History of the Halloween holiday. Presentation in English on the theme "Halloween" (grade 5) Halloween traditions and customs presentation for children


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Halloween. What is Halloween? A brief history of the holiday. Over time, the celebration of Halloween spread throughout the country and continent. But to understand the meaning of Halloween, you need to delve even deeper into history. Origin of the name "Halloween" In ancient Britain, Saman was called So-vain. Animals celebrate HALLOWEEN too. - Halloween.pptx

Halloween celebration

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Getting to know the history, customs and traditions of this holiday. Acquaintance with new vocabulary on the topic: “Halloween”. Halloween was first celebrated by the Druids many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland. The Druids believed that the spirits of fruits, vegetables and people visited the earth on October 31st the night before All Saints' Day. The name is Halloween (“hallo” - holy and “eve” - evening). The Druids thought that witches came on Halloween night. Druids were afraid of witches and therefore wore different costumes and painted their faces to scare evil spirits. Druids placed food and small gifts for witches at the doors of their houses. -Halloween.ppt

Halloween Day

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Halloween. Poem. Through the Middle Ages, blowing cold from the darkness. Choose a suit. Even though I’m a mouse, I’m not afraid to get into contact with a cat. Story. What is another name for Halloween? On Halloween, children knock on houses and scream. Night of the evil pumpkin. Story. Clue. All Saints' Day will come tomorrow. Sign. The mouse flew away from the castle. - Halloween Day.ppt

Halloween night

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Research on the topic: HALLOWEEN YES or NO. Contents: The year of the Celts consisted of two parts - summer and winter. The Celts attached great importance to Samhain. However, memories of Samhain continued to live and be passed on from generation to generation. Celebration traditions 2/1. The girls are guessing. Celebration traditions 2/2. However, for his sinful worldly life, the Irishman was not allowed into Paradise. The Jack-O-Lantern still roams the earth, awaiting the Last Judgment. Celebration traditions 2/3. Halloween is today 3/1. in America. The capitals of Halloween are Los Angeles and New York. Colorful celebrations and carnivals take place here. - Halloween Night.ppt

Halloween at school

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Project: Halloween at our school. Relevance. The target audience. School students (6th – 11th grade) Teachers (optional). A little about the holiday itself. Halloween in Russia. Our offers: Holiday attributes. The symbol of the holiday is also candles painted orange, purple, pink or black. Costumes and masquerade. Budget. - Halloween at school.ppt

Halloween holiday

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HALLOWEEN! What is Halloween? An ancient Celtic holiday, celebrated on the night of October 31 to November 1. The history of the emergence and spread of modern Halloween is quite well known. And in different versions, in principle, there are no significant differences. The Celts divided the year into two parts. The transition from summer to winter was the night from October 31 to November 1. To appease the spirits. Bonfires were lit during the celebration. Cover the pumpkin with the top! So how? Scary? Gifts are sacrifices that are made to Higher powers. Happy Halloween! - Halloween.pptx

Halloween Traditions

Slides: 19 Words: 630 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Halloween. Halloween. Hallowe'en. Cultural connections. Holiday symbols. Jack-o'-lantern. Evil spirits. Costumes. Traditions. Trick-or-treating. Fortune telling. Attractions. Orton's haunted house. Treats. Traditional holiday colors. Quiz. The main traditions of the holiday. - Halloween traditions.ppt

31 October Halloween

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Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. Halloween is sacred, as it represents the 31st anniversary. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick-or-treating. In the United States, children dress up in masquerade costumes and masks and walk around the booths, drinking so much malt. Many of them carve jack-o-lantens out of pumpkins. Halloween developed from new year festivals and festivals of the dead. Halloween has evolved from being holy to the New Rock and holy to the honor of the dead. Happy Halloween. -

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Halloween According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word "Halloween" was first mentioned in the 16th century. That's what they called the night before All Saints' Day at that time.

Halloween is traditionally celebrated on the night of October 31st to November 1st. Around the 16th century, a tradition of begging for sweets arose on the night of October 31st. Children and adults put on cloth masks and walked from one door to another, demanding treats and small shawls from the owners.

“Jack-O-Lantern,” one of the main attributes of the Halloween holiday, is a pumpkin carved in the shape of a head with lighting (traditionally with a candle, but today electric lighting is often used.

Symbols In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable. Popular costumes include classic horror movie characters such as The Mummy and Frankenstein's Monster. Symbols of autumn, for example, village scarecrows, play an important role in the festive decoration of houses. Traditional colors are black and orange.

Costumes The main theme of Halloween costumes is various evil spirits or supernatural characters, but costumes on a completely arbitrary theme are also popular. Among the Halloween costumes one could find not only costumes of vampires, werewolves or witches, but fairies and queens.

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Halloween Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. In the United States children wear costumes and masks and go trick or treating. Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31st. In the United States, children dress up in fancy dress and masks and go door to door asking for candy.

Jack – o'lante r ns Many of them carve lanterns from pumpkins. Popular activities are fortune telling, telling stories about witches and ghosts. Many of them carve jack-o'-lanterns. Popular pastimes include fortune telling, stories about witches and ghosts.

New Year festivals Halloween developed from New Year festivals and festivals of the dead. Halloween evolved from New Year's Day and celebrations honoring the dead.

All Saints" Day Christian church established a festival on November 1 called "All Saints" Day" so that people could continue to celebrate their festivals. The Christian Church founded a holiday on the first of November, called All Saints' Day, so that people could continue the celebrations.

All hallows" Eve The Mass said on All Saints" Day was called "All hallowmass". The day before All Saints" Day was known all hallows" Eve. The Mass celebrated on All Saints' Day was called All Hallowmas. The day before All Hallows' Day was called All Hallows' Eve.

Trick or treating The main Halloween activity for children is trick or treating. Children dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat". The main entertainment for children on Halloween is begging for candy. Children dress up in fancy dress and masks, go from house to house and say: “Give me a treat, or we’ll play a joke.”

Treats The neighbors give children such treats as candy, fruit and pennies so that children do not play tricks on them. Neighbors give children treats such as candy, fruit, and change to prevent children from playing tricks on them.

Jack o' lanterns Jack o' lanterns are hallowed out pumpkins with face carved into one side. Most jack o' lanterns contain a candle inside. Halloween lanterns are empty pumpkins with a face carved on one side. Most lanterns have a candle inside.

Irish legend An Irish legend says that jack-o"-lanterns are named after the man called Jack. An Irish legend says that Halloween lanterns are named after a man named Jack.

Jack He could not enter heaven because he was a miser, and he could not enter hell because he had played jokes on devil. As a result, Jack has to walk on the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day. He couldn't go to heaven because he was a miser, and he couldn't go to hell because he played tricks on the devil. As a result, Jack is forced to wander the earth with his lantern until Judgment Day.

Fortunetelling Fortunetelling is an important part of Halloween. For example, a coin, a ring, and a thimble were baked into a cake. It was believed that the person who found the coin would become wealthy. Fortune telling is an important part of Halloween. For example, a coin, a ring and a thimble are baked into a pie. It was believed that whoever found the coin would become rich.

Ring and thimble The one who found the ring would marry soon. And the person who found the thimble would never get married. It was believed that whoever found the ring would soon get married. And the one who finds the thimble will never marry or be married.

Card- reading Today people practice card- reading or palmistry. Today people use card fortune telling and palm reading.

Ghosts and witches People once believed that there were many ghosts and witches on the Earth and that they met on October 31 to worship the devil. People once believed that the earth was full of witches and that they met on October 31st to worship the devil.

Halloween Today, people do not believe in ghosts and witches but they like to tell stories about them on Halloween. Today people don't believe in ghosts and witches, but they love to tell stories about them on Halloween.

The presentation was prepared by E.A. Siroshtanova. MBOU Secondary School No. 76, Gigant village 2014

Holiday "Halloween". History of origin and rules of celebration.

On the holiday, the hero of the occasion is necessarily given gifts - memorable items or something practical - depending on the character and mood of the birthday person. But all this if you are invited to a birthday party with friends or loved ones. However, there are also national holidays, such as New Year or International Women's Day, when you can give something special and unusual, thereby expressing your respect or feelings. So, for example, a luxurious handmade card with a dedicatory inscription, a bouquet of 100 roses... You never know what else can be an excellent present! The main thing is that it is meaningful and on time. However, today we will talk about a special holiday, which until recently was considered alien to our culture and traditions - Halloween. The modern holiday Halloween (from the English. Halloween) is celebrated on the eve of Dnya of all saints, namely at night with October 31 on Nov. 1. Halloween is celebrated mainly in English-speaking countries, but recently there has been a tendency to celebrate it both in Europe and in Japan, Korea, and Australia. This unusual holiday included two completely opposite traditions: Christian - belief in saints and worship of them, and Celtic - worship of dark spirits.

What is the history of the Halloween holiday? The word Halloween was first mentioned in the 16th century as a Scots abbreviation of the English phrase "All-Hallows-Even", which translated means "evening of all saints". The history of the holiday is rooted in the ancient traditions of the Celts of Ireland and Scotland. These countries are considered to be the birthplace of Halloween. The famous historian Nicholas Rogers suggests that the Halloween holiday appeared only after the Celtic pagan holiday – Samhain, translated from Old Irish as “end of summer”. Saiman was first mentioned in the literature of old Ireland in the 10th century, and subsequently the month would be called that way - November. Saiman is a holiday of all the peoples of the British Isles, which was associated with something supernatural, dark, and dead. All Saints' Day is gradually replacing Saiman: this marks the beginning of the formation of the future Halloween holiday. In the 16th-19th centuries, a new tradition appeared - going from house to house and asking for sweets on the night of October 31st, playing pranks, putting on fabric masks, wearing a Jack-o'-lantern.

Halloween symbols. The holidays have many symbols, but the main one is still the Jack-O-Lantern. Celtic traditions included making jack-o'-lanterns to help dead souls find their way to purgatory. The Jack-O-Lantern features a sinister smiling face carved into a pumpkin. For the first time, such a lamp appeared in Great Britain and it was carved into turnips. This fruit, according to people, protected their homes from evil spirits on All Saints' Day. When Halloween began to be celebrated in the United States, the lamp began to be carved from pumpkins.

What are the traditions of Halloween? When celebrating the holiday, you need to dress up in various Halloween costumes, which you can buy on the eve of All Hallows' Day at any specialized store. The most popular costumes are those of characters from already famous horror films, such as a mummy, a witch, a vampire costume and others. Black and orange dominate modern Halloween decorations. Like any holiday, Halloween has its own musical theme. The composition of songs for this holiday is based on the ambient genre, which consists of frightening sounds: creaks, screams, howls of wolves, etc. The modern song “MonsterMash” by musician Bobby Pickett can be said to have become the anthem of Halloween. This holiday is associated with the work of the Midnight Syndicate group, which to some extent has become synonymous with Halloween. IN 2010 the team released an entire album called “Halloween Music Collection”, dedicated to Halloween. The tradition of going from house to house and begging for sweets appeared in the Middle Ages and was directly related to Christmas. However, in Ireland and England the poor begged for sweets on All Hallows' Eve, promising to pray for the souls of the owner's deceased relatives. A special term “Trick-or-treat”, actively used in the USA since 1939, translated as “trick or treat.” Over time, this phrase was transformed, new variants appeared, and by 1940 became unchanged and sounded like this: “Trick or treat.” Today, such a humorous phrase can be heard in almost any country and not only on the eve of All Saints' Day.

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