Moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet (gvlv) "Knauf": technical characteristics, application. Flooring technology

Tradition of designing 2x storey houses went back to the times when private construction was allowed mainly only in garden cooperatives. On standard six hundred square meters big house not build, but in order to increase the number square meters housing, houses were built upward. In addition, if you build a large building on small area, there was simply no room left for a garden.

Nowadays, you can build any house - if only there were opportunities. But the projects of two storey buildings are still popular. Especially among those who want to have .

So, we have determined that such a house is best built on small area. But, probably, this is not his only advantage.

Advantages of two-story house projects

  • If you have chosen the project two-story house, then you will be able to save a lot on roof installation due to its not large area.
  • As a rule, such houses mean simple layout with a clear division of the house into day and night zones. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a sanitary room and storage rooms. On the second floor, away from prying eyes, there are bedrooms and a bathroom.
  • When building a house, you get significant savings on interfloor insulation. And, in addition, during the cold season, the bedrooms on the second floor will be warmer than those on the first floor.
  • Economic benefit visible even on rough and finishing floor screed. When building a two-story house, as practice shows, the cost of 1 m 2 usable area costs less than construction one-story house similar area.
  • As for the foundation, the benefit here is, as they say, “fifty-fifty.” On the one hand, a 2nd floor house does not need a large foundation. On the other hand, it must be stronger than the foundation for a one-story house, since it must withstand the load of the second floor.

Disadvantages of two-story house projects

Absolutely ideal projects can not be. With all the advantages of 2-storey building projects, you can also find disadvantages.

  • In projects two-story houses Stairs are required. And this is not entirely rational use living space.
  • What you definitely won’t be able to save on is the construction of walls. In any case, they must be reinforced to withstand the load of the second floor.
  • In order for the second floor to be fully functional, it is necessary to provide another bathroom on this floor. That is, additional expenses are expected, albeit small.

Let's summarize: when choosing a project for a two-story house

  • The company recommends building a 2-story house on a small plot of land. It's more profitable. The undoubted advantage is space saving land plot. The developer gets an excellent opportunity to lay out a garden on the site, build a garage near the house and additional utility rooms: summer cuisine or bathhouse.
  • If the area of ​​the house is expected to be over 200 m2, then the project of a two-story house will cost much less.

One of the most popular environmentally pure materials builders consider gypsum fiber sheets waterproof (GVLV) "Knauf". Due to their high technical characteristics, the canvas is used quite widely. They are used as decorative material, clad walls, floors, and create protective structures.

Features of GVLV canvases

By appearance Knauf supersheets are very similar to plasterboard sheets, as they are a rectangular facing board made of gypsum base, to which additives have been added. But there are also differences: there are no outer shells, but the composition contains a reinforcing mesh made of fluffy cellulose. In order for the cellulose mesh to provide adequate strength, its fibers must be evenly distributed, for which it is treated with special substances.

Without the use of vegetable cellulose, it would be impossible to obtain boards that would be stronger than plasterboard sheets. In addition, additional reagents are introduced into the gypsum base, making the finished canvas moisture- and fire-resistant. Gypsum fiber price moisture resistant sheet higher than other similar materials, which is fully justified by its amazing properties.

Description of material

Two types of slabs are available:

  1. With straight edge. (PC). The material is intended for the manufacture of floor bases.
  2. With folded edge (FC). Canvases of this type are used to construct partitions, partitions, and to line walls.

The slabs also differ in size: 250x120x1.0 cm (weight of 1 m2 - about 1.08 kg) and 250x120x1.25 cm (weight of 1 m2 - about 1.25 kg). The package may contain 40 or 50 sheets. Accordingly, the price of a gypsum fiber moisture-resistant sheet depends on its parameters, and the cost of packaging depends on the number of sheets and their dimensions. The price of one sheet ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.


One of important properties gypsum fiber sheets is their strength - 1300 kg/m³. Thanks to this, you can hammer nails into the material and screw in self-tapping screws. Contribute to widespread use:

  1. Frost resistance. The material can withstand more than 16-17 cycles of freezing and thawing.
  2. Easy processing. When working with slabs, you can use all the tools that are designed for processing wood.
  3. Flexural strength. This indicator for Knauf sheets is much higher than for plasterboard sheets.
  4. Increased moisture resistance, which is provided by anti-chalking agents and grinding.
  5. Hygroscopicity. When the humidity in the room rises, the sheet finishing material absorbs it, and when the air becomes dry, it releases moisture, thereby improving the microclimate.
  6. Fire resistance. The material can serve as excellent fire protection. At the same time, the plates are used as additional thermal insulation.
  7. Low thermal conductivity.
  8. Low weight of canvases (39-43 kg). Thanks to this, there is no excessive load on the load-bearing walls.
  9. Additional sound insulation.

In addition, the fabrics are highly wear-resistant, so their use allows for a long time forget about repairing structures in the creation of which this material was used.

Material advantages

Experts consider the main advantages of the Knauf GVLV:

  1. Increased strength. Gypsum fiber boards are able to withstand high point loads and at the same time maintain their original characteristics.
  2. High fire resistance.
  3. Excellent moisture resistance.
  4. The ability to significantly increase the speed of installation work.
  5. Economical. Knauf sheets are lightweight, so there is no need to weigh down the building structure.
  6. Environmental cleanliness. The slabs do not contain toxic substances, and the acidity level matches the acidity of human skin.
  7. Compliance with chemical and technical parameters world standards.

Also to important advantages coating also includes the fact that the use of Knauf GVLV for finishing indoor surfaces eliminates “wet” processes.

Application area

GVLV with high waterproof properties is used for installation in premises of any purpose, ranging from living rooms and ending production facilities. This number also includes buildings:

  1. With any degree of fire resistance, including the first.
  2. Various storeys.
  3. All types of structures and systems.
  4. Any level fire danger.
  5. Built in any climatic region.

The use of slabs is not influenced by the engineering and geological conditions of the facility under construction, as well as the climate of the region where the work is being carried out. The material is used for installation indoors at facilities where the internal environment of the premises is non-aggressive and the humidity regime is average.

Features of using canvases

Most often, Knauf gypsum fiber supersheets are used:

  1. To protect enclosing, load-bearing and other structures that must have the required level of fire resistance. This number includes ceiling and wall surfaces of escape routes staircases, elevator halls, lobbies.
  2. To create floors, partitions, and cladding using a frame.
  3. For guard wooden elements(coverings, ceilings, attic floors).
  4. For the manufacture of channels for laying cables, communication shafts, and other elements.
  5. For a comprehensive fire protection and creating sound insulation.
  6. For dry screeding of floors.

Flooring technology

Medium-sized Knauf gypsum fiber sheet can be laid on concrete screed, if the room has a good ventilation system. Plates large sizes laid on surfaces made of wood or reinforced concrete.

The panels are installed according to the following scheme:

  1. Thoroughly clean dust and debris from the surface. If cracks or other similar defects are found, they must be repaired first.
  2. First of all, polyethylene is laid to protect the material from moisture.
  3. An edge strip is laid around the perimeter of the floor, which will act as a sound absorber.
  4. Set up the beacons necessary for the location of the guides.
  5. Lay the guides necessary for precise leveling of the insulating layer.
  6. Expanded clay is poured. The material is leveled and compacted.
  7. Starting from the corner of the room, GVLV sheets are laid (weight - up to 40 kg).
  8. The first laid slabs are fixed with mastic or adhesive solution.
  9. On top of the first layer of GVLV "Knauf" for the floor, another layer is laid, connecting it to the previous one with screws.
  10. After completing the installation work, the outer covering is then laid.

Creation of soundproof partitions

Due to the fact that the material has high sound-proofing properties and ease of installation, owners of apartments and houses often take on the task of installing sound-absorbing partitions and improving the sound insulation of external walls. To obtain ideal noise insulation, the slabs are mounted not in one layer, but in two.

Taking into account the technical characteristics of GVLV, the use of sheets is possible both in heated and cold rooms for any purpose, including garages, attics, basements, warehouses and places where the level of fire danger is quite high. Suitable material for use in rooms with high level humidity - bathrooms, kitchens, basements.

There are several important rules, compliance with which is extremely important when creating partitions:

  1. Choosing the location of the structure. First, mark the location of the line on the floor surface, taking into account the direction of the wall. Then the lines are duplicated onto the ceiling using a plumb line.
  2. Correct selection and installation of profiles. They should not come into contact with the surfaces of the walls and floors to ensure sound insulation. To do this, elastic material is placed under the profiles.
  3. Preparation and installation of racks. They must be of such length that they fit freely into the space allocated for them.
  4. Connection of racks and guides.
  5. Strengthening wall openings with more rigid profile elements.
  6. Installation of electrical wiring and embedded parts in the interior of the frame.
  7. Preparation of Knauf supersheets. They are marked and the excess is trimmed.
  8. Installation of sheets. They are secured with special screws on both sides of the frame. If necessary, insulation is installed between the sheets.
  9. Filling the resulting seams.
  10. Primer of surfaces.
  11. Applying the final finish.

There are a few important points, which should be taken into account when using moisture-resistant fabrics (GVLV) "Knauf":

  1. Installation of slabs must be carried out during finishing works before installing clean floors, but after the plumbing and electrical systems have been installed and all “wet” processes have been completed. If installation work pass in winter period, you need to work with sheets with the heating on.
  2. Before work, GVLVs must be acclimatized in the room. To do this, they are brought in in advance, several hours before the start of work.
  3. If the sheets are laid in several layers, the work must be completed in one day.
  4. Before starting puttying work, treat the joints with a proprietary primer.

If work is carried out in rooms where water can get on the surface of the sheets, they are treated with waterproofing mastic. To protect the junction points, waterproofing tape is used.

To construct a base for finished floors, the Knauf concern has developed a very interesting technology KNAUF OP 13. Its essence can be described by the term “dry screed”.

Floor subfloors KNAUF OP 13 - general information

KNAUF OP 13 floor bases are hollow-core, easy-to-install dry-assembled structures intended for installation in residential and public buildings, as well as in office and auxiliary premises industrial buildings:
- with non-standardized requirements for sound insulation of floors;
- with requirements for sound insulation of floors according to SNiP 23-03-2003: airborne noise insulation indices (Rw) up to 56 dB and reduced impact noise level indices (Lnw) up to 47 dB;
- in conditions that exclude “wet” processes during finishing work;
- for leveling the floor surface and (or) raising the floor level, as well as covering technical networks on floors using a dry method; - if necessary, reduce loads on floors;
- under tight deadlines and low temperatures(up to +5 °C) during the period of finishing work.

Floor bases Knauf OP 13 can be installed both on concrete and on wooden floors. Prefabricated floor bases OP 13 are used in the following premises:
- with a non-aggressive environment, low and moderate intensity mechanical influences according to SNiP 2.03.13-88;
- with dry, normal and wet humidity conditions according to SNiP 02/23/2003;
- no restrictions on structural systems and types, levels of responsibility, degrees of fire resistance and number of storeys of buildings, climatic and engineering-geological conditions of construction.

Application of Knauf OP 13 floor subfloor is also allowed in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms, showers, etc.) subject to waterproofing. The surface of the Knauf OP 13 floor base is suitable for all types floor coverings. It is recommended to install heated floors on the screed surface.
The Knauf OP 13 prefabricated floor base system includes two varieties: OP 131 and OP 135, which differ from each other in the degree of readiness of screed parts for installation under construction conditions. In OP 131, the screed is assembled from floor elements (EP), and in OP 135 it is assembled under construction conditions from two small-format moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheets (GVLV)
Let's take a closer look at the system Knauf OP 131 (Knauf-superfloor)

KNAUF-superfloor technology (KNAUF OP 131)

The basis of this technology is floor elements(EP) Knauf superfloor made of gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) size 1500 x 500 x 20 mm. They consist of two 10 mm gypsum fiber sheets glued together with an offset, forming folds (locks). The folds of the floor elements are glued with a special glue and fastened together with special screws, after which a layer of ordinary gypsum fiber sheets is laid on top.

Warm floor and KNAUF-superfloor

The thermophysical properties of gypsum fiber sheets make it possible to use them for constructing heated floor subfloors. Recommended as heating elements in the construction of a heated floor made of gypsum fiber boards, the use of plastic or metal-plastic pipes With hot water(coolant).

Installation of the KNAUF OP 131 system on a concrete base

When preparing a concrete base, it is necessary to clean the surface and seal cement mortar grade M500 detected gaps between slabs, as well as gaps between the floor and walls. After the cracks are sealed, the final “cleaning” of the surface is carried out. If on concrete base there are minor (up to 5 mm) unevenness in the form of grains of concrete or holes - the floors are leveled using an intermediate layer, for example, corrugated cardboard, fibrous insulating material etc. To fill local unevenness (up to 20 mm), it is recommended to use “repair” mixtures, for example, “Vetonit 4000”. For large unevenness (over 20 mm) or for different levels fine-fraction expanded clay is used for bases. Its layer may be various thicknesses, for example, to raise the floor level, but the main purpose of the bedding is to level the surface. If the floors are insulated polystyrene foam boards, then the surface of the supporting base must be leveled with putty or sand-cement mixture.
After the surface is prepared, the floor is covered with polyethylene film 0.2 mm thick with an overlap of adjacent sheets of at least 200 mm. This ensures good vapor barrier.
Note: With a wooden supporting base instead of film, glassine, waxed or corrugated paper, as well as modern universal vapor barrier such as “Yutafol N”, “Svetofol”, etc.
At the wall, the edge of the film should be laid approximately 20 mm above the level of the prefabricated floor. The floor level is either 20 mm of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool, or 30 mm of glass wool or backfill, plus the thickness of two gypsum plasterboard slabs (2 x 10 mm) - they will “cover” the structure. As a result, the floor level rises by 40-50 mm from the base base. (Fig. 1.)

Rice. 1. Construction of the Knauf OP 131 floor made of gypsum fiber boards (GVP):
1. Base; 2. Lags; 3. Rough flooring; 4. Waterproofing; 5. Dry backfill; 6. Floor element Knauf-superfloor; 7. Edge tape.

IMPORTANT!!! To avoid deformation of the floating floor and improve sound insulation characteristics, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of the slabs coming into contact with the wall. To do this, a contour insulating tape 10 mm thick and 10 cm wide, cut from mineral wool(edge ​​tape), or soft tape on polymer based thickness of at least 8 mm. The edge tape absorbs noise and serves expansion seam, preventing the slabs from “walking” and cracking. Cutting GVL sheets according to the actual dimensions of the room, it is carried out taking into account the gap on the edge tape.

Backfill insulation

If the insulation is poured, it is simply poured onto the floor and leveled with a lath along the beacons set using a level (for example, rack profiles), starting from the wall opposite the entrance. With a thickness of more than 50 mm and in places adjacent to monolithic floor the backfill needs to be compacted.

Slab insulation

If it is polystyrene foam, mineral wool or glass wool, they are carefully cut into small slabs. When laying, you need to ensure that the slabs fit very tightly against each other. When laying expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to prevent the formation of gaps between the plates.

Laying gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) Knauf

Laying the 1st layer of Knauf gypsum fiber sheets with a gap in the joints of no more than 1 mm, it is carried out from the doors to preserve the backfill surface. When installing the screed on the side opposite the door on the backfill, it is necessary to create a “path” from the sheets for movement.
If thermal insulation boards are used, installation should begin from the opposite wall. The displacement of the joints must be at least 200 mm.
Next, the 1st layer of Knauf gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) is carefully coated with an adhesive composition. The glue must be applied sequentially (separately) under each sheet of the 2nd layer, avoiding gaps. Average consumption glue is 400 g/sq.m.
Laying sheets of the 2nd layer is carried out across the 1st layer with a gap of no more than 1 mm so that their plane covers the cross-shaped joints of the first layer. The spacing of the joints must be at least 250 mm (starting from the corner at whole sheet You need to lay a quarter of the 1st layer, and half a sheet from the wall). The glue protruding from the seams can be removed with a spatula.
In addition, each sheet of the 2nd layer (as laid) is fastened with special screws for gypsum fiber boards with a length of 19 to 30 mm for a sheet thickness of 10 mm and a length of 23 to 30 mm for a sheet thickness of 12 mm (steps of no more than 300 mm) . Screws must be coated with anti-corrosion coating.
IMPORTANT!!! Screws for regular drywall(GKL) fastening gypsum fiber sheets (GVL) - PROHIBITED. The screw for gypsum plasterboard has a double thread and a device for self-countersinking, which makes it possible to penetrate 12 mm into the sheet in one pass. Very often, under the influence of operational loads, spontaneous unscrewing of the gypsum plasterboard screws that fastened the gypsum plasterboard floor elements occurs.

Installation of KNAUF-superfloor elements

Installation of floor elements is carried out from the wall with the doorway. For floor elements adjacent to walls, the rebate in the mating area is cut off. Each new row begins with a laying cut off in place of the last element of the previous row, which eliminates waste and ensures the displacement of the end joints in adjacent rows (at least 250 mm).
IMPORTANT!!! Joints with cut folds are not allowed.
Before installing the floor elements, Polax, PVA or Systemkleber glue is applied to the folds of the already laid elements mating to it. As the installation proceeds, the folds of adjacent elements are fastened with special screws for gypsum plasterboard with a length of 19 to 30 mm with a pitch of no more than 300 mm.
Ready-made floor from KNAUF-superfloor elements covered on top with small-format gypsum plasterboard measuring 1500 x 1000 (1200) x 10 (12) mm, or gypsum plasterboard sheets of regular format, which is less convenient.
In all cases, the gaps and places where screws are installed are sealed with Fugenfüller GV or Uniflot putty, after which the edges of the edge tape protruding above the floor level are removed and polyethylene film. Then the 2nd layer of gypsum fiber boards must be primed with any primer for highly absorbent substrates.
IMPORTANT: When installing KNAUF prefabricated floors in damp room(bathroom) where the floor meets the walls, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing tape ("Flechendichtband", "Knauf"), and cover the floor surface with waterproofing ("Flechendicht").

Specifications KNAUF systems OP 131
Composition of the complete KNAUF OP 131 system
Pos. Name Unit of measurement Quantity per m2
1 Floor element (EF) m 2 1,0
2 Adhesive mastic kg 0,05
3 Polyethylene film m 2 1,15
4 Putty KNAUF-Fugen GV (Fugenfüller GV) kg 0,15
5 Screw for KNAUF super sheet PC. 12
6 Edge tape linear m *
7 Dry backfill “Kompevit”** l 15***

* depending on the perimeter of the room.
** according to customer needs.
*** for a layer 15 mm thick per 1 sq. m of backfill area.

Technical characteristics of the Knauf-superfloor floor element
Indicators Values
Dimensions, mm 1500x500x20 1200x600x20
Element weight, kg about 18
Width of folds, mm – bottom layer – top layer 48 50
Useful area of ​​the element, m2 0,75
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m C from 0.22 to 0.36
Heat absorption coefficient, W/m C no more than 6.2
Hardness of the front surface, MPa at least 20
Surface water absorption, kg/m2 no more than 1.0
Vapor permeability coefficient, Mg/m h Pa 0,12
Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides, Bq/kg no more than 370
Package Package, 70 elements (52.5 m2)

Firefighter specifications floor element Krauf-superfloor

The concept of “dry” construction implies the design and construction of lightweight frame-sheathing structures, the installation of which requires a minimum of funds and physical effort. The German company KNAUF produces quality materials necessary when performing such work and is a kind of legislator that determines the standards for this type of activity. The KNAUF system for plasterboard partitions is known to any professional builder. Now it’s our turn to get to know these structures in more detail.

Series of partitions (according to KNAUF classification)

The company’s specialists classify all frame-sheathing partitions into several standard types:

Horizontal sectional view Construction type
C 111 – frame made of steel profile, covered with 1 layer of plasterboard sheets.
C 112 – steel frame lined with gypsum board sheets in 2 layers.
C 113 - a “single” frame made of steel profile covered with a three-layer gypsum plasterboard covering.
C 115 – KNAUF partitions of this series have double metal carcass and 2 layers of sheathing made of gypsum plasterboard sheets.
C 116 – double steel frame with space for communications. The structure is covered with 2 layers of plasterboard on each side.
C 118 – “Intrusion protection”. The frame is made of steel profile and sheathed with gypsum board in 3 layers. Galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick is laid between the sheets.
C 121 – partition frame made of wooden beam covered with 1 layer of gypsum board.
C 122 – wooden frame with a two-layer gypsum plasterboard coating.

For the external coating of frame structures, the KNAUF company produces a durable high-tech gypsum-based material that does not contain toxic substances, is absolutely non-flammable and has excellent performance properties. Drywall is produced in the form of KNAUF sheets (GKL) - rectangular elements consisting of a reinforced gypsum “core” covered with cardboard that has undergone special treatment.

Depending on the area of ​​application, these sheets have different properties and are divided into types:

  • GKL - used in rooms with normal humidity.
  • GKLO - has increased fire resistance. The material is used for covering profile partitions installed in fire hazardous areas.
  • GKLV – moisture resistant material. Its cardboard covering is impregnated with a special composition.
  • GKLVO - combines the properties of moisture and fire resistance.

Except this KNAUF classifications The sheets differ in the type of side edge. All features of the material are indicated by markings that are applied to each sheet.

Features of the partition frame

Next constituent elements frame-sheathing structures of the KNAUF system are metal profiles– strips of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5–0.8 mm. These products add strength to the frame, but do not add to its overall weight. Let's consider what kind of profile is needed for a plasterboard partition, which will be made using the KNAUF system:

Tools and fasteners

The design features of KNAUF systems require strict compliance with all manufacturer’s recommendations regarding their installation. The company’s specialists pay great attention to the characteristics and quality of the fastening material used during assembly. frame partitions their drywall.

To connect the profiles to each other, it is recommended to use screws (self-tapping screws) for metal LN 9 and LB 9 (piercing and drilling). To fasten Knauf sheets, self-tapping screws of the TN and TB type with a length of 2.5–4 mm are used. The guide profile is attached to the ceilings with simple or anchor dowels measuring 4, 6, 8 or 12 mm.

1 - LN screw; 2 - LB screw; 3 - TN screw; 4 - TB screw

The design of a partition made of plasterboard from the KNAUF system is very simple, and for its installation all you need is simple tool, which is included in any “home” set:

  1. Tape measure, level, plumb line - for marking.
  2. Perforator - holes for dowels securing the guide profile.
  3. Screwdriver – installation of the frame and fastening of the casing.
  4. Metal scissors – cutting profiles to size.
  5. Construction knife - cutting drywall.

Installation stages

KNAUF specialists have developed step-by-step technology installation of plasterboard systems, implying a strict sequence of all work. So let's consider brief instructions for installation of plasterboard partitions:

  • Marking. We mark with a dye cord straight line on the floor, and then, using a plumb line or laser level, transfer this mark to adjacent walls and ceiling.
  • Installation of a partition frame from a profile. We attach the PN profile to the floor and ceiling using dowels (every 80–100 cm). It must be secured to the ceilings by laying sealing material. In the PN we install and fasten the rack profile. The maximum distance between posts should not exceed 600 mm.
  • Equipment installation. IN frame structure we install embedded elements (supports for cabinets, shelves, lamps, etc.). We install electrical wiring and all necessary communications.
  • Frame cladding. We mount sheets on one side of the frame for the plasterboard partition, securing them with self-tapping screws every 250 mm.
  • Laying sound insulation. We lay soundproofing material between the racks (as tightly as possible).
  • Full lining. We attach the gypsum board to the remaining side of the frame. If the type of partition provides for multi-layer coating, each layer of sheets must be installed, shifting it by 600 mm from the previous one.
  • Finishing. Having finished covering the frame, you need to putty the seams between the sheets and the heads of the fastening screws. Drywall must be primed for final decorative finishing.

This short review plasterboard systems developed by renowned German company KNAUF is a kind of instruction that must be followed when installing partitions. Additional questions that arise during your work will be carefully considered by our experienced specialists. Rest assured, we will give you an answer that will provide a “pleasant” result in such a difficult task as home renovation.

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