Dynamic toys made of plywood. Crafts from plywood: ideas, templates, diagrams for making your own

A long time ago, when there was no plastic yet, and instead of glass, bull bubbles were pulled into window openings, little girls, just as now, played at being daughters and mothers, and boys at warriors and hunters. Each clan always had its own Lefty, who made not only ralos and cart wheels, but also funny toys for his children in moments of leisure. The most available materials Then there was clay and wood, so most often children's clay whistles and wooden nesting dolls came out of the hands of a craftsman.

Wooden dolls did not always have legs and arms. Often the making of crafts ended with the designation of eyes and mouth, the rest was added by children's imagination. But sometimes a loving dad made crafts or mechanical masterpieces that were passed down from generation to generation. For example, almost every child had a wooden rocking chair in the shape of Sivka-burka.

In order to start making this toy, you will need:

  • board approximately 20-30 mm thick or furniture board;
  • rake handle;
  • wooden pins;
  • wood screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • glue.

Work order

  1. Transfer the drawing from paper to the board.
  2. Using a jigsaw, cut out all the parts along the contours and drill holes for the cuttings and pins.
  3. Insert pins into the holes, covering them with glue. Assemble the seat and rear legs.
  4. Once dry, continue assembly.
  5. Process everything sharp edges and roughness. Draw a muzzle. The horse for the little rider is ready.

If he wants to play as a knight or an epic hero, such wooden armor, a sword and an ax will probably come in handy. They are cut from a single piece of wood, polished and coated with metallic paint. With such a weapon you can even organize children's New Year's performances.

The very first toy after the rattle is, of course, cubes. In a world dominated by synthetics and plastic, it’s so nice to touch natural materials. To do for the baby wooden cubes, it is not at all necessary to have carver skills. The only indispensable condition is careful surface treatment, sawing sharp corners and edges. Such cubes do not need to be coated with varnish or paint, because the baby will definitely taste them. Place a gift under the tree, and your child will be busy with an exciting game all New Year's weekend.

Home-grown Kulibins were not limited to whistles and horses. Movable “living” crafts, which are several hundred years old, can be seen today in the “Virgin Toy” museum. Without knowing the laws of mechanics, the masters created these grain-pecking hens, accordion-playing hares and blacksmith bears solely on inspiration and thanks to their own ingenuity.

Wooden figurines were carved from linden, cut down 3-5 years earlier. Special knives were made for work in the village of Bogoroditsky. Today's development of technology allows anyone to make original New Year's gifts for their children under the Christmas tree.

Start making crafts with drawings. You can significantly simplify the design, depriving it of volume, and use plywood instead of linden. The most difficult thing in assembly is to determine the place where the legs and paws are attached so that when moving the slats, the bear and the blacksmith accurately hit the anvil with hammers. This is done empirically. But if our ancestors could make wooden mechanical structures, then, probably, modern dads can do it too.

New Year's snowflakes on the Christmas tree

For any child, the most memorable moments of the holiday are making Christmas tree toys with your own hands. It's very easy to make wooden Christmas snowflakes for your Christmas tree from old clothespins. For this:

  • remove the two halves from the spring. Expand reverse side and glue 8 pairs with even “backs”.
  • Fold the 4 glued halves into a cross and glue it in the center.
  • attach 4 more turned out clothespins, gluing them at the base.
  • New Year's snowflakes on the Christmas tree should be beautiful. Glue circles of colored paper or cardboard on both sides, sprinkle with tinsel;
  • Don’t forget to tie a string to the New Year’s toys to make it easier to hang them on the tree.

New Year's crafts are always nice. Let's start decorating the Christmas tree decoration made of plywood. The main materials for work are a decoupage napkin with images of gnomes and New Year's gifts, plywood blank in the shape of a ball, kitchen openwork napkin. All this can be purchased at special craft stores.

What options for creating Christmas tree decorations with your own hands on the eve of the holidays cannot be found on the Internet. These are products made from paper, from threads and glue, from felt, from corrugated paper and old newspapers. In general, there are a lot of materials for making such crafts and, if you have a specific diagram at hand, then in the end everything will be done quickly and easily. In this material we will give options on how to make New Year's toys from plywood; templates will help you make beautiful New Year's decorative elements with your own hands.

If you want to make stylish and beautiful New Year's toys from plywood, you should find high-quality templates and download them in advance. A large number of different templates that are suitable for these purposes can be found directly in this material and immediately downloaded to your computer from here, so that you can then print it on a printer for work or transfer it directly from the screen to a piece of paper. Such wooden decor it looks original, and the design is interesting and unusual.

To date wooden Toys for decorating a Christmas tree - this is rather a rarity. But once upon a time, these were the types of decorations that were most often used for Christmas decorations. Unfortunately, wood was replaced by plastics, but even now, despite all the diversity possible options New Year's crafts, plywood toys still occupy their own special niche.

Advantages of plywood for making toys

Ready-made drawings of plywood toys can be downloaded from this material, but if you are still wondering why you should choose this particular material, then it’s time to bring important advantages. First of all, Christmas decorations made of plywood are extremely rare today, which means it is stylish and incredibly original. This Christmas tree decoration will definitely not be found anywhere else and will be one of a kind.

I would also like to note that wooden Christmas tree decorations allow you to decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. Even a child can practice such skill, and the process itself, not to mention the result, brings a huge amount positive emotions and vivid impressions. This decor will be relevant for many years in a row. It is suitable not only for decorating a New Year's beauty, but also for doors and windows, as an independent exclusive gift to loved ones.

Another advantage of this decor, which cannot be ignored, is its durability. Do-it-yourself plywood toys do not break when hit or dropped. They retain their shape even in the most difficult conditions. stressful situations, where plastic or glass would have failed long ago.

What you need for needlework

This is not the most common type of handicraft, as already noted, so you need to carefully prepare for the work in advance. In particular, you need a sheet of plywood (you can buy it, you can take scraps of cut sheets that were used in construction).

Also, to work, you must have a jigsaw, manual or electric, on hand. You will also need a drill with set of drills and sandpaper. Plus, to bring the toy to life, you need to buy acrylic paints and acrylic varnish in advance. As additional decor, you can safely use paper, tinsel scraps, satin ribbons and even ready-made New Year and Christmas images.

Master class on creating a toy

First, we prepare the blank for decoration. Take the white one acrylic paint POLYCOLOR and a large foam sponge. Dip the sponge into the paint and smoothly swab it over the workpiece. The paint should be applied evenly to both sides of the plywood. If necessary, apply two or three coats of paint.

When the surface is dry, rub the plywood with a piece of fine-grained sandpaper. The workpiece must become absolutely flat - this is the main condition for decorating a Christmas tree decoration.

Remove from napkin upper layer and tear out the fragments with the gnomes. There should be a white paper field around each figure.

Now you can do decoupage on the prepared plywood surface. Place a piece of napkin with a gnome on one side of the ball. Using a small brush with soft bristles, dip into acrylic varnish (HOBBY LINE was used), and then gently brush over the top on a napkin. The varnish will quickly saturate the paper and it will stick to the workpiece. So, the varnish will perform two functions: both as decoupage glue and protective varnish. After the varnish has dried, glue the fragment to the other side of the workpiece in the same way.

Next, we create lace details on the plywood Christmas tree decoration. We place a kitchen openwork napkin on top of the decoupage so that you can visually imagine where to make the drawing (you can move the napkin until you like the location). Acrylic contours various colors Place dots in the holes of the napkin.

Choose the color of the contours to your taste, taking into account compatibility with the overall composition (HOBBY LINE, MARABU, and DECOLA were used). Such a dotted ornament can be placed over the entire surface of the Christmas tree decoration, or only along one edge.

When the dot painting is dry on both sides, open the decoupage with glossy acrylic varnish. Apply several layers of varnish and dry each thoroughly.

Place a ribbon or thick thread into the hole in the blank and hang the plywood toy on the Christmas tree. Dwarfs with gifts rush to the New Year with

The tree decorations were the first of their kind. Later we learned how to make glass products, and plastic came into use relatively recently. Despite the diversity modern materials for production, Christmas tree decorations made of plywood do not lose their relevance and return to christmas trees.

Why you should get a plywood toy for your Christmas tree

Home collections are predominantly filled with modern plastic decorations that are bought every year, or vintage glass balls and the figurines that our mothers and grandmothers decorated New Year’s trees in childhood. Christmas decorations made of plywood are almost never found.

Why you should get a couple of toys made from plywood sheets:

  • Original decoration self made will not be found anywhere else;
  • Possibility to decorate the Christmas tree to your liking;
  • A reason to practice crafts and make a toy with your own hands, an opportunity to keep your child busy and spend time together;
  • A new product every day;
  • A lot of positive emotions from the result.

Christmas tree decorations do not lose their relevance for several seasons: they are not only used to decorate a tree, but also hung on walls, doors, and given to each other. Crafts can also be made specifically for gifting or selling to those wishing to receive exclusive New Year's attributes.

Making crafts with your own hands

As already mentioned, making your own jewelry is much more valuable than acquiring ready-made standard toys. This is a completely simple process; all you need is to acquire the necessary materials, tools and use your imagination.

Why do we choose plywood sheets as a material for Christmas tree decorations:

  • You can use old scraps of sheets used for construction;

  • Crafts can be of any size;
  • Christmas tree decorations made of plywood do not break or break, and can be safely given to children.

So let's get started.

Preparing the workplace and tools

In order to do Christmas decoration on the Christmas tree with your own hands, use a small workbench or as a last resort kitchen table, pre-covered with thick oilcloth. To avoid damaging the tabletop, we recommend placing it on plywood sheet .

For cutting you will need:

  • Manual or electric jigsaw(whatever there is);
  • Drill with a set of drills;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • To securely fix the fragments, it is ideal to use hot glue from an electric gun. As a last resort, prepare wood glue and PVA;
  • Acrylic paints and clear varnish for fixing from the same material;
  • Decorations: paper, beads, polyethylene crumbs, scraps of tinsel and satin ribbons, foil, ready-made images of New Year and Christmas themes - this item is limited only by your imagination.

Option 1: regular Christmas tree decoration

Ordinary Christmas tree decorations made of plywood are flat, in the form of various fairy-tale characters, traditional New Year's attributes and heroes. To accurately and accurately cut out the desired outline, prepare image templates in advance. They can be drawn on paper or downloaded from the Internet, printed and cut out.

  1. Transfer the image to a plywood sheet - trace the template.

  1. Armed with a jigsaw, cut out the toy along the drawn contour. When working with electric tool There are no problems, the process goes smoothly even for an inexperienced student.

WITH with a hand jigsaw more difficult: the file must be directed strictly along the contour so that the hand does not tremble and the blade does not jump off and cut off excess. For mechanical tools, prepare replacement files in advance.

  1. Using a drill, drill a hole in the top of the toy.

  1. Use sandpaper to sand the cut areas, focusing on the resulting chips.
  2. Now decoration. If Christmas tree decorations are supposed to be items of natural wood color, then skip this point. If you want to create a completely decorative effect, cover the workpiece with white acrylic enamel– it will become the background for future decorations. When the layer is dry, paint the main design.

  1. If you don’t want to paint the craft yourself, glue a finished picture cut out of paper or cardboard to the blank. For fixation, use PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

  1. Volumetric decoration stage. Beads, decorative snow, tinsel, foil come into play - everything that your imagination can handle. Fix these decorations with hot glue or transparent wood glue. Finally, cover the surface of the craft with acrylic varnish to fix the result.

  1. Thread a satin rope into the hole and tie a knot or a beautiful bow - the toy for decorating the spruce is ready.

Option 2: Volume decoration

By this concept we mean Christmas tree decorations made of several parts or those that can be placed.

Making composite Christmas tree crafts with your own hands is no more difficult than flat ones; on the contrary, the process becomes more exciting.

  1. We take the same base material and transfer the template to it.

  1. For complex products, we mark the holes according to the diagram.
  2. We cut out the outline and clean up the edges.
  3. We connect the fragments. If the toy is flat and composite, we use ribbons or nylon threads for connection, which we tie into strong double or triple knots. If the toy is on a support, we work with the blanks according to the instructions, for example, we insert the parts into each other.
  4. The decoration of individual fragments can be done immediately after preparation. individual elements or after assembly. In any case, the workpiece is subject to the same processing as a flat toy: enamel, picture, drawing, three-dimensional decor, varnish fixation.

Volumetric Christmas tree decorations made of plywood can be used not only for hanging on New Year's trees, but also as an independent toy for a child as a gift.

A homemade item, especially one made of wood, can keep a child occupied for more long time than modern ones expensive toys, and interest in it remains for more long time. This is another argument in favor of the fact that it is useful to make products from plywood.


Christmas tree beads are an element as important as the toys themselves. This also includes elegant garlands for a tree or room. They can also be made from plywood using the same principle as described above.

Some tips:

  1. The garland for the Christmas tree should be made in a simple form so that the decoration fits organically into the general composition. Choose from checkboxes, circles and more simple shapes. This will help save time - there will be a lot of elements for cutting and decorating.
  2. Use satin ribbons and decorative ropes to connect the elements so that appearance products remained solemn.
  3. To fix the fragments on the rope, tie knots at the location of the element. This way it will maintain its position no matter how inclined the thread is.
  4. Make loops at the ends of the rope to make it easy to hang the garland.

What are the results

A couple of hours of work, satisfaction from the perfect process and pleasure from the result - all the emotions in a plywood toy. Add the attention of household members and guests to a hand-made product and success is guaranteed. Handmade products never go out of fashion; they are passed down from generation to generation, carrying with them a piece of memory. Have you ever seen such a set of values ​​and emotions contained in a mass-produced plastic toy?

Making toys from plywood can be either a simple hobby or a profitable activity if we are talking about large-scale production. Nevertheless, such products can decorate the interior of the house and serve as interesting entertainment for the child. Examples of toys are doll houses, collapsible construction sets, children's furniture or New Year's decorations.

Plywood is a cheap and durable material from which special effort you can make toys for a child.

The cost of manufacturing such a toy is minimal, so the costs are very low. In addition, plywood is relatively durable material which can withstand heavy loads. The material is safe for use, so the made toy can be safely given to a child.

Materials for work

Before starting work, it is recommended to create a drawing that would depict the main stages of work. The drawing plan should include both the number of parts for work and the dimensions of the components. After this, the drawing can be transferred to the blank plywood. It should be remembered that it is recommended to draw the image in real scale.

The following tools are required to complete the job:

Much attention should be paid to grinding the edges of the workpiece. It is not recommended to use low-quality equipment or pay little attention to this aspect, as this can lead to injury. In this case, safety comes first.

You need to transfer the drawn image onto a plywood blank with your own hands, and then start making parts. To make straight cuts, you should use circular saw. For curved lines A circular saw works well. As for too curved lines and the most complex elements, then in this case it is necessary to use a jigsaw.

To make a prefabricated toy, you should take care of the details. The number and shape of elements depend on the tasks, which will be discussed below. Now we need to talk about the materials that will be required for this toy:

  • nails;
  • wood glue;
  • screws.

For a toy that will be movable, it is recommended to use nails and screws. This will make the structure not only functional, but also durable. The remaining parts, the mobility of which is not necessary, can be secured using wood glue.

It is important to remember workplace safety. It should not have foreign objects that interfere with work and movement. In addition, you need to take care of the availability of necessary materials so you can fully concentrate on work. As for assembling the structure, it would be nice to pay attention to one point: metal fasteners should not stand out, but, on the contrary, merge with the surface of the toy.

Return to contents

It is necessary to remember the choice of material, since the workpiece must be without any defects. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the quality of the product and its appearance. Before transferring the toy design onto the workpiece, the surface of the plywood should be treated with a coarse-grained grater, and then polished using fine sandpaper. This will provide not only ease of use and give the product a good appearance, but will also help in drawing the drawing, for which you just need a regular pencil.

As for image transfer, this should be done with great care. For greater convenience, the sheet with the image can be secured using push pins. For easy polishing, you can wrap a small block in sandpaper.

When cutting out parts, you should be patient, since inexperienced people find it difficult to make particularly complex elements. But after gaining the necessary experience, this problem will solve itself. The main thing in this matter is not to rush. The resulting parts must also be treated with sandpaper. The parts must be connected to each other according to a pre-planned plan.

During assembly of the structure, it is easy to detect defects in parts; they can be easily replaced with new structures, so it is not recommended to immediately fasten the elements.

Plywood, as one of the most affordable and practical types The material can be effectively used not only in construction, but also in the manufacture of household items. You can make some of them at home.

Such products include:

  • figurines for decorating the garden and yard;
  • doll houses;
  • 3D plywood constructor;
  • figurines for decorating the room;
  • memorable souvenirs;
  • all kinds of stands for stationery;
  • napkin holders, etc.

Note! Thanks to high level environmental friendliness and naturalness of the material, you can even make such a product as a plywood construction set for children without posing a risk to the child’s health.

Features of making figures from plywood

If you want to create a toy out of plywood, it's best to start with the most simple products. As you gain experience, you can make your tasks more complex.

The first thing you should do is work out the toy patterns to make your own products. They will form the basis of your work. It will depend on the scheme external characteristics and functionality of the toy. If you want to make a construction set from plywood, the drawings must be accurately verified and made in full size so that during the assembly process you do not encounter any inaccuracies or errors.

After you make sure that your drawings are completed correctly, images of the parts can be safely transferred to the surface of the plywood sheet.

Tools and accessories

Not only the plywood construction set itself, but also all the work involved in its production can become exciting activity for you.

Kit the necessary tool comprises:

  • jigsaw (for making too complex and curved cuts);
  • circular saw (for making straight cuts);
  • circular saw (for making curved cuts);
  • sandpaper.

Note! This is what the main set of tools looks like. If you cannot ensure the presence of at least one item from this list, the quality of your product may be seriously affected, and insufficiently polished cut edges may lead to injury in the future while playing with such a construction set.

Before you start making toy parts, make room for work. Provide yourself with enough large quantities free space so that nothing can hinder your movements and create inconvenience in work. Concentration in this matter - an important part success.

Parts manufacturing process

Before you begin transferring your drawing onto plywood, check its surface for obvious and unwanted defects in the form of dents, knots, and other things. If any are identified, the surface can be treated first with coarse-grain sandpaper, then using fine-grained paper.

Note! To transfer an image onto plywood with a flat surface, it is best to use a simple pencil with a soft lead.

The process of transferring the image itself is best done slowly and carefully; the drawing can be attached to the base using buttons. Sawing cuts, no matter whether they are straight or curved, requires certain skills and patience.

Before starting to make a construction set, it is recommended to practice more simple figures in order to improve your skills and feel firmness and confidence. Ready elements The designer should be processed again using fine-grained sandpaper.

Most often, many people make their first figurines based on ready-made options drawings and that's correct. After all, they all have detailed description assembly sequences. It will be easier for you to determine the quality of your work by collecting ready product and correcting deficiencies if any are identified.

It is very important to sand the surface of the plywood along its layers so that all parts of your construction set have perfect shape, and while playing with them, your child did not experience any unpleasant sensations and, moreover, could not get hurt.

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