House with a gable roof. Photo gallery: houses with gable roofs - a fairy tale in reality

For many developers, the shape of the roof is important. And for good reason - the cost of installing the roof can be about 30% of the total construction cost. The roofing budget can be significantly changed by choosing a different roof shape, a different roofing material, or a particular rafter system.

House plans with a gable roof: advantages of roofing structure

IN this section we have collected the catalog standard projects houses with a gable roof. This is perhaps the most economical and popular option:

  • installation work will cost you less due to the simplicity of the design of such a roof;
  • metal tiles for such a roof will be used with a minimum amount of waste.
  • This design will ideally cover any building. rectangular shape. A gable roof is best suited for a house with an attic. By placing windows in the gables, you can ensure a sufficient level of ventilation and illumination in the attic.

Project plans for houses with a gable roof

  • One-story houses with a gable roof;
  • Attic houses with a simple gable roof;
  • Mansard houses with a gable roof, with hatches;
  • Two-story houses with a gable roof.

If the layout of houses with a gable roof includes attic room, then one can observe a variety gable roof- broken structure with an increased angle of inclination of the lower leaf (from 65 to 80°) in comparison with the upper one (from 25 to 30°). This technique is in a good way increasing the attic space. A gable roof also includes a vaulted roof, shaped like a circle or any other. Such a roof can decorate the protruding parts of the building. If you need individual design residential buildings, we can fulfill this for you at an additional cost. You can see more details about this service. It can also just be projects of houses with a gable roof. At the client's request, houses with a gable roof can be created.

If you need inexpensive a private house, we recommend choosing ready-made projects houses with a pitched roof without lucarens (facade windows in the attic), or replace the lucarnes with skylights. Facade windows in the attic look very attractive, but they make roof installation more expensive than more complex form roofs, the higher the developer's cost estimate. Simple form houses with a gable roof can be decorated with original design of facades, terraces, entrance group- Then new house with a gable roof will not look primitive and will not cost you as much as a cottage with a complex roof.

Projects of houses with a gable roof (photos, videos, sketches, drawings, diagrams can be viewed in this section), collected here, can be filtered by additional parameters: you can select and buy houses of a given area and dimensions, houses with a garage for one or two cars, houses for narrow plots, with different quantities bedrooms

Enjoy browsing the catalog (updated in 2018) and choose a turnkey home that suits your needs!

When choosing a project for a future home, much attention is paid to appearance and structures of the upper part of the building. Since, in addition to aesthetics, the roof of the house bears great functional load, many factors need to be taken into account. In this article we will look at examples of what roofs are like. one-story houses.

All roofs can be divided into flat and pitched.

Flat roof

The name speaks for itself. This is a flat top structure of the house, which has a slope of no more than 3%. It can be attic or non-attic. Withstands large wind loads, however, it is demanding on snow loads. Drains are usually internal, the perimeter is fenced with a parapet. It is not often used for one-story houses in cottage construction, although in modern design the cubic shapes of houses with flat roofs look very stylish. Suitable for use as relaxation terraces, green areas and other functional areas. We recommend using this type of roofing for reinforced concrete buildings.

Pitched roof

This type of roof involves a slope - the slope of one or more surfaces. They can be attic or non-attic. The slope simplifies the removal of melted and storm water. There are several types of such roofing based on the number of slopes and the way they are connected:

  • Single-pitch;
  • Gable;
  • Hip, half-hip;
  • Tent;
  • Attic.

Also, in the construction of private houses, although infrequently, combinations of the main types are used, and here it opens large field for fantasy. After all, a roof for a house, like a headdress for a person, not only protects from bad weather, but also gives character and creates a mood.

Shed roof

This is a roof with a surface slope of more than 12 degrees. Typically used in simple homes rectangular design With small porch. Can be ventilated or non-ventilated. It is not often possible to find a house with a pitched roof in cottage areas, although, in our opinion, with proper design it looks original and is very functional for northern latitudes. The shed roof structure is simple and economical to implement, easy to maintain and allows you to catch more light. A one-story house with a pitched roof is suitable for a small family both for life in a metropolis and for a country holiday.

Advantages one-story house with a pitched roof:

  1. Simplicity installation work, lack of complex rafter systems.
  2. Possibility of covering large areas.
  3. Simplified drainage due to roof slope.
  4. High wind resistance, which is important for windy regions.
  5. The ability to create beautiful façade stained glass windows oriented towards landscape areas.
  6. The low side of the house can be oriented toward a fence, the wall of a neighboring building, or an undesirable view.
  7. The attic space can be successfully designed as an attic with good lighting.
  8. Economical. This point is influenced by several components:
  • consumption roofing material lower than for a house with a gable roof;
  • there are no costs for materials for rafter structures;
  • the possibility of using relatively simple and inexpensive materials;
  • costs for direct construction due to ease of installation.

This makes one-story houses with a pitched roof very attractive. However, it is worth considering other features:

  • The need for accurate calculations of the cross-section of all structural elements during design, especially for snowy regions;
  • Hydro- and thermal insulation will require special attention if a roof with a slight angle of inclination is chosen;
  • The roof may look rustic, and if you take the time to... Special attention elegance, you will have to incur additional costs both for materials and installation work.

Projects of one-story houses with a pitched roof are suitable for those who are ready to move away from tradition. Create original design An experienced architect will help you take into account all the features of the landscape. It doesn't matter if you build small house or big house, it will definitely stand out among other cottages.

TIP: Regularly monitor the condition of structures in order to promptly eliminate possible breakdowns. To avoid seasonal damage, clear away heavy snow.

Gable roof

The most popular and familiar type of roofing for private homes. It is a structure of two inclined planes (slopes), converging under the ridge at the top of the building and resting at the other end on the load-bearing walls of the building. The plane between the slopes is called the pediment. Gable roofs consist of rafters, beams and roofing. The angle of inclination of the slopes can be uniform or uneven. Structures with uneven slope angles (that is, the location of the ridge is not through the center of the building) and different lengths eaves overhangs are used if the customer wishes to express architectural feature his home. It should be taken into account that when implementing a project with an uneven angle, the attic space has an asymmetrical shape, which can complicate its arrangement. A gable symmetrical roof has an isosceles triangle at its base.

When building a gable roof with straight rafters, windows are placed in the gables, and the low parts of the room along the side overhangs can be used as storage rooms. Windows are used for lighting and ventilation attic space. Beautiful attic windows give the whole easy to build And aerial view. The gable roof is attractive and practical. The traditional nature of this form and unpretentiousness during construction make designs of houses with a gable roof the most popular among architects and customers.

Let's consider the main advantages of a gable roof for private houses:

  1. Functional additional space makes it possible to arrange the attic area for living or other functions;
  2. The ability to evenly distribute the load on the walls and foundation;
  3. Uniform heating of the internal space;
  4. Good ventilation of the attic space;
  5. A large selection of roofing coverings for the implementation of a project for every taste and budget;
  6. Minimal risk of accumulation of debris and sediment, which is especially important for private homes northern regions in winter.

A one-story house with a gable roof is very practical, it looks cozy and organic, despite its simplicity and architectural unpretentiousness.

Projects of houses with a gable roof also have their own nuances:

  1. The angle of inclination of the slopes depends on the size of the house and affects the height of the structure.
  2. Arranging the attic space functional area affects the height of the structure, which entails the need to strengthen the rafters as load-bearing elements and, accordingly, an increase in cost.
  3. The presence of windows on the pediment complicates the design and increases the cost.
  4. Particular care is required when calculating roofing components such as ventilation shafts and chimneys.

Gable roofing is most often used in frame and low-rise construction, panel cottage also prefers this type of design.

Hip roof

This type of roof consists of two triangular slopes (hips) and two trapezoidal slopes. A hip roof is called a hip roof. If the shape of the house is more complex than a rectangle, there may be more slopes. All slopes are lowered to the cornice. There are no pediments; attic windows, if necessary, are mounted directly on the slopes. The design can be either straight or broken.

A variation of the hip roof is the half-hip roof. This is a hybrid of hip and gable structures. At the top of the short slopes there are pediments, which allows you to design a house with full pediment windows. Hip design, of course, more difficult to perform than a gable one. Its production and installation are significantly expensive.

Advantages of using a hip roof:

  1. The originality of the design gives the house unusualness and character;
  2. When properly selected materials, the design is highly durable;
  3. Uniform heating of the attic space;
  4. Possibility of increasing living or technical space by arranging the attic area.

Disadvantages of projects using a hip roof:

  • Complexity of calculations and installation of structures;
  • The need to attract qualified specialists for the manufacture and installation of structures;
  • High cost, which includes high consumption of material and payment for qualified installation.

Advice: To implement a project for a one-story house with a hip roof, involve professionals at all stages of design and construction to avoid disappointments and unjustified costs.

Hip roof

Used in the design of one-story private houses, close in shape to a square. This hipped structures without a horizontal ridge, since the slopes are in the form isosceles triangles converge sharp corners at the top center point and rest with their base on load-bearing walls. The arrangement of gables is not required, which allows you to save on building materials. Nevertheless, you can admire a house with such a roof, as its design is quite attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

Mansard roof

Named after the French architect Francois Mansart. An attic roof is a roof where the space underneath is used for living space. Most often it is installed under the gable roof of the house. The attic space can be increased through the use of broken structures.

IN modern housing construction arrangement of attic space for a living area is widely and eagerly used by architects and designers. Mansard roof- beautiful and functional idea for a one-story private house. And at the end of the review - a few photographs that depict beautiful roofs one-story houses.

Roof - an important part home, which is impossible to do without. Most people give preference to practicality, completely forgetting about the external data of the house, its visual perception. Not everyone attaches special importance to the roof and its type, but in vain. Thanks to the roof, even a small one-story house can be significantly transformed, becoming more expressive and original.

Of course, it is clear that, first of all, the roof is a reliable protection, because it should protect the house from external factors and their impacts. Chasing beauty, many forget about reliability, and subsequently suffer from problems that arise during the first snow or heavy rain. That's why you need to choose best option, combining both visual appeal and reliability.

Roof structure of a one-story house

The roof of a one-story house consists of load-bearing and enclosing parts connected to each other, because they not only interact, but also maintain the balance of the entire structure. The peculiarity is that mistakes made in one component will lead to violations of the second, which means that the design as a whole will suffer and will not be of high quality.

In most cases, it is customary to use pitched roofs for a one-story house; the angle of the slopes depends on many factors. Slopes can be affected by both the type of pitched roof and the roofing material. The load-bearing part of the structure is the roof frame, which includes wooden rafters.

In addition to them, you can find a Mauerlat, which collects all the rafters at one point; the other side of the leg is connected to a beam intended for this. The rafter system must rest on the purlin, and special racks will evenly distribute the weight and make the load equal on all load-bearing walls. To ensure that the rafters do not move, braces and struts are used, as well as wire, which ensures reliable fixation.

If the house is entirely made of logs, then the wire will have to be replaced with metal brackets, which must be attached to the second log (counting from top to bottom). The rafters must be laid with a distance of 0.3-0.4 meters from the ceiling; this will provide easy access to the rafter system in case urgent renovation work.
The enclosing part begins from the moment when they begin laying waterproofing that protects the house, protecting it from moisture and rotting of the roof structure. Between the rafters and the Mauerlat you need to put two layers of roofing material, after which you can make wooden sheathing and roof the roof.

If the house is large and its width is more than 6 meters, then the construction of supporting walls will be required, because the roof will need additional support. With such dimensions of the house, a layered rafter system is used; if the building is small, then a hanging rafter laying system is used.

Current types of roofs

If we take into account all roofs, they can be divided into two main categories: pitched and flat. In case of flat type the roofs are all clear, because there are no special features here. It should be noted that one-story houses with a flat roof look very boring and unsightly, so its use is not recommended. The only options when flat roof better - creating additional space for equipping a swimming pool on the roof of the house.

Types pitched roofs, which can be used for one-story houses:

  • Single and double slope.
  • Tent, hip and half-hip.
  • Broken (attic).
  • Complex (multi-pincer) and combined.

A pitched roof is cheap, simple and reliable, but not particularly attractive. Generally pitched roof It is a slope mounted on walls with different heights. This option has rather outlived its usefulness, since during construction modern houses a pitched roof is practically not used. It is better to use it on outbuildings or garages.

The gable roof is an undying classic. This option is optimal for a one-story house. This type of roof combines practicality and reliability; it is easy to build and not particularly expensive. With the help of this roof you can already emphasize the exterior of the house, express its individuality, using various styles and roofing coverings.

A hipped roof of a hipped type consists of slopes in the form of a triangle, the vertices of which converge at one point. This option looks interesting and is quick and easy to build.

An alternative option is a hip roof, this is also a type hipped roof. The main difference is that two triangular slope(end), and the two main ones are made in a trapezoidal shape. Build hip roof a little more complicated, but outwardly it will be very tempting.

The mansard roof is a structure with broken slopes, which is constantly gaining popularity. Thanks to such a roof, it is not necessary to create a second floor, because the attic can be actively used as a residential attic.

A combined or multi-gable roof is an expensive and difficult option to implement. Such roofs are mainly used for large cottages or houses with several floors, so the use of these types of roofs will not be entirely logical when building a small one-story house. These roofs are the most beautiful in appearance, however, only professionals can build them, and the cost will be very high.

Roof design and installation

Before you start building a house and roof, you need to develop a project, think through all the details and pay special attention to every detail. At the stage of project formation, you need to choose the type of roof, resolve design issues, and also choose the material that will be used for the construction of the roof and its roof.

The end result should be successfully combined, harmonized, creating a single picture that suits both externally and functionally. When choosing materials, you need to focus not only on their external data, but also on functionality, especially installation. The roofing material should not only be attractive, but also reliable, because you need to live in this house.

You can carry out the work yourself, but you can hire professionals who guarantee the quality of work and reliability of the design. It will cost more, but the result will probably be good, which is very important when building a house.

A gable roof has certain features that must be taken into account when creating a house. Roofing is one of the most important stages construction of a residential building. That is why before erecting a structure it is necessary to study the rules for carrying out work.

Features of creating a roof

A gable roof for a brick house is a structure that consists of two inclined planes, which are connected at the top by a joint. This type of roof is the most popular. This is due to the fact that building such a roof is quite simple. If desired, the space under the gable roof can be equipped with an attic. The choice of a specific type of roof structure depends on what material the walls are built from.

It is worth remembering that when such a roof is created on brick house, you need to perform a number of specific activities. During the construction of walls, a metal pin with a thread is walled up in their upper part. It is on this that the Mauerlat will be secured.

Similar metal elements are installed at a distance of 90-140 cm from each other. The choice of distance depends on the dimensions of a particular house. It is worth remembering that the diameter of the reinforcement should be about 1-1.5 cm.

Roof elements

To make a roof, you need to create a standard rafter system. It should be remembered that for rafters you need to use timber with a cross-section of at least 10x10 cm. A gable roof consists of the following elements:

  1. Mauerlat. This roof element is installed along the entire perimeter of the building and secured to the load-bearing walls. It is necessary to distribute the load from the roof onto the walls. Most often this roofing element is created from coniferous species
  2. wood, its cross-section is usually 12x12 or 15x15 cm. Rafter legs. They are the main elements that form the roof. They determine the width and height of the roof. When choosing these elements before creating a roof, it is worth remembering that they must be reliable enough to withstand the roofing and wind loads. The rafters are fixed to the Mauerlat at a distance of 70 to 110 cm if the roof has big sizes , between rafters are placed additional elements
  3. , increasing the rigidity of the structure.
  4. Horse. This element forms the joint of the gable roof, connecting the upper ends of the rafters. Filly.
  5. This additional element is installed when the length of the rafter leg is not enough. It is fixed outside the junction with
  6. Crossbars.
  7. These elements are horizontally located between the rafters and are designed to strengthen the entire structure. They are installed if the roof is more than 5 meters wide. The bench is a horizontal beam that is located between vertical posts
  8. rafters It is usually made from timber with a section of 10x10 or 15x15 cm.
  9. The racks are positioned vertically and are installed under the ridge or rafter leg. For them, a beam with a cross section of 10-15 cm is selected.
  10. Struts are additional structural elements. They serve to connect the rafters with the supporting beams. The sheathing consists of boards that are fixed on top of rafter legs


During installation of all the described roof elements, it is necessary to check the reliability of the connection so that the structure is stable and can withstand wind and snow loads.

How to create a gable roof Creation roofing system

begins with the installation of the mauerlat and rafters, which are timber with a cross-section of 15x15 cm. Most often, pine products are chosen, since they are quite durable and at the same time have a low cost.

  1. Creating a roof occurs in several stages: First, the Mauerlat is installed. This part of the structure is a beam that is laid along the entire perimeter of the building on the walls. Before installing it, waterproofing material is placed on the walls. It is worth remembering that before using the timber it must be treated with an antiseptic. Mauerlat is installed on brick or aerated concrete walls . If the house is built of wood, the upper crown of the frame acts as a mauerlat. This roofing element can be installed on a reinforcing belt made of reinforced concrete or on brickwork
  2. , on which it is secured using anchor bolts.
  3. Then the gables (end triangles) are secured. They can be frame or brick. If the house is built of brick, the gables are a continuation of the load-bearing walls.
  4. The upper corners of the gables become supports on which the ridge beam is secured. Side girders are installed parallel to it.

When installing the rafters, one side rests on the ridge beam, and the other on the mauerlat. Usually intermediate supports are installed between them, which strengthen the structure.

How to choose a material for roof insulation

  1. There are a number of requirements for insulation installed on the roof: Waterproof. a large number of moisture, which will lead to an increase in thermal conductivity and a change in other important characteristics.
  2. Ability to maintain shape. If the material does not meet this requirement, over time it will begin to peel off the roof, which will lead to the appearance of areas of the roof that are open to cold penetration.
  3. Long service life.
  4. Environmental friendliness and safety of the material. Products for creating both residential and industrial buildings must have this characteristic. To insulate the roof, it is unacceptable to use insulation materials that can release toxic compounds during operation.
  5. Resistance to temperature changes. It is especially important to pay attention to this parameter when creating a roof in cold regions.
  6. Fire safety.

Methods for insulating a gable roof

Before insulating a gable roof, you should choose one of the insulation methods used:

  • laying thermal insulation material between the rafters;
  • room on the rafters;
  • installation under the rafters.

The first method is most often used. During the installation of thermal insulation material, it is necessary to follow all the rules for carrying out work, since the effectiveness of insulation depends on this. Violation of construction technology can lead to the material absorbing moisture and losing its properties.

Common mistakes made during installation of a heat insulator

When installing thermal insulation material, many inexperienced builders often make several mistakes, which result in a shortened service life of the material. The following mistakes are often made:

  1. During installation of the waterproofing material, it is not secured to the roof. Because of this, the insulation may shift, which will lead to the formation of cold gaps.
  2. During the construction of the roof, no ventilation gap is created. Because of this, a large amount of condensation appears, which ultimately leads to rotting of the rafters.
  3. During the work, no vapor barrier material is installed to protect the insulation from moisture.

How is roof insulation done?

When insulating the roof of a house, a certain sequence is followed:

  1. First you should measure the distance between the rafters.
  2. After this, the insulation is measured. This happens with the expectation that there will be a small gap between the rafters and the material.
  3. Then you need to fix the waterproofing material.
  4. At the next stage, the insulation is installed. It's worth remembering that this material should be laid from bottom to top. It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the insulation boards, as this will lead to serious heat loss.

Between the insulation and waterproofing material a distance of about 2 cm should remain. During work, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of many thermal insulation materials, which is that they expand by 10-30%.

When installing the roof, it is necessary to remember that ventilation gaps must remain in the structure. Thanks to this, condensation can be prevented from appearing in the system.

Roof sheathing

After installing the insulation, a sheathing is created, which is necessary to secure the roofing material. To create it, boards or steel profiles can be used.

Laying the material depends on the type of coating. If roofing felt is being laid, bitumen shingles and other similar materials, a continuous sheathing is created. The intervals between its elements should be no more than one and a half centimeters.

If slate or metal profiles are used, a lathing is created, the distance between the elements of which should be about one and a half meters. About 30-40 cm is left between the sheathing elements.

Roofing installation

As roofing covering The following materials can be used for houses:

  • bitumen shingles;
  • roofing felt;
  • ceramic tiles.

On last stage To create a roof, ridge and end strips are installed. After carrying out such work, you can begin cladding the attic or creating an attic.

After installation of the roof, the facades of the houses are usually finished. By choosing house designs with a gable roof rather than a sloping roof, you can speed up the construction of the structure.

The gable roof structure is a clear example how the classics remain relevant over decades and centuries. This simplest design today it looks new, it has been supplemented modern elements, has acquired a more impressive appearance thanks to new roofing materials. But, in essence, the principle and installation of a two-slope roof remained the same as it was a hundred years ago.

The article will discuss the types of gable roofs, present photos of modern houses with gable roofs, and also outline the advantages and features of these types of roofing.

What is good about a roof made of two slopes?

The roofs of private houses with one or two floors are very often made with gable roofs. And the point here is not only the low cost and simplicity of the design, but also its design and technical features.

The biggest advantage of a roof consisting of two inclined slopes, connected along the ridge line and resting on the Mauerlat, is the compensation of multidirectional forces. The rafter system of pitched roofs is designed in such a way that the pressure from the weight of the roof itself, insulation, sheathing and roofing material is evenly distributed on the load-bearing walls (central and side).

Design pitched roofs is carried out in such a way that the rafter legs are not connected with each other and with other structural units of the roof - they are not fixed to the ridge and the Mauerlat, the strength of the structure is achieved through mutual compensation of pressures from the two slopes and balancing the forces with spacer elements (braces, crossbars, slopes , beds).

Attention! If a small one is being built country house, a gable roof can be assembled into a single structure - its low weight allows it. The convenience lies in the fact that you can assemble the rafter system on the ground, and then, together or in parts, lift it to the top of the house.

You need to understand that the rafters of gable roofs are not fixed until the sheathing is filled and insulation, waterproofing and roofing material are laid - they are held in place independently, thanks to accurate calculations resistance.

The advantages of gable roofs over other structures are obvious:

  • absence of problematic nodes and complex connecting points;
  • facilitated convergence of snow masses and precipitation;
  • the ability to regulate wind pressure by turning the ramp in the desired direction;
  • simplicity of design, thanks to which a small country house, garage or outbuilding can easily be covered with your own hands;
  • a spectacular look that can be complemented by bay windows, dormer windows, attic or canopy;
  • several interesting architectural solutions, based on a structure of two inclined slopes (houses with sloping roofs, hip and half-hip roofs, attic structures);
  • durability of the design combined with its simplicity and accessibility;
  • versatility: look equally organic simple houses made of timber, equipped with a gable roof, and two-story mansions in a classic or modern style;
  • system of layered and hanging rafters, which became the basis gable roof, allows you to adjust the load on the roof depending on weather conditions and temperature fluctuations.

    Attention! It is also worth noting that gentle slopes are not prone to the accumulation of debris; they do not need to be cleaned, unlike complex ones. broken roofs with valleys and elevation changes.

There are no downsides to a gable roof, otherwise it would have long ago been supplanted by modern complex designs.

Types of gable roofs

At first glance, it may seem that the roof design of two inclined planes is too ordinary and simple. But this is far from true - today there are several standard options interesting design such structures, and also, there are a lot of original solutions developed by professional architects for a specific house.

There are several simple designs roofs of two slopes.

Traditional gable roof

It is a triangle with two identical sides, which are the slopes. The slopes are inclined at the same angle, have equal length and the same area. Most often, such roofs are located above country houses, garden buildings, garages and baths. The design is the simplest, you can build it yourself, without outside help and professionals.

It must be remembered that the greater the angle of inclination of the slope, the more building materials the owner will need. But protection from rain and snow is high triangular roof it will be better, but in regions with strong winds it is better not to make a slope of more than 15-20 degrees.

Gable roof with terrace

This perfect solution For country houses And small cottages. It is possible to build such a roof over already existing house, and over housing that is just being designed.

The implementation of such an idea is practically no different from the construction of a conventional roof of two slopes - you need to install a fence from the gable of the house and extend the floor boards of the second floor onto the terrace, and cover part of the slope with clapboard or other covering material to the depth of the slope.

Asymmetrical roof of two slopes

This design combines slopes of different sizes and angles of inclination. The reason for installing this type of roof lies not only in the aesthetic component. The main “highlight” of the design is that the slopes different sizes, tilted under different angles, resist wind loads differently.

It is known that a slope inclined at an angle of 20 degrees takes half the load than a 40-45 degree roof, and, accordingly, the wind presses on it twice as much as on a roof with a slope of 11 degrees or less.

It becomes clear that it is necessary to use asymmetrical roofs in areas with constant and strong wind, the direction of which is known in advance. An example would be a house located between a forest and a field: from the side open space(fields) a gentle slope is installed, and on the side of natural protection from the wind (forest) the house is covered with a steep roof, the slope of which has a slope of more than 40 degrees.

Multi-level gable roofs

You can find more interesting design asymmetrical roofing - when the slopes are not only different, they are also located at different heights. This option also has a practical justification - a multi-level design allows you to relieve the pressure of the roof on the floors and load-bearing walls, sharing the load.

As a rule, such structures have one slope, which is significantly larger in area than the second. It is this part that is supported on the protruding load-bearing wall, transferring the skate to its top. The fulcrum for the second, smaller slope is a beam reinforced at the floor level of the first part of the house.

We can say that a multi-level gable roof is, in fact, two pitched roofs, connected into a single structure. It is justified to build such a roof over large houses, where the length of the solid rafter legs would be too long, which would significantly increase the cost of construction.

Different levels of the roof make it possible to install overhangs, canopies, extend the roof onto extensions (garages, terraces, summer kitchens).

Gable roofs with mezzanines, bay windows and dormer windows

This design certainly won’t seem boring, because additional elements only enhance its aesthetics and beauty. Bay windows - turrets protruding from the roof with their own roof, reminiscent of the architecture of past centuries, look great on houses in classical or gothic style. Inside the bay windows you can place a dining room or a guest room, so this add-on also has a practical purpose.

For those who dream of a living room in attic, excellent option there will be a roof with a mezzanine and dormer windows. Houses with such equipment look very picturesque; it is especially pleasant to be under the very roof of a house surrounded by a forest or mountainous landscape.

With broken slopes

This design also applies to gable roofs; it looks like a pentagon. The effect is that top part The roof is done at one angle, and the bottom - at a completely different angle.

This option is considered the most acceptable for arranging a residential attic under the roof. Resistance to snow loads is good; the broken structure also withstands wind well. Of course, consumption increases building materials, what needs to be taken into account.


Advice! Using wood for rafter system, the weight of the entire structure can be significantly reduced. While modern metal rafters and beams make the roof heavier several times, which requires a stronger foundation and strengthening of load-bearing walls.

Houses with a gable roof are a classic, and as we know, they never go out of style. In addition, such designs have whole line advantages over complex options, roofs made of two slopes turn out to be more durable and practical.

And when the right approach, the house will look very impressive - you just need to choose an extraordinary gable roof project and competently implement it.

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