Hydrangea flower: photo, description, application. Treatment of the urinary tract and prostate with hydrangea root

In our minds, this spectacular plant is usually associated with beautiful, lush caps of white, greenish, pink and blue flowers. This is a large-leaved hydrangea, a luxurious and capricious beauty, the pride of gardeners. But tree hydrangea, a fairly frequent “guest” in our southern gardens, is not only attractive, it also has a number of useful, healing properties.

Hydrangea as a medicinal plant

This common plant is actively used in folk medicine, as well as as a component of homeopathic preparations. It has quite a pronounced anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antimicrobial, tonic and wound-healing effect. Used for many diseases.

Benefits of hydrangea tea

To obtain tea, fresh and dried leaves are used, as well as crushed roots of the plant. One of the most important properties of the plant is its ability to remove dangerous uric acid from the body. Thanks to this, hydrangea tea is especially useful in the following cases:
  • For kidney diseases, for example, pyelonephritis.
  • For urolithiasis.
  • For various lesions of the urinary tract, for cystitis.
  • For problems with the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • As a weak choleretic agent for cholelithiasis.
  • For painful menstruation.
  • To prevent or relieve premenstrual syndrome.
  • As an adjuvant in the treatment of gout and other joint lesions. By removing dangerous uric acid from the patient’s body, hydrangea normalizes and alleviates the disease, reduces pain and inflammation of the joints.
  • As a decongestant, this wonderful flower has the ability to gently remove excess fluid.
  • With frequent bleeding and tendency to it.
  • For the treatment of certain skin diseases.
  • As a remedy for periodontal disease.
People with severe forms of illness should use this drink after consulting with their doctor.


  • In case of individual intolerance or allergy to its composition.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • In childhood.
By listening to contraindications, you can avoid the occurrence of various negative reactions.
Brewing tea

Hydrangea leaves are most often used for tea. They give a very pleasant fruit and berry aroma and taste, similar to high-quality ones - tart, with a hint of bitterness. The tea is brewed to taste, taking into account that the leaves of the plant have a sweetish taste. They can be mixed with other beneficial herbs suitable for teas for double or triple the benefits.

You can also use the roots of the plant; they also have healing properties.

It is best to use the drink in the morning and afternoon, given its diuretic effect, and do not abuse it.

Syn: hydrangia.

Deciduous shrub, beloved by gardeners and florists. However, the plant is famous not only for its decorative properties, but also for its healing properties, and therefore it has found its use in medicine.

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Flower formula

Hydrangea tree flower formula: (x)♂♀H(4-5)L(4-5)T8-∞P(2-5).

In medicine

Tree hydrangea is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia and is not used by official medicine, however, it has found wide use in folk medicine and homeopathy. It has antimicrobial, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and tonic effects. Used for diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis, sand or stones in the bladder, prostate diseases, painful menstruation, severe premenstrual syndrome. In addition, it can be prescribed for swelling, minor bleeding, some skin diseases and joint diseases.

Tree hydrangea is part of the Uro Lax dietary supplement, produced according to the international GMP quality standard. The drug has antibacterial properties, supports normal kidney function, and prevents the formation of sand and stones in the urinary system.

Contraindications and side effects

Tree hydrangea is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as persons with individual intolerance.

In gardening

Tree hydrangea is used by gardeners for decorative purposes and to create hedges. It was introduced into culture in the middle of the 18th century. The plant gained its popularity due to its rapid growth, relative unpretentiousness and high winter hardiness. Its main advantage is its abundant and long-lasting flowering. When planted, it goes well with clematis, roses and lilies.


Tree hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea arborescens) belongs to the genus Hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea) of the Hydrangeaceae family (lat. Hydrangeaceae). The genus Hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea) has 70-80 species, the most popular of which, in addition to tree hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea arborescens), are large-leaved hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea macrophylla), paniculate hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea paniculata), petiolate hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea petiolaris), Sargent hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea sargentiana), ground cover hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea heteromalla) and others.

Botanical description

Tree hydrangea is a deciduous shrub that can reach 2.5-3 meters in height. The root system is branched, reddish-brown shoots are bare or slightly pubescent. The leaves of the plant are located opposite. The shape of the leaves is broadly oval with jagged edges and a heart-shaped notch at the base. The leaf length is 8-15 cm. The leaf blade is green on top and bluish below. Densely pressed hairs are located on the leaf veins; hairs are sparse throughout the rest of the surface of the leaf blade. The crown of the bush is openwork, widely spreading, and can reach two meters in diameter.

The shiny flowers of tree hydrangea are white (when blooming - white-green), small. Their diameter reaches one and a half to two centimeters. Flowers form hemispherical or shield-shaped inflorescences, which can reach a diameter of up to 15-25 cm. Large, sterile flowers can be located along the edges of the inflorescence. Tree hydrangea blooms from June to late September, although large, sterile flowers can survive on the plant until late autumn. The formula of the hydrangea tree flower is (x)♂♀H(4-5)L(4-5)T8-∞P(2-5). The fruits appear in October and are boxes with small seeds.

Tree hydrangea is very demanding on soil moisture and acidity. Loves light, although it can grow in the shade. During frosts, the plant may freeze slightly due to incompletely lignified shoots.

Tree hydrangea propagates by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, suckers, and seeds.


Tree hydrangea grows naturally in eastern North America, where it originated. In culture it is found almost everywhere, in particular in China, Japan, and southern Russia.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, hydrangea tree flowers are stored in late summer, at the end of the plant's flowering period. The inflorescences are carefully picked, sorted, removing intact and deformed specimens, and dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. You can also dry the flowers in the fresh air by first spreading them out in a thin layer on a tray. To prevent the raw materials from molding during the drying process, you should turn them over daily. In the same way and at similar times, the leaves of hydrangea tree are dried. The roots of the plant are harvested in the fall. Dried inflorescences, leaves and roots of tree hydrangea must be crushed and placed in cloth bags or paper bags. They should be stored in a dry, ventilated area for no more than two years.

Chemical composition

Hydrangea tree contains alkaloids (febrifungin and others), flavonoids (quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol, cyanidin), coumarins (neohydrangin, umbelliferon, hydrangethin, ellagic acid), saponins, rubber, essential oils, rutin, carbohydrates, bitter glycosides, in particular hidragin. The seeds of the plant are rich in alkaloids.

Pharmacological properties

Hydrangea tree has a moderate diuretic and wound-healing effect, promotes the removal of toxins from the body through the kidneys. It normalizes water-salt metabolism, and therefore can be used for edema, salt diathesis, and chronic diseases of the urinary system. Hydrangea tree also helps eliminate uric acid from the body, and therefore prevents the deposition of crystals in the urinary tract and joints. Has an antimicrobial effect.

Use in folk medicine

Substances obtained from the root of Hydrangea arborescens have been used for centuries and continue to be used in traditional Chinese medicine as a cleanser for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs, gout, the tendency to form stones in the urinary tract and kidneys, and fluid retention in the body. Also, preparations from dried roots and flowers of hydrangea are used in Chinese medicine for heart disease, malaria, dyspepsia, sore throat and tonsillitis.

Hydrangea root helps with severe premenstrual syndrome and prostate diseases. It can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Decoctions and infusions of hydrangea can be taken as a mild choleretic agent for cholelithiasis.

Hydrangea tree tea is good for diabetics. In addition, it is great for freshening the mouth. A tincture of young branches and leaves of Hydrangea tree is best used for inflammatory processes of the urinary system. An infusion from the inflorescences of the plant can be used for rinsing for tonsillitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Hydrangea - a remedy for the urinary tract

Hydrangea root can be used for urinary tract treatment, prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea Arborescens, tree hydrangea) is a flowering plant, up to three meters in height, with large inflorescences of white (sometimes a different color) flowers. Hydrangea is a popular ornamental plant grown for its flowers.

Hydrangea contains cyanogenic glycoside, essential oil, saponins, flavonoids and other components. It has long been used by Native Americans to treat and maintain the health of the body's urinary system. Today, hydrangea is still used to treat urinary tract problems. Being an effective remedy for urinary tract problems, hydrangea is mainly used to treat urolithiasis of the kidneys and bladder, helping to dissolve stones and remove them from the body. It is also used to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma, helping to reduce inflammation of the prostate gland.

Hydrangea has soothing, diuretic and healing properties for the urinary tract and prostate gland. Increases urine output. Useful in the treatment of cystitis, kidney and prostate diseases, especially with symptoms of frequent urination, sharp or burning pain, inflammation of the bladder and all urinary tracts. Hydrangea helps relieve pain in the kidneys, urethra and bladder, dissolves stones, reduces irritation associated with existing stones, and also prevents the formation of new stones in the urinary system.

As a remedy for the urinary system, hydrangea is used for the following symptoms:

  • Stones and sand in the urinary tract
  • Copious white precipitate of amorphous (non-crystalline) salt in urine sample
  • Renal colic
  • Blood in urine
  • Pain in the ureter and lumbar region
  • Burning in the urethra
  • Frequent urge to urinate
  • Difficulty starting to urinate
  • Increased amount of mucus in urine
  • Acute lower back pain
  • Pain along the entire length of the urethra
  • Extreme thirst
  • Enlarged prostate (prostate adenoma)
  • Convulsive stricture (narrowing) of the ureter

How to use hydrangea


  • Dried hydrangea root powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Water - 2 glasses
  • Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes
  • Drink during the day in 3 doses


  • Infuse 100 g of hydrangea root powder in 500 ml of alcohol for 1-2 months
  • Take 5 ml diluted in a glass of water 3 times a day

Food supplement:

As a dietary supplement, hydrangea root is sold as a liquid extract or capsules. Follow the instructions on the product label.

Please note that hydrangea is not recommended for long-term ingestion. Although hydrangea has been used by people for centuries to treat urinary tract problems, it should be taken under medical supervision because hydrangea may cause low blood pressure, breathing problems, skin irritations or other side effects.

The charmingly beautiful hydrangea flower can not only be a wonderful decoration for a garden or window sill, but is also used for medicinal purposes. It is believed that the Cherokee Indians were the first to use hydrangea root for kidney diseases. Chinese traditional medicine has also been using this plant for a long time. Interestingly, hydrangea tea is a ritual drink among Buddhists. During the festival dedicated to the birth of Buddha, those who come to the temple drink sweet tea brewed from hydrangea leaves. Hydrangea tea is believed to have magical properties.

Hydrangea paniculata and tree hydrangea, which are grown as a medicinal crop in the south of Russia and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, have medicinal value. All parts of plants are used as medicinal raw materials; they contain many different useful substances and compounds used in traditional and folk medicine:

— coumarins (umbelliferon, neohydrantine), flavonoids, essential oils normalize water-salt metabolism; have the main healing effect for inflammation of the urinary tract: antimicrobial and diuretic;

— saponins promote the removal of uric acid from the body, preventing the formation of crystals in the urinary system and the development of gout;

— an alkaloid (febrifungin) relieves spasms in the urinary organs, providing an analgesic effect;

— bitter glycosides have anti-infective activity;

— carbohydrates enhance the metabolism and “burning” of saturated fatty acids in the body and normalize the metabolism of lipoproteins and cholesterol, which prevents the deposition of fat in fat depots, so they can be used in complex programs for weight loss and weight normalization in obesity, as well as in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Therefore, hydrangea has calming, diuretic and medicinal properties in the treatment of the urinary tract and prostate gland (prostatitis), cystitis.

It helps relieve pain in the kidneys, urethra and bladder, dissolves stones, and also prevents new stone formation. In addition, the substances contained in the plant participate in the normalization of trophic processes in cartilage and connective tissue, preventing the deposition of crystals in joints and the accumulation of uric acid.

All parts of the plant are used: flowers and roots in the treatment of malaria, tonsillitis, tonsillitis (due to the strong bactericidal effect - even on E. coli and staphylococci); roots and bark - as a diuretic for the treatment of the genitourinary system; the root is used to relieve premenstrual syndrome; According to modern research, the roots of the plant are beneficial against autoimmune disorders.

Homeopathic medicines and nutritional supplements have been created based on hydrangea, which are taken according to the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor.

You can offer folk recipes for using hydrangea:

1. Sore throat, tonsillitis - pour a glass of boiling water over 1 dessiatine. spoon of a mixture of flowers and leaves, bring to a boil again, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass of warm infusion 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course is until the inflammatory process stops.

2. Diarrhea - pour 2 teaspoons of crushed fresh hydrangea leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave covered for 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course is until the diarrhea stops.

3. Pharyngitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis - pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed fresh leaves, leave in a thermos for 2 hours, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Use as a gargle or mouth gargle 4-5 times daily.

4. Furunculosis - pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed fresh leaves, keep on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain and add boiled water to a volume of 0.5 liters. Use to wash affected areas of the skin and lotions. For the same purpose

You can use fresh plant juice.

5. For the treatment of rheumatism, it is used in the composition of the collection: aloe, alfalfa, parsley, hydrangea, white willow, elm - in equal parts. Decoction: 3 tbsp. spoons, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10-15 minutes, leave for 30-40 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 3 times a day, 1/2-1 tbsp. spoon.

6. For the treatment of the urinary tract and prostate gland, a decoction and infusion are used:

Tincture: pour finely chopped fresh young leaves or branches of the plant with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio and leave to brew. Take half a teaspoon 2 times a day.

Decoction: 10-12 g of dried and crushed roots per 1 glass of water, boil for 1 hour, strain, bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day as a diuretic.

But please note that hydrangea is not recommended for long-term ingestion. Although hydrangea has been widely used for centuries in Eastern and American folk medicine to treat the urinary tract, it should be taken under medical supervision as it can cause low blood pressure, breathing problems, and skin irritations.

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