"Flowers". Outline of a lesson on the world around us (middle group)

Program content.

  1. Learn to distinguish garden flowers from wild and forest flowers.
  2. Deepen children's knowledge and ideas about flowers and their appearance.
  3. Continue teaching children to work in small subgroups.
  4. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the end of the task, to answer the question, giving a complete answer.
  5. Continue enriching lexicon, develop children's coherent speech.
  6. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Org. Moment 1 - All the children gathered in a circle, you are my friend and I am your friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. (in a circle)

Look, children, Maria Ivanovna came to visit us today! Let's welcome her. And now all attention is on me.

Our rule: Every day, always everywhere, during lessons in the game - we speak boldly, clearly and sit quietly (with children)

Conversation on topic 2 (Go to the Easel). I came to work in the morning, and there was an envelope here, I didn’t open it without you. Let's open it. What is there? (read letter) Can we help? Let's take a look and name the colors.

Q: What are flowers for?

D.: For beauty, to admire.

Q: Will we be able to find out where they grow?

Q: Where do garden flowers grow?

D.: In the garden, in the flower beds.

Q: Name the garden flowers.

D: Rose, tulip, poppy, carnation, etc.

Q: Where do wild and forest flowers grow?

D.: In the field, in the forest.

Q: Name the wild and forest flowers.

D.: Bluebell, chamomile, cornflower, etc.

Q: What shapes do flower beds come in?

D.: Flower beds are square, round, oval, etc.

Q: How do flowers appear? (a seed or shoot is planted, cared for, watered)

Q: Who takes care of the flowers in the garden?

D.: Gardener.

Q: How are garden flowers different from wildflowers?

D: garden flowers Man grows them, but the fields grow on their own.

V.: Guys, some flowers are listed in the Red Book. What kind of book do you think this is?

D.: The book in which rare plants, of which there are very few on earth.

Q: Do we have garden or wildflowers growing in our apartment?

D.: There are indoor flowers growing in the apartment.

Q: Why are they called that?

D: These flowers grow indoors.

Q: How do we care for flowers?

D.: We water, loosen the soil, wipe off the dust from the leaves, pick off the dried leaves. Q: What benefits do flowers bring?

D.: Flowers can be food for animals, they can be placed in a vase, and medicines can be obtained from flowers.

Q: Name your favorite flowers. Well done!!!

3. Physical education minute.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
Quietly falling asleep
They shake their heads.

4. Well done! I invite you to play a game called "Collect a picture" You need to sit down at your tables, collect a cut picture and name the flower. (children's answers)

Now name these flowers affectionately (peonies, carnations, poppies, chamomile, rose)

You guys are great, you can do everything. Here's another task.

5. In my opinion, the most difficult thing, but you know how to do everything and tell me everything correctly (flower presentation).

Result: Were we able to help Vasya the gnome find the answer to why these flowers are called garden flowers? where do they grow?

What are they needed for? (to please the eye)

If the child finds it difficult to answer. Question: Who can help? Mom’s gone, dad’s gone too, who can we turn to? To the teacher. Ask me a question then (V.B. please help, we don’t know)

Envelope with Letter

Hello guys!!! My name is Gnome Vasya. I saw these flowers and would like to know where they grow. Please help me find out where these flowers grow.

Raisa Eremeeva
"Flowers". Outline of a lesson on the world around us (middle group)

Outline of a lesson on the world around us(middle group) By topic:

« Flowers» .

Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the plant world. Teach children to divide it by groups: trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers. Determine names with children colors and parts of their structure (root, stem, leaves, flower, about the time flowers blooming, introduce children to the profession of a gardener. Form an idea of ​​the conditions for their growth (heat, moisture, light). Develop the ability to admire beauty colors.

Methods and techniques: thin word, surprise, game moments, conversation, questions to children, showing pictures of plants, finger gymnastics.

Preliminary work: reading fiction about flowers, examination of illustrations, pictures depicting plants, compositions with flowers, listening to music.

Material: cards with images colors, audio recording by Tchaikovsky "Waltz colors» , paper flowers on strings, paper flowers on sticks according to the number of children.

GCD move:

Educator: Children, us surrounds wonderful and amazing world plants. We all enjoy the shady forest and colorful meadow, enjoying the beauty and aroma color, feast on gifts nature: berries, nuts, mushrooms.

Do you know what the most a big tree or the smallest bush, and even grass: Are these all plants? Plants are very diverse. We decorate our rooms and courtyards with plants, and use some of them for food.

Look at the plants shown in the pictures. Name them and tell me where they grow?

Which of them did you see near the house?

Guys, let's play with you. Rules such:

1 child collects trees, 2 - bushes, 3 - herbs, 4 - flowers.

Educator: Listen to the riddle and try to guess what plant I’m talking about I'm reading:

Create comfort

The windows are green,

All year round bloom.

Answer: flowers.

That's right, that's flowers. All the flowers are blooming when there is no snow outside, it is warm. Let's, let's repeat: what do you have colors?

Children: Root, stem (long, straight, green, leaves (green, round, oval, carved, petals (blue, red, yellow, etc., sharp, oval, round, carved).

Educator: In the field, in the meadow, in the forest, in gardens, everywhere there is a lot colors. Flowers in flower beds, lawns decorate streets, parks, make cities elegant. They delight people with their beauty; they are given to each other on holidays and birthdays. Flowers They bring soldiers who died in the war to the monuments. Very often they are used in medicine and cosmetics.

Educator: What are the people called who grow flowers?

Children: Gardeners. They plant the seeds flowers in flower beds, look after them.

Educator: The gardener came to visit us. He will give us some tips on caring for flowers.

Gardener: Hello, I am the Gardener. I really like to take care of garden: digging and loosening the ground, weeding, trimming excess branches, watering plants, fighting pests. Being a gardener is not easy because you need to know a lot about plants in order to properly care for them and get good harvests. A gardener must love nature and be an observant, patient, persistent and responsible person.

Educator: Let's get up now and rest a little.

Finger game “We’ll plant flowers»

We'll dig a hole

Let's plant a seed.

The rain will fall,

It will grow up.

First the stem

And then flower.

Our reds flowers

Spread the petals.

The breeze breathes a little,

The petals are swaying.

Our reds flowers

The petals close

They shake their heads,

They fall asleep quietly.

Educator: Now go to your seats.

Take one at a time flower and name it. Now take it by the string and blow it. A light breeze rose and the flowers swayed quietly. And now I blew strong wind, flowers sway strongly.

(Children blow on flowers, cut from colored paper on strings).

Gardener: And now, I want to tell you riddles about flowers. Listen attentively:

Rye is spitting in the field.

There, in the rye, you will find me.

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant (cornflower).

There is a curl in the field -

White shirt,

Heart of gold.

What it is? (chamomile)

On a green cord

White bells (lilies of the valley).

Eh, bells, blue color.

With a tongue, but no ringing (bells).

On a clear sunny day

Golden blossomed flower.

Golden and young

In a week he turned gray.

Blow on it lightly:

Was flower - and there is no flower(dandelion).

Gardener: Well done guys, you guessed all the riddles!

Educator: Children, what can’t plants live without?

Children: Without water, sun and air.

Gardener: Sun, air and water are necessary for all plants to live and grow.

Educator: Guys, let's play a game "Gardener".

Children sit in a circle on the rug, and the teacher invites them to play a game "Gardener". Starts the game teacher: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, everything I'm tired of flowers except..."Then, one after another, the children join the game and name their options colors. As a result of the game, children remember the names of familiar colors.

Gardener: Guys, I had so much fun with you, so interesting! And now I want to give you a surprise. Just close your eyes and count to 5! We're ready - we're counting! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (The gardener brings a basket of paper flowers) . You can open your eyes and receive gifts (hands out flowers) .

Now it's time to say goodbye

It was fun with you

Goodbye, children!

I will come again!

Teacher and children: Goodbye, Gardener!

Educator: Guys, let's remember what we did today at class.

Children: Plants were divided into groups: trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers;

Remembered parts of the building colors(root, stem, leaves, flower) ;

About the time flowers blooming;

We got acquainted with the profession of a gardener;

Learned about growth conditions colors(heat, moisture, light).

Educator: That's right! Friends, let's listen to the song "Waltz colors» (you can invite children to move smoothly while listening to music).

Project “There are different flowers” ​​Middle group

Objective of the project: introducing children to the variety of flowers, their structure, the conditions necessary for their growth, and the influence on emotional condition person.

Tasks this project:

  • Expanding and clarifying children’s ideas about flowering plants and their diversity;
  • Reinforce concepts: indoor, garden, meadow, medicinal plants.
  • Shape careful attitude to plants, develop a desire to care for them.
  • To cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.
  • Develop Creative skills children, consolidate the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.
  • Involve parents in project activities.


The beauty of flowers is undeniable; they are beautiful at any time of the year. Flowers are one of the eternal symbols goodness is a miracle that is created by human hands and bright scorching sun, allowing plants to grow in the ground.

IN modern conditions problem environmental education preschoolers acquires particular poignancy and relevance. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken in children an interest in living nature, to cultivate a love for it, to teach them to protect the world.

It is very important to instill in our children a responsible attitude towards nature, it is necessary to do educational work invisible and attractive to children, through cartoons, educational games, physical exercises, poetry, listening to music, looking at pictures of flowers, etc.

The theme of the project was not chosen by chance, because flowers surround us all year round, bringing joy to everyone. Their aroma is wonderful, and there are a great many types of flowers.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of living nature that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower appearance, peculiarities, healing properties.

Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say what flower they picked and why.

Project type: cognitive - research, creative, collective.

By nature of content: child and nature

Project participants: children 4-5 years old (middle group), teachers, parents

By duration: short-term (2 weeks).

Main forms of project implementation:

  • Play activity: didactic, environmental, board and other games.
  • Children's experimentation (experiments, observations, research).
  • Artistic and creative activities of children and parents of pupils (applique, making a book about flowers).
  • Labor activity (work in a corner of nature - caring for plants).
  • Conversations, memorizing poems about flowers.

Methods used in the implementation of the project:

  • A corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the kindergarten site.
  • Methodological tools.
  • Material and technical (computer, camera, dishes for experiments, nurseries).
  • Research: experiments, problematic issues, observations (independent, collective).
  • Visual material:

a) fresh flowers, in illustrations; b) printed board games; c) didactic games on ecology;

Expected outcome of the project:

  • Children know the names of various flowering plants, their features.
  • They know how to navigate the types of plants (indoor, meadow, garden, medicinal).
  • They understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards flowers.
  • They see the beauty of the world around them.
  • Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Product project activities: Wall newspaper “Flowers in a flower bed”

Project implementation:

Cognitive development :

  • Introduction to nature:

- “All flowers are different.” - Observations - of flowers in a vase, indoor plants in a group. (Appendix No. 1)

  • Research activities:

- “Which flower will live longer?”;

- “You don’t water the flowers, what will happen?”;

- “Is it possible to pick flowers and throw them away?”;

- “How to extend the life of cut flowers?” (Appendix No. 2)

Speech development :

  • Communication:

Conversations - “My favorite flower”, “What houseplants live at your house?”, “What do I remember and like most?”

  • Speech development:

- “What do we know about flowers?”

Learning poems about flowers (individual)

Reading fiction;

Fairy tales, poems - “Thumbelina”, “How the Plants Quarreled”; A. Tolstoy “Bells”, U. Blaginin “Chamomile”, E. Trutneva “Flowers”, etc.

Word creation (poems, riddles).

Artistic and aesthetic development :

  • Drawing: “Flowers of extraordinary beauty”
  • Modeling: “Magic Flowers”
  • Applique: “Flower”
  • Application: (collective): “Flowers in a flower bed”
  • Socially - communication development :
  • Game activity:

Didactic games - “Find the plant”;

“Collect a flower from petals”;

“Guess what kind of flower”;

“Which flower is gone”;

“Find the same one”;

“Find out by description”;

Word games- “I was born a gardener”;

“Describe the flower”;

Outdoor games - “Sun and Rain”;

"Living flower bed";

Board games- mosaic “Lay out flowers”;

  • Work:

Watering indoor plants.

  • Safety:

Formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

Continued acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature.

Appendix No. 1

Observation “All flowers are different”

Program content:

Clarify with children the names of flowers, their structure, features of size, coloring,

shapes of petals, leaves, stems; encourage comparative statements, the use of epithets, evaluations; show that the beauty of flowers lies in different characteristics: the color of the flowers, their shape, their doubleness; that the beauty of flowers is complemented by foliage; draw children's attention to the fact that some flowers smell nice.

Material: bouquet of fresh flowers, pictures of flowers.

The teacher, examining golden balls, marigolds, marigolds, dahlias, and gladioli with children, encourages them to look for comparisons, think about names, and correctly and variedly reflect their feelings in speech. For example: “Golden balls are very tall flowers. Much taller than a child and

even taller than an adult. Their flower looks like a round ball, so

That's what they were called. These flowers are yellow and lemon-like, yellow apple

or a yellow pear."

During observation, the teacher encourages children to take various actions: he offers to show with their hands how tall the marigolds are, raise their hands up and compare this height with the height of the golden balls, stroke the marigolds with a finger and feel their softness, use two palms to depict a golden ball flower, place it on the palm a marigold leaf and examine its carved shape.

Includes various senses in the examination: it offers to smell flowers, press your cheek to marigolds, stroke the leaves of golden balls, close your eyes and feel the aroma of a flower bed, etc. (all described

actions are possible if children do not have a predisposition to allergies).

Appendix No. 2

Research activities:

Flowers taken for this study were marigolds. We planted the first flower in a container with soil and began to care for it (water it). The second one was also planted, but they did not water it. We cut the third flower from the flowerbed and placed it in a container with water. The fourth - a cut flower, we placed in an empty container. During the research, the following questions arose: - “You don’t water the flowers, what will happen?”; - “Is it possible to pick flowers and throw them away?”; - “How to extend the life of cut flowers?” - “Which flower will live longer?”;

After two weeks, the children, looking at what happened to the flowers, came to the following conclusions:

If the flowers are not watered, they will die. All living things love water.

Flowers growing in a flowerbed delight us with their beauty for a long time. A flower that is picked and thrown away quickly dies.

If we pick a flower, then it must be placed in water; it will delight us with its beauty longer.

The flower that we planted in the ground and cared for lived the longest. The flower, cut and placed in water, pleased us with its beauty for only a week. The rest of the flowers died (withered).

Prepared by the teacher middle group: Pavelyeva T.L.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Environmental project in the middle group

"World of Flowers"

Project problem: Middle-aged children have insufficient understanding of flowers, their structure, diversity, and the ability to care for flowers has not been developed. Objective of the project: to form and consolidate children’s knowledge about flowers (structure, diversity, flowering and care for them, to develop the ability to perceive and appreciate the natural world. Tasks: 1. To develop children’s knowledge about flowers and their diversity, flowering and flower care; 2. Teach children to classify flowers according to their place of growth (meadow, garden, field, house); 3. Develop a caring attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for flowers, and the ability to care. 4. Teach children how to plant and grow flowers correctly; 5. Note the significance of flowers for the life and activities of humans, animals, and insects. 6. Develop the ability to convey one’s attitude towards nature in creative activities; 7. Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects; 8. To develop communication skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity for all living things;

Project activity product: 1. Design of the folder " Methodological development. Ecological project “World of Flowers”, middle group of kindergarten”; 2. Design of the sliding folder “Medicinal Flowers”; 3. Design of a folder with illustrations of flowers, poems, riddles, etc. 4. Productive activities for children: application “Beautiful pansies", artistic design (origami) "Tulip", drawing "My favorite carnation flower", "Yellow Dandelion" (technique - drawing with a poke, sculpting "Narcis"; 5. Experimental work "Love for flowers - beauty for the eyes"; 6. Creative children's exhibition for parents "World of Flowers"

Providing project activities:

Folder with illustrations of flowers (structure, variety, classification)

A folder with riddles and poems about flowers;

Coloring books;

Folder of experimental work “Love for flowers - beauty for eyes”;

A selection of didactic, outdoor games on the theme of the project;

Notes on the joint activities of teachers and children.

Stage 1 – Approximate preparatory stage

Forms of work:

A selection of materials and literature with information on the topic of the project;

Development of a work plan for project implementation;

Incorporating project cycles into the long-term work plan.

Stage 2 - Main stage

Forms of work:

Cognitive development (the world around us): “Flower”.

Looking at illustrations of flowers.

Experimental work “Love for flowers - beauty for the eyes” (Where will the flower bloom longer, in a vase or in a flowerbed?

Speech development: “Variety of colors.”

HER (applique): “Beautiful pansy flower", "Carnation"

Didactic game: “Fold a flower”, “Find a vase”, “Pick up a petal”, “Name it affectionately”. .-Graphic tasks “Trace the flower along the contour”, “Field the flower”.

Printed board games on the theme “Flowers”

HER drawing (technique – drawing with pokes): “Yellow dandelion”.

HER (modeling) with cotton swabs: Chamomile.”

Game-conversation “If you were a medicinal (garden, meadow, field, indoor) flower.”

Reading poems and riddles on the theme “Flowers”.

HER (drawing) “My favorite flower”

HER artistic design (origami) “Tulip”

Finger games on the theme “Flowers”

Outdoor games on the theme “Flowers”

Memorizing Serova's poem "Dandelion".

Preparing a flower bed on the site for planting flowers, planting flowers.

Stage 3 - Final stage

Forms of work:

Exhibition in the group “My child is the flower of my life”, Presentation environmental project"World of Flowers"

  • Making card files.

Working with parents

Sliding folder

Creative exhibition "World of Flowers"

Project result

  • Children feel the need to communicate with nature.
  • They observe with pleasure, empathize, and understand nature.
  • Children know that our Earth cannot exist without plants, since they are one of the components of human life - they help us breathe, treat us from diseases, and bring aesthetic pleasure.
  • Children have a sufficient understanding of colors. Children realize that flowers are not only beauty, but a part of living nature that must be protected and protected, and, of course, know (the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties).
  • Children have developed an interest in living nature, they notice its beauty.

Municipal state preschool educational institution Vengerovsky kindergarten №4

Middle group project

"There are different flowers"

Project leader: teacher, S.A. Bondarenko

Vengerovo 2015


The beauty of flowers is undeniable; they are beautiful at any time of the year.

Flowers are one of the eternal symbols of goodness - this is a miracle that is created by human hands and the bright scorching sun, which allows plants to grow in the ground.

In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the formation of the human personality and the formation of the beginnings of ecological culture take place. Therefore, it is very important to awaken children’s interest in living nature, cultivate a love for it, and teach them to take care of the world around them.

It is very important to instill in our children a responsible attitude towards nature; it is necessary to make educational work invisible and attractive to children, through cartoons, educational games, physical exercises, poetry, listening to music, looking at pictures of flowers, etc.

The theme of the project was not chosen by chance, because flowers surround us all year round, bringing joy to everyone. Their aroma is wonderful, and there are a great many types of flowers.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of living nature that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.
Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say what flower they picked and why.

Project type : cognitive - research, creative, collective.

By nature of content : child and nature

Project participants: children 4-5 years old (middle group, teacher, parents)

By duration : short-term (2 weeks).

Objective of the project: introducing children to the variety of flowers, their structure, the conditions necessary for their growth, and the impact on a person’s emotional state.

Objectives of this project:

    Expanding and clarifying children’s ideas about flowering plants and their diversity;

    Reinforce concepts: indoor, garden, meadow, medicinal plants.

    Develop a caring attitude towards plants, develop a desire to care for them.

    To cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.

    Develop children's creative abilities, consolidate the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.

    Involve parents in project activities.

Main forms of project implementation:

    Gaming activities: didactic, environmental, board and other games.

    Children's experimentation (experiments, observations, research).

    Artistic and creative activities of children and parents of pupils (applique, making a book about flowers).

    Labor activity (work in a corner of nature - caring for plants).

    Conversations, memorizing poems about flowers.

Methods used in the implementation of the project:

    A corner of nature in a group, a flower garden on the kindergarten site.

    Methodological tools.

    Material and technical (computer, camera, dishes for experiments, nurseries).

    Research: experiments, problematic issues, observations (independent, collective).

    Visual material:

a) fresh flowers, in illustrations;
b) printed board games;
c) didactic games on ecology;

Expected outcome of the project:

    Children know the names of various flowering plants and their characteristics.

    They know how to navigate the types of plants (indoor, meadow, garden, medicinal).

    They understand the need for a careful and caring attitude towards flowers.

    They see the beauty of the world around them.

    Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.

Project activity product:collage “Vase with flowers”

Project implementation:

Cognitive development :

    Introduction to nature:

- “All flowers are different.” - Observations – of flowers in a vase, indoor plants in a group. (see Appendix No. 1)

- “How to extend the life of cut flowers?” (see Appendix No. 2)

Speech development :


Conversations - “My favorite flower”, “What indoor plants live in your home?”, “What I remember and liked most.”

    Speech development:

- “What do we know about flowers?”

Learning poems about flowers (individual) (see Appendix No. 3)

    Reading fiction;

Fairy tales, poems - “Thumbelina”, “How the Plants Quarreled”; A. Tolstoy “Bells”, U. Blaginin “Chamomile”, E. Trutneva “Flowers”, etc.

Word creation (poems, riddles).

Artistic and aesthetic development :


- “My favorite flower” (children’s choice). (see Appendix No. 4)


- “Magic Flowers”.

    Application: (collective)

Collage “Vase with flowers” ​​(see Appendix No. 7)

Social and communicative development :

    Game activity:

Didactic games – “Find the plant”;

“Collect a flower from petals”; (see Appendix No. 5)

“Guess what kind of flower”;

“Which flower is gone”;

“Find the same one”;

“Find out by description”;

Word games – “I was born a gardener”;

“Describe the flower”;

Outdoor games – “Sun and Rain”;

"Living flower bed"; (see Appendix No. 6)

Board games – mosaic “Lay out the flowers”;


Watering indoor plants.


Formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

Continued acquaintance with the rules of behavior in nature.

Appendix No. 1

Observation “All flowers are different”

Program content:

Clarify with children the names of flowers, their structure, features of size, coloring,

shapes of petals, leaves, stems; encourage comparative statements, the use of epithets, evaluations; show that the beauty of flowers lies in different characteristics: the color of the flowers, their shape, their doubleness; that the beauty of flowers is complemented by foliage; draw children's attention to the fact that some flowers smell nice.

Material: bouquet of fresh flowers, pictures of flowers.

The teacher, examining golden balls, marigolds, marigolds, dahlias, and gladioli with children, encourages them to look for comparisons, think about names, and correctly and variedly reflect their feelings in speech. For example: “Golden balls are very tall flowers. Much taller than a child and

even taller than an adult. Their flower looks like a round ball, so

That's what they were called. These flowers are yellow and look like a lemon, a yellow apple

or a yellow pear."

During observation, the teacher encourages children to take various actions: he offers to show with their hands how tall the marigolds are, raise their hands up and compare this height with the height of the golden balls, stroke the marigolds with a finger and feel their softness, use two palms to depict a golden ball flower, place it on the palm a marigold leaf and examine its carved shape.

Includes various senses in the examination: it offers to smell flowers, press your cheek to marigolds, stroke the leaves of golden balls, close your eyes and feel the aroma of a flower bed, etc. (all described

actions are possible if children do not have a predisposition to allergies).

Appendix No. 2

Research activities:

Flowers taken for this study were marigolds. We planted the first flower in a container with soil and began to care for it (water it). The second one was also planted, but they did not water it. We cut the third flower from the flowerbed and placed it in a container with water. The fourth is a cut flower, we put it in an empty container. During the study, the following questions arose:- “You don’t water the flowers, what will happen?”;- “Is it possible to pick flowers and throw them away?”;- “How to extend the life of cut flowers?”- “Which flower will live longer?”;

After two weeks, the children, looking at what happened to the flowers, came to the following conclusions:

If the flowers are not watered, they will die. All living things love water.

Flowers growing in a flowerbed delight us with their beauty for a long time. A flower that is picked and thrown away quickly dies.

If we pick a flower, then it must be placed in water; it will delight us with its beauty longer.

The flower that we planted in the ground and cared for lived the longest. The flower, cut and placed in water, pleased us with its beauty for only a week. The rest of the flowers died (withered).

Appendix No. 3

The children told their poems about flowers, accompanied by a display of pictures that were made together with their parents.

Appendix No. 4


- “Flower for Mom” (children’s choice).

Appendix No. 5

Didactic game “Collect a flower from petals”

Goal: consolidation of formed knowledge about the structure of a flower, geometric shapes“circle”, “oval”, primary colors.

The child who names the part of the flower correctly comes up and sticks on the petal. The children admire the resulting flower. They give it a name: “Eight-flowered flower.”

Appendix No. 6

Outdoor game – “Living Flower Bed”

The teacher says:

“Children, let's play! You will be the flowers in the flowerbed, and I will admire you. The guys who will be “golden balls” will stand in the middle, they will raise their hands up - after all, these flowers are very tall. Children - marigolds - will stand around them.” And the last circle is formed by children - “marigolds”. They will squat down - after all, marigolds are the most low flowers" After the children are lined up, the teacher walks around the “flowerbed” and says: “Oh, what a beautiful yellow-orange flowerbed! In the middle there is a tall bouquet of yellow golden balls, around

fire nails! And the most extreme ones are dark orange marigolds! Wonderful flowerbed! But then a strong wind blew, and all the flowers began to move! Come to life! Went!" At these words, the children - “golden balls” - rotate around themselves and wave their arms - swaying in the wind.

“Marigolds” dance in a circle in one direction, “marigolds” dance in a circle in the other direction.

Appendix No. 7

Application: (collective) - Collage “Vase with flowers”

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