and add a special charm to them. Do not doubt, your imagination and work will definitely bring excellent result. Your guests will be delighted with your piece of art and will want you to share the idea.

Modern interior design is constantly changing. It would seem that just yesterday home renovations were fashionable, but today they have become a relic. The same goes for curtains. But don’t throw them away because they are out of fashion or a little faded in the sun! If you approach this issue with imagination, then you can make exclusive decorative elements from old curtains that will become the highlight of any interior.

Curtains for the kitchen in patchwork style

The easiest way to repurpose old curtains is to sew bright patchwork kitchen curtains. Assembled from small pieces contrasting colors curtains will become the highlight of any kitchen. In order for such curtains to last for a very long time, it is best to choose linen or cotton fabric. And so that the curtains do not fade or shrink after the first wash, before sewing, the fabric must be washed well and ironed with a steamer. After this procedure, the curtains in the kitchen will last for a very long time. In addition, such curtains are easy to care for and will easily withstand a large number of washing, which, in the case of the kitchen, is very important.

Decorative flowers

If you have old satin or silk curtains lying around in your closet, don’t throw them away. This fabric can be used to make beautiful decorative flowers or any other elements that can be used as decoration for curtains or pillows. To do this, you need to use the Kazanshi technique, where you can make flowers of amazing beauty from square pieces of old curtains.

Decorative pillows

You can also sew from old curtains decorative pillows to the living room. To do this, it is not necessary to have special knowledge - it is enough to have basic skills in working with sewing machine. Such pillows look especially impressive if they are made from the same fabric as the curtains in the room. Important nuance: when sewing up a pillow, the cotton wool needs to be knocked down at the opposite end so that it does not interfere, and then evenly distributed throughout the pillow.


From heavy brocade or silk you can make a wonderful lampshade for old lamp. To do this, it is not necessary to completely change the lamp frame. You can simply stretch an ironed piece of fabric onto an existing base. It is very important that the lamp does not touch the material, otherwise it may appear at the point of contact. yellow spot or a burnt hole.

Stuffed Toys

You can make anything you want from old waste fabric. AND Stuffed Toys- including. This great idea in order to interest the child, spend several hours with him and teach him something new. Of course, such toys will be inferior in quality to new ones, but the child will have a new bunny, cat or bear, made with his own hands.

No one is surprised that fashionable and modern curtains that were just yesterday are becoming a relic today. But don’t throw away strong fabric just because it’s out of fashion or faded a little in the sun. By showing imagination and resourcefulness, you can remake old curtains in such a way that you get new decor for the interior of your home or cottage.

Renewing old curtains

How to give new life to old fabrics

First, you need to understand the type of fabric from which the curtains that have gone out of use were sewn.


This is a dense silk fabric with an ornament made with silver or gold threads. Fibers made from alloys of these metals are sometimes used. During the production process, thread with gold is wound onto linen, cotton or silk weft. Natural brocade is an expensive fabric, so in residential premises they often use imitation, which visually differs little from the original.

It’s a pity to throw away such products, so every housewife has the power to update old curtains, giving them a new life. The easiest way is to make new curtains from old ones.

In addition, the fabric is used to make bedspreads, chair covers, and complement the composition with brocade pillows stuffed with batting. A nuance: when sewing up a pillow, the cotton wool is knocked to the opposite end, and then distributed evenly.


Linen fabric is made from flax skins, resulting in a smooth fabric that is pleasant to the touch.

Can be sewn beautiful curtains from old curtains. In the case of brocade, it is preferable to choose the Roman version. To do this, prepare materials:

  • old curtains;
  • threads matching the color;
  • sewing machine;
  • braid;
  • strip for cornice.

Roman curtains

To alter curtains for the kitchen, the simplest sewing skills are enough. The main thing is to make the correct calculation of the fabric during the work, as well as evenly distribute the folds. Sewing instructions are taken from specialized sites that show a step-by-step algorithm.

You can use old curtains to create a rigid lambrequin or tiebacks for other curtains that match the style. New watches are also made from worn-out material. rustic style. To do this, cover the dial with linen cloth, after first removing the hands with numbers. After the fabric is evenly stretched and secured at the back, all the fittings are reinserted into the grooves. The rustic clock is ready!

Old linen curtains are an excellent source of material for making tablecloths or table napkins. And if you apply decorative embroidery to the fabric pulled into the frame, you get a panel for the bedroom or hallway.


Synthetic fabric is obtained from inorganic compounds or synthetic and natural polymers of organic origin.

Synthetics are wear-resistant, so they are ideal for upholstering the backs and seats of old chairs. To alter curtains, first take measurements taking into account the overlap, then cut out the parts and, after preliminary fitting, sew them from the inside out if they are made in the form of covers. But it’s easier and more convenient to work if pieces cut from old synthetic curtains are glued to the base with interior glue or nailed with a stapler.


Tulle is considered a type of synthetic fabric. After prolonged use, it turns yellow or gray, as a result of which it is replaced with a new one. But there is always the opportunity to use an old tulle curtain to make the interior more cozy and aesthetically pleasing. First, the fabrics are returned to their original color using bleach. To do this, use a strong saline solution, blue or white.

Decorations for flower pots and decorations for frames on old photos are made from ready-to-use material. If you are decorating a country house or dacha, use tulle to decorate baskets or pillows. For a pillow you will need a base stuffed with batting or holofiber and openwork material folded several times. The tulle pillowcase is sewn inside out, placed over the pillow, and then carefully sewn by hand.

Old tulle is used to decorate tablecloths: it looks especially beautiful outdoors in the garden.

Decor from old tulle

Ideas for old curtains

By turning on imagination and creative thinking, they can “reanimate” even the oldest curtains lying in the chest. To realize the idea, you need simple sewing skills and a little patience.


It happens that many small pieces from old curtains have accumulated, and they are all different in style, texture and color. In this case, they make patchwork curtains for the kitchen. Assembled from pieces, they become the most striking and exclusive design element that attracts attention. As a result, you get nice DIY curtains from old curtains: the pride of the hostess and the surprise of the guests.

Tip: if you wash all the pieces before work and iron them well with a steamer, the fabric will not shrink or fade during use.

Practical options for sewing curtains or bedspreads in patchwork style are:

  1. Cotton fabric.

They are easy to care for and can easily withstand frequent washing, which is so important in the case of a kitchen.


Heavy brocade or old silk makes aesthetically pleasing lampshades for old lamps. Often the frame of the lamp remains the same, and a washed and ironed piece of old fabric is pulled over it.

It is important to ensure that the lamp does not touch the fabric, otherwise this will lead to yellowing of the fabric at the point of contact or the appearance of a burnt hole.

Stuffed Toys

What else can be made from old curtains? Yes, anything! They even sew homemade soft toys for children.

Parents, having prepared everything necessary for work and interested the child, spend several hours with the whole family, immersed in an amazing creative process. This makes the family united and gives Nice memories. And besides, the baby gets a new bear or hare: albeit unsightly, but made with all his heart.


You can make artificial flowers from old satin or silk, which are then used as decor for curtains, pillows, and tiebacks.

To do this, they use the Kazanshi technique, master classes for which can be found on the Internet. Following step by step instructions, amazing things are made from square pieces of old curtains delicate flowers or petals.

Fashion elements

Fashionistas are savvy and get unique designer products:

  • bags;
  • scarves;
  • earrings.


For this purpose, decorative fabrics for curtains are used, which after processing receive a “second wind”. Old curtains are a great way to spend quality time and also develop your creative vision.

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