A house without dark corners. How to build a round house

We wanted round house and came up with it for a total of 4 years. When we realized what material we would build from, he was born literally in two days.

Our wishes were as follows: a round living space, environmental friendliness, the presence of a couple of bedrooms - for us and guests, a bathhouse, and of course, buffer zones for protection from the cold - the same as they did in the old days in Rus', on the north and west sides.

We studied a lot of books, magazines, scoured the entire Internet... I really liked the idea of ​​an adobe house (adobe in Turkic means “straw”), but there was a problem with the climate: one can be built if the temperature in winter does not drop below minus 15°. Otherwise, the walls will have to be insulated, closing them off from the outside world. What is the use of adobe if its main property - to retain the heat of the sun - will not be used?

And yet we settled on heavy adobe: no other material allows us to model the walls at our discretion. But as additional insulation– make a glassed-in gallery around the house from the south and east, a bathhouse from the west, and a barn and woodshed from the north. It was here that the plan of the house appeared, as if by itself. And we immediately started building.

We got a powerful generator.

The foundation was poured shallow, on a bed of crushed stone. We immediately made the basis for the stove. Managed to do it before winter wooden frame, install the rafters, cover everything with an antiseptic... But the early frosts did not allow us to lay the roof, which we regretted in the spring. The rafters were bent in such a way that it took a lot of time and imagination to straighten them: some were trimmed, others were built up. In general, if they started something like this again, the roof would be laid right away.

The next year was the busiest for us - adobe walls were erected. They leaned on concrete foundation, laying roofing felt for waterproofing, and so that they would better adhere to the pillars of the frame, I turned them into “hedgehogs” along the entire height, abundantly hammering in hundreds of nails from all sides.

The adobe was kneaded with feet, “dancing” on the banners, measuring out sand and pre-soaked clay with buckets, pouring water and gradually adding straw. Ready mix should be homogeneous, plastic, sticky, like plasticine, but not liquid. When selecting the composition of adobe, I had to work hard, since there is no single recipe: the clay is different in each area. We ended up with about 80% sand, 10% clay, 10% straw, and of course, water. Adobe requires a lot of water, so I had to dig a well.

The 60 cm thick wall rose slowly but surely: the neighbors helped us by coming to “dance” with us, and the weather (many remember the drought of 2010). It was hell for the plants, but a thick layer of crumpled clay dried right before our eyes.

When the walls reached the windows, creative work began: it was necessary to sculpt window openings, embed window jambs, shelf supports, hangers and small mirrors in them, form various shelves in the array, sculpt a relief design...

It was so interesting that we did not notice how time flies. But warm season this time it took a long time, and we also managed to sheathe the walls of the gallery, install double-glazed windows, make bedrooms, a bathhouse and a barn (they are made according to frame technology).

The frame was covered with oriented strand board (OSB), and to prevent toxic substances from getting into the air, it was covered with a special Vasilol primer. The common room-kitchen turned out to be quite large - about 5 m in diameter. How to protect such spans from sagging? The husband calculated everything and found out that two fifty-gauge boards between which lay spacers of the same thickness have greater strength. Only in the center under the longest joist I installed support pillar. As experience has shown, the calculations turned out to be correct: the floor of the second floor is strong, the ceiling does not sag.

A house is comfortable when it is warm, and saving on insulation means making your life more difficult. long years. We insulated the walls, floor, roof basalt wool, and for a long time they were looking for one that does not contain phenol-formaldehyde components.

30 cm of insulation was laid on the floor and roof, 15 cm on the walls. For additional thermal insulation of the gap between the wall and window frame tightly foamed and sealed with aluminum tape.

Round house – project: 1 – woodshed; 2 – barn; 3 – bathhouse;
4 – guest bedroom; 5 – master bedroom 6 – living room; 7 – workshop;
8 – gallery; 9 – bed for grapes and tomatoes; 10 – hallway;
11 – staircase to the second floor

The husband built the stove with his own hands, without a single grain of experience, guided only by the laying diagram of Kuznetsov’s bell-type stove. However, we had to redo it a little - add a couple of rows, and the bread chamber door we bought was not exactly the same as required by the project.

Plus, they decided to make a warm wall on the back side, warming both rooms. True, we hardly use it - it’s already very warm. Even in the most severe frosts, we heat the stove once every two days, and adobe copes with the role of a heat accumulator as well as possible - during this time the temperature fluctuates between 18-22°.

By the way, it’s not cold at all in the gallery. While there was no ceiling there and the heat went upstairs, at a frost of 36° it was minus 17°, and when the ceiling was made, the temperature did not drop below minus 5°. The floor in the gallery is sandy.

We simply filled in the elevation difference (and the house is located on slight slope) sand, and it took more than a car, and they pressed it into concrete tiles simulating wooden boards. Along the house on the southern and eastern sides, I separated a space of about 0.5 m, poured earth there and made a bed where I planted grapes. Its roots most likely go straight into the ground. Fastened along the wall of the house plastic mesh, and the vines quickly entwined her. I plant it there every year tall tomatoes, and almost until November they delight us with the harvest. The gallery is illuminated by the sun almost all day, and the plants begin to grow in March.

And at the beginning of July we eat our grapes, and there is room for seedlings. However, this year the slugs began to take over, and they had to be caught using orange peels.

Since we still haven’t got electricity, we installed four solar batteries, oriented two to the south and two to the east. They charge 6 batteries with a total capacity of 800 Ah. Of course, this is not much, but the house is illuminated by LED strips hung in the kitchen and in common room, each of which turns on autonomously. As a result, they don't consume as much. But let's say last winter, when it was only 15 sunny days, solar panels wouldn't help out. The windmill saved the day - a simple one, 500 W, and during the winter we turned on the generator only 4-5 times.

We don't have a septic tank, so we drained the sink directly through the wall. They laid a flexible plastic tube through the adobe wall, and installed a bucket in the garden bed between the tomato bushes, where it flows dirty water. Even if you miss the moment and she goes over the edge, it’s not critical.

We pump water into the sink using a bilge pump from a 60-liter barrel installed under the sink. A small rotary tap made it possible to rationally use the space above the washbasin and install the dish dryer not under the ceiling, but at a completely comfortable height.

Of course, there is still a lot of construction work to do. So, my husband is now busy constructing a hatch cover to the second floor - there is a large opening there, about 1x2 m, so it will obviously have double doors. In the future we plan to finish finishing the house, more precisely, the frame part of it that runs inside the gallery, to complete the bathhouse, attic floor. Now these rooms are used to store tools and various belongings. We already live in the house and enjoy every day.

Do-it-yourself round house made of adobe - questions and answers


Pour 1/3 of the soil into the jar and fill it almost to the top with water, add salt or soap. Shake long and hard until all the pieces of soil disintegrate. Let stand for exactly 10 minutes. Sand and small stones will settle below, then there will be a layer of silt, and clay with water on top. Sometimes these factions even differ in color. Thus, test the soil in several places, and take samples not from the surface. The ideal adobe soil is a lot of coarse sand and a little less clay, a minimum amount of silt and fine sand. If there is too much sand, you will have to add clay. If it’s not enough, it’s rude quarry sand, and the larger it is, the better.


Silt and humus harden, like clay, into a lump. But they are not plastic and are not suitable for adobe. You can “recognize” clay by kneading the soil to the point of plasticine, rolling it into a rod the diameter of a pencil and wrapping it around your finger. Ideal clay hardly cracks.


To determine the optimal composition of the adobe mixture, mix clay with sand in proportions 3:1, 3:2, 1:1, 2:3, 1:3 and mix each sample thoroughly. Add water—enough so that everything sticks together, but at the same time the mixture should be drier than the pie crust dough—and straw. Make five test bricks the size of a regular stove. When they dry, it will be obvious which composition has retained its strength and which has cracked (which means there is not enough sand). Try scratching it with a knife. Has a deep furrow appeared? There is not enough clay. And finally, try to break it by twisting a correct-looking and well-dried brick in your hands. With good adobe this is almost impossible.

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This project interested us from a planning point of view, because... We want a cob house. It practically matches our thoughts and drawings, with minimal adjustments. We need 1-2 more bedrooms, and winter Garden also a little longer.

Attractive round and spacious house made of straw blocks with an area of ​​150 sq.m. The highlight of the house is the winter garden, which constantly refreshes the indoor air and allows you to grow flowers and herbs all year round. The height of the plinth 40 cm is sufficient to protect the thatched walls from moisture in winter and summer, the shape of the roof allows you to place two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor with a spacious 38 m2 hall. The living room on the first floor is combined with the kitchen into a comfortable studio. A large number of windows provide rooms with natural light throughout the day, saving energy, and thick, heat-saving walls, thanks to their round shape, save heat in winter and cold in summer many times more effectively. Thus, in sunny winter periods the house practically does not need heating.

Total area 150 m2,Living area 78 m2

The absence of right angles allows energy to circulate evenly and not stagnate; the free layout limits us only to the presence of a central column made of solid logs. Round house, having the smallest compared to rectangular area external walls, allows you to significantly reduce the heat loss of the building. The desire for the sun - the source of vital and thermal energy - inspired people to make maximum use of its power. Designed according to the principles of solar architecture, the house has virtually no windows on the north side, which also allows heat to accumulate during the day. The main highlight of this house is the winter garden attached to the south-west side of the house, which will allow you to have your own green vegetables on the table all year round, and in warmer times it will also be a buffer for heat accumulation and circulation through the rooms.

Layout of a round two-story house

2nd floor of a round house

The estimated cost of construction is $15,000 per 1 square meter.

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Owners of private houses strive to create original housing on their site. If you are one of these owners, then you can choose to design your house in the form of a spectacular round structure. This one is original non-standard option will become a real decoration for anyone. To build such complex design you can contact specialists, but most of them work only with large objects and focus on cottages, for which a rounded shape has also become popular recently. So let's figure out how to do it yourself.

Types of round houses

To date, architects have developed several types of round buildings. They differ in both appearance and structure. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. Tower – this is one of the most simple projects. Such designs came to us from the Middle Ages, when multi-sectional castles were adjacent to buildings with cylindrical walls and conical roofs. They do not require the construction of complex engineering structures. This building looks impressive both outside and inside.
  2. Dome-shaped designs came to us from Europe Renaissance. They are cylindrical structures, the roof of which has the shape of a hemisphere. These are the designs that were used to decorate Catholic churches. In our country, this technique is typical for planetariums. In both cases, the dome creates the effect of a vault of heaven. In a private home, you can decorate it to your taste. To construct such a structure, complex engineering calculations and special materials are required.
  3. Combined consist of rectangular walls, enclosed under an arched roof. It is somewhat easier to create such a project than the previous one, but it is also important to select suitable materials.
  4. Spherical designs are made in the shape of a ball. This is a completely new solution by modern architects. To implement it, it is necessary accurate calculations And special means. Traditionally these.

    The basis

    As with any building, it is necessary to lay good foundation. This is a standard process, it differs only in form. For spherical and dome-shaped houses, you will need to dig a ring-shaped trench.

    Let's look at how to do it right. To mark, you will need two pegs made of wood or iron, a long rope and an elastic material similar to modern tape borders for fencing flower beds. Next, you should follow the following algorithm:

    1. Mark clear boundaries for the location of the building and decide on its diameter.
    2. Divide the diameter in half to get the radius.
    3. Take a rope, the length of which should be equal to the radius, tie it to two pegs.
    4. Insert one at the point through which the outer border will pass. The second is the length of the rope, pull it inside the circle and drive it into the ground. This will be the center.
    5. Then pull the first peg out of the ground and, deepening it well into the ground with full tension on the rope, draw a circle.
    6. Wind the rope to the width of the foundation and draw the internal boundaries in the same way.
    7. It is recommended to mark both markings with additional materials.

    Important! For combined type a standard base is created, and piles are installed for spheroid ones.


    The next stage of construction is the construction of walls. In the first three cases, various options can be used for this:

    1. brick;
    2. ;
    3. gas blocks;
    4. processed wood;
    5. logs;
    6. natural stone.

    Due to the peculiarities of the construction of the first two types, the main thing in this case is the quality of the solution. Since the elements are not laid out in a standard way, this significantly increases the seams. Therefore it is necessary to use cement High Quality and create a thicker solution that will hold more firmly.

    When constructing a spherical building, the following requirements apply to the material:

    1. elasticity;
    2. ease;
    3. strength.

    The frame can be made of either iron or wood. The base is sheathed with small plates, which allows them to tightly sew up walls of such a non-standard shape.

    Advice! If it is necessary to insulate a spherical building, use.


    The final stage of construction is roof. As mentioned above, each type of building has its own characteristics. Modern technologies and materials allow you to give the design special kind without any difficulties.

    To begin with, let us stipulate that when constructing a ball, one type of cladding is used for the entire outer area. Therefore, you don’t have to think about the roof.

    On a note! For a cylindrical roof, any rafter options are suitable, the main thing is to fasten them correctly. They all must converge at one point.

    For domed and arched roof you need to choose rafters that can be given a rounded appearance. Most often it is metal; under technical force, it bends well. But some craftsmen also use wood, however, in this case it must be properly processed.

    Important! After prolonged soaking, it obtains the desired elasticity.

    • Today on the market is presented slate, ondulin and bitumen shingles, which are best suited for upholstery of non-standard shapes.

Many of us, during school and studying geography and history, have repeatedly wondered: why most buildings nomadic peoples were they round in shape? Yarangas, igloos, tents are, as experts would say, mobile real estate objects. Moreover, judging by historical notes, quick-dismountable and prefabricated. Plus they are warm and comfortable. Why then are we surrounded today by buildings that are exclusively rectangular in shape, with rooms in the form of squares and rectangles?

Religious buildings of various religions have a round shape. And the mandala - the sacred house of the deity - represents an absolutely regular circle. However, with time and the widespread use of wood as the main building material, as is clear from the history of architecture, round structures began to become a thing of the past, replaced by simple rectangular structures.

The appearance of concrete, one of the most flexible and transformative materials, could have changed the situation, but... everything continued to follow a well-worn track with right angles.

But it is not without reason that history is believed to develop in a spiral: each turn repeats the previous ones, but at a higher stage of development. Apparently now building sector is just at the beginning of its new revolution. Why?

The beginning of the answer to this question can be found in the results of various architectural competitions of the last decade. Most of the winners presented round-shaped house designs. However, until now, all this has been more like the demonstration of concept cars at car shows: beautiful, but it is unlikely that it will come to mass production. Or it will arrive, but in a completely unrecognizable form, more adapted to existing technologies.

It seemed that a similar fate awaited the round houses. It seemed for some time. Until the Kilhor house project, developed by studio of innovative architecture SAS . The project they proposed is not just beautiful, unusual and convenient for living. It can be erected quickly and efficiently using the most affordable frame house building technology. This means one thing: soon we will witness the emergence of a whole series of villages built up with Kilhor houses.

What is the reason for the revival of interest in round houses, what are their advantages over rectangular buildings? Feng Shui adherents answer immediately and without hesitation: there are no corners or dead ends in the house! Developers of cottage villages pay attention to the fact that a round house easily fits into a plot of any shape. This means that houses on the territory of the village can be arranged not in the form of a formation of identical soldiers in a parade, but in the format of “organized disorder”, when each house occupies its own optimal place on the land plot, while maintaining a single cottage development concept.

If the location of rectangular houses is strictly tied to the shape of the site, then a round house can be orient it as you wish relative to the cardinal directions. For example, regardless of the shape of the plot, you can make sure that the most picturesque view opens from the living room windows, and the sun peeks through the bedroom windows only in suitable watch . And you can tilt the roof exactly to the south, place solar panels on it - then they will generate maximum electricity.

Builders note the variability of project areas: the optimal is 120 m2, but in general they can vary from 80 to 225 m2. Owners of Kilhor houses will note such an important aspect as the increased usable area of ​​the land plot.

The additional space is used, for example, for a flower garden. A similar option has great importance for women who value the emotional component, the chance to fantasize and create. It's no secret that about 70% of customers country houses who come to real estate and construction companies, - specifically women. When choosing your dream home, the first thing you look at is not planning solutions, and to the picture.

That is, they rely more on feelings. Round houses give an order of magnitude more options organizing the space around it. And as practice shows, the modern consumer is ready for these new forms.

According to Vyacheslav Permyakov, architect of the studio of innovative architecture SAS, the Kilhor frame house project was based on three postulates: the variability of the house, the ease of transformation and the possibility of completing it and increasing the area if, say, the quantitative composition families.

“In our Kilhore house, not only the design of the house and the unique possibilities for its “landing” are important land plot, but also philosophy. Look: in “Kihor” it doesn’t matter where exactly the porch is turned, where there will be a balcony, a toilet, a bathroom, a wardrobe. Because there is no connection to the shape of the building. The shape of the plot is also unimportant: the circle will fit perfectly into any corner. Speaking about the construction of a round frame house, in addition to the generally accepted pleasant things associated with a cottage, we also include these advantages. In the future it is possible cottage village, consisting entirely of round frame houses. The variability of the houses themselves adds an absolutely endless variety to the construction of the entire village. Relief terrain, no proper layout of houses. This will be a unique, individual style, which today simply has no analogues,” notes Vyacheslav Permyakov.

What else are the undoubted competitive advantages of the Kilkhor frame house? The most optimal and comfortable height ceilings for a person - 3.6 m.

Higher is uncomfortable, lower is uncomfortable. By the way, the Bolsheviks knew this very well, who after the revolution began building houses with low ceilings. It was important for them to drive a person - not only morally, but also psychologically - into small space. In small rooms there is no sense of freedom and self-esteem.

And the innovative houses "Kilhor" - frame houses with self-esteem. And with unlimited uses internal space. After all, the circle is divided into many sectors. With proper planning it is possible increase usable area almost twice. For example, today you do not have the opportunity to immediately build a large house. No problem - you use only half of the circle, the remaining part of which will serve as a wonderful open veranda for the time being.

Do you need to add one or two more rooms? It will take literally a couple of weeks to complete the construction. In the case of rectangular houses, reconstruction is technically extremely difficult and expensive. Let's not forget about such a functionally convenient characteristic of a round house as ease of movement around it due to the presence of a central part, from which access to any room is as easy as possible.

It is necessary to say a few words about the appearance of the Kilkhor. His aesthetic - modest, but rich and tasteful - fully corresponds to the famous English proverb "I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things." A round frame house visually looks smaller than its actual internal volume, without occupying all the space and without putting pressure on the site, as always happens with rectangular stone “monsters”. And most importantly: in the round frame house"Kilhor" the sun always shines, its shape allows you to observe its progress and admire it - from dawn to dusk.

Wisdom is the art of living,
NANOSPHERE – the art of building

One of the oldest forms of housing is the round house. The history of its existence goes back to the distant past.

round house

In ancient times, such buildings were built from various materials and served different purposes. The round house was common both in Europe and on other continents, including southern Africa. According to archaeological data, these could be military structures, religious buildings and residential buildings. This type of dwelling is characteristic of the ancient Celtic culture in Europe and is found in England, Spain and the Mediterranean. Construction round houses was made of wood and stone, on solid or on pile foundations, which shows the high plasticity and adaptability of the concept. Some buildings of this type have survived to this day and are of historical and cultural value. Development modern architecture revived the interest of architects in this original form of housing.

Melnikov's House

At the beginning of the 20th century, Moscow architect Konstantin Stepanovich Melnikov carried out one of the most eccentric projects, building a round house-workshop in Moscow. This building was innovative not only in its appearance, but also in its use constructive solutions. For example, the interfloor ceilings were made in the form of a single nine-meter membrane, according to a design patented by the famous architect Shukhov.

However completed project The round house caused mixed reactions and criticism from both professionals and the public. The desire to combine the original architectural solution and savings building materials turned into a complex layout with an unusual layout of living space. Nevertheless, the round house in Moscow turned out to be one of the few interesting architectural experiments in the early years of the Soviet Union.

House in Taganrog

Built in the first third of the twentieth century according to the design of the architect M. N. Kondratiev. Unlike Melnikov's house, it was an apartment building of a traditional concept, but designed in the shape of the letter "c", which was an undoubted continuation of the architectural experimentation of that era. The building had a traditional brick structure. The architect sought to reduce the cost of construction, thanks to the smaller perimeter of the enclosing structures, a more expressive appearance and the organization of the courtyard-atrium, characteristic of southern home. Courtyard framed by tiers of loggias that had exits from all apartments. For the hot climate of southern Russia with a small amount rainfall, the architectural design seems successful. Despite the innovative ideas, the building had virtually no engineering equipment, water supply and sewerage, which made the architect's planning solutions of little demand.

Round house in Moscow

The next appearance of a round house in Moscow dates back to 1972. The development was motivated by the same considerations - to combine maximum economy and maximum expressiveness. The strict planning standards of Soviet SNiPs did not allow experimentation with internal layout, so the apartments in the house are no different from ordinary ones standard apartments that time. The building structures also correspond to the ideology of large-panel housing construction. Architects took advantage of tolerances on the mating angle wall panels and thanks to it they formed a closed ring of a 26-entrance nine-story building. Against the backdrop of the extremely utilitarian development of residential areas of Moscow, the building made a favorable impression, diversifying the urban landscape. Residents positively assessed the comfort of the living environment. On the ground floor of the house there were shops, consumer services and cultural institutions, which, thanks to the configuration of the building, were easily accessible. Despite the generally positive attitude towards the new look of the residential building and the achieved goals for economical construction, after the house on Nezhinskaya, only one round house was built in Moscow - on Dovzhenko Street. One of the shortcomings of the building was the difficulty of fitting it into the system of city communications and communication routes.


Despite the ambiguity of previous experiments with round houses, the accumulated experience was not wasted. And although modern houses with a regular circle continue to be an architectural quest for designers, elements of a round house are widely used in modern buildings. After the disappearance of strict regulation for individual housing, which was used in the USSR, the desire to express itself through architectural forms got a second wind. Round houses are becoming less and less exotic in private development. Architects gain the necessary experience and get the opportunity to evaluate the specifics of living in such an environment and the subtleties of operation. An attractive side of new forms for professionals is the possibility of using the latest materials and technological solutions, which are in little demand in the traditional building market.

Design Features

The curvilinear shape of the building is a feature that can become a highlight, or can turn into a disadvantage. Nice project the round house is undoubtedly much more difficult task for the architect than traditional layout solutions. Instead of the usual rectangular configuration, the rooms tend to be sectoral. It is necessary to combine the curvature of the walls with straight lines structural elements. The specifics of the layout dictate a careful attitude to the design of the premises, the selection and placement of furniture. The unconventional appearance of the building requires careful consideration of the surrounding landscape to emphasize its originality.

Construction specifics

The construction of round houses creates certain difficulties in the work. The absence of right angles complicates the connection of building elements, reduces the number of unified structural elements, and gives rise to a significant number of individual solutions for building units. The vast majority of products used in construction have rectangular shape and involve their use in the traditional way. Therefore, for a round house, if it is not wooden, monolithic construction technology seems to be the most suitable. Round wooden houses create fewer construction problems, but also require non-standard solution mating nodes of plates or beams. In their production, it is appropriate to use bent glued structures that are ideally suited to the ideology of the project.

Foreign experience

More developed individual construction V foreign countries allows us to evaluate the experience gained there and transfer it to domestic soil. Round houses, photos of which are presented above, serve as an attractive object of self-realization not only here. However, foreign projects of interest should be assessed with caution. Traditionally most bold decisions foreign architects belong to warm climate zones, and adapting their findings to our soil is not always possible without catastrophic losses in architectural expressiveness. But such buildings exist, they please the eye and awaken the imagination.

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