Why do you dream of Evil Spirits in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see Evil Spirits? Why does the devil dream - for good or evil? Evil spirits in a dream.

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind.
  • Emotions - doubts, sadness, fear, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.
The image of evil spirits is one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, then the result will be a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean.

Over time, in the archetype of thinking, evil spirits underwent a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet (see article Amulet): it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits.

In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living.

Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses.

Evil spirits really exist: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger, and the like suck the health out of people. According to the physical law of the transition of any energy into another quality, our inadequate emotions return to us as someone else’s destructive emotions. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once, get irritated, get scared... The circle is closed: we are back again to the immoderate emotions that distort the human psyche.

Dream of evil spirits (witch, vampire, goblin, other life-threatening monsters)- external vision of the pathology of the internal state, where there are stagnations and blocks of energy yin.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream with fear (witch, etc.)- in the image of evil spirits in a dream, internal blocks of energy and depression hidden from oneself appeared. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before himself in the image of an evil spirit, or that the situation around himself created by him caused such an image.

The dream speaks of serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded with disturbing pathological energy yin, which does not find a way out in actions, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer have long been inadequate to reality. Scary dreams are probably accompanied by the collapse of business and personal relationships. There is a severe need to pay attention to your psycho-emotional sphere, try to understand everything that is happening as a pattern of your own actions and moderate your ambitions and emotions.

With fear of seeing evil spirits in a dream in a cemetery (dreaming about it) or in the form of deceased relatives- the dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is located in the cemetery. The burials were carried out incorrectly, or any obligations to the deceased were not fulfilled, perhaps not by the dreamer himself, but by common relatives.

You should not spare time and money to correct the situation. And the matter is urgent: the dream indicates that the kidneys (left kidney) have already been seriously damaged.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream and not being afraid-favorable: the energy leaks that have taken place have already been restored by the body as a result of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer.

This dream could also mean someone else’s ill will, but it passed by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions and had nothing to cling to. Still, you should slow down the pace of movement forward a little and take a closer look at those around you.

The image of evil spirits in a dream can mean the depression of the sleeper, which he hides from himself. It is possible that the situation around a person in reality imposes similar dreams on him. First of all, you need to understand what actually worries the sleeper the most.

What if you dream of evil spirits?

A person who sees evil spirits in a dream may have serious problems with the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart and spleen. This happens when the organs are overloaded with negative pathological energy.

A person sleeping in reality is subject to bad emotions: anger, envy, malice, and all his intentions and plans are inadequate to reality. To get rid of diseases and such dreams, you need to change your views on the world around you and cleanse yourself of negativity.

When wondering why evil spirits are dreamed of, it is worth remembering that the appearance of evil spirits in a dream may also indicate that a person in reality has ill-wishers. They cannot cause harm, since the sleeper does not experience similar emotions towards them.

But still, you need to take a closer look at your surroundings and refrain from making dubious acquaintances. You should not get involved in financial adventures, as the profit obtained in this way will not bring happiness.

If a person sees evil spirits in a cemetery in a dream or it appears in the form of deceased relatives, it means that some obligations to the deceased have not been fulfilled by the sleeping person or the relatives. The situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible.

Seeing evil spirits in a dream, but not being afraid of it, means that the ill-wisher wanted to harm the sleeping person in some way, but he failed to do so. After such a dream, you need to carefully look at your colleagues and acquaintances.

If an evil spirit, appearing in a dream, caused strong fear, it means that a quick collapse is possible in business and personal relationships.

The appearance of an old and evil witch in a dream foreshadows sadness or some unexpected and very confusing situation. Most likely, the trouble will be associated with the elderly woman.

The young witch predicts disappointment in love for the sleeper. For a man, such a dream promises a cooling of his beloved woman, and for a woman - family problems and confusion in business. It is likely that a rival in love will appear.

What does it portend?

If a woman sees herself in the role of a witch in a dream, it means that she needs to be more careful in her deeds and actions and should not get involved in adventures. It is very important to learn to be careful when communicating with people and soberly assess the situation.

The appearance of a werewolf in a dream may foreshadow the betrayal of a loved one. In the near future, you should not trust even those closest to you. A werewolf can also mean an unexpected turn in business.

If you dream of a brownie who has settled in a dwelling, it means that the sleeping person’s lifestyle is incorrect. You need to seriously think about your actions. Chasing away a brownie in a dream can promise changes in life. Conversing with a brownie in a dream means various troubles in real life. To improve life, the sleeper needs to change, first of all, himself.

A dream in which evil spirits are present is a warning to a person. They are trying to tell the sleeper that the fun that will soon follow in reality can lead to disappointment, humiliation and resentment. Also, communication with evil spirits in a dream leads to wealth, which is acquired dishonestly.

Evil spirits, appearing to a person in a dream, are an expression of his inner state. In this case, you need to think about your actions, thoughts and feelings. Perhaps the sleeper offends someone in real life on purpose or by accident.

Different dream books interpret differently what evil spirits mean in dreams. Dream interpreters are unanimous on one thing: a character seen in a dream serves as a warning of impending danger. The symbol draws attention to certain circumstances that can gradually turn into a big problem and indicates to the dreamer his weaknesses.

What caused the image

In the interpretation of dreams, several reasons are mentioned why devils appeared in dreams. Azar's Dream Book believes that in an effort to get pleasure, the dreamer sometimes forgets not only about prudence, but also about his own safety.

Another explanation for why evil spirits appeared in a dream indicates the ambition and thirst for power of the sleeper. If the images you see cause fear, perhaps you have come under the influence of a very strong personality and are forced to play by someone else's rules.

Danilova’s interpretation of why demons appeared in a dream may be somewhat puzzling. You experience such all-consuming fear, fatigue and hopelessness that you are ready to seek protection from the devil himself.

In different guises

According to the interpretation of dreams, otherworldly entities do not always take material forms; they can also be invisible. They appear when the dreamer is at odds with himself and is tormented by internal contradictions and doubts.

If the invisible substance does not cause fear, the dream foreshadows a favorable combination of circumstances, which is greatly facilitated by your positive, confident attitude.

Sometimes evil spirits take the form of deceased relatives and friends. The dream book believes that there is a feeling of guilt here that you feel before the deceased. Visit the grave or commemorate according to tradition.

When a werewolf comes in nightmares, the dream book advises you to beware of two-faced people in real life. The witch symbolizes wisdom and, at the same time, deceit. If you happen to see yourself as an easily recognizable mystical character, perhaps in reality you lack the characteristic abilities with which they are endowed.

Visiting the evil spirits

If in a dream you find yourself locked in a house alone with evil spirits, Miller’s dream book reassures you that in reality you are not alone. Help will come from where you didn't expect it.

The modern dream book considers it a bad omen to be in the house of evil spirits. If a woman dreams of an evil spirit in the guise of a charming man inviting her to his place, in reality she should beware of temptations and be careful in communicating with the opposite sex.

Information about why you dream about how evil spirits ended up in the sleeper’s house can be found in Hasse’s dream book. The symbol, frankly speaking, is unfavorable for those involved in agriculture. There is a high probability of crop failure and livestock diseases.

Vanga’s prophecy also mentions why one dreams of evil spirits coming to visit. According to the seer, this is a harbinger of incredible luck. By expressing disrespect in a dream, you risk falling into the clutches of vanity, thereby alienating your friends.

There is another interpretation of dreams, which means a dream about the visit of evil spirits. The dream warns that now is not the right time to let strangers into your home, into your secrets and into your life.


If you dreamed of being strangled by evil spirits, the symbol represents attempts in reality to free yourself from the oppressive influence, unfavorable conditions, and change your lifestyle.

The dream book warns that the plot in which a brownie is strangled may be inspired by real-life problems with the respiratory tract. If something like this repeatedly visits you in a dream, it may make sense to undergo a medical examination.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Communicating with evil spirits means wealth, which you will acquire through criminal means and subsequent exposure.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Image of evil spirits- one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, he will become a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean. Over time, in the archetype of thinking, evil spirits underwent a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet: it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits. In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living. Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses.
  • Evil spirits- really exists: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger and the like suck health out of people. According to the physical law of the transition of any energy into another quality, our inadequate emotions return to us as someone else’s destructive emotions. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once, get irritated, get scared... The circle is closed: we are back again to the immoderate emotions that distort the human psyche. Dreaming of evil spirits (witch, vampire, goblin, other life-threatening monsters) is an external vision of the pathology of the internal state, where there are stagnations and blocks of yin energy.
  • Seeing evil spirits in a dream with fear (witch, etc.)- in the image of evil spirits in a dream, internal blocks of energy and depression hidden from oneself appeared. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before himself in the image of an evil spirit, or that the situation around himself created by him caused such an image. The dream speaks of serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded with the disturbing pathological energy of yin, which does not find a way out in actions, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer have long been inadequate to reality. Scary dreams are probably accompanied by the collapse of business and personal relationships. There is a severe need to pay attention to your psycho-emotional sphere, try to understand everything that is happening as a pattern of your own actions and moderate your ambitions and emotions.
  • With fear of seeing evil spirits in a dream in a cemetery (dreaming about it) or in the form of deceased relatives- the dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is located in the cemetery. The burials were carried out incorrectly, or any obligations to the deceased were not fulfilled, perhaps not by the dreamer himself, but by common relatives.
  • Seeing evil spirits in a dream and not being afraid- favorable: the energy leaks that have taken place have already been restored by the body as a result of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer. This dream could also mean someone else’s ill will, but it passed by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions and had nothing to cling to. Still, you should slow down the pace of movement forward a little and take a closer look at those around you.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind.
  • Emotions - doubts, sadness, fear, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • The image of evil spirits is one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, then the result will be a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean. Over time, in the archetype of thinking, the evil spirit experienced a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet (see Amulet): it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits. In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living. Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses. Evil spirits really exist: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger, and the like suck the health out of people. According to the physical law of the transition of any energy into another quality, our inadequate emotions return to us as someone else’s destructive emotions. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once, get irritated, get scared... The circle is closed: we are back again to the immoderate emotions that distort the human psyche. Dreaming of evil spirits (witch, vampire, goblin, other life-threatening monsters) is an external vision of the pathology of the internal state, where there are stagnations and blocks of yin energy. To see evil spirits in a dream with fear (a witch, etc.) - in the image of evil spirits in a dream, internal blocks of energy and depression hidden from oneself appeared. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before himself in the image of an evil spirit, or that the situation around himself created by him caused such an image. The dream speaks of serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded with the disturbing pathological energy of yin, which does not find a way out in actions, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer have long been inadequate to reality. Scary dreams are probably accompanied by the collapse of business and personal relationships. There is a severe need to pay attention to your psycho-emotional sphere, try to understand everything that is happening as a pattern of your own actions and moderate your ambitions and emotions. In a dream, with fear, seeing evil spirits in a cemetery (dreaming about it) or in the form of deceased relatives - the dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is located precisely in the cemetery. The burials were carried out incorrectly, or any obligations to the deceased were not fulfilled, perhaps not by the dreamer himself, but by common relatives. You should not spare time and money to correct the situation. And the matter is urgent: the dream indicates that the kidneys (left kidney) have already been seriously damaged. Seeing evil spirits in a dream and not being afraid is favorable: the energy leaks that have taken place have already been restored by the body as a result of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer. This dream could also mean someone else’s ill will, but it passed by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions and had nothing to cling to. Still, you should slow down the pace of movement forward a little and take a closer look at those around you.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Evil Spirit

  • Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood.
  • Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind.
  • Emotions - doubts, sadness, fear, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, stomach, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • The image of evil spirits is one of the most ancient archetypes of human thinking. The idea of ​​evil spirits was formed similarly and together with the symbolism of the amulet/idol/amulet, only with a different sign: the amulet protects a person from the elemental forces of nature, and the evil spirits tried to destroy him. For a better idea of ​​danger, man gave his own characteristics to natural phenomena: if a person becomes overgrown with branches and moss, then the result will be a goblin - a creature intermediate between the element of the forest personified by the tree and man. The power of such mutants was unclear: where did it come from? They called her unclean. Over time, in the archetype of thinking, the evil spirit experienced a substitution of meaning similar to an amulet (see Amulet): it became more necessary for a person to protect himself from the evil thoughts and deeds of other people than from natural phenomena. And all the incomprehensible, but successful actions of the enemies were attributed to the help of evil spirits. In the East they believe that properly buried bodies of ancestors supply energy to descendants for a long time and the clan prospers. Incorrect burials, not performed with love, absorb energy into themselves, and the race fades away. The laws of energy circulation between Heaven and Earth are the same in the East and in the West: improper burials prevent descendants from living. Let's add here the sick, frustrated imagination of a weakened person, and the picture of the emotional creation of a non-existent reality will be complete. The main problem is that, once emotionally created, it strives to acquire a material form - to be incarnated. A situation similar to the fact that immaterial emotional intemperance leads to severe and material physical illnesses. Evil spirits really exist: like an evil invisible force, irritation, malice, inappropriate anger, and the like suck the health out of people. According to the physical law of the transition of any energy into another quality, our inadequate emotions return to us as someone else’s destructive emotions. In folklore, in sacred texts, in the literature of all nations, it is repeatedly mentioned that evil spirits have no power over the innocent and pure in soul: they do not exist for a pure spirit. To fall under the power of an unclean, devilish force, you must lie at least once, get irritated, get scared... The circle is closed: we are back again to the immoderate emotions that distort the human psyche. Dreaming of evil spirits (witch, vampire, goblin, other life-threatening monsters) is an external vision of the pathology of the internal state, where there are stagnations and blocks of yin energy. To see evil spirits in a dream with fear (a witch, etc.) - in the image of evil spirits in a dream, internal blocks of energy and depression hidden from oneself appeared. We can say that the dreamer himself appeared before himself in the image of an evil spirit, or that the situation around himself created by him caused such an image. The dream speaks of serious disturbances in the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys: the organs are overloaded with the disturbing pathological energy of yin, which does not find a way out in actions, which is not surprising, since all the plans and intentions of the dreamer have long been inadequate to reality. Scary dreams are probably accompanied by the collapse of business and personal relationships. There is a severe need to pay attention to your psycho-emotional sphere, try to understand everything that is happening as a pattern of your own actions and moderate your ambitions and emotions. In a dream, with fear, seeing evil spirits in a cemetery (dreaming about it) or in the form of deceased relatives - the dream means that the cause of leaks and distortion of energy rhythms is located precisely in the cemetery. The burials were carried out incorrectly, or any obligations to the deceased were not fulfilled, perhaps not by the dreamer himself, but by common relatives. You should not spare time and money to correct the situation. And the matter is urgent: the dream indicates that the kidneys (left kidney) have already been seriously damaged. Seeing evil spirits in a dream and not being afraid is favorable: the energy leaks that have taken place have already been restored by the body as a result of some spiritual work carried out by the dreamer. This dream could also mean someone else’s ill will, but it passed by, since the dreamer did not have similar negative emotions and had nothing to cling to. Still, you should slow down the pace of movement forward a little and take a closer look at those around you.

The dream book website - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Martyn Zadeka's dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, Slavic dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), dream book of lovers, Mayan dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), psychoanalytic dream book B .Samokhvalova, ancient French dream book, esoteric dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, lunar dream book, dream book of catchphrases, Russian dream book, eastern women's dream book, Jung's dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book), erotic Danilova's dream book, Veles' dream book, Indian shamanic dream book, Chaldean dream book, and others.

A demon in a dream is always an unexpected guest, even if it turns out that it is not a representative of evil spirits, but just a part of the subconscious of the sleeper, his shadow essence. Find out how to get rid of the persecution of evil spirits in your sleep and the nightmares it causes.

In the article:

What does a demon mean in a dream

The appearance of a demon in a dream can be associated with two options. The first is simply a dream in which the unclean symbolizes one of the aspects of your personality, reflects a real person from your social circle, or has some other meaning. Many people from time to time dream of angels, demons, and other otherworldly entities.

What to do with such dreams? Record and interpret. It is far from a fact that this dream generally foreshadows the future or hints at your sins. Most likely, a demon in a dream means only part of your subconscious, your secret desires and aspirations. However, if you see such dreams regularly, they are worth paying attention to. Perhaps the evil one is trying to contact you for some purpose known only to him.

Sometimes a person becomes a victim of the demon of dreams. This can happen during both normal and lucid dreaming. Signs of the presence of a dream demon are nightmares, frequent dreams with bad meanings according to the dream book, and other sleep-related problems. A succubus is often confused with a dream demon - he can also come in a dream and is quite capable of scaring.

The demon of dreams - what is he capable of?

During a night's rest, a person loses the ability to think coherently. The sleeper lacks self-control, his mind is at rest. This can be taken advantage of by the demon of sleep and many other entities that appear to people sleeping or lying in bed. For example, one of them is an incubus or succubus. It feeds on the energy of love and vitality, delivering, according to eyewitnesses, unearthly sexual pleasure to its victims.

The demon causes nightmares. If you see scary dreams almost every night, most likely you have become a victim of such an evil spirit. Why does the demon need this? Fear- quite a strong emotion. The person who feels it releases a lot of energy, which the demonic entity feeds on.

While a person sleeps, everything that his memory stores is accessible to evil spirits. The dream demon knows what you fear most and will definitely show you the worst dream plot. Victims of such entities often dream of snakes, attempted murders, the death of loved ones, deformation of the body, and much more. The despair and grief experienced while watching such terrible scenes serve as food for evil spirits.

Often, dream demons and a similar variety of demons can predict false pictures of the future in a dream. These are, as a rule, dreams about the death of loved ones and other terrible situations. Most people believe in dream interpretation. Bad omens received at night can lead to sin. For example, a woman who saw her husband cheating in a dream may well. In fact, the husband might not have even thought about adultery; the demons showed such a plot in order to confuse the sleeping soul.

The demon of dreams may be similar to the demon of lust. He also comes in a dream, he cannot always be seen, and the demon of dreams can also show signs of attention of a sexual nature. Such entities prefer the energy of fear, however, he may also like the energy of passion and love. Vivid dreams of a sexual nature can be regarded as manifestations of demonic entities, especially if they are followed by a loss of strength and depression.

Seeing a demon in a dream - what does it mean?

Scenes of hell in dreams usually symbolize feelings of guilt. Think about why you are serving your sentence in the underworld, why did you get there? You need to deal with the situation that causes a subconscious feeling of guilt. Deal with old debts so they no longer bother you during your night's rest.

A demon in a dream can symbolize a certain part of you, your subconscious, personality. Every person has a shadow side. Perhaps in the everyday part you strive to be like an angel, try to please everyone. The demon from your dreams in this case means that you have not only good qualities, and you need to come to terms with this - such is human nature. Think about which aspects of your nature the evil spirits you see at night mean. Perhaps you need to give vent to negative emotions, otherwise they will destroy you from the inside.

The dark side of personality can be expressed not only in the form of a demon. It could be a silhouette in a dark hood, a witch, a dark figure chasing you. The task of man is to know his shadow side. You must look fear in the face - understand what is hidden behind the hood of the figure, whose face the demon has, or why he is pursuing you. This way you can get rid of complexes and internal barriers.

Seeing a demon with the face of one of your friends in a dream is an omen that this person is harming you. He can either create obstacles in completely material ways, or cause damage or, for example, act as an energy vampire. Most likely, the relationship with him is destructive.

If you dream of a demon with the face of your partner, this indicates the destructiveness and danger of this relationship. For the sake of personal well-being and health, it is better to break it off, despite the fact that it is difficult. Sometimes demons appear in dreams, indicating a desire to gain demonic power. An intimate relationship with a representative of evil spirits in a dream indicates carnal desires associated with a certain person from your environment, especially if the demon does not show aggression and has a face familiar to you.

What to do if demons come in a dream

If demons come to you in a dream and you want to get rid of them, there are quite accessible ways.
All of them are somehow connected with Orthodoxy, because only the presence of divine forces can drive away evil spirits.

Prayer from night desecration addressed to Saint Basil. It is read at night in order not to become a victim of prodigal demons, as well as sleep demons and other entities that gain power over a person at night:

Most merciful, incorruptible, undefiled, sinless Lord, cleanse me, Thy unworthy servant, from all filthiness of the flesh and soul, and from my inattention and despondency the uncleanness that has come to me, along with all my other iniquities, and show me undefiled, O Master, for the goodness of Thy Christ , and sanctify me by the invasion of Your Most Holy Spirit: so that, having awakened from the darkness of the unclean ghosts of the devil and all kinds of filth, I may be deemed worthy with a clear conscience to open my unclean and unclean lips, and sing Thy all-holy name, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

In order to protect yourself from the harassment of evil spirits, you should sleep dressed in underwear. This is an ancient Christian custom. It is believed that a naked body can attract representatives of evil spirits, which feed on the energy of sexual desire.

In addition, you can read a prayer "May God rise again". Before going to bed, you need to make the sign of the cross over the room and bed. By the way, if you know how, do the same if you meet someone during a night trip who shouldn’t be there. The sign of the cross should drive away evil spirits from a dream.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Evil Spirits in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits in a dream?

Universal dream book

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits according to the dream book:

Brief interpretation: determination; power

What are you strong at in your dreams? What is your determination in real life?

Dream Interpretation of Zodiac Signs

Why do you dream about Evil Spirits according to the dream book?

If you saw an Evil Spirit in a dream - the Goblin lured you into the thicket - there is a danger that, having failed to understand the essence of things, you will make many mistakes, for which you will have to pay later.

Sabbath of evil spirits - a visit from older relatives is expected with the intention of “teaching you life.” Seeing a witch with a broom - a dream foretells that you will soon quarrel with your spouse over little things that have accumulated too many. Try to be more restrained.

The evil spirit of Baba Yaga - restraint and patience can betray you in a dispute, which you will later regret.

Serpent Gorynych - a warning dream. Particular care should be taken when driving a vehicle. For pedestrians, a dream about evil spirits foretells danger when crossing the street.

Seeing a flying three-headed dragon - a dream foretells that your disappointment in a friend will soon be forgotten, the resentment will pass, and the relationship will improve again.

Evil spirits, Talking to Koshchei the Immortal - the dream says that in the coming day you are destined to find yourself in a situation that will cause a lot of negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

If you dream about Evil Spirits, what does it mean:

Feeling the presence of evil spirits in a dream, but not seeing it, is a warning that you are not acting from pure motives, and your methods are unworthy.

Seeing the devil is a warning that you will soon receive a tempting offer, which in reality will turn out to be a trap: try to exercise maximum caution and discretion!

Running away from evil spirits means that your aspirations and thoughts are pure, and you should not deviate from the path you have chosen, despite difficulties and obstacles.

Seeing the devil in your house is an alarming signal that your enemies have joined forces to achieve your complete defeat.

To drive away evil spirits in a dream means that you should avoid participating in an enterprise that seems dubious to you.

A familiar person in the form of an evil spirit is a harbinger of betrayal on the part of this person or evidence that in the past this person was not entirely honest towards you.

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