Why do you dream about a child’s birthday? Why do you dream about a birthday: festive joy

If a young man dreams of his birthday, this is a sign of future financial difficulties and treachery of friends.

For an elderly person, it promises even greater grief.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a birthday in a dream

There are two versions of dreams about this event.

First, everyone knows that it’s your birthday. Perhaps you are dreaming of a party or simply congratulating friends (see HOLIDAYS).

The second option is that your birthday is a little overshadowed by the fact that everyone has forgotten about such an important event for you. The latter indicates a desire to increase one’s significance in society. To interpret such a dream, the following elements will be decisive: who you meet, how clearly these people ignore your holiday, how they react to your reminder (or to eloquent non-verbal hints). You probably feel out of place in society; you lack attention from others. If you don’t want to be reminded that it’s your birthday, it means you want the people in your dream to pay more attention to you. If you announced your birthday and people rushed to apologize in response, you may feel that they are playing on the lack of communication with you. If you were given a gift, what kind?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

Birthday Dream

If in a dream you dream that it is your birthday, then this portends that you will receive good news, which will further affect your future. For elderly people, such a dream predicts longevity, for sick people - recovery. To be at someone else's birthday in a dream means news from friends or relatives. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you are dissatisfied with your life, would like to change it and therefore envy people who live differently. If your birthday was fun, bright and colorful, then soon you will receive important news that you will be sincerely happy about. If someone else’s birthday in your dream was gloomy or boring, then the dream predicts disappointments and disappointments for you. Such a dream encourages you to be more active and not to sulk.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does birthday mean in a dream?

If a young man dreams of his birthday, this is a sign of future financial difficulties and treachery of friends. For an elderly person, such a dream also promises grief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of Birthday dreams

A dream foretells good luck only if it does not sadden you in life.

Imagine that you are celebrating a birthday in a friendly company, you feel cheerful and carefree.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does birthday mean in a dream?

If a young man dreams of a birthday, then this is a sign of future financial difficulties and treachery of friends.

For an elderly person, the dream promises even greater grief.

According to D. Loff, if you dream that everyone for some reason forgot about your birthday, then the dream indicates a desire to increase your importance in society. To interpret such a dream, it is important to remember who you would like to see at your holiday, how clearly these people ignore you and how they react to your reminder.

If you don’t want to remind anyone about your birthday, you want people to pay attention to you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Birthday

Often, a dream in which a person sees his own birthday foreshadows the beginning of some serious tests, which he will ultimately be able to pass with honor.

Hearing joyful congratulations from friends and family is a sign that you can soon miraculously avoid great danger.

To be present at someone’s birthday yourself is a harbinger of the successful completion of the next stage in some important endeavor for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep Birthday

Celebrating your birthday means a long life.

Seeing someone else's birthday is a sign of joy.

To receive an invitation to a name day in a dream means you have to do what circumstances require of you, even if it is contrary to your wishes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does a dream predict about a birthday?

Celebrating your birthday means a long life, someone else’s birthday means joy.

Seeing your own birth means the end of some legal case.

For an elderly person, seeing a birthday is a sign of disappointment.

Interpretation of dreams from

Did you see your own or someone else's birthday in a dream? Almost all explanations for why such things are dreamed of are positive. Below are the interpretations of the plot from the most popular dream books.

Get an invitation

If you dreamed that you received an invitation to a birthday party, then this reflects your vision of the future in rainbow colors. The dream emphasizes the confidence that tomorrow will certainly be better than today. The anticipation gives you no less pleasure than the holiday itself. And yet, the Universal Dream Book advises not to lose sight of current events.

Accept congratulations

If you dream about being congratulated on your birthday, it means that you attach special meaning to this unusual day. Night vision emphasizes how important the attention of friends and family, gifts and congratulations are to you. Aesop's Dream Book notes that you are also partial to horoscopes and like to find signs of fate in everyday little things. The modern dream book reports that congratulations promise many years of good health. Night dreams take on a sacred meaning if you manage to remember who exactly congratulated you and what words were spoken at the same time.

Celebrate the holiday

If you dreamed that you were lucky enough to celebrate a birthday with relatives whom you have not seen for a long time, this means that you will soon meet one of them. Aesop's Dream Book seriously advises you to prepare in advance for the arrival of your relatives. Several distant relatives will visit you at once. To more accurately understand this dream, answer the question: do you like to celebrate your birthday? If, as in childhood, you look forward to it, then you are young at heart. If this festive event causes anxiety and regret, the dream hints that you are not entirely happy with your life and advises you to put things in order.

Various interpretations

Why do you dream about someone else's birthday? Hasse interprets this plot as a good sign. A joyful event awaits you. This dream has nothing to do with the fates of friends. The identity of the hero of the occasion, as a rule, is so blurred that the next morning it is not always possible to remember whose birthday you were invited to. Miller's dream book considers this dream not a very encouraging symbol. For young people, the dream foreshadows financial failures and disappointment in loved ones. For older people, it means a deterioration in mood and, as a result, well-being.

If you dream about your friend’s birthday, Hasse considers this a good omen. If there are any misunderstandings between you and your friend, they will certainly be resolved. If you haven’t seen each other for a long time, a meeting is almost guaranteed. It will take place in the near future not in a dream, but in reality. To find out why a friend’s birthday is dreamed of, remember how you celebrated it. Did you dream that the celebration smoothly turned into a quarrel or fight? This means that you are at risk of making a serious mistake. Being late for a celebration in a dream symbolizes your feelings that life is passing you by. A flawless party signifies your desire to escape reality. The explanation of why you dream about your mother’s birthday is very positive. The dream book promises her many years to come. The dream wants to say that your mother often thinks about you, subconsciously wanting her life to have as many holidays and reasons for joy as possible. And also that mom expects warmth and attention not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.

Today, many people turn to dream books to find out what a particular dream portends. Sometimes dreams can be so intricate that even in dream books it is difficult to find a satisfactory interpretation of what is seen. In this article we will turn to various dream interpreters to solve such a dream as celebrating a birthday.

Home dream book

If you see a birthday at night, the dream book of this tradition suggests understanding this as your achieving a certain significance in society. Your role, influence and authority have increased. Therefore, celebrating a birthday in a dream is a good sign. However, if you see how the holiday is spoiled and something goes wrong, then this indicates your failure and failure in public affairs.

Akulina's dream book

This interpreter makes an explanation that if in real life a birthday is a positive holiday for you, then celebrating it in a dream is also a good sign. But if you don’t feel very good about your birthday, then when asked about what your birthday is about in your dreams, he gives the opposite answer. Ultimately, it is your attitude towards the holiday itself that is the measure of the success of the omen.

English dream book

According to the English dream book, a dream about a celebration in honor of the day of birth is considered a sign that your life is eventful, bright, interesting, but full of dangers. If you experience fear in such a dream, this speaks of your internal crisis, the fear that you have not succeeded in life, have not achieved something. A joyful and cheerful anticipation of a holiday in a dream speaks of your desire to spend your life in pleasure and enjoyment.

American dream book

According to him, this kind of dream speaks of a new stage in life, a new quality and a new dimension. It can also symbolize your endeavors and ventures.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

When asked why a birthday is dreamed of, this dream book answers that it is a sign of a long life. Fate gives you many years of life, filled, however, with many difficult, difficult, and sometimes regrettable situations. If you had the following dream: the birthday of a friend or even a stranger, then this is a happy omen that predicts that you will receive good news.

Esoteric dream book

According to this dream book, seeing your own birthday in a dream is a sign of a long life. But being present in a dream at someone else’s celebration speaks of upcoming fun and joyful changes in life.

Dream book of the 21st century

If you dreamed about your birthday, the 21st century dream book reports that this is an omen of a long and eventful life. In this regard, he agrees with the previous interpreter, as well as on the issue of if you dreamed of someone else’s holiday. He, however, clarifies that if you are not present at the holiday itself, but only receive an invitation to a birthday party, then this indicates the need to fulfill your duties or give in to the demands of necessity, even if they are not consistent with your desires and plans.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book interprets a dream about a birthday as a sign of imminent financial problems or an omen of betrayal by friends. But this is if a young person had a dream. But for the elderly, such a dream speaks of even greater troubles and problems.

Dream book of psychologist Loff

Loff’s dream book interprets a birthday seen at night as a desire to feel needed and in demand in society. In other words, such a dream speaks of your feelings of inferiority, implicitly experienced alienation, self-doubt and feelings of loneliness. You need to be remembered and appreciated, and to be paid attention to. Therefore, a dream about your birthday speaks of your desire to see people interested in you, devoting their attention and time to coming to you and congratulating you on the fact that you were born and that they have you. This is especially pronounced if you dream that you are reminding someone of your birthday, but you absolutely do not want to do this. This suggests that it is from the faces in your dreams that you expect the greatest attention to yourself and suffer from its lack.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Like the esoteric dream book and a number of others, this interpreter suggests understanding a dreamed birthday celebration as a harbinger of a long life. If in a dream they congratulate someone else on your birthday, not you, and you are present, then this speaks of joy that will soon descend into your life.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon the Canaanite

This interpreter is not original in its interpretations, but repeats in general terms the interpretations of the esoteric and previous dream books. Moreover, it has no relation to the person who appears in its title. In general, you can simply repeat that, according to him, dreaming about your own birthday foreshadows many, many years of life. But a celebration in honor of someone else’s birthday speaks of your personal future fun and well-being.

Modern dream book

The original interpretations of this dream book take into account the weather that was present when you celebrated your birthday in a dream. If there was sun, it was a clear, fine day, then you need to wait for good news and joyful changes in life. If the day was cloudy, it was raining or maybe there was fog, a strong wind was blowing or there was any other discomfort caused by weather conditions, then this is a sure sign that disappointments, problems, difficulties with people and, possibly, await you. even depression. This may also mean that you will have adventures that are not very easy and not the most pleasant.

Newest dream book

This dream book is radically different in its interpretations from all others. For example, he interprets a birthday dream as a sign of damage or the evil eye. But that's in general. He proposes to understand his own birthday as a manifestation of envy. But being present at someone else’s celebration is viewed as negative, directed in your direction from strangers.

Gypsy dream book

The so-called gypsy dream book on the question of what a dreamed birthday means answers that this may be an omen of a very soon meeting with your betrothed or betrothed. Or, at the very least, he promises you a romantic date and a good time in the next couple of days.

Why you dream about a birthday can be found out by analyzing the atmosphere in which the holiday took place, what gifts were given, whether everyone came to the celebration, how they congratulated. Miller, Loff, Vanga, Hasse, Tsvetkov, Freud offer their interpretations.

Miller's Dream Book: birthday in a dream

Celebrating his own birthday for a young man can foreshadow future financial difficulties, as well as various difficulties due to the betrayal of people who were his friends, or he considered them such. A mature or elderly person’s own name day in a dream means the appearance of troubles or some kind of restrictions in life.

I dreamed about a birthday: interpretation according to Loff’s dream book

A birthday can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the atmosphere and what is happening. If many people know about the holiday, you see bright pictures of preparations for the celebration, friends who came, congratulations, gifts, fun, then the dream indicates that you are comfortable in society, you crave meetings and a fun time.

If the atmosphere is the opposite - everyone has forgotten about the holiday, you are upset, the mood is gloomy, then the interpretation will be completely different. The second option indicates that you have a need to be more significant in the lives of other people and society as a whole. To correctly interpret such a dream, you need to analyze your own feelings and sensations:

  • remember who you saw;
  • with whom did you communicate?
  • who ignored your holiday;
  • how clearly and demonstratively this was done;
  • what you felt.

It is also important to pay attention to how people behaved when reminded of your celebration, including hints and verbal cues. Perhaps you experience a lack of attention, you feel like a stranger in the environment in which you are now.

If you suspect that your birthday may be forgotten, but do not want to remind you of it, then the people in your dreams are probably dear to you, and you want them to pay more attention to you.

If you talk about your birthday, and people hastily apologize and continue to go about their business, then perhaps they are deliberately using the lack of communication to achieve some goals. It is also worth paying attention to the gifts presented, how they were given, how you felt and what exactly it was.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse: birthday

Celebrating your birthday, according to Hasse’s dream book, means longevity. And if you dream of someone else’s holiday, this may indicate the imminent appearance of many joyful events.

Interpretation of the dream “Birthday” according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The meaning of the dream depends on whose birthday it is. Your holiday may foreshadow a successful outcome of a lawsuit or a long life. Someone's holiday is interpreted as the occurrence of pleasant events. If you saw in a dream the celebration of a newborn’s birthday, for a man such a dream can mean a threat, but for a woman success, especially if you dreamed of a monster or a mysterious animal.

Birthday dream: Vanga's interpretation

Vanga claims that if you celebrate something and drink champagne at the same time, it means that in reality you will fail, and because of your own picky and demanding attitude towards others. You cannot demand anything from people; they themselves will give what they consider necessary. First of all, you yourself must be kind, then you will receive the same in return.

If in a dream you open a bottle of alcoholic drink, this predicts a big quarrel, and you yourself will be the culprit. The result of events will be the loss of trust and support from important or influential people.

Seeing a birthday in a dream: interpretation according to Freud

In Freud's dream book there is no exact interpretation of a birthday, but drinking champagne and celebrating something means quarreling, and over some trifle. To prevent trouble, it is better not to meet the people you dreamed about for a while.

It so happens that, expecting something in reality, we project our desires into night dreams. Most often this happens on the eve of a holiday, when, for example, when organizing our birthday, we dream of stories about gifts, cake and balloons. But what if no holiday is planned, and in our dreams we dashingly dance on our own name days? Why do you dream about this? Dream books will always help you figure it out.

Interpretations from G. Miller

According to a famous psychologist, every fifth dreamer celebrates his birthday in a dream. Why do you dream about this? You can’t answer this right away, because there are a couple of nuances.

For example, if a young boy happened to celebrate his name day in a dream, then this, alas, means betrayal or deceit of close friends. And to see such a thing for a man means the collapse of hopes, Miller’s dream book assures.

Detailed interpretations

Most dream books encourage you to pay attention not only to the main plot, but also to the details. Here are some interesting details that a dreamed birthday “throws up”:

  • dreamed that you were drinking alcohol - to trouble;
  • you see in a dream how toasts are said in your honor - deceitful speeches await you;
  • arranged a banquet on a different date - to unexpected changes;
  • in a dream you don’t know any of the guests - you will become envious.

Preparation as a symbol of indecision

Pastor Loff's dream book offers an interpretation of the dream in which you are preparing to celebrate your birthday and are worried that your loved ones will forget about it. You strive to increase or strengthen the importance of your own person in society.

Why do you have a dream in which you prepare so diligently for your name day that you even write congratulations and posters to yourself? The explanations, the veracity of which Vanga’s dream book assures us, indicate the dreamer’s desire to start life over with a new leaf. But preparing for a celebration and writing a list of desired gifts for guests is a sign of dissatisfaction with yourself and those around you.

Accept congratulations: Personal life with a question mark

Joy and quick changes await those who in a dream celebrated a celebration with a circle of unfamiliar people. But here’s how Freud’s dream book sees what the plot in which you celebrate your birthday foreshadows.

Pay attention to the tables: if they are “crowded” with all kinds of dishes, then this speaks of an insatiable “sexual appetite” that will lead you to search for a new lover. But celebrating a poorly organized holiday, and even with half-starved guests, is a signal that you are not satisfied with your sexual partner, and this is ruining your nerves.

Non-holiday mood, or Learn self-control

If you dreamed that your loved ones forgot about your holiday, hurry to find out why you are dreaming.

The Eastern dream book states: if you dreamed that a friend forgot about the year or date of your birth, then it’s time to reconsider your attitude towards others and learn to restrain your impulses. But if he remembered the year and date, but did not want to congratulate you, then you will face a conflict based on a clash of interests.

Calling your relatives on your birthday in a dream and reminding them of this date is a sign that you are trying too hard to please strangers.

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