History of the cultivation of lettuce and lettuce. Types of leaf lettuces and their origin Lettuce Latin name

Latin nameLactuca sativa L.

Family- Asteraceae.


Predecessors– potatoes, peppers, cabbage, tomatoes.

Lighting- light-loving.

Watering- moisture-loving.

The soil– wet soils.

Landing- seeds and seedlings.

Lettuce has been on the table since the Romans. Then they simply tore it into large pieces, salted it, added olive oil and ate it. In the Middle Ages, greens were served as a side dish for meat.

Beneficial properties of lettuce: rich chemical composition

Lettuce leaves are a light and nutritious food. It is not very often added to your diet. But at the same time, the benefits of lettuce are very great. So it’s worth paying close attention to it. In terms of its healing properties, it can give odds to many foods. Greens contain a lot of carotene and carotenoids. The lettuce plant can protect against Alzheimer's disease, improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, and preserve vision. It helps in the process of formation of bones and tooth enamel.

It contains almost the same amount of vitamin C as the recognized leader - lemon.

The beneficial properties of lettuce are widely known. Its biochemical composition occupies its special place among vegetables. The plant contains iron, cobalt, boron, phosphorus, iodine. Copper, minerals, organic acids, sodium, zinc, potassium. It contains a lot of vitamin K. It helps regulate blood clotting. The plant is a source of folic acid. It is necessary for pregnant women. Acid has a positive effect on reproductive function in both sexes. It is also useful for the child's body.

The healing properties of lettuce calm the nervous system and improve sleep.

Types of lettuce

There are about a hundred types of lettuce. We can safely say that among such a variety, every consumer will be able to find one that he likes. They are divided into cabbage and leaf.

Iceberg. It got its name due to its method of transportation. It was covered with ice during delivery. A bit similar to . Its pieces crunch just the same. But their taste is much more tender and pleasant. Greens contain a lot of water.

lettuce also looks a bit like cabbage. To make it crispy, you need to keep it in cold water for some time.

Arugula. A plant with a bitter and spicy taste. Cultivated for over two thousand years. It was very popular back in Ancient Rome. Valued for its high content of vitamin C and carotenoids. Good as an addition to salads, meat dishes and cold appetizers. In Italy it is included in some sauces.

Radicchio red rich in iron and calcium.

Crispy Romaine rich in sodium.

Greenish-red Lollo Rosso and Curly Friese go well with meat dishes.

Romano, which is also called Roman salad, is widely known for being included in the classic Caesar recipe. It's spicy and crunchy.

Korn dark green and curly. Looks very nice in dishes. Well complements the taste of fish and meat.

Each type can be used both as decoration and as an independent product. You shouldn't prepare it in advance. It's best to do this right before serving. It goes well with the taste of lemon and garlic.

Lettuce varieties

The following varieties of lettuce are worthy of attention:

Ballet. Dark green sprouts, fan-shaped, crispy. Resistant to lack of lighting and color fade.

Tornado. Mid-season, crispy variety. Resistant to stemming. Very tasty, fruitful.

Moscow greenhouse. Early ripening. Suitable for growing both in the ground and in a greenhouse.

Dubachik. Mid-season, resistant to flowering. The leaves are oblong, slightly wavy, light green in color. Able to grow new leaves in place of previously cut ones.

Roblen. Mid-season. The rosette is tall, oblong dark red leaves. After harvesting, the leaves grow back.

Dubrava. Mid-season. Light green. Very tasty, attractive in appearance. Gentle.

Fun. Mid-season. Reddish leaves, tender and tasty. 26 cm long. Resistant to various diseases.

Great Lakes. Late ripening head lettuce. Crispy, dark green in color. Color-resistant.

Leaf lettuce (lat. Lactiuca sativa)– an annual herbaceous plant, a moisture- and light-loving green crop, used primarily as a vitamin green.


Leaf lettuce was known even to the ancient Romans, who tore it into large pieces, added salt and doused it with olive oil. And in the Middle Ages, salad was served as a side dish for meat.

In Europe, it began to be cultivated in the 16th century, and in Russia, leaf lettuce began to be grown approximately in the 17th century.


Leaf lettuce differs from its cabbage counterpart in that its leaves do not form heads. Its stems are highly branched, full and reach a height of sixty to one hundred and twenty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are equipped with basal rosettes and are most often colored yellowish-greenish. True, occasionally you can meet their reddish varieties. In addition, the leaves can be curly or corrugated, as well as wrinkled or smooth. The bases of the leaflets are usually heart-shaped and arrow-shaped, and on the lower sides along the veins on the leaves you can see tiny bristles.

Pitcher-shaped miniature inflorescences-baskets are collected in cylindrical heads and arranged on stems in the form of numerous panicles. Small bisexual reed flowers are painted in yellowish shades, and the fruits are achenes with flakes.


Unfortunately, no one knows the homeland of lettuce. It is possible that it originated from compass lettuce, which grows wild in Western Asia, Southern and Western Europe, North Africa, Central Asia, as well as in Siberia (all the way to Altai) and Transcaucasia.

As a cultivated plant, lettuce is currently cultivated in all countries of the world. And it was first introduced into culture long before the beginning of our era in the Mediterranean.


Leaf lettuce is considered a very nutritious and light product that can give a head start to a considerable number of dishes. Its greens, rich in carotenoids and carotene, can easily help preserve vision, as well as improve the condition of the mucous membranes and skin. In addition, lettuce can protect against Alzheimer's disease, ensure the full formation of tooth enamel and bones, calm the nervous system and significantly improve the quality of sleep. And in terms of vitamin C content, this nutritious product is almost as good as lemon.

Lettuce is also rich in folic acid, which is vital for pregnant women.


Lettuce is a real storehouse of vitamins. Not only its leaves, but also its thickened stems are eaten.


Lettuce is ideally recommended to be planted after crops that have previously been treated with various organic fertilizers. And this plant can be returned to its original place only after two or three years. Lettuce grows well next to radishes, radishes and all types of cabbage - moreover, it repels flea beetles that harm these crops. Lettuce will grow no worse than lettuce next to tomatoes, peas, strawberries, spinach, cucumbers and beans. And for the salad itself, the proximity to onions will serve well - the latter will repel aphids. As for carrots and tall beet thickets, lettuce should not be planted next to them, since high and dense plantings harm its full development, although it, of course, needs some shading.

Since leaf lettuce is an early ripening and very cold-resistant annual, its seeds can be planted before winter. As a rule, this is done towards the end of October or early November. Gardeners sow early-ripening varieties in April or May, and late-ripening or mid-ripening varieties - from April until mid-June. For ease of planting, tiny lettuce seeds are often mixed with sand, and they need to be embedded in the soil to a depth of about one centimeter.

Leaf lettuce is an annual plant, in the form of small heads of cabbage with foliage of different shapes and all shades of green. The surface of the leaves can be wavy, smooth, corrugated, curly. The color and appearance of the foliage are completely dependent on the weather. On hot days they turn pale; on cool days, on the contrary, they become richer, juicier and more elastic. The stem is highly branched and forms a large number of inflorescences. The roots are weak, rod-shaped, located at the very surface of the soil.

Growing leaf lettuce in unprotected beds is quite easy. The plant contains all the vitamin groups necessary for the body and a huge amount of mineral components:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • organic acids.
Vitamins and minerals included in lettuce

The vegetable helps to properly digest food, accelerates and stabilizes material metabolism. Salad leaves cannot be subjected to heat treatment; they are consumed only fresh.

One hundred grams of the plant contains no more than 12 kcal.

According to the ripening period, the plant is divided into several types:

  • spring - the earliest ripening, can be grown in the garden or in greenhouse conditions (Asterix, Kritset, Lakomka and others);
  • summer - tolerates hot weather well (Azarius, America, Dionysus, Dubrava and others);
  • autumn - grows in cool climates, does not suffer from lack of light, and practically does not get sick (Ballet).

Each variety is resistant to the appearance of flowering stems , they can be grown both in greenhouse conditions and on unprotected soil.

Purple salad Red salad Green salad

In addition, the vegetable can be of different colors:

  • green;
  • red;
  • violet.

Lettuce has a lot of beneficial properties. It protects brain cells from chemical elements that can cause cancer. At the same time, it stimulates neurons, improves memory, speeds up information processing, and prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Low calorie content helps lower cholesterol levels. This helps relieve heart disease and protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Lettuce juice is good for the liver

The potassium present in the vegetable increases blood circulation, fills tissues with oxygen, and prevents early aging of the body. Lettuce is often recommended by doctors for people prone to obesity. With its help you can eliminate constipation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The low glycemic index allows even diabetics to consume the salad. The plant controls sugar levels and prevents glucose surges. The nutritional components of the plant have an excellent effect on hair and facial skin, normalizing fat production.

The presence of a large amount of fiber in the leaves helps to lose excess weight. This product can increase the volume of any dish, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

The juice prepared from this plant helps cleanse the blood and saturate it with useful components. Preparing the drink is simple - you need carrots, lettuce and beets in equal proportions.

For women

Salad reduces pain during menstrual cycles, replenishes the body with nutrients and vitamins, and stabilizes hemoglobin.

Systematic use guarantees protection against ovarian and mammary gland cancer.

Salad is good for pregnant women

It is also able to reduce the number of hot flashes during menopause, easing the general condition.

The plant can be introduced into the diet of pregnant women to help the proper formation of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system of the fetus. Salad greens can improve the quality of breast milk and eliminate its bitterness.

This culture is also used in cosmetology for making masks. You just need to grind it and apply it to the surface of the skin. Rashes and purulent pimples disappear. Juice squeezed from lettuce helps restore damaged hair and enhances its growth;

For men

Increases libido and sperm quality. Doctors recommend consuming the plant for families experiencing difficulty conceiving. The zinc content in the plant prevents the development of impotence.

Helps increase libido in men


The plant extract is used in the preparation of certain medicinal products. As a rule, they are designed to strengthen nails and improve skin health. Quite often the foliage is used for external use.

The plant contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which is especially harmful to people suffering from kidney and bladder diseases.

Salad is prohibited for consumption in case of urolithiasis, hepatitis, gout, colitis and other gastrointestinal ailments.

Lettuce leaves can be harmful to the body

Consumption of leaf lettuce is allowed for those suffering from asthma and tuberculosis after visiting a doctor. You should not use the product if you have allergic reactions to one or another element. Standards for eating lettuce:

  • For a healthy adult, one hundred grams of product per day is enough, which is approximately two glasses of crushed leaves;
  • for children under twelve years of age this norm is halved.

Although lettuce is considered a spring-autumn plant, it is difficult to grow it in the hot summer. But with the arrival of spring, it is he who can save from vitamin deficiency and depression. It is recommended to grow this plant in sunny places; the soil should be fertile, well loosened and moderately acidic. During the growing process, the crop requires feeding with fertilizer compounds containing a lot of nitrogen and potassium.

02-10-13. Views:1971.

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Among those people who strive to take care of their own health in every possible way, the most popular food is lettuce, of which there are many varieties. The types of lettuce and their origin are quite interesting for those who are interested in cooking and a healthy lifestyle. Among salads, leaf and head lettuce have a special position, between which there is a certain difference. Lettuce leaves

In turn, leaf salad does not wrap itself, but forms a kind of light green rosette. In nature, the types of leaf lettuce and their origin are quite numerous, and most of them can be grown in the northern regions, since this crop is not only early ripening, but also frost-resistant.

Leaf lettuce also has certain requirements.

However, despite its unpretentiousness, lettuce also has certain requirements: for rapid growth, it needs sunlight, so as daylight hours increase, it begins to develop rapidly.

Origin of lettuce

The origin of lettuce is a rather controversial issue and many experts tend to adhere to completely different points of view, sometimes quite contradictory. Types of lettuce and their origin - this topic has been studied quite closely by many researchers. Today, with a certain degree of confidence, we can say that lettuce was brought to our country during the reign of Peter the Great, and for some time now this plant began to appear on the tables of the boyars and nobility. Some consider Southern Europe to be the birthplace of lettuce; others are inclined to believe that this plant first appeared in Central Asia and India.

Due to the fact that lettuce is one of the earliest vegetables that can be eaten, a person’s diet becomes much richer in vitamins at the time when it is absolutely necessary - in the spring. At this time, there is an acute shortage of fresh vegetables, so the first greens on the table will come in handy. By the way, lettuce is also eaten by people as a natural medicine, so the types of lettuce and their origin are a topic that relates to an issue studied not only by culinary specialists, but also by traditional healers and doctors. Leaf lettuce contains many vitamins and microelements; it has been eaten since ancient times, it was appreciated in Ancient Rome, and was used to treat the ancient Greeks. Just 50 grams of lettuce per day will allow an adult to replenish the supply of substances he needs, but the lettuce leaves must be fresh and in no case limp.

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Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce made from bell peppers with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, then they are also stewed. Onions, tomatoes, and eggplants are added to ajvar. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite the simple names (“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute for indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and provide a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves, any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care quickly appear. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

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The idea of ​​growing vegetables on the grass, under the grass and in the grass is scary at first, until you become imbued with the naturalness of the process: in nature, this is exactly how everything happens. With the obligatory participation of all soil living creatures: from bacteria and fungi to moles and toads. Each of them contributes. Traditional tillage with digging, loosening, fertilizing, and fighting all those we consider pests destroys the biocenoses that have been created over centuries. In addition, it requires a lot of labor and resources.

What to do instead of a lawn? So that all this beauty does not turn yellow, does not get sick and at the same time looks like a lawn... I hope that the smart and quick-witted reader is already smiling. After all, the answer suggests itself - if you do nothing, nothing will happen. Of course, there are several solutions that can be used, and with their help, you can reduce the area of ​​​​the lawn, and therefore reduce the labor intensity of caring for it. I propose to consider alternative options and discuss their pros and cons.

Tomato sauce with onions and sweet peppers - thick, aromatic, with pieces of vegetables. The sauce cooks quickly and is thick because this recipe contains pectin. Make such preparations at the end of summer or autumn, when the vegetables have ripened in the sun in the garden beds. Bright, red tomatoes will make equally bright homemade ketchup. This sauce is a ready-made dressing for spaghetti, and you can also simply spread it on bread - very tasty. For better preservation, you can add a little vinegar.

This year I often observed a picture: among the luxurious green crown of trees and shrubs, here and there, like candles, the bleached tops of shoots “burn.” This is chlorosis. Most of us know about chlorosis from school biology lessons. I remember that this is a lack of iron... But chlorosis is an ambiguous concept. And lightening of foliage does not always mean a lack of iron. What is chlorosis, what our plants lack during chlorosis and how to help them, we will tell you in the article.

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To date, through the efforts of breeders, according to various sources, from seven to ten thousand (!) varieties of cultivated apple trees have been bred. But despite their enormous diversity, in private gardens, as a rule, only a couple of popular and beloved varieties grow. Apple trees are large trees with a spreading crown, and you cannot grow many of them in one area. What if you try to grow columnar varieties of this crop? In this article I will tell you exactly about these varieties of apple trees.

Pinjur - Balkan-style eggplant caviar with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes. A distinctive feature of the dish is that the eggplants and peppers are first baked, then peeled and simmered for a long time in a roasting pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, adding the rest of the vegetables specified in the recipe. The caviar turns out to be very thick, with a bright, rich taste. In my opinion, this cooking method is the best known. Although it is more troublesome, the result compensates for the labor costs.

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