Detailed design of a frame house. Frame mini houses

Project frame house is a set of construction documents. It can be used as step by step instructions to build a frame house with your own hands. It also allows you to monitor the correctness and progress of execution construction work, and consumption building materials. What are they? And what to consider when choosing them?

Frame construction

Frame construction is characterized by relative simplicity, affordability and speed of construction. The walls of a frame house can be assembled in just a few days, and the frame house for year-round use - turnkey construction within a month.

Its construction does not require the ability to lay bricks. The frame is similar to a construction set that is assembled from individual elements and is connected using bolts, anchors, screws, nails. A description of the assembly process and a list of materials and parts for construction are contained in the projects of frame buildings.

Calculation of frame racks.

The cost of the project does not exceed 5% of the construction cost. At the same time, it contains a lot of necessary information. Professional calculations, informed choice of building materials, selection engineering communications– everything that will allow you to build a house reliably and with high quality. How are project documentation drawn up, and what do you need to know to purchase a frame construction project?

Beautiful projects frame houses: photo, catalog

Price frame cottages today it compares favorably with housing built using other technologies (only cottages made from sip panels can be cheaper). This is precisely why they are attractive to developers in 2018. But in order for such a cottage to meet expectations in terms of quality and comfort, you need to approach the construction process very scrupulously, starting with the design.

In this section of the catalog you can look at ready-made projects of frame houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings, diagrams.

The main difference between a frame house and a traditional one is the pie walls.

Walls made of stone materials(brick or aerated concrete), made from timber, have a homogeneous structure.

What does the wall consist of:

  • wooden or metal frame,
  • insulation that fills it (from mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, other non-traditional insulation materials),
  • wall cladding internal and external,
  • available additional layer insulation on the outside.
The frame of a building is a system of beams, posts, and other elements that carry the load of the floors and roof.

The frame house project displays all the necessary data:

  • Sections of beams, pitch of racks, dimensions of other frame elements, which are calculated based on the loads of the building.
  • The thickness of the filling and external insulation, are selected in such a way that heating costs are low even in winter, and unnecessary layers of insulation are not installed in the wall itself. These parameters are included in the project based on the results of engineering calculations.
  • Foundation parameters taking into account more a light weight cottage, then its cost will be lower, without compromising quality.

Therefore, the frame house project must be specially adapted to this technology! Then any specialized construction company will be able to build you reliable, comfortable housing. The frame house plans collected in this section of the catalog are adapted to wooden frame with mineral wool insulation. It is also possible to design on an individual basis.

By using additional services The layout of frame houses can be changed, the interior design of the cottage and landscape can be created, and other changes can be made. Design documentation can be supplemented with other engineering developments.

The project documentation includes 5 sections: three engineering section(water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, electrical); architectural section, constructive.

Each project is protected by copyright, which provides clients legal security during the construction of a cottage project documentation Z500. , posted on the website, confirms that the Z500 company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 in Russia.

It is important to note that the Z500 company does not develop projects for vulture houses.

A distinctive feature of frame construction is not only the speed of construction of housing, but also the ability to build residential buildings any size and layout. The company "Kudesnik77" has the technical ability to manufacture prefabricated structural elements and carry out the construction of such mini buildings, taking into account the financial capabilities of the customer and the scope of operation of such buildings. Customers have at their disposal numerous designs of small frame houses that are simple and easy to use. Such dwellings are very convenient as country option, distinguished by its compactness, originality of technical solutions and level of comfort.

Small frame houses. Advantages and features of such a building

Currently there are many opportunities for quick solution problems and challenges associated with low-rise private construction. The availability of modern materials and new technologies allows you to quickly manufacture and build a mini-house according to frame technology. Unlike residential buildings large area and with a complex layout interior spaces, such houses are simple, both for the pace of construction and for subsequent operation. A small frame house, the designs of which can be seen on the website of the company “Kudesnik77”, is a cost-effective and tempting offer. This technology used in the construction of mini houses is convenient for that category of clients who have decided to equip their country cottage area, quickly solve your housing problem.

The advantages of mini houses are as follows:

  • relatively low cost of housing compared to large frame houses;
  • fast production of prefabricated structures, delivery to the site;
  • the possibility of assembling a residential building in a densely built environment;
  • high pace of residential building assembly, finishing and connection to communications.

Projects of frame mini houses, despite the simplicity of technical solutions, are distinguished by originality and rationality. The houses do not require foundation preparation on the site. Basic structural elements are durable and reliable. A country house built using this technology is stable, and with special finishing, it is quite suitable for year-round living. Such a structure can be used as a personal building. Our company is ready to offer mini-construction options for construction on personal plot baths or saunas.

What do we offer

The company "Kudesnik77" is ready to offer its clients a profitable and simple solution. If you want to have your property ready for living on the eve of summer country house, then such a mini-house is the most successful economically profitable option. You want to have a small frame house on your site, the projects are already ready and waiting for you.

You place an order, we build for you a convenient and comfortable country house, bathhouse or sauna, and any other building. Small frame houses are affordable and do not differ from permanent buildings in terms of comfort and reliability. For reasonable money, you will soon have a finished building at your disposal.

They are an excellent construction option. Today housing is very expensive. Maintaining it is also a costly process. That is why people are looking for a way out of the situation, giving their preference to small structures for permanent residence, after all little house– just as functional and comfortable, and significantly less funds are required for its construction and maintenance.

Currently very popular architectural direction, which allows you to build a mini-house. This is a unique style of minimalism, in which the rooms are multifunctional, there is no corridor or it is reduced to miniature sizes. In such a house, everything is thought out very carefully. There are many, so the designs of small houses for permanent residence are impressive in their diversity. An oversized building can be constructed in a variety of shapes.

Construction of mini-houses using ready-made projects

Today, the easiest way to build a small house for living is using a ready-made project. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of developing project documentation. Finished projects allow you to quickly build a house that will be comfortable for the whole family. To select an option, you just need to contact construction company, which specializes in the construction of turnkey houses. The company’s specialist will offer the most advantageous building option that would satisfy all the desires and requirements of the future owners. By contacting a company of professionals, each customer is guaranteed to receive what they dream of, because the masters:

  • will inspect the site where construction is planned;
  • listen carefully to the wishes of the owner and his family members;
  • will select the best construction option that will fit perfectly into the building, while preserving it as much as possible usable space. At professional approach all the client’s wishes are taken into account;
  • will carry out preliminary calculations construction, allowing you to determine whether the cost of constructing a building is affordable for the customer;
  • will carry out all types of work on a turnkey basis.

By contacting a specialized company, each customer receives ready house With . No headaches, no searching for construction crews, no purchasing materials. All that remains is to periodically monitor the construction, check the provided reports if desired and, of course, enjoy the comfort own home. Small houses for permanent residence, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet, are comfortable and elegant buildings.

Advantages of building a small house according to a ready-made project

Construction small house according to the finished project allows:

  • build small house with all necessary communications for permanent residence;
  • conveniently place rooms, while creating comfort;
  • Significant savings on construction itself. Maintaining such a mini-house will also not be difficult;
  • make individual changes to layout. Finished projects allow you to make your home special.

Small house is an excellent construction option for both retirees and young people. This is the best option. Small Vacation home has everything necessary for permanent residence and is equipped with communication systems.

Construction of a frame mini-house for permanent residence

Used to build a small house different materials. Today it occupies a special place. Small frame-panel houses appeared quite recently, but quickly gained popularity. The construction of a frame house is special. The building is erected on a specially installed frame, which can consist of wood or metal. Special sandwich panels are attached to this base.

A small house does not require pouring a solid foundation, because it has little weight. Such houses are distinguished by their strength and endurance. A house intended for permanent residence is insulated special material, perfectly retaining heat even in the harshest winter.

The external one can be very different. Thanks to her, the house acquires individuality.

Construction of a frame small house has its advantages:

  • fast construction. The time required to build such a house is several weeks;
  • opportunity to build in difficult places with moving ground;
  • construction can be carried out year-round;
  • significant savings in construction and maintenance;
  • the ability to build buildings of various shapes;
  • completely fireproof, because its construction uses modern fire-resistant materials;
  • environmentally friendly. Modern materials used in construction meet hygienic standards and do not affect environment and man.

The small frame house is equipped with communications. It is very comfortable and cozy to live in.

Wooden small house for permanent residence

Build a small one today wooden house according to the finished project is as simple as a frame one. But there is an opinion that it is unsuitable for permanent residence. Many people think that such a house is cold in winter, but that’s not the case at all. Modern construction allows you to build one that will be very warm and comfortable, because wood conducts heat several times worse than brick or foam block. This natural material, like a stone, has unique property- accumulate heat. very simple, without putting much effort into it.

In summer, such a house will be comfortably fresh and cool. Advantages of construction wooden house obvious. Firstly, it will have a special atmosphere. Secondly, it will be environmentally friendly, thirdly, warm and comfortable. Ready-made turnkey construction projects can significantly save money on the construction of buildings.

Small brick house for permanent residence

Small houses can be built from bricks. This traditional material, used for the construction of structures. Construction of even small sizes requires a solid foundation. Such a building takes much longer to build than its modern counterparts, but, nevertheless, many people prefer brick. Over the decades, the material has proven itself to be reliable and durable, which is why it is not so easy to abandon it.

A mini-brick house can be designed in different ways. The main requirement for developing a construction plan is to create a convenient layout.

What goals do people pursue when building small houses?

Today, small houses are in great demand. What makes you build small-sized housing?

  1. Small houses are the most the best option construction for pensioners. Maintaining such a structure is much simpler and more economical. In addition, retirees are no longer as vain as the younger generation. They simply don't see the point in building a big house.
  2. Small cash outlay. Building a house requires significant investment. Young people have not yet managed to save the necessary funds, which is why they give preference to the construction of small buildings. In addition, you can build such a structure on credit, which will not be so difficult to repay.
  3. Low maintenance costs. Modern projects allow you to have luxurious, but small apartments, which are much cheaper to maintain.
  4. Can even be built on small area. The small house is beautifully located even on a compact plot of land.
  5. An excellent option for initial construction. Many owners land plots build first small house, and then already. The oversized house can later be used as a guest house or can be converted into a bathhouse.
  6. Many options for mini-houses are mobile, that is, they can be transported from place to place.
  7. Small houses are not a miserable existence and not a deprivation of all the benefits of civilization. Taking a closer look at them, you can see beauty and grace, originality and extravagance. This is a wonderful and comfortable living environment. Correct layout small houses for permanent residence allows you to create a unique atmosphere and increased comfort.

We offer you projects of frame houses for construction with your own hands from scratch to finishing. Our projects are adapted to self-construction by non-professionals, and according to the dimensions of materials from the store!

When purchasing a frame house project from us, you receive not just a set of documents and complex drawings, you receive detailed step-by-step instructions on assembly and construction technology, as well as the installation of utilities (laying and connecting electrical, plumbing and ventilation).

To build according to our designs, you don’t have to be a builder, just be able to hold a hammer in your hands!

all projects

Projects of frame houses up to 50 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 50-100 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 100-150 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 150-200 sq.m.

KD-22 Frame house project 8.4x10.5 172m2 2 floors

The price of the house is 774 thousand rubles.
The price includes insulation 150mm min. wool and finishing
Ceiling height 2.6 or 2.8 m
4 bedrooms: 2x18 2x11m 2
Living room 18m 2
Kitchen 18m2
Project price 11,000 rubles.

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