How to make a two-level stretch ceiling with your own hands. How to install a two-level stretch ceiling: revealing the secrets How to make a two-level ceiling from a stretch ceiling

Tension coverings are becoming increasingly popular not only because of their beauty, but because they are very practical to maintain and do not require too much attention. If you can surprise with your appearance suspended ceiling, located in one plane, what then can we say about the effect produced by a 2-level tension structure. Yes, she is the one who is now in the center of our attention. Let’s set ourselves the task of determining how to make a two-level stretch ceiling and find out what is needed for this. Having determined in detail how a two-level coating is made, it will become clear how likely it is to solve this problem without involving outside help.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceilings

It would be wise to first simply find out if this method of decorating your living space is right for you. To do this, take into account the following:

  • This option is acceptable if you want to hide the shortcomings of the base ceiling, and are not inclined to devote too much time to solving this issue. Communications will be securely hidden, and the plane will become perfectly flat;
  • you can stop at installing the tension fabric even in the case when it is planned additional insulation. The thickness of the insulation layer is not particularly important;
  • if you are tired of frequent maintenance or repairs ceiling surface, then a tension covering is exactly what you need, because even if the house shrinks and cracks form on the surface, it will not be noticeable. The elastic fabric can compensate for fairly significant movements of the entire house structure;
  • when the room is not maintained at a constant temperature and is heated irregularly, PVC film may suffer from this. As a result of prolonged cold exposure, the quality of the coating deteriorates, and it gradually begins to change its properties, even to the point of destruction. Thus, if you understand that you will permanently live where you plan to install the curtain wall, then it would be reasonable to abandon this idea altogether;
  • small children can make parents think twice about the advisability of installing a covering due to high probability being pierced by something sharp or torn as a result of other children's pranks;
  • at first glance the cost of elastic ceiling covering looks quite acceptable, but if you add installation costs and the costs of the equipment necessary for installation, it is possible that you will change your mind and decide to decorate your ceiling differently.

How to properly make two-level ceilings?

Installation work cannot be done at random, since the technology requires a clear understanding of the main technical tasks. Along the way, for example, you will definitely have to:

  • accurately take all measurements;
  • cut the coating;
  • carry out a series of manipulations using complex gas or electrical equipment, which depends on what kind of heat gun you use.

And that's just the most complex operations in the process of making two-level stretch ceilings, but in fact there are much more of them.


If you get down to business yourself, you can’t do without them. Let's list what we need:

  1. A step ladder or a comfortable table.
  2. Perforator with a drill with a diameter of 6 mm.
  3. Various levels: bubble, laser, hydraulic, etc.
  4. Screwdriver.
  5. Chockline (dyeable marking cord).
  6. Dressing spatula and spatulas.
  7. Heat gun.

This is the main thing that will be useful. But one thing is especially significant - this heat gun, the absence of which cannot be circumvented in any way. If you can’t purchase this expensive tool, it is better to rent it with the owner, since independent training experiments are not worth it and will cost much more than the services of the owner of a heat gun.

Preparation and marking

Having cleared the ceiling of everything unnecessary, you can prepare to mark the plane and install the first tier. Also, to prevent the appearance of mold, it may be useful to pre-treat the surface with an antifungal compound.

Markings must be made taking into account where the electrical wiring runs. It is advisable not to be lazy and carefully make a small vertical groove, finding out the level of laying the wires. Next, using a level, preferably a laser, we place marks in each corner on required height, and then using a chokeline we connect them with solid lines. The resulting contour serves as a level for installing load-bearing moldings of the first ceiling level.

Markings are applied in a similar way for the second level of the tension covering, which will be located under the first.

On a note: Even before you start making a two-level stretch ceiling, it is recommended to consult with specialists, or better yet, slowly observe how they cope with this task step by step.


The entire installation process can be divided into a number of stages:

  1. Drawing up a sketch based on previously taken measurements of the room. Here you need to measure the perimeter of the room, the length of the diagonals and determine the area. In the case of constructing a structure on two levels, the sketch must reflect the layout of all lighting fixtures.
  2. Installation of two-level stretch ceiling involves installation on the walls directly above the marking line of plastic or metal installation profiles, which perform a load-bearing function, tightly holding the canvas suspended. The profile fastening step is 10-15 cm. Near the profile joining point, it is better to reduce the step to 2-5 cm.
  3. The canvas is straightened and fixed on corner hangers. Next, the room and the curtain itself are heated with a heat gun. The heating temperature of the canvas can reach about 70℃.
  4. The hot elastic fabric is carefully tucked into the baguette profile using a spatula. Let us highlight that even before you start making a 2-level stretch ceiling, you need to remember that you first need to install the level located closer to the base, and then move on.
  5. After the stretched fabric has cooled, you can in the right places make holes for the planned lighting fixtures. Then the canvas itself is attached to the lamps using plastic projector rings specially designed for this purpose. They prevent the coating from overheating. IN curtain cover It is recommended to install lamps that provide height adjustment for the housing.

Of course, reflect everything installation nuances How to make a two-level stretched fabric in one article is not possible. Special video materials can be a good help in this sense; familiarization with them will also bring a lot of practical benefits.

Video on the topic

Stretch ceilings appeared several years ago and since then, simple white plaster-covered ceilings have gradually faded into oblivion.

Stretch ceilings can be single-level, two-level or multi-level.

A two-level stretch ceiling is a non-standard and original solution for any interior.

Installation of two-level suspended ceilings is carried out in several stages and can be made of plasterboard, followed by painting, or from PVC film.

The frame of two-level ceilings is assembled from profiles and a guide molding.

Installation of a two-level plasterboard ceiling is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. Another thing is a suspended ceiling made of PVC film.

Such a ceiling can be completely installed with your own hands, and most importantly, the material for them has huge variety textures and colors, which allows you to bring any design idea to life.

For example, with the help of a two-level stretch ceiling you can visually divide the room into different functional groups or highlight any significant interior elements by repeating their shape and color on the stretch ceiling.

Installation of two-level stretch ceilings can be done in several ways.

The first method involves fixing structures made according to a certain configuration to the ceiling. The film is then stretched between the structures.

The second method is a little simpler: a special baguette is installed and secured to the ceiling, onto which the stretch ceiling fabric is subsequently stretched.

The second way is much better than the first, since plasterboard structures “eat up” a lot of space, which does not allow installing them in apartments or houses with low ceilings.

A suspended ceiling correctly selected in color, texture and configuration can not only visually increase the height of the room, but also mask all defects and flaws in the main ceiling, hide all kinds of communications, ventilation shafts, etc.

Therefore, it is best to entrust the installation of a stretch ceiling to professionals. Specialists will competently and quickly take all the necessary measurements, draw up a sketch, cut the canvas and fix it on the baguette.

Despite some complexity of installation and manufacturing technology, a two-level stretch ceiling in some cases is simply irreplaceable for its practical and aesthetic qualities.

If you choose the right lighting, play of light and color shades, then such a ceiling will become simply a unique work of art.

Lighting and decoration

Properly integrated lighting fixtures between the ceiling levels allow you to visually small room bright and spacious, or, on the contrary, divide a huge room into several cozy zones.

There are quite a lot of design options for suspended two-level ceilings.

When decorating, you can combine the colors and texture of the material, complement the ceiling design with lighting fixtures, use a combination of matte and glossy ceiling, etc.

Typically, installing a two-level ceiling takes little time, a maximum of 2 days, provided that the work is carried out by qualified installers from the same company where the suspended ceiling was purchased.

If desired, the installation of a stretch ceiling can be done with your own hands. From the name of the ceiling it is clear that it is formed from two levels and looks like steps.

Installation of such a ceiling occurs in several stages. First of all, they take measurements and draw up a drawing. Then the ceiling is cut out using these measurements. Most often this is done at the factory.

After manufacturing all parts of the ceiling, install metal carcass. The ceiling canvas is stretched and secured to the frame using harpoons or wedges.

Before installing a stretch ceiling, you should make sure that all connections for lighting are made on the ceiling, and that the electrical wires are securely fixed using special clamps.

The cost of installing a two-level ceiling depends on the chosen material, the complexity of the stretch ceiling design and the design method and can be quite high

Ceiling shapes come in different shapes: wave, cone, starry sky, arch, etc.

You can place three-dimensional photographs, 3D drawings or any other images on the surface of a two-level ceiling.

Installation technology

If you decide to install a two-level stretch ceiling yourself or entrust this task to other contractors, then know that in this case, the company where you purchased it will not be responsible for the quality of the installation of the film.

The technology for installing two-level suspended ceilings must be strictly and consistently followed by the installers, otherwise the frame will have to be strengthened, or the whole thing will have to be completely redone.

In order for the canvas tension to be perfectly even, each detail must be perfectly adjusted.

Required Tools

So for self-installation two-level ceiling you will need some tools and equipment:

  • screwdriver and hammer drill;
  • heat gun with gas cylinder;
  • step ladder;
  • level;
  • special spatulas and spatulas for stretching and fastening the fabric.

A hammer drill is needed to attach the guide profiles to the walls, and a heat gun is needed to heat the canvas before tensioning.

When installing two-level suspended ceilings with your own hands, remember the most difficult moments of this process, which include taking measurements, cutting the ceiling sheet and working with a gas cylinder.

Taking measurements is of particular importance, since if you take measurements incorrectly, you can end up with an uneven surface.

You should also be careful and careful when cutting the blade and working with a heat gun.

The installation process begins with measurements and drawing up a sketch of the future ceiling.

Measure the perimeter and diagonal of the room, calculate total area, take into account the intended installation locations of the lamps, that is, take into account all the details.

The completed sketch is sent to the workshop for the production of a stretch ceiling panel.

To attach the tension fabric to the walls, a special baguette profile is installed.

To do this, determine the exact line along which the baguette will pass and fix the mounting profile at its level.

If a standard lighting fixture, for example, a chandelier, is to be installed on the ceiling, then a distance of 4-6 cm is usually left from the main ceiling to the tension ceiling. The baguette profile is firmly secured with the dowel-nail system.

Such fasteners are capable long years securely hold the stretch ceiling.

After installing the baguette, wiring and fastening all kinds of structures for lamps or lighting fixtures, the installation of the canvas begins.

The canvas is stretched onto the baguette using corner hangers. Next, they launch a heat gun, which will heat the ceiling to 70 degrees.

Now the heated canvas is secured in the profile using special spatulas or blades.
Already in the stretched fabric, holes are cut for lighting fixtures.

The canvas is secured to the installed lamps with special latches. The installation of two-level ceilings is completed by the installation of cornices.

When you decide to diversify the design of your apartment, first of all pay attention to appearance ceiling. Probably everyone would like to see surfaces above them that are not a boring white surface, but original design, made in unique style and pleasing to the eyes of hosts and guests.

Stretch ceiling

In this case, stretch ceilings come to the rescue with the ability to choose a design. To find out how to do it, you should carefully consider the issues affecting this topic. For installation, you will need to secure a sheet of polyvinyl chloride film in the mounted profile for the frame. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that this type finish looks very nice in large and spacious rooms with high walls. Textile fabrics are also used for such structures.

Whatever design option you choose, the result will be a luxurious glossy or matte surface. However, let's consider everything in order.

For installation you will need tools, which include:

  • special spatula with a round blade;
  • construction hammer;
  • drill or hammer drill;
  • construction hair dryer;
  • level (laser or hydraulic);
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pencil with tape measure (for marking).

Next, you have to decide on the choice of material, giving preference to polyvinyl chloride film or a fabric surface. In both cases, the ceiling design will change beyond recognition. However, each option has its own pros and cons.

When using the fabric, soft shades are obtained in any type of lighting. The fabric is not reflective Sun rays and absorbs noise better. In addition, it is easier to install and does not require heating, as during installation PVC films. Sometimes they choose fabric with a pattern that gives the room beauty like ancient castles, whose ceilings were decorated with colorful patterns. Fabric films withstand temperature changes well, which cannot be said about PVC film, collapsing from cold or heat (above 60 degrees).

PVC film also has advantages. First of all, it does not allow moisture to pass through. In the event of flooding by neighbors above, water will collect on the ceiling behind the film, without penetrating into the apartment. In this case, after eliminating the cause of flooding, the water is drained, and the sagging part is carefully leveled using a heat gun.


The choice of color is also important, since the combination of the reflectivity of the chosen surface and its shade will result in a magnificent appearance that can delight you for many years.

Don’t forget about the play of light and shadow, combining shades with the degree of lighting and the color of the walls. Thus, when combining dark films with light walls, the room visually expands. When choosing a light ceiling, it seems that it is slightly higher than it actually is.

In addition to the advantages of installing the described ceilings, we note that they hide irregularities, the elimination of which traditional methods takes energy and time.

TO disadvantages of PVC ceilings are fragile, as the film is easily damaged. In addition, the cost of installation, especially in the case of two-level ceilings, is higher. You can reduce the cost by completing some of the steps yourself, but this will require special knowledge and skill.


The second stage after choosing the material is planning. On at this stage you need to decide on the appearance of the stretch ceiling, taking as an example the sketches already implemented projects or make sketches yourself. In the second case it will work unique ceiling, made according to personal preferences, which no one else has.

Be sure to consider the dimensions of the room, as some types of design are not easy to replicate in small rooms.

If you are coming up with a design yourself, arm yourself with a pencil and spend a couple of hours of your time drawing out the layout. Using a computer and a number of specialized planning programs will speed up this process.

During planning, immediately pay attention to the location of electrical wiring, lamps and ventilation, which will be hidden by the ceiling. Link bends and curved lines present in the design to specific coordinates; by default, these are the corners of the room.

Having completed the preparations, proceed to the process of assembling the structure.

Build process

Taking as a basis a selected example of an already completed design or a diagram drawn independently, it is transferred to ceiling. To do this, armed with a pencil, a sketch of the location of the main elements of the future ceiling is made on the base. At this stage, a number of construction tricks are used.

If you need to draw a circle or parts of it, proceed as follows. A hole is drilled in the concrete at the center of the intended circle, into which a screw is screwed. A thread with a pencil is attached to it, with the help of which curves are marked on the ceiling.

notice, that this method not accurate enough, it is preferable to replace the thread with a stronger and tougher material. If the selected sketch is complex, then it is more correct to use special templates, pre-cut from drywall or other available material.

Immediately before the installation process, take care of purchasing materials. This includes profiles (plasterboard and guide), direct suspension brackets, connectors, etc. fastening material. When hiring professionals, the preparation of the material falls on their shoulders.

Then, depending on the selected tension fabric material, the height to which the ceiling will drop is selected. After making the appropriate marks, profile guides are mounted on the walls at the specified height. At this stage, it is important to use a level to control the horizontal installation of the structure in order to avoid distortion and not spoil the appearance of the room.

If the ceiling is located at a short distance from the ceiling, it is more advisable to fasten it using direct suspension brackets. In this case, take into account the weight of the ceiling being mounted, since if it is too bulky and heavy, then the brackets are placed as close to each other as possible.

After installing the brackets, CD profiles are inserted into the guide profile, which are then screwed to the said suspension brackets. The distance between CD profiles varies between 40-60 centimeters. After which special connectors are attached to them in increments of 125 centimeters. Jumpers are made from the remaining CD profile, after installing which a finished frame is obtained.

After subsequent laying of cables and arrangement of lighting elements, this frame is sewn up with sheets of plasterboard, fastening which is carried out using self-tapping screws. Drywall joints are puttied.

How to make a two-level stretch ceiling?

If you install a second level of stretch ceiling, you will need to repeat a number of the procedures described above. The second level marking is done in advance.

Since the second level usually has curved lines, you will need a special flexible profile, which can be replaced with a regular one, but in this case it is modified. Everything else is done by analogy.

Fastening the tension fabric

The pre-selected fabric is attached to installed profiles a number of methods: glazing bead, harpoon or wedge method. Fastening with each the listed methods carried out differently. At the same time, the cost of installation also varies.

Note that if you choose the cheapest fastening method, it will not be possible to periodically change the blades. If, due to the fault of neighbors, the apartment is flooded and it will need to be replaced, it is preferable to use harpoon method fastenings The installation process is shown in the video below. Although this method fastenings are more expensive than others, it allows you to change the canvas many times, securing it with a special spatula in the baguette.

When choosing the wedge fastening method, the surface is fixed in the baguette using a special wedge. In this case, the number of replacements is limited.

The third, glazing bead method, is considered self-clamping; the fabric is inserted and secured inside the cracks. This method does not require periodic replacement of the canvas.

Two-tier stretch ceilings are options for interesting, aesthetic, complex design ceiling surface. Looking at pictures of similar ceilings, you can see examples of space design where beautiful ceilings consider themselves to take on the main role in design. They zone the space, decorate it, unite disparate elements, and form a new look for the room.

Such a structure has many advantages, many times more than disadvantages. , they ennoble the space, but are also renovations with a long-term perspective.

In addition, two-level stretch ceilings:

  • They retain their original appearance for a very long time;
  • Installation of the tension fabric takes place in a matter of hours, without noise and dust;
  • The surface turns out flat and smooth, hiding all defects of the base ceiling;
  • And even if you managed to do the main repairs, by stretching the canvas you will not damage what was done in any way; the technology in this regard is very clean;
  • In the interceiling space you can carry out different kinds communications;
  • This ceiling provides additional sound insulation and sound insulation.

Contrary to myths, the stretch ceiling fabric does not emit any harmful emissions. Modern high-quality stretch ceilings are no more harmful than the fact that we wear synthetic clothes. Another question is if you purchase a ceiling that is uncertified, cheap, and made in an unknown location.

But the disadvantages can also be mentioned: installing the ceiling yourself is problematic, you need optional equipment. If you catch the blade with a tip, it will be damaged very easily. Glossy ceiling has a peculiarity - seams are noticeable on it, but matte ceilings better in this regard.

Do-it-yourself two-level ceiling: is it possible?

If your level of knowledge regarding repairs and related topics is higher than the initial one, you can at least partially do the installation of a two-level one yourself. Create a sketch (you can look it up on the Internet), make a calculation of materials (a calculation calculator is also available on the Internet), purchase materials, take measurements, etc. - all this can be done independently without any problems.

There are example drawings on the Internet, detailed reviews of the work performed, which are better than abstract instructions, etc. A diagram of the future design can also be drawn up using online tips, and you will definitely make one level yourself.


  • You need to measure the room, make marks, and start constructing the frame;
  • The metal frame is then covered with plasterboard;
  • Drywall is subjected to finishing.

That's it, the lower tier is ready. And then you invite specialists who, in a couple of hours, install stretch fabric(having taken preliminary measurements). It is problematic to completely make such double ceilings yourself, because, for example, to stretch a PVC ceiling, you need to use a heat gun.

Installation of two-level stretch ceilings (video instructions)

Installation of supporting structure

First, you define the boundaries between the levels, this is done with a thick marker on the main ceiling. Fasten along the marked line aluminum profile, this is done with a hammer drill and dowels.

If the profile is not in a straight line (a curved fragment is needed), it is cut with special metal scissors. The end surface will be covered by a strip of plastic. Along the strip you need to install wooden blocks, which in height will not exceed the width of the strip. The number of bars depends on the configuration - the more complex its shape, the more bars. It also depends on the length of the dividing line. Fixation to the bars is carried out with self-tapping screws.

There is another assembly option: you can use not a whole plastic strip, but pieces, fixed with self-tapping screws.

Installing the lower ceiling level

The first thing you work with is metallic profile. The canvas will be stretched over it.

Work order:

  • Draw a contour around the perimeter of the room; profiles are already installed on it;
  • The profiles are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws and dowels; for this you need to drill holes;
  • The interval between fasteners should not be more than 30 cm;
  • There will be two rows of profiles on the frame - the upper level canvas will be mounted on the bottom row;
  • Then any corner end of the canvas will be installed in the profiles, and then distributed over adjacent walls;
  • The other ends are suspended from the profile, and this is done with special clothespins, which are fixed with a cord in the corners of the room;
  • The outer sides of the canvas remain suspended, attention now turns to the inner edges, where the material is attached to the profiles;
  • Then the outer edges are tucked in, and for this you need gas-burner– the tension fabric is heated by inserting the ends and edges into the profiles.

After cooling, the coating will become even and smooth, perfectly stretched. In this way, you can stretch the fabric yourself without resorting to the help of specialists.

Two-level stretch ceiling with lighting: how to install lighting elements

In this regard, there are two options. The first is that all the elements will be retracted inside, in which case they will have to be installed before tension occurs.

If you are installing the ceiling yourself, consider everything the smallest details, because the fabric manufacturing company will not provide any guarantee. That is, if you damage the ceiling during installation, no one will replace the ceiling.

Today is the LED backlight You can also order from specialists, being confident in the safety of the canvas.

Design of two-level stretch ceilings

Black and white options will always be relevant; they look good in spacious apartment, in a studio apartment. Square ceiling or rectangular ceilings Today photo printing can decorate.

With photo printing you can completely change the entire appearance of a room. Photo printing is also used in ceilings with interesting shapes(wave, drop, sun, flower, etc.). With its help, they create the most romantic type of ceiling - a starry sky.

Wherever you purchase materials, Moscow, Odintsovo or a small company on the outskirts, ask for certificates of conformity, make sure of the good reputation of the manufacturer and seller, and then the repair will be a joy.

Good luck!

Design of a two-level stretch ceiling (interior photo)

Installation of suspended ceilings is one of the most aesthetic and convenient types of finishing. Such ceilings look especially beautiful in large rooms with high walls. Either vinyl films or a special fabric material are used as a ceiling panel, and the surface can have a different structure - matte, glossy, etc. Let's look at how to make a two-level stretch ceiling without turning to professionals for help.

Stretch ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. They are beautiful, convenient, and practical, since they allow you to covertly lay electrical wiring and other necessary communications.

In addition, tension panels are distinguished by a wide variety of colors and textures, so using them you can bring a variety of design ideas to life.

It must be said that in most cases, the installation of tension panels is carried out by professionals. However, if you wish, you can do it on your own. Let's look at how to make a two-level stretch ceiling, what materials and tools are required for this (see)

Characteristics of stretch ceilings

Before you find out how two-level stretch ceilings are made, it’s worth getting acquainted with their characteristics in more detail, learning their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this type of finishing

Here are the main advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • Obtaining a flat surface with little labor costs. Very often the ceiling in apartments is uneven, with large differences in height. To get rid of this shortcoming in the usual way, that is, with the help plaster mortar, it will take a lot of time and effort. When using stretch ceiling technology, labor costs to obtain a flat surface will be insignificant.
  • Visual appeal. It is unlikely that anyone will dispute that this type of finish looks very beautiful. Moreover, the range of ceiling panels is very wide and you can choose a variety of options.
  • Water splash protection. Unfortunately, in apartment buildings Accidents often occur, as a result of which apartments located downstream are flooded. But if you install suspended ceilings, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of your repairs. The panels simply won't allow water to pass through. To eliminate the accident, you will need to release the water and eliminate the sagging of the panel using a heat gun.

Disadvantages of this type of finishing

Of course, suspended ceilings also have their drawbacks.

Here are the main disadvantages:

  • Relative fragility of the canvas. If the coating is touched by some sharp object, damage may occur on its surface - a puncture or scratch.
  • Panels from PVC sheets It is not recommended to install in country houses seasonal residences that are not heated in winter. Because under the influence low temperatures the film will be destroyed.

Advice! Fabric panels for suspended ceilings can withstand low temperatures, so this option is worth choosing for finishing unheated buildings.

  • Another disadvantage is the high price. Stretch ceilings are not cheap, however, this is compensated by their for a long time services.
  • You will have to pay a significant amount not only for materials, but also for the work of installers. If you want to save money on this point, you should find out how to make such a ceiling with your own hands. For home handyman with some experience construction work, the process of installing tension panels is quite accessible (see)

Advice! When preparing to carry out repairs, do not limit yourself to just reading the instructions. It will be useful to see the installation of two-level stretch ceilings in a video that will help you find answers to all your questions.


It must be said that in order to make a two-level stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to have some experience.

Difficult aspects of the process include:

  • Taking measurements. It is very important to take measurements correctly, otherwise you will not be able to get a flat surface.
  • Cutting the blade. It is very important to avoid mistakes when doing this work.
  • Work with gas equipment . When performing this operation, you must strictly follow the safety rules.

Equipment needed for installation

So, installing two-level ceilings requires the following equipment and tools::

  • Hammer. This tool is necessary to secure the guide profiles to the walls.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Heat gun complete with gas cylinder. The equipment is used to heat the fabric so that it can be stretched.
  • Level. This tool useful for marking.

Advice! Particularly convenient to use laser level, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with the usual hydraulic one.

  • Stepladder or sawhorses. They are necessary to make working at height more convenient.
  • Special blades and spatulas necessary for stretching and securing the fabric.

Installation process

Before starting work, you should carefully familiarize yourself with how to install two-level suspended ceilings - video instructions can be found on construction websites.

The process takes place in several stages:

  • Taking measurements and drawing up a sketch. It is necessary to measure the perimeter of the room, its diagonal, and calculate the total area. If the structure is two-level and it is planned to install lamps, all this must be shown in the sketch. This data is transmitted to the workshop where the panels are made.
  • Before making two-level stretch ceilings , you need to install a molding profile on the walls that will hold the panel.
  • Next, using corner hangers, the canvas is stretched. For tension, a heat gun is fired, which heats the canvas to 70 degrees.

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