Country house kitchen. Using gradation in levels as an option for dividing space

Most often, country houses are small in area, so it is customary to arrange a food preparation room outside their walls. A DIY kitchen in the country is a project that any owner who respects physical work on fresh air and familiar with basic technologies construction.

Most often this is a separate building, which is called a country kitchen, but sometimes it is made in the form of an extension to the house. In this article we will look at what type of kitchen is best for you, how to choose a place for it, how to build a structure, what materials to use, what items should be present in the kitchen setting.

Country kitchen type

If you plan to use the kitchen exclusively in the summer and in good weather, you can opt for an open kitchen, which may not even have walls, but be a separate area protected from the rain by a canopy. Another option open kitchen It is built in the form of a pavilion with three walls covered with a roof on top.

Open kitchen in the country - perfect solution for the summer season.

A closed one is a full-fledged building with a foundation, walls and windows. If it is built in a capital design, then such a kitchen can be used even in the cold season. A simple country kitchen can be built on the basis wooden frame, which is then covered with plywood, wood or even drywall. In the construction of more “serious” options, foam blocks, bricks and other materials are used.

Choosing a place for a country kitchen

The ideal place should be located near communications - electricity, drainage to a septic tank and water supply (if available). Most often, a suitable site is located in the immediate vicinity of a country house, but if you are building from flammable materials, it is better to choose it at a distance of 10 meters or more.

If there is a cellar on the site, the optimal placement country kitchen right above it, because in this case you will always have access to the products stored there.

Choosing the right location is important when building a kitchen.

It can be difficult to be in the hot summer long time while cooking near a burning hearth or a lit stove. To make the heat affect you less, try to choose a place in the shade of trees, but if there are none on the site, you can arrange for the windows of the building to be located on the east side. In this case, the direct rays of the sun will fall at a slight angle and heat noticeably less.

Preparing the base

If you plan to build a kitchen for your dacha with your own hands, it will be open option, you don’t have to worry about the foundation. It is enough to prepare a special site, for which a shallow pit is dug (a depth of 15 centimeters is enough) and covered with a layer of sand. Once you have compacted the sand, you can lay a layer of bricks, boards or sidewalk tiles on top of it to act as the floor.

If you are planning to build closed design, then it won’t be possible to do this without building a foundation. Strip foundation necessary for capital country kitchens made of durable materials, for light frame ones, a foundation on concrete or brick pillars is required (you can get by with wooden ones, but they won’t last long).

First, you need to mark the perimeter (with a margin of 10 centimeters in each direction), and then prepare a pit at least half a meter deep. A 15-centimeter layer of sand is poured there and compacted, the remaining space is used for the construction the right type foundation.

We build walls

If you decide to build a kitchen in your country house on our own made of stone or brick, you will need the appropriate skills, because building the walls of a country kitchen is no different from laying any other wall. If you have no previous experience in such construction, it is better to consult with professionals.

A wooden frame for a kitchen is the simplest and quick way

The easiest and fastest way to become an owner summer kitchen- build it yourself in the form of a wooden frame, which is then covered with boards. In this case, the walls do not play the role of load-bearing elements; the main load is borne by a frame made of solid wood or treated timber. Its elements are connected to each other with screws, and to the foundation - through fastenings or metal corners.

The fully assembled frame can only be covered with 2-centimeter boards on the outside and with any material you like (from lining to drywall) on the inside.

Roof and windows for country kitchen

Most often, the roof of a country kitchen is made gable, but it will also work single slope option, because it is easier to install. The roof of a major kitchen, which you plan to use not only in summer, should be insulated with foam plastic or basalt-based material (as, indeed, the walls). The most popular roof covering among summer residents is metal profiles (corrugated sheeting); it is relatively inexpensive, easy to cut to any size, strong and durable.

Can't get by closed kitchen and no windows. The main thing during installation window frames- their placement in the openings as dense as possible, and there should be no distortions. Special silicone gaskets inserted between the opening and the frame will help with this.

If you are arranging a summer kitchen in the form of a platform, it would also benefit from a canopy to protect it from the rain. For this purpose, wooden or metal racks, on which the sheathing is mounted. From above, all this is covered with lightweight roofing materials: cellular polycarbonate, colored fiberglass and others.

Interior decoration of country kitchen

The floor is usually laid out with 2-3 cm boards, which can then be varnished, resulting in an improvised “parquet”. Alternatively, you can put linoleum on top or even prefer wooden floor ceramic tiles, if you decide to approach the construction of a country kitchen with all thoroughness.

Ceilings are usually also sheathed with twenty boards or plasterboard. The boards are processed using drying oil, and the “gypsum” is puttied and whitened or painted with water-based emulsion. The walls are decorated in a similar way - with clapboard or plasterboard, processed according to a similar scheme.

Cooking: stoves for country kitchens

If you want to cook primarily ordinary everyday dishes, it is best to place an electric stove in the summer kitchen or gas stove, powered by cylinders. As an option, especially in kitchens designed to be visited in winter, you can also lay out a classic Russian oven from special refractory bricks. In winter, such a stove also heats the kitchen. Special attention in this case it is worth paying attention correct design chimney and high-quality ventilation premises.

Another option is a barbecue oven or a fireplace oven; they are often installed in open country kitchens. This oven is convenient for baking vegetables and meat over coals. Another practically obligatory attribute of a summer kitchen is a barbecue, because regular trips to the dacha without a family or friendly gathering for barbecue are simply impossible to imagine.

Country kitchen interior: what should be inside

The stove is the heart of a country kitchen, but in addition to it, it is necessary to provide work area for cooking with a convenient countertop and sink. If you live in a country house for several days or more, then you cannot do without a refrigerator. Also need a storage locker kitchen utensils and light dining table with chairs. To save space, you can buy a transforming table that can be easily taken outside, unfolded, and a large group of people can sit at it.

In this article we looked at the basic principles by which we build a country kitchen with our own hands. But main principle- one: you need to approach its construction with soul, and then the country kitchen will for a long time become a place where you will happily spend time in the company of friends and family!

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In our little ones country houses, as a rule, the kitchen is located somewhere on summer veranda or even on the street, but there are options when the kitchen is crowded into the house itself, uniting kitchen area and living room. In today’s episode, we’ll look at options on how to organize the interior of a small kitchen with maximum convenience.

Location of the kitchen area

Even more compact and convenient option- a hanging box with cells where cans are placed horizontally. For ease of searching, label each lid with the names of a particular product.

The cells of such a box can be made different sizes- for small jars with spices, or for large jars with cereals. On bottom surface you can also screw it on screw caps and get extra bed for another 4 - 5 jars. And on top, as decoration, place several containers -.

Well, one more thing convenient solution- brilliant in its simplicity, because which housewife has not encountered the problem of empty plastic bags, which can still be used on the farm.

Cut off the bottom plastic bottle, if necessary, cut off the neck to enlarge the hole. Attach the bottle to the wall or cabinet side. Roll up the bags in a chaotic manner and compact them into the bottle, pulling the tip of one out through the bottom hole.

Now, when you need a package, you just need to reach out and pull out the package, so that the tip of the next one appears out and is “ready” for the next use.

Many of the solutions proposed in this article can be implemented not only in country house. Most of them are also suitable for interior use. an ordinary house or apartments.

Useful things for the kitchen video

website Ideas for a summer residence

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