The year of the metal rabbit is coming! White Metal Rabbit - Cat Born in the year of the white rabbit.

On February 3, in countries that count time according to the solar-lunar calendar, the celebration of the beginning of the lunar new year - the Year of the Metal Rabbit - will begin.

Well, the beginning of the predictive year, according to which all eastern horoscopes are built, begins on February 4, 2011 at 06.45 Moscow time.

Against the background of the events of 2010, which was very dynamic, unpredictable and somewhat conflicting, this year we can expect that passions will subside a little. If the conflict of the Elements of the year of the Metal Tiger can be compared to a powerful sword chopping a huge strong tree, then this year the sword will be replaced by a small penknife.

It would seem that this is a good sign: the power of a knife is not as destructive as the power of a sharp sword. But the fact is that the symbol of this year is no longer a powerful, strong tree. It will be replaced by a small, delicate flower that can be easily handled by a penknife. Therefore, some trends of last year will continue: this is a year of growth and change, and in some areas of life as sharp and unexpected as in the year of the Tiger.

However, it should be noted that for the most part, any changes, both in the life of each individual person and in the life of large human communities, will be useful. After all, a small knife is used not only to cut a living flower, but also to create something beautiful from wood, remove a tumor, cut a mushroom for a delicious soup :)

If last year the main events in the life of each person and communities of people were more related to the external (social relations, intrigues in politics, at work, the desire to gain authority and power, to earn money at any cost), then this year will force you to pay attention to the internal. The topic of finance will still be relevant, but less significant than in the year of the Tiger. That is, personal relationships, family, your own inner world and a comfortable state of mind will require more attention. Moreover, this will not be a need caused by external circumstances, but an internal need, a desire - to take care of your family, your inner world, and establishing good relationships.

Fortunately, the trends of the year are such that harmony is possible both internally and externally: in the family and at work, and within any social group and in external interactions with other groups.

The year will provide the opportunity to live a full life, without depriving any aspect of our life. However, this year there will be times when it seems that everything is going wrong. The period at the very beginning of the year, in February and March, will be especially acute.

Difficulties and confrontations can arise among partners and companions of any kind. Moreover, no one will dare to fight openly anymore. If last year everyone confidently cut from the shoulder, without thinking much about the consequences of their actions, then this year, before deciding to take any serious steps, everyone will very carefully think through each step, consider different options for the outcome of events, and take insurance.

In general, the owner of the year, Rabbit, is very fond of peace and harmony. He cannot stand conflict situations or dangers and knows how to avoid and smooth them out. But if we analyze the internal hidden indicators of this year, we will see that Rabbit 2011 is a great revolutionary and reformer, very similar to his brother, the owner of the outgoing year, the Metal Tiger. Only he does his business not in one swift leap, like the Tiger, but by carefully thinking through his every step and showing an amazing ability to find the keys to the most complex issues and establish relationships with the most unyielding people.

If someone decides in 2011 to redistribute spheres of influence and roles, then this process will be soft, unobtrusive, hidden.

Let us repeat that, for the most part, the changes will be favorable for the majority of horoscope representatives if you think through your every step well and set noble goals and objectives.

Therefore, the dynamics of last year will not go away, but less stressful times will come. The desire and ability to radically change and remake your life will remain, but the tactics of change will change. And the areas of life that people will begin to pay attention to will change somewhat.

It should be noted that this year is very favorable for undertakings of any kind, as well as for the continuation of what was started last year and the year before. Unstoppable energy of growth and development is characteristic of this year. This is not a time of ideas and making plans, as in the year of the Rat, not a time of build-up and preparation, laying the foundation, as in the year of the Ox, not a time of fundamental reforms, as in the year of the Tiger - this is a time of the most rapid development and growth.

Therefore, you should not miss such opportunities if you do not want to stagnate, but move forward.

The path will not always be smooth for all signs, but in the end you can get extraordinary results from almost any activity.

Many representatives of the Chinese horoscope may have a seething of passions and emotions in their personal lives.

Most likely, the desire for new sensations and activity in relationships with the opposite sex will provoke a lot of betrayal. And after this - divorces and separations. Changes in your personal life will be the norm in the coming year. Therefore, be very careful in your new connections and contacts if you want to maintain your long-standing relationship. This year your partners will be as unpredictable as they were in the Year of the Tiger, but you will never guess what is on their mind.

But the need to change your life will not be caused simply by a desire to have fun. The understanding that old connections do not satisfy and do not provide the opportunity to feel happy will push many to look for new relationships.

The likelihood that the relationship with the new partner will work out well is quite high. The Year of the Rabbit favors the creation of new families and good relationships and will therefore help create very harmonious unions. But this will be preceded by long torment and torment caused by the need to make a choice. It will be difficult to decide to leave the old and rush into the arms of the new. These will not always be sharp leaps from one life to another - often changes in personal life will be accompanied by a long and painful weighing of what to prefer.

Many people will be faced with a very serious choice this year. This can affect all areas of life, not just personal. Friend or enemy, wife or lover, new business or old place of work, forgiveness or punishment? Many people will have similar questions this year. In moments of the most painful doubts, do not be afraid to seek advice from a loved one or an authoritative person; this is appropriate in the year of the Rabbit.

And don’t rush, don’t rush. Decisiveness and impulsiveness should be left behind last year, including in matters of personal life. This year’s motto should be the proverb: “Measure twice, cut once!” This is the only way to achieve success, feel satisfied with yourself and your life, and not lose what is really dear to you.

However, if someone wants to break off the relationship, this break should not leave serious emotional wounds in the soul of the abandoned person. Most breakups will be gentle and, so to speak, caring. The rabbit cannot stand mental suffering and care for the weak and offended. As a result, everyone will be fed and healthy, and many will understand that everything that is done is for the better. Moreover, the chance of meeting a person suitable for a serious relationship is very high for most horoscope signs.

This year, many will encounter what is commonly called magic, esotericism, and unconventional resources. Someone himself will feel a suddenly revealed gift of foresight, a connection with the General Information Field of the Earth or his Guardian Angel, and someone will be forced to turn to people with such abilities for help. In any case, a leap in consciousness associated with understanding the connection between the physical world and the intangible world is inevitable.

And this area of ​​life needs to be given due attention, as this will help avoid possible mistakes and complications in life.

In general, the desire to develop and improve oneself this year will become an internal need for almost everyone without exception. This will be caused by the desire to balance your state of mind and feel confident and comfortable. Many will understand that this can be achieved not only by directing all their efforts to making money and satisfying their own ambitions, but by having a strong family, good partnerships and internal harmony.

Goals and strategies such as money and success at any cost will no longer be a priority and will remain a thing of the past year. A decisive and brutal, self-confident boxer in a bright leather jacket, driving a luxurious sports car, will be replaced by a modest, intelligent, charming, balanced, strong-willed person, possessing secret knowledge and sciences, who knows how to conquer with his eyes and words.

These two have the same strength, but the Rabbit has much more opportunities to achieve his goals. If in the year of the Tiger there are half winners and half losers, then in the year of the Rabbit the percentage of winners will be much higher if you choose the right tactics and strategy for moving forward.

In general, in general, this year will give more reasons for joy than the last.

There will be more smiles and optimism.

The desire to change something in your life and help people will remain at the same level, but awareness and understanding will come of why this is needed and how to do it.

New Year's story

The celebration of the New Year among ancient peoples usually coincided with the beginning of the revival of nature and was mainly confined to the month of March. The resolution to count the New Year from the month of “Aviv” (i.e., ears of grain), which corresponds to our March and April, is found in the Law of Moses. From March, the Romans also considered a new year, until the calendar was transformed in 45 BC by Julius Caesar. On this day, the Romans made sacrifices to Janus and began major events with it, considering it an auspicious day.

On the same day, it was customary to give each other congratulations and gifts, especially to officials. At first they gave each other fruits covered with gold, dates and wine berries, then copper coins and even valuable gifts (the latter was practiced only among rich people). The patricians enjoyed the priority right to be gifted. Each client had to give his patron a gift on New Year's Day. This custom later became mandatory for all residents of Rome.

In France, the New Year was counted until 755. From December 25, and then from March 1 in the XII and XIII centuries - from the day of St. Easter, until it was finally established in 1654 by decree of King Charles IX, was counted as the beginning of the year on January 1. In Germany the same thing happened in the second half of the 16th century, and in England in the 18th century. In Russia, from the time of the introduction of Christianity, fulfilling the customs of their ancestors, they also began calculating chronology either from March or from St. Easter.

In 1492, Grand Duke John Vasilyevich the Third finally approved the resolution of the Moscow Council to consider September 1 as the beginning of both the church and civil years, when tribute, duties, various quitrents, etc. were collected. To give the greatest solemnity to this day, the Tsar himself appeared in the Kremlin the day before, where everyone, a commoner or a noble boyar, at that time could approach him and seek directly from him truth and mercy. The prototype of the church ceremony with which the celebration of the September New Year took place in Rus' was its celebration in Byzantium, established by Constantine the Great.

One of his foreign contemporaries describes the solemn spectacle of the New Year’s celebration he saw in Russia in 1636: “More than 20 thousand people, old and young, gathered in the palace courtyard. From the church standing on the right side at the entrance to the square (we are talking about the Assumption Cathedral) , the patriarch came out with his clergy of 400 priests. All in church vestments with many images and with unfolded old books, His Royal Majesty, with his state dignitaries, boyars and princes, walked from the left side of the square with his head uncovered. wearing the bishop's miter, they came out of the passage, approached each other and kissed each other on the lips. The Patriarch also gave the Grand Duke a kiss on the cross... Then, in a long speech, he pronounced a blessing to His Royal Majesty and all the people and wished everyone happiness for the New Year. like this: “Grant, Lord! You, Tsar Sovereign and Grand Duke, Autocrat of all Russia, were in good health with your Sovereign Tsarina and Grand Duchess, and our Great Sovereign, and with your sovereign’s noble children, with princes and princesses, and with your sovereign’s pilgrims, with your eminences metropolitans and with archbishops, and bishops, and archimandrites, and abbots, and with the entire sacred council, and with the boyars, and with the Christ-loving army, and with goodwill, and with all Orthodox Christians, hello, Tsar Sovereign, this year and many to come summer forever and ever." The people, in confirmation of the patriarchal New Year's wishes, loudly shouted: "Amen." The raw, wretched, defenseless and persecuted were right there in the crowd with petitions raised up, which they, with tears and sobs, threw at the feet of the Grand Duke, asking him for mercy, protection and intercessions. Petitions were sent to the royal chambers.

The last time the New Year was celebrated was on September 1, 1698, it was spent cheerfully and in a feast, arranged with royal pomp by the governor Shein, who gathered an incredible number of boyars, civil and military officials, as well as a large number of sailors. The Tsar himself approached them, gave them apples, calling each of them brother. Each healthy cup was accompanied by a shot from 25 guns.

Tsar Peter the Great, having appeared at the Assumption Cathedral, accompanied by his young son Alexei and his wife, Queen Evdokia, dressed in the German style, like the others present, with the exception of the Dowager Queen Praskovya Feodorovna, himself congratulated the people on the New Year. The guards wore blue uniforms with red cuffs and high boots. “For the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts and treatises,” Peter the Great radically changed both the calendar and the way of celebrating the New Year. In the first year of the 18th century, he already ordered chronology to be carried out from the Nativity of Christ, abolishing chronology from the day of the creation of the world.

Not wanting to completely banish the custom of celebrating the New Year, he established it according to the customs he borrowed from Holland and other countries of Western Europe. To justify his undertakings, the Tsar cited the simple and obvious reasons that “not only in many European and Christian countries, but also in the Slavic peoples, who agree with our Eastern Church in everything, like the Wallachians, Moldavians, Serbs, Dalmatians and most of his Great The sovereign's subjects, the Cherkasy (i.e., Little Russians) and all the Greeks, from whom our Orthodox faith was received, according to their years, are calculated from the Nativity of Christ on the eighth day later, i.e., January 1st, and not from the creation of the world, for many discords. reckoning in those years." A well-known associate of the reign of the Great Sovereign, Archbishop of Novgorod and Velikiye Luki, Russian Chrysostom, Feofan Prokopovich, to explain this change, asked the “sacristans and apostates” who were dissatisfied with this “destroying the years of God”: “What is more decent and honest? Should we celebrate the New Year in memory of tributes and taxes imposed by Constantine, or when we celebrate the coming of the Son of God into the world, by Him we will be freed from eternal debts and from insoluble bonds?” Further, briefly, with great scientific authority, he explained: “From the beginning of the Church of Christ, neither shepherds nor other Christians in their epistles and deeds wrote the number of years from the creation of the world, below from the Nativity of Jesus Christ, but in the names of real (modern) Roman consuls meant time. Only in the sixth century did the Roman church begin to mean the time from the Nativity of Christ, but in the Greek for one and a half thousand years it did not and only recently became a common custom, what do you say now, blind chronologists? What kind of summer do you dream of? God’s? And who and where inexorably legitimized it? And who and when tied the new year to September? We know, but not by a strong union.

Such a change resonated painfully in the minds and hearts of people of the old school, but, limiting itself to just the dull murmur of ignorant people, this innovation took root without any unrest, square fights and street bloodshed, causing only from time to time the abusive writings of the “zealots of ancient piety.” Implementation This reform of the Great Tsar, which was so important, began with the fact that it was forbidden to celebrate in any way on September 1, and on December 15, 1699, the beating of drums announced something important to the people who poured into Red Square in crowds. A high platform was built here, on which the royal clerk loudly read the decree that the Great Sovereign Peter Alekseevich commanded “from now on, summers should be counted in orders and in all matters and fortresses written from the 1st of January from the Nativity of Christ.” As a sign of that good undertaking and the new hundred-year century, “after thanking God and singing prayers in the church,” it was commanded: “along large thoroughfares, and noble people and at houses of special (eminent) spiritual and worldly rank, in front of the gates, make some decoration from trees and branches of pine and juniper. And for the poor people (i.e., the poor) at least to place a tree or branch over their gates or over their mansions, and so that the next year will ripen by the 1st of 1700 of this year. January to the 7th day of the same year. Yes, on the 1st day of January, as a sign of joy, congratulate each other on the New Year and the centenary, and do this when the fire fun begins on Big Red Square and there is shooting, and at the noble houses of the boyars and okolnichi, and duma noble people, chamber, military and merchant ranks, famous people in their yard from small cannons, whoever has them, or from a small gun, shoot three times and fire several rockets, as many as anyone has. And on large streets, where it is decent, from the 1st to the 7th of January at night, light fires from wood, or from brushwood, or from straw. And where the small courtyards, gathered in five or six courtyards, also lay fire, or, whoever wants, on pillars, one or two or three, tar and thin barrels, filled with straw or brushwood, light them, and in front of the burgomaster's town hall, shooting and it is at their discretion to have such decorations." The Tsar himself was the first to launch a rocket, which, writhing like a fiery snake in the air, announced to the people the coming of the New Year, and after it, according to the royal decree, fun began throughout the whole of Belokamennaya....

YEAR of the white metal rabbit (hare or cat)

The 2011 Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah, falls between September 5 and October 5, 163 days after Passover (Easter). The date of the Chinese Traditional New Year also varies and falls between January 21 and February 21, marking the end of the lunar cycle. At the same time as China, the Vietnamese also celebrate their Tet Nugen Den. Kazakhs, Tajiks, Kyrgyz, Iranians and the Baha'i people consider the beginning of the New Year 2011 to be the day of the vernal equinox, March 21-22. They call this holiday Navruz (or Nooruz, Nauryz) and symbolizes the spring renewal of nature. The Slavs initially celebrated the New Year on March 1, and since 1348 on September 1, calling this holiday the First Day of the Year. Peter I, having opened a window to Europe, in 1700 decreed that the New Year should be celebrated according to European customs, on January 1. But no matter how different the folk traditions associated with this holiday may be, its essence is the same - the completion of a full cycle, the renewal of the calendar.

The following beautiful legend, which has been created since the third millennium BC, tells about the emergence of the eastern horoscope.

“One day Buddha invited all the animals who wanted to come to him. Not all the animals came: the time was cold, and to get to the Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river. Buddha gave each of those who came on a first-come, first-served basis one year of reign. The Rat came first - she got the first year of the twelve-year cycle. She was rewarded for her efficiency and ability to take advantage of circumstances. The buffalo was second in line, slightly behind him was the Tiger, who got his third year.
The fans, captivated by the competition between the Buffalo and the Tiger (they have been competing with each other ever since then), did not properly consider who came fourth - the Cat, the Hare or the Rabbit. Due to the passage of time, it is impossible to establish the truth, and different eastern peoples still have different interpretations regarding the owner of the fourth year. The fifth was the Dragon, the sixth was the Snake, the seventh was the Horse. Here a strip of fog passed along the river, and again it is not clear who was the eighth - Goat, Sheep, or maybe Ram. Ninth in line was the Monkey, who did not want to take risks and carefully watched the swimmers. After making sure it was safe, she entered the water. The Rooster (and maybe the Chicken) came running tenth. He was delayed because he told his large family at length and in detail how they should live in his absence. The Dog came running eleventh. In the morning she had a lot of household chores to do, and having barely completed them, she rushed into the water, heated. They say she coughed for a long time afterwards.
The last to appear was the Boar (or Pig). He was not in a hurry: he is not ambitious, not picky, in life he usually picks up everything that is left after the nosy ones. Buddha gave him the last year, but the most calm and characterized by abundance and tranquility. Thus, a wonderful character trait was rewarded - the ability to resist the temptation to pull the blanket over oneself.”

Eastern calendar and horoscope

12 mythological animals represent, according to Eastern cosmogonic theory, 12 cosmic influences that act in the year of a person’s birth, forming his character and largely determining his destiny. In addition to the 12 animals, the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope contains 5 elements corresponding to the primary elements of the Universe (see below).
The eastern calendar is based on the orbital period of Jupiter (the largest planet in the solar system), which will complete five revolutions during this time. The Jovian year is equal to 12 Earth years and is close to the period of changes in solar activity (about 11 years). Chinese sages attached special significance to the number five. It corresponded to the five primary elements of the Universe: Fire, Wood (or sky), Metal, Earth, Water. These primary elements (or elements) formed ten “celestial trunks”. Each of them was combined with one of the 12 animals - signs of the “earthly branches”, which gave the name to one or another year in the 60-year cycle.
If you multiply these numbers, you get a full cycle of 60 years. Each element has its own color: Wood - green, Water - blue/black, Metal - white, Earth - yellow, ocher, Fire - red. The eastern horoscope is inextricably linked with the Chinese calendar. When compiling this horoscope, first of all, the rhythm of movement across the sky of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter is taken into account. Recently, the eastern horoscope has become no less widespread than the European one that is already familiar to us.
In each 60-year cycle, the name of the animal occurs five times at intervals of 12 years.
2011 Year of the Hare - 28th year of the cycle, year syn-m. You can read more about the 60-year cycle here.

The Year of the Hare corresponds to the following birth years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

How to determine your element according to the eastern calendar?

You can determine your element by the last digit of your year of birth:
“4” or “5” - Tree (color green, blue);
“6” or “7” - Fire (color red, pink);
“8” or “9” - Earth (color yellow, lemon, ocher);
“0” or “1” - Metal (white);
“2” or “3” - Water (color black, blue).

That’s why they also call the year by color, for example, 2011 is the year of the White Rabbit.

Year of the Rabbit, cosmic element of the year

Below are the years according to the Chinese calendar with the exact dates of their beginning and end, which passed under the sign of the symbolic animal of the Chinese horoscope, the Rabbit. The list of years is limited to the period from 1900 to 2020.
from 01/29/1903 to 02/15/1904 - Water - year of the Black Rabbit
from 02/14/1915 to 02/02/1916 - Tree - Year of the Blue Rabbit
from 02/02/1927 to 01/22/1928 - Fire - year of the Red Rabbit
from 02/19/1939 to 02/07/1940 - Earth - Year of the Yellow Rabbit
from 02/06/1951 to 01/26/1952 - Metal - Year of the White Rabbit
from 01/25/1963 to 02/12/1964 - Water - year of the Black Rabbit
from 02/11/1975 to 01/30/1976 - Tree - Year of the Blue Rabbit
from 01/29/1987 to 02/16/1988 - Fire - year of the Red Rabbit
from 02/16/1999 to 02/04/2000 - Earth - Year of the Yellow Rabbit
from 02/03/2011 to 01/22/2012 - Metal - Year of the White Rabbit

Year of the Rabbit (Cat) - characteristics of the sign
Chinese name for Rabbit: Tu
Fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Element: Metal in 2011
Color: White in 2011

Polarity: Negative

This year brings comfort, diplomacy, hospitality and warmth.
Positive qualities: intelligent, observant, developed, peaceful, friendly, romantic and very devoted to those he loves.
Negative qualities: restless, fearful, pedantic and too preoccupied with himself.
Recommendations for choosing a profession: You will make an excellent diplomat, teacher, actor or priest, as well as a very respectable administrator in any business.

Metal Rabbit (1951, 2011, 2071)
This Rabbit is a very capable and ambitious person, he clearly knows what he wants to achieve in life. Sometimes he may seem withdrawn and overly reserved, but this is only because he likes to keep his opinions to himself. He has a quick, agile mind and is an excellent businessman. He is no stranger to some cunning.
The Metal Rabbit is an excellent artist, moves in high society, and has a small circle of loyal and devoted friends. It is hardly possible to find a person who knows what he wants as well.

Water Rabbit (1903, 1963, 2023)
The Water Rabbit is very popular, has a well-developed intuition, and always takes into account the thoughts and feelings of others, which is why, apparently, quite often this person takes everything too to heart. Whatever he undertakes, the Water Rabbit does carefully and thoughtfully; he has an excellent memory and expresses his thoughts well. He is quite withdrawn at times.
The Water Rabbit is very loved and appreciated both in the family and at work, but he, perhaps, worries too much about others. He should learn to manage his emotions.

Wooden Rabbit (1915, 1975, 2035)
The Wood Rabbit is easy to communicate, friendly, and quickly adapts to any situation. He prefers to work in a team rather than independently, because he wants to enlist the help and support of others, which, however, is not so easy to provide: this Rabbit is sometimes very secretive. He usually has many friends and leads an active social life. He is valued for his generosity and generosity. People born under this sign need to be more open and keep others informed of their plans if they expect help and support from others.

Fire Rabbit (1927, 1987, 2047)
The Fire Rabbit has an open and friendly character. He tries to maintain smooth relationships with everyone, finding a common language even with children. He is prudent and diplomatic, understands human nature well, and has a strong will. However, a person born under this sign does not tolerate unfavorable circumstances well, quickly loses patience and becomes depressed if things do not go his way. The Fire Rabbit has heightened intuition; moreover, among these people there are psychics. People born under this sign are strong, but to achieve the best results they need help and support.

Ground Rabbit (1939, 1999, 2059)
The Earth Rabbit is quiet and secretive, but very insightful and intelligent. He is a realist and is ready to work long and hard to achieve his desired goal. As an excellent businessman, he is almost always lucky in the financial sphere. He always speaks so convincingly that he easily attracts others to his side. He enjoys well-deserved success among friends and colleagues, his opinion is valued.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the New Year of the white metal rabbit (hare or cat). The Chinese, for example, do not use a knife on this day - it is believed that it will cut off good luck, so all dishes are prepared in advance. In Brazil, they appease the gods by sending out paper boats with burning candles as a sign of reverence and faith. In Bulgaria, to attract good luck, people hit each other with dogwood sticks decorated with dried fruits and nuts. The Slavs, to fulfill their desires, write a list of them on a piece of paper a few minutes before midnight. During the chiming of the clock, you need to have time to burn it and, after stirring it in champagne, drink it to the bottom. Everyone also knows the saying “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” which is very popular in Russia. There are signs associated with it: so that the failures of the past year are not repeated, you cannot be in old clothes at midnight; you also need to pay off all debts and ask your loved ones for forgiveness for your misdeeds.
New Year 2011 is, without a doubt, the most important, most significant holiday of the year. You need to thoroughly prepare for his meeting and decide: where, how, and with whom to be on New Year’s Eve. Whether you meet him on the seashore under the scorching sun, with your family, in a restaurant with your significant other, or at a noisy, crowded party, it’s up to you to decide. The main thing is that this day is filled with positive emotions, laughter and fun. You need to strive for what brings you the most joy: fluffy snow sparkling from fireworks explosions or warm sand with the smell of the sea; meeting a loved one or socializing with a large group of friends - New Year is a celebration of life; all you need to do is smile to make the whole year successful. “We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the most pleasure in the old one,” said one American, making a New Year’s toast. Don’t go against your wishes, celebrate this holiday with pleasure, allow yourself to truly relax and feel the magic that permeates the New Year 2011.

Rabbit symbol in the East

The Rabbit was the symbolic animal of the fourth sign of the zodiac, which corresponded approximately to Pisces, the element of the sign is Forest and, accordingly, the color green.
In Ancient China, the Rabbit was a lunar animal. Like the hare, he lives on the moon and is associated with all kinds of lunar goddesses and Mother Earth.
In Aztec symbolism, the Moon is a rabbit or hare. In China, figurines of white rabbits were made for the Moon Festival.
Among the Indians of the wooded eastern coast of America, a rabbit or hare is a fabulous cunning creature. It also symbolizes fertility and lust, but in rituals, clothes made from rabbit skins mean obedience and humility before the Great Spirit.
The rabbit is also a pre-Christian symbol of rebirth and renewal at the beginning of the spring equinox. Emblem of the Teutonic goddess of spring and dawn Ostara or Eastra. Probably, the name of the Christian holiday of Easter (Easter) comes from the name of this goddess.

Symbol of the Cat in the East

If we talk about cat symbol, then the Cat, having the ability to change the shape of the pupil, symbolizes the changing power of the Sun, as well as the phases of the Moon and the splendor of the night. It also means everything that is done furtively; desire and freedom. A black cat is lunar and represents evil and death (only in our time has a black cat come to mean good luck).

Among the American Indians wild cat is a sign of theft. Among the Celts cat - chthonic force, funeral symbol. The Chinese The cat, being a nocturnal animal, belongs to the yin principle and has evil powers and the ability to transform. Meeting an unfamiliar cat is not good. Black cat - failure, illness. In Christianity cat - Satan, darkness, lust and laziness. The Egyptians the cat is a lunar image, dedicated to Set as darkness and can serve as a lunar symbol of Isis or Basta, the Moon; represents pregnant women, as the Moon allows the seed to grow in the womb. In Greco-Roman In culture, the cat is the companion of the lunar Diana. The goddess of freedom holds a cat at her feet. The Japanese The cat symbolizes the power of transformation and peaceful relaxation. Among the Scandinavians, a cat is an attribute of Freya; cats were harnessed to her cart. In witchcraft, a cat is a good friend of witches. A black cat as a close associate of a witch means evil and bad luck. Cats and dogs can make it rain.

Distrust of both animals is quite high in Asian countries, as is the case with us. There are beliefs about the transformation of sorcerers into cats; Both cats and rabbits are associated with evil spirits.

IN Japanese tradition this is also a demonic animal (we are talking about a cat), possessing supernatural strength, and sometimes even the traits of a vampire.

In China, despite the not very flattering attitude towards it, they still believed in the ability of the beast to expel (dispel) evil spirits.

According to the legend about the origin of the eastern calendar, Buddha once invited all the animals who wanted to come to him. Not all the animals came: the time was cold, and to get to the Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river. Buddha gave each of those who came on a first-come, first-served basis one year of reign. The Rat came first, the Buffalo second, and the Tiger third. The fans, captivated by the competition between the Buffalo and the Tiger (they have been competing with each other ever since then), did not properly consider who came fourth - the Cat, the Hare or the Rabbit. Due to the passage of time, it is impossible to establish the truth, and different eastern peoples still have different interpretations regarding the owner of the fourth year. The fifth was the Dragon, the sixth was the Snake, the seventh was the Horse. Here a strip of fog passed along the river, and again it is not clear who was the eighth - Goat, Sheep or Ram. The ninth was the Monkey. The Rooster (and maybe the Chicken) came running tenth. The Dog came running eleventh. The last, twelfth, Boar (or Pig) appeared.

A little more about the symbol of 2011...

New 2011 Year of the Rabbit (Cat. Hare).
At the end of 2010, according to the eastern calendar, the Tiger will be replaced by the Rabbit. What it will be like in 2011 can be judged by the last year of the Rabbit - 1999. It brought many sad events. Firstly, the invasion of the American military into the territory of Yugoslavia, which brought a huge amount of death and destruction. Secondly, the shocking terrorist attacks in Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buinaksk as a result of which hundreds of people died (explosions of multi-storey buildings, explosions in shopping centers). Last year of the Rabbit was also bloody due to the ongoing Chechen war. At the end of 1999, President Yeltsin resigned early, transferring powers to Prime Minister Putin, the former chairman of the FSB. At the same time, it was in 1999 that the severe consequences of the August 1998 default were largely eliminated. It can be assumed that 2011 will not be without serious disasters, but at the same time, the world will largely recover from the global economic crisis.
The symbol of 2011 is the Rabbit (Cat. Hare) - what does it bring to people?
The rabbit is extremely timid, but despite his timidity, he is very hospitable and appreciates home comfort and beauty. Therefore, in the year of the Rabbit, invite your dearest friends to your place and visit them more often. The Rabbit is diplomatic, so you shouldn’t try to show yourself as an upstart in 2011. It’s better to try to earn the Rabbit’s respect and please him. Among the positive qualities of the Rabbit there is irrepressible romance and devotion. Therefore, marriages concluded in 2011 promise to be especially successful.
In addition, the eastern horoscopes say that, since the Rabbit is very smart, it is developed in many areas of activity. He will cover
But it should be remembered that the Rabbit has not only positive qualities. For example, he is fearful. Therefore, many, especially people born in the year of the Rabbit, may find it difficult to make responsible decisions this year. In addition, the Rabbit is too pedantic, he cannot stand disorder in things, deeds, thoughts.
2011 should be a particularly good and successful year for people involved in diplomatic activities. This also applies to priests, professors, people of creative professions - the Rabbit patronizes them the most.
The rabbit is a family animal, a symbol of fertility, offspring and tranquility. After 2010, the restless Tiger, the time will come for a calmer life. The Year of the Rabbit is for talented people of art, intelligent people. In general, people whose symbol is the Rabbit enjoy the trust of others; people often turn to them for advice and consult.
The Rabbit is an open sign. Expect lots of friendly get-togethers this year. Good results will come from traveling and spending time together. The year, whose symbol is the Rabbit, is conducive to communication, constant communications, negotiations, deals and meetings. At the same time, conflicts will be minimized, since the Rabbit is a great diplomat and can easily agree on everything.
Also in 2011, any help will be returned a hundredfold and will definitely pay off. At the same time, in 2011 it is better to keep your plans and intentions secret so that no one dares to violate them. Just in case, so as not to bite your elbows later.

Children born in 2011 they will be gifted and benevolent, but frivolous; in addition, at an early age they will develop the desire to “go out on their own” and will strive for independence in every possible way.
2011 is not so much a year of action as of reflection and preparation for the future. To start acting, you need to have a certain foundation, which is best laid now!

What should be present on the festive table when welcoming the 2011 Rabbit and how to decorate the house?

Long before the holiday, you need to think about your outfit, which will depend on where and with whom the New Year is being celebrated. In order for the Cat and the Rabbit to favor you, you need to become just as good-natured, calm, and unfussy. And then, falling literally and figuratively, you will always happily land on all fours.
There must be apples and millet on the festive table. You should not serve any hare or rabbit meat on the table, so as not to awaken the departing Tiger in the Hare! In general, it is better to give preference to vegetarian dishes. Lots of all kinds of vegetables, especially herbs - green onions, dill, parsley, lettuce.

Since the elements of 2011 - Metal, place metal decorations around the apartment (such as metal vases or candle stands) and use beautiful metal cutlery. Don't forget to buy figurines with the symbol of 2011 and give them to your loved ones. Keep the figurine for yourself, put it on a shelf or attach it to the refrigerator to please the coming year.
Along with New Year's gifts, you should put a bunch of carrots under the tree to please the symbol of 2011. And when the clock strikes, having made a cherished wish, you can meow (after all, according to some versions of the Chinese horoscope, this is the year of the Cat).

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2011?

It is necessary to think over an outfit that will match the colors of the Rabbit. The best known is the white rabbit with red or blue eyes, but there are also black, brown, blue or bluish, black-brown, silver and yellow rabbits.
If you don't have a bunny or cat fancy dress, it's best to dress up in linen, cotton, or wool in light pastel colors, although yellow, brown, silver, beige, blue and orange are also acceptable. And it’s best to dress up in a hare or cat costume.

A person born in the year of the Rabbit is a kind of hidden fire, a secret passion, which may well turn out to be only a figment of your impressionable imagination.

When is the year of the Rabbit?

Years of the Rabbit (Hare): 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

Years of the Rabbit in Eastern astrology. The rabbit is considered the guardian of vitality, transmitted from ancestors to descendants; it symbolizes the subordination of all living things to natural rhythms.

A characteristic feature of this year is that the constant readiness to become a reflection or repetition of any natural rhythm often makes “Rabbits” superficial and inconsistent in the eyes of other people.

Nevertheless, people born in this year almost always have good taste and can easily fit into even the most sophisticated society.

That is why it is believed that the “cat” (aka “Rabbit”) always falls on its paws and never stops purring with pleasure while warming itself by the hearth.

In the year of the Rabbit you can relax. Take advantage of this year by taking some time off and enjoying the company of friends.

A good year for Rabbits, Dragons, Snakes, Horses, Goats and Monkeys; bad year for Rats; neutral for Bulls, Tigers, Roosters, Dogs and Pigs.

Rabbit according to the horoscope: what kind of person is he?

Be really careful because there may be surprises here. You may notice that there is something about your Rabbit partner that you cannot handle.

But, as a rule, it turns out that your intuition did not let you down, because the Rabbit justifiably deserves its reputation.

You can only hope that your energy is enough for a sexual relationship with him, because the Rabbit has such a strong desire for physical contact that it far exceeds the feelings of more dynamic signs.

The best advice is to leave the area and give up trying to control it.

Although the person of the year of the Rabbit often cannot withstand the pressure of difficult life circumstances, this has nothing to do with what is happening in the bedroom.

The Rabbit is always ready to leave someone else the unpleasant responsibility of informing loved ones about bad news. The slogan of many Rabbits is - don't make waves!

At work, people born in the year of the Rabbit tend to be role models. They are neat to the point of pedantry, conscientious and very enterprising.

They are moderately conservative, moderately striving for something new, appreciate the achievements of the classics and are interested in the latest achievements of science and art.

The only thing that drives these people crazy is complications in their personal lives, because above all else in the world they value a peaceful life, comfort and coziness.

No social upheavals or wars really worry such people until they begin to affect themselves or their close relatives.

At the same time, people of the Year of the Rabbit inherit many of the skills of ancient sorcerers, shamans and even priests, thanks to which they often have truly magical abilities.

The life of a person of the year of the Rabbit will be restless during the first three phases only in one case, if he is not lucky enough to live in times of exceptional situations, dramatic events such as wars, revolutions, disasters.

In other cases, his life usually turns out well and happily.

Rabbit character according to horoscope

You have to remember that this person was literally born with insecurity. Rabbits are usually quiet by nature and don't tend to say what they really think, so you'll have to reconsider many of your beliefs about him.

Encourage him to be honest, but if you don't want to hurt his feelings, keep your assessments of events to yourself.

At every opportunity, you should tell the person of the year of the Rabbit how much he means to you, from time to time give him flowers, perfume, or, if we are talking about Rabbits, a new scraper for pans.

It doesn’t matter whether your gesture of attention is big or small, it will still mean a lot to him.

People born in the year of the Rabbit never take attention for granted, and will therefore idolize their partner like never before. But will the person of the year of the Rabbit remain faithful to you after all this?

There's a good chance he did, but no matter what happened, he wasn't trying to hurt you.

The rabbit is so kind that he would rather harm himself than harm you.

By nature, a partner born in the year of the Rabbit always remains insecure, so no one else needs love and affection as much. What you get in return will be worth the effort.

Happy, gifted, moderately ambitious, the person of the year of the Rabbit always falls on his feet. He has a bright personality, a pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous, eloquent.

However, he has one drawback - the Rabbit is too superficial.

Usually calm and unperturbed, he rarely loses his temper. Personal minor troubles will upset him more than someone else's big trouble. He may cry over a trifle, but will quickly calm down.

He loves society, and society loves him. She loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but she does it subtly, tactfully and carefully.

A hospitable host who knows how to receive guests at the highest level, the person of the Year of the Rabbit has a refined taste. A conservative, strives for comfort and safety, is very careful (for which he usually enjoys the respect and trust of others).

The person of the year of the Rabbit rarely needs; usually everything is fine with him in material terms. He is dexterous in financial matters and can achieve success in trade and commerce.

The lucky Rabbit would make a good player, but the Rabbit is too cautious and therefore rarely plays.

Good taste can make him the owner of an antique store. Other areas in which the Rabbit can make a career are jurisprudence and diplomacy.

The Rabbit has absolutely no sense of responsibility to the family, and although he always fulfills his duty, his parental instinct is weakly expressed. He prefers secular society to quiet family evenings.

Years of the Rabbit and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Rabbit element Water

  • Although he is undoubtedly the most pleasant and friendly of all Rabbits, he is not always the easiest to understand.
  • The emotional nature of all Rabbits is very deep, but none can surpass in this characteristic the Water Rabbit, which is practically incomprehensible.
  • Therefore, it will sometimes be difficult for you to understand what you mean to him, it is difficult to find a common language with someone whom you cannot comprehend.
  • In practical everyday life, the Water Rabbit is kind and considerate, crazy about his family and wants to enjoy a calm and happy family life.
  • The Water Rabbit is a good worker and usually chooses a career that involves serving the community. Water Rabbits love animals, sometimes even more than people, and yet their humanitarian mindset is always evident.
  • In love, the Rabbit of the Water element will not yield the palm to anyone; he is gentle and attentive, active and varied.
  • It is generally believed that the Water Rabbit is at its best in the physical side of love due to its innate sensitivity, especially pronounced on a sexual level.
  • Consistency can be a challenge for him, especially if the Water Rabbit is unhappy in his life. In any case, this sign of the Chinese horoscope is more prone to cheating than others, but in the presence of an element such as Water, this tendency only intensifies.
  • However, love and understanding usually make him happy, and this is a sure sign of a long and successful union. The Water Rabbit must make sure that life does not become too boring or too difficult. It's too destructive to his character.

Rabbit element Tree

  • Is this Rabbit really cut out for a life entirely dedicated to one relationship? The answer to this question depends almost entirely on what kind of partner he chooses.
  • His love is total, but it is also so unique that it requires complete understanding.
  • Rabbit element Wood cares deeply about others. Many missionaries, philanthropists and participants in charitable movements were born in the year of the Wooden Rabbit.
  • Such a Rabbit is ready to offer absolute devotion and all his strength without reserve, and this help will be very practical. This side of the Wood Rabbit will almost certainly manifest itself in life, and if it is not treated with understanding, he may become upset.
  • The Wood Rabbit has so much to give to his neighbor, a woman he meets on the road, a friend, a charity, and God knows who else, that he won't always have something left for you.
  • Of course, if you want to live near a saint, this shouldn't discourage you, but for most people this is not really an option.
  • Nothing should mislead you, this giving is completely genuine. The Rabbit of the Wood element does not think about personal gain, he simply does what he does simply because he has to do it.
  • Perhaps the best behavior in this situation is to agree with it and become part of it. At least this way you can get to know the Wooden Rabbit better, and he will definitely remember you.
  • The Rabbit can be a role model, although there are also people who believe that any Rabbit is capable of being a bore - even a saint!

Rabbit element Earth

  • This is probably the kindest and most sensitive Rabbit of all representatives of this breed and, of course, the easiest to communicate with.
  • Of the people born this year, only a few can be called envious, insensitive or selfish.
  • However, even such positive data can be a source of possible problems, since it is quite difficult to understand the nature of the Rabbit of the Earth element, and as a result it can be a cause of concern.
  • In personal relationships, the Earth Rabbit is ready to sacrifice himself entirely, turning them into a work of art. However, for many, the constant desire to place their own desires on the sacrificial altar can be very annoying.
  • In fact, for most people, such behavior creates a problem, if only because it causes a feeling of guilt for their own not so selfless actions.
  • As a result, the Earth Rabbit, despite being genuinely “cute,” can be hysterical. Plus, he definitely won't forget to apologize for it.
  • If this seems unpleasant to you, do not think that this is a person who always considers himself better than those around him. On the contrary, the Rabbit of the Earth element may seem perfect to you, but he doesn’t always like himself.
  • Your Earth Rabbit will always be ready to help with practical advice and actions. Family is, of course, of paramount importance to him; the whole world is a very big family for him.
  • Behind closed doors, he turns into a lover who has no equal. How can you not fall in love with the Earth Rabbit with his vivid imagination, charm and smile the size of an entire house?

Rabbit element Metal

    Rabbit is a very pleasant person, many will agree with this. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that he is always easy to understand or that it is always easy to communicate with him about deeply personal topics.

  • However, in the case of the Metal Rabbit, this task will be a little easier, since this type of Rabbit knows its own complexes better than others and can manage them.
  • The Rabbit of the Metal element is kind, sincere, good-natured and very affectionate. Most Rabbits are destined for happy home lives and stable relationships, and this is never more true than the Metal Bunny.
  • He has an innate ability to understand others, so he will always be able to understand all your problems and offer support that others would not even think about.
  • The Metal Rabbit is also able to combine a fairly stable emotional nature with the ability to earn a living, which makes your potential partner quite an enviable match.
  • All Rabbits are good lovers, but their nature is deep and they need to feel confident. The emotional fur of these creatures requires constant cleaning, and the Metal Rabbit is, of course, no exception.
  • There is probably only one aspect of life with him that requires your full attention: if he is firmly on the path of life, he will not turn away from it.
  • Since the Metal Rabbit was born with the desire to find his other half, the bulk of the effort will be done by him. You should never forget about attention and a kind word.
  • The Metal Rabbit is a bottomless pit, and you can pour your love into it from now until the end of eternity without ever reaching the bottom.

Rabbit element Fire

  • All Rabbits are the embodiment of the same image, so you should not expect the Fire Rabbit to be very different from its brothers in the family.
  • Yet the Fire Elemental Rabbit has subtle differences that make a big difference in personal relationships.
  • For starters, at least one of the Fire Rabbit's paws is real. Rabbits are often accused of excessive idealism and the desire to see the world not as it is, but as they want.
  • This tendency is much less pronounced in the Fire Rabbit, although he is just as kind and helpful as his brothers.
  • And yet he remains a realist. This almost certainly means a high probability of success, as well as a more down-to-earth view of personal relationships.
  • Your Fire Rabbit is proud of his hole and especially proud of everything connected with his family.
  • The Fire Rabbit is a wonderful lover and, thanks to its flexibility and sexual appetite, will suit representatives of almost every sign of the Chinese zodiac as a partner.
  • He is unlikely to support you and will always allow you to have your own opinion on what is happening, although at times he will be very jealous. Rest and relaxation are vital to the Fire Rabbit, and this is where all your influence can come into play.
  • All Fire Rabbits are distinguished by an interest in life in all its manifestations; they tend to accept both your preferences and what you don’t like.
  • Such a partner will first of all be a good friend and will not want to burden himself with any relationship. The Fire Rabbit can be very wise; he usually knows in advance where this or that situation will turn over time.

People born in the Year of the Rabbit

Seraphim of Sarov, Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Obraztsova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Welles, Marie Curie, Lewis Carroll, Garry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Listyev , George C. Scott, Henry Miller, Ingrid Bergman, Mikhail Bulgakov, Ludwig Feuerbach, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Helena Blavatsky, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Nikolai Zabolotsky.

Details about those who were born in the year of the Rabbit, and separately about those born in the year of the White Rabbit

Of those currently living in the Year of the Rabbit, those who will be 96, 84, 72, 60, 48, 36, 24 and 12 years old in 2011 were born. Those who showed themselves to the world in the year of the metal Rabbit will celebrate their 60th anniversary.

Those who were born in the year of the Rabbit can perhaps be called the favorites of fortune. These are the luckiest of all representatives of the animal signs of the twelve-year cycle. The rabbit is an example of warmth, peacefulness, commitment and elegance. He is a lover of everything that is beautiful, regardless of whether it belongs to the material world or is a spiritual substance. Those born in the year of the Rabbit are, as a rule, pretty, have excellent oratorical abilities, but are created not for rallies and discussions, but for calm conversation and mediation. Rabbits are great peacemakers, but at the same time have a keen sense of what is “right” in terms of law and public morality. They live easily, understand art, and are unsurpassed experts in literature. Whatever they do, they know how to choose something they like and are sure to achieve success. Due to this type of character, Rabbits can choose an academic career. They make good research scientists who leave behind a noticeable mark in the form of significant discoveries. There are known successful government officials and lawyers from among those born under the auspices of the Rabbit. Politicians of this sign are less famous because, as a rule, they do not carry out major revolutions and reforms, but they are remembered as leaders whose style is more suitable for the rulers of the golden age and consists in the absence of wars and social upheavals.

Rabbits, by and large, don’t care what other people think of them. As a rule, they are quite indifferent to advice and comments. But this is only if the criticism is not fair. Rabbits perceive shortcomings discovered in them painfully and never forget impartial statements addressed to them. If they are treated unkindly, Rabbits can turn away from the person and even turn into their worst enemy. But this rarely happens. Usually Rabbits are very sweet and kind with those whom they consider friends; everyone else, given equal treatment, seems to not exist for Rabbits. Since those born under the auspices of the Rabbit are not worried about other people's lifestyles, they believe that everyone else should do the same. Rabbits consider themselves and their life credo to be the only correct ones and are very fussy with their desires. Quite seriously, they believe that their hopes should be realized under any circumstances. And when this does not happen, they feel unhappy. Rabbits, however, never make claims either to life or to people. Even with enemies they are emphatically polite. If no direct action is taken against them, they will do everything to avoid a quarrel and any other manifestations of unfriendliness.

At first glance, those born in the year of the Rabbit give the impression of being weak and pampered people, but that is until you get to know them better. This is actually a strong sign. Rabbits always have a very definite view of current events. They have firm principles, which Rabbits never change in their entire lives.

Rabbits, as a rule, are underestimated by both friends and enemies. They are so soft and pliable. They will hide the truth until the last moment, so as not to hurt the feelings of a pleasant person. They are even with their ill-wishers to the point of outright hypocrisy. This is actually why Rabbits are not taken into account when large-scale actions are taken or destinies are decided. But they are quite capable of a brave act or statement if further non-interference threatens trouble for a friend. As for enemies, the Rabbit's blow is all the more sudden and merciless, the more carefree the enemy was. Rabbits are dangerous. True, they begin to act only as a last resort.

In a situation that does not involve threshold moments, Rabbits behave cautiously and extremely prudently. They implement their plans slowly and diligently, trying to foresee all possible ways of development of events. Those born in the year of the Rabbit, in order to be confident in the correctness of their actions, must have complete information on a specific issue. And they collect it with manic persistence. What’s interesting is that the whole world is full of victims of fraud through financial pyramids. There are only a small percentage of rabbits among them. This is a proven fact, which Western astrologers have repeatedly referred to. The proverb “Measure twice, cut once” was coined by Rabbits. Those born under the auspices of this animal have a natural gift of sanity. Rabbits are extremely proud of this ability, and rightly so. In judgments on specific cases and situations, they can be completely trusted.

Cat women (and Rabbits are sometimes called Cats in horoscopes) are famous for their sober outlook on life and their emphasized attention to current events and people. They never forget to put a clean handkerchief in their husband's jacket pocket. Women always remember special dates in the lives of their friends. They are lenient. They can forgive their beloved man and friend minor miscalculations and mistakes. They can become ideal girlfriends, because, being in the shadows, they are strong and interesting personalities and can support at any time. It's safe with them. It's nice to be with them. Moreover, the last two statements are true both for a global situation, for example, when choosing a life partner, and for everyday pastimes like some kind of shopping. Women born in the year of the Rabbit are hardworking, but can easily put things aside if they feel even a little tired. They care a lot about how they look and their physical condition in relation to this.

Catwomen are very attractive. They are not just beautiful, they have an inner aristocracy and innate grace. In marriage they are extremely prudent. When choosing a couple, they will prefer a respectable, wealthy man with a paunch and a bald head to a young, attractive, but not rich guy. Her husband must have wealth and qualities that will allow her to lead a normal lifestyle. This way of life consists mainly of not denying yourself anything. They greatly value freedom and mutual respect in marriage, and never enter into an intimate relationship if they do not feel sufficient attraction to their partner.

This year's women are quite modest. They will never deny themselves luxury, but it will be more a tribute to comfort than to glitz and glamour. Her expensive shoes will always be distinguished by their quality and comfortable fit, while at the same time being discreet. They hate competing with other ladies either in the amount of money their man earns or in the way they present themselves. They can advantageously emphasize their appearance, but not in order to be noticed, but solely with the goal of achieving their goal and making the right impression.

People born under the auspices of the Rabbit will always give the impression of being worthy, caring and courteous. In communication, they will begin to display a refined manner of expression and the habits of a true gentleman. Their emphasized friendliness will attract people to them, and their common sense will add to their popularity. Throughout their lives, the Rabbits' advice will be listened to, and even moreover, it will be followed. The weakness of Rabbits is manifested in their increased suspiciousness and touchiness. Being in disheveled feelings, Rabbits are capable of unpleasant statements. And they absolutely do not know how to endure hardships.

Rabbits are extremely self-confident. They recognize only their own point of view as true. In critical situations, they are capable of betrayal, they can sacrifice principles and publicly disavow friendship with some person. At the same time, we will not be talking about personal ambitions. In this regard, Rabbits are flexible and can easily come to terms with a point of view that is different from their own. But when it comes to their safety or a threat to their serene existence, which is the same thing in the understanding of Rabbits, they turn away and do dishonest things. With all due respect to Rabbits, their acquaintances should keep in mind that they easily change their views and are extremely unreliable in a situation of choice.

Rabbits are a pleasure to talk to. I want to protect them from the hardships of the world, however, there is no need for such an attitude towards Rabbits. They are able to stand up for themselves, and very deftly. Reason and pride work in perfect combination when the question of safety arises. Actually, this is their main rule of life, and therefore there is no point in accusing Rabbits of betraying ideals in favor of the moment. Rabbits will subordinate any views and the highest ideas to their main principle - protecting their own interests.

Those born under the auspices of the Rabbit are economical and hospitable people. Being in a business relationship, they will definitely make sure that the cooperation is mutually beneficial. In communication they are extremely pleasant and charming, but you can’t let their statements make you dizzy. Rabbits don't always mean exactly what they say. These are known hypocrites, and shrewd hypocrites. In their heads they keep entire dossiers on people, in which they carefully record all their strengths and weaknesses. Rabbits never forgive mistakes, unless some minor miscalculation was made, to which they can easily close their eyes and never remember it when communicating. Actually, this is why they are valued in society, which is why Rabbits rarely get into major troubles. They know how to forgive and know how to achieve forgiveness, and this is often the main thing that unites and allows them to collectively confront the complexities of the world.

By and large, Rabbits are truly distinguished by their deep knowledge of life. They can be angels and monsters, but not by personal whim, but solely in accordance with the circumstances. Rabbits never reveal secrets entrusted to them. They are great masters of intrigue and always skillfully extricate themselves from sticky situations. They value their reputation very much. And if the Rabbits have a choice, they will arrange everything so that each of the participants in the process wins.

About those born in the year of the white Rabbit (1951, 2011)

The White Rabbit is invariably distinguished by greater physical and mental endurance than his brothers born in years that correspond to the other elements of the year, but otherwise he is quite consistent with the general characteristics of this sign. The White Rabbit is an incredible egoist and individualist. Everything he does is aimed primarily at creating his own comfortable living environment. He has independent judgment and outlook on life. And although he, like other Rabbits, is characterized by some suspiciousness, he is capable of making bold decisions. The White Rabbit is more proactive and can take responsibility for collective actions. The metal element makes the Rabbit more curious and more ambitious than his fellows. The rabbit's nature forces him to carefully hide his ambitious plans and aspirations. The White Rabbit is very cunning and prone to intrigue, while all his activities are carried out on the basis of sober calculation and preliminary study of the relevant issue.

The White Rabbit is a true romantic. He himself could create wonderful works of art thanks to his natural insight and ability to penetrate the secrets of the universe with just one emotional effort. Unfortunately, due to his suspiciousness and selfishness, he is subject to the influence of moods that are not of the best nature. The White Rabbit can work only at the peak of inspiration, and allows only trusted friends to be among the connoisseurs and admirers of his talent.

A great connoisseur and connoisseur of beauty, the White Rabbit will enjoy the best works of art and literature, which will fall into his hands without noticeable effort on his part and for mere pennies. True, they will be the best in the opinion of the Rabbit. But he is the one who can be trusted most of all. The rabbit has impeccable taste and independent judgment. That is why he could be the ideal chairman of any competition commission. However, even in the free information space of the Internet, his judgments carry weight. The White Rabbit could collect a magnificent collection of works of art and maintain his own gallery. However, not everyone born in the years of the White Rabbit connects their fate with the world of beauty. Many are interested in political and diplomatic careers.

, Earth Rabbit, Metal Rabbit, Water Rabbit.

The metal rabbit is smart, arrogant, secretive and cunning. He knows exactly what he wants from life and how he will act, but for others it is a mystery. He keeps his secrets and plans to himself because he is distrustful. In his circle of friends there are only proven and reliable people who will not suppress him with their ebullient energy and noisy behavior. Caution and prudence help him achieve a fairly good position in society and surround himself with quite influential people.

Such Rabbits are both physically and mentally stronger than others. However, they are also less willing to compromise. The Metal Rabbit relies entirely on its powers of observation and deduction. He is always confident that he answers questions correctly and makes the right decisions. He calmly accepts responsibility and displays remarkable creativity, initiative and thoroughness in his work.

The influence of Metal can make the Rabbit overly concerned with his own desires, goals and ideas. This type of Rabbit is more cunning than others and more ambitious; True, his ambitions are subordinated to a cold mind and calculation. The Metal Rabbit loves to live richly and beautifully. He may be indifferent to the opinions of others, but he reacts very emotionally to painting, sculpture, music and beauty in general.

Like all true romantics, the Metal Rabbit is periodically in a bad mood; he only works well when he has inspiration. This is a deep nature, very ardent in love. But he will only allow a select few people into his “inner circle.”

Metal Rabbit according to Chinese Horoscope

A representative of the zodiac sign Rabbit has, among many traits, caution and caution. In addition, the sign endows its representative with ease and excessive insinuation. Metal in this case has a visible positive effect on the main character traits, since it is able to make certain adjustments to behavior and endow its representative with a sense of responsibility.

It is also noted that metal inherently has magical properties and the ability to concentrate various mystical phenomena around itself. There is nothing dangerous in this if the Rabbit shows a tendency towards such a fact. In the case of an opposite attitude, certain negative consequences may arise.

In order for the Rabbit to feel as harmonious as possible and be able to realize his inner strengths with a certain impact, he needs privacy from the outside world. In cases where this condition cannot be achieved, negative situations arise that affect the internal state of the representative of this zodiac sign.

According to the Chinese horoscope, metal Hares are those people whom you can rely on in a difficult situation; they will not let you down and will not leave the person who turns to you without help. The sense of responsibility and compassion for a neighbor is clearly expressed among such representatives of the zodiac sign. Rabbits manage to achieve all the goals they set for themselves thanks to the maximum reserve of energy, which is very significant given their excessive calmness in key indicators.

The optimal time of year for people of this type is autumn. It is best to choose a place of residence in a temperate climate where dry and warm weather prevails. It is necessary to take care of the lungs, as this is the main organ involved in the breathing process, and breathing gives rabbits a sense of peace and calm.

Metal Rabbit Man

A man born in the year of the Metal Rabbit has the ability to restrain his emotions. This strong, self-confident person has excellent control over everything that happens around him. It is impossible to catch him upset or lost; he is always collected and restrained. He is moderately sociable, knows how to maintain the necessary acquaintances, but may not stand on ceremony with old friends. He is quite capable of expressing whatever he thinks to his face. Few people are offended by such behavior, because the sincere behavior of the Metal Rabbit is a sign of trust. Usually a man of this sign tries to hide his thoughts and strives to maintain good relations with everyone.

The Metal Rabbit is a creatively gifted man with a well-developed imagination. He looks after women beautifully and carefully thinks through every date. Insinuating manners, pleasant voice, attractive appearance - all this sets him apart from other fans. He takes love relationships seriously and will not have easy affairs. Having made a choice, she remains faithful to him, the wife can count on help and support at any time. He gets along well with children, his head is full of ideas on how to better diversify family leisure time. This is a completely exemplary family man, he is not jealous or suspicious, and does his homework with pleasure.

Metal Rabbit Woman

For women of this sign, career is not in the last place. However, they work with full effort only when they like the work. They try to choose a creative profession related to art or communication with people. Despite his secrecy, he is not at all against working in a large team. The Metal Rabbit is a self-confident woman who is not shy about people, but this does not mean that she trusts them. She prefers to seem like a good-natured person who can be entrusted with any secret, while trying not to give away her secrets. If necessary, he can cheat and lie a little, but only for good purposes. This is a kind, sympathetic woman, there is no anger or envy in her.

In a love relationship, the Metal Rabbit woman is a little frivolous. She seems to forget about her prudence, because a strong feeling causes a storm of emotions in her. With great pleasure he accepts courtship and rejoices at gifts. She idolizes her chosen one, admires him, and tries to please him with pleasant surprises. She is capable of organizing a romantic date for her admirer, especially since she has such a rich imagination that there is no end to her inventions. After getting married, she does not lose her positive attitude. The Metal Rabbit is a caring woman, happy and willing to help loved ones, but does not forget about her own interests.

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