Laying depth of drainage pipes. Correct laying of drainage pipes

In the process of planning the construction of a residential building or country house, to the owners land plot the question often arises regarding the probable flooding of the territory groundwater or a large number precipitation.

IN spring period When the snow melts or in the fall with constant rain, quite large puddles may appear at the dacha that will interfere with the process of movement and can also harm the plants. Usually all this is repeated from year to year, which can automatically lead to the complete destruction of the foundation.

With constant long-term water stagnation, the soil gradually becomes waterlogged, and no oxygen enters the soil at all. All this automatically leads to quite serious damage to all plantings.

Important! To ensure that the area of ​​the dacha plot does not gradually turn into a swamp during the process of precipitation, it is worthwhile to engage in high-quality drainage of the territory, that is, to carry out the arrangement drainage system.

A system of this type is a network of special pipes that interact with each other. They are usually located around or along a section of it and provide effective drainage of water strictly beyond its boundaries.

Drainage pipes are a system that is used for high-quality removal excess moisture from the territory, from the foundation part of the house, from farms and from the garden. Such structures are laid strictly with a certain slope towards a special water receiver. It can be of several types:

  • Ditch;
  • Common drainage pipe;
  • Drainage well.

Pipes intended for drainage differ from standard ones in their external characteristics. There are special holes on the top. Through them, water that collects on the ground surface enters inner part structures, and then completely removed from the entire dacha territory.

Modern pipes that are used in drainage installations can be of two main types - standard, with perforated holes, and they can also be completely wrapped with special materials that act as filtration.

At the moment, when implementing construction processes The following types of pipes are used:

  • Perforated ceramic;
  • Asbestos-cement;
  • Made from high quality polymer.

The first two types are used quite infrequently, as they are characterized by heavy weight and certain disadvantages. As for polymer structures, they are endowed with such positive qualities, How:

  1. Relatively light weight, which greatly simplifies installation processes and transportation of equipment.
  2. Simplicity in the installation process of the entire drainage system. Working with pipes of this type does not require special skills, and a minimum amount of time resources is spent. Thanks to this, drainage at the dacha can be done with your own hands.
  3. There is high-quality perforation that allows water to pass through, but not sand and small particles of soil, so clogging will not occur drainage structure generally. In addition, pipes of this type have the ability to self-clean. If small debris penetrates, through a perfectly smooth surface, it is completely removed from the system.
  4. High performance and durability. The pipes have special stiffening ribs, which contributes to the most even distribution of the load.
  5. The general period of use is 40-50 years.
  6. Low cost of the entire system as a whole.
  7. There is relative immunity to destructive corrosion and resistance to aggressive environments.

Pouring process polymer pipes is carried out very rarely. The most the best option for such a system there will be a pipe wrapped in high-quality geotextiles. In this design, it acts as a special filter that does not allow soil particles to pass through. If there is none, you will have to purchase a special one. Then you can forever forget about periodic flushing of the system.

Buyers are offered a wide variety of categories and standard sizes of polymer pipes. This provides an opportunity to build a drainage system that will have high performance indicators.

Modern pipes intended for arranging a drainage system are made from different materials. This can be regular PVC, polypropylene and polyethylene. Among them it is PVC structures are in great demand, they can be:

  • One- and two-layer, having certain classes of ring strength parameters;
  • Flexible in structure, their length can reach 50 meters. They are produced in special reels. There are hard ones, the length of which ranges from 7 to 12 meters;
  • Having a filter membrane and bare. The material can be a special geofabric or high-quality coconut fiber.

Pipes made from polypropylene are not much inferior in quality to those made from quality PVC. They are also manufactured in corrugated and smooth forms, and the minimum diameter parameters are 50 mm.

Similar designs are produced in a wide range, and the basis is polyethylene, produced under low or fairly high high pressure. Almost all types of pipes made of high-quality plastic are similar to each other in many qualities.

Pipes that are used in the drainage system or those intended for sewerage and city water supply are very different from each other. Here are the most basic differences between these designs:

  1. Purpose of pipes. Modern plumbing, as well as sewer pipes direct wastewater, that is, sewage and water between certain elements of a particular engineering structure. As for drainage modern pipes, then they effectively collect water accumulated in the ground.
  2. Differences consist in the materials from which pipes of all categories are made. This is a large and varied set in all respects - cast iron, polymers, steel and high-quality ceramics. Manufacturers make drainage pipes only from polymer bases. Companies have almost completely abandoned other materials.

  1. For sewer and water pipes important sealing, that is, ideal moisture impermeability. Speaking about drainage structures, it can be noted that, on the contrary, their walls must be perforated in order to allow water to pass through very well.
  2. Pipes that are intended for sewer system and for a standard water supply do not differ at all from each other, therefore they can quite successfully interchange. Drainage systems have special additional structural elements, which other designs do not have. Perforation is one such element.

Also important is the need for additional products. For a drainage system, it is often necessary to purchase products such as or plastic.

The main features of drainage structures include partial or complete perforation. It has a direct impact on a large number of general drainage characteristics.

Full perforation is the production of holes that are located at a certain distance, approximately 60 degrees around the overall circumference. In other words, there are up to 6 holes in one section, and the standard diameter parameters are 1.3 mm. If the pipe is partially perforated, this means that there are 3 holes in its upper part and that’s it.

To protect all existing holes from fairly rapid clogging, many manufacturers perform perforation between the corrugations, that is, between the stiffeners.

Important! It is worth noting that such ribs help distribute the level of load as evenly as possible across the entire drainage structure. This has a significant impact on its durability.

The basic conditions for the use of a high-quality drainage design involve the use of different pipe models according to their characteristics, which are intended exclusively for drainage. Each of them solves one or another task as efficiently as possible.

It is for this reason that it is so important to determine exactly why all drainage work will be carried out on the land plot, as well as what devices will need to be taken for this. For example, a two-layer pipe for water drainage, which is characterized by ideal strength and rigidity, is optimally suited for laying in the ground to a decent depth.

Devices that have a special filter layer are initially intended for use in places where there is a likelihood of fairly severe clogging or water with small parts of sand and gravel being poured into the drainage system. Pipes that have enough large diameter, are used in areas where there is a need to drain large volumes of water.

Important! For drainage at relatively shallow depths ideal option There will be special corrugated single-layer pipes, with or without perforation, but with the presence of filtration material. The level of rigidity may be slightly lower than usual.

Buyers from Russia are now provided with a fairly diverse selection of high-quality pipes that are used for drainage. Their cost can vary, from 70 to 300 rubles. Price category directly depends on parameters such as:

  • Diameter;
  • Type of pipes;
  • Category of structures;
  • It matters where the product is purchased;
  • The volume of purchased products matters.

The arrangement of a high-quality drainage system must be planned in advance. You need to rely on general characteristics soil and soil, to maximum levels of underground sources.

Material expenses for similar design can be relatively small if everything is thought out in advance. Special advantage is that in the future such an installation will help to effectively avoid various types of problems.

A high groundwater level can bring a lot of trouble not only to gardening plantings, but, first of all, to the foundations of buildings. As a result, the house may experience uneven shrinkage and, as a result, a violation of the geometry of the walls, roof, windows and doors. In addition, constant moisture in the walls causes the formation of fungus, which can lead to deterioration in the health of those living in the house.

If you know that groundwater in your area is located close to the surface of the earth, then you should take care of a drainage system that will drain excess water outside the area, keeping the foundation of the house, your health and the health of your loved ones, as well as the plants intact. garden.

Making a drainage system yourself is not very difficult; you just need to know the technology for doing the work.

The very concept of “drainage” means the removal of excess water naturally or artificially from the surface of the soil or from the ground. Drainage is used both in construction and in agricultural technology to drain storm or groundwater using a system of channels, drainage wells, wells, laid pipes and other devices.

Drainage must be done if:

  • the groundwater level at the site is increased;

  • a residential building with a basement is being built;
  • the terrain of the site changes;
  • The site has heavy soils that impede the natural drainage of storm and melt water.

In the old days, when plastic materials was not produced; asbestos-cement, ceramic or steel pipes were used for the drainage system. To obtain a complete drainage system, it was necessary to manually drill holes in such pipes. Not only was such work not easy, but over time the holes became clogged with soil, which negated all the efforts spent on constructing a drainage system. Currently on sale large selection various pipes for drainage installation.

To install a drainage pipe, it is better to purchase a corrugated plastic pipe, which has ready-made holes. To prevent the holes in the pipes from becoming clogged with soil or silting, they can be wrapped in low-density geotextile, which costs mere pennies.

What are the benefits of plastic pipes:

  • First of all, plastic differs from all other materials in durability. The service life of such materials is estimated at 50 years or more.
  • Plastic pipes, regardless of the material (polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and others), can be easily processed with improvised tools that are found in every home.
  • When installing a drainage system, plastic pipes can be laid to any depth.
  • Pipe assembly is easy thanks to their design features and the availability of a variety of connecting elements for sale.
  • And finally, plastic pipes are several times cheaper than metal or ceramic ones.

Drainage system design

Laying drainage pipes begins with drawing up a site plan and project, which should indicate:

  • pipe locations;
  • length and depth of trenches;
  • installation of drainage or inspection wells;
  • method of draining water into storm drainage or other container for collecting water.

The project must indicate the level of groundwater, the level of soil freezing, and the type of soil on the site. It is unlikely that anyone is able to complete such a project on their own, so in order for the drainage system to work flawlessly, you need to contact specialists who will competently make all the calculations. And themselves technical work The owner of the house is quite capable.

Before laying plastic drainage pipes, you should prepare a trench according to the design dimensions. The trench is dug wider than the diameter of the pipe by 40-50 cm, if the depth of soil freezing is small and the worker can fit in such a trench.

With a large depth of soil freezing, it is more convenient to dig when the width of the trench allows you to turn around with a shovel. There are no exact instructions here; everyone digs a trench in the way that is most convenient for him. The main thing is that the slope from the house to the drainage wells or other water collection point is maintained.

The technology for laying drainage pipes involves laying several drainage layers of sand and crushed stone at the bottom of the trench. But first, geotextiles are lined on the bottom and walls of the trench, only after that a backfill is made of sand, then crushed stone. And a perforated plastic pipe is laid on the crushed stone layer, which is backfilled in the reverse order - crushed stone, sand, geotextiles and the previously selected soil. The use of geotextiles protects pipe openings from silting.

The slope when laying drainage pipes should be maintained within 3 degrees along the entire length of one branch of the drainage system.

In some cases, the drainage system is arranged according to the “herringbone” system - this is when more perforated pipes are connected to the main drainage pipe, similar to branches extending from a tree trunk.

In addition to laying drainage pipes, it is necessary to arrange inspection wells, which allow, if necessary, to clear blockages and monitor the water level in the drainage system.

Inspection wells should be located no further than 50 meters apart, and at the bends of the drainage system or sudden change slope of the pipes, they must be installed without fail.

All collected water, whether from the ground or rain, must be drained either into a storm sewer or into a special reservoir, from where it can be used for irrigation or other technical needs on the farm.

If the drainage of water during the installation of drainage pipes is intended to be in an open reservoir (river, lake, pond) or in a storm drain, then check valves must be installed at the ends of the drainage pipes.

Reasons for improper operation of the drainage system

When installing the drainage system, the technology or sequence of work may have been violated. For example, crushed stone was first poured, and then sand was poured into the bottom of the trench, and as a result, the holes in the pipe could become clogged.

Or maybe the drainage filling was not done at all. Or the slope was broken when laying the pipes, as a result of which water cannot flow by gravity into the drainage well or into the storm sewer.

When draining water into an open reservoir, check valves were not installed or for some other reason.

Therefore, in order to know how to properly lay a drainage pipe, you need to inquire about the technology for performing such work. There are plenty of examples on the Internet - both articles and videos.

Even if you did everything correctly and your drainage system works flawlessly, you need to remember that any device needs periodic inspection and maintenance, which consists of measuring the water level in inspection wells and cleaning the drainage system of accumulated debris and dirt. Inspections are recommended to be carried out 4 times a year, i.e. every season.

Site drainage is a large set of measures aimed at removing excess water. The system is a complex of pipes (drains) laid in the ground. With their help, excess moisture is removed from the area. But for drainage to work effectively, it is necessary to select and lay drains correctly. This will be discussed in the article. Here we will talk about the main types of drains used and how to lay drainage pipes with your own hands.

Which pipes are best to use for drainage?

For drainage systems, special pipes with many holes are used. Through these holes, water from the ground enters the drains and is then discharged outside the site. Various materials can be used as pipe material:

  • asbestos cement;
  • ceramics;
  • polymer materials.

Asbestos-cement and ceramic pipes are practically not used today. Such products are quite heavy and difficult to install, and use metal pipes in the drainage system is impractical. Metal is susceptible to corrosion, so pipes lying in the ground can fail within a year.

The most common are the last materials on the list – polymers. And there are many reasons for this. Firstly, plastic is much lighter than asbestos cement and ceramics. This factor makes pipe laying easier. At the same time, the strength of modern polymer materials often not inferior even to metal. Secondly, such products are cheaper.

In addition, plastic drainage pipes have other positive characteristics:

  • have a long service life;
  • easily tolerate exposure to aggressive environments and are not subject to corrosion;
  • The inner surface of plastic pipes is absolutely smooth. This feature prevents the formation of blockages;
  • resistant to silting. If drains are laid with geotextiles, then small particles will not clog the holes. This means that water from the ground flows freely into the drainage system;
  • large range of standard sizes. Plastic pipes can be easily matched to a drainage system of any capacity.

In addition, plastic products do not require special care. During operation, it is only necessary to periodically carry out visual inspections and clean the system maximum once a year using any of the available methods.

Now let's figure out how to lay the drainage pipes yourself. The installation technology is quite simple, and anyone can handle it, even without special skills.

At the first stage, a system design is made. It should take into account the following factors:

  • terrain (presence of natural slopes and hillocks);
  • location of the site (lowland or upland);
  • soil characteristics (its ability to pass water);
  • proximity to groundwater;
  • precipitation level.

Calculations are made of the depth of pipe laying and their location. After this, we transfer the markings to the area. Now you can start earthworks. Trenches are dug along the marked lines. Their depth must correspond to the calculations, and their width must be 40 cm greater than the outer diameter of the drainage pipes used. This extra bed necessary for arranging a filter in the form of a layer of crushed stone of small and medium fractions.

The next step is to prepare the pillow. Sand 20 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the trench and compacted thoroughly. After this, we fill in a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.

It is necessary to observe the slope of the trench being dug towards the drainage well or the place where water is discharged from the site. The slope should be at least 3 cm for each meter of pipe.

Now you can lay the drains. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the location of the holes. If perforation is made on only one side, then the pipe is laid with the holes down. After laying the pipes, we connect them into one system. To do this, you can use plastic fittings used when laying an external sewage system.

At each turn of the system or at the junction of several pipelines, an inspection well is installed. It can already be purchased at finished form(usually they are also made from polymer materials) or build yourself (from concrete rings, brick or other available material).

Then a layer of crushed stone, 20 cm thick, is poured over the pipes, followed by sand (in the same layer). After this, you can backfill with previously excavated soil. Turf is laid on top, which should be cut before digging trenches.

To prevent the drainage system from silting, it is advisable to use geotextiles. In this case, before laying the first layer of crushed stone, geofabric is spread. Then crushed stone is poured, a pipe is laid, another layer of crushed stone is laid, and this whole “pie” is covered with the edges of geofabric. As a result, the entire filter system must be placed in a geotextile “wrapper”.

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Increased site humidity is always a source big problems for the owners. Wet soil destroys plants - due to insufficient oxygen supply, roots rot and almost the entire crop is destroyed. The buildings are not doing well either. The foundations become damp, water appears in the basements in the spring, the walls are covered with a network of cracks and colonies of fungus.

Excess moisture can be easily removed using special engineering structures known as. Owners should pay attention to the arrangement of drainage first and foremost immediately after acquiring the site. And preferably before large-scale construction work, if any are planned.

How and why drainage works

An artificially constructed watercourse is a system of underground pipelines and surface channels for collecting water. The moisture enters special containers and is then removed outside the site.

Discharge can be carried out both into natural reservoirs and city sewers.

You can determine whether an area needs drainage based on indirect signs. High soil moisture is indicated by:

  • availability moisture-loving plants(for example, nettle);
  • flooding of cellars and basements;
  • long drying of the area after rain (large puddles remain, from which water does not drain well).

But even in the absence of such warning signs, buildings are not immune to water damage. For example, during heavy rains or during active snow melting. For this reason, experts recommend installing and equipping storm drains in any case.

The main advantage of drainage systems of this type is the elimination of expensive treatment facilities and other technical units. The complete system consists of:

  • from drainage pipes;
  • storm drains (gutters and storm water inlets);
  • sand traps - special mechanical filters at the entrance to the system collector;
  • common drainage wells;
  • a collector with a check valve (from here the water is discharged into the ground or reservoir).

How to choose pipes

The main element of the system is the pipeline. For this reason, the choice of pipes or drains, as they are more often called, is given special attention. Experts recommend paying attention to the following technical parameters .


Manufacturers offer products made from asbestos cement, polyethylene (with perforation) and polyvinyl chloride (you can do the perforation yourself). Asbestos cement is the most cheap material. However, there are serious doubts about his environmental safety. That's why everything larger number buyers opt for products made of durable plastic.

Ready-made drains with perforation are sold wrapped in geofabric. Cheaper PVC pipes require additional processing - cuts are made in a checkerboard pattern up to 5 mm wide. Processing is carried out on both sides. The distance between cuts is 50 centimeters. Additionally, you will need to purchase geofabric to wrap the pipe before laying it in the ground. The fabric serves as a filter and prevents liquid dirt from clogging the perforated pipes.


The diameter is selected depending on the amount of groundwater and precipitation.

Typically the diameter is from 5 to 8 centimeters.

Soil type

Soil type - one of the most important parameters when choosing pipes:

  • In soils with a high content of crushed stone, products with perforation are installed, but without a geofabric filter.
  • In sandstones, geotextile-wrapped and perforated pipes are used. Additionally, it is recommended to make a coating of crushed stone to prevent pipeline deformation.
  • Perforated products with a coconut fiber filter are mounted in them. More cheap option– use of geotextile. A backfill of crushed stone must be made, covering the pipeline by 15-20 centimeters.
  • For loam, perforated pipes wrapped in geotextile are used.

In any soil, you can also use ordinary PVC pipes with homemade perforations and geofabric wrapping. This will significantly reduce the cost of the drainage system.

Tools and materials

For work you will need:

  • shovel and bayonet shovel;
  • garden wheelbarrow for soil;
  • manual roller for compacting sand and crushed stone;
  • assembly knife for cutting pipes;
  • drill or grinder, if you need to make notches (perforation);
  • geotextile scissors.

You should also prepare building materials:

  • pipes;
  • adapters for inspection wells and collector;
  • fittings for pipe installation;
  • plastic pipes with a diameter of 30 to 50 cm for arranging inspection and drainage wells (you can also
  • purchase ready-made wells with a hatch or plastic tanks);
  • geotextile in rolls;
  • crushed stone or gravel, sand.

Work order

Drains are laid in the following order:

  1. trenches are dug along the marking line, their depth should be below the freezing point of the soil;
  2. a plan is drawn up and markings are carried out on the ground;
  3. a layer of sand up to 10 centimeters thick is poured onto the bottom and thoroughly compacted with a roller;
  4. crushed stone or gravel is laid on top (layer thickness 20 cm);
  5. pipes are laid on the prepared cushion;
  6. the system is mounted using couplings, and then the angle of inclination of the pipes towards the water collectors is checked;
  7. inspection wells are installed at the joints and turns of pipes (a piece is cut off plastic pipe, a protective cover is installed);
  8. backfilling is carried out - a layer of crushed stone, sand, and soil is laid out sequentially;
  9. You can lay turf on top or sow herbaceous plants;
  10. mounted at the end of the outlet pipe after the collector check valve or a well is installed to collect water (a sealed plastic tank is used).

Key points for installation

The drainage system must comply technical requirements. Amateur activity in this matter is not encouraged. For this reason, owners should pay attention to some important points:

  • To carry out the work, you will need to create a vertical site plan taking into account the occurrence of groundwater in a specific area. Specialists will help you compile it for a fee.
  • The exact depth of the pipeline, its diameter and type are calculated. At this stage you will also need the help of specialists.
  • When digging a trench, you need to ensure that its size is approximately 40 centimeters larger than the diameter of the pipes used. The slope of the trench is from three degrees (from 0.5 to 1 meter of slope).
  • Inspection wells are located no closer than fifty meters from each other.
  • Installing a check valve or arranging a water collector is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the entire system.

Common mistakes

Most common mistakes when installing a drainage system, the following:

  • shallow depth trenches (reduced system efficiency and increased risk of drains freezing in winter period);
  • the use of pipes of the wrong type and diameter (leads to rapid failure of the system);
  • absence of an angle of inclination or a small angle (the operation of the system at maximum load is paralyzed).
Installing a drainage system is a job that home owners can do. However, it is better to entrust drawing up a plan and carrying out all the necessary calculations to specialists.

Special attention is also paid compliance with all technical standards . Selection of pipes, depth and angle of their laying are important points installation work.


Even a properly installed and well-functioning drainage system requires regular maintenance. Inspections of drainage and inspection wells are carried out once or twice a year. Owners should be alert to low water levels, which may indicate:


Water can not only be a source of life for plants, but also the cause of their death if there is an excess of moisture. There is also a large number of drains on personal plot capable of destroying the foundation of buildings located on it. Therefore, it is so important to equip a drainage system that will drain excess liquid from the territory of a private household. To do this, you will need to lay drainage pipes with your own hands if you decide to carry out this work on one's own. Installing a drainage system is not difficult.

Why is drainage needed?

Before enjoying outdoor recreation, the owner of a plot of land needs to make a lot of effort to improve it. A large number of land plots outside the city limits are characterized by waterlogging of the soil.
If during the construction of a house you do not provide for the arrangement of a drainage structure, then in the future there is a high probability that you will have to solve the problem of destruction of the foundation and landscaping of the local area.

To get rid of excess moisture a drainage structure is created on the site, which is an outflow of liquid artificially laid in the soil, consisting of a system of channels or pipelines. Once in them, the water moves towards storage specially equipped wells and reservoirs or is discharged outside the local area.

In practice, the owner of the site should be alert to a number of signs of the presence excess moisture, which indicate the need to arrange drainage:
  • growing on the site large quantity moisture-loving plants;
  • periodic appearance or constant presence of groundwater in basements and cellars of buildings;
  • the formation of poorly drying puddles after rain.
But as practice shows, the absence of the above signs does not indicate that there are no problems with waterlogging and that they will not appear in the future. The optimal solution may be a consultation with a specialist who will determine the degree of soil moisture in the area and the need for drainage works.

Drainage system options

When deciding how to lay drainage pipes, you should know that there are several ways to create drainage structures:
  1. Creating trenches with crushed stone and sand. Drainage system closed type- These are ditches and trenches dug in the ground, which are filled with a layer of crushed stone, and sand is placed on top. Often, on private plots, an effective design called “herringbone” is used - secondary pipelines are connected to the central main line.

    In this case, the main drainage pipe is laid with a slope directed towards the place of liquid discharge. The distance between drains depends on the condition and composition of the soil. On clay soils- this is a maximum of 10 meters, on loamy - 20 meters, and on sandy - 50 meters.

  2. Open drainage ditches . This method is simple and cheap. To create drainage, grooves are dug with a width of 50 and a depth of approximately 70 centimeters, placing them along the perimeter of the plot. The sides in the drainage should be beveled, maintaining a 30-degree angle. Liquid is discharged from the drainage system into a storage drainage trench.

    A more modern option is to use plastic products with perforation or complete installation ready-made systems that are commercially available.

  3. Systems with drainage trays. They are used in the arrangement of surface drainage, which allows drainage to be removed from the site after precipitation falls or melts. To construct the system, special trays are used, which are made from plastic ( modern version) or modified concrete.

    The grooves are laid from the drainage point to the discharge point with a slope of about 2-3 degrees. Drainage products are placed in them, the sides of which should be located at ground level. When the site is located on a hill open type Drainage grooves should be dug across the slope, making it possible to intercept water flows flowing from top to bottom.

Installation of perforated pipes

Before drainage pipes are installed, calculations are made and building materials are selected.

For calculations you need data regarding:

  • seasonal groundwater level;
  • soil characteristics and soil structure;
  • the volume of moisture in the form of flood waters and precipitation.
All this information can be requested from the regional land resources department. Based on the data received, specialists will make calculations and find out the required trench depth and pipe parameters.

When laying drainage pipes with your own hands, you should give preference to plastic products. Device plastic pipes they are simple - they have two layers of polyethylene or PVC, thanks to which the products will last at least 50 years even if they are installed at great depths. In each individual case, the depth of the drainage pipe is determined according to the situation.

A cushion of sand and gravel is laid at the bottom of the ditch. The thickness of the sand layer should be 10 centimeters, it is well compacted. Then a 20-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured.

Pipes wrapped in geofabric are laid on a cushion. The drainage pipes are connected using special couplings.

When the pipes are installed, check their slope by pulling a regular cord along the pipeline.

In places where the highway turns and in areas where the slope angle changes, inspection wells with covers are installed. They are necessary for monitoring and cleaning the drainage system.

At the final stage they produce backfill– performing all steps in reverse order. Layers of crushed stone, sand and soil previously removed from the ditch are poured on top of the pipes. If desired, lay turf on top.

The wastewater is removed in rain drainage or open water body. In both cases, a check valve is installed at the end of the outlet pipes. If it is impossible to provide such an outlet, a collection well is installed, from which, as it fills, the collected liquid must be pumped out.

During the installation process, it is necessary to avoid the most common mistakes that lead to disruption of the functioning of the drainage structure, including:

  • discrepancy between the depth of the dug trench and the needs of the system, which may result in a violation water balance on a personal plot;
  • the use of drainage pipes of the wrong type that should have been used. As a result, the constructed structure will quickly fail;
  • incorrect drainage angle. This leads to malfunction systems, and on the ground arise serious problems in compliance with the water regime.
If the installation of drainage pipes can be done independently, then you should entrust the calculations and drawing up of the diagram to specialists. Doing enough simple work, you must follow the instructions, paying special attention to the angle of inclination of the system, the reliability of the connection of elements, and the correct arrangement of inspection wells.

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