Games to kill people on ropes. Stickman games online

The new product offers a lot of interesting things. There are intense battles with the enemy through the use of a wide variety of equipment, the range of which is huge, and the opportunity to perform the most unexpected acrobatic tricks. But the main thing is the intuitive simplicity and accuracy of control, both of the machines and of the hero himself. Go ahead for new unforgettable travel experiences with “ man on a rope

Features in the game

The new virtual hero “man on a rope” has a whole range of qualities a real superhero. This and:

  • the ability to perform the most unexpected acrobatic tricks,
  • unique dexterity and swiftness of reaction, allowing you not only to survive, but to artistically punish any criminal who comes into your field of vision,
  • flexibility of mental thinking, allowing you to quickly find the most necessary and effective solutions, despite the complexity of surrounding circumstances.

The man on the rope can do it

It’s not just to control an active, resourceful and very dexterous superhero, but also to learn how to overcome the difficulties that arise, as well as quickly find the optimal solutions. Stimulator 3D“man on a rope” completely “immerses” each of its players in an unreal world. At first, everything unfolds at the mouth of an active volcano. Where lava erupts at the most inopportune moments. Therefore, you will need to send your hero as quickly as possible as far as possible from this dangerous place. What can be done by launching the rescue system. To do this, just click the mouse on the nearest rock. This is a “curious” rope, dotted with emerald green leaves.

As soon as you activate it, your hero will immediately take advantage of its help and leave this dangerous area. The length of the jump may vary, depending on:

  • places where the rope is activated, that is, it will be attached where you click with the mouse pointer,
  • the distance to the magnet lowered by parachute, to which the “man on the rope” can attach while jumping. And it will save him
  • depending on how far the lifebuoy is from the hero, if he jumps to it, he will be able to push off and increase the length of the jump.

It is the speed of flight to a safe place that will allow you to earn an additional bonus (coins), using which you can get certain improvements.

Rope is not everything

Having received the “rope devices” you head with your hero to the city where the most interesting things await you. You will be able to fight crime, creating its machinations here and there. With the help of a rope (improved by you during the previous stage), you will be able to climb trees, swing on supports of your choice, and climb buildings and structures. And also throw it in the right direction in order to neutralize your enemies, of which you will not lack. To help you, there is a wide range of different weapons.

Go ahead for adventure and the opportunity to help those who are weaker than you. Protect the city and its inhabitants from the criminal world!

Do you like parkour and jumping? Then the game Fly with Rope 2 is what you need. In it you will become a dexterous ninja who must overcome various distances. This must be done so as not to touch the ground. Surely a rope will help you with this? with which you can cling to buildings and other objects in the air. To control your rope you need to use a computer mouse, with the clicks of which you will cling and unclip from buildings. This must be done at the right moment so that our black man in the game Rope Flight 2 will fly forward and not down. If you do touch the ground, you will scatter into small pieces and you will have to start the passage from the very beginning. To complete the current task, you will have to try hard and fly a long distance until your ninja stickman crosses the pink wall, which will mean completing the task. After this, you can immediately begin to overcome the next track in the game Fly with Rope 2, where you will have to use various objects even more often in order to move through the air. Try not to get lost in the air and not to rush, because you can always make a few turns on the rope in order to think through your next move and do this for sure so that the rope does not turn out to be too long, because this will lead to you reaching the ground and you will die. The game Rope Flight 2 is very dynamic and will keep you on your toes throughout the entire gameplay, be it on PC, mobile phone or tablet.

Steamman is a game character who is drawn with black lines. Such a stick man. Despite the fact that it looks as simple as possible, its popularity is quite high. This character is the hero of dozens of different computer games. Other than his primitive appearance, he has no special abilities. But what then is the secret of such popularity of this character, you ask. And there are several reasons for this:

  • Even a child can draw a stickman, and the games in which we see him most often consist of simple lines. It’s convenient for developers to use such a character, and players can easily remember him.
  • Despite the fact that Stickman has all the properties of ordinary people, you can do anything with him and it will not be considered cruelty. For example, you can throw him off the roof, run over him with a car, or shoot him with a weapon. Visually, this is just a sloppily drawn little man.

Stickman games give players the opportunity to do whatever they want with him. The plots of the games are also very different. In one game you will have to rob a bank, in another you will have to get out of prison, and in the third you will have to draw it yourself. Flash games with this character appear quite often. Most of these flash drives are very short and are intended only to cheer up the player, but there are also longer ones where you will have to rack your brains to complete them.

Who is suitable for Stickman games?

Playing online Stickman games will be interesting for many gamers, both older and very young. For older players, shooter games such as The Walking Dead 2, Thugs 6, Stickman's Duty 3D, Mafia, SWAT, Stickman Madness and Stickman Sam 2 are suitable. It will be interesting for little gamers to draw their favorite character themselves in games such as “Draw a Stickman” and “Stickman Epic”. They will give you the opportunity not only to create your own unique Stickman, but also to go on a journey with him. If you just want to cheer yourself up, then pay attention to games such as “The Adventures of Jolly Pants 3”, “Drunk Stickman” and “School Run”.

Our site has collected most of the flash games with Stickman. Games with this character cover almost all game genres. If you are a fan of this simple black man, then you are exactly at the right place. In this section you can find a game for every taste. A good mood is guaranteed, because most games with this character have a humorous twist. Just choose the game you like and play. All online flash drives are freely available.

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