Pistachio gray color. With white and bright light green color

Interest recent years to composite colors led to the appearance of attractive and non-standard options registration

appeared quite a long time ago, but became a fashion trend a few years ago. Since then, it has continued to be one of the most popular shades. What colors does pistachio look good with, what are its features and advantages?

Pistachio color: characteristics and nuances

  • This color accepts most known shades as companions. Some combinations are more successful, some less so, but in order to spoil the pistachio interior, you need to try very hard.
  • Many questions arise about how to get pistachio color in practice. The best option– go to a professional paint salon and get what you need by mixing the ingredients using the recommendations of the color matching program. If you have to work manually, then pistachio is obtained by mixing blue-green and yellow. If the color turns out to be too bright, it is softened with white. You can use ocher or terracotta instead of yellow, then the shade will be denser and darker. The approximate distribution of green and yellow components is 2 to 1.

Color combinations of pistachio color in the interior

Pistachio forms many pleasant combinations with different colors , each of them can become the basis for an original and stylish interior.

Pistachio and white: eternal spring

  • This combination can be classified as universal. It looks fresh, pleasant, and can be cute, charming, or energetic. Everything will depend on the shape of the furniture, the preferred style and the geometry of color combinations. Small spots, small ornaments and frequent alternations are appropriate in country, retro, and romantic interiors. They are frequent guests in bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • Large shapes, massive color spots, a minimum of furniture, geometric textile patterns and additional elements will create a dynamic, modern, no-frills interior. Large patterns or evenly colored elements are more appropriate here. This style is very typical for living rooms or kitchens in modern functional interiors.
  • The combination of pistachio and white is increasingly found in the interiors of bathrooms and even offices. The combination successfully copes with the role of a space expander, so even a miniature room in this color scheme it will seem larger, more spacious and brighter. The stability of the pistachio shade is also useful in small areas, regardless of the quality and quantity of lighting design.

Pistachio + brown

  • The implementation of this color composition is striking in its diversity. Gamma Brown is not limited to a chocolate or café au lait tone. There is room for numerous shades in it. natural wood, and warm tones that approach amber and caramel compete with ocher and terracotta.
  • With any shade of brown, pistachio will find mutual language. This combination creates warm interiors, which are attractive with their natural harmony. The combination of pistachio and natural wood colors is very popular for decoration. modern kitchens and canteens. A composition with the addition of thick chocolate tones will decorate the bedroom and living room.

  • A gentle and positive combination of pistachio and brown-yellow shades of caramel is popular in the design of children's rooms. Those who prefer to see current and modern interiors willingly add bright and rich accessories.
  • IN small rooms and indoors, a combination of pistachio and brown with the addition of beige stripes or geometric patterns, painting horizontal surfaces in soft cream colors. This combination not only looks stylish, but also helps to make the most of a small space.

Pistachio + gray

  • This combination is ideal for those who prefer respectable interiors in muted tones. The light gray shade reduces the intensity of the yellow pigment that is part of pistachio. Therefore, the overall tone of the interior turns out to be a little muted, as if covered with a gentle haze.
  • Using this property of gray, you can create different interior images in the selected range. Pearl gray in company with pistachio will look elegant and mysterious, and dark gray, thick graphite color will add contrast and depth.
  • Combinations of gray and pistachio are very popular in kitchens and living rooms; classic and emphatically laconic, modern interiors are especially successful in this range.

  • A successful and frequently used color combination is the composition of pistachio and warm orange shades. Everything is beautiful here: juicy orange notes, noble terracotta tone, intense peach shade and deep velvety orange-brick. In combination with pistachio, all shades of orange look pleasant and warm in summer. In this combination, pistachio looks brighter and juicier, because orange activates the yellow tone.
  • The interior of the kitchen and living room, dining room and children's room, decorated in this color scheme, will be cozy. In bedrooms, a combination of pistachio and beige-pink is more common, in which saturated orange accents in the form of textiles or accessories.

Fashionable pistachio interiors – photos

Which color ideas for pistachio color are relevant now, what do fashion trends tell us?

Pistachio + turquoise

  • By combining these two most popular colors, the designers got a fresh, original and original interior. Using different shades and by experimenting with color saturation you can create light and spacious interior, filled with air and freedom.

  • Pay attention to the contrasting brown accessories and the original shape of the chandelier. This is echoed by the painting on the wall, which is made not only in basic colors, but also supports the geometry of the main decorative visual accent.
  • By choosing thicker and denser tones, deepening them with rich accents, you can get a completely different mood for the interior.

  • Conciseness of the situation and clarity coloration softened by fantasy forms textile design. Accented quantity decorative elements looks touching and naive, creating a pleasant flair of retro style.
  • The secret to the success of this combination lies in the harmony between the cool notes that make up both component colors. These related roots allow pistachio and turquoise to form a harmonious pair.

Pistachio + purple

  • Pistachio and shades of purple allow you to create very unusual interiors that fascinate with coolness and understatement.

  • In such compositions, lilac shades and purple-berry accents find their place, which look brighter and sharper next to the quiet warmth of pistachio color.

  • Lovers of stylish and unusual interiors can add new accents in the form of dark polished surfaces to the unusual harmony of pistachio and lilac. Then the design will become multi-layered.

Pistachio + pink

  • This combination seems naive only at first glance. Depending on the chosen shade of pink, the interior combination can turn out to be passionate, daring or elegant.

  • The brighter the shade of pink is chosen, the more it requires attention, pushing pistachio into the background, where it looks quite organic, conscientiously setting the stage where the bright pink color plays out its performance.

  • Softened shades of pink and delicate pistachio are ideal for decorating a little lady’s nursery. Great combination, in which pistachio brings freshness and originality.

Pistachio color in the interior continues to be one of the most suitable colors for the design of most interiors, and more and more new combinations that he forms with the other participants color wheel, do not let the general public get bored with him.

For several years now, natural shades that evoke associations with fruits, plants or landscapes have occupied a stable position in design. This is explained by the ease of perception of natural varieties, which allow you to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the room. Among the entire palette, pistachio color is the most common color in the interior - mainly due to its ability to be combined with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

Features and effects on the psyche

The shell of the beloved nut served as the source of the pistachio color. It is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones that can be bright or pastel if diluted with white.

Surrounded by this shade, residents feel comfortable, cozy and safe. More subdued varieties create a calming environment, while rich ones charge with energy.

Designers value pistachio because of its versatile properties. The point is that it doesn't change from different types lighting - be it the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. Color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. The walls will enhance the perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that attracts attention.

Pistachio color fits perfectly into many styles, but with small reservations. For example, for Provence you need to limit yourself to only pastel variations in the form of individual objects. They look harmonious in the classics dark shades, and bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

Within the framework of a modern style, it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - as small inclusions. Rarely pistachio color is found in Scandinavian interior, tending towards white, as in high-tech high-tech. If desired, you can add it to the palette of the room, balancing it with neutral types.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Let's look at a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

The interior, in which these two colors dominate, has a calm, natural atmosphere, since universal white can softly set off even a rich variation of pistachio, letting even more light into the room.

You can often find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect a walnut shade, and the furniture is painted white. In the second, it’s the other way around, and this solution is more preferable for small spaces, as it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color scheme due to the richness of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral inclusions. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It can be a sea or pastel shade - pistachio will form a successful combination with any of them. The success of the “union” lies in the fact that one color belongs to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the composition of pistachio. As a result, even a few details with such colors will make the room sunny and very warm - perfect solution for houses whose windows face north, letting in little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio with brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or finishing material- wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which it is worth giving preference to warm ones. They go better with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used to decorate walls - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example, for upholstery. This is a great combination that suits the classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A memorable pair is formed by the natural pistachio color with the less natural pink. You can achieve an interesting effect by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any embodiment: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the kitchen interior

In such an environment, the process of cooking will turn into exciting activity, since pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space it is often found in the form of a wall tile covering- most universal material For working area, which is constantly exposed high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In the dining area, distant from the work area, you can choose pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper, since the conditions here are more stable. Washable wallpaper and other moisture-resistant varieties will do the job perfectly.

The shade is also used for furniture set, with white, black or wooden countertops. This solution is well suited for Provence, classic, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the living room interior

In a place intended for relaxation in the company of loved ones or good movie, color plays an important role in creating a suitable atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Especially suitable for such purposes pastel shades. In small-sized rooms, you can decorate only one part of the living room, for example, the central one - the one on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to go for a more laconic design, then pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the bedroom interior

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself only to pistachio-colored textiles. Works great with this bed sheets, highlighting the bed as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real salvation for those who find it difficult to wake up in the morning. Walls in this range will quickly put you in an active mood and lift your spirits. To balance the impact, you can weave in white, blue or beige details.

Pistachio color in the bathroom interior

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, since plumbing fixtures - the main element of the space - are often presented in a white, glossy version.

Special washable paints can survive indoors with high humidity, but it is better to give preference traditional tiles, which will not only withstand any load, but will also help diversify the monochromatic coating.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics, which alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making reference to natural landscapes.

A person’s mood and well-being are very closely related to his color environment. It's hard to convince yourself to relax in a room where the walls are decorated, for example, in burgundy or bright red tones. Pistachio color in the interior of a room is considered universal. It easily combines with many shades, does not tire, and gives any room special energy and freshness. It is loved equally by novice designers and masters of their craft.

Light green attracts the eye and creates a feeling of endless freshness in combination with white

Features of pistachio color

The use of this shade in interior design is not uncommon. Natural beauty- one of the main features of light green. He will become ideal option for rooms insufficiently illuminated by natural light. This tone will not lose its brightness even with artificial source Sveta.

Pistachio color in interior design does not entail an emotional burden. This color has few complementary shades, so it is very predictable. By gluing, for example, light green wallpaper, you won’t wonder whether it will hurt your eyes too much on a white background or whether it will take on a grassy tint with a black frame.

Natural color does not cause fatigue. This amazing light green tone is appropriate in any room, be it a living room, kitchen or children's room. The pistachio color of the walls goes well with both dark and light furniture. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to make it dominant. A touch of freshness can be added with pale green curtains or other accessories such as rugs or decorative pillows.

Neutral light green can become cheerful and flirty if combined, for example, with asymmetry in the room

Advice! An even pistachio color does not need additions such as stencils, drawings, or stickers. But curtains of this shade with a pattern printed on them will be excellent additional element premises.

Combination of pistachio with other colors

Even taking into account all the above advantages of this shade, a successful combination of colors with light green is a painstaking task. creative work, requiring certain knowledge. What shades does the color of pistachios harmonize well with?

  • White. This combination is considered very successful classic version. Combining warm green with white is especially important for small rooms.

A few accents in the Scandinavian interior: roller shutters on the windows and a pistachio-colored rug

  • Yellow. A positive and cheerful color, coupled with light green, increases the properties of the latter several times. Saturated yellow will require emphases. A pale yellow shade can be safely used as the dominant tone in the interior.

  • Beige.

It is considered the most unrivaled companion color to light green. This natural, relaxed, natural combination can satisfy the most demanding aesthetic needs.

  • The combination of “beige and pistachio” is self-sufficient, but it can also be a background for a riot of colors of various accessories Blue turquoise or blue with green is associated with marine theme
  • . The blue color will look good on a pistachio shade as accessories, and large ones at that. Orange

. Rich orange, peach and apricot shades look very vibrant and impressive against a light green background.

  • A cheerful combination of green as the dominant color and orange as the color of textiles and other accessories Pink

. This color will be an excellent complement to pistachio. Both shades look so noble that it’s impossible not to love this combination.

  • Feminine and cozy combination of green and pink Brown . With this combination, conflict will never arise. Delicate greenery on the walls is a plus

wooden furniture - what could be more natural than this combination. Depending on the room where it is used, pistachio color changes its overall mood: in

  • classic design in the living room it becomes the color of luxury Black. Great combination for

modern interiors

Combinations of pale green with dark green and blue will not be very successful. Pistachio will seem dirty and cloudy with a muted blue tint. But with the right combination of textures, patterns and materials, you can design a quite decent interior even with such unsuccessful combinations. It is important that these color inclusions are few.

Light green can be combined with several shades of green in one room at once. This luxurious combination can be emphasized favorably by gilding.

Advice! When decorating the interior, feel free to use natural materials. Pistachio color combines amazingly with wood, straw, stone, and bamboo.

A unique and very successful combination in the design of a colored kitchen: pistachio and emerald green tiles, the texture of which is emphasized by transparent furniture

The use of pistachio shades in various interior styles

This color is quite often found in the design of modern interior styles: hi-tech, minimalism, contemporary . This is due to his a successful combination with chrome elements, plastic and gloss.

The naturalness of green colors fits perfectly into the eco-style that is popular today. If you put emphasis on the pistachio shade, it will become a good option for pop art or eclectic style.

Tuscan style The interior design has Italian roots. They are used in large quantities here natural wood, all kinds Forged Products and green shades.

The French style of Provence is characterized by romanticism and lightness. An abundance of textiles and all kinds of wicker baskets, vases, even pieces of furniture will be an excellent complement to the pistachio color.

Creating warm green shades in the kitchen

First, let's determine how to use green in the kitchen interior - dominant or secondary. The light green tone of the walls in the kitchen will be a good combination with both dark and light furniture. Straw, stone, bamboo or wooden furniture frames will not clash at all with pistachio-colored walls.

Pistachio-colored furniture in the dining room, decorated with large plant scenes on the walls

TO kitchen furniture you can safely choose a salad shade wall coverings sea, wine, emerald or purple. Pistachio-colored kitchen in in this case will refresh the rich tone of the walls.

The versatility of pistachio shades allows you to create wonderful interiors in small and large spaces. large kitchens. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are tall or low ceilings in the room and what its geometry is.

Advice! To avoid the effect of general merging, do not decorate the entire kitchen area (furniture, facades, floors, walls) in one color. Moderation and mandatory dilution of the light green shade with harmonizing colors are necessary here.

Pistachio color in the interior living room design

The tone of pale greenery can be used to decorate the interior as accents, or you can make it the main one. Both options will be successful. In any case, pistachio color will bring a feeling of joy and freshness to the room.

The combination of pistachio and black creates a strict, but at the same time welcoming atmosphere, therefore it is very suitable for decoration, for example, office premises. White ceiling adds depth to the composition.

The color of light green visually expands the room. Therefore, its use is especially relevant in small living rooms. And for spacious premises this shade is ideal. Pistachio walls in a large and well-lit living room can be successfully combined with purple colors, for example, upholstered furniture. A white ceiling will highlight the brightness of the two shades.

Advice! There are many options for using pistachio color in the living room interior. It is important not to be afraid to try and experiment.

Children's room

The child should feel cozy and comfortable in the children's room. Therefore, a soft green, but not flashy shade will not have a negative impact on the child’s condition. There is always a place for pistachio color in the nursery. This could be wallpaper, ottomans, a small rug, a panel, a lampshade, decorative pillows.

The shocking interior created with the dominance of pistachio color will really appeal to collectors, for example. contemporary art and creative people

An adult child can, of course, independently choose the combination of shades he likes. In this case, your task is to suggest that for a girl the most successful combination of pistachio color with pink, crimson and burgundy shades, for a boy - with blue and brown.

Light-filled living room with stucco molding against the backdrop of pistachio walls

The understated luxury of a classically designed modern home: as they say in English-speaking countries, “classy”

Pastel colors in clothing are most often limited to light pink, beige, cream and light blue. However, there is a whole palette of shades that turned out to be underestimated for some reason - a palette of green shades. The most used of them is pistachio. How pistachio color is used in clothes, what colors it is combined with, who suits pistachio-colored clothes - you can learn about this and much more from this article.

Pistachio color has cool and warm shades, and its variations depend on the ratio of yellow and green. The more yellow a color has, the warmer it is; the more green, the cooler it is. A wide palette of pistachio shades appears in clothing, but the most popular are yellow-pistachio, light green-pistachio, dark pistachio, pistachio and light pistachio.

Most often, summer and autumn clothing collections are produced in this color, since pastel colors are directly associated with freshness and summer. It happens that winter clothing items are worn in this shade of green, but at this time of year it has a completely different function - pistachio sweaters, jumpers, cardigans, blouses and dresses look elegant and sophisticated, most often they are worn on holidays or on special occasions.

Who is pistachio suitable for?

Unfortunately, pistachio color has its own characteristics, and it does not suit everyone. Fortunately he has a large number of shades, among which you can choose the right one.

To find out which shade is right for you, you first need to understand whether warm or cool shades suit you. This can be understood by the color of the skin - owners of light or pale skin should pay attention to bright, rich, warm shades with a predominance of yellow. If your skin is dark or dark, try to stick to cool shades - they will highlight your skin tone.
Pistachio looks especially good on girls and women with blond, light brown and red hair, but brunettes can also try light green and yellow pistachio.

It is important to note that this shade of green is youthful, so it is often recommended to women who have problems with their age.

Combinations of pistachio color in clothes

As mentioned earlier, pistachio is ideal for creating romantic, summer looks. Already managed to form successful combinations this color with others for this style, and we will now get acquainted with them, so as not to wonder in the future: what color goes with pistachio in clothes?

  • Pistachio + white

This combination can already be considered a classic for summer. Most often it can be found in a look with a white top and trousers, shorts or skirts in pistachio shades. However, sets with a white bottom and top in light green shades look no less bright and harmonious. This combination looks bold and is especially suitable for young girls. You should also not avoid dresses made in white and pistachio tones.

  • Pistachio + beige

Often both of these colors in images are considered complementary to other, more saturated colors. However, they look harmonious in a duet and are ideal for a casual and formal look for spring. It is worth paying attention to beige sets with a skirt and jacket, complemented by a light pistachio blouse. Due to the wide palette of shades of both colors, you can create both calm and bright and daring images.

  • Pistachio + blue

This unexpected color combination is perfect for young girls who want to emphasize their individuality. Summer dresses or overalls look especially good in this range, but you can also often see sets of a skirt or shorts and a light top or blouse. Glass or made of glass also help to diversify such a bright image. epoxy resin decorations.

There are many other, less expected combinations. Their examples are presented in the photo:

The soft, pleasing color of pistachio or pistachio has become an absolute trend. It got its name in honor of slightly unripe fresh nuts. A warm spring shade is created by mixing yellow and blue-green paint. If ocher predominates or terracotta color, the shade becomes more dense.

Interesting! The closest neighbors of pistachio in terms of color palette are light green (predominantly yellow) and mint (predominantly rich green).

Pistachios have many shades: from light green to greenish-brown. These tones are loved by designers, they do not lend themselves to discoloration and are excellent companions, because they are combined with most tones.

Benefits of pistachio color:

  • Stable even when lighting changes, does not discolor and does not affect neighboring shades.
  • It's dynamic warm color, pleasing to the human eye. According to Feng Shui skill, it symbolizes growth and progress. There is no aggressiveness or excessive intrusiveness in him.
  • Versatile. Suitable for decoration different rooms. Pistachio would be appropriate in a living room or children’s room, as well as in the interior of a cafe or dance club.
  • Has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system. It is believed that in a room decorated in pistachio tones, productivity and a positive attitude remain longer.
  • Pistachio blossom is a peaceful neighbor. There will never be too much of it, it does not “eat up” other tones.

Advice! For rooms with insufficient lighting, choose light and bright shades of pistachio. For well-lit rooms, you can choose brown-green tones.

Interior styles

  • Minimalism. Pistachio adds lightness to the interior; it will be an excellent backdrop for minimalist furniture. Try to avoid very dark surfaces - they go worse with pistachio.

  • Mediterranean. This style is in favor bright colors. Yellow, orange, blue form a wonderful tandem with pistachio. The use of various prints is allowed, and good lighting will help highlight the advantages of the room.

  • Eco style. Pistachio - soft natural shade, which goes well with the same natural tones - yellow, brown, green and others. The main thing is not to overdo it with details. By the way, you can also experiment with textures: wicker items made of wicker, straw, and wood products will find their rightful place.

  • Classic. Here pistachio plays the role of an additional shade. In combination with light shades it will be able to visually expand the space, and with dark it will be able to correct shortcomings. Most often this color is used in textiles or an accent wall.

  • Provence. Pistachio will go well with soft pink, lilac, blue, and gray. Complete the interior floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture - and a piece of France will settle in your home.

  • High tech. Pistachio can go well with plastic and chrome elements. Most often it is used to decorate the kitchen - the facades of cabinets are made of pistachio. However, it is quite appropriate in the living room or bedroom.

Advice! The accentual use of pistachio color is acceptable for pop art, eclectic, and contemporary styles. This shade should account for no more than 20% of the total space.

3 types of interior design

  1. Classical. It complements the basic colors - black and white or brown and beige. The accentual use of pistachio must be duplicated in other things - textiles, decor or furniture. Can also be used simply for coloring. accent wall- with its help you can smooth out room defects and visually expand the boundaries.

  1. Bright colors. Pistachio will be an advantageous background for bright and catchy tones - orange, red, pink. True, for such an interior there is an unshakable rule: more than 3 bright colors Do not use, otherwise your eyes will get tired. Choose accent colors carefully; they should be in harmony with each other.

  1. Soft contrast. Pistachio with gray, brown, pale blue and other neutral shades will contrast, but not be conspicuous. You can use several shades: for example, light green and brown-green - they look completely different. If you want to enhance the contrast, play with textures; convex textures and intricate shapes cannot fail to attract attention.

Interesting! The interior is rarely done only in pistachio tones. It is difficult to maintain contrasts in these tones, and as a result the surfaces simply merge.

  • Wall surfaces. Use pistachio color for decoration only if the set is made in contrasting color. Green shades have a bad tendency to blend into each other, so try to play with contrasts.

  • Floor and ceiling. It is better to make them calm and neutral - white, beige, gray, ivory are quite suitable. Pistachio can be used accentually: for example, if you plan multi-level ceilings, small elements can be kept in greenish tones. Common usage warm shades And natural materials- bamboo, parquet, laminate, boards will look great! Ceramic tile used less often.

  • Furniture. Pistachio furniture will set the tone for the entire interior. Meanwhile, stick to general concept. Try to select materials according to the style: for high-tech glass and plastic are important, for classics - wood and forged elements. The background can be plain pastel or bright.

  • Accessories. If pistachio is used accentually, stylization is indispensable. Appliances fits into any style, but beautiful textiles or interior elements need to be duplicated. For example, choose curtains and sofa cushions of a similar shade or with a similar print.

Combination of pistachio color with others

Popular colors

Interior style

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