Eco-house of pyramidal shape. A pyramid in the house will definitely attract extraordinary success

About the wonders of energy fields Egyptian pyramids a lot has been written. It is known that they are powerful emitters of energy into external space. Experts associate this with general physical processes occurring in the Universe.

Astronomer Robert Beauved, examining the complex of pyramids at Giza, determined that they correspond to the location of the stars of Orion's Belt, and the pyramids of Dashur correspond to the constellation Hyades. It was also found that the internal shafts of the Cheops pyramid are aimed at the constellation Orion and at the very bright star constellation Draco - Alpha Draco. Russian astronomers N. Glazkova and V. Landa decided to study the location of the Martian pyramids of Cydonia from NASA photographs. Imagine their surprise when it was discovered that the pyramids of Mars were fixed by the stars of the Big Dipper and four stars of the constellation Draco. At the same time, the largest pyramid of Cydonia recorded the alpha Draco. It is known that the constellation Draco was central to ancient astronomers. From a comparison of such incredible coincidences, the conclusion suggests itself that the pyramids of Earth and Mars served as navigation and energy facilities for interplanetary communications.

But what's interesting is energy of pyramids has a very powerful internal structure, which in a special way affects both living and inanimate objects. Laboratory studies have shown that the growth of microorganisms inside the pyramids stops. Products placed in the pyramid retain their freshness for a long time, and some even acquire healing properties and improve taste. Plants located inside or next to the pyramid develop better and bloom more often.

Maybe this - great secret only the Egyptian pyramids? It turned out not. It's all about the form.

In a pyramid of any size, made of any material (metal, wood, cardboard, stone), to obtain a similar effect it is only important to maintain the geometric relationships. If the side of the square of the base is taken as one, then side rib should be 0.95 and the height should be 0.64 of one. Amazing things happen in such a structure. By placing a vessel with water inside the pyramid at a height of 1/3 from the base, after some time you can obtain healing antibacterial water, and the food in it is stored without refrigeration for a week. The seeds of plants lying inside become highly active. You can make a hut in the form of a pyramid and there you can part with your illnesses by spending time in it wellness sessions no more than 15 minutes a day.

One of the very valuable properties pyramid is its ability to cleanse the space around itself, absorb various harmful radiation, including electromagnetic and geopathogenic. Moreover, what is important here is not even the size of the structure, but, as already mentioned, the accuracy of proportions. Of course, the larger the pyramid, the stronger its cleansing effect. But even a hollow clay pyramid 10 cm high (a small 5-7 mm rock crystal crystal is placed inside) is capable of neutralizing geopathogenic radiation within a radius of up to 8 meters.

Even other objects, having lain in the pyramid for some time, like a battery, gain its energy and then themselves influence the space. Stones work best in this capacity.

Therefore, if you have a hollow pyramid at home, then place it in one room, after placing a small stone inside. Ideally - shungite (more about it in the next chapter), but any other is possible. Let it stay there for 3-4 weeks, then take it out and move it to another room. You just need to place this stone, focusing on the cardinal directions, just as it lay in the pyramid.

The place for the pyramid and stones must be chosen permanently (these magic items“they don’t like” frequent movements), away from reinforced concrete reinforcement that distorts the Earth’s magnetic field. Use a compass to navigate axial N-S on the base of the pyramid exactly along the north-south line.

Pyramids made from shungite stone are now considered the most effective. With their help, you can not only protect yourself and your home from harmful radiation, but also prepare special pyramidal water. In fact, it’s not even water anymore, but a biologically active solution that is used in medicine and cosmetology. But this can only be done under the supervision of a doctor - bioenergy therapist. But use for domestic purposes does not require such consultation. Wet cleaning with “living” water will make the house truly clean and healthy.

How to prepare pyramid water?

The method is quite simple and can be used at home.

This requires a small shungite pyramid measuring 40 x 40 - 50 x 50 mm. The material for making the pyramid must be homogeneous and free of harmful inclusions (for example, pyrite). The pyramid is placed on the bottom glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters, into which water that has been purified through a household mineral filter is poured. Then the jar of water is placed in the light and the water is infused for 48-72 hours. After this, the water becomes a biologically active liquid, superior in its strength to other types of water. It is ready for external and internal use.

His main task as an architect, the Japanese Makoto Tanijiri considers the accumulation of experience, the implementation fresh ideas and increasing the potential of architecture. “There is no fundamental difference in whether you have to build a doghouse or a skyscraper,” says Makoto with conviction. - Unfortunately, modern society, despite maturity and “advancement”, is not always ready to accept bold ideas. At the same time, everyone says that they “want something new.” Such a paradox - conservatism against the backdrop of a craving for novelty - can only be resolved by an architect who has the ability to convince the client."

The head of Suppose Design Office is used to implementing all plans. The concept of a pyramid house, or, as the author himself calls it, a “modern primitive house,” is the very case when the designer managed to convince the customer that he was right. A middle-aged couple with three children purchased a plot of former rice field with an area of ​​246 sq.m. in the city of Hiroshima. The clients had one wish: it was necessary to organize a common space in the house where the whole family could gather. It should be well lit by the sun and at the same time hidden from prying eyes. Makoto Tanijiri immediately remembered the primitive dwellings of our ancestors, the so-called pit-houses. The technology for their construction was extremely simple: people dug a hole about half their own height and erected a kind of hut over it, protecting it from precipitation. The resulting dugout was easily heated with the help of a fire, and the earthen walls acted as a kind of wind protection.

As a result, the builders dug a hole, and used the extracted earth to erect a rampart around the building, blocking the entire glazed lower level of the building from view of onlookers. The pyramid-shaped house has three floors in total. In the basement (area 50.4 sq. m) there is a kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a guest room, designed as a separate volume on which the staircase rests. On the ground floor (area 42.2 sq. m.) there is a master bedroom with bathroom and dressing room, as well as small balcony. The second floor (25.3 sq. m.) is given over to children - there they sleep and do homework. The nursery is illuminated during the day thanks to a skylight at the top of the pyramid. The frame of the house is made of steel structures, wood and glass were used as the main materials.

IN last years Mysterious pyramids were discovered in different parts of the world, indicating that not only the Egyptians created such masterpieces of architecture. Peru, Italy, Indonesia...and now Mexico. Although, no. The Mexican pyramid, which we will talk about today, is not at all ancient building, and it does not serve as the tomb of the pharaoh, but as an ordinary house. Although the definition “ordinary” is completely inappropriate here - we managed to design a very high-tech building Juan Carlos Ramos ( Juan Carlos Ramos).

If the Polish designer Claudiusz Golos managed to build, then one should not be surprised that Juan Carlos Ramos created a triangular structure. "Pyramid House"– this is what the author called his creation, the project of which was developed for one of the architecture competitions. The simple geometric shape attracted Juan Ramos with its ergonomics: despite the fact that similar layout simple and convenient, it is rarely used by modern builders. Although, due to its originality, it certainly attracts attention.

The main advantage of this house is the abundance of natural light, because the house has four huge windows located on the facade walls. One of the windows in the house is almost the entire wall, which visually lightens the structure and makes it almost weightless and airy. The interior of the house is thought out to the smallest detail: there are two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen on several floors. In your spare time, you can spend time in the library or recording studio. There is a swimming pool inside the building and a balcony. The architect thought through everything to the smallest detail, so one of the “compartments” of the triangle is allocated for a garage. Perhaps living in such a house is a pleasure!

Inspired by the experience of past millennia, architects continue to build pyramids around the world. Polyhedrons pointed towards the sky are sometimes still attributed amazing properties and hidden meaning. There are not many buildings in Belarus pyramidal shape. They may look rather strange, but they bring at least some variety to the often dull urban landscapes.

1. Tomb in Uzda

There are many ancient princely tombs scattered throughout Belarus. Some of them were built in the Egyptian manner - in the form of pyramids. The largest (height from three-story house!) preserved in the cemetery in the city of Uzda, Minsk region - the tomb of representatives of the ancient Belarusian family of Zawishas. The stone structure is over 200 years old and is still standing strong, despite the lack of any conservation.

The crypt in the lower part of the tomb was completely plundered, the niches where the coffins were walled up were emptied. The altar and all the interior decoration disappeared without a trace.

At the top of the pyramid there was a small secret room. According to rumors, secret services were held there and Masons gathered there.

2. Pyramid house in Nalibokskaya Pushcha

Majority Belarusian pyramids- these are either ancient ritual structures or modern “glasses”. But there are extremely few residential buildings in the shape of a pyramid. We found one of them 60 kilometers from Minsk, in Nalibokskaya Pushcha.

A two-story house, the roof of which is also its walls, was built on the territory of the Terraski agricultural estate.

- This regular pyramid measuring 10 by 10 meters. Half a meter high walls were placed at the base, and the roof was mounted on them,- they told us at the estate. - Why a pyramid? For us, this is not just architecture, but a symbol of harmony between man and nature, body and mind.

The pyramid in Terraski was created to conduct seminars and trainings related to spiritual development. On the first floor there is a spacious hall, and on the second there are three small rooms for rest and overnight.

- One day a group of yogis led by their guru came to us. These guys specifically searched all over Belarus for a pyramid. They sat in a circle and “shamanized.” The most interesting thing is that at that moment two cats climbed onto the roof of the house and did not want to come down for a long time.- says Olga, art manager of the estate. - According to my feelings, there is some kind of energy in the pyramid. I spent the night there several times, and every time I could not relax. I felt some kind of emotional upsurge.

3. Belarusian “Egypt”

Belarus has its own “Switzerland” (the vicinity of Logoisk), its own “Maldives” (chalk quarries near Volkovysk). Tireless travelers even found Belarusian “Scandinavia” in the Polesie outback. And in 2012, the Belarusian “Egypt” appeared on the banks of the Dvina - this is how the three pyramids next to the summer amphitheater in Vitebsk are sometimes jokingly called.

The largest pyramid made of glass and concrete reaches a height of 26 meters (almost like a nine-story building), the other two are 14 meters each. All of them are united into the largest shopping and entertainment complex in Vitebsk, “Marko City”. Its total area is almost the size of 8 football fields.

In the evenings, the pyramids are illuminated, and Vitebsk “Egypt” begins to resemble the National Library.

4. Greenhouse of the Botanical Garden

Among the Minsk polyhedrons, the main greenhouse of the Central botanical garden, made in the form of a glass octagonal pyramid. The building, opened in 2007, is topped with a transparent dome and reaches a height of 18 meters.

Inside there is year-round summer and blooming collections of exotic plants.

Not only botany lovers visit the greenhouse. Since its opening, it has become one of the popular places for wedding photo shoots.

5. Residential building near Brest

Another residential building in the form of a pyramid is located a 15-minute drive from Brest in the village of Cherni. It is easy to spot from a distance due to its high, pointed roof.

- We bought this house together with the neighboring one, and another person built it before us. He wanted to create an agricultural estate. At one time the “pyramid” was actually rented out to tourists, but now it is ordinary house, - the owner of the house Evgenia told us.

The walls of the first floor are straight, built according to classical technology. But the attic is made in the form of a triangle. The roof is lengthened due to massive overhangs reaching the ground - due to this, the house really looks like a pyramid.

“We didn’t notice any energy fields or any strange things.” A friend of ours has been living on the first floor of this house for two years. He doesn't complain about anything- said the hostess.

6. Gomel twins

About seven years ago, another regional center of Belarus, Gomel, acquired its own pyramids. Twin “glasses” stand opposite each other different sides the main city street Sovetskaya. And right below them there is an underground pedestrian crossing.

In one pyramid there is a mobile equipment store. In the second bye renovation is underway. A communication salon will open there soon.

7. Mysterious forest pyramid

In the Rogachevsky district, in the forest, not far from the Pridneprovsky sanatorium, there is a low concrete pyramid with a truncated top. Which architect erected it here, when and why is a mystery. Surely historians and local historians are scratching their heads over it. The structure does not look like a pedestal for a monument, much less like a tomb.

Fans of fortification suggested: the “sanatorium” pyramid is nothing more than a German anti-tank fortification, installed by the Nazis in 1943. Similar concrete blocks were buried in the ground to stop the advance of tanks. There are just some inconsistencies. The gouges were placed in dense rows, and there are no other such things in the vicinity of Pridneprovsky. And the dimensions of the pyramid are too large for an anti-tank hammer.

8. Pyramid at the Minsk City Hall

In 1901, on this very place, in the center Cathedral Square, the first sculptural monument appeared in Minsk. On a high pedestal, Tsar Alexander II, who abolished serfdom and brutally suppressed the popular uprising of 1863-1864. Soon after the events of 1917, the tsar was replaced by heroes of revolutionary everyday life. Then the square was decorated with a fountain with a statue of an athlete, after the Great Patriotic War- figured vases. Unfortunately, to this day these small architectural forms not preserved. Now in the center of the square there is a transparent “glass” in the form of a pyramid. Through it, light penetrates into one of the underground halls of the city hall rebuilt from scratch.

9. Pyramid near the Belarus department store

In those distant times, when the grass was greener, lush trees grew between the Belarus department store and Partizansky Avenue. In the early nineties, stall trade flourished here. The appearance of the square was changed by large-scale construction works related to the construction of the Partizanskaya metro station and underground shopping center. Later the area was improved paving slabs and lawns. And in the center a blue glass pyramid appeared. In addition to aesthetics, it also has functional purpose- misses sunlight into the underground passage.

In the history of architecture, the symbolic power of the pyramid has been exploited more than once. In the era of classicism, at the end of the 18th century, the use of the pyramid served as a semantic message for the great achievements of Rome and Roman Egypt. In the 19th century, pyramids captured the minds of Freemasons. In the twentieth century, the pyramid again became popular in architecture. The first to use it was the Chinese-born architect Bei Yuming Pei during the reconstruction of the Louvre in Paris. Now this pyramid is called: “Pyramid of the Louvre”. The meaning of this idea is clear and captivating, a contrasting clash of eras: the Baroque of the Louvre and “Egypt” in the form of a “crystal” pyramid, that is, the technology of new times. This is one of the first examples in high-tech architecture, that is, high-tech architecture.

What do we have today with the pyramids in Belarus? The pyramid, as a space-planning element, in my opinion, has no rational meaning. If we consider the pyramid as an extension of the roof of the house, then we need to compare the rationality of a vertical wall and an inclined wall. In this comparison, of course, vertical wall wins. Disappears under an oblique bevel effective area and it is impossible to go to the window. A kind of attic on the ground, with all the attendant costs. Sometimes abroad the sloping surface of the roof is increased to the ground for the purpose of installing solar panels so that the angle of inclination of the wall towards the sun is more favorable.

But in the presented Belarusian objects there is no functional need for a pyramid shape and there are no solar panels on an inclined surface. So, the symbolic meaning remains. But is it so convincing and is it relevant? It may be objected that this is an image of the building. But the symbol used as an image is dead. What then? Just a mindless imitation? A desire to try on the glory of architect Pei? Yes, most likely.

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In a picturesque location an hour and a half drive from Reykjavik, Iceland, there is an amazing pyramid-shaped house. Strictly speaking, the house does not consist of one pyramid, but of two at once, connected by a common hall. This amazing example modern architecture fits surprisingly well into the mountain landscapes of Iceland. Customer unusual project is represented by the international company airbnb, which specializes in real estate rental. And it’s not surprising - the pyramid house was created exactly as country cottage for relax.

In a small two-room building can comfortably accommodate one family, for large quantities it is not suitable for guests. But given the secluded location of the house, it will be appreciated precisely by those who most desire privacy in unusual place away from the city and bustling people. There is a small area near the house where you can have breakfast on outdoors at a small table, and then, without going into the house, go for a walk around the neighborhood. If someone doesn't like the bright sun, then... reverse side at home there is a larger area, which is better hidden from prying eyes and from the sun's rays.

Inside, the pyramid house is furnished as a completely ordinary modern home with a minimalist style with a Swedish touch. If it were not for the unusual vaults overhead, one could consider this house to be the most ordinary, but this is the highlight - for all its simplicity, the house remains the most unique. Unusual triangular windows with panoramic views make the interior of the house futuristic, and small rectangular windows add a little natural light in those places where it is most needed. Every corner here is decorated simply and functionally.

Particular attention in minimalism is paid to free space, as a tool that emphasizes the importance individual parts. In this house, the designers got a double or even triple benefit from minimalism. Firstly, a minimalist interior that can provide sufficient comfort always looks good outside of time and cultural restrictions. Secondly, the free space in the pyramid house emphasizes its true geometric shape, which otherwise might not be visible behind all sorts of lampshades and tapestries. Thirdly, strong geometric shapes untainted by small features Everyday life they look monumental and this will help make a lasting impression on anyone who visits here at least once. Oh yes, and that's all total area a little more than sixty square meters.

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