Bathroom interior with mosaic and mirrors. Types of mosaics and their main characteristics

One of the key decisions that you have to make when renovating a bathroom is the choice of material with which the walls and floor of this room will be lined.

Of course, when looking through options, you should always keep in mind the special conditions that characterize any bathroom: high humidity and changes in temperature conditions. In addition, it is the bathroom that needs regular and thorough cleaning.

The walls and floor will have to be washed frequently, and this circumstance must be taken into account. There are many versions of finishing, but mosaic tiles in the bathroom are the option that many homeowners choose.

If we consider the advantages of mosaic tiles, we can see their similarities with ceramic tiles, which are also popular among designers and homeowners. It is just as strong, reliable and durable.

In addition, room humidity does not have a negative effect on it, nor do temperature changes. Both types of tiles offer a varied palette of colors and shades and are highly resistant to fading and fading.

This means that from the point of view of functionality and practicality, both of these materials can be considered equivalent.

From an aesthetic point of view, mosaics really have no equal: the pattern on the tile is already specified by its manufacturer, and you can create the ornament yourself using mosaics

But, if we take into account the aesthetic component, then mosaic has practically no equal.

After all, in the composition inherent only to her obvious advantages includes:

  • a wide range of materials from which it is produced;
  • the possibility of lining niches, concave, curved and complex shapes, other uneven surfaces;
  • the possibility of creating on its basis not only a homogeneous canvas, but also drawings, ornamental patterns, real works of art;
  • its ability to adhere well to different types of bases: plastered, wooden, concrete and even metal.

There is no surface that mosaics cannot decorate. Try just as effectively lining these curves with any other material suitable for use in the bathroom.

It would seem that with such advantages, what kind of disadvantages can we even talk about, but they exist. Mosaic is an expensive material. The installation work is not cheap either. Covering a bathtub with mosaics takes a lot of time.

And if you use it to make an artistic panel, you will have to spend a lot of money.

Of course, mosaic is expensive and you will have to tinker with it yourself or pay good money to specialists for the work, but you must agree that it is worthy of your expenses

However, the durability and resistance of this material makes the costs of its acquisition and installation justified.

If we take into account the years during which the bathroom will delight its owner with its unique and exceptional durable design, then the issue with the choice of material will be decided clearly in favor of the mosaic. Such a long-term investment will truly pay off.

Using mosaics in the interior, you not only create a unique design, but personalize your home: it becomes a reflection of your habits and tastes

What is mosaic made from?

Mosaic tiles are widely available on sale. It is made from various materials.

Natural stone mosaics in the bathroom look simply amazing, but dark stone needs appropriate lighting and this point must be taken into account

We list only those that occur more often than others:

  • A natural stone. As is known, natural materials are characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage. They are durable and strong. Therefore, they are used for cladding surfaces for which these qualities are more important than others. Natural stone mosaics are most often used to decorate the floor. As a rule, we are talking about granite and marble. But with the participation of jasper and onyx, expensive panels can be created. Chip Standard Parameters floor tiles are 12x12 mm with a thickness of up to 8 mm.
  • Ceramics. This option is the most common, and ceramic coating is inexpensive. A wide selection of colors and shades is its undoubted advantage. With this material, any piece of art can be implemented with the required degree accuracy.
  • Glass. This material is a leader in ease of care. In addition, glass perfectly withstands changes in temperature conditions and high humidity; it does not absorb moisture. Modern chemicals surface care products are not capable of damaging it. Glass is also convenient because it is impossible to slip on it. Standard sizes for a chip made from such a tile are 20x20 mm with a thickness of up to 4 mm.
  • Metal. Mosaics made from this material are much less common. But it is this type of mosaic that is considered especially attractive. But the problem of high humidity in the room can prevent the widespread use of metal. If it is a rusting material, then it is used in the bathroom only in places farthest from sources of moisture, and only as individual decorative elements.
  • Tree. Wooden mosaic exists. It is not often used to house a bathtub. For example, in combination with such significant elements for this room as a bathtub. After all, bathtubs are also made of wood. Of course, special types of wood are chosen for such a mosaic: larch, beech, oak or cedar, teak, wenge or mahogany. It also requires treatment with special compounds that prevent rotting, the appearance of fungus, mold or loss of appearance.

Surprisingly, this mosaic is actually made from pieces of wood. It’s hard to say how justified its use on the floor is, but overall the interior of such a bathroom looks impressive

A varied selection allows you to make your bathroom interior truly unique. After all mosaic tiles can be used with imagination, and there are no limits to imagination.

And this mosaic is made of large metal chips. Of course, it is a stainless material, so it can be used in the bathroom without any restrictions

Options for using finishing materials

Speaking about the advantages of mosaic tiles, we noted that the design of a bathroom with mosaics and tiles is significantly different from each other. Using mosaics, you can create a variety of designs, original ornaments and entire canvases.

At the same time, the palette of colors that this material provides us with ceramic coating, allows us to embody a variety of ideas.

Let us recall that during the time of M.V. Lomonosov mosaic was a type visual arts. The durability of this material is supported by the fact that many works of those years have reached our time almost completely intact.

But there is no point in constructing such complex panels in the bathroom: it is both out of place and expensive.

To make your bathroom extraordinarily attractive, it is not at all necessary to create complex paintings in it. Even deliberate carelessness in the placement of the mosaic looks very expressive

To make an ornament appear on the wall of your bathroom, you can use one of three options:

  • Use solid tiles with mosaic patterns. In fact, this is an ordinary tile, but it looks like a mosaic miniature. Not a very winning option.
  • You can create your own drawing from individual elements - chips. But this is a rather long and expensive process.
  • It is possible to purchase mosaic tiles for installation in the bathroom in ready-made blocks, on which they are placed in the form of a specific pattern of parts fixed on a flexible base.

This mosaic, laid out in two colors in a checkerboard pattern, coupled with a small element in the same spirit located above the bathtub, literally forms a completely unique interior

In principle, you can hire a specialist who will analyze the possibilities of your room and choose a cladding option that will really decorate the bathroom.

Here are a few examples of how you can use mosaics in a bathroom interior.

Images of flowers, floral ornament

Flowers are a classic version of using mosaics in a bathroom interior. They can be made in the form of an ornamental pattern or individual motifs, or in the form of a panel that will cover a large vertical surface of the room.

In any case, a floral pattern will transform a room, making its space personalized, reflecting the taste and preferences of its owner.

It’s difficult to create flowers using mosaics, but the idea itself is literally on the surface: just look at knitting albums and you will see bouquets and floral patterns from which you can always choose the right one

The image of flowers is chosen because of the energy of freshness that they emit. They symbolize closeness to nature, the flourishing of strength and beauty. We like to see the smooth curves of the petals and leaves, even if the image itself is monochrome.

And the multi-color design creates the impression of skillful embroidery.

A two-color floral pattern is in no way inferior to a multicolored one. It may not be as ostentatiously luxurious, but its graphic perfection is as eye-catching as its abundance of color.

Popular marine theme

Marine themes are always in demand when decorating bathrooms. To implement it, a combination of mosaics from different materials is often used.

Elements made of glass, mirrors, natural stone and ceramic coating are useful here. The results usually exceed all expectations.

The marine theme is as inexhaustible as the plant theme. To create this wave, various types of mosaics were needed: ceramic, glass and natural stone. But the result turned out to be impeccable

Mosaic can be combined with other finishing materials. For example, finishing made of small pebbles can symbolize the shore, and mosaic tiles in turquoise and blue colors can play the role of the sea surface.

Waves made of glass interspersed with natural stone look very impressive. Small objects, such as shells or imitations of sea life, will enhance the effect of presence on the coast.

Most often, mosaics and tiles are combined in bathroom design: such a union is ideal.

A dashingly twisted marine theme can be placed not only on the walls, but also on the floor. Look how unusual this mosaic looks with chips of non-standard sizes

Original and unobtrusive abstraction

Flowers and other natural motifs, waves and sandy beaches - all these are elements that in our minds are inextricably linked with one concept - relaxation.

They help us cheer up in the morning and relax in the evening after working day. An abstract pattern can perform the same function.

The silver abstraction on the walls of this bathroom looks like a Christmas decoration. I really want to dive into warm bath and from there inhale the cheerfulness that this interior conveys

This pattern does not have to be colorful and multi-colored. Even the gray-silver image on a white background creates a wonderful atmosphere of cleansing and freshness.

It seems that in such a room the aroma of a frosty morning spreads. If the bathroom interior is made in oriental style, colorful colors will be very appropriate.

Their violence pleasantly excites the blood, charges with energy, awakens the imagination: the purity of the rich of blue color, like spices, flavored with red and orange.

Abstraction is wonderful because it helps our imagination to paint any pictures that are pleasant to us at a given time. Our imagination is free, it is not tied to specific images.

But it is important to remember that the mosaic is created for a long time, so the images that it helps to visualize should not be intrusive.

To place emphasis

It is not at all necessary to cover all the walls and floor of the bathroom with mosaics. It's not even that this is an expensive undertaking. Sometimes, simply by placing emphasis in in the right places, we completely transform the interior.

And it will look more interesting and expressive than the one in which the mosaic takes up most of the space.

Let's give examples of focusing attention.

Sink work area

By decorating this particular area with mosaics, we simultaneously solve several problems at once:

  • We make it easier for ourselves to care for problem surfaces, which often receive not only splashes of water, but also soap suds;
  • visually highlight work area;
  • We beautifully decorate the mirror in an original frame, at the same time cleverly fitting it into the interior.

This is what a mirror decoration might look like. The work area is highlighted, it will not go unnoticed and will always lift the spirits of all household members

When decorating a work area with mosaics, numerous decorative details are often used. For example, elements with a mother-of-pearl sheen, mirror components and other spectacular inclusions.

To give the bathroom interior unity, you can enclose not only a mirror, but also window openings if you have them in your bathroom.

This is how the design technique of decorating the wall that is reflected in the mirror works wonderfully. It is not necessary to take many images of flowers; mirror reflection will multiply them

With the help of a mirror, another original design technique can be used: brightly and interestingly decorate the wall that is reflected in the mirror.

At the same time, any memorable decorative element can be repeated in the decoration of the mirror itself.

Wall above the bath

This surface is often used as an accent surface. After all, while relaxing in the bathroom, it is especially pleasant to admire the skillful work and beautiful patterns. It is this wall that is free from shelves and cabinets; attention is focused on it.

So why not make it mosaic?

Why not decorate the floor

For many years, the walls of our apartments were decorated with carpets, and the floors with rugs. Capricious fashion has eliminated wall hangings, dubbing them dust collectors. But we are in no hurry to part with an item that was once in short supply.

Therefore, colorful carpets migrated to the floor, displacing rugs.

The mosaic image on the bathroom floor really imitates a carpet and looks very impressive: you want to walk on it barefoot

It turns out that you can also lay out a carpet in the bathroom. But not fluffy and shaggy, and not even jute. And mosaic.

It will not, of course, replace the soft rubber-based mat that we are used to standing on when leaving the bath, but it will make the bathroom interior much more interesting.

And this mosaic rug starts on the wall, runs through the bathtub and falls elegantly to the floor: a sight you want to return to again and again

When the wall is asymmetrical

Often in cottages the bathroom can be located in the attic. Its features are sloping ceilings and asymmetrical walls.

The mosaic seems to be specially created for covering such surfaces, because to decorate the beveled part of the walls it would be necessary to cut a lot of ordinary ceramic tiles.

Such a colorful and cheerful picture in the spirit of the immortal Gaudi could only be created with the help of mosaics, wonderfully playing up the asymmetrical walls of the room

Cladding of individual elements

The wall does not have to be completely covered. It is enough to make a small application and highlight only a separate element of its surface.

At the same time, the vertical arrangement of ordinary or mirror chips will visually lengthen the wall and “raise” the ceiling.

This massive bulkhead covering the toilet looks like a light and delicate curtain, and its reflection in the mirror only reinforces this ingenious illusion

The highlighted element itself will create the illusion of a curtain separating part of the room from the main space. Or it will simply enliven the interior by adding color variety to the overall neutral palette of the bathroom.

Highlighted elements can contrast or match the overall finish. This technique allows you to make the room more comfortable.

To transform your bathroom with mosaics you don’t need to use many tricks: just a lizard on the wall, just an imitation of water coming from the shower

Another rain, this time silver, seems to flow down the wall, leaving traces behind it. This rain makes your wall appear longer and your ceiling appear higher.

Facing planes of complex shapes

Despite the convex, concave or other curvature of the surface, it can be ideally covered using mosaic elements. You can decorate not only the walls and floors, but also niches, recesses, as well as the plumbing items themselves - sinks and bathtubs.

As you can see, the most complex surfaces can be covered with mosaics. Considering that it adheres well to any substrate, including wood and metal, we can conclude: you can decorate anything with it

Straight walls are not always a good thing. So that the interior does not feel closed, and the walls of a narrow room do not put pressure on the psyche, a certain smoothness of shapes and curvature of lines is acceptable. Like an ellipsis in a sentence, such architectural freedom gives the interior lightness.

It’s great that with the help of mosaics you can decorate not only the floor and walls, but also the bath itself. This means that it will fit perfectly into the interior we have planned.

There is no other material, besides mosaic, that would ideally meet the conditions of being in the bathroom and, at the same time, seem to flow around a curved surface. It does not just provide an ordinary finish, but becomes a real decoration in the hands of a master.

Without it in the bathroom with complex surfaces there would be no necessary harmony.

Methods for installing mosaic tiles

Installation of the mosaic pattern is carried out in accordance with the designer's imagination. Chips can be not only square, but also triangular or rectangular.

This is the form in which they can be purchased. But you can make chips yourself by splitting the source material into small components.

There are different installation methods, but they are all designed for the use of standard chips of very specific sizes. There are no rules when creating artistic paintings from mosaics: creativity must be free

The main methods with which specialists install tiles are:

  • Net. Square parts are selected from a range of colors that are similar in shades. Their installation is carried out in strict order vertically and horizontally.
  • Diagonal. With this installation method, the chips are glued at an angle of 45 degrees. Such diagonal laying visually “pushes” the walls apart.
  • Chess. The installation involves elements of two contrasting colors. They are mounted in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Parquet Christmas tree. Two types of chips are used: square and rectangular. Tiles in the form of a rectangle are mounted offset. Square fragments are used as an addition.
  • At a run. The new horizontal row is shifted relative to the previous one by half the size of each chip.
  • Ornaments and patterns. Mounted at the discretion of the designer.

Creating a mosaic is not a simple process. We really wanted you to be able to see with your own eyes all the beauty of this wonderful material and, perhaps, would like to work with it, decorating your bathroom

As we have already seen, there are a lot of options for tiling a bathroom with mosaic tiles. To choose the one that suits you, you need to look through the catalogs and compare the photographs printed in them with your bathroom.

And only after making sure that the choice is final, you can begin installing the chips. Then finishing the bathroom will be easy and quick, and the result of this work will delight you for many years.

Mosaic design options in the bathroom are presented in the video:

High demands are placed on bathroom finishing. The surface must be moisture resistant, easy to clean, and maintain its original appearance despite high humidity and exposure to hot steam. The mosaic in the bathroom interior meets these criteria.

Mosaic will make the bathroom interior aesthetic in concept and luxurious in execution

Mosaic art, as a highly artistic skill, has been known for many millennia. This is the name for creating an image by laying out and attaching tiles different color from smalt, stones. Mosaics were first used in the construction of palaces in Mesopotamia. There were used geometric figures: rhombus, triangle. They were painted red, white and black. In ancient times, mosaics were made from natural, untreated pebbles. They depicted heroes of myths, people, animals. Ornaments based on plant and geometric themes predominated. Over time, styling and processing techniques have improved.

Bathroom design is built on unity color shades or on contrasting solutions - it all depends on personal preferences and the desire to create a comfortable and organic environment in the room

The construction industry produces mosaic tiles from the following traditional and new materials:

  • natural and fake diamond;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • glass;
  • metal.

Natural (granite, marble, onyx, jasper), artificial stone is often used for finishing floors. The stone has the greatest resistance to damage, chemical attack, strength, durability, but it is quite expensive.

Stone mosaics can be rough, smooth, square, round or in the form of fragments. And the color options are simply too numerous to list.

Ceramics are valued for big choice colors and shades, the opportunity to create a highly artistic work at relatively low costs.

Ceramic mosaic based

Glass is easy to maintain, but its use is limited color palette, fragility. A variety is smalt, which is obtained by pressing colored glass with impurities. It has a matte surface, but glows from the inside.

Glass mosaic with gold effect

Metal mosaic looks attractive, but is rarely used due to its susceptibility to corrosion in wet conditions. environment. Used only in spacious bathrooms to decorate individual elements furthest from sources of moisture.

Porcelain tiles are the newest mosaic materials. It has low water absorption, excellent heat resistance and frost resistance. It is used for cladding floors, facades, park paths, sidewalks, finishing fireplaces and stoves.

Porcelain stoneware mosaics are ideal for floor coverings

Material Positive properties important when decorating a bathroom Flaws Suggestions for use in the bathroom
Stone special strength and wear resistance;
fire resistance;
inertness to active media;
low hygroscopicity;
artificial stone has wider decorative capabilities.
High price of natural stone. The cost of artificial is somewhat lower. Performance properties depend on the type of stone. Due to its fragility and high moisture absorption, limestone is not recommended for use in the bathroom. Stone mosaics are used for total cladding of walls, ceilings, floors, designs, and ornaments.
Ceramics strength and wear resistance;
does not conduct electric current;
chemical inertness and hygiene when glazed coating;
decorative effect, color stability, wide color palette;
the opportunity to create a highly artistic work at a relatively low cost.
Total cladding of walls, ceilings, floors, layout of drawings and ornaments.
Porcelain tiles wear resistance;
low water absorption;
easy care;
wide selection of colors.
Total cladding of walls, ceilings, layout of drawings and ornaments. Most often used for flooring.
Glass Beautiful appearance;
low hygroscopicity;
easy care.
Posting images.
Metal strength;
special appearance.
Susceptibility to corrosion Decorative interior elements in places remote from the source of moisture.

For the floor, choose porcelain stoneware, tiles or glass covering

Azure shades in a marine theme

Most often, mosaics are used in the form of squares with sides of 1, 2 and 5 cm. In addition, mosaic tiles are produced in rectangular, oval, and diamond shapes. To display images, take the smallest one.

Mirror mosaic - a type of glass, only with silver coating on the inside

Properties of mosaic tiles

She has it all positive qualities material from which it is made:

  • resistance to moisture, retains its properties when the temperature rises;
  • strength and durability;
  • reliably glues to concrete, wood, metal, plastered surfaces;
  • convenient for covering uneven surfaces with complex contours;
  • various colors and shades.

In addition to the listed properties, the opportunity to create highly artistic ornaments, drawings, and panels is valuable. In this respect, mosaic cannot be compared with any finishing material.

Mosaic tiles are not afraid of water, are easy to clean and are resistant to cleaning agents.

A space tiled with mosaics appears lighter and more spacious.

The disadvantages include the high price and expensive services for laying mosaic tiles. Considering the preservation of the original appearance during for long years, finishing with this material is a profitable investment.

Techniques and subtleties of styling

The technology for installing mosaics is similar to laying ceramic tiles. A special primer, binder or adhesive for installation is also used, the base is prepared, cleaned and leveled, but there are some differences.

Laying mosaics on a mesh base

Applying mosaics on paper

There are direct and reverse mosaic sets. In direct typing, image elements are pressed into a binder and glued onto the mesh. After drying, the mesh is glued to the base. With the reverse typesetting method, the design is first formed on paper in a mirror image. Then everything is transferred to a surface previously coated with adhesive. After drying, the paper is removed by first moistening it with water.

When laying mosaic tiles, follow the following sequence:

  1. The surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and previous coatings, sanded with sandpaper, and primed.
  2. Markings are applied to the wall and they are oriented towards it when laying out the rows.
  3. Select an adhesive that exactly matches the specific tile. Please note that dark glue will change the color of translucent tiles.
  4. The glue is applied to the wall using a fine comb.
  5. The mesh with tiles is applied to the wall, straightened, pressed using special device. Make sure that the seams between the elements in the canvas and between the canvases are the same.
  6. The vertical and horizontal levels are periodically checked using the building level.
  7. After 1-2 days, when the glue has dried, the seams are filled with ordinary construction grout. It is left white or painted to match the tiles.

Special epoxy compounds are used to grout glass mosaic joints.

Bathroom finishing options

In the interior of the bathroom, mosaics are used:

  • for decorating walls, ceilings, floors (solid cladding or a set of panels, friezes, rugs);
  • placement of accents;
  • zoning;
  • creating aprons around the bathroom, washbasin, shower;
  • finishing of countertops, niches, built-in furniture.

Mosaic on flexible basis can be laid out on surfaces of complex shapes

Mosaic countertop in the bathroom

When developing the interior design of a bathroom with mosaics, you should consider:

  1. In small bathrooms, where in addition to the bathtub there is a toilet, the use of mosaic tiles visually expand the space and designate zones. By highlighting the floor and walls with different mosaics, functional areas are separated. Material or color may vary. Framing elements, such as stripes, look impressive.
  2. The bathroom, completely tiled with mosaics, looks overloaded. Therefore, it is recommended to make one or two walls plain.
  3. Rectangular mosaic tiles arranged horizontally look beautiful. They look original, but discreet.
  4. If the wall opposite a large mirror is lined with small elements, the room will seem more spacious. The space visually expands if a wall of saturated color is located opposite a light one.
  5. It is convenient to decorate round surfaces with mosaics. So you can highlight the bathtub, washbasin, niches, shelves.
  6. Mosaic tiles look beautiful in combination with a glossy ceiling and LED lighting.

Mosaic is great for upgrading such inconvenient structures as utility boxes. Small tiles can be easily adjusted to any surface

Drawings, ornaments, paintings

Mosaic tiles, just like many hundreds of years ago, are used to lay beautiful paintings and panels. Marine themed paintings are appropriate for bathrooms.

Combinations of tiles and mosaics are often used in bathroom interiors.

From a mosaic you can lay out almost any design, artistic image or original ornament

To decorate the bathroom, take ready-made blocks with a pattern or apply a mosaic according to the project. Often chosen as a basis floral motifs, geometric or floral ornament. They convey the energy and freshness of nature. Even simple coupon stripes along the baseboard or in the corners become a bright accent and give the interior uniqueness.

Finishing with mosaics is painstaking work and takes a lot of time, so it is often combined with ordinary ceramics. Against the background of a plain base of walls, floors, and ceilings, the mosaic will look more impressive.

Gorgeous mosaic pattern above the sink

Bath screen lining in classic interior premises

Choice of colors

When choosing a color scheme, you should focus on the overall concept of the design project and the tasks that need to be solved. The following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Mosaic made in calm tones, devoid of variegation, creates a calm, peaceful atmosphere and makes the decoration unique.
  2. One color can be chosen or a transition from one shade to another, and there can be dozens of shades. The rule works: in small rooms, the dark color at the bottom gradually turns into a light color at the top. For spacious rooms it’s the opposite.
  3. A combination of several shades in a chaotic order - a pixel mosaic.
  4. Looks interesting plain wall, if elements with a pearlescent sheen form a pattern on matte background the same color.
  5. The interior becomes bright and unusual when using panels. They are now sold already glued to fiberglass mesh. All that remains is to mount the finished picture on the wall. She is the dominant accent. It is better to choose a calmer, monochromatic background.

Bathroom interior, designed in a single color scheme

It is important to combine the colors of the mosaic with the plumbing fixtures and decorative elements bathroom

Most often, designers choose blue, white, light green, pastel shades. For large rooms they use more saturated and even dark colors. Cream, pink, orange, azure, lilac, and purple go well with white. Such combinations relax and calm, allowing you to avoid the feeling of an operating room.

The combination of white and gray looks faded and boring, but it can be diluted with green. The combination of white with black or red brings out certain details.

Using mosaics you can highlight an accent wall

Mosaic adds sophistication and luxury to the interior if the design is thought out in advance, the material and all shades of the color scheme are correctly selected.

Even a small mosaic pattern can take bathroom design to a whole new level.

This bathroom is a good place to relax after a busy day. Mosaic tiles are moisture-resistant and durable; the bathroom will not require renovation for several years. Mosaic – The best decision for creating stylish interior a bathroom where you can start the day in a good mood.

Video: the intricacies of laying mosaics with your own hands

Photo: mosaic in the interior of bathrooms

Mosaic as a finishing material in the bathroom can be used for both walls and floors. Its main advantages include strength, moisture resistance, and extensive design potential. Actually, mosaic can mean any material made from small fragments - from tiles and glass to PVC and metal.

Modern mosaic panels are rarely laid out from loose elements. More often these are already assembled canvases on a paper or mesh backing. They are significantly cheaper than coatings that need to be applied manually. The range of typesetting kits includes multi-colored or translucent materials, all kinds of images (very often - ).

Decorating the bathroom with custom mosaics

Mosaics can be used to cover all walls or only in fragments - for example, for countertops, mirror or bathtub framing, wall or floor panels, covering the surface of a bathtub or sink.

Stylish bathroom interior design with mosaic tiles

Mosaic materials

The classic version of mosaic is . It is characterized by strength, density, brightness of colors and accuracy of geometric dimensions.

Mirrors in the bathroom are decorated with mosaics

From glass

Glass mosaic tiles are translucent, smooth, shiny and incredibly durable. Such elements are decorated in delicate shades, decorated with mother-of-pearl coating or even gilding. Among the characteristics of glass mosaic:

  • absolute moisture resistance;
  • the ability to create unique game Sveta;
  • increased strength, immunity to mechanical stress.

The washbasin countertop is decorated with bright mosaics

Advice. When using glass mosaic blocks, an appropriate grout should be used to ensure that the panel remains clear and not cloudy.


Smalt is a more expensive type of glass mosaic, where metal oxides are added to the glass, and the mixture is pressed under the influence of high temperatures. The resulting mosaic elements are reminiscent of both glass and metal surfaces - just as shiny and opaque. The main advantage of smalt is its unique appearance and aesthetics.

This is what smalt and tiles made from it look like


Mirror mosaic, as a rule, is used in fragments, and not all over the walls. With the help of such modules a specific pattern is created. But you can also use mirror inserts for zoning - for example, by decorating the ceiling with them or highlighting only one wall, thanks to which the boundaries of the room will seem to “go away”.

Mirror mosaic

Metal mosaic

Elements created from pieces of metal add a special style and originality to the bathroom. Such a mosaic does not necessarily have to be metal - this type also includes a combined multilayer coating, in which metal foil is “sealed” between glass pieces.

Metal mosaic is suitable for high-tech style

Natural stone

Natural stone mosaic is classic solution, durable and very beautiful. Various rocks are used here - from quartz and marble to onyx, malachite or jasper. The cost of the coating will be directly proportional to the value of the stone, but this option is almost always classified as luxury.

Natural stone mosaic

A spectacular stone mosaic will make the bathroom luxurious, even if it is used fragmentarily - only around the mirror, near the bathroom, or as a floor panel.

Polymer materials

Modern mosaics for the bathroom can also be made from polymer materials. Using PVC modules on the walls of the room you can recreate any realistic image. The advantages of polymer mosaic include:

  • the ability to select the sizes and shapes needed for a specific image;
  • easy installation, because the mosaic panel will be flexible;
  • light weight - surfaces for finishing do not have to be further reinforced;
  • no toxic components;
  • versatility;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes and various types detergents.

Mosaic made of polymer materials

But no matter what type of mosaic you choose, you should also observe the subtleties of installation so that the surface really turns out to be of high quality and stylish.

Popular decor options

Among the popular designs and methods of decoration made with mosaics, it is worth noting:

  1. Panel, created from elements not contrasting shades, recreating one of the traditional ornaments - ancient Greek, ethnic.
  2. A panel is a drawing made of mosaic

  3. Incorporation into decor modules with pearlescent luster. They can be placed in the background matte walls— you don’t even have to combine colors, because the difference will be visible precisely thanks to the pearlescent coating. This mosaic looks solemn and bright.
  4. Pearlescent shine

  5. Creation gradient, smooth transition from one color to another - here the combination of small mosaic elements will be more appropriate than ever.
  6. By adjusting the number of tiles of different tones, we set the color of the area

  7. Solid color layout. Quite a budget option for mosaics, but still very effective. You can achieve greater expressiveness if you choose a contrasting grout for the cladding.
  8. Mosaic tiles are almost the same tone

  9. Mosaic of non-standard shape- rectangles, diamonds, circles. Here it is the form, and not the color, that will be dominant, so that more than two shades on one surface are not combined.
  10. Round mosaic

  11. Use zoning principle, placing horizontal or vertical stripes on the bathroom wall.
  12. Mosaic stripes different colors

  13. Floral motifs- from graphic and contour images to lush bouquets, single motifs or a cropped image of a flower, only one part of it using the macro photography technique.
  14. Ideas for decorating a bathroom with mosaics: photos

Mosaic tiles are one of the best tiles for the bathroom. With its help, you can focus attention on a certain section of the wall, make original panels, and create an interesting ornament. Mosaic tiles can be used to decorate walls or floors.

Mosaic tiles are the most suitable material for bathroom decoration; it meets all the requirements of this room.

What is a mosaic?

A mosaic is a pattern created from several small ceramic, glass or stone pieces. In most cases, the pieces have rectangular shape.

The main difference between mosaic and tile is its small size.

Mosaics have been used for decorating surfaces for a very long time. It was used back in Ancient Greece and Rome to create drawings on the walls of temples.

Mosaic tiles are great for decorating rooms with high levels of humidity, primarily for bathrooms.


Mosaics are made from materials that have a hard texture. Most often, thermally treated clay is used, but you can also find wooden panels created from mosaics.

There are several types of mosaic coverings. One of the most popular is ceramic mosaic. Such mosaic pieces are well adapted to humidity and are easy to install.

Ceramic mosaics of different colors are available on the market. From a large assortment you can choose the one that suits your specific interior. To produce such mosaics, ceramics with a porous structure are used.

You can often find stone mosaic coverings. It is made from granite, marble, and sometimes jasper. Due to the hardness of these materials, high strength and durability of the material is achieved.

Stone mosaic has good performance characteristics and excellent wear resistance.

Glass mosaic is made from glass that is subjected to special processing, thereby achieving high strength. To make the surface matte, coloring components are added to the glass. Small glass tile looks very nice in bathroom design.

Smalt mosaic is of particular interest. Smalt is a type of glass that has unusual property: it lies in the glow. Smalt mosaic looks different; it can change color depending on the light. Because of this feature, smalt mosaic coating is used to create bright designs and abstractions.

Metal mosaics are rarely used. Typically, this mosaic complements the main tile pattern. Metal mosaics are thin steel plates based on rubber.

Advantages of mosaic coating

Mosaic coating has many advantages. Translated from Italian, “mosaic” means “composition of small parts.”

Small size is the main advantage of this facing material. This allows you to use mosaics to decorate hard-to-reach surfaces, for example, those with a rounded shape. This feature It has great importance for the decoration of a bathroom - a room with a small area, in which there are many fancy shapes.

Another advantage - variety of forms. Mosaic tiles can have different shape, and this is very important for interior design. Thanks to polygonal pieces, masters create interesting compositions. The tiles that are familiar to everyone do not have such capabilities.

Mosaic is an environmentally friendly material; almost all components in its composition are of natural origin. Mosaic tiles are safe for health.

One of the main reasons for the great popularity of mosaic tiles is their durability. This material is easy to use. The main quality of mosaic coating is high resistance to moisture.

Ceramic mosaic tiles in the bathroom do not absorb liquid at all; the water absorption coefficient is zero. Due to this, coatings created from mosaics do not deteriorate for a very long time and do not require special care. They are easy to clean from dirt.

Mosaic has good resistance to mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes, does not fade or darken over time. Mosaic can be combined with regular tiles.

In the interior of a bathroom, mosaic tiles are excellent for placing accents, perform a decorative function and give the interior a special originality.

Patterns and images

The main feature of mosaic tiles is that they can be used to create unusual patterns in various color options. Many drawings created from mosaics several centuries ago have survived to this day. This is the best evidence of the durability of this finish.

In the bathroom interior you can create interesting design and lay out the ornament you like using multi-colored mosaic elements. This task is slow, painstaking, and will require effort and some skills: a professional can best handle this task.

There are ready-made mosaic blocks with a pattern already applied on sale; all that remains is to decorate the surfaces with them.

In bathroom interiors you can often find colorful floral mosaic designs. With such a pattern on the walls the room is transformed, similar design evokes genuine admiration. This decor is individual, as the design attracts attention with its uniqueness and reflects the preferences of the home owners.

Floral patterns in bathroom decoration are one of the most popular. Floral ornaments have smooth lines; natural energy emanates from such decor. An atmosphere of freshness and lightness reigns in the room; people feel close to the natural world. Sometimes even a small floral ornament is enough to transform a bathroom.

With mosaics you can create not only floral, but also oriental patterns. Against the background of oriental mosaic ornaments, the illuminated mirror looks luxurious.

Mosaic in bathroom decoration can be combined with small pebbles. Small pebbles, if used together with mosaics, are a very effective wall decoration.

A great option is to make a mosaic pattern on marine theme. This image is best suited for the bathroom. Undersea world(exotic fish, algae) on the bathroom walls always looks great. Blue mosaic on light surfaces - this is a classic design for a corner of cleanliness.

Using small pieces, you can create any image on surfaces. Can be used as colorful pieces for unique design, and blocks with ready-made drawings. Laying such blocks is similar to assembling a puzzle.

You can choose a mosaic pattern based on your personal preferences, fashion trends and the style in which the interior is decorated.

Bathroom finishing options

There are many options for finishing a bathroom with mosaics.

An old cast iron bathroom can be decorated with mosaics and thus update it and transform the decor.

In a bathroom that is different large sizes, decorating the floor and wall surfaces with mosaic patterns looks impressive.

A good option is to decorate only the bottom of the wall with mosaics, for example, next to the washbasin.
In the shower stall, decorate the floor with mosaics, and make a three-dimensional mosaic frame around the mirror.

An interesting but discreet pattern made from pieces of small tiles will make the wall decor exclusive, while the inhabitants of the house will feel peaceful in the room, since such an atmosphere instills calm, and this is especially important for bathroom design.

Using small mosaic tiles, you can focus attention on one of the walls. Thanks to this design technique, the design will be original and not too expensive.

Mosaic allows you to protect the work area from moisture and add zest and originality to the decor. It can be used to decorate both a large area and small areas of surfaces.

Mosaic makes it possible to highlight a certain decorative element. With the help of these decorative pieces of ceramics, you can divide even a small bathroom into zones.

A large mirror installed on the opposite side of the entrance to the bathroom will also help to zone the room: due to this, you will be able to visually expand the boundaries of the room. Decorate a section of the wall on one side of the mirror with a mosaic that has a rich blue tint, and decorate the other side with a light blue mosaic.

Mosaic inserts can be made not only near the mirror, but also next to other decorative elements, for example, a shelf. You can decorate niches with mosaics: this will bring harmony to the room.

Covering the surface of the walls around the bathroom with mosaic pieces looks very aesthetically pleasing. A mosaic frame for panels is also a good solution.

You can use mosaics to lay out beautiful panels. Such decoration of the wall surface attracts attention, and a section of the wall with such design can become the main design element.

Mosaic is perfect not only for decorating walls, but also for decorating floors.

Small tiles can be used to lay out paths or make a rug. Mosaics are often used to decorate the floor next to the bathroom, and this type of floor design is much safer than tiles.

Important! The material has a special texture that differs from regular tiles, and the likelihood of slipping on such a coating is much less than on tiles.

If the bathroom is decorated in light colors, then you can lay out individual areas with bright mosaics with a shiny surface. This is easy to do, and the result will be amazing: it will create a special atmosphere in the bathroom.

Mosaic tiles are also indispensable when finishing multi-level floors. It is more convenient to decorate stair steps with small tiles than with standard sized tiles.

For decoration, you can use either plain mosaic tiles or with a pattern. As a rule, designers combine several shades and thereby create spectacular compositions.

Design examples: find out how best to arrange a small bathroom, especially a combined one - described in detail design techniques visual expansion cramped space.

You will find a detailed review of cabinets with a bathroom mirror with and without lighting.

You can see photos of bathrooms with a corner bath in the article at:

Methods for laying tiles

There are quite a few options for laying mosaics. Most often, mosaics are laid like a grid - this is the simplest option. This method allows the use of mosaics of any shape, but preferably monochromatic.

The corner method involves laying mosaics in a diamond shape. There are mosaics of this shape on sale, but you can also lay mini-tiles that have a rectangular shape diagonally, moving the seams or placing them parallel to one another. The seams should match diagonally.

It is recommended to use two contrasting colors, because this finish looks dynamic, allows you to level out uneven surfaces, and due to this installation method you can visually expand the room. This design is non-trivial, but looks very beautiful.

Another styling option is a checkerboard pattern. To do this, use tiles of two contrasting shades, the seams do not move. It is best to use a mosaic of black and white. This method is suitable for creating 3D drawings, placing accents using mosaics and smoothing out wall defects.

Advice. A striped pattern, when horizontal and vertical stripes alternate, will also look interesting. But keep in mind that such a pattern causes visual curvature of the surface, which is not very pleasing to the eye.

In small rooms you can do linear installation. In this case, select different shades, textures.

Lines can break, cross, or move to the side. This allows you to visually increase the space. This method can be used in interiors in modern or high-tech style, eclectic design.

The mosaic can be laid in a herringbone shape: in this case, plain tiles are used.
Laying is also done “in a run-up” or with a shift to the side.

Mosaics can also be laid on top of regular tiles. This technique is called “multilayer finishing”.

Finishing a bathroom with mosaics is practical solution: this decor looks very attractive and, moreover, the mosaic is durable.

Mosaic tiles are an excellent facing material that allows you to create beautiful interiors bathrooms.

Photo gallery with design options

Pick up Decoration Materials quite difficult for a bathroom. In a room of this type, the interior should not only be beautiful, but also practical.

In most cases, not the largest area is allocated for the bathroom, so the overall atmosphere depends on the design of the tiles. A mosaic in the bathroom would be an excellent solution.

The advantages of mosaic finishing include a magnificent appearance and ease of maintenance. This way you can decorate rooms of any size.


Even in a small apartment, with the help of mosaics you can realize the most daring creative ideas. The bathroom can be decorated with all kinds of ornaments, geometric patterns and paintings.

This design does not depend on fashion, so the room will always have a modern look.

The most popular mosaic materials are ceramics, natural stone and glass. The first option is most often used for finishing a bathroom.

Ceramic mosaic looks good in combination with plain tiles, and individual elements can be used for patterns.

Stone is usually made from marble, jasper, granite and other natural stones, which are polished and given the desired shape.

If you look at photos of bathroom interiors with mosaics, you can see that glass mosaics look the most original.

It is popular due to the variety of color solutions; it can be glossy, transparent and matte. Heat treatment The stress that glass is subjected to makes it quite durable.

This mosaic serves as an excellent decoration for walls and is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes.

In order to unique finish pleased the owners of the living space for as long as possible, it is worth taking seriously the choice of moisture-resistant glue.

It must be remembered that in glass mosaic There are no small pores like in ceramic, so it cannot absorb glue. For walls, it is best to use viscous glue that adheres firmly to the surface, and for floors, elastic glue.


Finish the bathroom using mosaic cladding more difficult than it might seem. Apartment owners who are not familiar with the technology of laying tiles are better off turning to specialists.

In any case, before carrying out work, important points should be taken into account:

  • Mosaic tiles can be laid on wood, metal or concrete surface, which must be perfectly smooth.
  • A day must pass before grouting. It is better to choose epoxy grout.

Correct installation of mosaics

When the surface is completely prepared, you should proceed directly to installation. At this stage, the master will need glue and a comb spatula.

Here it is important to consider the size of the mosaic tile for the bathroom: the teeth of the spatula should be twice as large.

They start with markings. Then you should apply a little glue to a small area.

When the master is convinced that the lines are perfectly straight and the working surface has already been smeared with a sufficient amount of glue, you can carefully press the mosaic pieces into the wall.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that no traces of glue remain on the front part of the tile.

Before proceeding with the remaining steps, you need to wait until the glue has completely dried. Otherwise, the elements may move to the side and the picture will be ruined.

When the glue has dried, you can begin to grout the tile joints. Before this, the protective film must be removed from the mosaic.

The layer is first wetted and wiped. The grout is first applied horizontally. A sponge helps remove excess from the tiles.

After two weeks you can freely use the bathroom. Don’t forget about a good ventilation system and treating seams with special substances every six months. This prevents the appearance of mold and mildew and keeps the mosaic picture looking excellent for a long time.


Modern bathroom design with mosaics gives a lot of room for creativity. For example, you can decorate the entire room with mosaics or make bright accents.

The last option is especially relevant if you want to refresh the interior without expensive repairs.

The real highlight will be one bright wall. It is necessary to select a color, taking into account the prevailing shades in the interior. You can also cover the apron above the sink with mosaics.

Mosaic carpet

The design of the bathroom looks most exclusive with a tiled rug that acts as decoration.

You can make a mosaic border with a fabric carpet inside. For foot massage, you can choose pebble tiles.


Many people, saving space, install a shower cabin instead of a bathtub. You can use mosaics on the floor as decoration. It could even be glass. The wider the seams between small pieces mosaics, the less slippery the floor will be.

Dressing table

For owners of a spacious bathroom, an excellent design solution the decoration will become a mosaic dressing table. This option is good for luxury interiors antique

How to choose a mosaic

When choosing, you must take into account the size of the room and the mosaic elements, since the amount of material purchased depends on this.

However, it is still worth purchasing a little more mosaic in reserve than was calculated (about 10%).

Choosing color scheme, it must be remembered that bright hues visually increase the space. The most popular shades of mosaics in bathroom interiors are white and blue. The mint shade looks beautiful.

The type of material is also important. The first grade is the most durable. It is easy to identify: it is marked in red on the packaging with the mosaic. The second grade has a blue mark, and the third has a green mark.

A pattern with a foot on a shaded background means wear resistance, and the image of a bulb indicates the resistance of the tile to aggressive environments.

Photo of mosaic in the bathroom

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