Design of a small studio in a modern style. Studio apartment design - (150 photos)

A modern studio apartment is becoming an increasingly attractive option. This trend came from Europe and quickly became popular not only among those who prefer to live alone, but also among young couples and families without children. Open apartments are suitable for those who see their home primarily as modern, and also love meeting with friends and creativity.

Important! Studio apartments are valued for their functionality.

The absence of walls frees up space, making the room seem more spacious

Their first advantage, so important for former residents of cramped apartments, is open space. The absence of walls frees up space, making the room seem more spacious. The studio is also good because you don’t need to buy a lot of furniture for it, because each zone should have only the essentials so as not to clutter up the space. Finally, you can get a studio from almost any apartment by simply removing the walls. Of course, before this you need to obtain permission from the architect.

A modern studio apartment is more suitable for young families or “singles”

Studios, of course, have their drawbacks. If in ordinary apartment Since more than one generation of the same family can live at the same time, a modern studio apartment is more suitable for young families or “singles.” Even within their own walls, every person needs their own corner where they can be alone, which in conditions open space

difficult to achieve. Studio apartment design in

beige tones

There are other inconveniences caused by the lack of walls. It will be easy to move around the studio from the “kitchen” - the smell of cooking food or smoke; from the recreation area - the noise of a working TV or music center. And there will be no opportunity to hide from all this behind the saving door and walls due to their absence.

Studio apartment in Art Nouveau style However, even these studio shortcomings are completely solvable. So, the problem with kitchen smells decides good hood , and with a lack of space for each family member -.

competent zoning

This year, Scandinavian became the main style in studio design. It is based on the predominance of white color in the interior with bright accents and the use of furniture and decor from natural materials.

difficult to achieve. black and white

This style is loved by many because it is environmentally friendly, functional and brings more light into the room. Due to the small variety of colors, the Scandinavian style helps to avoid the main difficulty in studio design: problems with a combination of styles and shades. Each zone must be combined with general decision, so pick up the necessary furniture and accessories can sometimes be tricky. In order to maintain the Scandinavian style, it is enough to choose two predominant colors and design the room with an eye on them.

For those who prefer the modern interior of a studio apartment, we can recommend a combination of white and black

By selecting White color as the predominant one, you will have to consider the lighting system, since in the absence of light, white visually takes on a grayish tint. As an alternative, you can give preference to warm (almond, shell, ivory, etc.) and cold (white ghost, snow, smoky) shades of white.

Modern design studio apartments

For those who prefer the modern interior of a studio apartment, we can recommend a combination of white and black. This combination has become a kind of classic for high-tech, minimalism, and art deco styles. The interior is very contrasting due to the use of such color scheme. To somewhat smooth out this effect, you can add some bright accents to the interior.

Studio apartment in Provence style

For studio apartments provencal style not used very often. And yet we cannot discount him. Interior with charm French province perfect for a small studio for a girl who loves comfort and handmade items.

Location of rooms in a studio apartment

The loft style has not gone out of fashion for several years and, moreover, is not going to lose ground. Appearing in the mid-20th century as a style for rooms in the attics of factories and factories, where workers lived, it is also relevant for a modern studio apartment. Moreover, a loft for this type of premises is considered almost ideal. This design is welcome dark colors, masonry, metal surfaces and raw wood in the interior. Because of its specificity, it is more suitable for young people, creative people who love experiments.

Studio apartment in loft style

Design of a studio apartment 20-30 sq.m.

If not large area It is quite difficult to create a modern design for a studio apartment. In a small room you need to fit everything you need: a recreation area, a kitchen, a bedroom, a hallway. Often this area also includes a bathroom. Therefore, the beauty of the interior fades into the background, giving way to functionality.

You need to start the design of the room with the bathroom. It needs to be separated using partitions. It is not recommended to lay tiles on the walls due to the small area of ​​the room, but on the floor you cannot do without tiles. Walls can be covered decorative plaster.

You need to start the design of the room with the bathroom

On a note! If there is one window in the room, then you need to arrange the zones so that half of the window illuminates the kitchen, and the second illuminates the living room and other areas.

At this stage, you need to choose only the most necessary furniture, and get rid of the rest without pity. The very idea of ​​a studio is based on an abundance of free space, so it cannot be cluttered, even if the area allows. In small rooms, an abundance of furniture is generally unacceptable.

In the kitchen area you can save on the size and quantity of furniture

In the kitchen area you can save on the size and quantity of furniture. First of all, get rid of the bulky refrigerator and replace it with a more compact one. Quantity kitchen cabinets It’s best to minimize waste by moving all dishes to hanging drawers. To save space, you can abandon the dining table by installing a bar counter. It will perform four functions at once:

  • you can have lunch at it;
  • it can serve as a workplace;
  • if you put a tabletop from durable material, then it is suitable for cooking;
  • it will serve as a visual “separator” kitchen area and living room.

Studio apartment layout

In the main area, you can place a TV against the wall (or better yet, hang it on the wall), opposite it - a sofa and a small armchair. It is better to choose a folding sofa so as not to allocate a separate space for the bed. By the way, if a bed is still preferable, then it is better to choose folding models, for example, in which the frame can be raised up.

Main area in a studio apartment

It is better not to allocate a separate wardrobe for clothes - the space does not allow such luxury. Together this is worth purchasing corner cupboard-coupe, in which to put all the necessary things. Basically, the same rules apply for a small studio as for arranging a regular studio. small apartments. If you adhere to them, you will get a modern studio apartment, stylish and functional, despite the small area.

Design of a spacious studio apartment

IN spacious studio already have a greater chance of creating a functional and stylish interior. Moreover, over a large area more possibilities and it is much easier to realize your design ideas. Here you can create a comfortable guest area and good cuisine without saving space.

Modern design of a studio apartment 43 sq. m involves one complexity, namely zoning. It is very important to clearly delimit each of the areas without disturbing the harmony of the space.

Modern design of a studio apartment 43 sq. m involves one complexity, namely zoning

A variety of techniques are used to separate zones:

  • difference in materials - when they are used to finish each zone different materials(for example, tiles on the floor in the kitchen and parquet in the living room);
  • difference in level - the floor in one zone is slightly raised compared to others, or a podium is built;
  • furniture can also serve as a zone boundary;
  • different lighting in each functional zones;
  • partitions - both solid (for example, made of plasterboard) and glass, and you can also use fabric.

Very spacious rooms You can use a tub with a large plant as a separator.

On a note! Carrying out zoning in modern studio apartment, you need to stick to the basics style direction premises, since main principle- zoning while maintaining the unity of space.

Another important step is to decide what material to make the partition for the bathroom from. When choosing, you need to take into account parameters such as strength, noise insulation, resistance to moisture and temperature changes.

Also, you should not try to save on the quality of materials and finishing speed, since the quality largely depends on this modern renovation studio apartments.

Without a doubt, every person wants to live in a spacious and big apartment, where there are many rooms, a separate bedroom with a large bed and a kitchen, at least ten square meters. However, today not everyone can afford this; the real estate market dictates its own conditions, and many young families have to be content with small-sized housing. But not everything is as sad as it may seem from the outside, and if you approach interior design wisely, then even rooms with a small area can take on a completely different look, become cozy and comfortable for life. A modern studio apartment is an ideal balance between functionality and a shortage of square meters, which is achieved by finding the most optimal compromise.

Fresh interior design ideas

For creating unique design, where every centimeter of free space counts, it is important to approach the process not only with cold calculation, but also with a creative spirit. When developing a design project, you should take into account all the technical subtleties and nuances of the room, as well as the requirements and wishes of each family member.

Typically, the layout of a studio apartment has standard parameters, including a bathroom and a room combined with a kitchen. However, modern new buildings can boast different layouts that allow you to turn absolutely any design fantasy into reality.

Popular design projects

For a studio apartment, since it will combine both , and , and , in one room, you need a design that can make it not only comfortable, but also practical. The main feature that will be in such an apartment should be multifunctionality, and all items should be combined with each other.

It is worth noting that a large number of decorations and decorative items will not decorate the room in any way, but will only spoil its appearance.

An ideal studio apartment is a place where beauty, comfort and coziness are woven into one. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. A minimum of various bedside tables and other items cluttering up the space;
  2. If there are a lot of things, then it is better to choose a large built-in or corner closet that can accommodate all the things;
  3. Furniture of different shades and colors should be combined with the main design of the room.

It is best to combine the toilet and bath into one room, to create a so-called bathroom. It will occupy the same area, but at the same time it will visually look more spacious and become more comfortable to use.

In the bathroom you should place a small toilet and sink, so that they are located as far as possible from the place where you will wash. If you're not a big fan classic bath, instead you can equip a comfortable shower room.

At the same time, designers do not recommend using booths that have a bulky design and take up too much space. For these purposes, sashes made of tempered glass. They look much nicer and take up very little space.

Space zoning

In studio apartments with a large area, if possible, the space should be divided into several zones: kitchen, living room and bedroom, the main thing is that this does not disturb the harmony of the interior.

If there is only one window in the room, along it, the space should be divided into two parts by an invisible strip, each of which will form different functional zones. For example, the part of the room from the middle of the window to the left wall will be the kitchen, and the right part will be the living room and bedroom.

A well-thought-out studio design project is the key to quality repairs

Kitchen arrangement

For the kitchen it is recommended to buy a small, but at the same time convenient and functional table. When folded, it will not take up very little space, and if many guests come to visit, you can unfold it and not worry about not having enough space for someone.

One more excellent choice For a small kitchen there will be a bar counter. It can fit perfectly into the interior, in addition, it will not take up much space and can accommodate a large number of people.

Lighting and furniture

Lighting equipment will be appropriate and correct if it is divided, like the space into two parts. In the living room or bedroom, one large chandelier will look good and brightly illuminate the room. It is recommended to install small light bulbs or small spotlights in the kitchen or hallway as additional sources of light.

The amount of furniture and partitions directly depends on the area of ​​the room. For apartments with a small area, it is not recommended to use several styles, as this can damage the interior and spoil the image of a perfect renovation.

However, if the owner still decided to give each zone its own unique design, then you can experiment with styles. The main thing is to ensure that the zones do not conflict with each other and, upon entering the apartment, a person does not have a feeling of overload in the room.

Proper selection distinctive features each direction will help you decorate the room according to design laws. This living space will be the envy of all your neighbors. Knowing the most popular interior styles will help with this. Here are some examples of styles suitable for the design of studio apartments:

Loft style

Loft is a mixture of attic interior and the use of wood and bricks for walls and floors. This design studio apartment Ideal for the studio of the lonely bachelor, musician or artist. It is distinguished by its special beauty and originality.

Finishing materials that can be used in the design of this style can be chosen both natural and artificial. The main thing is to ensure that the material used is harmoniously combined with common interior. Fabric-upholstered ottomans and decorative coffee tables will help achieve the effect of unity in the studio space of the apartment.

Modern style

Contemporary style is a design movement that perfectly combines the sophistication and beauty of a modern interior, using a minimum number of decorative items.

This style is distinguished by its functionality and simultaneous consistency, fully consistent with today's direction and rhythm of life.

Decoration of a studio apartment in modern style in conditions of lack of free space, it is based on the basic principles of minimalism - the presence of only the most necessary furniture and an almost complete lack of decor.

High-tech style

High-tech style is often called the style of the future. Being in a space decorated in this style, you can often catch yourself thinking that you are on board spaceship. This is because the majority decorative elements are built-in, right down to the door handles. Most of the home space is decorated with chrome surfaces.

Plastic and glass are mainly used as finishing materials. Despite this, this does not mean that it cannot create a feeling of comfort. This style is well suited to a young family, especially if married couple works in the IT field.

Classic style

Classics are characterized by solemnity and nobility. The walls are being decorated interesting wallpaper with various patterns and curls, which are decorated with picturesque paintings. If desired, you can install decorative columns or ceiling false beams.

This style is well suited to lovers of luxury, so the furniture is selected from the elite category, with expensive upholstery and beautiful patterns. Also, here you can install electric fireplace, which will replace and recreate the image of the present.

Classic style is tranquility and impeccable taste in the interior

Pop art style

Dear and luxury furniture, this is not for pop art. This style is characterized by the use of bright plastic furniture with a glossy surface, in the image of “retro-futurism”. from natural materials. Forget about separately standing cabinets and other bulky furniture that will only clutter the space. For furniture, preference is given to built-in cabinets and shelves that are hidden from view.

Decorate the walls tin cans, portraits of Monroe or Andy Warhol, to create the impression that this is not a studio apartment, but an exhibition of contemporary art.

A space decorated in this style shimmers with different shades. It sparkles and shines at the same time. It is characterized by flashy colors on a white background, which make the interior look stylish and modern.

Provence style

The roots of this style go back to France. True connoisseurs were able to improve this country style that it is currently very popular all over the world. The interior design is characterized by the use of warm pastel colors and decorative elements decorated with floral patterns.

The arrangement of a studio in the Provence style likes it when everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, in order to recreate your own unique image, you should carefully and thoroughly study and analyze all design ideas.

To determine the atmosphere of a living space, it is necessary to emphasize the individuality of the owner. It is this factor that is decisive when choosing an interior style. The right style is already half guaranteed successful renovation, and knowing the most popular destinations will help you make the right choice. Only by using all these skills can you get an impeccable studio apartment design.

The architect was faced with the task of creating a project for a studio apartment, the design of which would not have a single flaw. The specialist noted that if he presented an impeccable interior, everyone would be bored. It is much more fun to work contrary to the architectural design.

Collide with each other in the interior of a studio apartment different eras, centuries and directions. And you will see that hi-tech, oddly enough, looks more impressive in a minimalist environment, and classic antique furniture- in the loft.

Interior design of a studio apartment - planning

Before you start registration modern studio, analyze what occupies your life more space: serene gatherings with family, noisy parties or funny Games with kids. After that, read the list of tips and use a red pen to highlight everything you need and cross out what you don’t need.

  • If the studio apartment simultaneously serves as a living room and bedroom, kitchen and office, then it is better to delimit the space with compact shelving, installing them across the studio room. Low furniture will mark certain boundaries between zones without cluttering up the space. In addition, the racks are convenient for storing items and utensils that are used both in the kitchen and living room.
  • It has been proven that no matter how bright, spacious and warm the apartment is, a person will not feel comfortable in it if there is no “bright spot” on which the eye can focus. Such a focal point could be a piece of art, a designer lamp, furniture or beautiful view from the window (if he is really good).
  • Furniture groups in a one-room studio apartment should encourage the owners and guests of the house to communicate. If the space is large enough, then the furniture is not pressed against the walls, but rather the center of the room is used.
  • Living area in apartments open plan will help highlight the podiums. But it is not recommended to make the ceiling “stepped” in small studios. This technique will visually make the room smaller.

In the design of a one-room studio apartment, it is important to find a compromise between the “living wage” of the living space and the “airiness” and spaciousness. To do this, in an open-plan apartment, select items that would perform not just one function, but several. For example, a multifunctional transformable bedside table that turns into a table and two chairs, or a strange but ingenious table that, when folded, is mounted on the wall like a painting.

The photo shows the design of a studio apartment of 30 sq. m with folding bed

An extremely important task in a studio with an open plan: to hide a sleeping area or make it look like a lounge space. A two-tier structure may look quite organic in a studio design, in which the first floor will be occupied by a small office, and the second floor will be occupied by a bed.

Design of a one-room studio apartment - design ideas

How to combine the kitchen, living room and bedroom in one room if you sleep on folding sofa not comme il faut, you have to cook a lot, but often meet guests? Let's look at examples of successful organization of living space: large and small one-room studio apartments, and we’ll immediately understand that white sofas are a hot interior trend.

Studio apartment design 40 sq.m. m in white

In a single studio space with a hall, kitchen, hall and dining room, the main emphasis is on white. It carries the main message. Hospitable owners will immediately appreciate the convenience of such an open-plan apartment.

While dinner is being prepared, you can chat with guests who, sipping wine, are comfortably seated on a snow-white sofa, at a table or bar counter.

Gloss, glass and uneven walls at first they are confusing - the true dimensions of the home become clear only after a detailed examination.

Material prepared for the website

The authors of the project, Alexandra Shilova and Anna Shemuratova, compensated for the excess of white with the presence of natural materials.

Part of the wall is decorated with wooden panels, wood is also used in finishing the floor - it unites the entire studio space into one whole.

Design of a studio apartment in the style of a “dishonest” loft

The pseudo-loft space in the photo above is organized according to the studio principle. Why pseudo? Yes, it’s just that classical loft-style apartments involve huge spaces with panoramic windows on the entire wall and the presence of a second floor.

In this interior, enterprising residents of the metropolis tried to bring the apartment as close as possible to the industrial style, using brickwork on the walls and concrete on the ceiling. But even designer lamps Don't turn this apartment into a Manhattan loft. What’s missing is “tattered” and “dilapidated” or something...

But the bathroom and toilet in the design of the Loft studio apartment are made well, without care. There are rough walls and expensive designer plumbing fixtures near them. Five plus.

Design of a small studio apartment in pop art style

The somewhat hooligan direction of pop art is diluted in this studio with elements of restrained minimalism. Pop art manifested itself in the design of the walls: three - a contrasting bright red color and the fourth, cold gray, decorated with an attention-grabbing poster. High quality lighting provide rotating spots on the white ceiling, which balances all this storm of emotions and splashes of color.

In the design of this Pop Art style studio apartment, attention is drawn to colorful textiles and red coffee table in the style of the 60s.

A compact kitchen wall with a futuristic hood brings us back to the present day, hinting that the owners of this fashionable interior people are active and not ready to endure routine, even heating up lunch.

Small studio apartment in Mediterranean style

What if we tell you that a studio can be bought or redesigned in an ordinary apartment in Moscow, and even furnished on a budget? The article contains a guide for such daredevils. For those who are not in the know: a studio is an apartment in which there are no partitions between the living areas: kitchen, bedroom, living room and dining room. In other words, this is a single living space that you can arrange as you wish. Usually either small in area (up to 30 m²) or quite spacious (from 100 m²) and with designer finishes.

This choice cannot be called traditional for Russia. Therefore, we will tell you about the features and rules of studio design so that the moving process is painless.

Advantages of a studio apartment

A studio is, first of all, about the layout, and not about the size of the area, as many people think. The main advantage, for the sake of which the whole adventure is sometimes started, is the opportunity to make the space as functional as possible and at the same time not overloaded. Now nothing will take away from you this feeling of freedom and spaciousness, which cannot be felt in an apartment with oppressive nooks and crannies.

When there's only one a large room, and not many small ones, it is much easier to decide on the interior style. If monotony is your thing worst enemy, nothing prevents you from experimenting with the design of functional areas (a place to sleep, a workplace, etc.). In general, the studio design has much fewer restrictions that owners of apartments with a standard layout often face. Here you can remake it to suit yourself and express yourself to your heart’s content.

The studio apartment is ideal for young people or families without children. Everything in it is literally at a distance arm's length. Now, to get from the kitchen to the bedroom, you don’t have to go through other rooms, opening and closing doors, it will be limited to a couple of steps. The studios also have good acoustics, so setting up a home theater or placing audio equipment here is the sweetest thing.

Disadvantages of a studio apartment

It would be dishonest on our part to describe the advantages and not mention the disadvantages. Firstly, not every apartment can be converted into a studio, since interior walls may be load-bearing. We advise you to study the building plan in advance. Even if the walls do not affect the strength of the structure, you need to go to the local housing office and agree on future changes

Secondly, studio apartments are expensive. Will have to demolish internal partitions, change electrical wiring and lighting. If the only purpose of the renovation is to increase the area by demolishing walls, calculate the costs in advance. Sometimes it is easier and more profitable to buy a two-room apartment.

The studio apartment is not suitable for large families or families with small children. It is almost impossible to be alone in it, and that says it all.

When renovating a studio, it is necessary to pay due attention to ventilation. When there are no partitions in the room, both pleasant and unpleasant odors. You will need it for the kitchen powerful hood, and in the toilet it is worth considering the ventilation system in advance.


The living space in the studio is not divided by walls. A separate room is allocated only for the bathroom. It's great that you can decide for yourself where the bedroom, living room or kitchen will be. But this opportunity actually turns into a zoning problem for many. New residents can’t figure out how to fit everything in required functions in a single space. Here are some of the techniques to use for zoning.

1. Furniture

Zones in the studio can be visually demarcated using furniture. This method is practical and very convenient. Let's study the examples in the photo.

The sleeping area is separated from the living room area by a bar counter and an adjacent sofa.

A bookshelf separates the living room and bedroom. Please note that the shelf stands on legs - this makes it light. Furniture in small spaces If possible, should not completely touch the floor. Squat things eat up valuable space.

A sofa separates the kitchen and living room space.

2. Light

When dividing space into separate zones light can be used. Often the sleeping area receives the least light: reading lamps or pendant lamps can be used here. But it is better to illuminate the kitchen and living room as much as possible - this is where we spend more time. Therefore, in small studios the kitchen is often located closer to the windows.

The photo shows the kitchen and living room by the window, which are well lit by pendant lamps. Bedside lamps are used to illuminate the sleeping area.

The second option is an example of classic studio zoning. The kitchen and living room are located near the windows and are well illuminated by daylight and artificial light. The sleeping area is illuminated by lamps in the ceiling. Please note: in the example, the bar counter separates the kitchen area from the living room.

3. Design

It is important to remember that in a single space it is better to abandon fundamental differences in the design of zones. Therefore, we advise you to use accents and listen to your sense of taste, maintaining a uniform design throughout the entire apartment.

In the bright living room, decorated in Scandinavian style, brickwork on the wall visually draws the boundary between the living room and the kitchen.

And in this example, a black kitchen is not only an interesting accent, but also a solution to the zoning problem.

In the photo, the kitchen area is highlighted by using laminate with a different pattern.

And in this example, the kitchen is highlighted with color, wooden floors and tiles on the walls.

4. Use of partitions and curtains

Curtains covering the sleeping area are one of the most common design solutions. This is convenient (quickly hides the bed from prying eyes) and practical (curtains can be changed during renovation or if you want to refresh the familiar furnishings of your apartment).

In this example, the border between the sleeping area and the relaxation area is determined by an open bookshelf. Here are two solutions in one: space division and a compact storage system.

5. Non-standard zoning methods

Non-standard methods zoning is often difficult not only to come up with, but also to implement. Therefore, if you want to use them, it is better to consult with professionals or order a design project. In the meantime, let's look at examples.

The structure in the photo separates the bed from the rest of the apartment space and serves as a storage system with many functions. Such a design, of course, is best created with the help of designers who know how and what to make it from. Inside, behind the curtain there is a pantry, outside there are shelves for books, boxes of small items and decorations.

And in this example, the sleeping area is separated from the living room and kitchen by a mirrored plasterboard construction. This solution is ideal for a studio also because the mirror visually expands the space.

Have you noticed that many examples use multiple zoning options? Their the right combination- the key to success and convenience. A small space requires you to think outside the box. This is why designers love them so much.

Functional use of space

So, you have already decided how to divide the apartment into zones. Another important question, which is worth thinking about: how to use these zones correctly? The perfect solution- choose furniture that does not take up much space and performs several functions at once. Let's look at examples.

On the picture dinner table and the kitchen area smoothly flow into the study. Two functions are performed by one narrow tabletop, which does not take up much space and defines a clear boundary between the kitchen and the office.

The structure on which the bed is located also serves as storage.

In the photo, the office and bedroom area takes up the same amount of space as in the apartment standard layout would take up one bed. It's simple: the bed is located on the second tier, and under it is a cozy office.

A folding sofa when assembled does not take up much space, and at night it provides additional sleeping space if you have guests staying over.


And finally, when all the problems with zoning have been resolved, it’s worth thinking about the style in which your apartment will be decorated. Most often, studios are decorated in a Scandinavian or minimalist style with bright accents. We have selected several examples of bright, beautiful studios for inspiration, taking into account the rules we have already learned.

IN small space In the photo four rooms coexist: an office, a kitchen, a bedroom and a living room. A crystal chandelier marks the living space, and a work table marks the border of the kitchen and sleeping place. The predominant white color is enlivened bright accents: red pillows, retro carpet, patterned bed sheets and fresh flowers.

In the photo, the living room rises above the level of the kitchen and dining room, and the unusual lampshade creates an accent against the background of the light interior.

The use of built-in appliances saves space in the kitchen and creates a neat appearance. Be sure to use a hood: without it, unpleasant odors in the absence of walls will spread throughout the entire apartment.

Use of eco-materials (wooden floors and furniture) - good decision. In this version, the design is executed perfectly: rugs of different colors indicate zones, while maintaining a single style in the interior.

So you have become acquainted with the basic rules that must be followed when arranging a studio apartment. Go ahead and remember that any rules are the basis for your imagination and resourcefulness! Sometimes less is more if you go about it wisely!

A typical studio apartment is a giant ugly joint of tiles and laminate between the kitchen and living room areas, eternal smells and scattered things. Is this not the kind of studio design you imagined? Ok, then you will have to follow 11 rules, which we will justify both in theory and with real photographs.


List of things that you should at least think about before starting renovations in a studio apartment:

  1. Decide on gender. Will it be laminate throughout the studio, or do you want tile areas? You need to think about this even before redevelopment because... The length of the joints is important.
  2. Bed? Didn't you think so? For some reason, it is customary for us to give up a bed in favor of a sofa; this is not even considered abroad. At least think about it.
  3. - standard. Convenient and modern solution, tested many times in practice.
  4. We're trying to cram in as many closed storage spaces as possible. Otherwise there will be an eternal mess.
  5. Deal with the ventilation (will come later). This is important in an ordinary apartment, but in a small studio it is simply critical.
  6. Furniture is preferably made to order. Yes, it’s more expensive, but it saves meters, which also cost money, and it pays off.
  7. Household appliances with combined functionality: washer dryer, multicooker, oven with microwave function.
  8. If the question arises where to place washing machine, then the first candidate for exit is the bath. Perhaps a shower area/cabin is enough for you. As practice shows, those who have both a bathtub and a shower cabin rarely use the first one.
  9. Never make partitions out of plasterboard. Sooner or later you will need to hang something on them and you will break off. Only gas silicate blocks (standard) or brick (if maximum strength is needed).
  10. We choose modern design styles, classic styles They are not suitable for the interior of a studio apartment.
  11. Materials and colors are only natural and imitating. Bright saturated colors only spotwise, in small quantities and preferably in textiles. Although for stylish design natural shades more than enough.

Let's go through the non-obvious points.

Gender selection

The standard and best price/quality ratio flooring option for a studio is laminate. And in the hallway area too. Yes, and in the kitchen area too. No, of course there are tiles in the bathroom, but there is a door there, and joining the laminate and tiles in a narrow place under the door leaf is no problem. What NOT to do:

Modern laminate flooring can withstand all loads in kitchens and hallways without any problems. Making a joint between laminate and tile anywhere other than under the door is the worst idea. We wrote about this in detail in and. There is free space in the studio, which means the joint will be long and always visible. Cleaning is also inconvenient. Dirt will still get trapped under it and moisture will get in.

In a studio apartment, joints between laminate and tiles are allowed only under the doors.

Parquet is a different matter; it can and should be combined with tiles. Firstly, the parquet fits perfectly with the tiles because... both materials are fixed with glue, secondly, the parquet is very delicate and really shouldn’t be installed in the kitchen and hallway.

Studio apartment with bed

Just because your apartment is small doesn't mean you shouldn't sleep comfortably. Many people underestimate the importance of such simple things. In Europe you will not see a studio apartment without a bed, but with a sofa. Yes, a small apartment may well not have a sofa. The main thing is the convenience of the owners; after all, you live here.

A bedroom, of course, will not work - the bed will have to be placed in a corner or niche. Or surround it with furniture. Or make a partition. It doesn't even have to reach the ceiling. Standard practice in any studio is to leave no spaces between pieces of furniture. Where possible, we put everything into focus. This will not make the interior feel cramped, rather the opposite.

Now we visit less and less. Cheap telephone communications and the Internet did their job. We also meet more and more often with friends somewhere on neutral territory. And if we bring them home, we sit in the kitchen. All in all,
At the very least, consider ditching the sofa in favor of a full double bed.

If comfortable sleep For you, the temporary comfort of your guests is more important, choose a bed.

And another studio from Scandinavia:


The most interesting design is for studio apartments with an area of ​​25 square meters. m. and 30 sq. m. meters, because more, it’s quite a one-room apartment, where you can divide it into zones with walls, and not partitions. Print out the plan of your apartment on sheets of paper and arm yourself with a pen. Involve your acquaintances and friends in this, you can hire a designer to draw up a project. The stage of creating a layout and arranging furniture is incredibly important.


Zoning in a studio apartment is done primarily for the real (technical) division of zones, and not visual, as many people think. Hence the conclusion: than more people will live in an apartment, the more important zoning becomes. The most extreme option, when zoning is simply critically important and any tricks and ideas are used - children. It is in the layouts of studio apartments with children that you can see the most interesting ideas. And we have photos of a couple of cool examples:

And another studio with two children, converted from a one-room apartment:

To divide into zones it is not necessary to demolish the entire wall. If you have decided to remodel and demolish the partition, then well done. Many are afraid of this, and completely in vain. Redevelopment is not particularly expensive, but the benefits are significant. And you don't have to tear down the entire wall. To make the space look unified, partial demolition is enough. In some apartments, for example Khrushchev-era apartments, it is impossible to demolish a wall at all - it is load-bearing.

A load-bearing wall between the kitchen and living room is not yet a reason to refuse redevelopment into a studio.

In this case, a partial demolition project with strengthening of the remaining part is made and agreed upon. It sounds scary, but it's true experienced builders They'll do it without any problems. It’s also easy to play around with this in design:

  • With partial horizontal demolition, a bar counter is created.
  • With partial vertical demolition, it can be used as a wall for a TV.

Another separation option is a sofa instead of a partition. The sofa is placed with its back to the kitchen, the TV on the opposite wall.

It’s clear to demolish, but what about building? You need to zone the room somehow. Building partitions and walls is also not a problem. The price for installation and dismantling work is approximately the same - $6 per square meter. The cost of gas silicate blocks is approximately $3 per sq. m. m.. You can redo the layout of your studio apartment as you like, demolishing walls and erecting new ones, and all this will cost around $500. A small price to pay for creating a project tailored to your specific needs.

Narrow rectangular apartments with 1 window

There are two main options for finding yourself in a studio apartment: tearing down the walls in a one-room apartment (for example, a Khrushchev or Stalin building) or buying it without walls. Between them there is fundamental differences, at least in the number of windows.

One window is elongated in small studios rectangular shape. As a rule, these are new buildings. Such apartments often have no partitions at all. 2 main questions in the design of elongated rectangular studio apartments:

  1. Furniture arrangement
  2. Lighting
  3. Furniture arrangement

    The main rule is that in narrow studios the passage through the entire apartment should be straight. Those. It should be possible to draw a straight line from the beginning to the end of the apartment so that it does not intersect any furniture or other obstacles. All large-sized furniture is placed against one wall.

    And another linear studio in a typical European version, where there is a bed instead of a sofa:

    The rest of the layout dances from the location of the riser. Most often, the bathroom and riser are located right next to the entrance. Then the kitchen set is placed against the wall of the bathroom. Perfect option headset - U-shaped with a bar counter. All other headset options lose out very much. Same option corner kitchen with a bar counter is ideal for square studio apartments.


    Doesn't matter, sunny side in a studio or shadow, you will have to make many light sources. This is good, light improves any interior. Given the prevalence LED lamps, this has virtually no impact on electricity bills.

    Because There will always be not enough natural light even for a small area, even during the day, we need additional non-main points. The light that will divide the studio into zones and highlight the right places, and not just illuminate. Sources with a lower and middle location are suitable for this. Wall sconces or built-in hidden LED strips. The latter are generally a godsend in the design of a studio apartment: they are cheap, look stylish and modern, and do not dazzle. But they must be provided for in the project in advance, then making bends will be problematic.

    The LED strip requires a regular output of 220V phase and zero + ground; only 2 wires go from the block to the strip without grounding.

    There are two options. Either we allocate a separate place for all power supplies and then wire it with 12-volt wires for the tapes, or we distribute 220V, but provide a place for the unit at the connection point of each tape. Please note that in the first option, it is undesirable to lead the wires further than 10-15 meters, otherwise the tapes may flicker or burn unevenly. In the second option, the blocks need cooling, and you need access to them, i.e. You can’t just wall it up in a wall or drywall. There is a trick for installing tapes on the ceiling: we place the connection point and the power supply close to spotlight. Then you can always pull it out and gain access to the power supply.

    In general, a studio with one window is not such a problem, the main thing is to take care of the lighting.

    Ventilation and exhaust

    Apartment renovation is not only visual design, but also technical planning. There are no barriers to the spread of odors in the studio, and the division into zones is often arbitrary. The area of ​​the room is small, which means your ventilation must work properly. And the point here is not the power of the hood.

    IN apartment buildings air enters through the windows and exits through ventilation ducts in the bathrooms and kitchen. If you place the hood on the kitchen ventilation duct, it will practically stop working when the hood is turned off, because... The natural difference in pressure is no longer enough to pull air through the filters. The result is odors and mold. The solution is simple: a double or tee is placed on the channel, an exhaust hood is connected to one outlet, and a check valve so that when turned on, the air does not blow back into the apartment.

    Do not occupy the entire duct with a hood.

    Studio design and decoration

    Choose modern design styles. Implement and sustain the correct classic interior It's almost impossible in the studio. It will still be Appliances, high concentration of storage places due to the small area,
    furniture is correct in shape, because classic rounded options take up too much space. It will all look like tracing paper. Of course, the decision is yours, but our advice is modern design styles.

    Here's a stylish couple modern options for young people:

    Colors and materials - natural and imitating them. White, gray, black, wood shades. Bright unnatural colors are only used in doses and in textiles: furniture, pillows, curtains, carpets. Explaining why is long and difficult, just take a closer look at the photographs. Are there many really stylish ones? modern interiors studios of aggressive bright colors?

    Don't go crazy with ceilings. Simple matte or concrete or concrete-like decorative. We have already discussed this topic in detail.

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