How not to sneeze, yawn, cough. Trick your body: life hack from Zhizophrenia

Yawning is a natural process of the body. When yawning, a person takes a deep breath. The body urgently wants to rest. And in order not to fall asleep where you sit or stand, yawning begins. The body receives a portion of oxygen, which helps it survive for some time.

A person yawns even after sleep. During sleep, many processes in the body are inhibited. A deep breath while yawning will provide a flow of oxygen that will wake up all organs.

But yawning at work or during lectures is not accepted. What to do? How to cheer up?

1. Fresh air
A stuffy room, a switched-on heater - all this creates an oxygen deficiency. To perk up, go outside, take off a warm sweater, turn on the air conditioner or open a window.

2. Physical education minute
Small exercises that speed up the blood will also help in the fight against sleep. You can still run through the floors.

3. Breathing exercises
Inhale and exhale (preferably deeply), then calmly inhale and exhale several times. Repeat the exercises several times until sleep leaves you completely.

4. Coffee and tea
Drinking a lot of them, of course, is harmful, but you don’t have to choose. Either you will yawn, or you will drink another mug of tea.

5. Boring job
Even a well-rested person can be attacked by yawning. And this is due to boring work. If you are tired of an activity, switch to something interesting, for example, go to lunch or simply take up another, more interesting activity.

6. Body temperature
When the room is hot, yawning also occurs. Rinse your face and hands with cold water and unbutton the top buttons of your jacket, blouse or shirt. This will cool the body.

7. Short naps
Of course, there is no bed at work, so just put your head in your hands and take a nap for 10-15 minutes. Such a small recharge will give you strength and drive away yawning.

8. Chain reaction
As soon as someone yawns in the office, everyone begins to follow his example. Don't look at those who yawn.

9. Music
Music will also come to the rescue. Turn on the radio or your favorite tunes. It's better to listen with headphones. This way you won't bother anyone.

10. Fight yawning
As soon as you feel the urge to yawn, close your lips tightly. Breathe through your nose. This technique is best used during meetings and lectures, when your yawning can earn you a remark.

Yawning is not accepted in society, but sometimes the body just needs to do it. Without this, disruptions in the functioning of some organs will begin. If you don’t want to be caught doing such an interesting activity, cover your mouth slightly.

Why does a person yawn?

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Often yawning, especially frequent and severe, indicates health problems or chronic fatigue or nervous tension. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the causes of yawning and take the necessary measures.

Why does yawning happen?

The reasons that trigger the yawning reflex are not yet fully understood. Many doctors, biologists and physiologists believe that a person begins to yawn not only when he is bored or sleepy, but also when the body lacks oxygen - for example, when being in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room. Because of this, metabolic products accumulate in the blood. They affect the respiratory center of the brain, thereby not only activating inhibition processes, but also provoking yawning.

The physiological act of yawning itself consists of two phases: a slow, deep inhalation, during which the facial and neck muscles are strongly tensed, and a quick, sharp exhalation. Muscle tension increases the speed of blood flow, which improves blood supply to the brain and accelerates metabolic processes. In addition, impulses from tense muscles excite the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex, which leads, as it were, to “shaking off” the processes of inhibition.

Therefore, after yawning, the brain begins to work more actively (though not for long)

Some scientists believe that yawning functions as a thermoregulatory function for the brain. They compare the brain to some complex electronic device, which begins to work worse when overheated. Yawning, by providing blood flow and cooler air to the brain, relieves it from overheating and thereby improves functioning.

It is not uncommon for a person to yawn immediately after waking up in the morning. This happens because due to prolonged immobility, the speed of blood flow in his body has decreased, and the concentration of carbon dioxide and other metabolic products in the blood, on the contrary, has increased.

Constant yawning also often occurs when performing work associated with risk or anxiety, or increased responsibility. This can happen to people of various professions and in various situations: test pilots before flights, stuntmen before performing risky stunts, actors before going on stage, surgeons before a complex operation, etc.

The reason is that with strong emotional stress and excitement, a person instinctively tries to hold his breath. The oxygen content in the blood quickly drops, and carbon dioxide increases. Then the body just as instinctively turns on the yawning mechanism, saturating the blood with oxygen.

Yawning is a signal of illness

What health problems can yawning indicate and how to get rid of it? If a person yawns frequently, especially during the day, this indicates that his body does not have enough oxygen. It is necessary to go out into the fresh air or at least ventilate the room.

Frequent yawning, especially in combination with a feeling of physical weakness, lethargy, and apathy, may also indicate overwork or emotional stress. This is a signal that the body needs rest. You need to take at least a short vacation or at least reduce your workload, streamline your daily routine, and avoid stressful and conflict situations. Sleep should be long enough, and the sleeping area should be well ventilated.

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Yawning is also one of the signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is treated with restorative and sedative medications. It is also necessary to engage in physical therapy and avoid anxiety and stressful situations.

In some cases, as prescribed by a doctor, the patient is prescribed antipsychotic drugs

Frequent yawning can also be a symptom of the development of such a terrible disease as multiple sclerosis. It occurs when the body's immune system, for some reason, begins to mistake its own central nervous system for foreign tissue and attacks and damages it. These attacks can occur in different places in the body (dispersed). Depending on where exactly the damaged areas of the brain are located, the patient experiences certain symptoms. Most often in the early stages of the disease they manifest themselves in the form of blurred vision, muscle weakness, deterioration in coordination of movements, and fine motor skills.

Until relatively recently, the diagnosis of “multiple sclerosis” was considered a death sentence, dooming a person to rapid disability and helplessness. Now, with the help of modern medications, it is possible to avoid the development of the disease without causing disability. But to do this, multiple sclerosis must be detected at an early stage. Therefore, if you yawn frequently, you need to consult a neurologist, who will give you a referral for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and, if foci of brain damage are detected, prescribe treatment.

Autumn. Less sun, less vitamins, and after a long break we return to school or university to busy activities, and at work there is now no reason to relax under the excuse of heat or good weather. So now we yawn. Constantly, always and everywhere. Faking a yawn in the middle of an important meeting or during a conversation is a shame. This is how society tends to react to it.

Sometimes a yawn pops up when you least expect it. The trigger here is when the respiratory center in the brain determines that there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood. Typically, yawning begins when your breathing is slow and, accordingly, your body requires more oxygen. This happens when you are tired, when you are concentrating, when you are scared, in a dream and under other circumstances. Once you understand this dynamic, there are several techniques that can help prevent large yawns at inopportune moments.

1. Watch your breathing and breathe deeply. Here you will probably have to practice, because when focusing on their breathing, people often, as they say, “fall into the astral plane” and are distracted from everything around them. And vice versa, when focusing, for example, on work, they forget about everything else.
When you use shallow and slow breathing, the rate of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the bloodstream decreases relative to normal. This is what causes yawning. So consciously control the rhythm and depth of the breaths you take to ensure your body is oxygenated.

2. When you feel a yawn coming, lick your lips. Seriously - it helps and is very effective! Moreover, both lips: both upper and lower. Stretching your tongue forward and up/down stops the urge to yawn.

3. Try not to watch others yawn - turn away. Even in the picture. And don't read about yawning people and yawns. It is contagious in any form. Even if this happens, for example, before the start of a meeting: if the signal reaches the brain, it will not want to leave for a long time, and a yawn will definitely pop up at an important moment of the meeting.

4. Get enough sleep for yourself, every night in a row. If you get enough sleep on the weekend, but not at all before Monday, this will not save you from yawning. Plus, some walk in good spirits even after 6 hours of sleep, while for others (especially pay attention to this if you have health problems, such as heart problems), only 10 hours will bring the desired recovery. Fatigue is the most common cause of yawning, and it's better to show up to a meeting with your nails unpainted than to yawn all morning during an important discussion, or every morning in front of your boss.

Instead of going to a bar or watching TV all the time at home, think about how good it will be to sleep: go to bed as soon as you arrive home from the office. Darken the room completely, after ventilating and cooling it, drink a light herbal sedative, block out all noise (buy earplugs and warn those who live with you) - and sleep!

Take a nap. And make it a habit to do this at every opportunity. If you are traveling as a passenger in a car to some place - and in any other transport where this action is available to you without harm; during the window between couples; during your lunch break, if you haven’t eaten much in 15 minutes and have another 45 left, etc. Sleep as much as possible on the weekend: not only at night, but during the day and evening.

5. Sit up straight. After sitting for hours in front of a computer monitor or at a desk, 98% of people forget to sit up straight and use their diaphragm to breathe deeply. If you notice that you have been making a question mark for a long time, just straightening up is not enough: be sure to get up, straighten your shoulders and walk, at least even to the window, and then to a colleague’s table, or even better further - to the cafeteria (for a portion of juice), so you restore deep breathing and saturate your blood with oxygen.

6. Exercise, as everyone already knows, helps oxygenate the blood - if you exercise outside and/or in a thoroughly ventilated room. Once a day every day. It doesn’t have to be long or strenuous: 40 minutes of jogging, for example (combined with the minimum amount of sleep you need), will save you.

7. Don't eat too much during lunch. When you stuff yourself like a turkey, most of your body's processes slow down, devoting cumulative energy to digesting and assimilating what you eat. Hence the extremely tired evenings and generally the entire second half of the day - and constant yawns. So just a light lunch! Plus, eat more fruit. Chips and other harmful things, again, make you tired faster.

Additions and warnings:

- Prozac, antihistamines and other medications tend to cause excessive yawning. Make sure you fully understand the side effects of your medications.

- Excessive yawning can also be a sign of critical health problems. If you are unable to sleep and have a tendency to snore and yawn constantly, you should be tested for apnea and/or vasovagal problems.

Or when we are really bored. Besides, it’s easy to get infected with yawning. Once someone around you yawns, it is absolutely impossible to refrain from repeating this action involuntarily. In addition, with the onset of hiccups, stopping this annoying reflex can sometimes be incredibly difficult. But what do we really know about why people yawn? How does the process of yawning occur in our body?

What is yawning?

Yawning can be called an unconditioned reflex, which usually finds its expression in the involuntary act of breathing. This act begins with a deep breath, during which the mouth, glottis and pharynx open quite wide. After this, the person exhales quickly, which most often occurs accompanied by a loud characteristic sound.

Many people don’t even realize that not only humans are capable of yawning. Many vertebrates may also experience this reflex.

Why do we yawn?

Many of us have undoubtedly wondered why we yawn frequently, especially when we least expect it to happen. What exactly causes yawning has not been determined by experts. However, there are many versions of the origin of this reflex.

For example, some believe that the main reason for yawning is the work of nerve cells. According to one theory, after the period of cell excitation comes inhibition, which affects their performance. This is easy to notice by fatigue, drowsiness, and a state of boredom. During the period of inhibition, various functions of the body are affected by this effect, which includes breathing, which becomes less deep and more rare. As a result, the content of those substances in the blood that lead to the appearance of yawning increases. By yawning, our body increases the supply of oxygen to the blood and also accelerates the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the brain. How? Due to the tension of the muscles of the face, neck and oral cavity, which actively tense during the process of yawning. This helps the brain receive nutrients and remove harmful ones. As a result, brain activity is quickly but briefly stimulated.

Andrew Gallup, a professor of psychology, proposed the idea that yawning is necessary for the human body in order to influence the temperature of the brain with its help. When the brain experiences overheating, its functioning noticeably deteriorates, which causes an involuntary yawn. In it, the body receives its share of cold air, which benefits the brain, after which it returns to its previous, optimal mode. Therefore, Gallup is convinced that yawning tells us about the body’s desire to cheer up, and not the other way around.

It is widely believed that yawning can begin on the eve of important and restless events for a person. Artists yawn before performances, and students may experience this before important tests or exams. Perhaps in this way the human body prepares for emotional or physical stress. Suppressing feelings of fear can also lead to yawning, for example, before skydiving.

Why do we get infected with yawning?

The rapid contagiousness of yawning is explained quite simply. It is a common imitative reflex. And people who most often copy such actions are simply more prone to empathy.

No matter how harmless yawning may seem, its manifestations may indicate the appearance of certain diseases. If you are constantly bothered by yawning and are worried about how to stop yawning, seek help from a doctor.


Why does a person yawn or I can't stop yawning,what to do? Dear reader- if you don’t want to read this article to the end, you are not interested in the processes occurring in this case, I will give the answer right now, without boring you with tedious stories of what, why and why. If you've been yawning for two days now and can't stop, you've come to the right place.

Why does a person yawn when talking to me?

ABOUT answer: you are boring, tedious, you are not interesting, you make me sad, the person is just tired and wants to sleep, his brain definitely requires a reboot. One of the answer options is exactly yours.

Z evota - is nothing more than a protective reaction of the body to overheating of the brain, - uhThis is a direct sign of chronic fatigue or lack of sleep, overload or stress.You yawn when you are bored or listening to something that is not interesting to you, when you haven’t had enough sleep, when you want to sleep, and of course, a chain reaction to the people around you who have already yawned.

anti-yawning remedy. It is impossible to get rid of yawning without giving your brain a rest, that is, you need to take a nap, stop clogging your head with information that no longer fits there.

How to get rid from yawningfast

N and a cool shower helps prevent yawning, the colder the better. Physical exercise - do 3-4 sets of push-ups or squats, 25 repetitions in each set, this action speeds up the heartbeat to supply the working body with oxygen, as a result of an additional flow of oxygen in the blood to the brain, and its partial cooling.

T These methods are only a temporary measure, remember if you yawn, it means your brain is not yet ready for the start of the next day, or is overloaded with the past day, whether you want it or not, you have not recovered. The direct and high-quality effect on yawning is a full, healthy, sound sleep, no matter how trite it may sound now.

IN as a last resort - emergency psychological activation, remember the drug addicts at discos on amphetamines, they can dance for 3 days! This is one of the types of psychological activation. If you don't stop in time, dehydration sets in, the blood thickens, the heart can't cope, write letters... All this is just a temporary measure. Further...

X A good prevention of chronic fatigue can be taking medications like “Glycine” or infusions of soothing herbs “Lavender” or “Chamomile”. But remember, not every “Glycine” is equally useful; I have experienced its positive effects in my own practice.

P Before taking any group of pharmacology, read the contraindications and monitor individual intolerance. A prerequisite is to take the medications in the courses indicated in the instructions. One-time attempts at use will not lead to positive changes.

Suddenly started yawning frequently or How to stop yawning?

P detailed and in order. The phenomenon of yawning is a common feature of all living beings, or almost all of them. But why is this necessary? Few people know about this. Yawning has puzzled scientists for two centuries. Can a new theory settle this question once and for all? David Robinson says:

And imperative urges - this is the scientific name for yawning. This phenomenon occurs suddenly and it is very difficult to resist yawning when you really want to. The more you try to hold on, the harder it becomes until you end up yawning just the way you want. But how to eliminate yawning and whether it should be done, let's figure it out.

I often observe this effect during presentations when I look at the audience in the hall, says David. When I look at the students, I find many open mouths that are swaying. Luckily, as a psychologist at the University of Maryland, I'm okay with this and try to do little prank experiments on students. I ask you to yawn in non-standard ways, such as yawning without opening your mouth while gritting your teeth, or inhaling air through your nose without opening your mouth. This brings a slight liveliness to my lectures and makes students more loyal to me.

Why do you want to yawn when talking to someone?

We all know very well that fatigue, boredom or a similar state causes us an irresistible desire to open our mouth wide, but what purpose does an open mouth serve for the body? When I first started researching this phenomenon in the early 90s. I had a vague idea of ​​what it was and what it was used for. More than two decades later, I have lifted the veil of secrecy and will share the results of my research with my esteemed readers.

Do you have to yawn when you go to bed?

Perhaps the first person on earth to study this phenomenon was the Greek physician Hippocrates, almost 2550 years ago. He believed that yawning releases harmful air inside us, especially during fever. “Just as a large amount of steam leaves a boiling cauldron, the accumulated air in the body is abruptly expelled through the mouth when the body temperature rises,” wrote Hippocrates in his teachings.

The Hippocratic theory was valid until the 19th century, until scientists put forward a new hypothesis: yawning promotes breathing by promoting a rush of oxygen into the blood, while simultaneously removing excess carbon dioxide from the body. If this were true, one would expect that people yawn more or less often depending on the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air. However, when David asked volunteers to breathe different mixtures of gases, he did not find such a pattern during the experiment.

I'm talking to a person and start yawning

A strange “viral” pattern has given rise to many theories of the phenomenon. "About 50% of people who see this yawn in response." It is so contagious that when you fall under the influence of this effect, you will no longer be able to stop yourself, instincts are higher than the logical mind and are embedded in our subconscious. For this reason, some scientists have wondered whether yawning could be a primitive form of communication, inherited from our ancestors; if so, what information is hidden here?

Yawning is often caused by fatigue, so the idea is to set everyone's biological clock to roughly the same rhythm. "In my opinion, the role of the effect is to synchronize the social behavior of the group - causing them to sleep around the same time," says David. By having this notification procedure in place, the group will be able to work together more effectively throughout the day.

Danario Alexander of San Diego yawns before the start of a football match.

However, we often start yawning during times of stress. Olympic athletes often yawn before important competitions, musicians, for example, while waiting for the start of a concert. Thus, relying on the experience gained, it is possible to assume with a high degree of probability that intense movements of the mouth may play a major role in the process of temporary “rebooting” of the brain. When you are sleepy and relaxed it makes you more alert, when you are distracted it makes you more focused. Everything seems to fit more or less.

Dissemination through the group can help each member reach a higher level of attention, making members more alert to threat, as an option. The assumption is somewhat vague, but one French scientist engaged in research in this area has deduced a cause-and-effect relationship between this process and increased concentration and attention. Oliver Walusinski has shown that yawning pumps up cerebrospinal fluid around the brain, which causes a shift in neural activity in the brain in a positive direction.

Now we have two hypotheses with an average degree of susceptibility; let’s analyze them further. There are many more hypotheses than two, but these two have a greater chance of existence than the others. Over the past few years of research, one underlying mechanism has emerged that could potentially eclipse all of the above hypotheses in one fell swoop.

Andre Galup, now at the State University of New York, was initially inspired by the idea while pursuing his undergraduate degree when he theorized that yawning helps cool the brain and prevents it from overheating, much like sweating does the same thing.

The forceful movement of the jaws forces more blood flow than usual around the brain, which helps reduce excess heat, and a deep breath brings cool air into the sinuses and around the carotid artery leading back to the brain. Moreover, strenuous movements cause the sinus membranes to vibrate, pushing a gentle breeze through the cavities, which causes our mucus to evaporate, which helps cool the head like an air conditioner.

The temperature experiment most clearly showed the effect of increased or decreased temperature on the desire to yawn. The experiment showed the following values: 47% of volunteers yawned when they were at a comfortable room temperature, but after the volunteers were asked to put a cold compress on their forehead, the number of yawns dropped to 9%!

Breathing through the nose is an even more effective remedy against the compress, the percentage of those who want it has dropped to 2%! Potentially, this is a very suitable way to get rid of yawning for people who begin to feel awkward when speaking or in an audience. Conduct an experiment and write in the comments what you did and compare the results.

Can yawning trigger brain processes?

A very good example was the appeal of two women shortly after David published his results. They were both looking for a cure for pathological yawning attacks lasting up to an hour. Such symptoms greatly interfere with your main activities or your work when you are in a public place. To be more correct towards others, you need to go to a secluded place, this greatly affects your professional and personal life.

In floats confirming our hypotheses. One of the women found the only way out of the situation, so as not to yawn so often, she took a cold shower. Inspired, David asked them to measure the temperature in their mouths before and after taking a cold shower. In the results, he saw an increase in temperature just before the start of the yawning attacks, which did not think about retreating until the temperature reached its normal level of 37C.

Just like sex, yawning and sneezing are accompanied by a process that ends in a pleasant climax. And the first, second and third are accompanied by a process that you most likely are in no hurry to complete. For these reasons, David wonders whether there is a common neural technique underlying these different senses? Mother Nature doesn't invent the wheel.

At the end of the article " Why does a person yawn or how to stop yawning"let's summarize what we found out. Comparing the results of a number of experiments, we came to the conclusion that yawning is designed to activate brain activity and slightly cool the space around the brain. In other words, this process is mandatory and extremely necessary, which is why it is so difficult for us to resist not to yawn again when we want to do it, but so as not to seem ill-mannered, we try in every possible way to hide it.

If you have something to add, write your thoughts and assumptions in the comments, we’ll discuss it.

And feeling cheerful again is not so difficult, especially if a person is at home or at least in a separate room. In this case, the range of remedies to combat yawning, constant fatigue and headaches may be more diverse. But in an office, where breaks may even be scheduled by the minute, it can be problematic to give yourself even a little time. But nothing is impossible.

Change your environment to stop yawning

Often a person begins to actively yawn in a stuffy room, with a lack of oxygen. If possible, it’s a good idea to go out into the fresh air for a few minutes or at least just ventilate the room - this will help cheer you up.

Strong coffee is also rightfully considered one of the most effective performance stimulants.

Excessive coffee consumption is not advisable. It is better to limit its consumption to a couple of cups per day.
Why not have a coffee break? And dark chocolate and... a funny story will help enhance the invigorating effect. Laughter is a very good way to cope with fatigue and drive away sleep.

Bright lighting will also help you feel alert and productive. It is also good if there is a bright object in the field of view. It could be a wardrobe item, a funny trinket on the table. A bright spot of color will allow you to concentrate better.

You can also drive away sleep with cold water. Of course, it is impossible to take a shower at work, but holding your hands under a cool stream is quite possible. Those who don’t use cosmetics can wash their face and neck and get a powerful boost of energy.

Simple actions that drive away yawns

You can do a set of exercises in the middle of the office at the height of the working day, this is a good way to relieve fatigue.

Brief physical activity can significantly improve performance.
It is no coincidence that industrial gymnastics complexes were previously broadcast on the radio. But there are exercises that you can do quite calmly at your workplace without attracting the attention of your colleagues.

1. Rub your palm with your fingers.
2. Rub your hands over your cheeks in an upward-downward direction.
3. Use your fingers to intensively knead the ears
4. Vigorously massage your forearms with your hand, slightly clenched into a fist.
5. Gently press the point just below the Adam's apple three times with your thumb and index finger.
6. Feel the blood pulsation on the neck and gently press the point with your finger for 5 seconds. Do it 2 times

At home or at least in a separate room. In this case, the range of remedies to combat yawning, constant fatigue and headaches may be more diverse. But in an office where breaks may even be scheduled by the minute, it can be problematic to give yourself even a little time. But there is nothing.

Change your environment to stop yawning

Often a person begins to actively yawn in a stuffy room, with a lack of oxygen. If possible, it’s a good idea to go out into the fresh air for a few minutes or at least just ventilate the room - this will help cheer you up.

Strong coffee is also rightfully considered one of the most effective performance stimulants.

Excessive coffee consumption is not advisable. It is better to limit its consumption to a couple of cups per day.
Why not have a coffee break? And dark chocolate and... a funny story will help enhance the invigorating effect. Laughter is a very good way to cope with fatigue and drive away sleep.

Bright lighting will also help you feel productive. It is also good if there is a bright object in the field of view. It could be a wardrobe item, a funny trinket on the table. Catchy colors will allow you to concentrate better.

You can also drive away sleep with cold water. Of course, it is impossible to take a shower at work, but holding your hands under a cool stream is quite possible. Those who don’t use cosmetics can wash their face and neck and get a powerful boost of energy.

Simple actions that drive away yawns

You can do a set of exercises in the middle of the office at the height of the working day, this is a good way to relieve fatigue.

Brief physical activity can significantly improve performance.
It is no coincidence that industrial gymnastics complexes were previously broadcast on the radio. But there are exercises that you can do quite calmly at your workplace without attracting the attention of your colleagues.

1. Rub your palm with your fingers.
2. Rub your hands over your cheeks in an upward-downward direction.
3. Use your fingers to intensively knead the ears
4. Vigorously massage your forearms with your hand, slightly clenched into a fist.
5. Gently press the point just below the Adam's apple three times with your thumb and index finger.
6. Feel the blood pulsation on the neck and gently press the point with your finger for 5 seconds. Do 2 times on the left and right sides.
7. Place your thumb in the hollow at the base of the skull and press for 3 seconds. Do it three times.

These simple manipulations will help the body mobilize. If after performing them a pleasant wave of warmth spreads throughout the body, the goal has been achieved. Now you can start working again with renewed vigor. And no yawning!

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