Tree peony description. Growing tree peony and its place in garden design

In the photo: one of the tallest bushes tree peony, China

According to one of the legends, once upon a time, in ancient times, the peony, which considered itself no worse, fought for the right to occupy the throne in the kingdom of flowers along with the rose. Most likely, it was a tree peony, because its lovely flowers, densely covering the tall bushes, can reach a diameter of 25 cm! The tree peony, the planting of which is now incredibly popular among amateur gardeners, could really be proud of itself if such feelings were characteristic of the plants. And not only for its amazing beauty. If you give it a little attention, it can live in the garden and delight you with flowers for decades! And, for example, in Chinese city Yancheng grows tree-like peonies, which were planted during the reign of the Zhao Dynasty (Song Empire). And this was over a thousand years ago, in X - XIII centuries.

Brief information about tree peony

Despite their name, tree peonies are not trees at all. They are precisely “tree-visible”, that is, they differ from herbaceous plants some external signs. First of all, these are their sizes. Each tree peony can be called the Gulliver of the flower world. It is a luxurious bush with powerful woody shoots, up to one and a half meters high. Very rare specimens reach a height of up to 2 meters (according to some sources up to 2.5 meters), the width of the bush is up to 1.7 meters. Rare varieties and hybrids give an impressive annual shoot growth of 70 cm, but they do not grow higher than 2.5 meters.

In the photo: the oldest tree peony in China is the King peony, it is 400 years old, its height is 2m 60 cm, crown diameter is 4 m

All tree-like peonies, allotted by nature for decades, and cared for with sufficient care, increase the power of their shoots. At an advanced age, they can reach a diameter of 10 cm - these are the “stalks”!

The flowers of tree peonies are of great interest. There is no person who would remain indifferent to them. They impress not only with their size, but also with the beauty of the petals, which are white, all shades of pink, burgundy, red, purple, even blue and light green! At the same time, the shape of the flowers can be double (almost like a rose), semi-double or simple.

Tree peonies are blooming, planted in in the right place, only in the fourth – sixth year. Flowers bloom approximately 14 days earlier than herbaceous peony, and stay on the bush for 2-3 weeks. Plants that are 10 years old or more can have up to hundreds of huge flowers on their shoots (according to other sources, up to 200 flowers). But even without them, the tree peony does not lose its charm. It attracts the eye with a powerful and, at the same time, lacy greenery leaves. As a rule, they are more feathery than those of their herbaceous relative. In autumn, the stems of ordinary peonies die, but those of tree peonies shed their leaves and prepare for winter dormancy.

Tree peonies come from China and Japan, in the mountainous regions of which they once formed lush flowering thickets. Now there are no such large-scale plantings left, but in natural conditions sporadic wild tree peonies can be admired in Southern Tibet and in some provinces of Southwestern China. They are found in bush thickets at altitudes of up to 2400 meters.

Tree peonies grown in our climate are inferior to Chinese peonies in size and flowering power, but this does not make them less attractive. To have such beauties in your garden, you need to find a suitable place for them.

Tree peonies planting site

Planting a tree peony is not a difficult task, but it must be carried out according to all the rules of agricultural technology.

In central Russia, even in the Moscow region, under certain conditions it is also possible to grow tree peonies (they must be planted in a place suitable for them, otherwise the effort expended will not be worth it).

Tree peonies love warmth and hate drafts, so they need to choose a place where there are no regularly blowing winds.

The sun is necessary for them, but it should be in moderation - in full sun, peonies quickly fade, the color of their petals is pale. The ideal place for planting tree peonies is where there is sun before lunch, and then from 3-4 hours in the afternoon. In this case, the most lush flowering. Planting in full shade is undesirable; here the peony branches will stretch out and there may be no flowers at all.

Experienced flower growers advise planting tree peonies in places that are cleared of snow later than other places on the site. This will slow down the beginning of the peony growing season, and young shoots will not suffer from low temperatures during spring frosts. The northwestern or northeastern parts of the site are proposed, illuminated certain part day by sun. However, if you protect the peony from frost in the spring and do not leave it in the open sun all day in the summer, you can plant it on the south side.

You should definitely not plant tree peonies near large trees, tall shrubs, powerful perennials, the crowns of which can oppress the peony, and their roots can damage the vulnerable root system of the tree peony. But planting at a small distance, provided that these trees and shrubs partially shade the tree peony, will benefit it.

IN landscape compositions tree peony can play the role of a soloist or be used in the design of a Japanese-style garden. It can be planted, as in China, near an artificial pond or in rows on terraced slopes. An impressive plant in a flower bed or planted in groups against the background of a lawn.

Soils for tree peonies

This culture is unusually demanding on the soil. Therefore, planting tree peonies should only be done in soil whose pH is between 6 and 7. That is, if the soil on your site is acidic, they need to be limed. To do this, add powder from eggshells, bone meal, chalk, ash, fluff lime. In alkaline soil, it is better to plant tree peonies after adding peat, sawdust, compost based on pine needles or oak leaves.

The best soils for the crop will be permeable loamy soils. Very dense heavy clay soils Before planting, tree peonies are dug up with a large amount of humus and a moderate amount of sand.

On sandy and sandy loam soils, peonies age faster and bloom worse. The situation can be corrected by adding a large amount of humus to the soil. It wouldn't hurt to add clay.

On peat soils, tree peonies get sick due to the high acidity of such soils. You can raise the pH of the soil by adding organic matter, bone meal, ash, sand, and humus.

Soil moisture for tree peonies

When planting tree peonies, special attention must be paid to ensuring normal soil moisture, since these plants cannot tolerate stagnant water or any flooding. Therefore, it is better to choose a place for them on a flat or slightly elevated surface. If you plan to plant them in a hollow, you definitely need to arrange for them a raised flowerbed or bed, at least half a meter high.

In addition to the relief features of the site, it is necessary to take into account at what distance from the surface the flow The groundwater. Ideally, they should not be at the level of the peony roots. But in reality, the fulfillment of such conditions is unlikely.

As a rule, a water layer or stream can be found at any point in the area, but at different depths. If the depth of groundwater is less than 2 meters, it is better to look for another place for the tree peony, because during the spring melting of snow or heavy rains, too “wet” conditions will be created for the roots of the plant, due to which they may develop gray mold.

You can correct the situation with the help of a drainage pillow. It needs to be arranged even if you plant your peony on the top of a hill. The difference lies in the thickness of the drainage layer. In the lowlands and with closely lying groundwater it should be at least 30 cm. Where it is dry most of the year, you can get by with a drainage layer 20 cm thick. Broken brick, shards, crushed stone, gravel, and expanded clay are suitable for its construction.

When to plant a tree peony

Despite the fact that you can buy seedlings from spring to autumn, planting tree peonies in August-September is most preferable, especially if these are plants with an open root system. This is explained by the fact that spring is the time of peony flowering, for which it must prepare in the fall. Spring planting is stressful for the plant; it disrupts its natural rhythm of development, so the peony will be sick and will not produce the expected flowering.

Another danger when spring planting– difficulties of preservation planting material, which often has to be placed in the refrigerator until it is due. Buds that begin to grow early may rot in damp air, and the plant may die. Therefore, at the first opportunity, such seedlings are planted in open ground, starting in April, and covered with agro-fabric such as lutrasil to protect against frost. As an alternative, you can resort to planting the peony in a large pot and placing it on a windowsill or loggia. Then plant it in the garden.

How to plant a tree peony

It is better to prepare the pit in advance, in the spring or 2-3 weeks before planting, so that it has time to “ripen” by the fall. The root system of tree peonies is superficial, so there is no need to dig the ground too deep for them. As a rule, dimensions 70x70x40 are sufficient, where 40 is the depth. Add 20-30 cm to the specified depth to create a drainage cushion. The hole is dug in a cone shape so that its upper size is twice as large as the lower one. A bucket of good fertile soil, 200 to 300 grams of lime, 100 to 200 grams of superphosphate (some add potassium sulfate), and a couple of buckets of compost are poured over the drainage. All this is compacted and left until planting time. As a mineral fertilizer, you can use a complex granular fertilizer mixture according to the instructions on the package.

In the fall, the bush is placed in a dug hole, after adding a little fertile soil mixture into it in the form of a small mound. The roots are carefully spread over its surface. The remaining soil is added gradually, half a bucket of water is poured. Wait for it to be absorbed. Then again soil, and again moderate watering. You should not trample the soil around the seedling. As you water, the water will gradually distribute and compact the soil around the roots. When planting, it is important not to expose the root collar; it should be flush with the soil level.

The method of planting tree peonies described above is suitable if you have seedlings with an open root system (that is, not planted in a pot or other container). Seedlings with closed roots in pots are planted in exactly the same landing hole, but a depression is made in it according to the size of the pot, and the plant is removed from the pot along with the soil, without destroying the formed lump and without exposing the roots. You can plant peonies from pots throughout the season.

If you plan to plant peonies in a group, the distance between seedlings should be maintained from one and a half to 2 meters.

In the photo: on the left - a tree peony grafted onto a herbaceous peony; on the right is a rooted plant;
lower right - seedling with a closed root system

About seedlings

A good tree peony seedling should be no higher than a quarter of a meter and have from two to four woody shoots with visible living buds. There should be no signs of rot on the roots. When examining the roots, you can determine future character plants.

There are self-rooted and grafted tree peonies. The latter are grafted onto the herbaceous peony. Such seedlings have a thick root, which is a root tuber.

Self-rooted seedlings are often obtained by dividing a tree peony. Their roots are elongated, multiple, and easily wounded. Depending on the type of seedling (rooted or grafted), the tree peony will be endowed with certain qualities.

The self-rooted tree peony is long-lived, stable and winter-hardy, can produce shoots, reproduces well by division, but actively grows and blooms only from the 4-5th year after planting.

A grafted tree peony blooms in the first year, develops quickly, but lives less than its own root peony, is not suitable for division and replanting, but it reproduces well by layering, from which you can get your own root peony.

How to care for tree peonies

Like any cultivated plant, tree peony needs care. It needs to be watered, fertilized, weeded, and in the spring, rejuvenating, shaping and sanitary pruning must be carried out. During trimming:
- remove all broken, frozen and dry shoots,
- very old shoots are cut out onto a stump,
- thin and weak shoots are shortened, leaving 15 cm,
- strong healthy branches are cut from the top to the first living buds.

Young plants are cut off flower buds so that the peony devotes all its strength to the development of the root system. Over the years, the number of removed buds is reduced; in adult plants, they are retained completely. Removing faded flowers will also benefit the bush. Although the fruits formed from them are quite decorative, and seeds can ripen in them (in the Moscow region this happens in September).

Peonies are not watered often, as they easily tolerate drought. However, in extreme heat in the spring and before flowering, watering is increased. One adult bush requires at least a bucket of water, taking into account the fact that watering is carried out no more than 2 times a month. You can sprinkle mulch around the bush, but not in a very thick layer, otherwise the peony will produce a lot of root growth (if it is a rooted plant and not a grafted one). Peonies planted in full sun are watered more often and shaded if possible. Watering will also be required in dry autumn.

Although these plants are frost-resistant, and even in the Moscow region many gardeners do not cover them for the winter, it is worth being on the safe side and providing reliable protection for your pets in winter. This is especially true for young plants. To do this, with the onset of autumn frosts trunk circles mulch with fertile soil mixed with humus, or peat, or mulching agro-fabric. Then they cover the bush itself with spruce branches and/or cover it with spunbond. If possible, the bushes are additionally covered with wooden shields.

In the photo: this is how in China they protect a blooming tree peony from the sun, rain and wind

But even well-wintered peonies can be damaged by spring frosts, which are destructive for young shoots that begin to grow early. In this case, shelter with the same lutrasil helps.

How to feed tree peonies

Proper planting of tree peonies assumes that a sufficient amount of fertilizer is placed in the hole for the first few years. During this period, the plant does not need to be fed. Allowed to do foliar feeding during the first 3 years after planting the tree peony. To do this, 40 grams of complex fertilizer are diluted in a bucket of water and the peony leaves are sprayed with this mixture early in the morning or late in the evening.

The rest of the time, tree peonies are fertilized according to the classical scheme:
1st time in the snow or immediately after it melts (fertilizer mixtures containing nitrogen - moderate amounts, phosphorus, calcium are required),
2nd time 14-15 days before flowers bloom (potassium-phosphorus fertilizers),
3 times 14-15 days after the last flower withers (complex fertilizer with low nitrogen content).
Peonies must be watered before and after fertilizing. It is impossible to feed the bushes with fresh manure; its excess causes peony diseases.

Transplanting tree peonies

When choosing a place in the garden for tree peonies, you need to plan that they will remain there throughout their long life. However, our own life very often makes unexpected adjustments. Therefore, situations may arise when it is necessary to move a tree peony that has been growing for many years to a new location.

Due to the fact that its root system is superficial, it is easily removed from the ground. You need to move the bush without exposing the roots. To do this, the roots along with the soil are placed in burlap and transported to a new planting site. A new pit for 10-year-old plants can be made measuring 80x80x40. Planting is carried out at the same level of the root collar. Bushes of grafted peonies are not divided during transplantation. Adult self-rooted bushes over 10 years old can be divided. In the first year after transplantation, the buds are removed, allowing the peony to grow stronger in its new location.

After transplantation, the bush will most likely be for a long time get sick. Its shoots may begin to dry out. In this case, they need to be removed. This is how the bush is rejuvenated. After some time, the remaining living buds of the tree peony will begin to germinate and form new shoots.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing complicated in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, they have become very fashionable plants with black inflorescences. All black flowers are original and specific, and for them it is important to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some seasonings. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in getting quality harvest Tomato production also depends on careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the most good choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious and with interesting, non-trivial coloring of foliage. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

For the first time, grow unusual and beautiful flowering plants steel in the era of the Great geographical discoveries. Today indoor flowers, a catalog with photographs and names of which in in paper form can fit in several closets, a passion for millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative indoor plants

Ornamental plants are valued for their flowers different forms and colors, unusual foliage, a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and hanging, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, and require different conditions of maintenance and care.

Some people are passionate about succulents, while others are more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, a short catalog will be an excellent help in choosing a “green pet” to your liking.


evergreen shrub, easily tolerates crown formation, blooming from late spring to mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids of indoor flowers prefer partial shade and are responsive to care, giving their owner a mass of white, yellow, pink, crimson “bells” with a diameter of up to 10–12 cm.

To restore strength, the plant requires a cool winter at 12–15 degrees.


The photo and name of this homemade flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film “Leon”. Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular due to its variegated, leathery, broadly lanceolate-shaped foliage and its unpretentiousness when kept indoors.

In the color of the leaves different types and varieties contain not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Among houseplants, ferns are not uncommon. Herbaceous evergreens attract attention with their carved fronds and hardiness. One of the most popular ferns is the adiantum, whose young fronds are gracefully curled and pinkish-cream in color. In the house, the flower requires partial shade and cool maintenance in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers of white, pink, and purple colors are not accepted by all gardeners. But with the creation of the right conditions and constant attention, medium-sized shrubs, related to, delight with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the many species indoor flowers There are many crops belonging to the Araceae family. People from the tropics Southern Hemisphere always amaze with the splendor of their greenery and variety of shapes.

When you come across photos of decorative house flowers with the name “alocasia”, it is easy to notice how different these plants are in appearance. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative foliage crops valued by amateur flower growers.


Unlike Alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought thanks to the water accumulated in the succulent leaves. Tree aloe or agave are more often grown as home flowers. The plant is up to one and a half meters high and is decorated with long leaves, up to 30 cm long, set on the edges with spines.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- another representative of the extensive Araceae family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed, heart-shaped dense leaves supported on tall erect petioles, and inflorescence-cobs decorated with bright spathes up to 15 centimeters long. Modified leaf painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related to the culinary delicacy of asparagus, as a houseplant it is distinguished by its unpretentious disposition, active growth and for a long time life in a pot. Several species of this crop, thanks to their needle-like foliage, ampelous or bush-like form, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. Decorative effect The plants are complemented by rare but memorable flowering. The white flowers collected in clusters are small but fragrant. After they wither, red round berries are formed.


From South-East Asia is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is large, wide-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs, among photos of indoor flowers with the name “aspidistra,” you can find specimens with variegated leaves, decorated with white or yellowish stripes. The flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Reddish-brown or purple corollas appear close to the ground.


House flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called “Vanka Mokrym” or “touch-me-not.” , which has taken up residence on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. An extremely unpretentious plant, thanks to the presence of a mass of varieties, is ready to please the gardener with the flowering of simple and double flowers of the most different shades.


Begonia is a rare plant that has decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietals and hybrid forms, actively used for landscaping inside and outside the house. House flowers can differ in the way they are propagated, be bushy or hanging, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative deciduous crops highly value the bright, unique greenery of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundant and long blooming pelargonium– an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, can be shaped, can be renewed if necessary and reproduces vegetatively without any problems. And a sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in your home and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions took root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and sufficient nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly produces spectacular red, pink, and coral flowers.


Bulbous perennial popular thanks to simple care and incredible bright flowering. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep purple. The leaves form a furry basal rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flower begins a dormant period that lasts several months and requires dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite “soft” oval-shaped leaves are characteristic features of the home Gloxinia flower. A tuberous plant with a winter dormant period, flowering requires long daylight hours, nutritious soil and a wide pot.

Above one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers can simultaneously flaunt in all shades from white to deep purple.


Guzmania attracts attention thanks to its bright foliage bordering the not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of planting and lasts up to 3 months, means the imminent death of the mother plant, which must be replaced by basal daughter rosettes.


An ornamental deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious, stands out for its high growth rate and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home, the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, warmth, nutrition and a lot of bright, but diffused light.


Accustomed to truly “Spartan” conditions in nature, dracaena is not capricious in an apartment. Several of its varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a “tree” with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas, a tuberous plant from the Araceae family, is often found in the collections of gardeners who are keen on evergreen ornamental deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower with a height of 50 to 150 cm forms several powerful, dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants, with proper care, form milky-white inflorescences-cobs.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor plants and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of ornamental and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related species, interesting and wonderful in their own way.

Common features of all varieties - unpretentiousness, rapid growth, easy reproduction all available by vegetative means and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of their flowering, and the viviparous species of Kalanchoe will help cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizomatous plant with a powerful basal rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top into an umbrella. At home, flowers last for more than 3 weeks.


Arrowroot is a low, often creeping or ampelous perennial with decorative foliage, on one leaf blade combining shades of light and dark greens, purple and pink, white and brownish tones.

Euphorbia Mile

Euphorbia Milya in Russia is better known as the “crown of thorns”. This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a stiff stem covered with long thorns and a tuft of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences bordered by bright bracts in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” has been a regular on window sills for many years. Unassuming home flower popular for its tough foliage, with variegated patterns or light borders.

is one of the most common indoor flowers, but the cylindrical variety with pointed, erect leaves of an original shape is only gaining adherents.


The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to their fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or " Money Tree"An excellent house plant that even a beginner can care for. In terms of endurance and easy propagation, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia – excellent ampelous flower for home growing. The plant is different rapid growth, highly decorative, unpretentious and easy agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions using one crop. It is moisture-loving, amenable to crown formation and takes root easily, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is an epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. Relatively easy care for phalaenopsis allows the novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

At first sight, the Uzambara violet captivates with the appearance of its fleecy foliage, collected in lush rosettes, over which simple, semi- or double flowers the most bizarre shapes and colors. Modern varieties Saintpaulias number in the thousands and represent giant and dwarf plants, plain and variegated flowers, green leaves and greenery with white or pink edging.


Catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names various types and varieties of ficus can be published as a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant; several dozen are grown in culture, in the form of a bush, tree, ground cover and even hanging specimens. The most widespread is rubber.


– the leader among plants in terms of air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of indoor flowers. An unpretentious and easily propagated indoor herbaceous perennial forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. The peculiarity of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic vines, hoya occupies one of the first places in beauty and popularity. An evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense “waxy” leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers, it leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.

Video: 70 indoor plants in my interior


Tree-like exotic flowers in your garden

Do you want to start something exotic and original in your garden so that all your neighbors and acquaintances ask: “What is this growing in your place? We’ve never seen anything like this before,” then plant a tree-like ashot tree. This annual flower, up to 2 m high, trunk, like small tree, very large original decorative leaves, like a maple, tubular flowers of blue-violet color, prickly fruit-cones, similar to the fruit of a horse chestnut. Ashot tree can be used to create insulating walls, protective scenes or hedges. Huge 2-meter plants will change the style of your garden plot beyond recognition, and you will, admiring this relict plant, feel as if you are in the Amazon jungle, and not in your own garden plot.
The spectacular appearance of the tree-like Ashot will be especially evident if you place it on both sides along the path leading to the house. It will be very original, stylish and quite unusual.
Agree, it will be very pleasant to walk along such a path, feeling the unique aura and energy from these 2-meter beauties lined up along the path as a guard of honor. The tree-like ashot itself is highly decorative, but you can combine and plant it with decorative sunflower , amaranth. By experimenting in this way, you can create very original compositions and transform the interior of your garden plot. If you have something to experiment with, why not try it, and talented ideas garden design
Ashot tree propagates by seeds. In mid-April, I sow ashot seeds to obtain seedlings. After the end of spring frosts, at the end of May, I plant ashot seedlings, approximately 50-60 cm high, in open ground. I have noticed that the tree ashot responds very well to the application of organic fertilizers (manure). Where the soil is fertilized and there is a lot of manure, the tree-like ashot is very bushy, tall, the trunk is very thick, like a real tree, and there are more flowers. In general, the plant feels very comfortable.
If the summer is very dry, then as the soil dries out, the tree ashot needs to be watered.
That's probably all there is to taking care of unusual plant. Of course, you will have to work hard to grow seedlings, but the result will exceed all expectations. I would like to believe that such a very rare relict annual flower as the tree-like ashot will finally be registered in the gardens of amateur gardeners and will original decoration your garden plot.
I am sending seeds of ashot tree. The cost of 10 seeds is 30 rubles.
I also send flower seeds: pink balsam, pink gypsophila, Turkish carnation, sweet peas, decorative cabbage, pink mallow (rose hollyhock), pink petunia, perennial rudbeckia, crowned chrysanthemum, perennial chrysanthemum Shasta Daisy, keeled chrysanthemum, comb celosia, asters 30 species, cornflower, flax, decorative sunflower, amaranth, perennial carnation, echinacea - 10 rubles, viola ( pansies), nasturtium, daisy - 15 rubles, Tangut clematis - 30 rubles. per package.
Cash payment - postage 40 rub. plus a blank envelope. To reply, please include a self-addressed envelope.
172460, Tver region, pos. Zharkovsky, st. 2nd Pionerskaya, 17.

Valery Anatolyevich Rodchenkov

In China this luxury flower has long been considered the personification of beauty; it was called the imperial flower there. Decorative peony today is represented by more than thirty species. This plant is a shrub with large, spreading leaves, its height is 1-1.5 meters. The flowering of the tree peony is abundant; 30-50 large flowers can bloom on a bush at the same time, having a bright variety of colors: lilac, crimson, yellow, white, burgundy, pink. There are plants with beautiful double flowers. Flowering lasts up to two weeks, but after it ends the plant does not lose its decorative effect, the garden will be decorated large leaves rich green color.

Unlike the herbaceous peony, the tree peony is a shrub that sheds its leaves with the onset of frost; the stems do not need to be cut; they overwinter above the ground.

In garden design, tree peonies occupy special place. You can plant shrubs around the perimeter of the garden, under the windows of the house, on alpine roller coaster, from low-growing species create borders.

Planting and care

Growing a tree peony is not difficult, but its preferences should be taken into account before planting. Tree peonies love light, but tolerate light shade. The planting site must have good drainage; the plant's root system does not tolerate stagnant moisture. The planting hole is made approximately 70x70 cm, a layer of earth is poured into it with the addition of manure or compost. It’s good to add a little complex fertilizer when planting, as well as 1 tbsp. copper sulfate. They don't like flowers acidic soils, if your site has this type of soil, then add a glass of slaked lime when planting the plant. The planting depth of a decorative peony should be such that the grafting site of the plant is placed 10-15 centimeters into the ground.

Caring for a tree peony includes weeding and regular loosening. In order for the plants to develop and bloom profusely, in May, phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Before flowering, the tree peony needs frequent watering. Before the buds awaken, in the spring, the stems of the plant are pruned to a living bud. Before the onset of cold weather, it is better to tie the shoots and wrap them in burlap, but do not bend them down.

Tree peony propagation

It is better to propagate peony tree division bush, it is extremely difficult to propagate the plant using cuttings and seeds. A tree peony bush at the age of 5-6 years is divided in the fall, during which the bush is dug up, the soil is washed off from the roots, and the rhizome is cut into pieces that have at least two shoots. The cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal.

Tree peony diseases

The plant is characterized by resistance to pests and diseases; only weakened bushes can be affected. Sometimes a peony may suffer from gray rot, which can be eliminated by spraying the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.3%) or copper sulfate (0.6%). When severe defeat the bushes should be burned. The leaves of the tree peony may also become covered with brown spots; they need to be torn off and burned, and the plant should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture (1%).

Tree peony does not bloom

The bushes appear healthy, and there are no flowers on the tree peony bushes. This causes confusion among gardeners. The reason may be insufficient watering, old age of the bush, incorrect landing, or an unsuccessfully chosen planting site for a tree peony. Remember the plant's requirement for space and sunlight.

You can prolong the pleasure from the flowering of tree peony if you grow different varieties of it on your site, which have an inherent time interval during flowering periods. So one variety of tree peony will fade, and flowers will appear on another.

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