Decorating an old chest of drawers. How to restore an old chest of drawers (video)

– what could be simpler! Our master class is for “dummies”, that is, for those who do not know what decoupage is. Transform simple thing, and make it exclusive - it’s all in your hands. Decoupage is the decoration of objects with cut out pictures, napkins, photographs, or fabric. The drawings are beautifully placed on the prepared surface, covered with PVA glue, and then varnished. This way old things will get a second chance and live longer.

Let's try to decoupage a chest of drawers with our own hands in the shabby chic style. The word “shabby chic” is translated as “shabby chic”. In other words, we will decorate and age the chest of drawers.

How to make antique furniture out of a simple chest of drawers, sideboard, or cabinet with your own hands? Eat different ways decoupage wooden surfaces in shabby chic style. For our master class we took decoupage in a simple way. You can paint your chest of drawers not only white - it can be pale pink, pale blue, gray, light green paint.

If you are new to decoupage, our master class is just what you need to understand that decoupage can be done by everyone, since the technique is very simple.

The decoupage technique is not suitable for decorating polished furniture, painted furniture oil paint, or simply with impregnation: before decoupage you will have to remove upper layer sandpaper or sander and prime. Can be primed acrylic paint or wood primer.

To work you will need:

  1. Old chest of drawers.
  2. Roller or brush for painting the entire surface.
  3. Acrylic whitewash or acrylic paint.
  4. Rubber gloves.
  5. Disposable plate.
  6. Sandpaper.
  7. PVA glue.
  8. Pictures for decoupage.

Regarding paint: acrylic paint is suitable for you to start with, but those who are doing decoupage not for the first time are advised to use chalk paint, it is more expensive, but best quality and lies more evenly on the tree. We prepare the chest of drawers for decoupage: remove the top coating with sandpaper, remove dust with a damp cloth, prime with primer or acrylic paint. In this master class we do not remove the handles, but the professionals make sure to remove all the fittings from the furniture and screw them back in at the end of the work. Pour the paint onto a disposable plate.

We begin to paint the surface of the chest of drawers: with a roller or brush we paint the entire surface. Please note that acrylic paint dries quickly. Walk with a roller once, wait 5-10 minutes, and walk again.

While it's drying last layer paints - cut out pictures for decoupage. These can be ordinary napkins, printouts on a laser printer, ordinary postcards, decoupage cards. It is advisable to separate the paper before gluing, for example, a postcard. Good way: take the tape, apply it to the back of the card, and remove the layer of paper along with the tape. We cut out the pictures along the contour so that there is no white paper left. Estimate how many pictures you need and their location on the dresser drawers.

Also in our master class we will do some antiquing on our chest of drawers. To do this, we take sandpaper or a metal dish sponge and sand the protruding parts, drawers, sides, and top of our chest of drawers.

Next, dilute a little PVA glue in a separate bowl: 2 parts glue and 3 parts water. We coat all the edges of the picture above well with our diluted glue. We work from the center of the picture to the edges. It is necessary that there is no air left under the picture.

You can tint the edges of the pictures with a brush with white acrylic paint - this is done so that the edge of the picture smoothly blends into the general background.

It will turn out beautifully if you paint curls or leaves to the pictures with colored acrylic paint.

Decoupage is done well when the design merges with the background of the surface, and there are no folds or lumps in the design. At the end of the work, after all the pictures are glued and the surface has dried, we treat the entire top of the chest of drawers with varnish, preferably in 2 layers. It could be acrylic lacquer, wood varnish, or special varnish for decoupage. This is done to protect the surface from moisture and extend the life of your furniture.

Roses – pictures for decoupage

If you want to decoupage a bedside table with your own hands, or decoupage a buffet, you may need decoupage pictures that are printed on a color laser printer.

The decoupage technique is at the peak of popularity these days. This is a simple and inexpensive way to update the interior of an apartment or country house. Using a minimum of materials and your imagination, you can decoupage a bedside table or sideboard with your own hands, and thus create an interesting, unique thing for your home. Give old furniture one more chance. Here are just a few examples, including a decoupage cabinet.

Buying furniture is not always included in the article family budget. Decoupage of a chest of drawers with your own hands is not only about giving an old thing a new look appearance, but creation original item interior for quite little money.

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Advantages of decoupage chest of drawers

Old chests of drawers are distinguished by quality production, refined lines, and timeless design. A craftswoman may fall into the hands of a beautiful tea chest or a stylish piece of furniture from the last century. Like all furniture, over time they lose their attractiveness due to faded paint, peeling varnish and other reasons.

Restoration is possible for everyone at home. The main thing is to be patient, prepare everything you need and carefully familiarize yourself with the stages of the process itself. If you decoupage a chest of drawers with your own hands, it will breathe life into it.

Materials and tools

There are many ways to restore chests of drawers: decoupage with napkins and fabric, painting using stencils, aging using different shades paints and creating the effect of cracks on the surface. Each method has its own characteristics, but the result is always the same – a wonderful original piece.

To implement any decoupage project you will need:

  • finishing material;
  • sandpaper with the finest and medium abrasive grit;
  • PVA or special decoupage glue;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • acrylic paint of different shades;
  • brushes for painting;
  • primer, putty, varnish.

In addition, you may need gold leaf for gilding and craquelure varnish to create the effect of cracks.

The restoration process from start to finish

The process of updating an old chest of drawers can be divided into several main stages, each of which is important to achieve the desired result.

Preparatory stage

The surface preparation stage plays vital role during the decoupage process. After all, you just have to ignore at least one point and all the work will go down the drain: the decor will peel off, and the unevenness of the old coating will appear under the paper or fabric.

Before decorating the chest of drawers with your own hands, you need to remove old layer varnish or paint. This is first accomplished using coarse sandpaper or a disc. grinding machine. At the final stage, you need to carefully sand the surface of the chest of drawers with paper with the finest grain size and felt.

If after sanding cracks, holes and other defects appear in some places, they are hidden with decorative putty. Allow to dry and sand again.

The basis for the future masterpiece of interior art has been created. Now it needs to be primed and painted. If a primer should be chosen only for wood, then there is no single solution with paint. It could be acrylic composition or at water based, plain or several colors. It all depends on the initial idea of ​​the master and the result that needs to be achieved.

Aging and gilding

The aging process involves simulating a surface that has been worn out in some places: in the corners, on the edges, near the handles.

To implement it, you need to use paints of 2 shades: one darker, which is visible from under faded paint dresser material, and background color. Paints are applied in stages:

  1. First, the chest of drawers is painted with dark paint and allowed to dry.
  2. In places where it is planned to imitate aging in the future, the surface is rubbed with paraffin.
  3. Apply the background color of the product.
  4. Carefully, lightly pressing over the paraffin layer, use zero-grade sandpaper to remove the paint layer of the dominant color.

To make the chest of drawers look old, you can use craquelure varnish instead of simple varnish, which forms cracks after drying.

Carved chests of drawers with elements of gilding look impressive, giving them greater value and chic. To achieve this effect, you can purchase gold patel in special craft stores - thin foil that imitates a precious metal. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and to decorate only some areas with it, placing accents.

The patel is glued to the surface and the glue is allowed to dry thoroughly. Then the excess foil is removed and the gold-plated elements are given the desired shape.

Using napkins and cards

The use of napkins or special decoupage cards is more common when creating furniture in the Provence or shabby chic style, and the decorating process itself is similar.

Decoupage with napkins will cost less. It will not be so offensive to spoil the material.

Cards can be of 3 types:

  1. With an image printed on thick rice paper, which has a rough structure and pronounced fibers. It is better to use such cards to create a joint-to-joint image on the entire surface of the furniture.
  2. On thin rice paper, with a delicate texture, the glued pattern looks realistic, without visible borders. Such pictures are most often complemented with watercolor strokes, creating the effect of artistic painting.
  3. The card is made of plain paper, which, like multi-layer napkins, must be divided into layers before gluing. To do this, apply 1 or several layers of varnish to the front surface of the image and allow it to dry completely. Then the workpiece is immersed in water, allowed to soak completely, and a thick excess layer is lightly rolled off, leaving only the pattern fixed on the varnish.

Whatever material is chosen, working with it is as follows:

  • The image is cut out.
  • Apply on it reverse side a thin layer of liquid PVA or decoupage glue and placed on the gluing site.
  • Then comes the most meticulous process - leveling the paper image. This should be done with a soft painting brush, carefully smoothing out all wrinkles from the center to the edge.

If decoration involves blurring the edges between the shades of the image and the main background, before gluing, draw a frame using diluted with water watercolor paints. After drying with a damp foam sponge, the tint is adjusted to the required size, making the transition smooth and washed off.

Painting with a stencil

The easiest way to decorate a chest of drawers is to apply various motifs and monograms using stencils, which are available in a wide range on the handicraft market.

The process consists of several simple steps: fixing the template to the surface, applying paint with a foam sponge, and removing the stamp.

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Decoupage of a chest of drawers is an easy way to breathe life into your furniture. new life.

If your chest of drawers is covered with cracks, has become old, or you are simply tired of it, do not rush to throw it away, because it is quite possible to turn it into a new one without spending a lot of money.

This can be done using decoupage - an unusual furniture design technique that came to us from France and quickly became popular in Russia.

In the article you will learn how to restore furniture in this way, and also receive a master class on decoupage of a chest of drawers.

Photos, videos and instructions will help you cope with this job and give new life to your old things.

The decoupage technique involves covering furniture and other household items with colored paper, pictures, as well as additional effects such as coloring, gold plating, etc.

The decoupage technique became most famous in the 17th and 18th centuries: with its help, merchants counterfeited Chinese furniture, which was fashionable at that time, by coating ordinary furniture additional elements and decorations.

Such a product appealed to the poorer segments of the population who could not afford real furniture.

Initially, this technique spread throughout Europe under the name “art of the poor,” but soon wealthier segments of the population also became interested in it, and soon it reached the court of King Louis XV.

In addition to pasting furniture, decoupage is also common on other items. Everyday life: often used decoupage to decorate clothes, for example, ladies' hats, plates, boxes, mirrors, etc.

Over the years, decoupage has not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, has become on par with other professional activities - for example, such great artists of the 20th century as Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso used this technique in their works.

Today, decoupage is available to everyone who loves creativity.

The big advantage of this technique is that you do not need any expensive tools - just imagination and improvised materials, for example, old magazines, stickers or pictures, which can be purchased inexpensively in specialized stores.

In the photo you can see what the decoupage technique looks like - essentially it is just furniture and household items pasted over with pictures and varnished.

Naturally, for the result to look attractive and not haphazard, you need a concept for the future creation.

Can be used already ready-made ideas– for example, decorate your chosen item in the popular Provence style.

To do decoupage, you will need pictures that you can find in magazines, newspapers, books, sticker albums, wrapping paper, postcards, photographs, etc.

To cut them out, you will need scissors or a razor, and to glue them, you will need PVA glue or a special glue for decoupage.

To remove the glue, you will need a rag or sponge, and to finish the job, the pasted pictures need to be coated with varnish or acrylic and polyurethane aerosol.

As you can see, high costs this technique will not require.

Decoupage can be used to decorate literally any item, and it will be interesting to both adults and children, who can use it to decorate their notebooks, diaries, shelves or tables in the room.

However, when it comes to pieces of furniture, decoupage must be approached with great responsibility, because this item will remain in your home for many years.

Furniture decoupage is not like that simple task, and below you will receive instructions on how to deal with this so that the chest of drawers is truly pleasing to the eye.

How to restore a chest of drawers using decoupage?

Before you start decoupaging a chest of drawers, you need to decide what you want it to look like in the end, and also choose a coating technique. One of the most simple techniques– decoration with paper.

This DIY chest of drawers restoration is suitable for those who do not have much experience in furniture finishing, because... it is quite simple, but at the same time it looks attractive and original.

The design of the chest of drawers depends on its location and general interior For example, with a strict monochromatic office design, the chest of drawers can be decorated using ordinary newspapers, but for a children's room it is better to choose something more interesting and bright.

If the room is decorated in a certain style, for example, Provence, then it makes sense to make the chest of drawers in a similar style so that it does not stand out from the general style.

Before you start, watch the mini-master class. Decoupage occurs in several stages.

The first step is to wash and dry the surface of the furniture and remove the drawers and shelves that are inside. If the chest of drawers is uneven, you can treat it sandpaper.

Now you can start painting. You can paint the chest of drawers completely or partially, depending on your idea.

Then, after drying, the painted parts are treated with sandpaper and the next coat of paint.

Now comes the decoupage itself. Take the mini-blanks you made (newspapers, magazines, etc.) and cut out the images, and then place them on a surface pre-greased with glue.

The paper can be smoothed with a roller or simply with your hands. Then you can apply paint along the outline of the design; if you want, you can varnish the chest of drawers.

Wait a while and you can assemble the chest of drawers.

Decoupage with fabric

As you can see, the first mini-master class is not at all difficult. It will be a little more difficult to decorate the chest of drawers with fabric. In terms of materials costs, it will not be more expensive - most likely old fabric you have plenty of it at home.

Usually, this technique is not used to decorate the entire chest of drawers, but only the drawers, but you can try another method by looking at the design options in the photo.

This mini-master class begins similarly to the previous one - first you need to wash and disassemble the chest of drawers.

Before gluing the fabric, you need to make mini-blanks - that is, patterns with a suitable pattern, and they should be several centimeters wider than the front of the box.

you can buy ready-made patterns, or choose an example from a photo, or come up with a drawing yourself.

When the fabric is ready, coat the outside of the box with glue and apply the fabric, then smooth it out from the middle until it is even.

It is better to attach the folded fabric inside the box with a stapler so that it holds better. After the glue has set, you can assemble the chest of drawers.

The most difficult thing about this method is making the patterns. A mini-master class on video will help you with this.

It is best to choose a fabric that matches the tone of the interior, or in some interesting and popular style, for example, Provence.

Luxurious decoupage option

The following mini-master class will help you make a chest of drawers in truly luxurious style and turn it into the main addition to the interior.

To do this, you will need some blanks: paper for pasting - it is better to buy ready-made, as well as additional decorative elements- for example, paints and gold leaf.

After preparing the chest of drawers, you need to paint all the parts, and then apply the ornament of your choice to the doors.

The pattern can be applied using a ready-made pattern, or watch a master class on decorating a chest of drawers in a bohemian style.

Cover the finished ornament with gold leaf or other material of your choice, and cover the fronts of the drawers with baguette frames.

Then the entire surface needs to be varnished, and you can assemble the chest of drawers.

If you don’t want to decorate your chest of drawers in a too pompous style, then you can choose something lighter and more modern, for example, Provence, hi-tech, etc.

Aging a chest of drawers

The last mini-master class is devoted to how to artificially age a chest of drawers. You can do this in addition to the selected style, or choose this design option as the initial and only one.

As in other cases, you need to completely disassemble the chest of drawers and sand all its parts with sandpaper. Then wipe the surface with a sponge or rag.

Paint the furniture and wait until it dries a little, and then you can start “aging”.

To do this, you will need some ideas and some tools - candles, a scraper or sandpaper will do.

You can create artificial damage on the surface with a scraper, and rub some surface fragments with a candle.

You can apply other “aging” options by watching a master class or a photo with decoupage. Then you need to secure the workpieces with an additional layer of paint.

Re-treat the chest of drawers with a sponge - where the paraffin was applied, the paint will come off easily, and you will get an aging effect.

If you want, you can also add decoupage to the resulting design using paper or ornament. Once everything is ready, coat the surface with varnish and you can assemble the chest of drawers.

This style is considered “rustic”, but it will fit perfectly into a city home if your apartment is decorated in a country or Provence style.

Thus, with the help of decoupage any restoration of a chest of drawers can be carried out.

To do this, you only need to make inexpensive blanks from which the drawing will consist, choose a design style (Provence, Art Deco, hi-tech, etc.) and put in a little imagination and effort - then you can restore old chest of drawers so that it will turn out no worse than new.

So, for work we will need a lot of materials, I’ll tell you about them in the process.

This is the chest of drawers I had, of excellent quality.

Step #1

To begin with, we paint the inside of the chest of drawers, I have Tikkurila Joker, color G309, ivory. Next, apply a dark stain using a dry brush technique, simulating abrasions, so as not to thicken internal walls chest of drawers and drawers. We prime the entire chest of drawers with outside, we skin.

Step #2

In those places where there will be abrasions, we paint with black paint.

Step #3

We take a candle, I use these small ones.

Rub the dark places.

And paint the entire chest of drawers with the main color! About 4-5 layers of paint.

Step #4

We select a stencil, place it on the surface and attach it with small pieces of tape so that our stencil does not move when applying the paste.

We need structural paste and a palette knife.

Step #5

Apply the paste in a smooth, even layer. It is better to mix the paste with a drop of varnish; it will be stronger after drying.

We wait about a minute and remove the stencil.

After 5 minutes, tap the pattern with your finger to smooth out the paste a little. Thus, we apply the pattern on all sides of the chest of drawers.

Step #6

We wait until it dries completely (I left it overnight) and sand our pattern. At this stage, I did not sand to perfection; I wanted a little more texture in this work.

Step #7

This is where the dirtiest and dustiest work begins. We take a palette knife and start tearing off white paint and our wax. Generally in real furniture shabby, such scuffs and chips are created after varnishing, in order to look as natural as possible, and it really looks super (I like it), but in our case, I didn’t leave this work for later, I was just lazy. It is difficult to remove paint that is already covered with varnish.

Step #8

Choose a napkin. To create this chest of drawers, along with the drawers, I only needed 1 piece.

We tear out the elements we need.

We will need glue and a brush.

Glue it on (there can be a lot of ways to glue a napkin, I just glued it with a brush and glue, since the elements are small, and I was sure that I would glue it without folds, but you can use any of the methods you are used to).

Step #9

At this stage we need: Mordan, brush, gold leaf, small bristly hard brush.

Apply Mordan to our pattern and let it dry for 30 minutes, following the instructions on the bottle.

Apply gold leaf, smoothing it with a brush.

Then use a hard brush to remove the excess. In those places where there was no mordan, the gold leaf will not stick, so you can safely “sweep away” the excess!

Step #10

Now we need to finalize the roses, after gluing and sanding the napkin, the borders of the motif are always visible, especially on a pure white surface, we will mask them.

This is how we had it:

We take some sandpaper and carefully sand the borders of the motif, thinning it to a minimum.

This is how we got it:

Step #11

Now we take my favorite patina and begin to rub our chest of drawers with careful, light movements.

Step #12

Pens. You need to choose handles before applying a three-dimensional pattern to the chest of drawers in order to leave room for them. I got these:

Step #13

Now let's get back to the boxes. I decided to repeat the motif on the fabric that will be used to cover the inside of the drawers. We will need: napkin, fabric, glue for decoupage on fabric, cardboard, iron, moment crystal glue, scissors.

Step #14

We cut out the cardboard of the size we need, measure the fabric from it, and cut out 4 rectangles.

Step #15

We tear out the motif from the napkin.

Glue using decoupage glue onto fabric and brushes. We glue quickly, saturating the fabric well.

Dry for 24 hours in a vertical position at room temperature. I hung it on the drying rack with clothespins. Do not bend the design or dry it horizontally.

Step #16

After drying, carefully iron with a hot iron, on cotton mode, on both sides.

Step #17

We cover 4 drawer bottoms with fabric with a pattern. More detailed master class I have already published about covering boxes with fabric

Glue it.

This is how the chest of drawers turned out:

When the surrounding space is filled with simple and uninteresting things, then life slowly becomes inconspicuous and boring. As an option, you can transform a faceless chest of drawers beyond recognition, breathing into it a second life, exciting and bright. This item will certainly add a bold touch to the interior of the room and will perfectly complement many styles.

Dresser decor can be done using acrylic paint.

Decorating a chest of drawers is one of the ways to show your Creative skills and make your own dreams come true.

There are a great variety of techniques and styles. You just have to find what suits you best.

Decoupage technique using paper

We love this type of decor experienced craftsmen, and by people who have just discovered their creativity. in this style it always turns out unique and very memorable. Such an interior item will put the finishing touches on the design of any room. For office space or an office, it would be ideal to decorate it with ordinary newspaper, in common room and a light print or any “calm” pattern will fit well into the hallway, a chest of drawers with delicate roses is indispensable in the bedroom, and the decor with cartoon characters will delight the child.

  1. Dresser.
  2. Sandpaper.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Paper for decoration.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Acrylic paint.
  7. Sponge.
  8. Brush.
  9. Roller.
  10. PVA glue.

Work order:

  1. Prepare the chest of drawers. If this old thing, then it must be washed, freed from paint, and dried.
  2. The drawers need to be pulled out and the handles removed.
  3. If necessary, smooth all surfaces with sandpaper.
  4. Paint the entire chest of drawers with your chosen paint or just a specific part of it, such as the countertop and drawers.
  5. After drying, sand the painted area until perfectly smooth.
  6. Apply a second coat of paint.
  7. Prepare paper. To do this, you need to cut it to the required size or just a separate fragment of the image for small applications.
  8. Generously coat the surface of the chest of drawers with PVA glue and carefully apply the image.
  9. Hands or special roller smooth out the paper.
  10. Wait until the paper is completely dry.
  11. If the drawing requires it, then paint is applied along its contour with a sponge. smooth transition borders of the image and the main background.
  12. After drying, the entire surface is varnished.
  13. Make and screw the handles.

You can decorate the entire surface of the chest of drawers with one general pattern, for example, paste over the entire tabletop, or decorate it with just one fragment. The choice depends only on personal preferences.

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Decorating with fabric

The images on the chest of drawers should be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room.

Decorating a chest of drawers using the decoupage technique is possible not only with paper. Segments thick fabric Perfect for transforming old furniture. In addition, this is also a very economical option, since there is plenty of such “good” in every home. Usually they decorate the fronts of drawers. The fabric is selected in the same or matching tones, but with different patterns.

To work you will need the following:

  1. Dresser.
  2. Cuts of fabric.
  3. Brush.
  4. PVA glue.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Staples.
  8. Stapler.

Work order:

  1. Remove the drawers from the prepared chest of drawers.
  2. Unscrew the handles.
  3. Prepare pieces of fabric. They are cut 3-4 cm wider than the front of the box. This is necessary for bending.
  4. The front surface of the box is coated with glue and a cloth is applied to it.
  5. Starting from the middle, it is smoothed out, getting rid of bubbles and folds.
  6. Apply glue to a small strip along the edge inside box. Carefully wrap the fabric.
  7. For strength, use a stapler to shoot the edges of the fabric from the inside.
  8. After complete drying, screw on the handles.

You can choose any fabric for decoration, but if you choose it to match the curtains or sofa cushions, then such a stylish chest of drawers will best fit into the interior.

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Bohemian chest of drawers with gold ornaments

You can paste over the chest of drawers using finished paper, bought in a store.

An ordinary office chest of drawers can be turned into a rare item from the Baroque era. Such majestic furniture always looks advantageous and captivates with its design.

To work you will need the following:

  1. Dresser.
  2. Paint for interior works dark chocolate color.
  3. Beautiful antique handles.
  4. Gold leaf.
  5. Pencil.
  6. Ready-made ornament.
  7. Pastel or sanguine.
  8. Screwdriver.
  9. Hot glue gun.
  10. Baguette frame.
  11. Rollers.
  12. Brushes.

Work order:

Before decorating, the chest of drawers must be varnished.

  1. Prepare the chest of drawers for use: clean, dry, remove the drawers.
  2. Unscrew the handles.
  3. Paint all exterior parts of the dresser twice with a brush.
  4. Let the paint dry.
  5. Using pastel or sanguine, apply the ornament to the doors.
  6. Paint the ornament with gold leaf.
  7. Decorate the fronts of the drawers with baguette frames.
  8. Apply varnish.
  9. Screw on new handles and assemble the chest of drawers.

This decor includes accessories with a touch of antiquity, so it is best to pick them up in the appropriate stores or age them yourself. The resulting chest of drawers will add an atmosphere of aristocracy and subtle taste. In the same way you can transform bedside tables, cabinet fronts and bed headboards. Such elegant furniture will certainly help create a festive interior with accents of chic and luxury.

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