Ready-made business plan for the employment service. Business plan evaluation criteria

It is quite difficult for people who do not have start-up capital to start a business. But instead of rushing to borrow from friends or apply for a loan, it is worth writing a business plan for an employment center, having developed a sample in advance, protecting it and receiving the amount due to the entrepreneur from the state.

Amount of financial support

Employment centers are obliged to provide state support to those who decide:

  • start a small business;
  • to provide services;
  • establish catering facilities;
  • open shop.

Such support from government bodies is not charity - it is one of the measures to combat unemployment, and most people can take advantage of this program.

Many people do not know how to write an effective business plan for an employment center, and order it, spending amounts that could be used to develop the planned business. The action is wrong, because creating this document is available to every person who has really thought through each step well, supporting theoretical reasoning real facts obtained as a result of market research.

In 2015, the amount of subsidies allocated to entrepreneurs was 58,800 rubles. Plus, a new entrepreneur can count on reimbursement of registration costs in the amount of 4,900 rubles. and 59,000 rub. for the creation of each individual workplace; in practice, the state mainly covers the costs of two people.

Who can count on funding

Unfortunately, not everyone who wants to is registered to receive benefits is registered. The following cannot defend a business plan for an employment center:

  • students;
  • minors;
  • disabled people belonging to a non-working group;
  • pensioners;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • employed;
  • already existing entrepreneurs.

If an entrepreneur closes an individual entrepreneur and 6 months have not passed since that time, he is also automatically excluded from the list of applicants. Former prisoners and individuals convicted of providing false information are not allowed to draw up a business plan for an employment center. It is interesting that citizens who have not previously worked for 5-6 years cannot apply for unemployed status with the prospect of defending their own business plan and receiving benefits. It is believed that if before this they provided for themselves, they are able to do so in the future.

Document preparation

There is no single template by which one can be drawn up. However, it should consist of many points, the main ones being:

  1. A short description of your own experience, skills, education.
  2. Reasons why this particular type of activity will bring success to an entrepreneur.
  3. Description of the idea itself and the possibility of making a profit after its implementation.
  4. Competition in the market, its thorough analysis and ways to overcome it.
  5. Expected profits for different terms. It is advisable to support the information visually by drawing up tables and, based on them, graphs.
  6. Description of the process of production, sales, provision of services or operation of the store.
  7. The location of the business entity and why it was chosen - explain the benefit, supporting it with calculations or reasoned facts.
  8. Economic calculations for a month, half a year, year. It is also advisable not only to support them with facts, but also to visualize them.
  9. Possible risks and developed methods for eliminating them.

The sample business plan for an employment center ends with a resume, which is very easy to compose based on everything stated above. If the future entrepreneur developed the document independently, writing the final chapter will not be difficult. In fact, a resume is a short summary of everything listed above.

Even if you use ready business plan for the employment service, it is better only as an example. It is impossible to study a document in the same way as someone who wrote it themselves. Moreover, in the process of creating a business plan, you will have to take into account all the risks and factors of the planned business in real circumstances.

In order for the representatives of the commission to be as inspired as possible with the idea and meet the needs of the future entrepreneur, it is worth:

  • try to write as clearly as possible, without using specific professional terms, use sentences that are not too florid;
  • use 3-4 tables and diagrams - these visualization methods look especially impressive and emphasize the responsibility of the applicant;
  • be sure to indicate the desire to hire workers, describe how many people are needed and for what positions;
  • describe each item in as much detail as possible.

After the business plan is ready, it needs to be shown to an inspector from the center responsible for supervising applicants for subsidies. Based on experience, an official can find shortcomings, suggest ways to correct them, and add several new subparagraphs.

Having secured his support, you can safely go to defend your business plan, and after that, begin to implement your plans.

With absence initial capital One of the ways to get it is to apply for a government subsidy, a mandatory condition for receiving which is a business plan for the employment center. In our review - useful tips on its compilation and samples for examples and inspiration.

About the important

Before receiving a subsidy (until the business plan is approved), under no circumstances register a company (LLC) or individual entrepreneur. After registration, you will not be considered unemployed, which means you will not be able to qualify for government assistance in the form of subsidies and monthly unemployment benefits.

Before setting a global task of finding a ready-made business plan for an employment center or before independently developing it based on a sample, keep in mind that the following will not be able to receive a government subsidy:

  • citizens with a non-working disability group;
  • pensioners;
  • under 16 years old;
  • previously registered as individual entrepreneurs or who acted as founders of an LLC, if less than six months have passed since the closure of the business;
  • unemployed people who registered and refused more than two times a place offered by the employment center (including temporary/seasonal);
  • who violated the schedule of regular visits to the center.

On a note! Those who are under investigation or have already been sentenced to prison or correctional labor should not count on start-up capital.

A 100% refusal will follow if it turns out that you tried to deceive the state by providing false data, for example, about lack of work. Little chance of getting approved if you choose questionable species entrepreneurship - selling alcohol, opening a pawnshop, stock exchange transactions.


The business plan has its own sections, as well as the requirements presented by the investor, in in this case, federal service of the employment center. They need to be carefully studied before working on a business plan, or even better, take an example for the employment center and a list of requirements from your inspector.

It is worth noting that the priority areas of government subsidies are: Agriculture, advanced technologies, as well as the number of people you can employ after registering your own entrepreneurial business.

It is advisable to write an expanded business plan so that it has a better chance of being approved by federal employees. Here is one of the worthy examples of a cargo transportation business plan for an employment center - its value in visual diagrams interaction of various production structures of the enterprise.

Despite the fact that there is no clear form of a business plan, the document must contain:

  • introduction– presentation of the applicant for a subsidy (personal characteristics, work experience, education and other biographical points that confirm professionalism and increase chances);
  • main part– reasoning for the choice, description of the activity, business development activities and methods of making a profit (its expected level), the number of jobs created, payback periods and economic feasibility;
  • competitive environment analysis market in the chosen niche;
  • miscalculation possible risks and measures to reduce them.

Important! Any business plan is always supported careful financial calculations. They must be competent and well-reasoned, otherwise the TsZN commission is unlikely to want to allocate public funds to dubious projects.

In the main part, priority attention is paid to:

  • description technological features production;
  • ways of providing services:
  • procurement of raw materials (types and volumes);
  • suppliers, cooperation schemes, etc.

In addition, the forms of interaction in the team, work schedules, and reporting to investors (if any) should be described in detail.

When deciding how to write a business plan for an employment center, it is important not to forget that the document should demonstrate not only plans for opening a business, but also a clear understanding of the entrepreneur about his own actions for its development and forecasts for the future.

  • title page:
  • Project name;
  • summary;
  • goals;
  • basic information about the project (participants, methods of financing);
  • market analysis (its current state, competition, pricing);
  • production plan;
  • marketing plan;
  • financial plan;
  • risk analysis;
  • applications.

Verification and protection

The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  • take it to the employment service and give it to the inspector with whom you spoke about receiving a subsidy;
  • wait for verification: first, your proposal will be assessed by an inspector, then by the management of the Central Scientific Research Center and, possibly, experts (city business incubator, city hall, etc.) - review usually takes 5-20 days;
  • If approved, come to the commission for defense.

Defense of a business plan at the employment center usually takes place once a week, and from 1 to 15 applicants are invited to the commission. The commission includes up to 5 people - representatives of the Central Health Sciences Center, administration, and other civil servants from institutions overseeing the program to support small businesses in the region.

On a note! You can work on a business plan either individually or in company with other applicants if you plan to open a joint venture.

Having picked up good example business plan for an employment center, you cannot use it one on one. Your work should be unique, adapted to the realities, specifics of your personality and the local market.

In your business plan or feasibility study (as it is also called in the Central Planning Office), give a page to your loved one. Describe your knowledge, skills, experience, achievements. Show that you can handle the task. Convince those gathered that this business is ideal for you, but not with laudatory odes “About your beloved self,” but with facts, statistics, and existing knowledge on this issue.

As an example - beekeeping business plan for an employment center, for which we actually managed to get a subsidy.

  • Although there are no strict requirements for the content, the document will most likely have to be drawn up on a government-issued form (the rules for registration should be clarified with the inspector).
  • Prepare a speech for the presentation, summarizing the main points of the overall business plan. It is quite possible that the commission will interrupt your speech and simply ask a few questions, since your proposal has already been previously studied.
  • 5-7 minutes are allocated for the defense, and the speaker must be well versed in the material and not waste time leafing through his work in an attempt to find the answer to the question asked by the commission members.
  • Brevity is the soul of wit. Nobody needs spatial reasoning that you will succeed... maybe... someday. A clear action plan, timed, more argumentation (numbers, analytical data, authoritative forecasts) and clearly indicated income/expenses.
  • Try to present your idea as simply as possible. It is not necessary to voice all the numbers (they can be mentioned only partially or given references). Be sure to explain narrowly specialized scientific terms. It’s good if you can use visual materials, for example, graphs - visually they are perceived much easier.

You can download a business plan for the employment center, but without modifications and adaptation, don’t even try to get a subsidy from it. Do it necessary work to develop a unique business development strategy, demonstrate seriousness of intentions, professionalism in the chosen field, experience, existing achievements - only in this case your chances of receiving start-up capital will be as high as possible.

Employment centers are intended not only to pay benefits to the temporarily unemployed. Through the service, those who wish receive business subsidies from the state. You just need to draw up a competent business plan that will allow you to organize a profitable business.


Allocable cash, under the terms of the subsidy program, it is permissible to spend only on the purchase of equipment, rental of premises, and other needs that are necessary for the start-up of the company being created. An example of the calculation is given in this sample business plan for an employment center.

Money for starting your own business is given once. Therefore, you should carefully consider planning and risks. The budget is often limited and allows only small enterprises to be created.

One of the least expensive areas of earning money is the provision of services to the population. As an example, consider the creation of a company for the installation/repair of plumbing in private housing. Key advantage is the absence of seasonality influence.

Brief characteristics of the project designed for St. Petersburg:

  • the amount of initial investment is 87,800 rubles;
  • payback period – 12 months;
  • monthly profit forecast – 76,000 rubles.

Project Description

The company being opened will work primarily with individuals. The type of activity does not require licensing, which allows you to start working immediately after receiving a registration certificate (from the Federal Tax Service).

The search for clients will be carried out via the Internet and by distributing business cards near shopping centers, metro, other crowded places. Thanks to this approach, clients can apply regardless of their place of residence. But at first it is recommended to focus on “your area”.

Sales market

It is impossible to take into account the entire population of a ready-made business plan for an employment center. The target audience (target audience) for plumbing services is smaller, so you will need to find more exact value quantities potential clients. These are adults (over 18 years old), most often having a family.

Forecast calculation client base(using the example of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg):

  • population – 530 thousand people;
  • the share of adults (according to population census statistics from 2010) – 78%;
  • number of potential clients – 206,700 (the vast majority of the adult population lives in a family of at least two members);
  • conversion – 1% (in the absence real statistics often take the minimum value).

The size of the potential client base is: 206,700 * 1% = 2067 hits

But that's not all. Small business is most often self-execution orders, which imposes restrictions on maximum amount processed applications. While maintaining the proposed work schedule unchanged, the entrepreneur will provide service to a limited number of clients. If the average time to complete one order is two hours (work + travel time), then the number of orders will be less:

5 (orders per day) * 24 working days = 120 clients per month.

The market has great potential. But to reach it, you need to think through a marketing strategy.

Marketing plan

When providing services to the population, special promotion of the business is not required. The key to success will be a constantly published advertisement, the availability of the required set of tools and experience in using them. But the market is highly competitive and you will have to try to attract customers. For the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg alone, there are 196 advertisements on the Avito site, so without a competent plan, the predicted 2067 customers will turn out to be “strangers.”

Example of a marketing strategy:

  • order a study of the services market - you will need to find out the traffic near the points where you plan to distribute business cards, the forecast for the opening of advertisements on Avito;
  • create attractive business cards and ad texts;
  • develop a schedule for printing POS materials and paying for services of the Avito platform to achieve maximum efficiency.

You can do some of the work yourself. But the involvement of a competent marketer will eliminate errors in calculations and make a development forecast for a long period.

In the presented example of a business plan for an employment center, it is easy to see that at the preparation stage you will need to find out how many competitors there are on average and how much work they are able to take away. Such calculations require the experience that specialists have.

Production plan

The budget allocated by the employment center is aimed at creating small businesses. Therefore, the emphasis is on minimum costs when starting a business. This approach allows you to compensate for periodic “failures” in the number of applications.

Example of a production plan:

  • the office is not rented, the entrepreneur travels from home to respond to requests;
  • the starting estimate consists of the amount of purchase of tools, Supplies for express repairs, payment for the first month of paid advertisements on the Avito site, a batch of business cards and promoter services;
  • instead of hiring staff, it is more profitable to agree with colleagues to transfer applications in case someone does not have time to process them;
  • spare parts are purchased at the customer’s expense after drawing up an estimate;
  • mobile communications – the entrepreneur’s personal phone number.

Activities are carried out on the basis of a price list, including the cost key services like “replacement/repair of one unit without parts.” The scope of work is calculated individually. Thanks to the approach, the contractor sets the final price based on the actual situation and negotiates with the client (competitive advantage). IN ready-made business plan For the employment service, it is recommended to list the types of services current at the time of submission and the proposed cost.

Organizational plan

Competitive analysis is carried out not only to identify the risks of losing applications, but also to plan partnerships. Colleagues may work with a different schedule, in other areas. Sometimes it is better to sell an application to an address at a distance from your place of residence to someone else than to waste time traveling.

The same applies to cases when the entrepreneur falls ill, needs to leave, or is unable to process the order due to family reasons. It is easier to negotiate with partners “after the fact” - for each processed application, divide the profit according to the agreed ratio. For example, 30% of the amount is due to the person who received the appeal. This will increase the profitability of the company (in addition to independent developments).

Financial plan

A public service company may face three types of costs. The preparation stage includes one-time expenses. When calculating, they are distributed over the payback period (for example, 6 months). Constant and variable are formed every month due to operational needs - transport, tool replacement.

List of one-time costs

* the rounded cost of goods/services was taken at the time of writing

List of fixed (monthly) costs

** The legislation provides for the possibility of reducing the tax base, but we will not take this into account to determine the maximum amount of expenses.

The variable cost part is spent on replacing broken tools and traveling during urgent trips. In this example of a business plan for an employment center, we will take the amount of 10 thousand rubles as the norm.


In order to avoid business suspension due to lack of applications and bankruptcy, the owner of the company is recommended to take into account risks from the first month of work and evaluate services with the calculation of the possibility of compensation for force majeure.

Most likely the following types risks:

  • lack of applications, which leads to the inability to pay for business cards, distribution and promotion of advertisements on Avito;
  • breakdown of an expensive tool required on most applications.

The simplest way is to include in the calculation the risk of a 30% decrease in the number of applications or a commensurate increase in costs for paying for the distribution of business cards and purchasing tools.

Payback calculation

It remains to supplement the sample business plan for the labor exchange with a calculation of profitability. Until the loan from the employment service is repaid, it is worth focusing on the payback period. In the future, you can limit yourself to taking into account monthly expenses, subject to the accumulation of a reserve budget.

Example of payback calculation:

  1. One-time costs per month – 7,317 rubles.
  2. Monthly expenses – 85,000 rubles.
  3. “Variable” amount – 10,000 rubles.

Total: the cost part for each month will be 102,317 rubles. Subject to 3 applications per day on average and 24 working days, each of them should bring at least 1421 rubles. income.

With average prices in St. Petersburg of 2 thousand rubles. for replacing one unit, the calculation shows that the business plan is profitable. After all, under the stated conditions, at the end of the month the entrepreneur will receive a net 36 thousand rubles. in excess of the stipulated salary. Without taking it into account, the amount will be 76 thousand rubles.

Above-limit earnings allow you to expand your business - hire large quantity promoters, increase the volume of distributed POS material, create a website, enter into contracts with performers in other areas of St. Petersburg and move on to accepting applications and selling them to former competitors.

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An unemployed person must register with the Employment Center, since there they will pay him temporary cash benefits and look for work according to his qualifications.

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But if you don’t want to work for someone, but have a business idea in your head, then you need to find out the specifics of drawing up a business plan for the Employment Center in 2019, because on its basis a citizen can receive funds for a small business of his own, which will become his income .

General points

For the implementation of attractive business plans, money is allocated by the state and represents an interest-free loan, which in case of failure does not have to be repaid.

But you should remember that they won’t give you money twice, and you need to clearly think through your business plan, taking into account all the risks and the positions of competitors in the market.

What is the role of the document

The quality of the business plan plays a determining role when providing a mini-grant. The commission evaluates its profitability, viability in specific conditions and possible income.

And a potential businessman must prepare the most attractive document possible, which will leave the employees of the employment center no other options other than providing funds.

The plan must be made according to all the rules, that is, it is necessary to prepare the concept of your business, think about what equipment and for what processes will be needed, and also prepare an approximate estimate explaining the required amount.

How to register

The first thing you need to do is find a branch of the Employment Center. A citizen has the right to contact the Employment Center in any city convenient for him.

But then the search for work will be carried out within this specific locality.

With these documents you need to visit the Center for registration. After this, the citizen will receive payments in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The legislative framework

The main legislative document in this area is the Law Russian Federation.

This document is intended to formulate all the necessary provisions in this area:

  • legal;
  • economic;
  • organizational.

Thus, it contains information about government programs for the development of small businesses in the country. And approves provisions to support the provision of education in this area of ​​business and its ongoing qualifications.

The same Federal Law contains provisions on preferential loans for the development and creation of small businesses.

It is with the help of these funds that you can supplement the turnover of the company’s assets or begin to build your own enterprise.

Main aspects of project formation

It is worth understanding that funds for development own business Not available to all applicants. There are also failures.

Therefore, it is worth preparing well to ensure that the project that will be presented to the commission has more advantages.

In order to create a business plan, you should structure it:

These points must work together. Since they all involve focusing on one final product of activity. Here, costs, audience and direction of work require synchronization.

And it must be constant. You cannot open a business and not take care of its modernization. Therefore, this nuance should be indicated in the business plan of the project.

This will add points to your work and help you not only receive funding, but also win a large sum to implement your plan.

Requirements for writing a business plan for the Employment Center

The Employment Center does not have any special requirements for business plans. Because every citizen can develop the concept of their business in a convenient way.

But there are a number of laws that should be taken into account to receive a grant for an enterprise:

Innovativeness of the proposal Starting a business is always based on its profitability. If a person proposes to the state to provide sponsorship for a project, then this should be innovative development. At the same time, it should be of interest to the state. Therefore, it is worth studying what areas of the country the state needs to develop.
Profit margin How quickly the business will pay off, and indeed the availability of income, plays a big role in the formation of a business plan. The Employment Center will not finance a business that does not have a chance in the future to bring benefits to the state in the form of
Workplaces It is good if the business you are opening involves hiring employees. Since for the state this has benefits not only from the employment of the country’s residents, but also from the deduction of a large amount of taxes for them
Starting amount It is worth considering that in most cases, assistance from the Employment Center involves providing a share of the down payment for starting a business. Therefore, the main requirement will be the presence of equity capital in a larger proportion
Amount of expenses The business plan should reflect all planned expenses. At the same time, they must be clearly structured and justified. The requirement of the Employment Center will be maximum savings and rational use of allocated funds

These provisions should be taken into account in order to maximize your chances of being granted by the state. After all, such financing the best option open your own business and avoid getting into big debts or loans.

But you should be careful and carefully prepare your project for verification. It is worth understanding that only compliance with all selection criteria can make a business plan profitable for the Employment Center department. And this is what will force them to issue a sum of money for its implementation.

Procedure for receiving a subsidy

It is worth understanding that such assistance is intended only for an unemployed person who has not worked for five years for valid reasons.

If there were none, then the Employment Center may refuse registration.

The algorithm of actions for receiving a subsidy will be as follows:

A citizen must write a paper, as a result of which he will be registered with a government agency and
Consultation The Employment Center has dedicated specialists who can help you with any employment issue. This is what you should contact at your territorial office to obtain the necessary information on the state funding program
Application for opening a business At the same Center you should write a paper application in the prescribed form
Take the test The employment center may offer to pass not just a one-time final test, but also the entire procedure for learning how to run and build a business in Russia at the expense of the state
To do this, you can use both your knowledge and contact experts in this field. But you should definitely create a business plan that is most relevant at the time of submission.
Submission of documents A business plan and application will be submitted for consideration. To process the information, a commission is created and specialists analyze the presented data. The final decision on financing falls on the head of the Employment Center - if approved, an order for the payment of funds is drawn up

The law allocates up to 10 working days for processing information and making a decision.

And in most cases, answers can be obtained sooner. If the project is approved, the Employment Center will notify the author of the business plan.

To receive funds, you must conclude. The next steps will be the registration of an individual enterprise or a legal entity.

This step must be done strictly after the funding has been allocated, and not before. And you can start implementing the idea.

The citizen must also provide the government agency with a document stating that he has registered his business and provide reporting on the money spent.

In order for the document to be truly worthwhile, the following aspects should be taken into account:

It is not difficult to create a business plan document, but you need to process a sample paper. And if a person has never encountered similar projects, then it is better to entrust the formation of the financial part to professionals.

Document structure

The business plan form for an employment center should contain the following structural elements:

Title page It indicates the data of the author of the project
Summary It briefly but succinctly reflects the essence of the entrepreneurial idea. It is worth indicating how competitive the project will be
Finance This section should be made as voluminous as possible. Because it is he who is most interested in the state. There should only be exact numbers and indicators. All calculations should be made as close to reality as possible
Study This is the theoretical part in which it is worth indicating the relationship target audience to the offered products
Description of the project subject Here you can find data on simpler business factors - product description, logo indication
Labor resources This section should be selected only if you are planning to hire employees. Their responsibilities must be described wages and working conditions

Rules for defense before the commission

What is a business plan? This is all you need to think about before starting a business. You need to answer the questions in as much detail as possible:

In the business plan for the employment center, you will need to provide full information about business costs. After receiving the subsidy 58.8 tr. you will need to account for every penny. Please check with your Jobcentre for advice as they may have different requirements. Read: A guide to writing a business plan for the Employment Center to receive subsidies under the small business support program

Will this activity be new to the market? And how competitive is it?

What tax system are you planning to choose? And what will the tax be?

Your activities may be subject to UTII. Or, when transporting goods from abroad, you will pay VAT, even while on business.

In which regions will you operate? Are there the right suppliers in your area?

If not, what will be the cost of delivery from another region or country?

Is it possible to find clients from another region?

What price will you set for the product (service), taking into account competition and demand.

When will your business become self-sustaining?

Calculate expenses (for all resources and organization of production and sales) and income for the next five years. Consider inflation.

How much money will be needed until the business becomes self-sustaining?

If you organize a joint business, what will be the terms of profit distribution?

After answering these and related questions, you can arrange the information in the form of a plan - a Business Plan.

To those who received a subsidy, I have a request - share your business plan with the people) I can write about you, I can post it anonymously. If necessary, remove personal data from the business plan and send it to me zabelinleo(dog)

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