DIY garage interior. Equipment in the garage

For car enthusiasts, the garage is a holy of holies. Some people spend more time there than at home. This is not just a place where the car is parked, but a workshop with all the necessary tools and materials. In addition, there are flammable materials in the garage, so it is important to think about how to arrange the inside of the garage with your own hands.

There is an opinion that the arrangement inside does not play any role. But when improper arrangement The operation of the garage becomes more difficult, the service life of the vehicle is reduced, and the likelihood of fire inside increases.

That is why it is so important to find out the answer to the question of how to arrange the inside of a garage. We will consider the entire arrangement process from “A” to “Z” in order to organize the space conveniently and correctly. Then staying in the garage will be even more comfortable.

Garage arrangement - basic requirements

Car room plays important role in its preservation. The design protects it from rain, snow, wind, criminals and other negative factors. To vehicle served for a long time, the garage needs to maintain optimal levels of humidity and temperature. Russia is famous for its frosts in winter. This is taken into account during arrangement.

In addition, the owner also needs a clean and comfortable room, where the friend has everything she needs. Tools, workbenches, winter tires, gasoline, oil, etc. are stored inside. All this needs space and proper arrangement. And putting it in the aisle is not an option. Therefore, the room is zoned.

It is clear that this is an incomplete list of arrangement tips. It all also depends on the owner’s personal preferences when arranging the garage. But the basics remain the same. We will look at the arrangement this way:

  1. Decorating the walls of the room.
  2. Correct zoning of the garage.
  3. Arrangement of shelves and racks.
  4. Arrangement of an inspection pit.
  5. Additional equipment in the garage.
  6. Arrangement of lighting and ventilation inside.

Thanks to this, your garage will be transformed, safe, comfortable and convenient. Before you set up a garage, let's consider its features interior decoration.

Let's do the interior decoration

This room cannot be called safe. It's all about the flammable materials inside. Often performed in the garage welding work, and sparks will be fatal. That's why before you start arranging, it's important to pay attention to Decoration Materials garage.

They have a number of requirements:

  • products must not be flammable;
  • their resistance to mechanical damage is important;
  • materials are selected that are not afraid of dirt and are easy to clean;
  • resistant to aggressive substances.

When arranging it, it is recommended to choose exactly such materials. Otherwise, the garage will be dirty, greasy and will constantly smell bad inside. It is clear that not all finishing materials meet these requirements. Quite popular in the arrangement are plaster walls, lining and ceramic tiles.

Plaster for garage walls

Simple and at the same time effective option finishing. With its help, all surface imperfections are hidden. And thanks to the wide range, you can choose perfect option, not afraid of fire and moisture. The room will not only be protected, but also beautiful.

After work the plaster is covered facade paint. This will further protect the surface. Then the material will not crumble and crack over time.


Found the lining wide use in the northern parts of the country. Why? With it, the garage can be insulated by placing sheets of foam plastic or mineral wool. At the end, the surface of the walls is sheathed with lining sheets. But when arranging the interior, it is not simple lining that is used, but façade lining made of polyvinyl chloride.

The advantage of the material is that it is not afraid of moisture and fire. Among the disadvantages of such lining, we note its average strength. If you hit the wall hard, the panel will crack or become deformed. As a result, a replacement is needed.

Ceramic tile

This is a more labor-intensive option. And the cost of tiles is high. But the coverage is:

  • durable;
  • beautiful;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fireproof;
  • practical.

Removing stains from tiles is quite easy. It doesn't absorb odors and that's it financial expenses will pay off. The service life is at least 10 years. Just right for decorating inside.

Note! The walls of the garage do not need protection from mechanical damage as much as the floor. It is he who takes the main load.

Making a floor out of ceramic tiles irrational. Where would be better suited rubber tiles. It is moisture resistant and not afraid of falling objects.

Zoning of the site

Any room requires high-quality zoning: kitchen, children's room, living room, bedroom. The garage is no exception. The main task is to determine personal areas for work. They are different for everyone. Once you've identified them, you've done half the work. All that remains is to implement the plan and be amazed at how much space was created after the arrangement. What could these zones be?

In the photo below you can see the furnished room inside, according to our recommendations. This is one of the options for decorating a garage with work areas.

Having determined what and where you will have in the garage, you can begin to figure out how to equip the garage with your own hands.

We install racks and shelves inside

Shelves and racks are ideal tools for creating additional space inside the garage where you can store a variety of things. But to install them, you will need to free up some space inside. The compaction technique is suitable.

Shelves and racks are installed in those areas of the garage where they will not interfere with movement. There is one more trick when arranging shelves: they can be hung above a table, workbench, window or rack. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is not worth compacting the garage too much. The optimal free distance to the car on both sides is exactly 1 m. But the working area is chosen to be a wall distant from the garage door. It is she who is forced by consumables, work equipment and tools. There is space for a workbench, compressor and charger.

The more shelves on the wall, the better. If it is not possible to place them, mounting hooks are used. It is enough to install them along the walls. A tool cabinet near the shelves would be useful. And in order not to litter the garage with things and not search for them later, it is recommended to make hangers. This is the right setup.

Note! The garage has a dead zone. This is the space above the car.

You can do it there hanging shelves and shelving. Some people store skis in them, gardening Tools and similar things. All that remains is to secure everything well so that things do not fall on the car.

How to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands? The photo shows how to implement the idea using racks and shelves.

Construction of an inspection pit

The presence of an inspection hole depends on the conditions. If you have never repaired a car yourself, but go to a car repair shop, then you do not need it. Some have a public overpass near the garage, which also eliminates the need for a pit. Otherwise, this is a useful part of the garage.

Only when installing it is it important to follow some rules. For example, the walls of a pit and its bottom are concreted with a waterproofing agent added to the solution, since the pit is a source of dampness. The edges of the structure are reinforced with metal corners. It will be convenient to lay shields, grates or boards covering the pit on the bottom.

In the corner it is important to provide drainage well to collect water. She gets inside different ways. This includes condensation in the garage, roof leaks, and moisture from the car itself after driving. The size of the well should allow the bucket to fit freely. This makes scooping out the liquid easier. All that remains is to cover the well with a grate.

In order not to rise from the pit while working and to conveniently store tools, make a niche in the wall for them. Since the pit is dark, lamps will not be superfluous. The pit can also be used as a cellar or warehouse. It is not always used, so put old wheels and small equipment there for repair work.

Arrangement of additional equipment inside the garage

To change car tires and rims in the garage, as well as dig around under the hood, all you need is a jack and a few keys. As for additional manipulations and work (body repair, painting), you need special equipment. In the question of how to properly equip a garage, such equipment is allocated a significant place.

Place the workbench inside

It consists of wood and metal. You can buy or make a two-level or even three-level unit for the garage, where useful things will be located. Wooden table top covered with metal. It is needed to protect the surface. You can install the workbench in the work area where it will not interfere.

Welding machine

Modern units are quite small, so they do not take up much space. They can be installed anywhere in the garage, even in a tool cabinet. There the unit will always be at hand.


An indispensable thing when painting a car body and other elements. They can be used to clean tools and equipment from dust, inflate tires and blow air through the engine. Can be purchased available types compressor, namely piston and diaphragm.

Installing a sink

Interior arrangement: ventilation system and lighting

To make the garage safe and comfortable, ventilation is taken into account when arranging it. Moreover, it can be natural or forced. This will remove harmful and unpleasant odors, moisture. It will be less dusty, fresh and clean inside. The simplest option for arranging a ventilation system is natural. The arrangement diagram is visible in this photo.

As for lighting, it should be combined. The room requires at least one window on either side. It will become a source natural light. Since it will not be enough, it will be necessary artificial lighting. It is not enough to make it general; it is recommended to install lamps for the work area.

Organizing and maintaining order in the garage

Making the garage functional and equipping it inside is one thing, but the comfort of the room is also important. Staying in a place that looks like a landfill is not very pleasant. This means that, having arranged the space inside, you need to maintain this order. If there is always a mess on the shelf with tools, you can hide it with a screen.

Although the garage is workroom, color plays a big role in the arrangement. Staying for a long time in a room where bright and toxic colors predominate will not work. Therefore, the color chosen is calm. Bright hues They will not only help you get ready for work, but will also expand the space.

There is one arrangement trick that concerns shelving and tables. They need legs with a minimum clearance of 15 cm from the floor. And holes are made on the shelves themselves. They will help to easily sweep dust and debris down and also serve as ventilation.

A video on how to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands will help you with your work.

Let's sum it up

If you don't want your garage to look like a junkyard or become chaotic, these garage staging tips will help you set up your garage the right way. This way you will make it functional, safe, comfortable and convenient. There will always be order inside, the tools will be at hand, and you will always know where they are. Now you know how to arrange a garage with your own hands. And photos will help bring your ideas to life. Good luck in your landscaping endeavors!

Setting up a garage isn't all that simple matter for many novice drivers who are lucky enough to purchase or build own garage. Since they are modest standard sizes Most garages do not allow you to place what you would like in it. This article will describe the arrangement of a standard garage inside, so that everything is convenient, cozy and everything is at hand and at the same time nothing interferes with repairs or driving a car.

Of course, organizing a garage is a very broad topic that is not so easy to cover in one article. In addition, many people may have their own specific capabilities, preferences and tastes. But this article will describe how to most rationally and conveniently use a standard garage, with its limited volume.

In general, for a true handy car enthusiast, the garage is not only a home for his car, but also a second home for the driver himself, as well as a workshop for repairing not only the car, but everything in general. But in order to fully use the capabilities of a standard room (for example, a length of 6.5 m by a width of 3.4 m and a height of 2.5 m), it must be properly equipped.

And only rational equipment of your garage will allow you to use the limited volume of a standard room most efficiently and safely. Of course, many craftsmen or car owners dream of a larger room, but as they say, our desires do not always coincide with our capabilities.

Therefore, the arrangement of the garage should be carried out in such a way that, if possible, within the limited volume of a standard garage, it is possible to provide for the location of a workbench, various cabinets, mezzanines and racks for storing large, medium and small spare parts, various devices (many of them are on the website in the section workshop), and .

It should be noted that cabinets and shelving will need to be located in the so-called “dead zones”. And in areas of the room where you will most often need to move and do something, various hanging shelves, racks and mezzanines should be hung above your head, taking into account your height. To profitably and without interference use the spaces under hanging fixtures (shelves, mezzanines, racks).

Well, on the walls of the garage, to which the parked car will be located close, all hanging devices, of course, should be placed above the dimensions of the car. And on the left side, where the driver’s door is located, nothing should hang at all so as to prevent the door from opening, and if something needs to be hung, then only above the level of the head of the driver who gets out of the car.

It should also be taken into account that the most frequently used items and materials should be located in the most accessible places, and take into account the fact that the car is driven into a garage.

An example of competent arrangement of a garage and rational use The volume of a standard room is shown in the figure just above. It shows that workplace(shown by letter A), on which a workbench and a hanging stand with tools are installed, are located in the brightest and most accessible area.

In addition to the tools, on the shelves above, located at the level arm's length transparent jars with fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers, groovers). By the way, jars with fasteners can be kept not on shelves, but hung.

This is done very simply (see photo on the left) - metal cover from the can is attached with a pair of screws to bottom surface shelves and now to remove the jar, you just need to unscrew it along the thread of the lid and the jar with the necessary fasteners is in your hands.

The advantage of hanging cans this way is that the shelf itself remains free on top and you can keep something else there. But now instead glass jars You can already buy special trays for fasteners (see photo below) that can be placed above the workbench along with the tool. Everyone decides for themselves which option is preferable.

Convenient arrangement of tools and fasteners allows you to achieve high labor productivity and not waste time and nerves on searching the required key, or the desired screw. Well, those tools (for example, measuring) or those devices that you use less often should be kept in the drawers of the workbench or on the shelves inside it.

DIY workbench in the garage.

Making a workbench with your own hands is not at all difficult. Will need metal corner(width 45 - 50 mm), sheet metal, and a chipboard, plywood or MDF board for the countertop. If you want to make several drawers, as in the photo below, then you will need to buy twice as much sheet metal and a corner (we use a smaller corner for the drawers, about 20 - 30 mm).

We cut the metal corner based on the length, width and height of the future workbench. After cutting the corner, it is welded in metal carcass, which is then sheathed on the outside with sheet metal (you can even use plywood for these purposes).

A large metal sheet is placed on top of the workbench (at least two crossbars from the corner are welded under the sheet). Then top sheet it is tacked by welding or fastened with countersunk screws, and then a slab of plywood or other material (MDF, chipboard, textolite, etc.) can be laid on this sheet.

If you are attaching a large vice to a workbench, then in the vise area, a couple of additional cross-pieces from the corner should be welded to the frame of the workbench (indicated by red arrows in the photo on the left), and so that the mounting holes of the vice coincide with the jumpers in which the counter holes are drilled.

This will increase the space for the vice on the workbench and later they can be used for power work. It wouldn’t hurt to place a plate of thick metal (about 10 - 12 mm thick) under the vice - it can be seen in the photo of the finished workbench above.

After welding the frame of the workbench and covering it with sheet metal or plywood, all that remains is to make the drawers and then paint everything. For the drawers, we cut out and weld guides from the same corner to the frame.

You can also use furniture slides for drawers, but you should buy the most powerful ones you can find on sale. But if you don’t have metalworking skills, you don’t have to make drawers, but simply make shelves and a common door (as on the left side of the workbench shown in the photo above).

There should be nothing on the workbench itself except a vice and sandpaper, which are always at hand. Of course, you can place the emery in a separate place, but in conditions of limited garage space, the emery is usually placed on a workbench.

By the way, pay attention to the picture at the very top of the article, the sandpaper (how to make it in detail) is located at the garage door and the abrasive dust can be quickly swept outside at any time. The tabletop emery can be secured to wing nuts and then it can be removed from the workbench at any time by unscrewing the fastening nuts if you need to place something large on the tabletop.

It will also be very useful to make wood flooring, which is placed on the floor near the workbench (see picture at the beginning). And thanks to the flooring, you will not stand on bare concrete and your feet will not freeze in the winter when you work while standing at the workbench.

In the sector marked with the letter B, there are shelves for storing small devices and power tools; cans of grease, paint and varnish and anti-corrosion materials can also be stored there. It is not recommended to make the width of the shelves more than 15 - 20 cm, since the view of rear objects will be limited, and the load on the shelves will be large.

In the space marked with the letter B, you can install a closet, 30-40 cm wide, for clothes and shoes, and above the closet it is advisable to place mezzanines in which items sensitive to dust and dirt will be stored. In the same sector you can place folding table(visible in the figure) whose width can be approximately 60 cm.

The space marked with the letter G, covering almost the entire width of the garage, can be equipped with shelves for storing large items or spare parts (fenders, windows, seats). The width of the shelves (racks) can be 1 meter, and if the garage is 7 meters long and the car is small, then the width of the racks can be made even larger.

In the sector marked with the letter D, you can install a rack along the entire length of the garage for storing long items (for example, for new car thresholds, or boards) or for storing winter tires. Shelves or racks located around the perimeter of the garage will always keep the garage floor clean and free of clutter.

To make and hang shelves or racks, you will need the same metal corner, welded in the shape of the letter L (see photo on the left) and plywood, MDF, chipboard or other light and durable sheet material.

Another important item that should be in any garage is a fire extinguisher. It is advisable to secure it in the most accessible place so that it is accessible at a critical moment, for example, on the inside of the garage door. It also wouldn’t hurt to find a place for a garage first aid kit; it won’t take up much space, but in case of cuts or injuries (anything can happen during repairs) it will be very useful.

Garage lighting.

When installing wires for lamps, it should be noted that there is never too much light, just like money. Therefore, it would not hurt to distribute the wires throughout the garage and make sure that some lamps can be turned off at any time if nothing is being done in some area of ​​the garage.

But the most powerful lamps should be placed above the workbench and near the hood of the car. Moreover, the lamp should be positioned so that when the hood is open, the light still falls on the engine. After all, fiddling around with a carrier under the hood is not entirely convenient.

For lighting, it is best to use not ordinary incandescent lamps, but fluorescent lamps, which in addition to good light output (white light, not yellow) are also more economical. In addition to hanging the lamp in in the right places, you should also take care of the sockets and place them not only at the beginning, but also at the end of the garage. After all, many power tools have short cords, and a carrying extension cord is not always at hand, and it is undesirable under your feet.

For wiring sockets, you should use thick enough wires so that you can connect not only power tools, but also. By the way, for welding machine In general, it is not advisable to use extension cords and the device should be plugged in directly, that is, directly into the outlet.

Inspection hole.

Needless to say, the inspection hole is very useful and allows you to do almost all the work under the car yourself and not look for a lift in a car service center or an overpass. This will save significant money on repairs or service at a car service center. After all, even a trivial one in the engine or, on some low cars, cannot be performed without an inspection hole.

Therefore, those who don’t have it should still spend a little money and a few days to dig it up and concrete it. And all the money spent on the profile and concrete will quickly pay off, since you will no longer need to contact the service.

When carrying out work on digging a hole, it is useful to make niches (see figure on the left) on the sides of the hole, which will be very convenient to use as shelves for tools when repairing a machine.

It is also very useful to install lighting and an outlet in the pit, because it is not always convenient to work with a carrier.

Well, of course, you should make a ladder, and if it is stationary (not retractable), then it should be narrow enough and should not protrude too much into the space of the pit (for example, like in the photo on the left).

And one more important point: many reinforcement pins should be driven into the edges of the inspection pit along the entire perimeter, and then a channel or other thick-walled metal profile (preferably an E-shaped profile, as in the figure below) welded to them, laid on the edges of the pit . After this, the floor and walls on all sides of the channel are filled with concrete (and the entire pit too, and the walls can simply be lined with bricks and plastered).

This design is made from metal profile(see figure on the left) will strengthen the perimeter of the inspection hole and subsequently it will be possible to lay a piece of channel across the hole, on which a car can be laid, which will help in many ways repair operations(for example, lift the car engine or remove the gearbox).

Ventilation and heating when arranging a garage.

For those who are engaged in painting some car parts, it will be very useful to do a forced exhaust ventilation. You will need to buy an engine and make a cyclone (snail). Options various designs for homemade garage ventilation there is a sea on the network and this is the topic of a separate article (I’ll write in more detail someday).

And lastly: if you intend to tinker or repair something all year round V comfortable conditions, then you should take care of heating your garage. Methods and designs of various stoves and heaters in the sea network. Who doesn't want to bother with making homemade stove or a heater (for example, during mining), then you can buy a ready-made one, the choice is now huge, both electric and powered by diesel fuel and other types of fuel.

The power of various heaters, of course, should be selected depending on the size of the garage, and the larger the volume of the room, the more powerful the heater. Well, for those who live in the outback and have access to firewood, the best option is an ordinary potbelly stove.

By the way, any potbelly stove can be very easily modified and its efficiency increased by welding a rectangular water tank to the back of its body. From the tank on each side we weld two pipes that go around the garage to conventional radiators for heating. Water is poured into the tank, and when the stove warms up (and the water in the tank too), the water, under the influence of the thermosiphon effect, will begin to circulate through the system, heating the room.

But still better pipes, going from the tank to the batteries, equip with an electric water pump, and then the water circulation will significantly improve. The top of the water tank is covered with a lid with a neck, closed lid and with a fitting under expansion tank(in the photo on the left, the tank is not completely closed with a lid and there is no fitting for the expansion tank).

If you are not in the garage every day, then you will have to drain the water before leaving so that it does not freeze and damage the tank, pipes or batteries. Well, if you don’t want to constantly spend time draining and filling water, then you should dilute it with antifreeze. And the stronger the frost in your region, the greater the concentration of antifreeze.

It is advisable to make and install a stove before the first frost, because it is always more pleasant to work when it is warm.

That seems to be all. I hope that many novice car owners will now have at least some questions about arranging a garage on their own, or new ideas will appear, good luck to everyone.

Arranging a garage plays the same role in a man’s life as a well-equipped kitchen for a woman. This room is distinguished by practicality and asceticism. Here, all things are intended for a specific purpose.

At modern development car service, the car owner rarely independently repairs any breakdowns in the car, both minor and serious. The car box now serves more for comfortable parking of the car and putting it in order (cleanliness).

The car itself is a device, the full operation of which requires technical work, required space And special equipment. Such work includes:

  • changing rubber tires or wheels;
  • Accumulator charging;
  • oil change (depending on the season and mileage of the car);
  • refilling windshield wipers with water or antifreeze;
  • a series of preventive and regulatory work on the brake system and engine.

How to properly arrange a garage? First of all this room intended for parking and servicing the car. In addition to the main task, the car box also performs many other necessary functions.

It serves as a workshop, a storage room, a place for making and storing fishing and hunting equipment, and even a kind of club where men gather to discuss their problems.

When the room is intended exclusively for car maintenance, it can be equipped with minimal amenities. If the owner of the car knows its structure very well and is a careful owner, then the car box is equipped with many related functions, which provide for the internal arrangement of the garage to perform them.

Premises for servicing and parking cars today are built in entire complexes with the same type of boxes, but each owner carries out the arrangement of the garage with his own hands inside individually.

Features of the car room

The car box must be equipped with good ventilation. Any car runs on gasoline or diesel fuel, and, naturally, these materials emit vapors, which, having accumulated and reached a certain concentration, can lead to an explosion at the slightest spark.

Based on this, when you are trying to equip a garage with your own hands, it is necessary to provide basic fire extinguishing means.

When the engine is running, it emits carbon monoxide. When there is a machine in the room with the engine running and it is poorly arranged ventilation system, there is a threat of poisoning, allowing for the possibility of death.

In such a room, many jobs involve using power tools that require increased load for electrical wiring, such as:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sander.

When arranging a garage with your own hands, special attention should be paid to electrical wiring. It is best that the entire electrical system of the box be designed for a higher load and a network voltage greater than 220 V.

Any short circuit or spark in a room where fuels and lubricants are located can lead to a fire.

Interior arrangement

Which is separate room, arise from its owner constantly, as any needs arise. Often it goes under the car, and a cellar is dug to store food supplies, canned goods and vegetables for the winter.

Each owner, as a rule, sets up an internal workplace in the garage for carrying out minor plumbing work. Arranging a garage with your own hands can happen in any way you like, but the main thing is not to forget about its original purpose; nothing should interfere with the work of servicing the car.

Interior arrangement begins with marking out work areas that perform certain functions. The main and most large area- parking place. In the center of this area, the car owner often equips a special pit for comfortable work with the bottom of the machine. There should be space on the floor of the pit to install containers for storing oil, gasoline or diesel fuel and other flammable liquids. A wall is determined that belongs to the work area, and, accordingly, the machine will stand at the farthest distance from it.

The garage must be arranged in such a way that everything is in its place and there is no clutter of things that could fall down from a touch or push and damage the car. Many owners have a question: how to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands?

Should primarily include setting up a workbench and hanging shelves. A vice is installed on the workbench, which is necessary for carrying out technical work that concerns not only the car. All the tools, parts, mixtures and liquids necessary for the work are stored on the shelves.

Nowadays, with an abundance of cars and a shortage of parking space, automobile complexes consisting of 2-3 or more floors have begun to be built. You can’t do this in the box located on the second floor inspection hole. The owners of such premises now have a tier of upper wall shelves, forming, as it were, a second ceiling.

This design, of course, does not provide unobstructed access to the bottom of the car, but significantly increases usable space room that can be used.

The arrangement of a garage space should be approached very seriously, because in addition to the fact that this place should become a reliable storage for automotive equipment, it should also be a space where the car owner could comfortably carry out everything necessary work and just spend time.

Before starting work on interior design garage space should be composed detailed plan, in which all stages of work will be clearly stated.

Thanks to this plan, you can initial stage see a ready-made garage with all the amenities, and also calculate the material costs.

The improvement plan can be drawn up on plain paper, or it can be visualized on a computer. The procedure for drawing up drawings:

  • contours of the wall surfaces of the garage building. Here the scale is selected and the dimensions are set;
  • the interior layout is marked - parking space, work shelving, storage area, etc.;
  • The premises are zoned by drawing up a design project, which indicates the location of the necessary engineering structures.

When designing a garage space, you should primarily rely on personal desires. It is also necessary to think about the right color design. A garage doesn’t have to be gray and gloomy. An excellent option would be a light palette of colors.

Interior decoration of garage room

The most important quality you should have internal materials for garage finishing - practicality

Requirements for garage finishing coatings:

  • resistance of the material to fire and release of harmful substances at the slightest heating;

  • resistance to chemical coatings;
  • resistance to mechanical stress and various types of contamination;
  • ease of care and operation.

Mandatory equipment in the garage

Workbench – with such work equipment it is very easy to organize space. It is possible to construct it yourself from wood.

Above work zone covered metal sheet. It is better to make a workbench with several levels, which will allow you to place large quantity necessary little things.

Welding machine – quite often used for auto repair work. For the average person, a carbon dioxide apparatus that works using wire is quite suitable.

Water-oil separator - this device cleans the air in the room from water and oil inclusions and other elements.

Sink - to create it, you only need to bring a water pipe or hose to the room, and also design a system for draining water into a sewer pit.

The most important engineering systems in the garage there is a drain installed in such a way that water does not flow down the wall surfaces of the room; ventilation system located at the bottom of the garage door (for large areas it is better to install fans); entrance to the garage is the most the best option there will be an entrance road placed at an angle of 15-20 degrees relative to the floor level.

Internal works on arrangement

To make full use of the garage space, the following elements should be equipped here.

Inspection pit - to begin with, the pit is insulated without much effort and care. To do this, it is enough to cover the walls with insulation in the form of polystyrene foam.

Next are installed lighting, which could be transferred if necessary. Be sure to create a hole at the bottom of the pit for ventilation. The final stage- installing a cover that matches the floor level.

Cellar - wall surfaces are covered with lime, and work is done in them ventilation holes, then a convenient ladder is installed.

A mandatory step for upgrading a garage space is the insulation process. To begin with, all insulated surfaces are covered with a timber frame. Next, the frame is covered with construction stapler vapor barrier material.

Then insulation is laid between the frame and the walls and covered with a polyethylene layer of film. Then the surface is sheathed final material for finishing.

To cover the ceiling canvas, as a rule, lining and plastic panels are used. Wall surfaces It is possible to paint or cover it with the material you like.

The floor in the garage room is either simply leveled and covered with a protective impregnation, or it is possible to lay tiles or even arrange a self-leveling composition.

Lighting in the garage must be of high quality. The lamp should be placed above the workbench and in the place where work takes place under the hood of the car.

To store everyone necessary tools and accessories, the garage is equipped with all kinds of cabinets, racks and hanging shelves. The main thing is that all these structures do not interfere with free movement indoors.

Photos of ideas for arranging a garage

In today's story, we will introduce you to several tips and rational recommendations for arranging a garage parking space that will help cottage owners save money square meters and things.

Let's look at 10 easy DIY ideas for...

You can easily and quickly install some wire containers on the wall to store various things. The rational arrangement of balls and hoses is another simple way to organize all the items and products that easily create chaos and dust if they are not sorted into compartments and containers.

2. Signs and inscriptions

These could be stickers or full painting doors and cabinets unusual furniture coating for special markings. They will help family members navigate the garage space, and also store items and products in a certain place. The main advantage of this decoration method is the speed of implementation, which will only take a few hours!

3. The magic of magnets

For small tools and drill bits, you can use magnetic strips on the available wall space. You can hang small parts and devices on them that will always be at hand. This is a simple way to practically organize a room and storage systems, and is also extremely easy to implement.

4. Original hooks

Take long unused keys and turn them into hooks for wall decor and as an original authentic accessory. You can hang them on work clothes, ropes and everything that should be easily accessible.

5. Cans and other containers

You can organize and separate your nuts and bolts by adding some plastic containers for the toolbar. This will make it much easier for you to find required part or element. All products will be sorted and placed in specific containers, and for added convenience they can be attached to a wooden shelf.

6. Patch panel or board

Of course, you can always put in a perforated board where you can easily add some new hooks and organize your home decor in a new way. Plus, this organizational idea can act as a “makeover” for a garage wall! Tips and recommendations for using this multifunctional device can be found on the Internet portal Small Interiors.

7. Practical buckets

Some shelves and a large set of segments (stickers) can really come in handy. This is another one quick way forming a functional and rational area for placing things that will add characteristic style V Interior Design and help keep your work tools in order.

8. Bungee balls

Using bungee cords to store equipment various types sport is a wonderful conceptual idea for transforming space. You can place both soccer and basketball balls in these stylized nets! They are commercially available and extremely easy to install.

With this creative idea creation rational planning You will have absolutely no excuses for why children don't wear helmets during school and after school on bike rides and rides. After all, now you need to manage not to find them in a specially equipped place! Add wall decoration small hooks on which these safety devices will be located.

Instead of throwing water bottles and cardboard boxes in the corner of the garage, build a quick and easy recycling station for the whole family. It can be built using plastic boxes and boxes with inscriptions that allow you to sort waste into plastic and iron.

We have presented to your attention an interesting and extraordinary selection of conceptual ideas and creative solutions for organizing a garage space in an unusual house.

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