Dark souls 3 call for help. Trade-in for boss souls on favorable terms

It's not every day that you come across a game that offers such a large selection of classes as Dark Souls 3, and even more so few role-playing series can boast of a system of ten parameters. To help you understand all this diversity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our guide for beginners.

Introduction to the series Dark Souls tends to be pretty intense. The third part is no exception, because from the very beginning it shows itself in all its glory, offering ten classes at once, which differ both in parameters and starting equipment, and in the style of passage.

Dark Souls 3 Roleplaying System and Options

At the heart of everything is a role-playing system, which in the game from FromSoftware is represented by ten main characteristics. To save you time, let's briefly explain what each of them affects:

  • Vitality (Vigor). This parameter determines how durable the character will be - the more vitality, the longer the red health bar. It also has a positive effect on the ability to resist cold and frostbite.
  • Attunement. An important attribute for magicians, because it gives additional spell slots and also increases the supply of focus points (mana).
  • Endurance. Almost every action in the game requires stamina. Fortitude determines its reserve, allowing you to perform more actions per unit of time, and also increases protection from bleeding and lightning.
  • Physical strength (Vitality). This stat is often confused with vitality and normal strength, but it actually determines how much weight a character can carry. This is important for men-at-arms who want to increase their mobility in full combat gear.
  • Strength. Determines the physical damage dealt by many weapons, as well as the ability to resist fire. It's especially important that many weapons require a certain amount of power to use.
  • Dexterity. Deceptively appears to be a purely combat stat, but is also useful for mages. Firstly, like strength, this parameter determines the damage from many types of weapons and is also necessary for their use. Secondly, it slightly affects the damage caused by spells, as well as the speed of their casting. But that's not all: high agility reduces fall damage.
  • Intelligence. Increases spell damage and magic resistance.
  • Faith. The higher this characteristic, the more damage miracles and pyromancy cause. In addition, it slightly increases protection from darkness.
  • Luck. A new parameter for the series that increases the chance of receiving items after defeating an enemy. Luck is useful for those who prefer to use poisonous weapons and inflict bleeding wounds on their opponents, as a high value increases the speed at which such effects are applied. Well, the “cherry on the cake”: increases protection against curses.
Of course, to fully understand the benefits of each stat, you need to understand how effects such as frostbite, bleed, poison, and curse work.

These are the so-called "status" effects, and all you need to know about them early in the game is one simple statement: you need to try to avoid them by all means available, since the opposite often leads to another resurrection at the campfire.


This is the first class in the list of choices when creating a character, and this position is hardly accidental, because the knight is an excellent choice for a beginning player for several reasons.

Firstly, it has the best starting armor, which, although it weighs decently, has good protection indicators. By the way, this set is good even in isolation from the “newcomer” discourse, since even in comparison with later versions of the armor it has an excellent ratio of weight and protection.

Secondly, the knight at the start is armed with perhaps the best combination of weapons for a beginner - a long sword and a shield with full physical protection. The first has an excellent “moveset” (a set of animations during attacks), which allows you to quickly deal with most opponents, driving them into a “stanlock” state: each blow causes the enemy to freeze for a short time, and this time is usually enough to deliver the next blow.

The shield will also be a faithful companion of any knight. Unlike many lighter shields, which allow you to block attacks only partially, it “extinguishes” them completely. Of course, at the expense of high consumption of durability.

At the same time, the knight’s parameters allow him to follow any path in the future: retrain to fight with heavy two-handed weapons, become a magician, use miracles, pyromancy, spells, and so on. A kind of “golden mean”. So if you want to make your first playthrough a little easier in order to get a little comfortable in the harsh kingdom of Lothric, then feel free to put on the knight’s cuirass.


Compared to the knight, this fighter is more focused on fast attacks with weapons in two hands, for which he has good paired scimitars and a large supply of stamina. When attacking with dual weapons, it inflicts enormous damage, so with proper use, this allows you to kill even strong opponents with one combination of blows.

At the same time, he has a shield, although of much lower quality. This is such a subtle hint that this class is intended primarily for attack. He only has to defend himself as a last resort.

An important feature of a mercenary is his unusually high agility (16 points). This is very useful coupled with weapons, which depend more on this parameter than on strength.


Another class is a modification of the knight with an emphasis on causing high damage, but with lower defense values. The Warrior has the highest strength (16 points), so can gain access to heavy weapons fairly quickly.

But even at the start, a warrior can hit so hard that it won’t seem like much, because he is armed with a battle ax - the most powerful starting weapon in Dark Souls 3.

In addition to this, the warrior has great vitality and endurance, but is poorly adapted to magical research, since he cannot boast of intellect and faith, and he has the bare minimum of learning.


If a knight exchanges a sword for a spear, puts on lighter armor and masters simple miracles, he will become a herald. Indeed, he is in many ways similar to a knight in his playing style, because the alternation of blows and blocks with a shield is diluted with the use of light magic - miracles. Looking ahead, we can say that this is something between a knight and a cleric.

Like the knight, the herald at the start of the game has a shield that completely blocks damage, which makes the game very simple.

At the same time, his armor is no match for a knight’s, but at the same time it protects better than the equipment of “magic” classes.

The Herald is perfect for both beginners, because it has a healing spell and good defense in the starting set, and for already experienced players, because it provides a good basis for creating a magic “build” focused on miracles.


One of the most difficult classes for a beginner. Choosing a thief assumes that the player has excellent ability to evade using rolls. Don’t look at the fact that he has a shield, because it can save only from the weakest attacks; in all other cases, the thief risks being smeared across the floor.

This is supported by a small supply of health (lower only for the magician), as well as very light, but practically useless leather armor.

However, being a thief also has a couple of significant advantages. Firstly, this is the only class armed with a bow from the very beginning. Ranged weapons will be useful in the fight with the first “boss”.

Secondly, this is the “luckiest” class of all (14 points), which increases the likelihood of finding valuable items on the corpses of opponents.


Like the herald, the assassin is a hybrid class, but while the former prioritizes strength and faith, the latter prioritizes dexterity and sorcery. Indeed, all the killer’s weapons are designed for fast, active combat: the estok allows you to carry out a series of piercing blows without much expenditure of stamina.

Even the shield does not involve blocking, but parrying, so in order to avoid taking damage, you will have to learn to roll.

The second side of this class is the ability to use spells. From the very beginning of the game, he has access to the “Spy” spell, which allows him to sneak up on opponents without making a sound and make powerful attacks from behind, and also reduces fall damage.

At the same time, all other parameters are selected in such a way that you can change tactics without much difficulty and create a truly flexible fighter.


Continuing the conversation about magic, we move on to the first magic class. The sorcerer prefers to destroy opponents from a distance with the help of magic, and this will become a universal tactic in the early stages of the game, because the starting set of equipment includes two very useful spells - “Soul Arrow” and “Heavy Soul Arrow”.

There are few differences between these spells: the first can be cast faster, but it deals less damage, and the second, accordingly, is the opposite. It is magic arrows that will become the main salvation for the player in Lothric in the first few hours of the game.

It is not difficult to guess that all the characteristics also imply a similar style of passing the early stages, because the sorcerer is very weak in close combat.


There are three branches of magic in Dark Souls 3 - enchantment, miracles and pyromancy, and this class specializes in the latter.

According to the legend of the game, pyromancers are quite close to the wild inhabitants of any “backwoods”. They rely on primal fire magic, but can also engage in close combat when the situation calls for it.

When you play a pyromancer, keep in mind that the power of his spells depends on both intelligence and faith.


At first glance, it closely resembles the herald, but in reality the cleric shows himself to be more skilled in magic, but at the same time less protected in close combat.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to compare a cleric with a sorcerer, because in many ways they are similar, except that one is devoted to charms, and the second to miracles. However, there are differences here too, because at first the cleric will not be able to shoot back with magic from afar, since attacking miracles are not available at the start.

Instead, there is a hefty mace, as well as a healing and knockback miracle. The latter, by the way, makes it very fun to drop opponents from great heights.


When you look at this half-naked young man, you just want to ask: “Who in their right mind would choose such a class?” Later it becomes clear that the beggar is preferred by experienced players who have already completed the game with another class and want to try something “spicy”.

The beggar, as it should be, at the start has nothing for his soul except a loincloth, a club and a hastily made shield.

However, choosing this class provides one significant advantage, and it is due to the fact that the beggar has the first level at the start of the game. This means that gaining subsequent levels will require far fewer souls than when playing as a character of another class, allowing you to increase your stats relatively quickly. And since the beggar has values ​​of all parameters equal to 10, you can choose anything to suit your taste.

Thus, the beggar is quite weak at the start, but can quickly develop into any other class due to the low cost of gaining a level. If, of course, you can defeat the first “boss”, but without armor and normal equipment this will not be easy.

Do you need to choose?

In fact, the starting class in Dark Souls 3 does not determine so much, because after completing the first three or four locations you can get a whole mountain of new equipment, as well as increase any of the characteristics to the required level.

That is, no one bothers you to choose, say, a sorcerer, and then by level 30 make him a warrior and not use magic at all. It is important to understand that Dark Souls 3 does not limit the player to a class, but only gives a starting point, after which the player decides in which direction to develop.

However, the game has a fairly high barrier to entry, and therefore the class can greatly affect the familiarization process. To protect yourself as much as possible from broken gamepads and, even worse, impotent anger at yourself and people nearby, you should opt for a knight, warrior or herald.

These classes will help you understand the mechanics and logic of the game. Then, when it is completed, you can choose any other class, and then playing as some thief or murderer (or maybe even a beggar!) in an agile style with a minimum of protection will be another wonderful test.

Platform: PC, X-One, PS 4
Language: Russian text, English voice acting

Operating system: Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 10 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 / AMD FX-6300
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti / ATI Radeon HD 7950
DirectX: 11
Free space: 25 GB

Operating system: Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit, Windows 10 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 / AMD FX-8350
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / ATI Radeon R9
DirectX: 11
Free space: 25 GB

A stable Internet connection is required to activate the game.

The castle is filled with the echo of sorrow and grief; Once on these ruins stood the majestic Lothric, in whose throne rooms sages and heroes sat. Now in this place are the ashes of dead eras. Pain and despair.

Today the empty walls of the castle are begging for help. They need Fire and someone who can light it.

presents the final, bitter story of the end of the Age of Fire. With all her essence, with every grain of her, she proves to us that the world is ending. That the Dark Souls series ends on a note of despair. Our hero is not the last hope. His struggle is pointless, his end is near.

The old labyrinths of Lothric reveal new secrets for the hero. Solving them will require a lot of time, effort and skills, but in return the game will present a whole picture, assembled from small details. A fan of the series is given a huge dilapidated tome, the pages of which are hidden in the darkest corners of a silent castle. Only the persistent and brave will put an end to the damned world.

The latest Dark Souls carry a practical principle: the player starts slowly, his pace is set by light gangs of enemies, his path lies only forward. It is impossible to get lost in the initial locations - the game leads the hero to where he needs to go; it gives the player confidence in victory and lulls vigilance. And only then the Shadow of merciless hardcore falls on the hero.

The journey will be brightened up by new and familiar characters. Old man Andre from Astora will help enchant weapons, and the clever thief Greyrat will offer us lost objects. Lothric called upon many of the lost: some came with the desire to help the Hero, others came for personal gain, pursuing their own goals. From the very beginning, the player is given to understand: in the world of the damned one must always be on guard, trust is an unforgivable luxury.

The battles have become faster and more energetic; the hero is required to have a quick reaction and the ability to think clearly. She contributed to the change in classic dynamics with her hordes of enemies in short battles. But an expanded class system is provided to help - for example, the new Thief will be able to run quickly, sneak unnoticed and strike with lightning speed with one-handed daggers. Or a Herald brandishing a spear and using restoration scrolls.

And not only the health and stamina scale will have to be restored - the blue stripe has returned to the game, ruining the life of any magician or trickster. Now, in order to use the scrolls, you will have to have a sufficient amount of concentration, which takes a painfully long time to recover. From now on, even an experienced sorcerer will have to wave his sword.

The enemies haven’t become smart or overly strong—every fight will be spoiled by the location. Endless swamps on the site of ancient gardens, narrow labyrinths without any light source - each place will play against the hero, forcing him to quickly find ways out of even the most hopeless situations.

But any defeated enemy is only a small step towards the most merciless creatures of Dark Souls. The bosses in the game have become much stronger and smarter, their speed has increased significantly. The player, as before, must look for an approach to each variation, catch any weak point and figure out the timing. Here the Japanese decided to completely spoil the nerves of their admirers.

But any battle will become easier and more enjoyable in the circle of reliable comrades! Here the developers have not changed anything - the same covenants, friendly and enemy phantoms, which are summoned using certain artifacts. A world full of traps and meanness will be diluted by hints from other players and traces of blood.

is the final story of lost and damned souls. Businessmen from FromSoftware tried to give their fans a new, unforgettable experience, and they succeeded. The game began to require more strength and aspirations, in return giving fascinating pages of lore. The final installment of Dark Souls is a book that needs to be read to the end.

It's time to light the Fire, friends...

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One of the components Dark Souls 3 is “summoning” - a kind of cooperative mode that allows you to summon other players. You can summon up to three “white” phantoms to help you through. This guide will help you figure out how to do this in Dark Souls 3.

Dark Souls 3 co-op

If you're looking for help defeating a difficult boss, here's how to summon it:

  • Use ember. This will increase your maximum health by a certain percentage until your next death, and will allow you to challenge other players.
  • Find the white call sign. They appear as glowing white runes etched into the ground. They can mostly be found around bonfires and near the boss entrance.
  • Stand on the sign to see the “phantom” player. Interact with him to summon the player to your world.
  • Repeat up to three times if you feel it is necessary. Keep in mind that the boss's health bar will increase with the number of players summoned.

If you want to be called yourself, here are the steps:

  • Get a white chalk. This will allow you to leave a summoning sign. You can buy it from the Fire Temple Novice for a small number of souls. Screenshot below:

  • Select the area where you want to offer your help. Leave your summon sign in a place where she can be seen - near a bonfire, close to the boss, anywhere.
  • Wait until someone calls you for help.

How to Summon Friends in Dark Souls 3 Regardless of Level

The process is basically the same as calling random players, you just need to use a password system at the place of conscription– it allows you to connect with friends.

If you use a password to summon friends, the game will ignore any differences in soul level. But this does not mean that the friend you called, if he is much higher in level, will “endure” all opponents - in this case, his phantom will correspond to your level.

Online or Online game it is part of Dark Souls 3. Players are encouraged to summon other players and help other players. There is also an Undead Duel for fighting other players in the arena.

Online Game Information

Phantoms (Ghosts)

Other players will be shown in the game world as phantoms (ghosts). You cannot interact with these ghosts, and they cannot interact with you either. Use these ghosts to find out what happens around the corner.

Blood stains

Examine the bloody stain left at the scene of another player's death and you will be able to see how the player died. As with ghosts, you can use it to find out what might happen.


You can leave messages to other players through the menu. This is how you receive messages written by other players. Messages can be appreciated. If another player likes your message, you will regain some HP.

Use the White Chalk to leave a summoning sign on other players' worlds. If you are summoned using a sign, you will be transported to the summoner's world. Signs can be left by anyone, living or undead, but you must have the power of the Lord of Ash to summon other players.

Cooperative play

Use the White Chalk and you can play cooperatively with up to 3 other players. However, to play with three players you must use Dried Fingers. The summoning player is called the "Master", and the summoned players are called "Clients". You cannot become the master if you have already defeated the boss of the location. If you have enabled voice chat in your settings, you can chat with other allied players.

To start playing together

Conditions for success

If the owner defeats the boss of the location, the client returns to his world and receives a reward.

Conditions for failure

If the client or owner dies, or items that return to their world are used, the client will return to their world.

Competitive play

Use the Red Eye or Cracked Red Eye and you can invade other players' worlds and fight them. The player who is being invaded is called the "Master", and the player who is invading is called the "Client". Up to two people can invade the world at the same time. Invaders are considered rivals and can attack each other. You can also use the Red Chalk to be summoned for a duel.

To start the competition

Conditions for success

If the master is defeated, the client receives a reward and returns to his world.

Conditions for failure

If the client dies, the host enters the boss room, or the return items are used, the client returns his world.

Lord of Ash

To summon other players, you must use Coal to gain the powers of the Lord of Ash. Using Coal allows you to become a master in an online game. While in Lord of Ash mode, the character's appearance will change and you will have the following effects until the character dies:
  • Maximum HP increased to 1.3x
  • Ability to summon and be the target of an invasion.
  • The icon next to the scales changes.
The note: If you are summoned by another player while in Lord of Ash mode, your HP will be reduced to normal until you return to your world.

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