Is drywall moisture resistant or not, does it make a difference? How and where to use moisture-resistant drywall? Technical characteristics of moisture-resistant plasterboard

Gkl is one of the most universal materials For interior decoration in residential and non-residential premises. It is used for cladding walls, erecting partitions, creating complex elements And multi-level ceilings. But the standard sheet has a drawback - destruction when exposed to large amounts of moisture. Therefore, for bathrooms and wall cladding around window openings moisture-resistant plasterboard is used. It is somewhat different in its structure and composition from regular gypsum board and is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity.

Technical characteristics of GKLV

Waterproof drywall consists of a gypsum core with hydrophobic additives and two layers of treated cardboard special compounds. These components perform the functions of protection against moisture and fungus formation and may differ in their formulation depending on the manufacturer.

For maximum effect It is recommended to use moisture-resistant plasterboard only in well-ventilated and ventilated areas. In addition, you should pay attention to the labeling. Sheets are divided into two groups depending on the number of surface defects (A or B). It is known that the smoother the surface, the better the surface layer (putty) will adhere to it. Hence, similar design(type A) will be more durable, although less affordable.

What is the visual difference between moisture-resistant drywall and regular drywall? First of all, by color. The majority of manufacturers (for example, Knauf) offer green or light green leaf, but sometimes pink-tinged material is also found.

There are two types of moisture-resistant sheet:

  • GKLV (moisture resistant);
  • gklvo (moisture-resistant and fire-resistant).

The dimensions of moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets are always standard: from 600x2000 mm to 1200x4000 mm. The first number corresponds to the width of the sheet, and the second to the length. The pitch is usually 50 mm.

In addition, gypsum boards may vary in thickness. The range of values ​​is from 6.5 to 24 mm. Its choice always depends on the operating conditions and purpose. For example, for the construction of walls in apartments they take a sheet with a thickness of at least 12.5 mm, but for creating arches and figures it is suitable waterproof drywall with a transverse size from 6.5 to 12.5 mm.

In addition, a high-quality sheet always has markings. It includes a number the most important characteristics, such as:

  • leaf type;
  • group(type);
  • type of edge (straight, thinned, semi-circular, semi-circular and thinned, rounded);
  • dimensions;
  • reference to standard.

Features of use

Before you redecorate your bathroom, you need to remember one fact: even the most quality material does not have moisture resistance above 80-85%. Therefore, treating with moisture-resistant paint or laying tiles on the surface of the sheet will not be superfluous.

Otherwise, drywall has undeniable advantages over other materials. It is safe for health, easy to install, affordable, does not require special care and makes it possible to implement any design solutions. For example, using moisture-resistant plasterboard of small thickness, you can decorate the bathroom with an interesting designer ceiling with elements marine theme(in waves).

In addition to moisture-resistant and fire-resistant sheets, builders often use gypsum fiber sheets. In terms of its characteristics, it surpasses standard materials due to its special structure. Gypsum fiber can also be moisture resistant, while it has high mechanical strength and thermal insulation, and does not crumble when cut. Therefore, it is advisable to level the walls using gvl, but to create figured elements and arches the best option will become gkl.

The process of installing moisture-resistant drywall

The process of installing waterproof drywall is practically no different from installing a gypsum board sheet of the same size. Here you also need to install metal carcass from guides and rack profiles. To do this you will need a certain set of tools and components. Self-tapping screws, dowels, profiles, tools for marking and drilling holes - all this should be purchased. In addition, you need plasterboard sheets, which will cost a little more than standard plasterboards.

There are several nuances of installation in a damp room:

  • normal ventilation must be ensured during all work;
  • step between metal parts the grating should be smaller than usual;
  • Only aluminum can be used as a frame; wood will have to be abandoned;
  • seams must be carefully sealed.

Many novice builders cannot find the answer to which side to mount moisture-resistant drywall. And the answer is simple: it all depends on the location of the groove, which appears when the end is positioned at a certain angle. The color of the sheet doesn't matter here.

For installation, you need self-tapping screws, which are attached at a distance of about 20 cm. It is necessary to leave gaps small size between the joints of moisture-resistant drywall. This will ensure high-quality processing putty the entire surface. The putty is repeated again after priming. Then you can begin finishing with special waterproof materials.

That's it, the process of installing waterproof drywall is over. It is not as complicated as it seems, but it has a number of nuances and requires a lot of patience. After all, any humid environment reduces the service life of the quality repairs. That's why it's so important to ensure good forced ventilation and take the little things seriously.

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Moisture-resistant drywall: 15 frequently asked questions

In this article I want to talk about the most popular building material, which is rarely necessary for rough finishing or remodeling of an apartment - moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet. Dear reader, you will have to find out how it differs from regular gypsum board, how it is installed and how it is processed for final finishing.

So let's get started.

Our hero is moisture-resistant gypsum board.

First meeting


  1. So, GKLV - what is it??

Decoding GKLV literally means “ G ipso TO arton L ist IN Lagos-resistant." As you can easily guess from the name, the material is intended for finishing rooms with high level humidity - kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and showers.

  1. How does GKLV plasterboard differ from regular plasterboard??

There are several differences:

  • Additives are added to the gypsum dough to reduce hygroscopicity (the ability of the material to absorb moisture);
  • Among the functional additives there are also antiseptics that prevent the development of fungus and mold;
  • Moisture-resistant kraft paper is used as a covering;
  • The price of the sheet is 25 - 30% higher (as of September 2016, the approximate price ratio is 300 rubles per sheet of regular plasterboard versus 400 for moisture resistant material);
  • Finally, moisture resistant sheets differ from ordinary ones in color: they are produced blue-green, sea green.

Curious: fire-resistant plasterboard, which differs from ordinary plasterboard in its ability long time Resist open fire, marked with red kraft paper.

  1. How well does waterproof drywall withstand moisture??

It is resistant precisely to the high content of water vapor in the atmosphere. Prolonged direct contact with water will lead to damage to the sheet (although this will take noticeable longer time than in the case of conventional gypsum board). Store material under open air It's also not possible.

  1. What should be the storage conditions for moisture-resistant drywall??

The sheets are stored in a stack on a flat horizontal surface in a room with constant humidity. It is strictly forbidden to store any type of plasterboard in a vertical position: over time, it deforms under its own weight and retains deformation for a long time.

  1. How does a moisture-resistant gypsum fiber sheet differ from plasterboard??

It’s easier to say how they are similar: the presence of hygroscopicity-reducing and antifungal additives in the gypsum dough. Otherwise, these are completely different materials:

  • Moisture-resistant gypsum fiber board is a homogeneous material without an outer shell, reinforced with fluff cellulose;
  • A moisture-resistant gypsum board is a gypsum core with fillers and modifying additives, covered on both sides with kraft paper (construction cardboard).
  1. What other types of drywall are available on sale??

There are only four of them:

  • Regular (gypsum plasterboard);
  • Moisture resistant (GKLV);
  • Already mentioned fire-resistant (GKLO);
  • Fire and moisture resistant drywall (GKLVO).

Normative documents

  1. By what standard is moisture-resistant plasterboard produced??

The main document regulating its production in Russian Federation— GOST 6266-97. For the convenience of the reader, I will present here the key requirements of the standard.

Factory sheet edges can be:

  • Straight;

The photo shows material with straight (rectangular) edges.

  • Rounded;
  • Semicircular (rounding is only on the front side);
  • Thinner (the thickness of the sheet towards the edge decreases by 0.8 - 2 millimeters, which makes it possible to hide the tape reinforcing the seam with putty);
  • Refined with a curve on the front side.

Reference: most of the gypsum boards sold have PLUK type edges. They allow you to fill the seam between the factory edges with putty and, as I mentioned above, to mask the reinforcement.

The size of drywall can take the following values:

Reference: the most common size is 2500x1200x 12 5 mm. The thickness of moisture-resistant plasterboard of 12.5 millimeters provides strength sufficient for installation on a partition in one layer, with a quite acceptable sheet weight of 30 kg.

The sheet must have rectangular shape. The maximum deviation is 3 mm for material of group A and 8 mm for sheets of group B.

In addition to smaller tolerances, group A is distinguished by more stringent requirements for the appearance of the sheet. It should not have visible damage to corners and edges. For comparison, a sheet of group B may have the following defects:

Note: defects of this size can be easily removed by puttying and do not have any effect on the quality of the finish.

The adhesion of the cardboard to the gypsum core must be stronger than the adhesion between the layers of cardboard. In other words, any coating (wallpaper, tiles, etc.) glued to the surface of the plasterboard must be removed from top layer kraft paper.

Very important technical characteristics of gypsum boards are the bending strength values ​​of sheets of different thicknesses. The breaking load applied across the sheet over a span of 350 millimeters must not be less than the following values:


  1. Is it possible to use drywall as a base for tiles??

Yes. Any tile adhesives on cement based They stick on it perfectly.

  1. From what finishing You can use GKLV in the bathroom or toilet?

The coating must prevent prolonged direct contact of the material with water. Here are some examples of such finishing:

  • Tile. In this case, it is worth paying serious attention to the grouting: it must be impermeable to water;
  • Thick vinyl wallpaper. In the bathroom they are glued not with ordinary wallpaper glue, but with PVA, which is more resistant to dampness. To reduce glue consumption, it can be diluted with water;
  • Waterproofing "rubber". It is a fully washable coating that is resistant to moderately strong mechanical stress, dry and wet wear.

When decorating the bathroom in my attic, I settled on a combination of a tiled splashback over the bathtub and painting the walls and ceiling with rubber paint. Three years of operation of the bathroom have shown the viability of this solution: appearance the walls have not changed at all; There are no signs of wear or other defects.

Curious: I glued the apron tiles not with cement tile adhesive, but with a spot-applied one silicone sealant. It was also used as grout for joints. No leaks were found, the tiles are holding up great.

Tiled splashback over the bathtub and rubber-painted ceiling.

  1. Is it permissible to use regular drywall for bathroom?

Permissible if two conditions are met:

  • Premises are provided efficient ventilation, keeping air humidity within 80-90% even when taking a shower;
  • The finished finish is absolutely impermeable to water. I considered options for such finishing a couple of paragraphs above.
  1. What thickness of sheet to use for suspended ceiling— 12.5 or 10 mm?

If the ceiling does not experience mechanical stress from the word “at all”, you can safely buy ceiling gypsum plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 mm and even arched gypsum plasterboard (6.5 mm). The lighter the skin, the less load the frame will experience during operation. In my case, however, I preferred a sheet with a thickness of 12.5 mm: the sloping ceiling of a bathroom in the attic is easy to hit, and it is better that there are no holes left in it that were not provided for by the design.

  1. How to cut gypsum boards?

Just like regular drywall. Curvilinear parts are best cut with a jigsaw with a wood saw or a regular hacksaw; this work involves big amount dust covering all surfaces in the room.

Attention, comrades: gypsum dust is destructive for active cooling systems of computer equipment (CPU, video cards and power supplies). When I was a computer service worker, I was often faced with their refusal after repairs in the apartment. Plaster clogs the bearing bushings and stops it; Moreover, it acts as an abrasive, leading to accelerated wear of open bearings.

KGLV cannot be sawed along straight lines, but breaks after cutting with a knife to a quarter of the thickness. To break off a sheet evenly, you need to place it on the edge of a table or any other elevation and press on the hanging edge. After the gypsum board breaks off, you just need to cut the cardboard from the back side with a knife.

  1. Is it possible to use a moisture-resistant sheet to level the floor??

Yes, gypsum plasterboard is one of the materials used to construct dry screeds. Expanded clay screenings are poured on top of the ceiling and leveled according to the beacon rule; then two layers of plasterboard are laid on it with a mandatory overlap of the edges between the layers of at least 50 mm. Top sheets sit on PVA glue and are attached to the bottom with 25 mm long drywall screws.

  1. What kind of frame is needed when arranging a partition with your own hands??

In wet areas It is better to use not a block, but a galvanized profile for gypsum boards. CW rack profiles are used as racks; UW guide profiles are hemmed along the perimeter to the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls with self-tapping screws and plastic dowels. The minimum thickness of the partition is 50 mm, however, with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters and above, I strongly advise you to buy a more rigid profile with a thickness of 75 - 100 mm.

The step between adjacent posts is 40 - 60 cm. The distance is measured not from edge to edge of the profile, but between them longitudinal axes. The edges of adjacent sheets must be attached to a common profile.

Partition frame for gypsum board cladding. The distance between the posts is 40 centimeters.

It is better to select the length of the sheet such that it covers the height of the partition with a minimum margin. If you have to cut additional gypsum board sheets, a transverse profile is mounted at the junction with them, to which both sheets are again attached.

The seams are reinforced with serpyanka (self-adhesive fiberglass mesh) and puttyed directly through it with gypsum putty; The heads of the self-tapping screws are also hidden using putty.

I was pleasantly impressed by Eurogips and ABS Saten putties, but I liked Fugenfüller from Knauf, which is very popular in Russia, much less: it is inferior to its competitors in its tendency to form lumps and has a shorter lifespan of the mixed mixture.

  1. Is it possible to install gypsum boards on walls without a frame??

Yes, just like any other drywall. For this purpose it is used gypsum glue(for example, Perlfix from Knauf); successfully replaces it gypsum putty or plaster. The wall must first be cleaned of dust and treated with penetrating primer.

The glue is applied to the wall or drywall in separate patches; a continuous bead of glue is needed only at the level of the baseboard: this greatly simplifies attaching the latter to the wall.

By the way: this same technique is convenient to use when finishing door and window slopes. GKLV strips are pressed on top of the putty spread on the wall and leveled with light blows of the palm while controlling the position along construction level or a plumb line.

Production technologies building materials are constantly being improved. Manufacturers try to take into account all market needs, external and internal lining are acquiring more and more useful technical characteristics.

GCR has been used in interior decoration for no more than fifteen years, and companies annually offer us improved versions of this universal type finishing of premises. How does moisture-resistant drywall differ from conventional plasterboard, and what new properties and characteristics has it acquired?

Bathroom tiling


Cut of gypsum plasterboard, resistant to moisture

The difference between moisture-resistant drywall and conventional plasterboard lies in the production technology and technical characteristics.

The production process consists of forming a flat continuous strip 1200 millimeters wide and different sections. Plasterboard moisture-resistant sheets consist of two outer layers of cardboard with a core made of gypsum dough with reinforcing additives.

Moisture resistance of gypsum boards is achieved by treating the outer layer with special water-repellent and antifungal compounds. The composition of the water-repellent mixture is the know-how of each manufacturer and is therefore not disclosed.

Important. Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet is used for finishing rooms with high humidity, which are provided with constant exhaust ventilation. The manufacturer guarantees moisture resistance when protecting the surface with waterproof primers or moisture-resistant polyvinyl chloride coatings.

Related articles:

  • Drywall Volma
  • Dimensions of moisture-resistant drywall
  • Waterproof drywall

Material markings and dimensions

This type of cladding allows you to create a wide variety of geometric designs

Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets, according to the number of permissible defects per certain length, are divided according to GOST 6266-97 into two groups - “A” and “B”. Of course, it is better to purchase gypsum boards of group “A”, this cladding is different best quality, but at a slightly higher price.

Many buyers ask the question - how to distinguish moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard from regular one? Of course, you need to study the technical documentation. But you can also determine by coloring which gypsum board is resistant to moisture.

Moisture-resistant wall plasterboard is always painted green or light green; some manufacturers offer plasterboard painted in pink color. It depends on the manufacturer.

Moisture resistant plasterboard sheets are marked with the following abbreviations:

  • GKLV– a moisture-resistant finishing option used in rooms with high air humidity provided by an exhaust ventilation system;
  • GKLVOfinishing material, resistant to high humidity, with increased resistance to open flame.

Sheet sizes depend on the surface being coated

Facing gypsum board is available in the following standard sizes:

  • Length from 2000 mm to 4000 mm in increments of 50 millimeters;
  • Width – 600 and 1200 millimeters;
  • The thickness of moisture-resistant gypsum board depends on the manufacturer and may have following sizes- 6.5 - 8.0 - 12.5 - 14.0 - 16.0 - 18.0 - 29.0 - 24.0 millimeters. It is worth noting that optimal thickness GKL for finishing residential premises - from 12 mm and above;
  • Also, in agreement with the customer, the manufacturer can form the cladding the right size, for example, small-format drywall. This type of gypsum board is very often used for finishing small bathrooms and bathrooms.

Facing tiles on a gypsum plasterboard box

Important. Before purchasing finishing materials, you need to calculate in advance the consumption of finishing and the dimensions of the surfaces to be coated. This will help reduce the cost of repairs.

After all, installation of moisture-resistant drywall is carried out on surfaces of different sizes. Therefore, it is advisable to calculate in advance required amount sheets different sizes so that there is less waste.

For example, the Leroy Merlin supermarket offers a wide selection of finishing materials of all sizes, so you can always choose the ones you need.

GKL edge type

Options for gypsum board edges

The quality and beauty of the cladding largely depends on what type of edge was chosen. This is especially important if the repair is done by yourself, without the involvement of professionals. Although the price of some cladding options with a longitudinal edge convenient for installation is slightly higher, this makes installation much easier.

Based on the type of longitudinal edge, gypsum boards are divided into the following types:

  • PC – straight edge. GKL is intended for dry installation, without sealing joints;
  • UK – thinned edge. The installation instructions provide for puttying the joints using reinforcing tape. For example, the Volma company offers high-quality finishing materials with this type of edge at a very competitive price;
  • PLC – Semicircular edge surface on the face of the sheet. Allows you to putty joints without using reinforcing tape;
  • PLUK - A semicircular edge thinned on the front side, which allows you to putty joints, both with and without the use of reinforcing tape;
  • ZK - a rounded edge surface, involves installation of cladding followed by starting and finishing plaster.

Important. Since the end edges are rectangular in shape, when joining seams they must be chamfered to 1/3 of the sheet thickness.

Properties and installation features of moisture-resistant plasterboard

Bathroom tiled with moisture-resistant plasterboard

Since the use of moisture-resistant plasterboard most often takes place in bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens, it has the following properties:

  • Environmental safety. The manufacturer must indicate in technical documentation that no chemical components harmful to human health were used in the production process;
  • Manufacturers are constantly improving production technologies and introducing know-how, solving the problem of how to make drywall one hundred percent moisture resistant. But so far, unfortunately, the moisture resistance of this type of finish does not exceed eighty-five percent;

Kitchen tiling

Important. Even trusting verified large manufacturers It is advisable to additionally treat the cladding with water-repellent paint or a special waterproof plaster mixture.

Is it possible to glue tiles to this type of finish? Of course yes. This will additionally protect the cladding from dampness and mold.

  • Has high strength and wear resistance;
  • The cladding is easy to install and can easily be done by hand;
  • The material makes it possible to create structures of various shapes;
  • The smooth surface allows you to decorate the finish with a variety of finishing materials;
  • Increases heat and sound insulation in the room;
  • Since this finishing material is able to “breathe,” this creates a favorable microclimate in the living space.

On our website you can see photo and video materials on the design of bathrooms, restrooms and kitchens using moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard, made in different stylistic decisions. We hope that viewing will help you make the right choice.

Drywall is a durable and easy-to-use material that can also be used in wet areas. What features does moisture-resistant drywall have?

Technical characteristics of moisture-resistant plasterboard

A standard plasterboard sheet consists of three layers - a layer of gypsum is located in the core, and sheets of durable cardboard cover it on top and bottom.

Gypsum is a material prone to crumbling, so cardboard protects it from mechanical destruction. Are looking for

green color

It is not difficult to distinguish the moisture-resistant version of plasterboard boards - according to the accepted standard, they are made in green color, so that there is less chance of confusion. However, both of these materials have low resistance to moisture. Therefore, for a long time, gypsum board was used only in rooms with normal humidity. With its help they performed internal partitions

All this really applies to regular drywall. But on the construction market there is also a moisture-resistant variety, also called GKLV. In its structure, this material is almost identical to the standard one - however, both the gypsum layer and two cardboard sheets are treated with special moisture-resistant impregnations that improve performance characteristics GKL.

What are the technical characteristics of moisture-resistant plasterboard?

  • Material resistance high humidity 90% higher than conventional drywall.
  • Sheet thickness can range from 6.5 millimeters to 24 millimeters.
  • A standard sheet of moisture-resistant plasterboard in length and width ranges from 600 by 2000 millimeters to 1200 by 4000 millimeters.
  • Moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard is also quite resistant to fire - such drywall belongs to group G1, ignites slowly, does not produce a large amount of smoke and emits few toxic substances.
  • The material is suitable for both dry and wet cleaning.

It is very easy to distinguish a moisture-resistant type of gypsum plasterboard from a regular one. Firstly, there is always appropriate marking on the packaging, explaining in what conditions the gypsum board sheet can be used. And secondly, moisture-resistant material almost always has green or light green color surfaces - whereas ordinary drywall is done in gray.

Where can GKLV be used?

What is the main advantage of moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet? Of course, the scope of its application is expanding significantly. This material can be used for almost any purpose - without regard to the level of humidity in the room.

GKLV is used to carry out ordinary work- making walls and partitions, creating multi-level ceilings. Thanks to him they are expanding design possibilities

for the kitchen - here you can also make a ceiling with height differences, without fear that the main material will become unusable from damp fumes. And of course, Moisture-resistant plasterboard remains especially in demand in bathrooms. Ceilings are made from it, walls are sheathed with it, gypsum board is used in small jobs

- for example, when creating a closed niche under the bathroom. GKLV's resistance to water makes it a durable and inexpensive option. But of course, we must not forget about one thing important point

. Even moisture-resistant drywall cannot show the same resistance to water as, say, tile. In direct contact with moisture, it will still deteriorate - albeit very slowly. good condition, it must be additionally protected from moisture. For example, drywall can be painted with moisture-resistant paint, closed vinyl wallpaper or plastic panels. You should also ventilate the kitchen and bathroom more often and monitor quality work exhaust system.

Drywall Knauf - brand features

There are many brands on the construction market that produce moisture-resistant drywall. The production technology is always approximately the same - but of course, gypsum board sheets from different manufacturers may vary in quality. Practical resistance to moisture depends on many aspects - on the quality of raw materials, on compliance with all rules during manufacturing, on the moisture-resistant impregnations used.

The greatest demand in Russia is for GKLV from German company Knauf. KNAUF plasterboard has some features that set it apart from its competitors.

  • The material retains all its properties at humidity levels up to 90%.
  • The gypsum core and cardboard layers are treated with high-quality hydrophobic impregnations.
  • Drywall is resistant to mechanical stress - there is no fear of damaging it with an accidental blow.
  • GKLV easily tolerates accidental direct exposure to moisture.
  • Knauf products are environmentally friendly clean materials, in the production of which no toxic chemicals are used. In particular, natural starch plays the role of a binding composition here.
  • Moisture resistant material from German manufacturer has good fire-resistant properties. Such drywall does not burn at all, but only chars when exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

The Knauf company produces plasterboard sheets of all common dimensions, so for any purpose you can find among the product line suitable material. If necessary, Knauf can be easily processed and brought to the desired size.

Knauf is a quality proven over the years. It is also worth noting that the German company produces many other building materials that combine perfectly with each other. Thus, if during repairs you use, for example, adhesives from Knauf, it would be wise to choose drywall from this brand - there is no doubt that when working, the two materials will fit together and will not complicate the repair.

Cost of moisture-resistant drywall

How much does moisture-resistant drywall cost? Its price is quite low - about 200 - 250 rubles per sheet.

Of course, when carrying out repairs, quite a lot of material will be required. To understand exactly how much it will cost to buy drywall, you need to measure the dimensions of the room and calculate how many sheets will be needed for the job. Also keep in mind that some amount of material will inevitably be damaged - even experienced repairmen make mistakes. As a rule, it is customary to buy materials with a reserve of approximately 10 - 15% - this way you get a guarantee that even with a significant amount of defective drywall there will be enough for all the planned work.

IN modern construction used a large number of various materials, and drywall has a special place on the list. It is used in finishing works and creating partitions.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to moisture-resistant plasterboard. This option is quite often used in repair work, which is due to its high performance qualities.

Features of the material

To understand the question - how does the moisture-resistant version differ from the usual one - you first need to familiarize yourself with the features of the material. This look has found its way wide use in finishing works, and is used for rooms with high levels of humidity.

Ordinary drywall is no less popular option, and on top of that, it has a low cost. But the material is used only in those rooms where there is a normal microclimate.

As for moisture-resistant drywall, it is somewhat superior to the conventional version in terms of technical characteristics. Here are some features of this material:

  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • is resistant to external influences;
  • Special additives are used to prevent the appearance of mold and mildew.

To create moisture-resistant drywall, reinforcing substances are used, and the layers are processed protective equipment. This manufacturing technology allows us to obtain high-quality and durable material.

In size, moisture-resistant drywall is no different from normal looking. In the manufacture of the material, established standards are used, from which manufacturers try not to deviate.

Differences between moisture-resistant drywall

Moisture-resistant drywall is somewhat different from the usual version. The difference lies not only in characteristics, but also in appearance.

So, to the main ones distinctive features relate:

  • moisture-resistant material has a gray or greenish tint (some manufacturers produce pink sheets);
  • the surface of the drywall is treated with special water-repellent agents;
  • high resistance to moisture.

Also, the difference lies in the manufacturing technology. The basis of a regular sheet is gypsum, which is pasted over with cardboard.

The moisture-resistant material has additives, which increases its performance properties. The base contains hydrophobic substances. And they make moisture-resistant drywall like this:

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