How to quickly remove tiles in the bathroom. What is the best way to remove tiles from a wall in different situations? Removing tiles from drywall

Before removing tiles from the wall, you should select the right tool. Depending on the base, it can be a hammer drill, a regular chisel, a spatula, or even a grinder.

Any apartment or Vacation home periodically need repairs. Sometimes it is enough to change accessories and furniture to make the atmosphere fresher and more cheerful. But in most cases you will have to work on a more thorough alteration. If everything is clear with replacing wallpaper and painting walls, then the question of how to remove tiles from a wall can drive many into a dead end. Especially if this process must be carried out carefully, without damaging the tiles.

In fact, dismantling is not a big deal. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary tools and determine how the tiles were glued to the wall (using cement or adhesive solution). It happens that old tile it is necessary to remove not completely, but only some part of it. Then you should be especially careful not to damage not only the adjacent tiles, but also the wall itself in the kitchen.

What do we need?

It is almost impossible to completely clean the surface of the tiles without damaging a single fragment. But if you show care and a little skill, it is quite possible to keep the tile as intact as possible. How successful the work will be depends primarily on the quality of the tiles laid and the adhesive composition, as well as on the statute of limitations.

The work may require the use of the following tools and materials:

  • drills and hammer drills;
  • metal spatula;
  • hammer;
  • a scraper to remove grout;
  • knife;
  • chisels

Don't forget about precautions. Dismantling old tiles is a dusty and dirty process, so you should stock up on work clothes, special safety glasses, a mask or gauze bandage, and gloves. To make cleaning easier after work, you can lay oilcloth on the floor.

Dismantling process

If the tiles were mounted to the kitchen wall using cement mortar, it is almost impossible to remove them intact. Therefore, you will need a hammer drill with a special attachment. If the tile was attached with glue, then there is a greater chance of dismantling it without damage. The easiest way is to remove the tile without preserving its integrity. During the work, you will need a hammer drill with a chisel attachment. Before you start, you need to put on work clothes, safety glasses and a mask, since the process will be quite dusty with a lot of flying small fragments. Cement mortar, remaining on the wall after removing the tiles can be removed with a hammer.

After removing the grout, you should begin dismantling the old tiles. Here you will need a hammer drill and a flat-shaped nozzle, which is inserted behind the tile to clean out the old mortar. If glue was used during the installation process and not cement mortar, then successful removal without deformation is possible. Otherwise, the tiles are likely to crack.

Instead of a hammer drill, you can use a chisel and hammer. After removing the grout, you need to place the chisel under the tile and carefully, without sudden movements, use a hammer to knock it off the wall.

Removing multiple items

It is not always necessary to completely remove tiles from the kitchen walls. Sometimes it is enough to replace two or three tiles that have chips or other defects. Here you need to be extremely careful with exactly the tile that should remain. The process of dismantling tiles from the central part of the wall or in the corner is considered especially labor-intensive. First of all, it is necessary to soften the grout with water and remove it as in previous cases. You should not use a hammer drill in this case. Dismantling takes place using a hammer and chisel.

Cement mortar can significantly complicate the task. Therefore, the tiles must be removed carefully and in parts. First, you need to use a drill to make several holes in the tile, and then remove it piece by piece with a spatula.

How to remove tiles from drywall?

If the wall in the kitchen is made of plasterboard, then it is almost impossible to remove the tiles carefully without damaging either it or the surface of the wall. The adhesive solution adheres very firmly to the drywall, eating into the surface. You can remove one or more tiles and then replace the piece of drywall. Nose the whole wall everything is much more complicated. You should hope for luck and carefully begin the dismantling process. The chisel needs to be placed between the tile and the adhesive and hit with a hammer. The tile either flies off on its own or together with a piece of drywall. Alternatively, you can try cutting the ceramics with a grinder.

When undertaking renovations in a bathroom or kitchen, we are often faced with the need to dismantle dilapidated finishing coatings.

The tile is durable and strong; as a result, even ten years after gluing, problems may arise with its removal.

The question arises: how to remove tiles from the wall with minimal effort, expense and without damaging the base. There are several options for implementing this task:

  • when old tiles are of no value and need to be dismantled in their entirety and quickly;
  • when old tiles must be preserved as much as possible;
  • when it is necessary to carefully remove one or two fragments and replace them.

The first option is the least problematic and does not require special description. Take a hammer drill, install a feather attachment, and use impact mode to chip off the entire layer of finishing.

At the same time, you can quite simply beat off the glue that attached the ceramics to the base. Problems will only arise if the base of the wall is unreliable and fragile. For example, if the tile is glued to gypsum board.

Drywall is significantly inferior in strength to tile adhesive, so most likely during dismantling the sheets will be seriously damaged and they will also have to be dismantled in order to install new ones.

If you don’t have a hammer drill, you will have to work manually - with a hammer and chisel. This takes longer, but is more careful.

Preserving tiles

Sometimes the tiles in the bathroom no longer look attractive in appearance, they are outdated, but they are still in quite good condition to be used in the country or somewhere in a closet, where aesthetics are not so important.

In this case, you can try to remove the tiles carefully, keeping maximum amount intact.

In this case, a power tool is not suitable; you need to work more delicately.

Tools you will need are a hammer, chisel, chisel or large flat head screwdriver, metal spatula, knife or perhaps a grinder with a diamond wheel.

To keep the maximum number of fragments in the bathroom intact, they must be isolated from each other. To do this, first the seams are unstitched - the grout for the seams is removed. Sometimes it is soft and can be picked out without problems with a knife or spatula. If that doesn't work, you can try to wet it.

If it is a high-quality mixture based on cement or acrylic base, a knife and spatula won’t take it, and it won’t be possible to soak it.

In this case, you will have to carefully unstitch the seams with a grinder. Perfect fit diamond wheel, it bites into stone perfectly. But sometimes the seams in the bathroom are too thin for it, in which case you can try working with a thin ceramic wheel.

After jointing, you can start beating.

Each fragment is carefully tapped with a hammer and chisel and tapped on all sides.

If the glue is weak, then you can count on a large percentage of intact tiles.

If the master tried his best, it is unlikely that he will be able to save even half of the tiles.

It is worth remembering that the procedure will take a lot of time, it will take a lot of effort, and the result is doubtful. In some cases, it is cheaper and easier to buy the required volume of new cheap tiles than to bother with ceramic tiles in the bathroom.

Replacing one or two elements

It happens that during operation several fragments on the wall are damaged.

At the same time, the finishing in the bathroom is still relatively new and does not need to be completely replaced, and the remains of tiles of this shade are stored in the closet.

In this case, you can try to remove the damaged fragments and replace them with whole ones from stock.

But to do this, you need to carefully remove the damaged fragment, trying not to scratch the neighboring ones.

The procedure is feasible, but troublesome:

It is likely that a freshly laid piece will differ from the rest on the wall. It is even more likely that the color of the seam will differ.

Therefore, before proceeding with replacement, you need to assess the extent of the damage and understand whether the replacement will help or whether it will only worsen the problem.


This work can be entrusted to those who make a living like this and know better how to remove tiles from the wall.

If you need to remove all old finishing and at the same time, the safety of the tiles does not play any role, then you can use the services of low-skilled workers who, for a moderate amount, will quickly complete the entire volume in a short time.

Dismantling in such a situation will cost 200-250 rubles/m2. If the safety of the material is required, then it is better not to entrust such a task to general workers, but to find qualified tilers. This will be expensive, but the percentage of intact tiles will be maximum.

This service is rarely offered on an ongoing basis, so the price and timing will have to be negotiated individually.

It is better to do the replacement of one or two fragments yourself, because the technician will charge an impressive amount for a call - no one wants to travel for just one tile.

The bathroom is decorated with ceramic tiles, because they are resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The facing material is easily washed off from traces of toothpaste and shower gel. But one day the apartment owners decide to update the decor of the bathroom and start with the walls. And then you have to look for the answer to the question of how to quickly and with minimal material costs remove ceramic tiles.

Preparing the premises

Dismantling the facing material is a difficult and dusty job. Pieces of tiles fall onto the floor and surrounding objects and can damage the toilet or sink. The bathroom is carefully prepared for renovation:

  • take out the washing machine;
  • remove cabinets and mirrors;
  • cover the windows with oilcloth or old rags;
  • carefully dismantle the plumbing.

If it was not possible to remove the toilet or sink, cover them with an old blanket. Wrap a protective blanket around the product, and fasten the corners with clothespins or tape. The fabric and layer of cotton wool soften the blows, so the plumbing will remain unharmed.

Place a layer on the floor polyethylene film, cover with newspapers on top. The paper prevents slipping and protects against household injuries. Construction tape is applied to the baseboards. Carefully fasten the joints of the film so that dirt and dust do not settle on the floor.

Complete removal

It is easier to dismantle tiles if you do not need to worry about their safety. First, remove the grout from the walls:

  • The sponge is moistened in soapy water or a special solution.
  • Soak the seams with liquid and wait until they soften.
  • Clean off loose grout with a spatula, kitchen knife or a chisel.

The tiles are gently tapped wooden stick or a handle to find areas with voids. It’s good if there are pieces that have independently fallen behind concrete base. The dismantling of the tiled covering begins with them. You will need a stepladder, a spatula with a wide pointed blade and a hammer. Tools can be replaced with an ax or drill.

Start from the top row. A spatula or ax blade is inserted into the gap between the ceiling and a piece of tile at an angle of 45–60 degrees. The handle or wide base is struck with a hammer. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wall. When the blade enters two-thirds into the cement mortar or glue, press the ax or spatula with your hands, separating facing material from a brick or concrete base. One or more pieces fall off. It will be easier to dismantle the rest.

The ceramic coating, attached to the wall using tile or mounting adhesive, is pre-soaked. The seams are processed with a grinder or scrapers. After removing the grout, direct a jet onto the facing material hot water. After 30 minutes, when the base has softened, the first tile is chipped with a chisel and hammer.

Leftovers ceramic coating folded into thick plastic bags. The damaged tile is separated from the whole one. The latter can be used to decorate a cottage or garage. After each cleaned wall, it is recommended to sweep away construction waste so as not to trample it into the floor and spread it throughout the apartment.

Dismantling of old tiles is carried out during the day so as not to disturb the neighbors. Carefully remove the tile that covers water pipes And electrical wiring. The chisel can damage communications, causing short circuit or flood.

When removing tiles, you must take the following precautions:

  1. Do not stand under tiles that are to be removed. A piece of facing material may suddenly separate from the wall and fall on your head.
  2. Wear a suit with long sleeves, pants coarse fabric and boots with non-slip soles.
  3. Protect your eyes from dust and tile fragments with glasses.
  4. Use a respirator or a damp gauze bandage to prevent dirt particles from entering the respiratory tract.
  5. It is advisable to wear a helmet or hat on your head, which will soften the blow if a piece of ceramic tile falls on the worker.

Partial removal

Take off small area facing material that has cracks or chips, a drill and chisel will help. A regular ruler and pencil will come in handy. The work is divided into several stages:

  1. Two diagonals are drawn on the tile, which extend from adjacent corners and intersect in the center.
  2. The straight lines are divided into several small segments and bold dots are placed. The center is marked in a similar way.
  3. Soak and remove the old grout.
  4. Then use a drill to make holes in the marked areas of the tile.
  5. Place a chisel in the center and hit it several times with a hammer.
  6. The facing material splits into 4–8 parts.
  7. The pieces are pryed off with a tool with a thin sharp blade and removed from the wall.
  8. The concrete base is cleaned, plastered and new tiles are glued.

The ceramic covering, which is attached to the wall using construction adhesive, is struck several times with a rubber hammer. The tool creates vibrations, due to which the tiles are independently separated from the concrete base. All that remains is to pry it with a chisel and carefully remove it. Do not hit the fragile material too hard to prevent cracks from appearing. You don't have to use a drill, and the tiles will remain intact. To avoid damaging areas that cannot be dismantled, it is recommended to wrap the chisel in a rag.

Working with drywall

The walls in some apartments and houses are insulated plasterboard boards, on top of which they stick ceramic cladding. This base has to be removed along with the tiles. It will be possible to remove the tiles without damaging the sheets if the insulation was covered with a layer of plaster before the repair. In such cases, clean off the grout with a kitchen knife. If it was not possible to remove the material, use a grinder to make cuts along the seam line. Cement mortar or construction adhesive is soaked soapy water. The tile is pryed with a chisel and removed.

It’s easier to crush it with a chisel or hammer drill, and then clean off the remains with a spatula. The facing material is torn off the wall along with the layer of plaster. Before gluing new tiles plasterboard sheets primed and treated with special leveling compounds.

If the tiles were glued directly to the insulation, it will not be possible to save the base. The facing layer is removed along with the plasterboard panels.

You can remove several pieces of tile glued to the insulation with a hacksaw. The grout around the area to be dismantled is cleaned with a tool with a thin blade and a sharp tip. Cut out a piece of drywall along with the facing material and, prying it with a chisel, remove it.

The hole that was formed after dismantling the tiles is filled with bars or a profile. Attach a new piece of drywall to the base. It is recommended to use self-tapping screws and chamfer the insulation.

Important: If the tile to be removed is located above the bathtub, cover the plumbing with a shield made of boards or chipboard. Suitable a metal sheet. You can cover it with an old blanket or blanket to protect it from damage.

You can dismantle the tiles yourself if you have some at hand. necessary tools. The person removing the facing material will need a chisel and drill, as well as protective clothing, a respirator and goggles. After all, you need to protect not only your plumbing equipment, but also your own health.

Video: how to remove old tiles from a wall

Removing tiles from walls may not always involve complete removal of tiles - in some situations it becomes necessary to remove only one or a few tiles. When completely dismantling tiles, the question of how to remove tiles from the walls usually does not arise - people pick up a hammer drill and simply destroy them, regardless of everything around them. But what to do when Do some of the tiles need to be kept intact? How to dismantle the tiles in the bathroom in such situations? This is exactly what will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the website, we will talk about how to properly dismantle tiles in the bathroom.

How to remove tiles from a wall: secrets of proper disassembly

Many people know, but how can you carefully remove it later? Agree, shred the tiles on small pieces and everyone can free the wall from it in this way, but not everyone will be able to remove the tile so that it remains intact, and it could later be used, for example, in the country. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, you just need to know how it’s done and show a little skill.

The main thing is to understand that it will not be possible to save 100% of the old tile; our task is to leave it as intact as possible. I will say right away that the success of this enterprise in most cases depends on the quality of the tile laying, the adhesive composition used and its age. Well-laid tiles are difficult to remove; old tiles also do not behave very well when dismantled (they can burst). In general, in any case you will have to try hard.

Which tool should I use?

Now a few words about the tool you will have to deal with; here you can forget about the hammer drill. With its help, it will not be possible to solve the problem of how to carefully remove tiles - even if they do not crack during their separation from the wall, they can break from hitting the floor. To perform such work, the only correct solution would be using a hammer and chisel– it is with their help that the tiles are separated from the wall. In the future, to clean the wall of old mortar or glue, a hammer drill will be for you an indispensable assistant, but for now it’s better to put it aside.

How to carefully remove tiles from the wall photo of using a wallpaper knife to cut a joint between tiles

The process of removing tiles

Now let's move on to the actual process careful dismantling old tiles. To begin with, let's take it in our hands hammer and break one of the tiles - it’s better if it’s the top one. By moving from top to bottom, you reduce the risk of old tiles falling onto your hands or feet - you don’t know how tightly the tiles hold on, do you? There are times when it falls off in layers. In addition, you also need to protect yourself from sharp tile fragments that can damage your eyes and hands - be sure to take care of safety glasses and gloves. In general, you need to protect yourself from such situations.

Power tools speed up the tile removal process, but can only be used for general tile removal

Having broken one of the tiles into splinters, you can move on - we drive the chisel between the tile and the glue and, with careful but strong blows, try to separate the tile from the wall. Observe the behavior of the tile - if, as the chisel sinks, it does not show any signs of movement, then, most likely, at the next blow it will burst, and then the whole operation of carefully removing it will lose its meaning.

Try to hook it from the other side. No? Well, no, and there is no trial - this happens, I warned you that you can’t count on 100% of the old tiles. So we finish it off without any precautions and try to shoot the next one - maybe we’ll be lucky with it, maybe not. Here the card will fall - it is for this reason that most craftsmen do not burden themselves with the safety of old tiles.

Using a grinder, you can quickly carry out the work of separating one tile from general coverage, which makes it possible not to damage adjacent tiles

Basically, according to some signs experienced master able to determine whether it is possible to carefully resolve the issue of how to remove old tiles or not. As mentioned above, many factors come into play here. Even the circumstance in which it is used - if the tile has been flooded by neighbors from above throughout its entire service life, then it will be very difficult to remove it. A sure sign The fact that the tiles can be easily removed and at the same time preserved intact is the presence of so-called coiled (lost on their own) tiles. If there is a void, you need to be careful - such walls can be dismantled in entire layers.

How to carefully remove tiles: drywall and its pitfalls

In most cases the question is how to remove tiles from drywall, is solved quite difficult - it would be more accurate to say that it is not solved at all. The glue adheres so firmly to its surface that the drywall deteriorates along with it. If we talk about one or more tiles, then this can still be fixed - after removing the glue, the damaged section of drywall is cut out and replaced with a new one. But what to do if we are talking about replacing all the tiles in the bathroom laid on drywall? Here you can only rely on luck and not very responsible masters.

In any case, you need to try - the method is the same as described above. A chisel is driven between the glue and the tile, and the tile should fly off on its own. If not, you will have to gnaw it out along with the plaster. At the end dismantling works you will have to assess the damage done to the drywall and decide what to do with it. It might make sense to replace it with a new one. The remaining adhesive on the drywall can also play a role here - you can, of course, remove it, but this process is quite labor-intensive. In fact, you will not have to remove it, but gradually clean it off using special attachments for an angle grinder. Moreover, this must be done very carefully.

The process of removing tiles from drywall in the bathroom

If the tiles were laid on drywall under a comb, then old glue can be left - in such a situation, the walls are primed and covered with a thin layer of mortar, which will hide the unevenness left notched trowel. Special attention with this approach to business, it is worth paying attention to the strength of the old glue - if it crumbles or does not hold well, then the risk that the new tile will not last long is very high.

To conclude this topic, let's look at the question: how to remove glue from tiles? Here you can go two ways - easy and difficult. In one situation, when it comes to just a few tiles, the problem can be solved with a hammer and chisel, and in another case, when there is a need to clean a large number of tiles, it is better to use a special attachment for an angle grinder.

In the case of a hammer and chisel, first It is better to soak the tiles in water at least for 20 minutes, but it is better to immerse it in liquid overnight - after such water procedures, it will separate much easier. As for the attachment for the grinder, it is better not to use it at home, since this work is very dusty. In any case, you will need to purchase a respirator, eye protection glasses and, of course, gloves that will protect your hands from damage.

A hammer drill is the first assistant when removing tiles from large area, if you are not interested in its safety

Finally, a few words about how to remove the old tile in the bathroom in a single copy - I hope you have already realized that such a trick cannot be accurately performed. Even if you manage to remove the desired tile intact, then you will definitely damage the neighboring one - you may not crack it, but chips in such situations are guaranteed!

Removing one old tile without damaging the adjacent ones, without additional processing of the joints between the tiles, is only possible if the tiles were laid recently

To do this, you first need to clean the seams - either a screwdriver or a special knife with replaceable diamond blades will do. When the seam is cleaned, the tile is carefully picked out with a chisel or chisel, and it is better to wrap the tool with electrical tape so that the metal does not chip on the adjacent tile. In any case, when replacing a single tile, make sure you have something to replace another tile.

This is how things stand with the question of how to remove tiles from the wall. How well you can do this depends entirely on your skill and, naturally, on the quality of its installation and the other factors mentioned above.

Watch the video to see how to carefully remove tiles from a bathroom wall without breaking them.

Watch the video that shows the process of removing old tiles during a DIY renovation. How to remove a tile without breaking it video.

The article will discuss issues related to the removal of old tiles. Recommendations and information regarding complete and quick removal coating, as well as careful removal of individual fragments.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of old tiles

IN certain moment the time is coming for a major overhaul cosmetic repairs. This phenomenon does not bypass the tiled flooring either.

Many people, mistakenly, believe that only a master can partially or completely remove old ceramics from walls. However, every owner can do this.

When dismantling is necessary

It may be necessary to dismantle cladding from walls and other surfaces for various reasons:

  • temporary dismantling;
  • replacement of a damaged fragment;
  • partial or complete renovation surfaces;
  • interior renovation.

Dismantling tiles can be done in two main ways: careless and careful removal. In the first case, the material is removed in any available way and turns into garbage, and in the second option, careful dismantling is implied for the purpose of subsequent reuse.

How to carefully remove ceramic tiles from a bathroom wall without damaging them

Dismantling does not always mean complete removal. In some situations, dismantling requires individual fragments, which should be removed carefully without damaging adjacent pieces of tile. The optimal tool To accurately remove ceramic tiles from a bathroom wall, use a hammer and chisel. The chisel can be replaced with a spatula, flat screwdriver, chisel and so on.

It should be understood that when trying to carefully remove the cladding, it is not possible to preserve it in one hundred percent volume. Old tiles and well-laid tiles are difficult to dismantle.

Before you start work, you should make preparations. In addition to the above tools, it is recommended to prudently change into work clothes and use special safety glasses. Also space in work area should be as clear as possible of foreign objects and objects that hinder movement and limit access.

During the dismantling process, tiles can break, split, burst and fall off in layers. Therefore, it is recommended to move from top to bottom, and also take measures to protect the body and surrounding objects from possible fragments.

Use a hammer to break top part to expose the edges of other tiles and test the strength of the adhesive holding them in place. To remove further, you should drive the chisel between the tile and the adhesive layer, and then apply a few careful but strong blows. This should be enough for high-quality and accurate tile removal. Weak or frequent impacts can cause the collapse of a large formation or cracking of the coating.

How to quickly remove old ceramic tiles from the wall in the kitchen and bathroom

In some situations, people are interested in the question of promptly removing old tiles in various rooms.

It should be understood that any option for quick removal implies that the material will deteriorate and become garbage, not suitable for subsequent use.


Those who want to quickly remove old tiles with their own hands may need the following tools:

  • perforator;
  • hammer;
  • bit;
  • chisel.

Is not full list and depending on whether the removal method is manual or automated, the choice of tool will also differ. In this case, in addition to the protective measures mentioned in the previous section, you should also use a respirator.

It should be taken into account that tiles, and especially when manual removal, can be filmed with different levels of difficulty. There are a number of factors that influence this:

  • masonry quality;
  • age;
  • terms of Use;
  • features of the adhesive composition.

How to tear off floor tiles without breaking them

The principle of working with tiles on the floor differs slightly from the actions, requirements and set of tools used to work with vertical surfaces. The main disadvantage and distinguishing point is inconvenient location tools when working.

In case of complete and quick dismantling, all will do available funds. However, if you need to carefully tear the tiles off the floor without breaking them, you will need to make preliminary preparations.

You will need to clean the surface of the adhesive solution, work out the seams and eliminate unevenness using a grinder with a special attachment. After this, you should thoroughly moisten the seams with water and let them sit for several hours to absorb moisture. As a rule, after this the tiles are easily removed and do not collapse.

How to remove tiles from the wall if integrity is not important

If such an issue is resolved, you can use all the recommendations given in point No. 3. However, when roughly removing the tile layer, it should be taken into account that communications may go underneath it. They may receive damage, such as wires or underfloor heating. In some situations, it is also possible to profitable solution will be the involvement of a master.

How to remove residue from the surface

In the case where the tiles are removed in full and not partially, it is obvious that the purpose of this event is to prepare the wall for applying a new coating. Often, even after completely removing the tiles, a considerable layer and traces of glue and mortars remain directly on the wall.

Of course, this layer also needs to be carefully removed and cleaned. This is enough simple task, which can be done with your own hands, using a trowel, spatula, scraper and other similar tools. Before cleaning the residue from the wall, you should go over it with a wet sponge and let it soak in moisture.

The wall surface must be thoroughly and evenly cleaned to ensure uniform distribution and quality of the new coating.

The article provided information sufficient to make every owner feel like a home master and with my own hands was able to carry out complete or local removal of the tiles.

Useful video

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