Preparing bath oil: step-by-step instructions. Bath oil – SPA treatments at home

Essential oils are locally irritating, caustic substances. It is necessary to avoid their direct contact, undiluted, with the skin. But you shouldn’t give them up, because they not only help you relax, relieve fatigue and depression, and cope with insomnia, but also cure colds and other diseases.

Then, how to add essential oil to a bath? This means that in order to take an aroma bath you need a way to dissolve them in water. The easiest way is to mix them with honey or sour cream or sprinkle them with salt. If you want something more pleasant and original to feel like in a spa salon, we recommend adding essential oil to your bath as bombs, hydrophilic oil, praline or bath salts. Preparing them is very simple and does not require special chemical knowledge. We offer you simple recipes.

How many essential oils to add to the bath

The number of drops depends on the volume of your bath. Approximate concentration: 1 drop per 20 liters of water.

That is, approximately 8-10 drops come out for a bath of 170-200 liters. For elderly people and children, the concentration is 3 times less than for middle and young people. Based on this dosage, we will create recipes.

Essential oil with emulsifier

Why add an emulsifier to essential oils? As you know, oil does not dissolve in water and simply floats on the surface. If you want essential oils to dissolve in water and there is no risk of direct contact with the skin, then use an emulsifier - polysorbate 20 or polysorbate 80.

Polysorbate 20 is an emulsifier with an astringent and moisturizing effect. Extracted from vegetable fats, especially coconut oil and leaves bay tree and acts as an emulsifier. It emulsifies well the fatty and waxy secretions of our skin and gently removes them.

The proportions for preparing essential oil with an emulsifier are 10% polysorbate and 90% essential oil. It can be prepared for future use - in a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. Add 10-12 drops to the bath for an adult, for children and the elderly - 3 times less.

Hydrophilic bath oil

To keep your skin hydrated after taking a relaxing bath with essential oils, you can add a carrier oil to the previous recipe. This product is called hydrophilic bath oil. It can also be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator; if necessary, add a couple of spoons to the bath (more can be this issue We recommend experimenting and listening to your feelings). Usually about 30 - 50 g is used. (2-3 tbsp) for 1 bathroom.

A bath with hydrophilic oil will give your skin gentle care - pleasant relaxation, softening and nourishment. A bath with hydrophilic oil is a more than pleasant end to the day.

Basic recipe for hydrophilic bath oil
  • polysorbate - 80 – 10 g (10%)
  • olive oil (you can use any other oil or a mixture of oils) - 90 g (90%)
  • 30 drops of essential oil per 100 grams of hydrophilic oil
This volume is enough for 3 baths. If it's a baby bath, it's enough for 10 baths. Even with a small concentration, the oil will turn water into a light cosmetic milk, without leaving a greasy residue.

The composition is similar to hydrophilic oil for washing, differs only in the amount of essential oils added. There are a lot of them in hydrophilic bath oil - at the rate of 10 drops of essential oils per 1 bath for an adult.

Well-known industrial hydrophilic bath oil with propolis extract - Tentorium oil consists of propolis oil extract, natural pomegranate oils, cranberry seeds, black currant, sunflower.

The effect of the components of this is small:
- promote the restoration of skin cells;
- soften and moisturize it;
- relieve irritation;
- have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects;
- give a feeling of lightness and silkiness.

Now you know how to prepare such a remedy yourself.

Using the same principle, you can prepare praline for a bath; it contains solid and liquid oils, emulsifier and powdered milk(optional), this praline is very beautiful, it looks like coffee, it’s not a shame to even prepare it as a gift. Read how to prepare praline for a bath

Recipe for bath salts with essential oil for 1 adult bath or 3 children’s baths:
  • sea ​​salt - 250g.
  • Dead Sea salt - 50g.
  • essential oil - 7-10 drops.
  • powdered milk - 2-3 tbsp. (optional)
  • base oil 0.5 tbsp. (optional)
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. (optional)
  • baking soda - 2 tbsp. (optional)

Mix the dry ingredients, mix the oils separately, add the oils to the dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. You can drip for beauty food coloring.
If you are not going to use the bath salt right away, but plan to store it or maybe give it to someone as a gift, then dry the salt on paper for one to two hours, otherwise it may stick together in the jar.

A little about the properties of the components.
  1. Salt
    Salt, of course, can be anything. But the better its quality, the more useful the procedure performed with it will be. You can use only sea salt, you can use half sea ​​salt, half the dead sea salt

  2. Oil
    Basic vegetable oil. Also any, to your taste - almond, avocado, olive, peach, shea, etc. In bath salt recipes, oil is used to further soften and nourish the skin during procedures.

  3. Soda
    Soda in bath salt recipes helps cleanse the skin, normalize metabolism, a bath with salt and soda eliminates allergic reactions skin, irritation and inflammation, tightens the skin.

  4. Starch
    Corn starch - softens the skin, gives it a matte, silky and powdery feel, and also eliminates flaking.

  5. Powdered milk
    Powdered milk - used to soften and nourish dry skin, cleanses and rejuvenates the skin.

  6. Essential oil
    Essential oil in bath salt recipes not only gives it aroma, but also turns the bathing procedure into a real aromatherapy session.

  7. Dye
    Dye is a completely optional component, but if you really want to add aesthetic beauty to the salt, then it is best to use food coloring.

Bath bombs

Another great way to add essential oil to your bath is to make a real fizz bomb.

DIY bubbling bath bombs will fill your bath with a pleasant aroma and soften the water. Natural ingredients, included in their composition, simultaneously relax muscles and have a beneficial effect on the skin. In such an atmosphere you can forget about all your problems and have a good rest.

Basic bomb recipe:

  • 2 parts baking soda (100 grams)
  • 1 part citric acid(50 grams)
  • 1 part additive, such as fine or coffee-ground sea salt (50 grams)
  • essential oils (10 drops of oil)
  • water in a spray bottle
One bomb is prepared for 1 bath; you can prepare several bombs, but you need to store them in a dry place, as they high humidity may hiss prematurely.
Read more about how to cook and recipes in the article.

Now you know how to add essential oil to your bath.

Knowing about the properties of various essential oils, you can independently select the oils that are suitable for you or create compositions from them. To do this, you can use the information below.

  • stress, nervous tension, insomnia- lavender, mint, lemon balm, geranium, vetiver, chamomile, sage

  • headache- sandalwood, frankincense, myrrh

  • depression- bergamot, orange, tangerine, basil

  • colds-- tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine, cedar, spruce

  • cellulite, obesity- orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, geranium

  • stretch marks- lavender, patchouli, rosewood

  • muscle and rheumatoid pain- mint, verbena, ginger

  • to cleanse toxins and impurities- juniper, lemon, geranium, ginger

  • sexual coldness- ylang-ylang, jasmine, neroli

  • for children up to 2 months - chamomile, lavender, rose, dill, from 2 months to 6 years - you can also add bergamot, fennel, patchouli, sandalwood, valerian, lemon balm, older - any

Aromatherapy has always been effective means from many health problems. But among its many varieties (aroma lamps, pendants with oils, etc.), it is the aroma baths that provide greatest effect, because their essence is that the healing substances of oils enter the body not only through the respiratory tract, but also through the pores of the skin. It turns out that the whole body completely absorbs the invaluable benefits, and thanks to this, the effect occurs much faster and to a much greater extent.

Any bath with essential oils is a real pleasure, bringing with it a lot of positive health and beauty effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic;
  • rejuvenating;
  • relaxing, calming;
  • uplifting, invigorating;
  • anti-cellulite and promotes weight loss;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • cleansing and healing skin;
  • antiviral, for colds;
  • curative for many diseases;
  • stimulating (with aphrodisiacs), etc.

Based on the goal being pursued, special oils are selected to help achieve a particular effect.

Properties of oils

Before taking an aroma bath, you need to imagine which oils will help in each specific case, otherwise you may accidentally achieve the exact opposite effect. For example, if you need to calm down, relax, you cannot use ethers that have an invigorating effect, etc.

  1. . The most effective esters for tightening the skin and dissolving subcutaneous fat Oils of orange, grapefruit, lemon, cypress, and juniper are considered. It is better to take them in mixture with each other, 1-2 drops of each. Also good for cellulite are baths with essential oils of lavender, bergamot, rosemary, ginger: these oils can be used separately, 10-12 drops. It is not advisable to take anti-cellulite aroma baths every day; 1-2 times a week will be enough.
  2. For skin. Tea tree oil - natural antiseptic, will give the skin not only smoothness and velvety, but will also help in the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin, warts, burns, and promote tissue regeneration in cases of cuts and other injuries. Lavender oil will renew cells and tighten sagging skin. Orange essential oil will tighten the skin, and fir oil can cure acne and inflammation and prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.
  3. For weight loss. Oils of orange (and all citrus fruits), tea tree, nutmeg, dill, guarana, added to the bath and penetrating under the skin through the pores, will effectively “melt” excess fats.
  4. Pain-relieving aroma baths. For pain in the joints, muscles, and various skin irritations and inflammations, esters of ginger, lavender, mint, tea tree, incense, thyme, marjoram, rosemary, and orange will help. Fir, cedar and eucalyptus oils are also useful for making pain-relieving rubbing or compresses.
  5. To calm the nervous system, a bath with essential oils of mint, lavender, oregano, lemon balm, tea tree and conifers (fir, spruce, pine) will help. The frequency of such baths is determined by the tolerance of the esters and their properties, according to desire and well-being. On average, one procedure every 2 days will be enough.
  6. From fatigue. Baths with lavender, sandalwood, tea tree, geranium, rose, and coniferous oils (fir, pine, etc.) will give you strength after have a hard day. This relaxing procedure also promotes healthy sleep.
  7. To set the mood. Just for fun or when you're sad, a bath with your favorite aromatic oils will delight you. Especially suitable in this sense are the esters of lavender, orange, tea tree, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, baths with fir, eucalyptus or.
  8. To cheer up, it is useful to take baths with essential oils of orange or lemon, verbena, rosemary, sage and conifers (fir, juniper, pine).
  9. Baths with esters of tea tree, chamomile, rosemary, orange, and lavender will have a therapeutic effect for many diseases. They cope with infections with a bang and procedures with pine oils– fir, spruce, pine, cedar, etc.
  10. will help you tune into a romantic mood, add sensuality, increase desire and excitement. Good effect can be obtained from ginger, ylang-ylang, neroli, patchouli.

For ease of mixing oils with sea salt, you can use fabric pouch(pour 2 tablespoons of sea salt and a few drops of the selected ether into it), which you simply need to lower into a bath of water.

How to take a bath correctly

Baths with essential oils are not only a pleasure that you can indulge in whenever and wherever you want. Such procedures require the implementation of several rules, otherwise the effect may be the opposite or useless:

  • it is important to choose exactly those broadcasts whose action is aimed specifically at achieving a certain result;
  • the water should not be below 35 and above 39 degrees (at a lower temperature, the pores will not open wide enough, and at a higher temperature, the esters will lose some of their properties);
  • oils do not dissolve in water, therefore, in order to avoid the appearance of a greasy film on the surface, they must be mixed with honey, sea salt, milk, cream, etc., and only then add this mixture to the bath;
  • before the procedure, you need to take a shower with a scrub in order to maximally prepare the skin for absorbing nutrients (if you don’t have a scrub, you can use sea salt, coffee grounds and so on.);
  • the duration of the procedure should be 10-20 minutes, this is enough for the necessary substances to be absorbed (exceeding the time can lead to headaches and skin irritations);
  • when taking a bath with aromatic oils, you should not use detergents (shampoos, gels, etc.), just lie down and relax in the aromatic water;
  • After the aroma bath, it is not advisable to immediately dry the body, let healing water will dry naturally;
  • A bath with any aromatic oils requires rest and a cup of herbal tea to enhance the effect.

These simple points will really help to carry out the procedure correctly, and this, in turn, guarantees maximum effect from her. You just need to understand that aroma baths cannot give instant results. Their effect will definitely become noticeable, but for some time (how long is individual) with regular implementation. However, this procedure also has contraindications that must be taken into account:

Any bath with aromatic oils, be it relaxing or invigorating, therapeutic or cosmetic, is a real gift from nature, and not taking advantage of it means deliberately depriving yourself of healing pleasure.

Every day a woman has to overcome many difficulties and redo a huge pile of things. And often by the evening we can no longer stop, we keep running and running somewhere. This rhythm of life causes sleep deterioration, a constant feeling of fatigue, apathy and bad mood. How to avoid these unpleasant phenomena? Very simple. Stop and finally take some time for yourself. One of the most simple ways are aromatic baths with essential oils. You don’t need to prepare anything in advance, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on the procedure. And the effect of such baths will exceed all expectations. After all, they not only help you calm down, but also have a cosmetic and even healing effect.

Aromatic baths used since ancient times– not so much for relaxation, but for treatment. After all, our ancestors knew no worse than us what healing power hidden in herbs, infusions and essential oils. It is known that in Ancient Greece Women from wealthy homes added rose oil to their baths to keep their skin smooth and velvety. And Cleopatra took such baths every day.

Benefits of essential oils

Modern cosmetology, through research, has confirmed the truth folk recipes. After all, essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen the immune system, tone, rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, and help in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. These substances have different effects on the human body. Therefore, you should choose the oil that best copes with a particular problem.

How to properly take a bath with essential oils

To obtain greatest benefit from acceptance baths with essential oils, you need to know how to use them correctly.

  • Do not use too much essential oil for an aromatherapy bath. Overdose may result in skin irritation or headaches. On large bath 3-4 drops of oil are enough.
  • There is no point in adding oils to the bath, because they do not dissolve in water.. Such a bath can even be harmful. First you need to add the oil to any base and mix thoroughly. You can use milk as a base; one glass is enough. Honey, cream, kefir and sour cream are also perfect; you need no more than 3 tablespoons. You can also dissolve the essential oil in a carrier oil, such as almond oil. Then you need to take about 10-15 ml of the base. Sometimes the essential oil is diluted in sea salt.

    The effectiveness of such a bath will be higher, because salt itself is useful. To do this, take about 4 tablespoons of salt, put it in a linen bag (you can simply wrap it in gauze) and add essential oil there. The bag needs to be shaken a little and then lowered into water.

  • It is important to observe the water temperature during this procedure.. Do not use too hot water; its temperature should not exceed 38°C. Otherwise, the process of sweating in the body will intensify, which will interfere with useful substances actively penetrate into the pores of the body. Good way check if it's too much hot water, - look at the mirror. If it fogs up, you need to dilute the bath with cold water.
  • You should not use other cosmetics during the procedure.– gels, shampoos, soaps, etc. The substances included in these products reduce the results of the procedure.
  • It is important to plan your bath in advance. You cannot eat heavily later than 1.5-2 hours before the procedure. The procedure itself should last no less than 10 and no more than 20 minutes. If you take a bath longer, you can achieve the opposite effect. You need to take baths regularly, but not every day. It is best to take a break of 1-2 days.
  • After the procedure, do not wipe yourself dry. After taking a bath, the oils will still be absorbed into the skin for some time. It is best to wait until the body dries itself or immediately after the bath put on a warm robe. Also, after such a procedure, you should not develop active work. It is important to let the body relax. To do this, you can lie down, drink herbal tea or read your favorite book.
  • Despite the small dose of essential oil, it has a fairly strong therapeutic effect. Therefore, people with serious illnesses should be careful about such procedures. These diseases include oncology, angina pectoris, epilepsy, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, ischemic disease heart disease, thrombophlebitis, chronic hepatitis, glomerulonephritis, dermatitis, acute inflammatory processes and “wetting” mycoses. Pregnant women should also be careful when using essential oils. This is especially true for jasmine, mint, geranium and juniper oils. They have a fairly strong effect on the human body. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of oil, you can contact an aromatherapist.
  • Don't buy synthetic essential oils. They are almost impossible to distinguish from natural ones. But the oil in a dark bottle and a fairly high price will most likely be natural. If in a store or pharmacy all oils have approximately the same price, then these oils are synthetic in nature.

Bath recipes with essential oils

Can be used to achieve a cosmetic effect or to calm down. This article lists the most effective recipes to achieve various goals.

For fatigue and irritation you need to add 3-4 drops to the bath lavender oil. It will help restore strength, calm down, and improve sleep. Also, for stress and severe tension, you can use sandalwood, geranium, incense and rose oil. It is enough to take 2-3 drops of these oils.

If, on the contrary, you need to cheer up, fill your body with energy and give yourself strength, then citrus fruits will come to the rescue. It is also important not to exceed the dose; 3-4 drops are enough. Rosemary, verbena and sage oils will also help improve tone.

Besides nervous tension You can often find muscle. This often happens to athletes or just people who do a lot of physical work or work out in the gym. To help your body relax, you should take a bath with a mixture of oils, cinnamon and lemon balm, ginger and verbena, or juniper and mint. You need to take 1-2 drops of each of the two oils.

When it's cold outside, it can be very important to warm up in time so as not to get sick. Thyme, lemon or pine essential oils are perfect for this.

For muscle pain and joint pain, you can use cedar oil. It helps relieve pain.

A if you want to cheer yourself up a little and charge positive emotions, you can try adding ylang-ylang or sandalwood oil to your bath.

Many essential oils are known to be aphrodisiacs. What will make a woman more sensual if not an aromatic bath? Patchouli, ylang-ylang or neroli oils are very suitable for this purpose. Such a bath will not only help you get into the right frame of mind, but will also give your skin a pleasant aroma.

The use of essential oils formedicinal baths

Recently, essential oils have become very popular. Baths with the addition of such oil can be an alternative to herbal remedies. To prepare an essential oil bath, you need to add just a few drops of oil to the water. To achieve a relaxing effect, the water temperature should be pleasantly warm, to achieve a tonic effect - from slightly cool to cold. After taking a bath with oils, you don’t have to shower. For medicinal purposes, you must follow the recipe recommendations for water temperature and selection of oils.

Coconut The oil is intended mainly for dry skin. It is necessary for frequent bathing, as chlorinated water dries out the skin very much. In addition to adding oil to your bath water, it can be applied to your face and hair before taking a bath.

Oil avocado Gently cleanses pores and is therefore suitable for sensitive skin. The oil is rich in vitamins, so it should not be used often and in small doses, otherwise the opposite effect may occur, since an overdose of vitamin A can result in severe swelling.

Oil jojoba restores the natural level of acid-base balance of the skin, promotes rapid healing of wounds and cuts.

Oil orange helps maintain activity and cheerfulness during overexertion, fatigue, during menopause, and is effective for caring for aging skin.

Oil jasmine- a natural antidepressant. Has an antiseptic, analgesic, sedative effect.

Oil lavender regulates menstrual cycle And blood pressure. Helps with difficulties in the respiratory tract. As an additive to bath water, it dries the skin well and treats acne.

Oil lemon helps relieve fatigue, slightly whitens the skin.

Oil mintgood antiseptic, used for cuts, irritations, itching, redness. Relieves headaches.

Oil geraniums will help with bad mood or depression, it is used to treat a runny nose. A bath with geranium oil is especially recommended for people with weakened muscles and those prone to fractures.

Oil juniper, added to the bath will help with minor wounds and pustular skin diseases.

Oil hyssop It is advisable to add to the bath for people with weather dependence, it reduces Negative consequences impact of change weather conditions on the body.

Oil baths roses give freshness and elasticity to the skin. Can be used in any quantity, there are no contraindications.

Baths with added oil of all coniferous trees improve blood supply to internal organs and skeletal muscles, eliminate pain syndrome. Such baths are also indicated for bronchitis, rhinitis, neurasthenia, gastritis, and menopausal disorders.

Has a beneficial effect on nervous system(especially with neurasthenia, neurosis, insomnia) hot bath with addition fir oils The duration of administration depends on how you feel and your heart rate, but in general it should not exceed 20 minutes.

A course of taking baths with the addition of essential oils is usually 7-14 procedures. They are taken every other day, the duration of each bath is 10-15 minutes. To prepare a bath, add from 5 to 20 drops of essential oil. After a few months, the bathing course can be repeated.

Aromas surround us from the first breath to the last exhalation. The article will tell you how to use the power of aromatherapy for your benefit, teach you how to take an aroma bath correctly, and reveal the secrets of familiar smells.

The miraculous effect of aromas on the human body was known back in the days Ancient Egypt And Ancient China. Over time, the use of essential oils as dosage forms has ceased to be relevant due to the development of traditional medicine.

The term “aromatherapy” appeared in the 30s of the twentieth century thanks to the French chemist René Maurice Katejos. It all started when the scientist burned his hand. As a medicine, due to the lack of other options, the chemist had to use lavender essential oil. Successful and fast recovery injury to his hand prompted the scientist to more deeply explore the properties of essential oils.

Modern aromatherapy is a method of influencing the human body with essential oils. Fragrances affect the physical and psycho-emotional components of health.

Important: The method is scientifically based and retains many secrets from the scrolls of ancient scientists.

General rules regarding the choice of scents for therapy

Rule 1. All aromatic oils are selected based on individual preferences.

Important: Almond, jojoba, and macadamia oils are considered universal oils that have no restrictions in use.

Rule 2. When you select an essential oil, make sure that the distance between your face and the source of the smell is 5-10 cm. This will allow you to hear and appreciate the aroma as correctly as possible.

Advice. Take time and conduct a tasting of aromatic oils at the nearest specialized center or pharmacy. Be sure to write down the names of the oils you like

Rule 3. Not all oils are suitable for pregnant women and children! Read the instructions for use carefully.

Important: Use anise oil with caution around children and pregnant women. An overdose of anise slows down blood circulation, causing fainting and intoxication.
Peppermint oil is also dangerous for children and pregnant women. In case of overdose, it can cause bronchospasm.
Geranium, jasmine, juniper complete the list of scents that require special attention when used in an "interesting position"

Rule 4. If, when you inhale the aroma of an essential oil you like, you...

  • you sneeze
  • feel itchy in your nose
  • tearing starts
  • general discomfort is felt

you will have to discard the oil so as not to provoke allergic reactions in the body

Rule 5. Don't let yourself be deceived! Modern science knows about 2000 different essential plants.

To essential oil plants do not apply:

  • apricot
  • watermelon
  • coconut
  • banana
  • strawberries
  • strawberry
  • lily of the valley
  • magnolia
  • mango
  • cucumber
  • fern
  • peach
  • lilac
  • violet
  • lotus
  • Apple tree

Aromatic baths. The benefits of aromatic baths for humans

Incense, aromas, and smells have been and remain an integral part of world civilization. For many centuries they

  • opened gates to unknown worlds
  • preserved beauty and youth
  • restored physical and spiritual health
  • relieved pain
  • awakened sensuality
  • calmed down

Egyptians used aromas as natural pain relievers and stimulants during childbirth.

Aromatherapists distinguish three main groups of essential oils:

  • normalizing
  • stimulating
  • calming

Important: The period of use of any essential oil is 3 weeks. The therapeutic effect increases from 1 to 3 weeks of therapy, and then drops sharply

The aromatherapy schedule should have the following sequence:

  • 6 days - aromatherapy
  • 1 day - rest

Tip: during aromatherapy you need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water

What aromatic oils are best to use for baths?

Important: Oils for aromatherapy in the bathroom should only be natural!

Such oils do not contain in their structure

  • protein

Thanks to this, they do not cause acute allergic reactions.

When purchasing, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • package. High quality essential oil sold in glass bottles dark color. The lid must be airtight. Oils are very volatile and evaporate quickly
  • price. Price various oils differs due to the cost of the raw materials. If the cost of all oils on the display case is the same, then they are not natural

Which oils are best not to use for aromatic baths?

Naturalized, i.e. manufactured artificially, oils are not used for aroma baths. These oils are best used to aromatize indoor air.

Natural essential oil is a multicomponent hydrocarbon compound containing from 200 to 500 components. It is impossible to copy such a set!

How to distinguish natural oil from a synthetic product?

  1. Apply a drop of oil to a paper napkin
    Slowly bring the tissue to your nose and inhale the aroma: natural essential oils release the aroma slowly and continuously, with a constant change in aroma notes
  2. Natural oil is a volatile substance. Evaporation time depends on the type of oil and can range from 1 to 24 hours

Bath with myrtle essential oil. Benefit

For many centuries, myrtle was considered the main herbal antiseptic. Modern science classifies myrtle as an organic adaptogen, i.e. substances that can increase the human body’s resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors.

In addition, myrtle oil is an excellent remedy from

  • depressive states
  • insomnia
  • overwork and stress

3-4 drops of myrtle oil are an indispensable remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases

This oil will strengthen the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins and phlebitis. It is an excellent antihemorrhoid drug.

Health Benefits of a Cinnamon Aromatherapy Oil Bath

On a psycho-emotional level, cinnamon oil relieves feelings of fear.

On a physical level, the aroma of cinnamon

  • activates the gastrointestinal tract
  • improves the condition of the respiratory tract during colds
  • normalizes metabolic processes and blood circulation
  • removes painful sensations during menstruation
  • in combination with orange and eucalyptus oils helps relieve muscle tension
  • has a warming effect

Cinnamon is a fairly strong aphrodisiac.

Citrus baths for energy

Citrus oils are leaders in aromatherapy.

Using citrus essential oils during an aroma bath

  • will improve the general psycho-emotional state (especially in children and the elderly)
  • will have a tonic effect
  • stimulates the removal of toxins
  • normalizes fat metabolism
  • relieves headaches
  • will have a beneficial effect on the ability to concentrate

Citrus essential oils are natural immunomodulators

Important: citrus essential oils increase photosensitivity. Not worth taking sunbathing immediately after using oils of this group

The citrus group of essential oils includes

  • orange
  • tangerine
  • lemon
  • grapefruit
  • bergamot
  • limet
  • petitgrain

If you don’t have time for an aroma bath, cheer yourself up with this aroma lamp made from orange peel:

Sage essential oil. Aromatic baths with sage oil

Sage is a favorite of homeopaths.

Sage essential oil is multifaceted:

  • relieves pain from rheumatism, neuralgia
  • improves the condition of the respiratory tract during ARVI
  • removes excess cholesterol
  • is a natural antispasmodic
  • normalizes physical and mental activity
  • indispensable for women's health:
    • for irregularities in the monthly cycle
    • for painful menstruation
    • for genital infections
    • eases menopause
  • included in complex therapy in the treatment of drug addiction

Baths with essential oils that stimulate the appetite and baths that induce drowsiness

Essential oils that improve appetite include:

  • orange
  • bergamot
  • calamus
  • tangerine
  • angelica root oil

Important: Before using essential oils, be sure to read the instructions for use. Some of the oils (for example, calamus) can only be used for inhalation!

Helps you get a good night's sleep:

  • bergamot
  • juniper
  • myrrh
  • cypress
  • mandarin
  • orange
  • neroli
  • lavender
  • incense
  • vanilla
  • sage

IN in this case, all oils are combined with each other and can be components of a relaxing mixture.

Important: The total amount of oil for the aroma bath should not exceed 4-5 drops!

Advice. Don't experiment with scents right before bed. The effect can be completely opposite, because we all react differently to odors.

Aromatic bath salt. The benefits of baths with aromatic salts

Essential oils have one very important feature: They cannot be used without a base.

The following is used as a base substance for the aroma bath:

  • base oil (for example, olive) - 10-15 ml
  • milk - 200 ml
  • cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • red wine - 100 ml
  • liquid honey - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • sea ​​salt - 300 g per ½ bath of water

The effect of sea salt is difficult to overestimate, and in combination with essential oils, such salt has a simply magical effect.

Preparing bath salts is quite easy:

  • place the required amount of salt in a linen bag (can be replaced with gauze)
  • drop essential oil onto the salt in an amount corresponding to the recommended standards
  • shake thoroughly
  • put the bag in water

Important: for a bath it is better to use coarse sea salt

The video “How to make bath salts for children with your own hands” will tell you how to pamper your beloved children with benefits for their health.

VIDEO: How to make bath salts for children with your own hands. Master class/Favorite Children

Aromatherapy is a complex process that has its own rules. The final result of therapy depends on how seriously you take these rules:
Rule 1. Before taking an aroma bath, you should thoroughly cleanse your body. This will not only remove dirt, fat, dead skin particles, but also open the pores
Rule 2. It is not recommended to use additional detergents: gels, foams, soaps
Rule 3. The water temperature should not cause sweating. Optimal temperature regime aroma baths - 38⁰С
Rule 4. It is better to take a bath 1.5-2 hours after the last meal and 1.5-2 hours before bedtime
Rule 5. Aroma bath duration 15-20 minutes
Rule 6. After taking a bath, you should not wipe your body dry. Simply pat your skin lightly with a towel.
Rule 7. After aromatherapy you should lie down for ½ -2 hours

The video at the end of the article will tell you some of the secrets of familiar scents.

Video: Elixir of youth. Aphrodisiacs. Secrets of love. Essential oils. Ancient rituals for love and happiness

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