What are pliers made of? What is a pliers tool? General features of tools and design features of pliers

Pliers, pliers, pliers, wire cutters are representatives of a very diverse group of tools called pliers tools. Their main difference is the shape of the working surface, determined by their purpose. These tools are actively used in the most different areas, they are used by dentists, blacksmiths, and railway workers. In particular, tongs are one of the most ancient tools; they are an integral attribute (along with a hammer) of the Greek god of fire - Hephaestus. Let's start with ticks.


Typically, this is an instrument with relatively long handles and short jaws, with flat or pointed surfaces closing over a short distance. Pliers are designed primarily for gripping parts. Blacksmith pliers hold hot metal; they have long handles and different jaw shapes.

Railroad workers have pliers for carrying railroad ties and also for carrying rails.

Pliers for carrying sleepers and rails (ROBEL)

Use carpenter's pliers to pull out nails.

Carpenter's pliers (GEDORE)

Plumbing pliers (pipe pliers) usually have a serrated groove for gripping pipes, angled jaws and an adjustable hinge mechanism for clamping pipes of different diameters.

Plumbing pliers (STAYER)

Ticks also include whole line electrical tools: these are crimping pliers for terminals, pliers for stripping wires, pliers for connectors, pliers for cable entries, current clamps, insulating pliers for replacing fuses, etc.

In general, almost any pliers-joint tool can be called pliers, for example, pliers, simplified - these are pliers with flat jaws.

Pliers are pliers with a flat working surface, often with a fine notch. They are used to grab relatively small parts and perform various manipulations with them (bending, biting), often using two tools at the same time. For various works The shape of the sponges themselves may be different. There are pliers with elongated jaws (long-nose pliers, duckbills) and pliers with curved jaws, used when working with parts located in hard to reach places; narrow-nose pliers (narrow-nose pliers) used for fine work; pliers with short jaws, providing at the ends of the jaws great strength compression. Some pliers have pads on the working surface to prevent damage to parts. Often pliers have cutting edges for cutting wire.

Combination pliers, sometimes called pliers, are a tool that includes pliers that have cutting edges for cutting wire and nails, a notch with teeth for gripping tubes, nuts and various cylindrical parts. This is a multifunctional tool that, on the one hand, can help different situations, on the other side special tools cope with specific tasks better. Therefore, combination pliers are a tool for a household tool set, and not for a professional one.

The difference between round-nose pliers and pliers is the circular cross-section of the jaws, which taper towards the end (cone-shaped jaws). Round nose pliers are designed for curly bending of wire; the conical shape of the jaws makes it possible to make bends with different radii; they are important tool jewelers. Round nose pliers can have jaws of different sizes, both in length and thickness, and there are models that have jaws of different shapes in one tool, and there are round nose pliers with curved jaws. There are models with and without notches on the jaws. Just like pliers, round nose pliers can have cutting edges for cutting wire.


Based on the French origin of the name of this tool - pinces-a-tige, pince - clamp and tige - rod, then pliers are a tool for gripping pipes and other cylindrical parts. That is, the main thing in pliers, which determines their name, is the notch with teeth.

Antique pliers with two serrated notches,
for large and small diameters

Modern pliers, instead of several notches, have an adjustable hinge for pipes of different sizes.

Pliers with adjustable joint (Task Force)

Apparently, pliers differ from plumbing pliers in that they are smaller in size, or you can safely put an equal sign between them.

What many are accustomed to calling pliers, according to GOST 5547-93, are combination pliers. And it turns out that, on the one hand, this tool can be defined as pliers with pliers, and on the other hand, pliers with pliers.

Wire cutters

Nippers are pliers with a cutting working surface, used for cutting wires, nails, and fittings. Depending on the position of the cutting edges on the jaws, there are five main types of cutters: side cutters (side cutters, diagonal cutters), end cutters (transverse), cable cutters, stripping cutters (they are also stripping pliers, see above) and end cutters. More often, side cutters or side cutters are used.

When buying nippers, pay attention to what kind of material they are intended for cutting, so the nippers are for copper wire may not be able to cut nails and the cutting edges will be damaged.

Nippers for cutting cables, ropes, fittings, and bolts have a particularly durable design, increased hardness of the cutting edges, and often several hinge units to provide increased compressive force.

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A home workshop must have pliers and pliers, or, as a last resort, one or the other. This is a tool that is difficult to do without when performing virtually any type of work, both plumbing, electrical, mechanical, repair, etc.

Many consider pliers to be pliers different names the same instrument, but this is completely wrong. They have different functions Moreover, state standards have different requirements for them.

Types of pliers tools

The first pliers tool can be considered a blacksmith's pliers, or perhaps a similar device that was used to pull something out of the fire. The names of the authors of such a valuable invention, as well as its date, are hidden in the depths of centuries.

There are five main types of pliers. This:

  • Ticks. They pull out nails and hold metal workpieces.
  • Wire cutters. This tool is designed, as the name suggests, for cutting something, such as wire.
  • Round nose pliers. Convenient for working with cable cores.
  • Pliers. Clamping of any materials, bending, holding, etc. are used.
  • Pliers. They are used for the same thing as pliers, plus they have many additional functions.

The classification is quite conditional, because, if desired, one can also include gardening scissors, scissors for cutting sheet metal, etc. In addition, species necessarily have subspecies, and so on ad infinitum.

Pliers, their features and application

To understand the difference between pliers and pliers, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the structure of both. Pliers are pretty simple. As you would expect, there are a pair of flat lips, serrations on them, handles and a hinge as a connection. This tool is convenient for working with wire, wire, sheet metal, holding metal, wood or plastic parts that are suitable for exchange, even tightening nuts if you don’t have a wrench at hand.

Pliers come in different sizes, and most importantly - with various shapes lips. They can be elongated, narrow, curved in any direction. It all depends on the application. For example, pliers with curved or thin long lips are highly valued by radio technicians and electricians, since with such a tool it is easy to reach hard-to-reach places. Without electrical insulation on the handles, pliers are practically not produced. Usually the insulating layer indicates what voltage it can withstand.

Pliers: Multitasking and Versatility

There is a fundamental difference between pliers and pliers from a functional point of view. Pliers are pliers plus side cutters, cutters for cutting wire or wire various diameters, an additional grip placed after the articulation joint.

Side cutters can cut wires and wires; the recesses are good for holding round objects of various diameters, etc. There are modifications of the pliers in which it is possible to regulate the compression force by moving the hinge rod into special grooves.

Several conclusions should be drawn from what has been written. If no one confuses wire cutters or pliers, then not everyone sees the difference between pliers and pliers. You just need to remember one thing - if the lips only have notches, these are pliers. If not only - pliers.

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In any repair work popular tools are both pliers and pliers. For some, such a statement may be confusing, because some are sure that the tools listed above are one and have no difference and the difference is that it has two names. This opinion, for unknown reasons, is quite widespread, but this myth needs to be dispelled, which is what we will do in this article.

The tools in question are used by both masters of their craft and ordinary home craftsmen who take out a box of tools only when urgent need. Mechanics, electricians, and plumbers cannot imagine their workday without the use of pliers and pliers.

As a result, we can conclude that the tools in question are universal and very practical, and if necessary, replacing them with another tool will not work. Today we will have to understand the topic - what is the difference between pliers and pliers.

There are quite significant differences between these instruments, and they are confused because they are very similar in appearance to each other. Not only users can feel these differences, but also manufacturers who are engaged in the assembly line production of such parts.

Their main common similarity is that pliers and pliers belong to the articulated pliers type of tools.

Types of pliers. Features and scope

The name of this tool, like pliers, immediately gives an idea of ​​its appearance: metal lips that have notches on their surface, a hinge-type connection and a handle (can be made of various materials, including plastic and wood).

The flat surface of the tool makes it possible to easily and without problems hold parts of any size. The multifunctional tool can be used for a variety of purposes: deforming wiring, cables, metal parts. The parameters of the parts that can be worked with pliers must correspond to the capabilities of the tool itself and its size (usually no more than 195 mm).

Among other things, pliers can also be used instead of a wrench, because unscrewing various kinds It is very simple to use the tool to remove nuts, despite the fact that this is not their main purpose.

Pliers and pliers can differ not only in parameters (width, length, etc.), but also in their working surface:

  • Pliers with fairly narrow and long jaws. This tool is very convenient to use where other tools cannot fit.
  • Tools with curved jaws are used in the electronics industry. It is with this tool that you can get into places where analog tools cannot “go.”
  • Pliers, unlike pliers, look like tweezers, and are perfect for working with small and very fragile parts. A properly designed form makes it possible to firmly hold such parts without causing deformation to them.
  • There are also tools with removable jaws for making various actions with parts made of fragile material.

It is also necessary to remember that when working with conductive devices, it is imperative to use pliers with insulated handles. If a tool does not indicate the voltage it can operate with, it is prohibited to use it in the electrical industry. It is necessary to choose the type of pliers taking into account the immediate task that is assigned to them.

What are pliers, features of the tool

Without exaggeration, this tool can be called practical and, moreover, multifunctional. They are a close relative of pliers, not only in appearance, but also in purpose, so you need to find out the difference between pliers and pliers.

The tool in question is widely used in the electrical installation industry and plumbing. On the working surface of the pliers there is a notch with notches, the main purpose of which is the ability to capture and hold various types of surfaces.

The surface of the jaws of the pliers in question is combined and that is why the range of its use is so wide. Apart from the notch, part of the working area of ​​the pliers is a flat surface. Some types of tools also have a couple of small and shallow recesses so that you can work with different sizes of parts at the same time.

Besides everything else, to important features pliers also include the ability to regulate the force of lip compression (for such purposes, the hinges are located in special grooves). Switching from one diameter to another is very simple, and anyone, even a beginner, can handle this action - the handles are moved apart and the hinges are moved into the selected recess).

Most types of this instrument They have side cutters in their design, which make it possible to quickly and safely remove insulation from the cores and cut cable cores, and wire can also be cut. On one side of the tool there are edges for cutting wire from solid type metal

There are several types of pliers - for plumbing and for the electrical industry. The latter must be provided with an inscription indicating what voltage they are designed for.

What is the difference between pliers and pliers?

Despite detailed description features of the analyzed tools, which are similar to each other, not everyone may have understood what is their difference and what to use. To answer this question. Here are a few specific distinctive characteristics instruments considered:

  • First of all, they differ in the shape of the working surface; while in pliers these are grooves, in pliers they have a flat surface. Despite the fact that today you can find different kinds instruments, including combined models; such examples are extremely rare.
  • Pliers have the ability to compress with great force, therefore the steel used for their manufacture is more durable.
  • The following feature applies exclusively to pliers - it is possible to regulate the surface gap itself, as well as the degree of compression of the part.
  • There are no side cutters on the surface of the pliers, unlike pliers.

Now knowing the differences in these tools, you can purchase exactly the tool that you will use. Don't spare money, don't skimp, and the best option will be the acquisition of high-quality professional products.

The difference between pliers and pliers is a fact that is beyond doubt.

Pliers and pliers have some differences.

General features of tools and design features of pliers

These are hand tools that belong to the class of pliers. Outwardly similar to each other, pliers and pliers often cause confusion, especially among ignorant people. Their design is simple. These are two metal jaws that perform basic operating functions (clamping, holding, biting, etc.), with handles connected by a hinge mechanism.

The described tools are rightfully considered the most popular. Moreover, this statement applies to both professionals and amateurs. Electricians, mechanics, mechanics, electronics engineers - that’s far from full list specialists who need them. And there’s no need to talk about the household focus.

Pliers are a multifaceted, multifunctional tool. At the same time, when working, they can act as nippers and side cutters, pliers and pliers. Some of them are additionally equipped with a screwdriver and an awl located at the ends of the handles. The working area of ​​the sponges is equipped with notches. There can also be up to two recesses of different circles at once, the main purpose of which is to capture and hold parts of a round, cylindrical or other shape. External side The jaws are equipped with sharp edges, which can be used to cut through nails or wire.

And pliers equipped with dielectric handles marked “1000V” are used for electrical installation work.

There are pliers where an additional Workspace. This means that you can also grab objects using the handles.

Some models provide for adjusting the compression force of the jaws, as well as the distance between their edges by occupying a certain position of the hinge in special grooves.

The pliers are made from high-quality steel, the processing of which takes place in several stages. And a special anti-corrosion coating is applied to the surface of the finished tool using oxidation or chrome plating.

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The variety of pliers, their narrow specialization, differences between tools

Pliers are devoid of everything that is present in pliers. There are no grooves or sharp edges on the jaws. Their hinge is fixed.

But there are many of them, and they are intended for different tasks. Only for each operation you have to individually select a certain type.

The main differences are the width, length and shape of the working jaws. Thus, when working in places where access is severely limited or completely difficult, pliers with elongated (long) narrow or curved nose pliers are used. different angles sponges.

There are “duckbills” that provide greater compression force, required where precise work is especially needed.

And when performing electrical installation work, you need a tool whose handles must be insulated with the maximum permissible voltage indicated on them.

Pliers are included to perform plumbing work, there is a tool for which special attachments are used (especially relevant when working with fragile objects), universal pliers are widely used.

However, despite all the similarities, there are differences between pliers and pliers, and significant ones. Here are the main ones:

  1. Size (length, width) of working jaws. For some, their width is standard, the same along the entire length, for others, due to the specificity of the task appearance, the length and width are completely different.
  2. The shape of the working surface of the jaws. The presence on its inner part, in addition to the notches, of one or even two recesses of different sizes and sharpened edges for pliers and a completely flat working surface (notches do not count) for pliers.
  3. Not fixed, and therefore adjustable hinge (pliers) and its rigid fastening (pliers).
  4. Compression force. For pliers it is higher, which is achieved by stronger steel.
  5. Multifunctionality of some and narrow focus of others.
  6. Various GOSTs and technical requirements from manufacturers upon release.

Which is better - pliers or pliers - is a rhetorical question. Everyone is good.

You need to pay attention to the quality of the tool.

There is a difference between a professional and an amateur instrument, and it is significant. And you only have to choose professional tool, as this will serve as a guarantee of high-quality work performed using this device.

Pliers and pliers are among the most popular tools. This is true for both professionals and home DIYers. They are irreplaceable for electricians, mechanics and many other specialists. And how to manage without them in everyday life is simply incomprehensible to the mind. With all the diversity of the tool market, it is difficult to imagine a more universal and necessary thing.

But why do we say they? Is there a difference between pliers and pliers? There are also quite a few. It just so happens that no one really differentiates between them. This is not surprising since they are very similar in appearance. But, nevertheless, there are differences that are quite significant. These differences are taken into account not only by users, but also by manufacturers. Each of them has its own technical requirements for production and its own GOSTs. What is the difference between pliers and pliers? What types of work are they intended for? How to determine the quality of this tool? This will be discussed in the article.

Articulated pliers tool, its types

The history of the creation of this type of tool, and it belongs to the pliers tools, goes back to at least the era greek gods. Humanity has been familiar with blacksmith's pliers since time immemorial. Time passed, human society changed, and the instrument also changed. No one knows when exactly and in whose head the idea to create a prototype of modern pliers arose. It's a pity. The thing turned out to be very necessary and practical.

There are many varieties of articulated pliers tools. These include:

  • mites;
  • pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • round nose pliers;
  • pliers.

Each category has “subspecies” that have different sizes working surface (sponges), purpose and shape. For example, round nose pliers (shown in the photo below) are very convenient for cutting cable cores. The conical shape of the working surface allows you to comfortably bend cable cores under clamps of different diameters. There are models that are additionally equipped with wire cutters. To work with delicate materials, special attachments made of plastic or other material are used. The presence of notches on the pliers allows you to securely fix the part while soldering boards, and the special shape of the jaws allows you to get into the most inaccessible places of the microcircuits (the angle of the jaws can be different).

The same goes for wire cutters. Different shape cutting part, its different size, different purpose. For example, wire cutters for repairing electronic equipment are smaller. They are not suitable for cutting cables, no matter what purpose. Theoretically, this is possible, but both the worker and the tool will suffer. In the worst case scenario, you may be left without wire cutters.

Types of pliers. Features and scope

Already from the name one can see the characteristic appearance of this tool: flat jaws with notches, a hinge joint and handles. Pliers are indispensable during any plumbing or electrical installation work. Thanks to the flat surface, they hold parts of any shape well. Using pliers you can bend cable strands, wires, wire and metal. The dimensions of the parts are determined by the dimensions of the pliers themselves (usually do not exceed 200 mm). It is very common to use this tool as spanner, for unscrewing/tightening nuts of various diameters. This is still somewhat unusual work for them, but what can you do when you don’t have a key of the required diameter?

Pliers are divided not only by size. For user convenience, manufacturers produce different types working surface:

  • elongated narrow jaws - for the ability to work in places with limited access;
  • angled jaws are designed for working in hard-to-reach places, especially in electronics;
  • the so-called “platypus”, in fact this is a type of tweezers, but with a greater compression force;
  • with special attachments for working with fragile and delicate materials.

To work in electrical installations or with conductive parts of equipment, you need special pliers with insulated handles. These handles must indicate the maximum voltage that the insulation can withstand. In most household tools this value is up to 1000V. If this characteristic is not indicated on the pliers, it is strictly prohibited to use them in live networks. This means that you are dealing with a metalworking tool and the manufacturer simply does not provide protection for the user from electric current.

There are many types of pliers; their type is selected individually, depending on the tasks at hand.

Pliers - practical multifunctionality

Since pliers are “relatives” of pliers, their purpose is similar. They are widely used for plumbing, electrical installation and other types of work. The working surface of the pliers has a recess with notches. It is designed to grip and securely hold round and smooth surfaces. As a rule, pliers have a combined jaw surface, i.e. except for the special recess for round parts there is part of a flat working area. And in some modifications there are two recesses under different diameter details.

Some models of pliers allow you to adjust the compression force of the jaws; for this purpose, several options are provided for the location of the hinge in special grooves. The rearrangement process is quite simple: open the handles and rearrange them into the required recess. In addition to the degree of compression, this also allows you to adjust the distance between the edges of the jaws, i.e. expands the range of sizes of captured parts.

In most cases, pliers are equipped with side cutters. They allow you to remove core insulation and cut wire or cable cores. In addition, they may have special edges on the front side of the wire cutting jaws durum varieties metal

Some manufacturers are expanding work area pliers, making notches on the handles immediately behind the hinge joint. This allows you to grip the part not only with jaws. How necessary and convenient this is, we will leave it to the users to judge...

Pliers are also divided into electrical and metalworking pliers. Firstly, dielectric handles must be marked up to 1000V.

Pliers and pliers - the difference

It's time to sum it up. So what are the differences between pliers and pliers? There are three main ones:

The shape of the working surface of pliers is flat, without a recess. Although they meet combined types tool with notches on pliers. But this is the exception rather than the rule. In addition, the pliers are structurally designed for greater compression force. What does it mean? This means that the manufacturer selects the appropriate grade of steel for the pliers, which has greater strength;

The ability to adjust the gap of the working surface of the jaws and the degree of force of the tool is provided only for pliers (this is achieved by rearranging the hinge);

The versatility inherent in pliers is not typical for pliers, i.e. As a rule, there are no side cutters or special edges for cutting wire (again, these possibilities depend on the grade of steel and hardening).

  1. If your financial capabilities allow, buy professional pliers and pliers. This is not a whim, the difference between an amateur instrument and a professional one, even leading brands, very significant. When choosing a power tool, you can save on professional equipment. It's not critical there. And in manual it is very even. It’s just a shame when, in the midst of work, you suddenly find yourself without pliers, or after 10 pieces of wire have been bitten off, it becomes impossible to use side cutters. The joy from such acquisitions will disappear very soon. What can't be said about professional hand tools. If it's not a fake, then if used at home it will last a lifetime.
  2. Pay attention to the hinge, there should be no play there. The ride should be soft and smooth. This is a sign of a quality instrument.
  3. When the jaws of the wire cutters or pliers are closed, there should be no gaps, the surfaces should touch evenly, this is the key quality production and assemblies.
  4. The handles must fit securely on the handles; free sliding, etc., is not allowed. Especially for power tools.

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