Interesting, original and practical country houses. Beautiful country houses - modern photo ideas Small country houses

After purchasing a country plot for a summer residence, the question of how to build a country house with your own hands becomes urgent. Well, building it yourself is quite possible, unless, of course, you are planning a huge “palace” that requires the involvement of construction equipment and a team of professionals.

Usually compact buildings are chosen for a dacha, but, nevertheless, the house must have everything necessary for rest - rooms, kitchen, veranda. The latter will become a favorite place for an evening pastime all family. It is very important to make the country house cozy and comfortable, so you need to think through all the nuances of its arrangement.

The optimal material for a country house building is wood, and the principle of construction is a frame structure.

Of course, the first thing that will need to be done is to decide on the location and size of the building, draw up a project, and plan further work.

Proe ct of a small country house

The size of the future house largely depends on the area of ​​the summer cottage, the number of family members and the financial capabilities of the owners. If you plan correctly, draw up a successful project and choose inexpensive but high-quality material for construction, you can save space, money and work time.

In any case, the first steps are drawing up a project

Most often, a country house has a size of 5.0 × 6.0 or 4.0 × 6.0 m. Larger buildings are erected much less frequently, and mainly in cases where they are planned to be used year-round. But this, most likely, will not be a country house, but a full-fledged country house.

The layout of the house may have to be carried out on the basis of requirements that can be established by the board of the gardening association, therefore, when purchasing, you need to find out about such nuances in advance. The following distances are most often required:

  • The house must be installed at a distance of 3 meters from the border of the neighboring plot, and from the fence separating the plot from the general passage (street) - 5 meters.
  • In order to ensure fire safety, a stone house is placed at a distance of at least six meters from another stone building, and ten meters from a wooden one. If the house is wooden, then it should be installed at a distance of no closer than 15 meters from another wooden building.
  • To prevent the house from blocking neighboring buildings from sunlight, if it is placed on the eastern, southern or western side of the site, it is located at a distance from another residential building at least equal to its height.

Usually, to install a country house, the highest place in the area where Water will not collect when snow melts or from heavy rains. Increased humidity under the house will never benefit any building material, but it will always have a negative impact on the overall strength and durability of the structure.

Most often, the following construction technologies are chosen for the construction of country houses: frame-panel construction, log houses, walls made of blocks or bricks.

For summer cottages, designs of one-story houses with closed or open verandas or terraces are predominantly chosen. Often a building has an attic space used for storing garden tools and other things that seem unnecessary in everyday use, but which can always be useful in the country. However, it also happens that in some projects there are no attic floor beams at all, and then the roof slopes simultaneously serve as a ceiling.

If the family is large, and the area of ​​the plot is not as large as we would like, then you can plan a two-story house that takes up very little space at the base. In this case, the first floor can be used as a living room, terrace and kitchen, and on the second floor you can arrange cozy sleeping areas for the whole family.

Not at all necessary in a dacha building, build a full second floor, since its role can be perfectly fulfilled by an attic superstructure. By decorating it with natural materials, you can create a wonderful, healthy country atmosphere.

Country houses are mainly used in the warm season, starting with the arrival of spring and ending in autumn. Therefore, they do not require enhanced insulation of walls and roofs, but devices for heating the premises must still be provided - in case of cold nights or a drop in temperature during unstable weather. Typically, electrical appliances are used as heaters, for example, convectors or infrared film emitters, but sometimes owners even prefer to install fireplaces or cast iron heating and cooking stoves.

By the way, if you plan to build a real fireplace or brick stove, then they must be included in the project being compiled.

There are also ready-made versions of country houses, sold complete in disassembled form, which simply need to be delivered to the site and assembled. Any such set of parts must be accompanied by detailed instructions, which outline the procedure for carrying out the work, basic technological techniques and connection diagrams of individual elements and assemblies.

For the owner of the site, who has basic construction skills, it will not be difficult to assemble such a country house yourself. The main advantage of this option is that the kit often already includes everything necessary for the building’s electrical network, its ventilation system, and even for installing the water supply.

Video: a small, neat country house that lives up to its name

What type of house to choose?

Having decided on the approximate plan of the future house, you need to choose the material for its construction. This choice will determine not only the appearance of the building itself, but also the comfort of staying in it, as well as the costs of its construction.

  • The traditional material for a country house is wood, which will create a favorable microclimate in it, filling it with the smells of the forest. A wooden house can be built using a frame method, from timber or logs. The disadvantage of wooden buildings is considered to be the high fire hazard of the material.

However, wooden houses have always been built, and many of them have stood for centuries. Today, there are special fire-retardant impregnations on sale that significantly reduce the risk of fire in wooden buildings. And in general - the most important thing here is not the material, but the human factor - it is people’s neglect of basic fire safety requirements that in the overwhelming majority of cases becomes the cause of fire.

  • The construction of a brick structure will cost much more, but it can with good reason be called a full-fledged house, which can be used not only in the summer, but also, if necessary, in the winter, if you install a stove in it. Brick buildings are much less susceptible to fire and, with high-quality masonry, will last a very long time. Their disadvantages include a more complex and lengthy construction process, requiring special skills, and the high price of materials.

  • Very often, different materials are used when building a country house. For example, a house is built from wood, but on a foundation made of concrete, brick or blocks.

This option can be called optimal, since a foundation made of moisture-resistant materials will create optimal conditions for the construction of walls made of wood, thus becoming a reliable foundation for the house.

It is this last option that is worth considering, since it is the most popular of all types of country houses.

Stages of construction of a country house

Materials for building a country house

If you don’t want to bother with calculations, then it’s better to purchase a prefabricated ready-made model of a house that has a certain area, for which you only need to prepare a place.

In all other cases, you will need to purchase building materials. Their type, size, volume, total number - all depending on the size of the planned building, which is determined by the project.

Prices for various types of timber

Foundation material

For any type of foundation you will need the following materials:

— sand, crushed stone, cement;

- third-grade board and timber for formwork;

- brick or concrete blocks;

— waterproofing material (roofing felt);

— expanded clay of the middle fraction.

Wall and roof material

Since wood was chosen for the construction of the walls, other materials will be selected based on this:

— bars and boards of different sizes, depending on the design parameters;

— fastening elements — nails, self-tapping screws, bolts, studs;

- corners of different configurations, metal plates - for fastening nodes;

— vapor barrier film;

— insulation — mineral wool, ecowool or expanded clay;

— to cover the roof, it is better to choose a lightweight material — ondulin or corrugated sheeting.

Once the installation location for the future house has been determined and the materials have been purchased, you can proceed to arranging the foundation. True, first you will have to decide on its type.

Country house foundation

Even when erecting such a small and light building as a wooden country house, you cannot do without a foundation. In this case, one of two types is ideal for these purposes - a columnar and strip foundation. Which one to choose depends on the preferences of the builder.

  • A column foundation will be a less expensive option, as it will allow you to seriously save on building materials. In addition, such a foundation can be completed independently, without outside help, which will also save some money.

You can find out in detail how to build it correctly by following this link to the corresponding page of our portal.

  • To create a strip foundation, you will need not only a larger amount of materials, but also a fairly long period of time. This is not surprising - a trench will need to be dug along the entire perimeter of the future house, waterproof it, install a reinforcement structure, build formwork and fill the foundation pit with concrete. And after that, whether you like it or not, it will take another month until the filled tape completely hardens and gains brand strength.

However, strip foundations are still very popular among individual developers. This option is convenient because it allows you to make a basement under the house, however, to do this, the foundation walls will have to be raised above the soil surface by 700 ÷ 800 mm.

is described in detail in the article, which can be found on our portal by following the link provided. If a columnar foundation is selected, then it is recommended to remove the top layer of soil by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm from the site, which will be located under the house and around it by 500 ÷ 600 mm. Then pour a 30 ÷ 40 mm layer of sand into the resulting pit, which should be compacted. A layer is laid on top of the sand cushion mid-fraction

crushed stone and is also compacted, and the remaining space must be filled with expanded clay of the middle fraction. All these procedures are done to ensure that small rodents cannot get close to the house. They cannot stand expanded clay (especially small clay), as it contains a large amount of dust and has a loose surface.

Fine expanded clay is an excellent rodent repellent

To protect the house from the penetration of large rodents or other uninvited guests from the animal world, it is advisable to cover the space under the house with a metal mesh with cells no larger than 10 mm.

Construction of a frame structure

A frame house can be placed on either a columnar or strip foundation. Construction always starts from the foundation, which must be reliably waterproofed two or three layers of laid roofing felt.

  • If the project includes a veranda, you must immediately separate its zone, over which a roof will be erected, but there will be no solid walls. To support the roof over the veranda, you can use the racks of the general wall frame. Another option - veranda will be attached to the house separately.
  • Without exception, all wooden workpieces must be treated with antiseptic compounds and fire retardants. These impregnations will increase the resistance of wood to fire, to decay, will prevent the appearance of insect nests or colonies of microflora representatives - mold or fungus.

  • After the workpieces have received proper preparation and are completely dry, during construction, a lower frame (crown) is first made, which will be laid on the foundation and will subsequently be used to install the floor.

In order for the floor to be reliable, it is necessary to use high-quality timber of the required cross-section for the frame. If funds allow, then it is better to choose wooden elements not according to the “lower limit” of dimensions, but by placing a certain margin in their cross-section.

The table shows the optimal dimensions of timber for a frame house:

  • The frame support beams are mounted on crown bars located along the perimeter of the foundation, at a distance of 600 ÷ 700 mm from each other. They are secured using corners or by inserting. If the elements are large in cross-section, they can additionally be fastened with metal brackets.

  • When the lower frame with support beams is ready, the wall frames are made. They can be assembled separately, and then, when finished, lifted and secured to the framing bars.

Another option is to lift the frame directly into place. For example, if a house is being erected independently, without helpers, then it will be very difficult to lift the finished frame from the tent alone to the height of the frame, install it evenly and temporarily fix it until it is finally secured. This means that each of the bars will have to be placed separately.

  • The size of the bars for the wall frame posts must be at least 100x100 mm, but it can also be mounted from boards with a cross-section of at least 50x150 mm.

The bars are secured to the lower frame using powerful corners that can hold them in a vertical position. It is best to use self-tapping screws rather than nails for fastening - the difference in price is not so significant, but the quality and reliability of the assembly is incomparably higher.

  • When installing vertical racks, you need to immediately mark the location of the openings for windows and doors. It is best to leave the area where they are to be installed free in the frame, and install the part of the wall with the window opening separately.

Then, when the upper strapping block is installed and secured to all other vertical posts, the area with the window opening is secured to the space left for it.

  • All four walls are assembled in the same way. At the corners, the side posts are fastened together with corners, or instead of two separate ones, one common corner post is mounted. It is recommended to support it with diagonal struts on both sides - they will add rigidity to the entire wall structure.

  • The doorway is installed in the frame immediately. It is reinforced with an additional rack, since a door suspended on hinges has a certain weight, which must be calmly supported by both the reinforced opening and the entire wall frame.

  • If you plan to sheathe the frame from the outside with clapboard, then this is the next step. The sheathing will give the structure additional rigidity, which will allow the installation of the attic floor to continue and

Installation of the floor can be carried out immediately after the outer wall cladding, but only if the roof will be covered on the same day. It is highly undesirable for your freshly laid flooring to get wet if it rains unexpectedly at night. Therefore, it is better to first resolve the issue with the roof, and then calmly deal with all other construction activities inside the house.

Roof construction and roofing

Types of rafter systems

A few words need to be said about the types of rafter systems, since, moving on to the construction of the roof, it is necessary to have a general understanding of this, to know which design is better to choose.

There are two types of rafter systems - hanging and layered.

Hanging system

The hanging rafter system is distinguished by the fact that it is installed only on external load-bearing walls and has no other supports. It is perfect for erecting over a small country house building. In order to lighten the load on the wooden walls and on the foundation, hanging rafters are fastened with ties.

The hanging structure itself consists of a transverse beam, which also performs an overlapping function, and can simultaneously serve as a frame for lining the ceiling, as well as rafter legs that form the roof slopes.

Layered system

A layered system is installed if the house, in addition to external walls, has internal permanent partitions that will become additional support points. This scheme can also be used when constructing the roof of a country house, if it has a large area and its rooms are separated by walls built on the foundation.

When installing this system, the load on the load-bearing side walls becomes weaker, so it will be possible to use fewer retaining elements. It is perfect for attic structures that will be used as living quarters.

Floor beams

An important structural element is the floor beams

The beams are laid exactly above the vertical posts of the wall frame. In order for them to fit tightly on the upper strapping belt, grooves are cut out at their edges. The size of the grooves can be calculated based on the formula shown in the figure.

The beams are secured to the frame structure of the walls using nails or self-tapping screws, and in addition they are sometimes fixed on both sides with metal corners.

Having completed the installation of the ceiling beams, you can proceed to building the roof truss system. For safety reasons, temporary plank flooring is laid on the floor beams to ensure comfortable movement along the attic plane during installation of the rafters.

Installation of the rafter system

The roof truss system can be mounted using different sequences of fastening its elements:

  • First option. It is necessary to fasten the outer pairs of rafter legs on the ground, then lift them onto the harness and install them ready-made on the gable walls of the house. And then connect them with a ridge beam, and mount the remaining pairs of rafters on it.
  • Second option. To begin, install the middle posts along the gables, then fasten them with a ridge beam or board, onto which the rafters are then attached.
  • Third option. In this case, pairs of rafter legs in their upper part are attached to each other with a ridge plate, and their lower side is fixed to the wall frame, which in this embodiment will act as a mauerlat.

The cross-section of beams or logs used for rafter legs must be strictly maintained - depending on the rafter length between two support points, and depending on the step between adjacent pairs of rafters

Maximum permissible rafter leg length (in mm)Rafter spacing (in mm)
1100 1400 1750 2100
Section of the rafter leg (in mm)
bars with cross-sectionlogs Øbars with cross-sectionlogs Øbars with cross-sectionlogs Øbars with cross-sectionlogs Ø
up to 300080×100100 80×100130 90×100150 90×160160
up to 360080×130130 80×160160 80×180180 90×180180
up to 430080×160160 80×180180 90×180180 100×200200
up to 500080×180180 80×200200 100×200200 - -
up to 580080×200200 100×200200 - - - -
up to 6500100×200200 120×220240 - - - -

It should be noted that the attachment point for the rafters in its lower part will depend on the angle at which they are fastened to the ridge and how long they are.

If the rafter is long enough and protrudes beyond the load-bearing walls, then a notch is cut out on it, with which it will be installed on the strapping beam (). An example of such a notch is shown in the picture:

If the rafter ends at the edge of the load-bearing wall, then its lower edge is cut at a right angle to the Mauerlat, and the leg itself can be fixed to it using a special fastening plate, a sliding support, an angle, a bracket, nails or long screws.

If the house is very small, then after securing the rafters to the frame, tying them with ridge beams or boards, you most likely will not have to install additional supporting elements.

Detailed information about the exact details can be obtained from a special publication on our portal by following the recommended link:

For installation of additional reinforcing elements of the rafter system, the material can be selected in accordance with the recommendations indicated in the table:

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Rafter fasteners

Roofing system

After the rafters and additional elements form the roof slopes, you can proceed to the installation of the subsystem for the roof deck.

  • The first thing that needs to be done on the outside of the roof, after installing the rafters, is to lay a vapor barrier film, securing it first with staples and then with counter-lattice strips on the rafters.

The film is laid perpendicular to the rafters, starting from the lower eaves of the roof. The overlap between two adjacent strips must be at least 200 mm.

  • The main batten is mounted perpendicular to the counter-lattice, onto which the roofing material will be attached. The installation step of the guides depends on the type and size of the sheets of roofing material.

If a soft roof is chosen to cover the roof, then instead of sheathing slats, the slopes are covered completely - with plywood, and then with waterproofing sheets of roofing felt, which are overlapped by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm and glued together with bitumen mastic. Another option is to use soft bitumen decorative tiles, which are laid using a similar technology.

  • The following roofing materials are most often used for wooden houses (depending on the steepness of the roof slope).
  • The selected roofing material is laid and secured onto the prepared base. The work starts from the cornice, and if the first row is laid from right to left, then all other rows are installed according to the same pattern.

Some types of roofing materials have a strictly specified installation pattern in direction, which cannot be changed. This must be indicated in the instructions supplied with them.

Also, for any type of sheet roofing material, the amount of overlap in the direction of the slope (usually 150 ÷ ​​200 mm) and the number of waves (relief protrusions) in the horizontal direction along the roof are determined.

  • Almost all roofing materials are secured to the sheathing using special nails or self-tapping screws with waterproofing gaskets.

  • It is very important to correctly select and secure the ridge elements of the roof, otherwise it will leak at the first rain. Typically, the ridge element is selected from the same material as the covering of the roof slopes.
  • Next, the eaves of the roof are finished - this can be done with wooden or plastic lining. Sometimes special plastic elements - soffits - are used for these purposes.

  • Then elements of the roof drainage system are installed on the wind board - funnels, gutters on brackets, pipes, etc.

  • Next, the gable sides of the rafter system are sheathed. Most often, wooden or plastic lining or even planed boards are used for this.

For the lining, a special profile is fixed around the perimeter of the pediment triangle, into which the prepared panels, cut at the desired angle, will be installed. Installation is usually done symmetrically - from the middle post to one side and then the other - then the cladding will be smooth and neat.

By the way, install the lining, Besides, you can do it horizontally, in a herringbone pattern, or come up with a more complex pattern.

Detailed information about the technology can be found in the article posted on our website by clicking on link.

Now, having finished the external finishing of the roof and being confident that rain will no longer get inside the country house, you can move on to installing windows and doors, insulation, flooring and wall cladding.

Installation of windows and doors

  • Window frames are mounted in the frame openings left for them and leveled. For preliminary fixation when placing the frame, spacers made of wooden blocks or slats are installed between it and the opening bars.

Then, after checking the correct installation, the frames are attached to the wall frame with metal strips. The remaining gaps between the frame and frame bars are filled with polyurethane foam. After it dries, the excess is cut off, and platbands are installed around the windows on the outside of the wall, which will close the unsightly appearance of the gaps and give neatness to the overall appearance of the house.

  • It is best to install the door together with the door frame, if it has sufficient rigidity. This will make it much easier to align the entire structure with the level in the wall doorway.

It is best to install the door as a block - together with the frame and leaf

When exposing the door frame, if necessary, to achieve a clear vertical position, place wedges (inserts) made of wooden slats. The door frame is secured to the frame in the same way as window frames, using metal strips, and the gap is filled with polyurethane foam.

Having installed all the windows and doors, you can proceed to installing the floor.

Installation and insulation of floors

To begin with, the temporary flooring from the boards (if there was one) is removed from the lower frame, and then you need to install the subfloor.

  • To do this, cranial bars are nailed or screwed onto the frame supporting beams. They are necessary for laying transverse subfloor boards on them.

  • Next, boards cut to exact size or plywood 8 ÷ 10 mm thick are laid on the skull blocks - this flooring will serve as a subfloor.
  • The subfloor laid on top is closed hydro- paro insulating film, which should cover both the load-bearing beams and the entire floor plane. Individual sheets of material are laid overlapping (by 150 ÷ ​​200 mm) and taped at the joints with waterproof tape.

  • Next, insulation material is laid or poured onto the vapor barrier film. If you don’t want to have neighbors who like to live under the floor, then it is better to use expanded clay of medium or fine fraction, or ecowool, to insulate the floor - these toothy pests simply do not live in such materials.

  • Another layer of film membrane is laid on top of the insulation, which is nailed to the supporting beams with staples. The installation principle is exactly the same as on a subfloor.

The floor is finished!

  • The entire structure is then covered with thick plywood or wooden floorboards.
Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Measures for additional thermal insulation

When the floor is completely ready, the walls of the house are insulated and sheathed from the inside. If the building will be used only in the warm season, then the insulation will still not hurt - it will work as an insulator of the premises from heating in extreme heat. Therefore, it is recommended to lay a thermal insulation layer not only in the walls, but also in the ceiling, and if it is missing, place insulation along the internal slopes of the roof.

  • First, a vapor barrier material is attached to all walls and ceiling beams. Then the ceiling is covered with clapboard, plywood or plasterboard.
  • After covering the ceiling, the walls are insulated. Insulation mats are laid between the frame posts. It is necessary to ensure that the mats fit as tightly as possible against the bars of the wall frame, so that there are no gaps left.

That is why mineral wool is most often used as insulation - after being tightly laid between the racks, it will straighten out, completely filling the entire space. The material is usually selected so that the thickness of the mats and the thickness of the frame posts are the same.

  • After this, all walls are again covered with vapor barrier film.

  • The next step is covering the walls with wooden paneling, plywood or. The latter, during subsequent decorative finishing of the walls, can be painted with water-based paint or covered with wallpaper.

  • Next, the attic floor is insulated, where the insulation is placed between the floor beams.

If the ceiling is sheathed on the side of the house with plasterboard or clapboard, then we must not forget that you cannot step on it, since the sheathing will not support the weight of a person. You must move carefully along the floor beams.

  • If the attic is planned to be used for storing various garden supplies, then a flooring made of boards or plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm should be secured on top of the insulation on the floor beams.
  • The finishing touches of the interior decoration will be the installation of trim on windows and doors, ceiling and floor skirting boards and closing the corners with fittings.

Extensions to the house

The last stages of arranging a country house are installation work on the veranda and porch.

If a place is left in advance for the veranda on the frame lying on the foundation, then a board is laid on this space to cover the floor (material for open areas is used), a fence is installed and a canopy is mounted.

If the foundation is raised high enough above the ground, then a porch is also attached to it.

Building a country house with your own hands is a completely doable task, but it will be quite difficult to do without helpers. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a knowledgeable craftsman who has experience in such work, will always give useful advice and show how to correctly install certain components in the structure of the house. You can “mobilize” your relatives and friends - it is possible that a knowledgeable person will be among them.

Video: building a country house using frame technology

Our company builds inexpensive turnkey garden houses in Moscow and the Moscow region. Over many years of activity, we have collected many successful forms of houses from economy class to exclusive solutions at a reasonable price. In the site’s catalog you can find both small options for purely utilitarian purposes, and full-fledged country houses for long-term comfortable living in the summer months.

Do you want to build a garden house according to your own design? We will take care of all the hassle - we will develop a unique design project, professionally implement it “in wood”, carefully deliver the kit to the site and assemble it as quickly as possible. A garden house made of timber will certainly become a decoration of your dacha and a favorite place to relax.
Here are just some of our advantages that will help you make the right choice:

  • The prices for our garden houses made of timber are perhaps the most favorable in Moscow and the Moscow region. This was achieved through a consistent reduction in production costs. In this case, high-quality materials and components are used.
  • Environmentally friendly materials - dry profiled mini-timber and hardwood boards. They are processed using our own technology, without the addition of adhesive components and other harmful chemicals.
  • Minimum construction time. From the sketch of the project to the turnkey delivery of the garden house it will take no more than 7-10 days. If you choose a ready-made solution, the delivery time will be significantly reduced.
  • High quality. Our team is professional builders with impressive experience in the industry. What is important is that the entire construction process will be controlled by our management.
  • Modern design and comfort. Our country houses combine pleasant, cozy shapes inspired by rustic motifs, while at the same time they look quite modern. A thoughtful layout will make your stay at the dacha as comfortable as possible.

Order the construction of a wooden house from us - it’s inexpensive, quick and hassle-free. We will help you arrange your suburban area so that you get only unforgettable impressions from your summer holiday.

Country houses differ from a full-fledged country house, because people live here only from time to time, on vacation. Most often we are talking about summer time. This greatly simplifies the design: the house can be lighter, without a serious heating system. However, this does not mean that construction can be taken less seriously. It is very important to choose the right contractor. The company SK "Ivales" is engaged in the construction of country houses in Moscow and the region and offers the most favorable conditions for its clients.

Country houses made of timber

Perhaps the most popular materials for building houses on summer cottages are different types of wooden beams:

  • ordinary;
  • glued;
  • profiled.

Wood is a natural, environmentally friendly and very practical material. A wooden house is a unique atmosphere, a pleasant aroma, healthy and clean air. They are easy to heat, which is very important for a dacha, because most of the time it sits empty.

Different types differ in production technology and some features. So, a regular one is made from a single log: all excess is cut off, leaving only a square-section beam. To create laminated veneer lumber, thin wooden lamellas are taken, glued and sent under the press. Since lamellas can be made from waste from other production, this material is cheaper than other types of timber, and is practically not inferior in quality to them.

Profiled timber differs from ordinary timber in the presence of grooves. Thanks to them, the beams are nested into each other, like parts of a construction set. This ensures a tighter fit of the parts to each other. Thanks to this, heat in the room is better retained and the risk of mold and mildew development is reduced.

Houses made of timber are relatively light, so even a columnar foundation will be sufficient. At the same time, they are erected quite quickly and simply, in just a couple of months.

Frame country houses

This is an even faster option: the manufacturer pre-fabricates the frame of the house and special wooden panels, from which the finished house is then assembled in the shortest possible time. This is an almost ideal technology for the construction of country houses. The list of advantages of such buildings is quite long:

  • environmentally friendly, natural material;
  • attractive appearance both inside and outside;
  • warmth and comfort;
  • inexpensive construction;
  • the minimum amount of equipment required for construction;
  • reliability and durability.

This is why frame houses are so popular among customers.

Advantages of the company IC "Ivales"

Ordering a country house from our company is a reasonable and practical decision. IC "Ivales" guarantees affordable prices, high speed of work, reliability and decent quality.

We offer a huge number of ready-made projects for country houses of any size. This allows you to choose an option to suit any needs and budget. If none of the proposed projects are suitable, you can develop an individual plan for the needs of a specific buyer.

Having our own plant for the production of building materials allows us to reduce the price of construction and also simplifies quality control. It is located in the Kirov region, where high-quality wood is being actively harvested. For production, the latest domestic and Finnish equipment is used, which is staffed by highly qualified specialists.

The work process consists of several main stages:

  • assessing the site and clarifying the requests of a potential client;
  • selection or development of a project that meets the client’s wishes and working conditions;
  • manufacturing a house in a factory;
  • assembly of the house directly on the customer's site.

Highly qualified specialists, the latest equipment and excellent technical equipment allow us to carry out all work efficiently and in the shortest possible time. In addition, we offer the best prices. Various promotions and discounts are regularly held.

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photographs of amazing country houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not just compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of the houses at these dachas are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, excluding the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite its small size, it has two bedrooms - one downstairs and the other in the attic.

From the side of the main entrance, along the entire wall, there is a covered terrace, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the house's windows face the terrace.

The house combines a sitting area, a dining room and a compact kitchen built along the rear wall. At the entrance to the house from the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

In the other half of the house there is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is a bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

There is a second bedroom in the attic above the bedroom and bath.

Because The upper bedroom is quite spacious, then if the family is small but likes to receive guests, you can increase the living room area on the lower floor by abandoning the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also provide more space to accommodate guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 sq.m., the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at the photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that all this fit into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, the house does not seem small from the inside. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The space under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

The small bedroom downstairs seems bright and cozy due to the large windows.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, surrounded by greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro features and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This cute country house captivates with its atmosphere: wood is everywhere in it, and this creates a unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who looks at such houses and sighs: “Yes, it’s original, but in such a house it’s difficult to properly place everything...”

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, a living room and a surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of privacy and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m.

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or on a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan holiday home.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for a comfortable life, down to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it amazes not only with its design, but also with its picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, a modern kitchen, a fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house made from old windows.

We replace everything with new ones, while throwing away many old windows of varying degrees of wear. The owner of this house is in the process of installing windows, and she has always been tormented by the desire to find a use for the still quite good old windows. This is how this country house was built.

Various cozy little things give this house a special charm: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to sleep until twelve in such a bedroom!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m. is made from used materials: wood and roofing iron, while at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs, the open-plan kitchen is connected to the living room. This small room is quite comfortable for relaxation and contains a sofa and an armchair. In addition, the kitchen island has a folding dining table on the back wall.

It is also possible to place the dining area on the covered porch at the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see from the plan, there is a storage room next to the bathroom, and the cottage has sleeping lofts at both ends of the house.

On one side, the sleeping area is located above the bathtub. The upward staircase is successfully combined with the kitchen shelving.

At night, the house is lit by candles, oil lamps and electricity stored from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But first place in terms of originality must be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the story of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is hand-carved from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done alone by the artist Noel Wotten. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small, cozy country house, then know: your dream can come true!

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M Many residents of megacities dream of purchasing a plot of land and a comfortable house outside the city, albeit a small one. In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to build a house yourself than to buy a ready-made one. Projects of country houses for 6 acres will help you make the right choice, photos of which are presented in large numbers in our review. It is believed that building a house is very difficult. But some projects of country houses are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity.

Comfortable small-sized country house

Country house projects for 6 acres: photos, options and construction requirements

To create a good-quality and durable building, you need to select a high-quality design for a country house for 6 acres. Photos of the best options can be seen in the interior. Before choosing, you should decide on the materials and a convenient place for the future structure.

What building materials are used during construction?

A wide range of different materials can be used for the construction of country houses. The most commonly used options are:

  • The most popular is. Such buildings are erected over a season and are distinguished by simple technology. The frame system is assembled from timber, which is sheathed with special plywood or clapboard. Refers to the best options in terms of quality and price. This material is also characterized by a long service life.

  • Some buildings are made from profiled timber. The construction of the structure takes several months. Also, about six months are allotted for shrinkage. Such structures do not require exterior finishing.

  • Stone buildings are made from and cinder blocks. Such structures require long construction times, since a powerful foundation is used and the walls are built in rows. Before construction work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed project. Houses made of stone and brick are characterized by increased strength and reliability.

Helpful information! The choice of building material is influenced by its cost in a particular region, personal preferences and the type of foundation. Frame buildings and timber structures are mounted on screw or columnar bases.

Video: small houses for a plot of 6 acres

How to build a turnkey country house inexpensively: prices

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction work, the best option may be an inexpensive turnkey country house. Prices for structures can be seen in a special catalog of the selected construction organization. A suitable option can be selected to suit any budget. The cost of the structure is influenced by the type of structure, material and dimensions of the structure.

A house measuring 5*5 m made of clapboard and timber will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A structure with a porch and a canopy or veranda will require an investment of a larger amount, more than 200 thousand rubles.

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Features of installing a house with your own hands

Features of installation work depend on the choice of specific material. A timber structure has many positive qualities. Such material is treated with stain and various protective compounds. A lightweight version of the foundation can be used for the structure. In this case, the roof can be gable.

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