How to achieve goals: practical recommendations, effective methods and reviews. How to achieve your goals


Try to set yourself only such goals that you really want to achieve. If they are formulated under the influence of certain emotions, momentary desires, nothing will work. After all, your mood may change, and the goal will remain unfulfilled.

There may be many goals, but it is impossible to achieve them all at once. Select only the most important ones and remember that at the moment you can only undertake the implementation of one of them. Others can be put off for a year or two, and then returned to again when the previous goal is achieved.

If you realize that you want something very badly, and nothing will change your plans, write down this goal on paper. Only it must be real, and not obviously unrealizable. If your goal is complex and long-term, try breaking it down into its component parts and determine realistic deadlines for completing these tasks. For example, if your goal is to become an academic, then try to determine what steps you should take to get a higher education and move up the career ladder. If you want to build your dream home, think about what exactly you will need for this. Make a realistic and detailed plan to achieve your goals. Don't forget to also outline the problems that are preventing you from achieving your goal. goals.

Contact your goals and, accordingly, to your notes every day. Evaluate what you have done to move even a small step forward. In the course of such an analysis, clarifications and improvements may emerge that may make it possible to achieve goals easier and faster.

Keep in mind that people around you may react differently to your aspirations. There will be many who will greet your plans with skepticism and even ridicule. Don't let this confuse you. In this case, what matters is not what others think, but what you want. Don't expect approval from anyone, but be confident in yourself.

By the way, if there are people who support your desires, that’s very good, but don’t make your goal dependent on them. Remember that you can achieve everything yourself.

Tune in to overcome all difficulties and achieve goals. Don't be afraid that you won't succeed. Doubts simply should not be in your head. Only fear and doubt make it impossible to carry out plans.

Many psychologists advise people who want to achieve one or another goals, visualize it. This is how thoughts supposedly begin. Do you want to be in London or Paris? Place a book about these cities in front of you, read it often and try to imagine in bright colors how you walk the streets of European capitals, communicate with people, shop in stores, etc. This will increase your motivation to achieve your goal. goals.

This article will talk about how to set goals correctly and then successfully achieve them. We build our lives ourselves or others do it for us, so it is important to learn how to set goals and achieve them.

A person, by definition, cannot achieve anything significant in life if he does not have specific goals and a definite plan for achieving them. If we live without a goal, then such life is deprived of meaning, and we lose the taste for it.

I hope you understand that in such a situation a person cannot be happy, successful and healthy. It’s not for nothing that many “success trainers,” lecturers, and psychologists talk about the importance of setting goals correctly.

What is the right goal?

You can achieve the final goal only if it is clearly and correctly formulated. It is then that all the visible and invisible resources of a person are turned on, which helps to achieve the desired.

Every sane person needs to have goals in life. In other words, it is necessary to understand what I want from life, and also what I should strive for from the position of reason and wisdom.

It is important not only to feel your desires, but also to understand where they came from. I may disappoint you, but most of the goals and desires that a person has ultimately cause harm and suffering.

Many desires arise in us under the influence of our environment: parents, friends, TV, our own imperfect life experiences. But due to the fact that neither we nor the surrounding society is ideal, then our goals and desires are far from perfect.

In addition to that article, I will say that the right goal, at a minimum, does not harm others, and, at a maximum, is selfless and harmonious with the universe.

A person is able to live life with enthusiasm and benefit to the whole world only when he has great goals in life.

Do you have a goal that makes you get up every morning? Does it inspire you so much that many things fade into the background?

It is great happiness and luck to have such a goal in life. But such a goal in life is always inextricably linked with the fact that we think less about ourselves and more about others. Think about these words.

Let's say that you have previously identified goals that are truly yours, as well as useful for you and those around you. Now we need to arrange all this as correctly and efficiently as possible.

  • It is necessary to develop the desire to achieve a certain goal

We must want something passionately, this is where inspiration and enthusiasm come from. Without this, we will not achieve anything, and most goals will remain just dreams and illusions.

  • The goal must be written down on paper

Goals must be written down on paper. That's when dreams turn into goals.

But you can say that the goals are in your head and at any moment you can remember and formulate them. The problem is that it doesn't work.

During the day, about 50,000 thoughts flash through the human brain (according to scientists). When we write down goals on paper, we highlight them from tens of thousands of other thoughts, most of which we conveniently forget.

Thus, we give a signal to our mind, for which goals become a certain beacon towards which it begins to strive.

  • The goal should be as specific as possible

The goal must be set as specific and clear as possible. Vague goals are usually achieved 2-5% of the time.

For example, the wrong goal:

I want to learn several foreign languages

The right goal:

By January 2020, I am fluent in English and German, my vocabulary is 10,000 words in each language.

  • Having a clear and precise understanding of the path to the goal

It is not enough to write down goals; we also need to know how we will achieve them. When we have specific steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal, the goal becomes clearer and additional enthusiasm appears after overcoming each intermediate stage.

If we return to the example with foreign languages, we can plan the following:

  1. Choose a method of achieving the goal (with a tutor, among native speakers or independently);
  2. What vocabulary and level of proficiency will be considered achievement of the goal;
  3. How much time each week and how many days a week should be devoted to this;
  4. What financial costs will be needed for this;
  5. Do this for each language separately.

That's it in a nutshell. If desired, the goal can be written down even more carefully and the higher the likelihood that it will be achieved.

How to achieve your goals?

Of course, it’s not enough to learn how to set goals correctly. You also need to achieve your goals, otherwise, why waste time on all this.

By this point, you should already have clear and specific goals in all four areas of life, written down on paper. Also, do not forget to write down the main goal of your life (more on this in the article linked above).

Below you will learn a very simple and very effective technique for achieving your goals.

  • Write down in detail a plan to achieve a specific goal.

This has already been discussed above, but many people still miss this point or do not attach much importance to it. Understand this is really important.

For several years, I myself simply wrote down the desired goals, but did not draw up detailed plans for achieving them. As a result, many of them were not achieved and were safely forgotten.

It is important to break the main goal into smaller goals or intermediate stages. We need to clearly and clearly understand what we want to achieve as a result. We must clearly see ourselves and the realization of our goal in 5 years, 1 year, month, week, 1 day.

  • Take action every day

We constantly need to do something that brings us closer to the goal. Dedicate at least an hour a day to achieving your goal.

For example, if you want to have a beautiful, pumped-up body, then you need to regularly do physical exercise, study literature and videos on this topic, eat right, follow a routine, and much more.

  • Find a role model

Find someone who has already achieved a similar goal, who is the best in this field or activity. Read and study his experience, if possible, communicate with him personally.

As they say, who we think about is who we become. Therefore, the sages recommend always thinking about God, taking example from exalted personalities. Well, for more mundane purposes, take the example of that person who has already reached the highest level in what you want.

  • Resolutely give up desires that prevent you from achieving your goal

Learn to give up secondary goals and desires that interfere with achieving your main goal. On the way to a goal, there are always some obstacles or temptations that must be resolutely avoided.

Focus on the main goal, think about how you will feel when you achieve your goal. This will help overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

  • Check yourself regularly

Check yourself every day. Have you forgotten your goal? Are you going the wrong way? What did you do today to achieve your goal?

This will break you out of the illusions and sleepy state in which most people spend their entire lives. Many people learn how to set goals correctly, but then do nothing and become immersed in the daily routine.

Just always ask yourself unexpected questions:

What do I want in 1 year, 5 years? What exactly needs to be done in order to achieve this? Am I doing this?

  • Remember that God always has the last word

We can plan a lot of things, strive to achieve, but at one moment everything can change dramatically. Therefore, it is important to live in harmony with the world around us and trust the flow of life and God.

Many of us have problems in life only because we do not know how to live in harmony with nature and consider ourselves smarter than it. We are a small part of the One Whole and we need to accept His protection.

A reasonable person goes towards the intended goal, but does not become attached to the result and trusts God, because he knows that the Lord knows better what is good for us and what is harmful.

Bonus: approximate goals for the year that will make you better

So you have studied another article and learned about how to set goals correctly, and then achieve them. But this is all theory. I want you to do something practical and meaningful for your life. Reading about setting goals correctly and achieving them is not enough; you need to do something else.

For example, it is important to set specific goals that will make you better over time. And since the main goal of this blog is to help you change and become happier, then accept the bonus in the form of recommended goals for self-development.

If you really set these goals in your life and begin to achieve them, then you will purify yourself and your heart, raise your level of consciousness and quality of life.

Here is a list of goals for the year to improve yourself and your life.:

  1. Take responsibility for your life. Learn in every moment not to blame others, but to look for reasons within yourself or benefit from the lesson that life gives us;
  2. Learn to get up early in the morning and go to bed early. It is optimal to fall asleep at 21-22 o'clock and get up at 4-6 am every day, regardless of the day of the week or the calendar;
  3. Engage in spiritual practice (pray) or simple meditation every day, starting with 10 minutes a day;
  4. Learn to do breathing exercises and do them at least 10 minutes a day, it greatly calms and sobers the mind;
  5. Develop in yourself detachment from money, compliments, performance results, other people’s opinions, cars, etc., this will make you more and more free and peaceful;
  6. Learn to live in the present moment, and not dream about the future or regret the past;
  7. Monitor your emotions and live them consciously (for example, catch yourself when you start to get angry and calm down, as this will only lead to bad things);
  8. Don’t fuss and don’t rush to live, be calm, this will increase your efficiency;
  9. Choose your communication very carefully and filter your environment (including movies, music, the Internet, etc.): read - ;
  10. Control your speech - empty chatter takes a lot of energy from us;
  11. Live with humor and smile more, gloomy people are unhappy themselves and are not liked by others;
  12. And of course, set specific and clear goals in all important areas of life for 1, 5 and 10 years.

Implement, set goals correctly and improve your life! Be happy!

If this article was useful to you, then share it on social networks and benefit others!

Video example of correct goal setting

Watch the video in which you will learn the rules of correct goal setting using a live example:

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-pravilno-stavit-celi.jpg 320 641 Sergey Yuriev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuryev 2017-06-05 05:00:30 2018-11-06 12:22:42 How to set goals and achieve them: a secret guide

Turning goals into reality increases our self-esteem; besides, in the process we change and become better. Therefore, whatever your dream is - to earn a million dollars, to become an artist, to become a world-class athlete - don’t wait. Start your path to it right now.


Part 1

Setting a goal

    Decide what you want. Your first step is to determine what you want to achieve. Taking the time to become aware of your desires is an important first step towards achieving them, whether you are dreaming of big changes in your life or something small.

    • For example, do you want to become a happier person? Learn to play a musical instrument? Achieve success in sports? Become healthier? These are all possible goals. What you want is up to you to decide.
  1. Define the concepts. Once you have a general idea of ​​what you want, you need to think about what exactly those goals mean to you. Two different people understand the same, at first glance, goal in completely different ways.

    • For example, if you want to become happier, you need to think about what happiness means to you. How do you imagine a happy life? What exactly makes you happy?
    • This also applies to more specific goals. If your goal is to learn to play the guitar, what exactly do you mean by that? Is it enough for you to know a few chords to play and sing at friendly parties? Or are you looking to give concerts? As you can see, even a completely clear “play the guitar” can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. Ask yourself why. It is important to think about why you are pursuing your chosen goals. If you analyze your motivation, it is possible that you will come to the desire to reconsider the goals themselves.

    • Let's return to the same example - imagine that you dream of playing the guitar. You think about the reasons and realize: you just think that guitarists are always popular at school. Here we are not talking about love for music in general or the guitar in particular. Therefore, it is worth stopping and asking yourself if there is another, easier way to achieve what you want - which, as it turns out, lies in the field of communication, not art.
  3. Determine if your goal is achievable. Last but not least important at this stage is to understand whether your goal is realistic. Sadly, not all dreams can come true. If your goal is beyond the realm of possibility, it's time for you to admit it and find a new one.

    Part 2

    1. Brainstorm. Once you have set a goal in general, you need to get specific and start making a plan to achieve it. A great way to take the first step is to use a technique known as “free writing.” Take a piece of paper and write down any thoughts that come to your mind on the following topics:

      • Your ideal future
      • Qualities you admire in others
      • Things you could do better
      • Things you want to know more about
      • Habits you want to develop
      • At this step, you should fantasize and imagine all sorts of options without limiting the flow of thoughts. Once you see several opportunities laid out on paper, you can determine which ones are most important.
    2. Be specific. Once you've thought about a few goals and jotted down a number of ideas for achieving them, it's time to start getting specific. Use your brainstorming notes and goal definitions (we talked about them in the first part of the article). Write down specific things - what you would like to do and achieve.

      • A vague goal such as "I want to play better, so I'll try my best" is less effective than "I want to be able to play my favorite song in six months." Poorly defined or unclear (“best effort”) goals are not nearly as effective as clear ones.
      • Move away from general words like “I want to become rich” and focus on specific achievements that you will strive for. Instead of “I want to become rich,” your goal could be “I want to learn how to make money in the stock market”; instead of “I want to play the guitar” - “I want to be the lead guitarist in a rock band.”
      • It's a good idea to take some more notes, trying to describe your goals in as much detail as possible.
    3. Try using the SMART method. It allows you to specify and evaluate goals. On the one hand, in English “smart” means “intelligent”; on the other hand, the method got its name from the first letters of the five characteristics that the goal must meet. Check if your goals are:

      • S (specific) - specific
      • M (measurable) – measurable
      • A (achievable) – achievable
      • R (relevant) - significant
      • T (time-bounded) – having a time frame
    4. Rank your goals. Many people have multiple goals. In fact, during your brainstorming process, you may have already discovered that you are hoping to achieve more than one goal. If so, you should rank them in order of importance.

      • In addition, you will be able to visualize the process of working towards achieving your goals and provide yourself with additional motivation.
    5. Formulate subgoals. Most goals are easier to achieve if you break them down into smaller tasks. These are subgoals - small intermediate goals on the way to the main one that you hope to achieve.

      Identify obstacles. Finally, and this is also important, think about what obstacles might stand in your way of achieving your goals. Thinking about them in advance will give you the opportunity to find ways to overcome them.

      • For example, you may find that guitar lessons cost more than you can currently afford. Then you will think about where to get more money, or decide to try to study on your own with the help of a tutorial or video tutorials.

    Part 3

    1. Make time. There are many ways to simplify the process and help you stay focused on your goal. Ultimately, however, achieving most goals requires a lot of time and hard work.

      • Think about how long it will take you to achieve your goal and how soon you want to achieve it. For example, you need 40 hours to master the basics of playing the guitar, and you want to achieve the result in a month. This means you will have to practice for a little over an hour every day.
      • The issue of time cannot be avoided. If you are truly interested in achieving a goal, you will have to solve it.
    2. Make a habit. To make it easier for you to set aside time to work towards a goal, make it part of your regular routine. Include her time in your daily schedule.

      • For example, from 18:00 to 18:30 you play scales. Then from 18:30 to 19:00 you learn and review chords. Finally, you dedicate 15 minutes from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm to gradually learn a specific song. If you get into the habit of doing this every day (or at least every other day), you will quickly master the basics of playing any musical instrument.
    3. Track your progress. Once you have started working towards a goal, monitor your progress. Keep a journal, use an email app, or use a desktop calendar to track time spent, subgoals achieved, and similar information.

      Stay motivated. One of the biggest challenges of pursuing a goal, especially a long-term one, is staying motivated. Breaking it down into small, achievable subgoals and tracking daily progress can help. However, you may need additional reinforcement.

    • Be true to yourself. The achieved goal will not be a joy for you if, to achieve it, you did things that you are not at all proud of.
    • Do not forget the words of the wise Lao Tzu: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”
    • Write! Writing gives strength to thoughts. Even if no one but you sees them, writing down your goals will help strengthen your intentions.
    • Other people who are striving to achieve goals, even different from yours, can be a great support to you. Communicate with them regularly. If you don't know anyone like that personally, try joining an online community where people set goals and report to others on their achievement.


    • Things don't always go as you planned. Stick to your goals, but be flexible. Often events themselves turn out differently than you expect, but not necessarily worse. Be receptive to change.
    • Don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole. If something doesn't work or doesn't seem right, try a different approach.
    • Try to set yourself the right pace. Often people on the way to a new goal initially devote a lot of effort and time to it, but then lose their passion. Enthusiasm for a beginner is always great, but don't set the pace too high initially that you won't be able to maintain that pace for a long time.


    1. McGregor, I., & Little, B. R. (1998). Personal projects, happiness, and meaning: on doing well and being yourself. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(2), 494.
    2. Brunstein, J. C. (1993). Personal goals and subjective well-being: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1061–1070.

Good day to all visitors to the blog site. Has it often happened to you that plans fall apart, and your most cherished dreams are never destined to come true? To understand how to achieve your goal, you need to understand not only the circumstances that prevent you from doing this. We need to find out first of all what it is. A goal is a conscious result of our activity, a certain planned model that determines our behavior. This is what we strive to achieve. It motivates us to activity and is the main engine of progress and personal growth. In this article we will look at the reasons why you cannot implement your plans, as well as basic recommendations that will always help you achieve what you want.

What prevents us from achieving our goals?

One of the main factors that prevent us from getting what we want is the inability to clearly formulate our goal. Many people set themselves dreams like “I want to have an expensive car” or “I want to buy an apartment.” This is the wrong goal setting, which can become a serious obstacle to implementation. Set clear parameters, for example, “I want to have a gray Audi A9 in such and such a year” or “I want to buy a three-room apartment in a new building in such and such an area.” It is the correct formulation that will allow you to achieve your goals quickly and smoothly.

However, there are other important factors that prevent us from realizing our aspirations. Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Fear of success. Many people successfully take steps towards their goal, but at the very end they give up and inevitably turn off the path. This can all happen completely unconsciously. Any success is usually associated with responsibility and making serious decisions, and insecure people are afraid of this.
  2. Fear of failure. A person who received a lot of criticism and little praise in childhood adheres to the rule in adulthood “it is better to do nothing than to be condemned.” Such people would rather watch others succeed than set goals themselves and do everything possible to achieve them.
  3. Goal conflict or confusion. To achieve what you want, you should set 2-3 specific goals and move in their direction. Too many of them will lead to dispersion and the inability to concentrate on one thing. In addition, any person may have a conflict of goals (in this case, the conscious and unconscious may participate in their setting). A striking example is the common desires “I want a lot of money” and “I want to have a lot of rest.” To understand this, you should make a list of your plans, identify contradictions and eliminate them. It is important to be able to correctly prioritize in order to formulate specific goals.
  4. Comparison. People who constantly compare themselves with more successful people will never be able to achieve their goals. Thus, a person devalues ​​his own achievements and develops an inferiority complex, which becomes a significant obstacle to achieving what he wants.
  5. Loss of motivation. If at any point you notice that you are tired and you no longer have the strength to realize your dreams, engage in introspection. Find out where you spend most of your vital energy. These could be unsuccessful relationships, conflicts, etc. Find something that will inspire and motivate you.

All of the above are some kind of psychological barriers that prevent us from moving towards our goal and realizing ourselves. If you realize these factors and begin to eradicate them, you will soon see that achieving what you want has become much easier.

How to choose the right goal?

In addition to the correct formulation mentioned above, it is also important that the goal is yours and not imposed by society, family, etc. Psychologists and sociologists identify so-called socially imposed goals, which you want to achieve only because it is necessary, it is right, it is fashionable or prestigious. But it is also important that this task gives you an irresistible desire to move forward and take action. If you have an inner conviction that this goal is yours, then this is already half the success.

So, in order to constantly achieve your goals, it is important to follow some rules when setting them:

  • any goal should be formulated as clearly and specifically as possible;
  • time to achieve what you want should be limited to specific deadlines;
  • formulate your desires so that the result can be easily assessed; if necessary, break one large goal into several small ones;
  • soberly assess the possible consequences of achieving your dreams and decide whether you can bear them (for example, buying an expensive car will be accompanied by constant expenses for its maintenance).

What life principles should you adhere to?

To achieve the desired result, you should get rid of stereotypical thinking and introduce several important principles into your life, following which you can become a successful and purposeful person. Let's look at these principles in more detail.

Principle 1: Don't be afraid of difficulties.

As soon as you give up on one obstacle, several others will arise behind it that will prevent you from realizing your goal. When you overcome one challenge with confidence, you will be empowered to face the rest.

Principle 2: Don't be afraid to make decisions.

No one has the right to make a choice for you, so if you think that you are doing the right thing, then do just that.

Principle 3: Believe in yourself.

To achieve your goal, it is important to always and under any circumstances believe in yourself and your abilities. Do not doubt your goal and believe that you are the one who can achieve it.

Principle 4: Constantly develop.

Don't forget about self-development and self-improvement. If you achieve the desired result, don't stop there. Set yourself new challenges and constantly develop.

Principle 5: Visualize your goals.

Don't be afraid to imagine yourself with a dream already realized. If you want to buy a car, imagine in the smallest detail how you are sitting behind the wheel of this car, feel how your foot presses the gas pedal, etc. For clarity, many psychologists advise making a poster of your goals and hanging it in the most visible place.

Develop the life principles described above and you will be surprised at how quickly your business will improve, and it will become easier to implement what you planned.

What personal qualities will help you achieve what you want?

In order for any attempts to achieve success and make dreams come true to be effective, it is worth developing some personal qualities. These qualities include:

  1. Perseverance. Do not allow any people or external circumstances to somehow influence your aspirations and prevent you from achieving what you want. You will only be able to achieve your goal when your perseverance and zeal for forward become decisive, and the condemning opinions of others are not taken into account at all.
  2. Confidence. As mentioned above, you must be confident in yourself, in what you are doing, and in the goal you have set for yourself. Cast aside all doubts and develop faith in yourself.
  3. Stress resistance. In order not to “burn out” on the way to your dream and not to lose all motivation, it is important to remain patient and be resistant to any difficulties and problems that arise.
  4. Continuity. This quality means the ability and willingness to adopt other people's experiences, learn from other people's mistakes and show interest in the achievements of other successful people.

If you cannot develop the necessary qualities on your own, then attend various trainings or personal growth courses and communicate with successful people. Identify your character weaknesses and do your best to turn them into strengths and develop the qualities necessary to achieve success.

Tip 1. Frame your goal in a positive way. It should not contain “No” particles, since our subconscious will not perceive it, thus programming our behavior for erroneous actions and actions. For example, instead of saying “I want to stop smoking,” say “I want to quit smoking.”

Tip 2. To achieve your goals, always soberly analyze and evaluate your capabilities. Assess whether you have the necessary knowledge, skills, time, financial resources, etc. If something is missing, do everything possible to ensure that you have a full supply of resources on the path to success.

Tip 3. Identify all possible obstacles to achieving what you want and develop ways to eliminate them. Think ahead about what or who might interfere with you and how you can avoid it.

Tip 4. Develop a specific algorithm of actions on the path to your dream. Make something like a step-by-step instruction, mark each completed step and feel free to move on to the next one.

Tip 5. Set deadlines not only for the goal itself, but also for each step. To do this, analyze how much time it will take to perform a particular action. Please take into account possible difficulties that may arise. This will help you act here and now, rather than putting off achieving your goal until later.

Tip 6. Manage your time wisely. Don't waste time on boring conversations or idleness. Do something useful that will help you not only achieve what you want, but also realize yourself as a person.

Tip 7. Stay optimistic. Focus exclusively on the positive: think not about poverty or unhappiness, but about wealth and prosperity.

To summarize, I would like to say: don’t think about how to achieve your goals, but go ahead and achieve them! Engage in self-development and boldly step forward towards your dreams and fulfilled desires!

Hello my dear readers. To be honest, the article “How to achieve your goal?” I am writing not for you, but first of all for myself. I hope you will forgive me for my honesty and lack of composure of my thoughts. I have already written an article on this topic and you can read it. Achieving your goal is in your hands! How to achieve your New Year's goals? But this article was written precisely so that I could now sort out my thoughts. Perhaps it will also benefit you!

Choose a goal and move forward!

A little lyrical digression)) You can easily skip it by scrolling down the page and read the recommendations for achieving your goals.

Lately I have been faced with many tasks that I really want to solve. Who installed them? Yes, for the most part I set them for myself. After all, we ourselves decide how we should continue to live, and which path we should choose.

I decided to write this article in order to understand this issue myself and put my thoughts in place. Since now many ideas arise in my head every day that I would like to implement. But, unfortunately, none of them achieved their goal.

I’ll briefly describe to you, my dear readers, what’s happening to me so that you can understand what I’m talking about. Maybe someone reading this will recognize themselves.

At the moment I want to implement 4 projects. This may not seem like a lot to you, but in addition to these projects, my time is occupied by family and main work. At the same time, work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations now takes up most of my time.

Moreover, each goal implies a large number of tasks.

And when there is such a mess in your head, it is very difficult to concentrate on anything! And so I decided to write an article in order to first of all sort out my mess in my head and, perhaps, help you in this interesting matter.

And now the most important thing!) Recommendations for achieving goals:
1. Decide what you really want. We all have many desires and goals in life, at least most of us. But what exactly is your true desire? Have you ever wondered if what you want now will bring you joy and happiness? Or maybe your desire is imposed on you by society?

Stop for a minute (this will save you years of wrong path) and imagine that your wish has come true. Tell me, do you feel happy when you get what you want? Now think about how much time and money you are willing to spend to make your dream come true? Are you ready to move towards your goal throughout your life? Or is your desire just an intermediate stage?

Often we try to achieve goals that are imposed on us by society. Let it be a house, a beautiful car, a good job, etc. But in pursuit of imaginary desires we lose ourselves! Ask yourself a simple question: Are you willing to give 10-20 years to achieve a goal that will not bring you happiness? I think such a dialogue will help you decide on your own goal, but if this does not help you, then think about what your purpose in life is. I have already written articles on this topic on my website:

2. Have you decided? Then go ahead! Prepare to want more and do 10 times more than you were prepared to do. We often lower the bar in our desires and necessary actions to achieve our goals. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple. Fear speaks to us. It’s easier if we wish for something unimportant - there will be less disappointment and fewer actions will have to be done. It’s easier if we plan fewer actions and spread out their implementation over time. But time passes, but there is no result. We get disappointed, and our standards fall: the levels of self-esteem and the levels of desires.

It’s good if you don’t lose confidence in your abilities and start moving on. But if you are disappointed in yourself, you will settle for less and never achieve your goal. Set high goals and prepare to do 10 times more than you thought you would. And then you will reach unprecedented heights!

3. Planning is the key to success! I'll tell you honestly that I don't like planning. But the last weeks at my day job, when we were forced to write daily reports about what we would do during the day, led me to one insight. When planning, you are less distracted by other tasks and spend more time on executing your plan. And when I realized this, I decided that I would plan not only what I would do in a day, and plan my time by the hour. I will try to write to you about my results in the following articles.
Believe me, planning is one of the main points that will help you achieve your goal.

But what prevents us from starting to plan? Again our fears! We are afraid of being disappointed in ourselves if we don't complete the plan. But this is our plan! And only we decide what we will do today! Don't be afraid to plan, even if you don't manage to complete all your tasks, you will still have time. But if you don’t plan, you won’t be able to track your results and won’t achieve what you want.

4. Motivation or not giving a damn about my desires. Without positive motivation, you should not start any business at all. If you are not determined to succeed, then leave this matter and get ready for routine work. Forget about the fact that you might not succeed! Great success awaits you. Especially if you are fulfilling your purpose!

And when it becomes difficult for you and the results of your activities do not inspire you, just stop and imagine that you have already achieved success. You are at the top and everything is working out for you. Check it out, it inspires and allows you to move on.

5. Evaluation of results is the path to success! It’s great to know where to go, it’s great to know how, but it’s equally important to understand what success you have achieved in achieving your goals. Therefore, when planning your actions, be sure to make a column next to it where the deadline will be indicated. And also get into the habit of writing a diary in the evening, where you will note what you managed to do today, and what didn’t work out, and why. This way you can track your progress and what is stopping you from achieving the desired result.

6. Pareto rule. Only 20% of effort produces 80% of results. I’ll try to explain in my own situation: when I started developing the concept of my online school for creating websites, I thought about the name and creation of the school’s logo, its design. But I paid less attention to the lesson, which I just can’t finish (fear kicks in again!). Now think about it: will the logo I created or a beautiful design lead me to results? Naturally not. Therefore, when getting down to business, think about which actions are more important to achieve the goal, and which ones should be spent less time on. After all, time is the most precious thing we have.

7. Set new goals for yourself! Over time, we learn, develop and improve, and therefore the old goals no longer satisfy our needs. But if you evaluated your results throughout their achievement, then you undoubtedly enjoyed their implementation. Now it's time to reach new heights. And the life experience you gain will definitely help you with this!

I wish you good luck in achieving your goals! And if you liked this article, then share it with a friend, who knows, maybe he is also confused like me. Or leave me a comment, feedback is very important to me. You have no idea how pleased I am to read your comments.

P.S. By the end of writing this article, I was able to set my priorities and understand what exactly I want to achieve in life. Therefore, in the near future I will be busy creating an online school for website creation and developing a website for women. If you are interested, then write in the comments to this article or to the address, I will definitely tell you [email protected] I'll tell you about my projects.

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