Hot leads what. Personal interaction with a potential client

It moves forward relentlessly, and terms appear just as quickly with new sales formulas. Lead is one of the important terms in sales. This word describes potential customers who have responded in some way to a marketing communication. An example of a lead is very simple: a person who took a leaflet from an advertiser and filled out the flyer in which he indicated his contact information is a lead, since he responded to the advertising campaign.

This data is subsequently transferred to the sales departments and sorted in order to offer our own services, products and promotions in the future and make the potential client the main buyer. It turns out that leads are an integral part of product promotion, and without them it is impossible to increase your own sales, so let’s talk about this in more detail and look at the basic terms in lead marketing.

Sales leads

Leads are very important in sales, because, in essence, they are yours, the data of which you obtained using a variety of methods. The most frequently used of them, and at the same time the most effective:

  • Phone calls (using ready-made scripts, and it doesn’t matter whether they are cold or hot calls).
  • An application left on the site (if a person has filled out a table with his data, he automatically ends up in the so-called “sales funnel” and is saved in the database)
  • Email newsletters (an effective way to reach a significant number of future leads in a short time)
  • Distribution of flyers and advertising leaflets, because more than 10% will respond to the promotion and fill out a form that you can use for your own purposes.

As a result, such a lead in the future, receiving advertising mailings from you, can become a client and bring other leads with him through word of mouth. You can also use lead generation to obtain the necessary data from potential consumers and increase your sales.

Lead generation

With the help of lead generation, you can find additional clients based on your criteria and needs. For this purpose, special ones are used, for example, through search queries. Everything that a potential lead is interested in is collected and analyzed. In the future, this data will help to create a picture about him, which will give direction and show how it will be possible to work with the client, create special promotions for him and what to focus on. You can get information using lead generation in different ways, the most effective are listed below:

  • Set up a business meeting. With eye contact, it is easiest to find out data and interest a person in products or services.
  • Through online conferences and webinars. This method will help you capture a large number of leads at once and ultimately replenish your own base of potential clients.
  • Through social networks, where you can also find out the information you need through correspondence. Create special advertising posts to attract people to the main group and subsequently subscribe, where through online correspondence and new advertising posts you will get your leads.

Based on last year's performance, the best lead generation metrics look like this:

  • Organic;
  • Various referral programs;
  • Email marketing;
  • Google Adwords.

But social networks took only fifth place in terms of the number of attracted leads, although in the future, along with the development of this part of the virtual space, this figure should increase. In fact, obtaining data from potential clients occupies a separate niche in the field of business and is called lead management.

Lead management

Obtaining personal data will bring an increase in sales, and in this section we will understand the difference between consumer leads and target leads. The first category is generated based on criteria such as:

  • Creditworthiness (will give an idea about the client and tell you whether such a lead is suitable for you or not);
  • Basic income;
  • Age (using age, you can weed out an unnecessary category, for example, if you are only interested in leads under 35, the algorithm will help you select only clients according to your parameters).

Such leads are very often resold to various advertisers, and most likely, you yourself are such a lead if you have taken out a mortgage or taken out insurance at least once.

Targeted ones are specially generated leads that are compiled for the unique offer of an individual advertiser, that is, the client’s age, preferences and other factors that are needed for a specific advertising company are selected according to the request. The main difference is that targeted leads can only be sold to the advertiser if they respond to an advertising offer. So for each case, leads are generated separately and lead scoring will help you understand what type of clients you need.

Lead scoring

Lead scoring is a special tool in marketing that shows how ready a potential client is to buy. This is done by analyzing and collecting so-called “points”, which are credited every time a lead responds to an advertisement and navigates to the site or views additional information about a product or offer. As a result, the system collects this data, analyzes it and, when a potential client is ready to make a purchase, offers a special offer or informs you about it, and you, using phone calls, directly contact the client and make a counter-offer.

The lead scoring algorithm should include not only the collection of usual criteria (contacts, position at work, company size), but also how the person responded to the advertising offer, whether he clicked on the link and went to the main site, or, when calling, answered answered questions and showed interest. In order to capture data from potential clients, a special niche in marketing is used and it is called lead capturing.

Lead capturing

You can obtain and replenish the lead contacts you need using various options. The most common options are:

  • landing pages;
  • pop-ups on websites;
  • SMS sending;
  • social media.

To improve their own capture and get as many leads as possible, experienced marketers adhere to some rules that bring more impressive gains in recruiting their own lead base.

  • Sales tracking. This will help you correctly develop offers and at certain moments adjust them in time in order to increase your own sales and profit from one promotion.
  • Turning guests into buyers. New customers are a key indicator of marketing effectiveness, which is why paid customer acquisition companies are highly valued and invested in.

The rapid development of SMM has confused many marketers and errors such as bias in one direction have appeared, for example, using only social networks when recruiting leads and promoting their own products. But as practice shows, it is better to invest in various areas, without stopping at one, but to combine the most effective methods for attracting potential buyers, which we discussed today.

More and more often on the Internet you can come across the question “where to buy leads?” and a counter offer - “I’ll sell leads.” This area of ​​operational marketing, such as lead generation, has become a separate line of business. Many aspiring entrepreneurs think that the main thing in sales is to get a lead, but is this really so? Let's figure it out.

What is a "lead"

The term “lead” (from the English lead - lead) means a potential client who has performed an action that can be assessed as a manifestation of interest in the offer. In Russian, the meaning of the term “lead” is conveyed by the combination “client who has shown interest,” and in sales slang it is “hot client.”

Based on the sales funnel concept (see article), a lead can be obtained at any level of the funnel. Let's look at one of the sales funnel options.

Question: Is it possible to get a lead without receiving their contact?

Answer: you can. Remember how traders sell in a subway or train car.

The sale took place - another pack of plasters, Chinese consumer goods, etc. sold.

A lead is a passenger who asked to show the product.

Question: Is it possible to get a lead after a targeted action by a client?

Answer: you can. Remember teleshopping.

Attract attention - arouse interest - create desire - cause action.

A lead is a TV viewer who called the specified phone number.

Question: Is it possible to get a lead after attracting attention?

Answer: you can. Think “gift with purchase.”

With an incentive promotion, the client will register on the site himself to receive information if he is given a chance to get something for free.

A lead is a buyer who left contact information on the organizers’ website.

What's the conclusion? When building your sales funnel, you yourself choose the purpose of communication and, accordingly, develop a communication scheme with the client. Which means you yourself determine what action the client must take to be considered a lead. This could be a visitor who left a contact e-mail and a client who issued an invoice - decide for yourself what increases the likelihood of a sale to the amount you need.

Lead and lead generation

Based on the above definition of a lead, “lead generation” is a technology of working with a potential client aimed at generating interest in an offer, identifying leads and obtaining the opportunity to contact him.

Lead identification, in this context, implies the client showing interest in certain information (for example, about a product or service).

, What follows from this? A lead, as we have already seen, can be at different levels of the funnel. Ph.D., Head of Internet Marketing,

KSK groups

The topic of effectively processing the incoming flow is always relevant. Agree, it’s a shame when good, solvent clients who call your incoming number then “drop off.” Your sales manager will explain it this way: “They just wanted to know the price. They are not cooperative." My advice to such absurdity is: kick such a manager in the neck! But, let's look at everything in order.

Forms of incoming “leads”

We will understand by “lead” (from the English “Lead” - to lead) any incoming request that can come from a landing page, company website, social network brand page, mobile application, etc.

Leads in 99% of cases are considered:

By the way, based on the boiling point, “leads” can be classified as “warm”. Those. the person has not collaborated with your company, but has read the offer on your landing page in detail.

Processing applications

Applications are inherently related to calls, since the most logical thing to do when receiving an application from a landing page is to call the sender as soon as possible. Set the speed of initial contact with a client based on an application as one of the KPIs for your managers.

Applications are of the following types: 1. Initial consultation.

The client filled out a simple feedback form on the landing page, which usually consists of the following fields: Name, Phone, E-mail, Company name (for b2b services). Important: the fewer fields on your form, the more likely it is that a potential client will fill it out.

Do not force the client to fill out the Last Name and Company Name fields. Make them optional as a last resort. The visitor sees the landing page for the first time in his life. How does he know that you are not a scammer who is trying to collect his personal data? If you are catching “big fish,” then such people, as a rule, are very careful and do not seek to “highlight” their need for a complex service to an unfamiliar company. It should be noted that the chain of sales complexity level “from complex to simple” looks like this:. The hardest thing is to sell immediately online. To do this, you will most likely have to set up a payment acceptance system, and complex, expensive services are not sold that way. When a potential client calls, you pick up the phone and immediately have a whole arsenal of verbal weapons at your disposal. You can correctly identify the client’s need, understand how target this client is for you, etc. And at the meeting you already turn on your super-weapon - non-verbal language of communication.

Remember Rule #1: Expensive, complex services/products are easiest to sell at a meeting.

2. Receive a preliminary estimate online. The client fills out several fields for the promise of an immediate online quote. I use this mechanism very well on one of the landing pages.

A person selects values ​​in 5 drop-down lists. Clicks the “Calculate” button. He is shown the online calculation slider:

Then the standard feedback form is immediately shown:

After sending the application by email (and ideally directly to your company’s CRM), a full-fledged task should be received to process the incoming request. You can either embed a real online mechanism for calculating the cost of a service, or simply contact the client to clarify additional request parameters. Please note that providing CP online will reduce your sales significantly! Make an appointment!

3. Download a demo version or example of a report. The idea is simple, but not very effective: let users download a demo version of, for example, some program, while collecting their contacts. After usually no more than 2 hours, be sure to contact the client and clarify: “Ivan Ivanovich, good afternoon! We downloaded a demo version of the program from our website. Did everything work out? Is everything clear?”

At this point the client will say that either everything is Good or everything is Bad. You don't really care. It is important for you to get to know the client, find out the company’s turnover, and the specifics of his needs. And then, again, invite you to a meeting to sell the service/product.

Remember Rule #2: Your task is to convince the potential client that it could be better if they use your product or service.

From this, as a consequence, Rule #3: There is no need to “nightmare” the client by saying that everything is bad for him.

Agree that it is unpleasant when they call you and say that your business was operating 10 years before this call incorrectly and ineffectively. Also, don’t let the client know that you don’t care. Or worse, if he thinks you're calling him for money.

Handling calls

The second type of incoming request from an online channel is a Call. The call can be direct or reverse.

A callback or Callback is a situation when a visitor, under certain conditions, sees a pop-up window on the page (usually when he has been inactive for more than 30 seconds or is about to close the page completely), in which he is asked to enter his phone number for a call back.

He enters his number, presses the “Call me” button, and telephony does its job. The call goes out simultaneously to the client and the manager. There are a lot of call back services on the Internet, and you can easily find one that suits your needs and functionality.

The bulk of incoming calls are direct calls: the visitor saw a unique offer on your page, and he had questions that he wants to address to you in a telephone conversation.

Rule #4. Always introduce yourself to an incoming request using the following example: [Good afternoon, Company “Company Name”, “Manager Name”, How can I help you?]. For example: Good afternoon, Romashka-Consult company, Evgeniy, how can I help you?

It sounds corny, but it’s much better than just “Hello.” When you issue such a “tirade”, you are already setting the client up for work.

Rule #5. Be sure to carefully find out from the client during the conversation whether he is a target for you (hereinafter referred to as the CC). If the client is not the target, never abruptly end the dialogue, but be extremely polite.

How to determine in a conversation that the client is the target? First of all, before talking with potential clients, you need to identify criteria for matching their portrait of your CC, which, in turn, depend on many business factors: type of product/service, industry, length of the sales cycle, segmentation, customer geography and many others. Thus, offhand, the criteria for determining a Central Committee could be as follows:

  • age;
  • income (for individuals) or turnover (for legal entities);
  • geography;
  • Family status;
  • industry type;
  • and etc.

After the formal presentation comes the phase of identifying the client's need. Most often, the client will tell you everything himself. Then in 80% of cases the question will follow: How much does it cost you? (If we are talking about a complex service).

Rule #6. When a client asks for the cost of a service at the beginning of a conversation, the most incorrect answer is to name this very cost. Even a fork.

Why? Because the client will immediately “merge” in 90% of cases. Judge for yourself - what reason does he have to stay on the line with you? He got what he wanted. All. The interaction is over. Then he will continue calling other companies until he finds the right one. And most likely he is not even the decision maker.

What is the most correct answer to such a question?

In my humble opinion, ( Rule #7) it is necessary to justify for the client the benefits of working with your company, while describing all the options for interaction. Let me explain with an example of a dialogue:

Potential client: How much does it cost you to conduct a mandatory audit for 2015?

Manager: Ivan Ivanovich, of course, I can now tell you the approximate cost. But what will this change?

PC:(Either he remains silent, or explains the reason, or answers that he simply needs the cost).

M: Suppose I give you a “fork” from 80 to 120 tr, what will that give you? You will note our price and continue your search. If you find the cost higher, you will simply waste your time, and if it is lower, you risk losing in quality. The fact is that our prices for this service are optimal and are calculated based on the labor costs for your project and industry specifics.

PC: Yes, but the audit is the same everywhere! We need a conclusion.

M: Ivan Ivanovich, I agree with you! But we will not only provide you with a conclusion, but also give detailed recommendations on problems, if any, in an informal language that you can understand. Agree that it is always useful to be warned about the risks.

PC: Yes…

M: In addition, you called the company (your company name). We are the first in the rating for auditing construction companies (further provide information about other regalia of the company).

The main thing to remember is that the manager, not the potential client, should be the leader in the conversation.

If the client does not make contact, then you can invite him to a meeting (free!) to study his question in more detail.

Cross-selling by phone

Rule #8: Be sure to require your sales managers to cross-sell from the first call. This is relevant both in the b2c and b2b sectors. So, if you have an online store of children's goods, then be sure to offer a set of bedding along with a crib for a baby of the appropriate size. The price of the crib is not right? What about the changing table?

For b2b services the situation is somewhat more complicated. For each service, you need to specify alternative and related services that may be of interest to the client. It is most correct to do this breakdown by industry. For example, ask a client who needs a cadastral valuation of land for purchase and sale purposes if he needs an initiative audit with a small discount. And be sure to justify the connection between the services! Never simply force a service on a client that he doesn’t need - you will get severe negative reactions.

For successful cross-selling, you must train your managers to be proactive. The simplest concrete manifestation of this quality can be a good awareness of what is happening now in the industry. Take 10 minutes to read RBC news. Crisis in construction? Is the new legislative act already in the draft? Think about how this might affect your target customers! Remember that people love it when you solve their problems for them and appreciate it.

Emotions when receiving incoming calls

When a client calls you himself, he is already interested in something. He expects a friendly conversation from you. Rule #9: Emotions sell! Let the client know that you care about him. Be sincere.

Spare no effort in explaining to the client that he is lucky to have contacted your company.

They don't finish after the first one

So, the manager successfully accepted the incoming request. The potential client showed keen interest, but took a break to seek advice. At the end of your conversation, be sure to agree on the date and topic of the next conversation.

Rule #10: Don't wait too long to call again, but don't be an annoying fly either!

Your conversation should end with a list of what you agreed on with the client.

Affiliate Material

We have all been in such a situation when the wife just took delicious spaghetti with delicious cutlets off the stove, laid it all out beautifully on a plate and served it on the table.

And just when you felt an inexorable desire to deal with this by picking up a fork, the phone rings, and on the other end of the line there is an annoying sales manager who is trying to find new clients with cold calls.

That is why today I want to tell you about lead generation techniques that do not bore the consumer and do not distract him from a delicious lunch or dinner prepared by his beloved wife.

What is a lead?

Let's start from the beginning. A lead is a person who has his own preferences and interests that may intersect with the services or products that your company offers.

This means that instead of making cold calls trying to find a potential client that suits you, it is better to call those who have already heard at least a little about you and are interested in more information. For example, perhaps you took an online survey to find out how best to take care of your own car. If you received an email from the car company that conducted this survey, asking you how this company can help you with servicing your car, then this method of engagement will be less intrusive and more appropriate than you suddenly received a call with similar questions and offers. when you don’t even have a car... right?

And from a business perspective, the information collected by a car company through a survey will allow you to personalize you and learn in advance what can be offered to you as a potential client.

When someone who has nothing to do with marketing asks what I do, I often answer that I create content to generate leads, and then they either stop talking to me or look at me with confusion.

So instead, I recommend you answer “I'm working on finding unique ways to attract people to my business. I want to offer them products that they are truly interested in, so I need to do some research first and also get them interested in my brand!”

This is usually more understandable to people and represents . This is a way to warm up potential clients by introducing them to you. By showing a natural interest in your business, they begin to interact (with your business), making it easier for you to offer them something for them to buy.

As part of a larger marketing plan, lead generation falls into the second stage. This stage comes after you have attracted an audience and are ready to convert these visitors to your sales managers. As you can see in the chart below, lead generation is a fundamental step in converting an ordinary visitor into your customer.

How can you qualify leads?

As you already know, a lead is a person who has shown interest in your company's products or services. Now let's discuss ways to show this very interest.

As it turns out, lead generation is all about collecting information. This information may be collected through a job application completed by the applicant, through a coupon given to the buyer in exchange for their contact information, or through an online form that allows users to download educational materials. .

These are just a few methods by which you can characterize a particular visitor as a lead. In addition, such methods allow you to determine the degree of interest of a person in your company. Let's look at each scenario separately:

3. Content: downloading a coupon indicates that a person has a direct interest in your product or services, content (educational books or webinars), but the content itself cannot give you such information. Therefore, to truly determine a visitor's level of interest, we need to gather more information.

These three general examples show us how lead generation can differ from company to company, and from one visitor to another. You need to gather enough information to determine whether the person actually has an interest, or is simply falling for whatever they are asked to fill out.

Let's take . They use educational webinars for lead generation, and collect 7 points of information from potential buyers and leads:

As you can see, the landing page is trying to find out:

  1. Name: basic information for interaction
  2. Last name: basic information for interaction
  3. Email: This information will allow you to offer services via email.
  4. Company name: This information will allow you to determine how and whether your product will benefit the buyer (mostly used in B2B work)
  5. Position: information in order to understand a person’s position in business in order to build appropriate interaction with him. Each stakeholder will have a certain stake in the business and therefore the prospects for your proposal will also differ from person to person
  6. Telephone number: Typically, a telephone number is only used when determining a strong interest, which ensures that your call will not be sudden and intrusive to the person.
  7. Project Time Frame: Ends your survey with a very specific question that allows you to determine how to communicate with the lead.

If you want to learn about other, more complex methods for collecting information, as well as what to ask in questionnaires, you can read about it here. But let's continue... Let's get back to the basics...

Lead generation mechanism

Now that we understand how lead generation fits into the overall marketing process, let's look at the main components of the lead generation process:

1. Landing page: landing or is a web page that a visitor lands on with specific intentions. Although landing pages can be used for many purposes, one of the most suitable is lead generation.

2. Questionnaires and forms: Landing pages usually contain forms with several fields, by filling which the visitor provides you with his contact information and at the same time informs about his interest in your company.

4. Call to action: A call to action (or call-to-action) is an image, button or message that encourages a website visitor to take some action. When it comes to lead generation, this component encourages visitors to (yes, you guessed it!) fill out a form on the landing page. Now do you understand how this is all connected?

Once you put all these elements together, you can use different promotional channels to link and drive traffic to your landing pages, which in turn will generate leads. Here is a small example of lead generation:

Now you should have an idea of ​​how the lead generation mechanism works. But remember that this is just a base and we still have a lot to learn. So stay tuned for news!

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