How to deal with your bad character? Complex character - how to re-educate yourself.

When parents discover a number of not the most enviable traits in their children, they say: “Who is he born like that?” When children with this cliché grow up, those around them begin to assign another label - bad character. But if we believe that the world acquires colors only because we color it to suit our mood, then how can a character be good or bad?

We can talk endlessly about what a bad character is, because each of us has his own list of the most terrible traits that for him are reunited in a bad character.

But most often, people with this property are prone to outbursts of aggression, from any “analysis of concepts” they switch to the tone of a quarrel, scandal and screaming. It’s impossible to talk to them, it’s just scary to talk to them – how to predict when the next explosion will happen.

In psychology

Psychologists who understood this phenomenon not only gave a definition of what bad character means, but also revealed the reason for its occurrence. As it turned out, the cliché “born” was not accidental. True, a child is not born with a bad character, which, according to popular beliefs, is allegedly transmitted genetically, but absorbs it in the process of growth and development.

Thus, children who were lucky enough to be born in dysfunctional families, where parents constantly argue, quarrel, sort out relationships, and, in the end, separate, will certainly become the owners of a bad character.

Firstly, the reason is that in childhood, when the nervous system is actively developing, the child cannot abstract himself from domestic quarrels. He takes them to heart, worries and greatly exhausts his nerves.

In the future, such an exhausted nervous system will manifest itself in a person’s lack of restraint, aggressiveness, and conflict.

Secondly, children are trying to figure out who is to blame. And divorced (or not divorced) parents only make everything worse by antagonizing the child with stories of “How evil and not good your dad is. You won’t be like this when you grow up, will you?” As a result, one of the parents is the culprit in the eyes of the child, and the child harbors a deep grudge, which will be his psychological complex all his life, poisoning his life.

And thirdly, children among their acquaintances behave like their “role models” - parents. If parents argue at home, the child will behave in the same unrestrained way with friends and at school, and then in adult life.

Often parents, not realizing their guilt, puzzle over how to understand the bad character of their child. But in fact, this character would not have emerged if not for their own efforts to find who is to blame in the house.

You can fight a bad character. You need to learn to relax, attend psychotrainings, group classes, allow yourself pleasure, and thereby become more supportive of other people.

    It is useless to fight a bad character if you are already an established and accomplished person. After all, character does not come from nowhere, and therefore does not go anywhere. It is shaped by your experiences, your views, your upbringing, the influence of your environment. It can change under the influence of some factors, for example, illness of yourself or someone close to you, a shocking event, or simply over time and a change in the environment in which you exist.

    Fighting with yourself is stupid to say the least.

    And you have to learn to live with a bad character. Live in a society where there are rules. Live in peace and harmony with loved ones. And in the end, in harmony with yourself.

    How? You have already done half the work, having realized that it is your character that is bad, and not everyone around you has conspired and is trying to contradict and resist you. And the rest is a matter of technology. Just learn in time to realize the correctness of your behavior and write out stops for yourself, realizing that you are doing this for your own good.

    If you are still a developing personality, then a bad character may be a temporary phenomenon associated with the uncertainty of life’s principles, ambition, maximalism and idealism, which do not fit well into the generally accepted picture of life. This will definitely pass with age and experience. The most important thing is to understand the direction of your development.

    How did you determine? 🙂

    Very simple.

    1. The question is simple, clear and no frills.
    2. If a person is aware of his sin (and who among us is without it?) and tries to deal with it, he is not such a sinner.

    On the contrary, those who are truly sinful do not ask such questions. 🙂

    To get even worse...

    Fight fire with fire. Beast so much that you yourself feel sick. Swear, use foul language, don’t let anyone pass or live. Bring it all to perfection until it gets worse and at one fine moment you will realize that everything is in vain and you will feel unprecedented fatigue from all this. Well, then make a list of what’s wrong, you’ll see yourself from the outside, and you’ll begin to correct yourself everywhere. So, over time, if you don’t fail, you will change. It takes a lot of willpower.

    Option 2. A good, beautiful life partner. If you don’t want to lose her, then you start listening to her, and she should pull you back. Don't lose your temper. Force yourself to change. Another year of torment and you look better.

    But being good is much more difficult than being bad.

    If a person has already developed, then it is useless to fight, you can only correct it with the help psychological trainings.

    You need to love yourself for who you are, just sometimes be able to tell yourself to stop, pull yourself together and not do something that harms others.

    More often put yourself in someone else's place and you will be able to see yourself from the outside, and correct something on your own.

    The easiest way is to try to stop drinking!

    It is practically impossible to fight it radically, since the more you fight, the more you control, and therefore you strain, which then only leads to breakdowns that exacerbate your most negative traits.

    Treat your character with irony, understanding and recognition of your own perfection and try to do two good deeds for each of your bad actions towards this or that person, then in the exchange of these actions, you will win on points.

    Character is the sum of habits, that is, when a person is born, he has only two habits, these are mother and tit, over time a person grows and gains habits, good or bad, or all mixed up, so you get a little man, but you can and even have to fight, you You’ve probably heard that when people get tired of a tattoo, they change it to another one or remove it, so a habit is formed when these actions are repeated frequently, and when there are 2 thousand repetitions, then this is already a very strongly compacted habit, so you need to stop doing what you don’t like and replace it with a positive habit, for example, you drank coffee in the morning and sat down at the computer, and now you need to drink clean water in the morning and do exercises, something like this, I hope I explained it clearly, good luck to you...

    Analyze and identify all your worst character traits and constantly fight against these traits.

    But also remember that there are no ideal people and our shortcomings are a continuation of our advantages, and a person’s character and temperament are laid down from birth and it is quite difficult to re-educate an adult.

    Take and fight. . .

    Wrestle to the point of complete exhaustion, using and applying techniques of sambo, judo, jujutsu and aikido, as well as appropriate and appropriate techniques of freestyle and classical wrestling.

    Fight as hard as you can, at the same time realizing that all this struggle, with your tricky character, is completely useless.

    For, your nasty and disgusting character has long been absorbed into your flesh and blood, becoming your second self. .

    However, in my opinion, there is one thing that is, in fact, a miracle cure.

    To be more precise and accurate, it is an operation. . .

    An operation during which certain parts of the brain are removed.

    It is simple and unpretentious and changes everything and absolutely everyone. . .

    And it's called a lobotomy.

    The first step in the fight against bad character is to understand that the character is bad. You have already taken this step, because you have decided to change your character.

    Learn to restrain yourself, do not raise your voice, do not express irritation and do not live by the principle that there are only two opinions: one is mine, the other is wrong. Learn to listen carefully to people, always remember their right to have their own opinion.

    Don't get involved in disputes. Life itself will put everything in its place.

    Never gossip or judge other people.

    Take a neutral position towards people more often, do not express your opinion out loud about what is happening, no matter how much you would like it.

    Read books on personal growth and self-improvement. Communicate with successful people without envying them, but by absorbing their positive experiences.

    Learn to be tolerant of other people. Try to help people, regardless of your opinion about them.

    Always think positively and be positive. Smile!

    Say as many words of gratitude as possible.

    Always remember that you want to change, and you will succeed!

    Tested for myself.

It is not uncommon to hear someone described as having a “bad character.” Someone hears this unflattering epithet addressed to themselves. But what does this definition mean? How to figure out what character is considered bad, and is it bad to have such a character?

Most people quite clearly imagine the main differences between temperaments, but clarity disappears as soon as the conversation turns to the concept of a person’s character.

The very fact of its presence is considered positive. A person with “character” is spoken of respectfully, as if he were the owner of something valuable. We contemptuously speak of a weak-willed person who is inclined to obey as “spineless.”

Is this statement true? After all, it would be much more logical to call such a person the owner of a gentle character. Let's figure it out , what character is, what it is like and what to do with it.

The word “character” itself, like its related “characteristic”, defines persistent, constantly expressed personality traits, a certain pattern in behavior and relationships with other people. Thus, we come to understand that the source of dissatisfied statements about a person’s character is his behavior and attitude towards other people. It turns out that this issue lies entirely in the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

Bad character: how to understand what it means

When thinking about how to understand a person who believes that you have a bad character, you should first drive away all unnecessary emotions, free your mind, detach yourself from the situation and try to look at it from the outside.

Logically, it is not difficult to find out what exactly irritates the slanderer. These can be either truly unsightly behavior patterns or fictitious nagging caused by anything: the aroma of eau de toilette, the color of clothing or the shape of the nose. Therefore, you should not rush to correct your behavior to please everyone who is dissatisfied.

Having suppressed your indignation, you need to clearly and specifically determine for yourself which pranks, innocent in your opinion, are real shortcomings and require work on yourself, and which of your characteristics demonstrate the unique individuality of the individual.

Weigh whether the opinions of others are so important to you, whether the game is worth the candle, and whether you are ready to seriously work on yourself for the sake of public opinion.

Here a lot depends on the specific situation. For example, a tendency to be a little late may be perceived by you as an unimportant habit, but to another person it may seem like a clear sign of disrespect.

Therefore, when reproached for unpunctuality, someone who has waited an extra five minutes may receive a sharp response and, quite rightly, consider your character to be bad. The opposite is also true: a despotic boss accustomed to command, having received a well-founded protest, will also be dissatisfied with you.

On the shaky ground of relationships, it can be difficult to maintain a cool head. In this matter, emotionality is the main obstacle. You should not make hasty conclusions about yourself or others. Wait until the excitement subsides, take a piece of paper and calmly, judiciously distinguish for yourself the two most important components of communications.

The first part is yourself. How well you know yourself, how clearly you see the boundaries of your inner essence, your true self, depends on how easy it will be for you to prevent strangers from entering the protected corners of your soul.

Determine the most important values ​​for yourself, those that under no circumstances should be sacrificed for the desires of others. Don't be too strict: like any person, you have the right to change your life priorities from time to time.

Write the date on the piece of paper. You will be curious to re-read and add to the resulting portrait after a year or two.

The second part is your social circle. Here you need to highlight the people most dear to you. People for whom you are ready to make concessions and changes. It’s also a good idea to note what steps you expect from these people. You cannot allow even your most loved ones to exploit your good attitude.

Only mutual knowledge, respectful cooperation and willingness to make mutual concessions will allow you to create harmonious, good relationships with loved ones.

Don't expect quick results. It is quite possible that you will have to repeatedly rewrite these lists, check internal boundaries and weigh your relationships with others. There is good news: this activity is quite exciting and has undoubted benefits both in self-knowledge and in building relationships.

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Everyone's understanding of bad character is different. Absolutely all people, without exception, have both positive and negative character traits. For some, some of them will seem unbearable, and others will not even be noticed right away, so it is difficult to give a clear and specific definition of badness. But one can tell about predisposition to certain qualities by the zodiac sign to which a person belongs.

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What is bad character?

A bad character is usually called a set of negative qualities in a person that makes communication with him unbearable.

As already mentioned, what exactly these traits are is impossible to say, since all people are guided by different parameters. But most often, the following characteristics are attributed to men and women with bad character:

  • hot temper;
  • selfishness;
  • denial of someone else's opinion;
  • impoliteness;
  • coarseness;
  • familiarity;
  • disrespect for other people;
  • impudence;
  • annoying;
  • demandingness;
  • waywardness;
  • irresponsibility.

Usually such people behave very unceremoniously, impolitely, and quickly tire you with their behavior. Communication, friendship, any interpersonal relationships are a great difficulty. A man or woman can often ignore other people's requests, opinions, be vindictive, cocky, behave ugly or provocative.

Characteristics of the negative qualities of each zodiac sign

It cannot be said that any particular zodiac sign has a bad character. Each of them is prone to certain traits, but they manifest themselves to varying degrees.

All representatives of zodiac symbols may differ in some ways, have some personal characteristics that will irritate someone, and someone may even like:

Zodiac sign Characteristics and description
AriesAries are characterized by importunity, narcissism, selfishness, and tediousness. They can talk about themselves and their affairs for hours without asking about the situation of their interlocutor. Can offend a person with a cruel joke, excessive rudeness, familiarity, or indifference to the problem
TaurusTaurus people love to gossip and discuss the affairs of others when it has nothing to do with themselves. They are characterized by hoarding, which sometimes transforms into pettiness and meanness. Trusts only himself, often puts psychological pressure on family members and friends
TwinsInfantile, irresponsible, unpredictable in actions and emotions. Geminis love to argue about things they don't understand. They express their advice and opinions even when no one asks them for it.
CancerCancers can be overly touchy and vindictive. Old ill-wishers are remembered forever. They love to argue and insist on their own opinion. Prone to reflection and sudden mood changes
a lionLeos are lazy, proud, and narcissistic. It is important for them that everyone respects and listens to them. People are characterized by cunning, arrogance, extortion, psychological pressure on loved ones and family members
VirgoBoring, conservative, boring. Many people get bored with them. Virgos are often stingy, picky, and vindictive.
ScalesLibras are often childish and think of themselves much better than they really are. They tend to make promises and then not keep them. May be forgetful, inattentive, and unfocused on important matters
ScorpionVery often they are provocateurs, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. It is almost impossible to build a marriage with them - they often cheat, lie, and betray. In addition, Scorpios are very boastful, lustful, and obsessive.
SagittariusSagittarians love to create problems out of nowhere. They also tend to give unsolicited advice and express their opinions to everyone they meet. Often tiresome with their behavior
CapricornCapricorns often cling to little things, put a lot of pressure on loved ones, find fault, and express their advice and wishes. They strive for leadership, but do not have a strong character. They often have complexes and like to feel sorry for themselves
AquariusThese people love to lie and deceive, although their deception is obvious to everyone. They don’t know how to save money and save at all; they forget about their debts. Aquarians also often break their promises.
FishPisces love to present themselves in a better light than they really are. They always want to discuss someone, get into their personal lives, ask about personal things. They often deceive, dissemble, lie even to close people

You can understand that a person has a bad, repulsive character only by personally communicating with him. You should not draw conclusions about certain zodiac signs prematurely.

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