Disinfectants for acrylic bathtubs. How to care for an acrylic bathtub: useful tips

Owners modern plumbing made from acrylic, they are often faced with a rapid loss of their original appearance, which cannot be restored. And most often this is due to the fact that they care for her in the ways they are accustomed to - not knowing that many products simply cannot be used. But how to wash an acrylic bathtub or sink so as not to harm it?

The answer is simple: only with means specifically designed for this purpose. Want details? I'll tell you everything.

5 Unacceptable Cleaning Products

U acrylic surface There are many advantages, including low thermal conductivity and the ability to repair the coating yourself. But there are also disadvantages, the most annoying of which can be considered the sensitivity of the material to the effects of many of the means we commonly use.

This capricious nature of acrylic makes it necessary to use cleaning products and devices very selectively. In order not to damage Her Highness’s bath and not to deprive her of her royal attractiveness, you will have to give up such things as:

  1. Hard brushes and sponges, capable of scratching the surface;
  2. Powders with abrasive particles, microscopic scratches from which are not visible individually, but their number makes the surface of the bathtub dull and rough;

  1. Detergents with chlorine, which corrodes the material and makes it porous;
  2. Liquids and gels with acetone and ammonia, acting like chlorine, but with less intensity.
  3. Also, an acrylic bathtub cannot be washed with products that contain phosphoric or formic acid, ammonia, formaldehyde.

As you understand, most home methods are not suitable for us, just like the usual household chemicals for cleaning enamel or earthenware coatings. Therefore, before cleaning an acrylic bathtub with the products available in your arsenal, make sure that they will not harm it.

Means and methods for careful care of acrylic bathtubs

If your font is already in very disrepair, it is better to restore it by applying a fresh coat of acrylic. This should be done by specialists. And we are interested in how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home.

It depends on the type of pollution.

Daily care

With such plumbing, it is important to follow one principle: do not let it run. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the acrylic bathtub after each use using only a soft cloth or sponge and clean water. And then wipe it dry so that when the water evaporates, it does not leave behind a limescale deposit.

It is not recommended to use the cleaner for acrylic bathtubs unnecessarily. A couple of times a month is enough. At regular care this is enough to maintain its whiteness and radiant appearance.

Removing stains and plaque

If you often neglect daily care, you will have to decide how to clean the bathtub from rust and plaque.

Rust spots may appear on the surface of acrylic in two cases:

  • If taps and mixers faulty and constantly leaking.

Get rid of yellow spots it is possible with the help of such special tools as Mister Chister, Mister Muscle, Radomir and others designed specifically for acrylic.

The instructions for the drug will tell you how to use each of them. Most often, they are applied to the surface, spread over it with a sponge and left for some time. After which they are washed off warm water, and the bathtub is again wiped dry.

But it’s easier to prevent such stains from appearing at all. Why do you need to either take care of installing a water purification system, or change or repair faucets in a timely manner.

From limescale and soap deposits help get rid of:

  • Still the same special sprays and gels, helping to eliminate hours of scrubbing and scraping water stone. In addition, this cannot be done in the case of acrylic bathtubs.

  • Home methods How to remove limescale in the bathroom. They use ordinary table vinegar or lemon acid. A full bath will require one and a half liters of vinegar or a 7–9% acid solution.

If you only have essence, you must first dilute it, focusing on the following proportions:

To clean an acrylic bathtub, do the following::

  • Fill it with warm water;
  • Pour the prepared solution into the water and stir;
  • Leave to act for 12–15 hours;

  • Drain the water and rinse the bathtub clean water and wipe it clean.

It is enough to perform this procedure 1-2 times a year..

Antimicrobial cleaning

If pets are washed in the bathtub, it is advisable to disinfect the font before using it for yourself and especially bathing a child. The cleaning agent used for this must also be special. Its price is higher than that of conventional liquids and gels, but restoration or replacement of plumbing will cost much more.

The method of use is indicated in the instructions. Usually it is the same as when removing limescale.


If you know how and with what to wash an acrylic bathtub, it will retain its original whiteness and shine for many years. The basic rule: do not use abrasives or aggressive substances that can damage the surface. All of them are listed above.

Acrylic bathtubs have won the love of housewives all over the world with their smooth surface, glossy shine and impeccable whiteness. Lighter, more varied in shape and size plastic models successfully replaced clumsy cast iron washing containers.

Happy owners of acrylic plumbing fixtures often wonder how to clean the font in order to maintain its original condition. appearance products for a long time. In fact, you should be careful in this matter, since not every cleaning product is suitable for mechanically fragile plastic. In this article we will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub so as not to spoil it.

Advantages of acrylic

Many homeowners are concerned about the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub, since they have heard a lot about the capriciousness of plumbing equipment made from this material. In fact, acrylic products are much easier to care for than steel or cast iron wash containers.

The ease of cleaning is explained by the following properties of the polymer:

  • Low porosity. There are practically no pores on the acrylic surface, so it does not absorb dirt, but repels them, making it easy to clean every day acrylic bathtub can be done simply with warm water and a soft cloth.
  • High smoothness. The smooth surface of acrylic does not allow dirt and harmful microorganisms to become embedded in the structure of the material, so it is easy to clean the bowl even without the use of abrasive detergents.

Note! Manufacturers often talk about the “self-cleaning effect” that high-quality acrylic products have. This term means that their nasty surface repels dirt, so you have to clean the bathtub less often. In most cases, you can wash an acrylic bathtub with warm water or soapy water.

Typical contaminants

Since polymer plumbing fixtures have replaced cast iron and steel fixtures relatively recently, the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is relevant for many responsible housewives. Acrylic products repel dirt, however, intensive use of the device leaves its mark, deteriorating the appearance and hygiene of the washing container. Most often, the following contaminants occur during the use of a bath:

Important! Properly caring for your plumbing fixtures so that old stains do not appear on them is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub. Therefore, it is important to rinse regularly inner surface bowls with warm running water and then wipe dry with a soft cloth after each use.

Many housewives do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub, so they use completely inappropriate products that corrode, scratch or otherwise damage the product. Not proper care– the most common reason premature wear of acrylic sanitary ware. Manufacturers recommend not using powders to clean such bathtubs; instead, it is better to use a delicate, gentle washing gel or cream. To care for acrylic plumbing, 4 categories of cleaning products are used:

Please note that if you are not sure what product to use to wash your acrylic bathtub, it is better not to take unnecessary risks. It’s better to try what effect the composition will have on small area surface, and only then continue cleaning the product.

"Forbidden" techniques

Acrylic plumbing fixtures of high quality are simply a godsend for modern housewives, which save time on everything possible. At correct operation it retains whiteness and shine even without the use of special products. However, washing an acrylic bathtub with the wrong household chemicals can ruin the product. Manufacturers recommend not to use for care:


An important measure to combat contamination on the surface of acrylic bathtubs is proper care in compliance with the manufacturers' recommendations. Using the product correctly is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub at home. Compliance with these 4 simple rules significantly extends the service life of plumbing fixtures:

Remember that by using a low-quality or unsuitable product to clean an acrylic bathtub, you are not getting rid of dirt, but of expensive plumbing fixtures!

Video instruction

Acrylic bathtubs are not only beautiful and convenient plumbing fixtures. In addition to knowing its main characteristics, you will need to know how to wash an acrylic bathtub so as not to damage it. She has the following qualities:

  • the combination of plexiglass fibers fused into acrylic gives the structure good mechanical strength and rigidity;
  • normal price;
  • light weight compared to cast iron or steel baths.

In order to determine how to clean an acrylic bathtub, you will first have to focus on the type of contamination.

Acrylic bath

Types of pollution

First of all, so that the acrylic bathtub retains its properties for a long time snow-white color, you will have to follow the instructions for its use. But over time, you will inevitably encounter defects such as rust, yellowing, plaque on the surface of the bathtub, and during repairs - remnants of paint, glue and silicone. Let's look at each of them and how to deal with them.

What can and cannot be cleaned

Ideally, to maintain the original appearance of your acrylic bathtub, you should clean it after each use. You will need: a simple cleaner that does not contain aggressive elements, a soft sponge, water. After cleaning, it is better to wipe the bathtub with a rag or cloth so that even the remaining droplets cannot form a film.

When choosing a means and method for washing an acrylic bathtub, you will have to navigate:

Speaking about what should not be used to clean acrylic, first of all we should mention chemicals, which contain abrasive particles, as this will lead to the formation of scratches on the surface of the bathtub, and therefore spoil the appearance of the bathtub. When buying a detergent for acrylic bathtubs, make sure that it does not contain:

  • ammonia;
  • formaldehyde;
  • alcohol;
  • formic acid.

An acrylic bathtub needs to be cleaned in a timely manner and depends on factors such as the degree of water purification and the serviceability of the taps and drains, as well as how often you use the bathtub. To determine if it's time to clean the tub, you can run your hand along the inside of the tub or simply inspect it for any film of dirt.

The layer of dirt can be felt especially well after taking a bath, although it is practically invisible from the outside: the surface will be rough to the touch and will not shine. But remember that washing an acrylic bathtub too often will remove the protective layer, especially if you have an inexpensive model made of composite plastic. In general, after taking a bath, it is enough to rinse its inner surface with high pressure of water.

Cleaning products

Depending on the degree of contamination of the acrylic bathtub, you will select a product to clean it. For prevention, it is recommended to use formulations with mild, non-aggressive components. But if you for a long time If you haven’t washed the bathtub, you will need a combination of cleaning products. The main thing is that they are combined and compatible with each other.

The company Ravak (Czech Republic) is very popular, which has been producing trays for shower cabins and acrylic bathtubs for 20 years, and also specializes in special products for cleaning them.

For example, liquid Ravak Cleaner is used to remove limescale and grease stains from the surface of an acrylic bathtub. Can be used for everyday use, and the sprayer allows you to thoroughly treat the entire surface of the bath. Ravak Disinfectant is used to disinfect acrylic surfaces and consists of a concentrate, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:50.

Bathtub cleaner Ravak Cleaner

The SanClean company (Ukraine) has been producing inexpensive and high-quality cleaning products for the care of acrylic bathtubs since 1996. They include healthy supplements and acrylic polymer. At the same time, they not only clean the surface of the acrylic bath, but also contribute to the formation of a small protective layer and grouting micro-scratches.

The Triton company (Triton, Russia) also produces special cleaning products that are characterized good quality and a large assortment.

For example, Triton Acrylic cleaner removes plaque, rust and a layer of grease stains. It is considered one of the universal compositions. And the special Triton Disinfectant allows you to clean hydromassage baths without damaging their acrylic inner surface. This is also a concentrate, which is diluted depending on the consistency.

Company BAGI (Israel). In addition to other cleaning products, the company produces special products for the care of acrylic bathtubs. Akrilan product has a foamy formula that allows you to use the product sparingly and at the same time wash the entire bath. It is sprayed using a spray trigger, and after 2-3 minutes you can wash it off. Acrylan can be used both for prevention and for deeper contamination of the acrylic surface.

Acrylan is an excellent product for acrylic bathtubs

The Nevskaya Cosmetics company (St. Petersburg, Russia), which, in addition to cosmetics, produces cleaning compositions for acrylic bathtubs. Mister Chister is universal. It performs two tasks at once when cleaning an acrylic bathtub:

  • removes plaque from grease stains, rust and other contaminants, while simultaneously imparting gloss to the entire surface;
  • promotes bath disinfection with an antifungal effect.

Legia Lux LLC (Russia). The Tim Pro product does not contain abrasive particles and at the same time perfectly performs the functions of disinfecting and cleaning acrylic surfaces. Can also be used for hot tubs.

Methods for cleaning the bathroom from rust, limescale and yellowness.

A clean bathroom is an indicator of the cleanliness of the housewife. This is one of the most frequently visited places where a lot of mold, dust and soap scum accumulate. In places where the bathtub comes into contact with the faucet or drain, rust and scale often form.

How to clean a bathtub from rust?

Rust often eats into the surface of a metal bathtub and is difficult to remove. Many housewives solve this issue by purchasing expensive cleaning products. But, unfortunately, they also do not always cope well with the problem.

Bathroom cleaning instructions:

  • Take a glass jar and rinse it. Remove moisture and pour in 100 ml of ammonia
  • Add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the substance and stir
  • Saturate the fabric with the mixture and rub away any stains.
  • You can pour some of the solution onto the rust and leave for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water, repeat if necessary

Rust is an iron oxide that can be removed using acids and alkalis. It dissolves perfectly with the help of ammonia, vinegar and special aggressive agents.

How to whiten a bathtub from yellowness?

Many housewives regularly use this method to clean sinks and bathrooms. The effect of the method is based on the use of wine vinegar and salt.

Instructions for removing yellowness:

  • Mix 100 ml of wine vinegar and 50 g of salt in a glass bowl
  • Place the vessel in the microwave and heat the solution to a temperature of 70 °C
  • Dampen a cloth with the liquid and rub the dirty areas. Leave for 30 minutes
  • Do not over-expose the solution, as it may damage the enamel.

How to whiten an enamel bathtub?

It is best to clean such products with acid-containing solutions. For the product to work well, you need to warm up the bathroom. Just type in it hot water, lower it and wipe it dry.

Only then apply the cleaning agent. The enamel should not be rubbed with abrasives or a metal scraper. This can cause it to become cracked. These cracks often become clogged with dirt and mold.

Instructions for enamel whitening:

  • Heat the product. This enhances chemical reaction, and cleaning is faster
  • Pour concentrated vinegar or essence onto dirty areas
  • Oxalic acid works great for removing dirt, but you shouldn’t apply it for long
  • Leave the product on for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home?

You should not use abrasive compounds or powders to clean acrylic bathtubs. They scratch the polymers and damage the product. It is recommended to use such compositions as “Silit”, “Domestos”, “Cif”. Substances with a high chlorine content (Whiteness) should not be left for a long time, as they are absorbed into the pores of the polymer and cause it to turn yellow.

Instructions for cleaning an acrylic bathtub with citric acid:

  • Dissolve a spoonful of the substance in a glass of hot water
  • Soak a cloth in the solution and apply to stains. You can wipe the entire surface of the bathroom
  • Rinse with warm water
  • You can use by special means For plastic baths, this is Rhyton, Eago, Ravak, Delfin

How to whiten a cast iron bathtub?

A cast iron bathtub can be cleaned using soda and abrasives. It is recommended to clean with liquid chlorine. Don't rub metal surface scraper, it destroys the coating.

Cleaning instructions cast iron bath:

  • Rinse the product very hot water or boiling water
  • Dry with a dry cloth or towel
  • Pour in some Bleach or liquid chlorine. You can buy Domestos with chlorine or Hedgehog
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water

How and with what to clean the bathtub using folk remedies?

There are many ways to clean a bathroom from rust and limescale. Of course, it is advisable not to use techniques that destroy the enamel.

Options for cleaning the bathroom with folk remedies:

  • Mix salt with vinegar and heat. Apply the solution to the surface. Rinse with water
  • Borax mixed with ammonia and apply to rust or dirt. Wash everything off after 15 minutes
  • Pour citric acid onto a dampened surface and leave for 20 minutes. Wash the surface

How to clean an acrylic bathtub with vinegar?

Acrylic is a unique material that requires careful care. On its surface there is an antibacterial film that protects the container from the appearance of mold and bacteria. Do not use bleach or aggressive substances for cleaning. Use proven and safe methods.

Instructions for cleaning acrylic with vinegar:

  • Rinse the product with hot water and wipe dry
  • Dissolve 20 g of salt in 100 ml of vinegar and place in the microwave. The temperature will speed up the process and you will get rid of dirt faster
  • Pour the solution into the bathroom and leave for 20 minutes
  • Wipe with a damp cloth and wash with water

How to clean a bathtub at home with baking soda?

Heat the bathtub with warm water and wipe dry. Mix baking soda with calcined and apply to a damp bath. Do not rinse off the baking soda and let the paste dry. Pour vinegar into a glass and pour it over the surface. The vinegar and baking soda will react chemically and the dirt will disappear.

You can use this method:

  • Mix baking soda and water until you get a paste
  • Apply the paste to the surface and leave for 20 minutes
  • Rub the surface with a sponge and rinse thoroughly

How to clean a bathtub with citric acid?

This method is used to clean cast iron and acrylic bathtubs from limescale and rust.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Wet the contaminated areas with warm water
  • Add citric acid. It will stick to a wet surface, forming a concentrated solution
  • Leave for 25 minutes
  • Wipe with a clean cloth and rinse

How to clean a bathtub with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to remove yellow stains from the bathroom. It is a weak acid that eats away dirt. At the same time, the solution does not smell of anything and is completely safe for health, unlike chemicals.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Mix ammonia and peroxide in a ratio of 2 to 1
  • Apply the prepared solution to a warm and dry surface.
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • If the bathroom is very dirty, you can leave a cloth soaked in the prepared solution on the surface

As you can see, cleaning the bathroom from rust and yellowness is quite simple. It takes a little time and effort.

VIDEO: Cleaning the bathroom

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