How to quickly and easily remove pits from cherries? How and with what help you can easily pit cherries.

If there are not a lot of cherries, a meditative method of manual pitting will do. Another interesting way is that you can involve the whole family in the action and have a fun cherry family evening.

You can remove the seeds with the blunt end of a hairpin, a pin eye (not the one that unfastens, but the opposite end), or a paper clip. To do this, the berry is held with two fingers, and the blunt end of the device is threaded into the hole near the stalk. The bone is simply pulled out. If you get used to it, you won't lose that much juice.

Another way is to remove the pit with a sharp stick, for which the cherry is pierced through from the side of the stalk. Frankly speaking, the method is the most unsuccessful. The berry wrinkles and loses a lot of juice.

You can also push the bone out with the same stick, but into the bottle. Put a cherry on the neck empty bottle and push the bone with a stick. The activity itself is original, but the cherry, again, becomes mint and loses its juice.

Semi-mechanical method

The first thing I remember is a kind of metal pistol with a spring, which pushes out the bone with its sharp part. It flies out into a holder with a hole. Also, by the way, a lot of juice was wasted, and at the end of the work, all hands and nearby interior items were splashed with cherry syrup.

Modern devices work on a similar principle, but they hold more cherries. This is a small jar with several tiers and sharp bayonets on inside covers. Berries are placed on the first level on a platform with holes; squeezed bones and juice enter the second level through the holes.

Mechanical method

If you prepare canned cherries on an industrial scale, it makes sense to purchase a special machine. You simply pour the berries in there, and she moves them along a chute to a spring mechanism that knocks out the seeds. They are sorted in one direction, the berries in the other.

There are also expensive electric machines, but these are for real berry production. The cherry, as in the previous case, is poured into the drum, and there it is fixed in a certain way, with the help of a rod it is de-pitted and comes out without it through a separate chute.

Well, if there is no need to keep the cherries whole - for example, you are planning a puree or jelly - just spin the cherries in the blender drum. The ripe pulp is quickly separated from the hard stone.

Bon appetit!

Housewives use cherries to make delicious jam and compotes. But it’s unpleasant to find a large berry seed in a fruit salad, jam or cherry pie while tasting the product. The nucleoli contain hydrocyanic acid, which is dangerous to the human body. Therefore, be sure to remove seeds from the berries if you plan to store the finished cherry product for more than a year.

Removing pits from cherries using improvised means

Use the following methods to manually remove kernels from cherries:

  • use your index finger. It’s very simple - insert it into the hole of the berry where the twig was and carefully remove the seed with your finger. This simple method is not economical. In addition to the kernel, you will squeeze out a lot of pulp from the berry;
  • use a hairpin. Use an arched base to push it into the part of the cherry where the stem was. Use a circular motion to pick up the bone and remove it. The method is fast - in 10 minutes you can process a kilogram of cherries;
  • a paper clip or an ordinary pin. The method for removing the seeds is similar to the method with a hairpin. Place the arched base of the object into the place where the stem of the berry was attached, and remove the seed. If you remove it with a pin, use the part without the fastener;
  • cocktail tube. Carefully poke a small hole with the pipe in the center of the cherry. The seed will instantly pop out from the other side of the tube.

There is a negative point in the methods of extracting seeds manually - your hands become blood red and it is difficult to wash off the cherry juice. Use laundry soap for this. baking soda and a brush.

Cutting out the pits from cherries with a knife

Prepare your knife and cutting board. Wash the cherries and look for a “mark” on all the fruits. This is a small line that resembles a depression. Place the berry, mark side up, on the board.

Carefully place the knife against the mark and apply light pressure until you feel the bone. Gently roll the cherry along the knife blade. Cut the fruit straight along the mark. Juice will begin to come out of the fruit - this is normal. You got two cherry halves. Gently turn them until they separate from the nucleolus.

There are special knives on sale with a loop for removing seeds. Insert the loop into the berry from the side where the branch was. Pick up the kernel and pull it out of the cherry.

Removing pits from cherries using special devices

Use the following tools for this job:

  • special seed remover. Buy the tool from a hardware store. Place each washed cherry in the groove of the remover and lower the lever. The nucleolus is quickly pushed out of the cherry;
  • mechanical machine for extracting seeds. Will help you recycle a large number of berries in a short time. Place the cherries in large quantities in the machine tray. The seedless berries will begin to fall down the groove into a pre-prepared bowl, and the seeds will remain inside the device;
  • garlic press. Prepare a regular model of garlic press with through holes. Place the berry with its attachment point to the branch facing up into the hole located on the handle of the device. Press the handle-pin located on the other side of the device. The berry is pushed into the hole, and the nucleolus is squeezed out.

An interesting method for removing pits from cherries

Prepare a bottle with a narrow neck and a sushi stick, match or cocktail pipe. Place the cherry on the neck of the bottle with its attachment point to the stem facing up. Press it with a stick and pierce the berry. The seed will end up in the bottle, but the berry without it will remain on the bottle.

All of the above methods for removing kernels from cherries are good in their own way. Each housewife chooses the method that is best for her. But you don’t have to remove the seeds from the berries if the shelf life of the cherry compote or jam does not exceed six months.

The summer season is in full swing. We hope you are already enjoying delicious homemade cherries? Well, or, at least, someone else’s “homemade” berries, bought at the market or in the nearest supermarket. And if you are planning cherry desserts this summer, delicious compote or aromatic jam, we advise you to find out how to quickly clean juicy berries from the seeds. And at the same time, do not get your hands dirty. Almost.

Do you love cherries, sweet cherries and all the desserts derived from them, but don’t like breaking your teeth on their hard seeds? We understand perfectly. Especially for such “picky” people, machines have been created that remove the hard core from the berries. But why spend money on a questionably useful device if you can do it yourself? And also quickly, (relatively) neatly and without the need to clean your feet of juice for half an hour? And three will help you with this simple life hacks. Choose which one you like best.

Method one: “bottle”

We recommend this particular cleaning method, because it is the fastest and at the same time “clean”. You will need equipment: a bottle with a narrow neck (cola or, for example, wine) and Chinese chopsticks or a pair plastic straws. And then everything is simple.

Place the berry on the neck and pierce it right through with a stick. The seed falls straight into the bottle, and you are left with a clean and soft berry in your hands. Video below proves how easy and simple it is.

Method two: tweezers

Remove the bone with tweezers. Yes, it's that simple. The advantage of this method is that the berry will remain intact after such an operation.

Method three: paper clip

If you don't have tweezers at hand, a regular paperclip or even a hairpin will also work. Use it like a small spoon to remove the pit. The process will become a little dirtier, but no less effective.

Bon appetit!

A rich fruit harvest is not only joy, but also numerous efforts to process it. Even if you have to buy fruit at the market or in a supermarket, you can’t help but take advantage of the seasonal price drop in order to prepare fruit for the winter or prepare fruit dishes more often.

During the cherry ripening season, the topic of how to remove pits from cherries at home begins to be actively discussed among housewives. Is it necessary to do this and how to do it faster and with minimal losses.

The need to remove pits from cherries

Those who have had personal experience with pit removal know very well how long and painstaking it is.

At the same time, all the most popular cherry dishes turn out much tastier if you don’t have to spit out the pits.

Pies and dumplings with cherries, jelly and jam, the popular “Drunk Cherry” cake and other favorite recipes are impossible without preliminary work for preparing berries.

If berries are frozen for the winter, then removing seeds before freezing can significantly reduce the volume of packaging with berries and save space in the freezer.

There is also a very popular opinion about the dangers of hydrocyanic acid, which is released from the seeds during their heat treatment. Despite the fact that the level of possible danger is not high, no one should risk their health.

Thus, purchased or brought from own garden Cherries must be prepared for further use and pitted.

How to remove pits from cherries at home using improvised means

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that, despite all the methods for removing seeds, this process remains lengthy and loss of juice cannot be avoided.

The simplest way is to cut the berry and remove the seed through the cut site. This method leads to a significant leakage of juice and the shape of the berry is disrupted, i.e. The attractiveness of the prepared dishes is significantly lost.

All other methods involve squeezing the seed out of the berry.

Absolutely manual method, i.e. without the use of auxiliary objects, this is pushing out the seed with your thumbnail, holding the berry with three fingers. This can only be done by those who are not too concerned about the fact that their hands will be stained brown for a long time and considerable effort will be required to clean the skin.

The most popular item used in cherry processing is the safety pin. It is held with a loop towards the berry, the cherry is placed on a pin with the side where the stalk was attached, the seed is picked up and the working tool is pulled out. With proper skill, the hole in the cherry is small and only on one side, the berry retains its appearance and the juice does not flow out too actively. Even housewives experienced in this regard should work on dishes with high sides so that splashes do not scatter throughout the room. The safety pin can easily be replaced with a hairpin of approximately the same size.

Another method is possible, in which the hole is made on both sides of the cherry. In this case, use a cocktail straw. It is easy to pierce the berry and push out the seed from the opposite side. In order to squeeze out a bone from the first puncture, some training will be required.

There is a known method that uses eyebrow tweezers, which are used like tweezers to pierce the skin and grab the bone.

Automated methods for removing pits from cherries

If cherries are one of your favorite fruits and pitting work has to be done annually and in large volumes, then it is worth purchasing a mechanical pitter, a berry “ripper” or a pitting remover.

The most popular models consist of a bowl in which the berry is placed, a lever, when pressed on the berry, the seed is squeezed out.

In various models, the bowl can take the form of a small depression into which the berry must be carefully planted.

The smaller the device, the lower its performance and the greater the loss of time and cherry juice. This device also does not prevent hands from getting dirty. Disadvantages also include damage to the berry and puncture on both sides.

More advanced machines for extracting pits from cherries are designed so that a significant amount of berries can be placed in the bowl at the same time. The design provides that the stone remains in a special compartment of the machine, and the berries roll down the groove into the placed dish. This is the most productive and relatively clean way cherry processing.

The rather high price and one-time need throughout the year reduce popularity mechanical devices and leave primacy to inexpensive and traditional manual methods.

Good luck removing pits from cherries at home!

If you have at least once in your life been able to harvest cherries for future use or use the berries for making desserts and pies, then the question has probably arisen about how to easily pit cherries so that save effort, time and get the desired result. After all, you want the berry to lose less juice and not become too deformed.

Why do you remove pits from cherries?

The pit is removed from the cherry various reasons. Firstly, in order to fully enjoy delicious pie or cherry jam. Just imagine how inconvenient and unesthetic it would be if we began to take out the bones while eating (spitting them out or removing them with our hands).

Secondly, the drupe of the berry contains very harmful hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous. Toxic substances can cause food poisoning if ingested in sufficient quantities.

Third, compote or jam made from peeled cherries is stored longer. How longer term storage, the more toxins will be released from the drupe. Sealing with a stone can be stored for no more than a year, without it - two to three years.

On a note

If your baby accidentally swallows a couple of cherry pits, you don’t have to worry about poisoning. Amygdalin, contained in the nucleolus, is not transformed into hydrocyanic acid so quickly, this requires a certain time, so the bones will leave the intestines earlier naturally. In addition, only a large number of seeds can cause a poisoning reaction.

Methods for pitting cherries

To achieve the goal, all means are good, both improvised and special devices, machines offered by various manufacturers. Let's list the most popular ones.

Most housewives will probably agree with us that pitting cherries is a quite a painstaking and unpleasant process. However, using various simple devices and mechanical devices, it is possible to minimize both temporary losses and associated difficulties.

A missed pit during processing can result in a broken tooth for the eater of delicious cherry delicacies.

The choice is yours which device is better to give preference to.

Craftsmen have learned to independently make mechanical devices for removing pits from cherries. They work on the principle of a ballpoint pen with a spring. To make the device, you need to take a rigid metal (or plastic) tube with a diameter of 22 mm and a length of approximately 7 cm. It is desirable that the metal does not oxidize, so try to find an aluminum tube or of stainless steel. The tube should have a hole for placing the berries, 10 mm in diameter, as well as a pusher (for example, a nail) with a good spring that can push well and rise to the top position. When you press the pusher spring, the bone is removed and the spring returns to its original position.

The devices listed above can also be used for cleaning cherries.

Useful video

Here is another fun DIY mechanism for extracting seeds. Look, everyone can do this.

Good afternoon friends! Cherry time is not just a treat delicious berries, but also the hassle associated with processing the crop. Many questions arise: what to do, how to prepare it. And among them, how to make jam and compotes - with or without a pit. And then, as a consequence, how to remove this very pit from a cherry at home.

This rather troublesome task sometimes forces us to abandon the intended recipe - well, I don’t want to bother! So how can you get rid of your boredom faster? Agree, spitting bones in the family circle is a nice thing. But imagine that guests are doing this together... And even if there are a lot of them...

There is another argument in favor of getting rid of the cherry center. They contain a substance considered toxic to humans. Therefore, jam or compote cannot be stored for long periods of time.

So we sit, picking out bones, cursing everything in the world. We also involve other family members.

How to remove cherry pits

There are several ways to extract berries from the seed at home: manually and with various special devices. By the way, these devices are sometimes not entirely serious. For example, ordinary women's stilettos or a cocktail straw. But, everything is in order...

Manual pitting

The simplest and easiest way to extract cherry kernels is with your hands, literally.

As they say, watch your hands:

  • Pinch the berry with three fingers of one hand, and with the finger of the other, pick up the seed where the stalk is attached. Press slightly with your fingers and push it out of the cherry - the seed will fly out into your palm.

With some skill, the process goes quickly and cheerfully, especially if you involve someone from the household in it. Just be prepared for the fact that the entire surrounding area, including you, will be splashed with cherry juice. Therefore, equip yourself accordingly to protect yourself at least a little, since cherry juice does not wash off well (read how to remove it, including berry juice, here).

But, in my opinion, it is easier and faster to remove cherry pits at home using some available means. The only requirement for them is that there must be a loop at the end. And this is the answer to ordinary women's stilettos or safety pins.

How to remove the core with a pin or hairpin:

  • Take the berry with one hand, and with the other, insert a hairpin or pin into the middle of the berry, in the place where the stalk is attached. Pick up the seed and pull it out in a circular motion.

Other folk remedies for removing seeds

What resourceful craftsmen can do! We used eyebrow tweezers, cocktail straws, a paring knife, and a garlic press. Let's clarify the procedure, pull out cherry pit With their help it won't be difficult.

Attention! With the help of all these simple devices you can simply and easily remove the pits from the cherries.

  1. Paring knife. It is adapted for removing potato eyes, and we will use this opportunity for our own purposes. True, this method there is a drawback: the integrity of the berry will be compromised, but it is great for making jam or filling for baked goods.
  2. Cocktail tube. Press the tube where the twig is attached and pierce the cherry right through. An ordinary match works on the same principle. The disadvantage of this method is that juice splashes in all directions and some of the pulp is lost.
  3. Eyebrow tweezers. I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, but they say that you need to insert them into the berry like a hairpin and turn the core out in a circular motion.

But... all self-respecting housewives who make preparations in large quantities, I think, have long ago acquired special devices for a more civilized extraction of cherry pits at home.

Mechanical cherry pit separator

There are several devices for easily removing the core of berries, one of them is somewhat reminiscent of a garlic press. It consists of a lever and a chute for berries, in which there is a special hole from which the seed will fly out. You need to get used to working with the device, since you will have to insert the cherry with “surgical” precision.

How to delete:

  • Place the berry in the groove, but so that the place where the stalk is attached is on the hole in the groove, and press with the lever - the seed will easily fly out.

The process is much faster than when removing with homemade devices. But there are also some disadvantages: the cherry tingles right through and its integrity is compromised. And this leads to a large loss of juice and pulp. By the way, you will get no less dirty than with all other options.

Automatic cherry pitting machine

If cherries are your favorite berry and preparations in your home are becoming significant, you should think about purchasing a special home automatic pitting machine.

It is easy to use and sets a decent pace. The device is made from food grade plastic. It has a tray for pouring berries and a fairly large container for collecting the extracted seeds. In addition, having a rubberized base, the machine is firmly installed on the countertop. By the way, the cost of the device is not scary; I bought it several years ago for 400 rubles.

How to remove cherry pits:

  1. Place a portion of berries in the tray. Press the squeezer and the cherry, freed from seeds, will roll down the groove into the container. And the bones will fall into another one located inside the device.

An automatic machine has many advantages:

  • Very fast and simple.
  • Clean hands and clothes.
  • Juice losses are insignificant.

Unfortunately, the machine is not ideal, and there are some disadvantages in its operation:

  • The berries lose their integrity - they are pierced through.
  • The machine does not always work well, and some of the berries have to be transferred manually.
  • The seed is not removed from some parts of the cherry and the process will have to be repeated.
  • Sometimes silicone gaskets come off, and without them the machine does not work.

But progress does not stand still, now other models have appeared, take a closer look at them.

All methods for removing cherry pits at home are good in their own way. Choose, and let the extraction process go quickly and easily, and winter preparations will please you from the heart. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Still don’t understand why you did this?

Now we'll tell you.
In fact, this long and monotonous process has an unimaginably deep and serious meaning, no matter how ridiculous the procedure itself may seem to you.

The seed of a cherry or cherry contains the so-called glycoside amygdalin - this is a very dangerous toxic substance. The product of its release is cyanoacetic acid, an excess of which can lead to unpleasant and sometimes sad results.

You cannot be poisoned by amygdalin when eating fresh cherries, with the exception of eating the berry along with its pit.

When canned cherries are stored for more than a year, the cyanoacetic acid formed in its seeds begins to be released, which can easily cause serious poisoning.

However, if you plan to store cherry compote or jam from this berry less than a year, then it is not necessary to remove the seeds.

➤ New: The most effective way if it has long died out. Unique when they are so needed.

Delete manually

In order to get pits from cherries, housewives need everything: from improvised means in the form of standard hairpins to professional household units. Most often, the usual “old-fashioned” method is used - peeling the berries with your own hands, and in the most non-figurative sense.

So how to remove pits from cherries at home? The technology is simple: we pinch the cherry between the middle, index and thumb fingers, then with the nail thumb we pry up the seed in the place where the stalk is attached and push the seed out.

This method is effective because with special dexterity the process is fun and fast: the bone itself flies out into the palm of your hand.
However, there is also a negative nuance in this technique: after such a cherry execution, it will be difficult to get rid of the burgundy berry “blood” on your hands. Although, they say that cherry or cherry juice helps to get rid of it quickly laundry soap, brush and regular baking soda.

If you are too lazy to tinker with cherry seeds in this way, you can use improvised means for this task.

The only condition: this item must have a loop at the end.

➤ Secrets: Useful advice to make you just a king among girls. We found out for you and your husband and put together a universal list.

Safety pins and regular hairpins can easily remove the pit from a cherry. We bring the cherry into their loop (at the place where the stalk is attached), grab the seed and separate it from the pulp.

Craftsmen have gotten used to using an ordinary cocktail straw to squeeze out the pits from cherries. With its help, they simply punch the berry in the center, while the seed pops out from the other side of the tube.

You have to adapt and learn how to remove the seeds from cherries, the video will help you with this.

“Automatic machines” will help you!

As you already understood, manual removal pitting cherries using improvised means is a rather “bloodletting” process.

Therefore, most often, lovers of delicious canned berries use special automatic devices.

Cherry pit remover

We place each cherry separately in the “groove” of the device and lower the lever. At the same time, the bone is rapidly pushed out.

  • The removal process is faster than, for example, with a pin “removal”;
  • There is no need to “catch” the seed - it is definitely eliminated.

  • The cherry should be placed in the separator, as they say, with surgical precision;
  • The berry is pierced through, which worsens its final shape;
  • Large losses of liquid and tender pulp;
  • Soiled hands.
➤ This is cool: Everything about that very quickly and without pain that hurt you. A universal way when he left for another.

Cherry pitting machine

This device is ideal for those people who dream of dealing with a large volume of cherry seeds while maintaining a decent pace of work. Such mechanical devices are simply irreplaceable if you need to process a significant amount of berries.

The cost of such a find is, on average, about 400 - 500 rubles, which is inexpensive if, first of all, you look at its invaluable help in preparing all kinds of delicacies!

The cherries are placed in a large batch, and the ready-made berries go down the chute, jumping into a placed plate. The bones are stored inside the device.

  • Clean hands;
  • The loss of valuable juice is insignificant;
  • Maximum processed cherries - minimum time.

Cherry is one of the most unpretentious berries. Everyone has been familiar with the taste of jam and refreshing compote since childhood. Everyone remembers how they helped their grandmother or mother remove seeds from berries. This long and tedious procedure plays an important role, since the stone contains a toxic substance, the excess of which can cause health problems.

The harmful product begins to be released from the seed after a year of preservation. Thus, if the seeds are not removed, the compote or jam should not be stored for a long time.

How to manually remove pits

To remove pits from cherries, both improvised means and specialized devices are used. But most often it is used old method manual cleaning. The technology is simple: the berry is pinched with the thumb, index and middle fingers. After this, use your thumbnail to pry up the bone. It is necessary to push out the seed at the point where the stalk attaches. This requires some skill; after a few attempts, the bones will quickly fly out.

In addition, when peeling cherries manually, you can use the following method. You need to slightly tear the berry at the base, and get close to the seed with your finger, removing it.

Removing seeds manually has the disadvantage that it is difficult to wash your hands. The burgundy berry bloom is absorbed deep into the skin. To get rid of traces of cherries, you can use baking soda, a brush and laundry soap.

Many housewives use a safety pin or hairpin to clean berries. To do this, insert the cherry into the loop of the pin from the side where the stalk is attached, pick up the seed and separate it from the soft part. If you don’t have a hairpin on hand, you can use a regular paper clip and follow the same principle.

You can also use matches. To do this, you need to stick two matches into the cherry, squeeze tightly on both sides of the pit and pull it out, picking it up.

There is a technology that uses a cocktail straw. The berry should be punched from the center so that the seed appears on the opposite side of the tube. This method requires some skill.

How to quickly remove seeds

To peel cherries when making dumplings, you can slowly test the listed methods, but if you need to remove a large number of seeds, then it is recommended to familiarize yourself with faster options.

An excellent way to quickly remove pits is to use scissor-shaped eyebrow tweezers. To do this, you need to grab the bone and pull it up, twisting it a little. With practice, you can cleanse in a short time required quantity berries

It is easy to remove the pits by pressing the cherry with your thumb and forefinger. At the same time, you should not pinch the place where the stalk attaches, because the seed should jump out from there. The downside of the process is that splashes may fly away, so it is recommended to wear an apron and cover the table with oilcloth.

In addition, the seeds are removed using wooden sticks or knitting needles. To do this, you need to press on the berry where the stalk joins, and the seed will pop out from the opposite side. In this case, a large loss of juice also occurs.

Each housewife determines a method that is convenient for her and adapts, since canning requires quite a lot of cherries. Some options will help you quickly peel ripe or small fruits, while others will allow you to remove the pits from medium-sized cherries.

Devices for removing cherry pits

For high-quality cleaning of berries, you can purchase a special machine for removing pits from cherries. The device is designed to make the monotonous process easier. This device capable of handling a large volume of berries in a short time. Similar mechanical device will become a great assistant when you need to peel a lot of cherries.

The principle of operation of the machine is that cherries are placed in large batches, cleaned, and the finished berries go down a chute, ending up in a substitute container. And the bones are collected inside the device.

TO positive characteristics include the fact that the hands remain clean, the loss of juice is completely insignificant, a large volume of cherries is cleared in a short time. The downside is that the berries often need to be transferred manually by opening the machine. In addition, the cherry is pierced through. Some silicone elements of the device jump off from time to time, stopping operation. Sometimes processed berries may remain unpeeled.

An equally well-known device is the seed remover. The berry is placed in the groove, after which the lever should be lowered and the seed is pushed out. This process is much faster than manual. Negative indicators: each cherry must be placed with special precision in the separator; hands get dirty when working, and juice is lost.

It is known that cherry pits contain hydrocyanic acid, a toxic substance that, when ingested in large quantities, causes poisoning. Therefore, no matter how uninteresting the extraction of seeds may be, they need to be removed, especially if the compote or jam is planned to be stored in jars for more than a year. In this difficult matter, all means will only help. How to remove pits from cherries manually without special devices To get rid of pits as quickly as possible, the whole family, including children, is involved in the process of removing them. In this case, the simplest and most common way is to extract them manually. How to quickly remove pits from cherries without help special devices? Everything is elementary: forefinger is pushed into the hole where the twig was attached, and with its help the bone

This method, although considered simple and not requiring the purchase or preparation of special devices, is completely uneconomical. With your fingers, in addition to the pit, you squeeze out a large amount of cherry pulp and juice. In addition, after this procedure, your hands remain red for a long time from cherry juice. Therefore, in order to efficiently remove pits from cherries at home, it is better to use other, more rational ways. Using a hairpin Every woman in her home should have a simple hairpin. With it you can quickly and easily least losses, in the form of cherry juice and pulp, remove the pits from the cherries.

The pin is inserted with an arched base into the part of the berry where the twig was located. The bone, in a circular motion, clings to the base and is pulled out with a hairpin. In this way, you can easily and quickly process large quantities of cherries. But still, it will take at least 10 minutes to peel one kilogram of berries.

Pin or paperclip? An alternative to a pin is a regular safety pin and a paper clip. Their operating principle is the same. The arched base of a pin or pin is inserted into the hole of the cherry in the place where the stem was attached, and the pit is pulled out. It should be noted that you need to use not the part of the pin where the fastener is located, but the opposite one.

Mechanical cherry pitter Since it is quite difficult to remove pits from cherries manually, special mechanical devices were invented to make the work of housewives easier. Outwardly they look different, but the principle of operation is the same for all. The cherry pitting machine is designed as follows. Each berry is placed separately in a special place with a through hole, after which the seed is pushed out with simple pressure. This method has undoubted advantages. Firstly, in order to pull out the bone, you do not need to catch it with a hairpin, pin or fingers. In any case, it will be squeezed out of the berry. Secondly, even in such a matter as removing pits from cherries, skill is needed, and with the help of this device it will take very little time to carry out this action.

That mechanical method getting rid of pits, like all the previous ones, has several visible disadvantages. Each berry must be placed evenly into the separator with the stem facing up. In addition, your hands end up dirty anyway. Plus, with this removal of seeds there is loss in the form of pulp and juice. Today, the only true alternative to previously proposed methods is to remove the seeds using special device, designed for a large volume of berries. Special machine for removing cherry pits To process a large volume of berries at home, a special mechanical device for removing pits “Cherry” is suitable. It is made of food-grade plastic. It has a tray into which berries intended for processing are poured and a container for the removed seeds. The finished peeled berries fall into a container placed next to the device. The main advantage of such a device is that it minimizes hand contact with the juice. The cherry pitting machine has a rubberized backing on the bottom, which allows it to be firmly fixed on the table. This is very convenient compared to other devices that need to be held in your hands. How to pit cherries? Clean, dried berries are placed in a tray located at the top of the device. Now, with one click on the ejector, the processed ready-made cherries are poured through the groove into a substitute container, and the seeds end up in the container at the bottom of the device.

The use of a special machine for processing pitted cherries allows for the most efficient use free time, since this method is the most effective and efficient. Large industries use automatic machines for processing berries. They are designed to remove seeds from large volumes of cherries (up to 90 kg per hour). Such heavy machines are not used at home. How to make your own device for removing pits? Many craftsmen prefer not to buy an expensive device, but to make it themselves, especially since the principle of their operation is the same. With its help you can quickly remove the pits from cherries. The device is made of a tube with a diameter of 22 mm and a wall width of no more than 1 mm. It can be metal, such as aluminum, stainless steel or plastic. It is important that the metal used to make the pipe does not oxidize, as this can affect the taste of the berries. The spring can be taken from a mechanical toy. It should ensure soft operation of the device: push well and quickly rise to the reverse position. A homemade machine consists of a small pipe about 7 cm long and 22 mm in diameter, a special hole with a diameter of 10 mm where the berry will be placed, and a pusher with a spring, which can be used as a regular nail. The principle of operation of such a device resembles ballpoint pen, working on a spring. With one press of the pusher, the pit is squeezed out of the cherry, after which it returns to its original position. All the methods proposed above for removing pits from cherries are effective in their own way. In this case, each housewife will choose the most suitable optimal option for herself.

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