Amelia flower how to care. Is pruning necessary? Japanese - Camellia japonica

The ornamental camellia plant is an evergreen shrub that grows naturally in China, Vietnam and Japan. Its dark green shiny leaves adorn the plant. all year round. However, during the flowering period, the most charming period of the camellia's life begins. At this time, the bushes are covered with exquisite flowers that are very reminiscent of roses. In regions with warm climates, the plant can be grown in gardens. With proper care, camellia grows and blooms well at home.

Description, types and photos of camellia

Depending on the type shrubby plant in height can reach from 3 to 12 meters. The glossy leaves of the plant are oval in shape. They are blunt or sharp at the ends. Large single flowers camellias can reach from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. They consist of five petals and many stamens. The color of the petals can be red, pink, white. There are also two-color petals with various divorces, spots, dots or specks. Each flower of the plant blooms for a month.

When grown at home, the most Three types of plants are popular:

Features of growing camellia at home

Indoor camellia requires certain growing conditions and proper care.

Air temperature and humidity

Camellia refers to plants short day . Just 12 hours of daylight will be enough for the formation and development of flower buds. However, at this time it is necessary to monitor the room temperature:

  1. The temperature should be between 18C-20C. At lower temperatures, camellia will not bloom.
  2. If daylight hours last less than 12 hours, then in order to set buds, the temperature will need to be lowered to 8C-10C.
  3. Camellia blooms in winter from December to February. During this period of time, it must be kept at an air temperature of 8C to 10C.

If the room is too warm, the buds will begin to fall from the bushes, flowering may occur prematurely, and the quality of the flowers will deteriorate.

When caring for camellias at home, you need to ensure that there is high air humidity in the room.

Plant requires regular spraying. For this, the water must be settled and at room temperature. If there is no settled water, then it can be boiled and cooled. During flowering, the plant should be sprayed carefully. Water should not get on the flowers.

To increase air humidity, a flower pot can be placed on a tray with wet peat or expanded clay. A specially purchased air humidifier will also have a good effect on the development of the plant.


Camellia needs a bright place:

In order for the crown of the plant to grow equally on all sides and the bush to be even, from time to time it needs to be turned in different directions towards the light. In this case, in no case should you change the position of the bush during budding and flowering. A disturbed plant may drop its buds.

During the warm period, camellia can be placed on the balcony, loggia or in the front garden in the open air. In this case, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight.

Watering and fertilizing

If the substrate gets too dry, the plant will begin to lose leaves. In winter, camellia is watered very carefully. If the substrate turns sour, the buds will begin to fall off and the leaves will turn brown.

Throughout the year, camellia needs to be fed once every three weeks. special mineral fertilizers. They need to be diluted at the rate of 1 gram of fertilizer per 1 liter of water.

Transplantation and soil for camellia

When caring for young bushes, they need to be replanted annually. Older plants that bloom every year are replanted every two years. In order for the bushes to grow better, it is recommended to pinch the tops of the shoots after transplanting.

Transplantation is done in the spring. The soil must be acidic. Its composition may be as follows:

  • two parts of leaf or heather soil;
  • two parts of peat;
  • one part of turf land;
  • one part sand.

Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot.

Pests and diseases

The most serious plant disease may be root rot formed as a result of too low temperatures or waterlogging of the soil. In this case, the camellia needs to be urgently transplanted into breathable soil. It is very rare that a plant can be saved by reducing watering.

Brown spots on the leaves are signs of phyllosticosis. The disease appears due to high air humidity. Treatment is carried out by treating the leaves with copper sulfate. The humidity in the room decreases, the affected leaves are removed.

Indoor camellias may harbor spider mites, aphids or scale insects. If they are detected, the plant must be urgently treated with summer oil emulsions, soap solution or chemicals.

The plant reproduces in three ways:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Vaccination.

Propagation by cuttings

In January and July decorative varieties camellias can be propagated while not yet woody apical cuttings. To do this, cuttings with 3-5 leaves 6-8 cm long are cut and soaked in a heteroauxin solution. Planting material is planted in boxes filled with peat and sand (1:1). The temperature for rooting should be between 20C-23C.

Caring for cuttings involves regularly spraying them and watering the soil. After about two months, the roots will grow and the cuttings can be taken plant in separate containers, the diameter of which should be about 7 cm. At first, young plants are watered abundantly, and after rooting - as needed.

Sowing seeds

When growing camellia from seeds, the characteristics of the varieties may be lost. However, seeds sold in specialized stores retain such characteristics.

Seeds are sown in boxes at a distance of 5-7 cm. Seedling containers covered with glass or film should be placed in a bright, warm place. After two true leaves appear on the seedlings, they will need to be picked into separate pots.

Reproduction by grafting

Some camellia varieties do not take root well when cuttings. In this case they can propagate by grafting in January, choosing for this the upper parts of the shoot with well-developed buds.

After a year, the bushes are transplanted into separate containers with a diameter of 9 cm. In the third year, pots with a diameter of 11-14 cm are prepared for the plants. The soil should consist of heather and leaf soil, turf, peat and sand (2: 2: 2: 2: 1). Young bushes are best replant by transshipment. In this case, the roots will not be damaged and the plant will quickly take root.

Camellia is famous not only for its beautiful flowers, but also for use in pharmacology and medicine. Essential oils are extracted from its leaves, which have an antiseptic, anesthetic and tonic effect. And you can brew Chinese camellia flowers and drink delicious tea.

Camellia is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Tea family. Tea is made from the leaves of the Chinese variety of this plant. You can find camellia in Vietnam, Japan and, of course, China. There are many garden and indoor varieties this decorative flower.

More about the flower

The popularity of camellia is due to the high attractiveness of both the shrub and the inflorescences. The plant decorates the room both in hot summer and cool winter. In the warm season it pleases with its greenery, and in the cold season with beautiful and lush flowering.

Flower care


Decorative flowering crops need to be provided with daylight for up to 12-14 hours. You cannot place camellia on south side without shading, since direct rays of the sun will leave burns on the plant.
The ideal option would be windows with western and eastern orientation, where there is no midday heat at noon. Northern placement does not provide the required amount of light, and the flower begins to shrink and stretch out.


In spring and summer, camellia feels great under normal conditions. room temperature, but in the fall it should not be warm. It is best to take the flower pot to the terrace, glazed loggia, or any other place where it can be kept at a temperature ranging from 12 to 15 degrees.
The plant blooms even in frost. Optimal conditions are considered temperature regime from +8 to +12 degrees. The room in which the camellia is located must be periodically ventilated to ensure a natural flow of fresh air.


The exotic plant does not tolerate dry air well. Indoor camellia needs to be provided high humidity. Especially in winter, when the flower is kept in a heated room. To create comfortable microclimate, resort to regular spraying, use humidifiers, use a tray with moistened moss or expanded clay on which the pot is placed.


In summer, the soil in which indoor camellia grows is abundantly moistened, which is due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. In winter, watering is sharply reduced even though the plant is blooming. Excessive stagnation of moisture in the soil leads to the appearance of pests and bacteria. To prevent this, water the plant when the earthen ball dries out.
Use boiled, settled or melt water. To maintain optimal soil acidity, sometimes acetic or citric acid. High concentration various impurities and calcium salts negatively affect the condition of the flower, which must be taken into account.


Camellia prefers acidic soil with a pH level of 4.5 to 5. The flower can grow even in very acidic soils. Ready-made nutrient mixtures sold in stores are suitable substrates for azaleas and rhododendrons. You can prepare the soil yourself from leaf, coniferous, peat land taken in equal shares, with the addition of 0.5 parts of sand. The soil must be acidic, air- and water-permeable.


When camellia finishes flowering, it is necessary to remove weak shoots. Pruning not only stimulates the plant to grow new branches, but also allows you to give the flower a compact size and form a tree or bush. Shoots can be removed by half. If woody branches are removed, the sections are treated with garden varnish.

Top dressing

Decorative flowering crops require fertilizer during the period of growth of young shoots, which occurs in the spring months. Feed camellia one every 14-30 days, using complexes for azaleas. The concentration indicated in the instructions for the drug is reduced by half. You cannot take complexes with magnesium and calcium. An excess of the latter leads to the fall of the buds. From July until spring the flower is not fertilized.


Young indoor camellias are replanted annually at the end of winter or autumn. Big bushes transferred to a new container every two to three years, when root system fills an old pot. Carefully ensure that the cervix is ​​above the level earthen coma, that is, it was open. If such a need arises, add fresh soil and mulch with sawdust to increase the acidity of the soil.


Camellia is often grown from seeds, which are large in size and covered with a durable shell. To make them germinate faster, they are doused with boiling water and then lightly pierced with a sharp knife. Plant the seeds in cups with a diameter of 7-10 cm, 2/3 filled with peat soil, sprinkle 0.5 cm of soil and 1 cm of perlite on top. You need to make sure that the part with the eye is at the bottom.
Picking is carried out after the formation of at least a pair of leaves. When the area allows, the sprouts can be immediately planted in individual pots. After 2 weeks of planting, they are fed with fertilizer that stimulates growth. Picked plants are transplanted into permanent containers when the cups are filled with the root system.
To save varietal characteristics, camellia is recommended to be propagated by cuttings. Saplings with a length of 6-8 cm and 2-5 leaves are cut from the upper green shoots. The leaf blades are cut in half, planting material placed in Kornevin, and then in pots with a substrate of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. A month later, when the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into permanent pots.

Diseases and pests of camellia

Camellia rarely causes trouble for the gardener, but if the microclimate is disturbed, the plant weakens.


The flower gets sick extremely rarely and is mostly vulnerable to:

When a plant is damaged by fungi, the petals turn brown, the leaves become spotted, and the inflorescences fall off. If treatment with fungicides does not improve the condition, the flower cannot be saved.


The main enemies of indoor camellia are:

  • Mealyworm. The pest is removed with a cloth soaked in soapy water. If only a few leaves are damaged, it is permissible to simply cut them off. Treatment with Karbofos (20 drops per 1 liter of water) is carried out in extreme cases.
  • Aphid. Leads to yellowing and wrinkling of leaves. Adult aphids are removed mechanically every few days. Special aerosols facilitate this process.
  • Spider mite. The most gentle and safe way To get rid of the pest is to spray with oil emulsions, which are sold in flower shops.
  • Skosar. It prefers not the aboveground, but the underground part of the camellia. If you do not treat with insecticides in a timely manner, the plant will die.
  • Shield. Leads to blackening and covering of leaves with brown tubercles. Pests are removed manually, but only insecticides can completely get rid of scale insects.

Camellia varieties for home cultivation

Most often chosen for indoor use the following varieties indoor camellia:

From any indoor camellias You can form a compact bush or tree.

Many people know about a plant like camellia, even those who are not interested in and do not distinguish between types of flowers. She is one of the popular favorites among gardeners. Everyone dreams of such a beauty at home, but, alas, not everyone has access to it, even the greatest plant collectors. And the whole point is that camellia is very demanding and capricious, like many women. It is very difficult to grow this plant at home without destroying it. Some even think that it is impossible to do this. But nothing is impossible. It is possible to do this, but not easy. Those flower growers who manage to grow such a beautiful creature deserve the highest praise. True connoisseurs and lovers of camellia are not stopped by any difficulties.

Camellia japonica is grown as a houseplant. There is also Camellia sinensis, but as you know, it is a type of tea. Therefore, we will talk about Japanese, which is usually grown in greenhouses.

Location and lighting. The first question that arises is the location and proper lighting. Camellia, like almost everything indoor flowers, requires bright light, but it must be diffused without direct sunlight. It is better to place it on eastern or western windows. If you take special care, the southern one will also work. But the temperature there is much higher, as is the exposure to sunlight. But the north side is not suitable at all. And all because light practically does not penetrate there. In order for the crown of the bush to grow evenly, the plant must be turned over periodically. But those gardeners who grew lemons or Decembrists know that it is impossible to turn the plant during flowering. In this case, both buds and flowers disappear.

Temperature. Another important criterion is maintaining the desired temperature. This task is considered one of the most difficult. In spring the plant rests. The most suitable temperature for her at this time will be from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. It will be an additional advantage if the camellia is taken out Fresh air in partial shade. The most difficult thing is to maintain the correct and comfortable temperature for her during the cold season. This is when budding and flowering begin. At this time the plant needs enough low temperature, but creating it is not so easy. Although camellia is capable of laying buds at temperatures above the specified temperature, they bloom only at +15.

Many gardeners, due to ignorance, leave the buds to ripen at normal temperatures, which are suitable for ordinary houseplants. And the buds do indeed ripen, but they don’t turn out the same at all at the right temperature. The flowers bloom much smaller and do not have a dazzling appearance, and sometimes the buds disappear completely before they even have time to open. And during flowering, the temperature should not exceed 12 degrees Celsius. Ideal is considered to be from 8 to 10. B ordinary apartments creating such an atmosphere is very problematic, but possible.

Watering, air humidity and fertilizing. Every plant requires watering and feeding, and camellia is no exception. In addition, you need to monitor air humidity. All these details also require a particularly subtle approach. Many flower lovers do not follow watering measures and often overwater the plant. Perhaps they do this out of pity, thinking that the flowers quickly absorb moisture and again require water. But at this rate, the flowers immediately die, perhaps not immediately, but after a month or two. This also applies to camellia. So, in summer this bush needs to be watered again only after the top layer of soil has dried out. This means that there must be at least some kind of professionalism and temperature separation. In winter determine identify required quantity liquids are much more complex. And all because overwatering causes the soil to sag. Because of this, camellia buds disappear altogether, but the foliage takes on dirty brown shades. And even the foliage falls off due to dryness.

The success of plant development depends on air humidity. During flowering, you can put wet moss in the tray of the pot. Spraying at this time is contraindicated, since moisture getting on the flowers is detrimental. At other times, instead of using moss, you can simply use a sprayer.

Every three weeks, camellia requires feeding. As a last resort, it should be done every month. Even ordinary mineral fertilizer is suitable as a top dressing. There is no need to take breaks; fertilization is carried out throughout the year.

Transfer. Young camellias need to be replanted annually, and old camellias every year. A plant like this bought in a store has most likely already bloomed at least once. And this means that it is no longer young. It can be considered as such only if the plant is grown at home using seeds or cuttings. It is not recommended to replant the plant during flowering; it is better to do this in the spring, when the camellia has already faded. It is best to purchase specially designed soil for this plant. If the choice falls on something else, then it is worth knowing that camellia prefers exclusively acidic soil, the pH of which does not exceed 5. Usually everything is indicated on the packaging. More experienced flower growers They can knead the soil themselves. To do this you will need one part turf soil, two parts acid peat, two parts heather or coniferous soil, one part river sand and good drainage is required.

Very often camellia is grown in greenhouses. In this case, the plant grows to a more impressive size than in a pot. And all because in such conditions the camellia receives natural care. In this case, replanting is quite difficult, so you can get by by simply replacing the top layer of soil.

Trimming and pinching. Pinching and pruning give the plant a renewed and fresh look. In addition, these procedures stimulate the emergence of new shoots. Plucking and circumcision are carried out annually, but completely different time. This is how the plant is plucked during transplantation, or at the time when this procedure should have been carried out. As for pruning, it is done before the buds appear. This time usually falls in October or November. This procedure stimulates the appearance of buds well.

Reproduction. As mentioned above, camellia can be propagated and grown either using seeds or cuttings. But it is better to discard the seeds immediately; this process is much more difficult. In addition to the fact that the seeds may not germinate, they often do not transmit maternal characteristics to the plant. And this threatens that expectations may not be met.

Propagation by cuttings works much better. But this process is very long and requires special skill and patience. But it can be accelerated a little with the help of a stimulating solution applied to the cuttings. But practice shows that the process speeds up very slightly, only by a couple of months, usually by one. You can further increase the growth rate by breeding cuttings in winter time of the year. As for summer, at this time of year everything goes as usual.

Reproduction of camellia and are very similar. For this process, the topmost young cuttings, which have not yet become lignified, are cut off. The length should reach 8 centimeters, and there should be from 3 to 5 leaves on the branch. After which the cuttings are planted in a solution consisting of fluorine and sand. In order for the plant to take root, it is necessary to regulate the soil temperature. It should reach 18-20 degrees Celsius. After the roots appear, the camellia is transplanted into small pot 7 centimeters high, with suitable soil for it. And as you grow, the dishes change. But reproduction is best done only by professionals who have more experience than beginners. In addition, not every type of this plant takes root using cuttings. Fans distinguish between them and use methods of grafting varieties for successful effect.

Pests. As for pests, you need to be wary of spider mites. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to combat it.

As a result, we can say that camellia is a rather complex and whimsical plant, but proper care, the choice of lighting, soil, temperature and watering will lead the grower to the desired goal.

Camellia is a rather attractive flower with dark glossy foliage and beautiful large flower buds. This tropical flower can be grown in outdoor garden and indoors, decorating your interior with it.

In order for the plant to grow and develop well, and also to please with beautiful flowers, you need to properly care for Camellia throughout the year.

Lighting and temperature

The best place in an apartment for growing is with east-facing windows, as it loves bright and diffuse light . When growing a Camellia bush on a window, it must be turned to the light in different directions so that it develops evenly.

Camellia does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Throughout the year, the plant prefers an even temperature within 20-25 degrees Celsius. But for the formation of buds and flowering of the Asian beauty, a temperature of +10 degrees is needed.

Humidity and watering

The tropical beauty grows in the forests, where all the time high humidity. So, in indoors she will not refuse timely watering and sprinkling of the leaf mass with warm and settled water.

When spraying leaves, it is important not to get it on the flowers, as their appearance will deteriorate.

Soil and fertilizing

Soil for Camellia must be oxidized, but you can compose it yourself from the following parts:

  1. Part of turf land.
  2. Part of the sand.
  3. Leafy soil.
  4. Two parts of coniferous land.

When replanting, it is important not to cover the crown of the plant.

The plant is fed throughout the year with full mineral fertilizers. Fertilize once a month on moist soil so that the root system of the plant does not burn.


Like any plant transplant, this does not look very difficult. For this purpose, select a pot that is not much larger in diameter than the previous one; even a 5 cm difference is enough.

It is important to ensure that the container contains drainage holes , through which water will drain into the pan. If it is not absorbed into the soil after watering, it should be drained after 15 minutes to prevent rotting of the plant’s root system.

A 2 cm layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the pot, which serves as drainage. Then 4 cm of soil. The soil is selected specifically for Camellia and is oxidized, but will do ready mix and for Azaleas. Since the soil sold is usually moistened, additional watering of the soil is not needed on the first day.

If such soil is not commercially available, you can collect the soil in coniferous forest, removing the top layer of needles. Then the Camellia is placed on a layer of soil, and its roots are straightened so that they are directed in different directions and are not tangled.

From the purchased Camellia you need to remove all the peat in which it was planted for sale.

Then earth is poured around the roots, and you need to lightly tap the walls of the pot so that all the air voids in the middle of the roots are filled. When the soil is poured almost to the edges of the container, you need to lightly squeeze it with your hands around the Camellia trunk. The first watering is done on the second day.

How to trim and pinch correctly

The plant is pruned in October, this will give the opportunity to develop side shoots, on which flower buds will later form. Pruning is done by shortening the branch by one third of its length.

Sometimes there are branches that, if cut, will be too short, and they will stand out from the overall mass of the bush. Then they are pinched, removing the last two pairs of leaves.

Diseases and pests

Camellia diseases not sick, but you can find pests on it:

  • Mealybugs– a white coating forms on the leaf blades and their axils, this means that mealybug feeding on plant sap. All white deposits must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy solution, and if this does not help, then spill it with Actellik solution.
  • Shields– covered with growths, under which there are pests feeding on the sap of the plant. It is difficult to get rid of scale insects, but it is possible. The brown growths are picked off by hand, and then the plant is first sprayed with Actellik from a spray bottle, and then the soil is spilled. This operation is carried out three times, after which the plant is transplanted into new soil.

It is necessary to notice pests in time and begin treatment.

Flowering at home

Flowering different types happens at different times. Some bloom all fall and winter, others bloom all spring. The plant blooms for a very long time, under the right conditions it lasts five months.

Possible problems with growing a flower

This flower reacts poorly as if a dry earthen coma is drying out, and to a constant flood that harms the roots of the plant. From scorching sun the leaves turn brown and the flower sheds its many buds.

With a lack of light, flowering may not occur at all.

Flower propagation

Flower propagation occurs in the following main ways:

  1. By cuttings.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Vaccination is used quite rarely.


After the cuttings have grown stronger, they are transplanted into a permanent pot.

Cuttings are carried out in late spring before the onset of summer heat. For this purpose cut cuttings 15 cm long.

It is important that the shoots are green and not woody.

The lower cut is wrapped in Kornevin, and the cutting is planted in a small container filled with soil for the Camellia. Lightly moisturizes and cover glass jar according to cutting size to create greenhouse conditions. At the same time, you should not forget to ventilate the cuttings once a day so that it does not begin to rot at high humidity and temperature.

The temperature in the room where Camellia seedlings are standing should not rise above 21 degrees Celsius. After about 3.5 months, the cutting will have its own root system and then it can be removed from the greenhouse and in a week transplanted into a slightly larger pot.


Propagation by seeds is less popular, since with this method of propagation the first flower can be seen after 8 years. The seeds have good germination and are sown in mid-autumn in nutritious soil and covered with glass.

At the same time, it is worth keeping an eye on excess humidity and ventilate the seedlings. When most of the seeds have sprouted, the glass is removed, and when two true leaf blades appear, the seedlings are planted in separate cups.

Camellia seedlings require lighting, since in winter there is little sun and the seedlings may begin to stretch.

In the spring it is hardened and taken out into the fresh air.


Sometimes propagation by cuttings bad luck, and then Camellia is vaccinated. For the rootstock, choose non-problematic Camellia varieties or tea bushes. A grafted seedling requires the same care as an ungrafted plant.

Types of Camellia

Nowadays many different hybrids have been obtained that differ in the shape and color of the flowers.

Camellia japonica (Japanese rose)

Camellia japonica - the most common type Camellia, which is quite common among our flower lovers.

The shape of the Camellia Japonica flower can be different:

  • Terry;
  • Semi-double;
  • Symmetrical;
  • Simple.

The shades of the colors themselves may vary from white to pink to red. Recently, hybrids with two-color buds have been developed. At home, the bush grows no more than a meter high. IN wildlife thickets are known where Camellias have reached a height of 11 m.

This name was given because the sheet plates make green and black teas. Flowers with a delicate aroma are also added to tea using their petals. We grow it for its leaves in the Krasnodar region.

It is not cultivated at home, since it has only single flowers.

The Japanese call it Flower of the winter sun. In nature, it is found in the mountains of Kushu and Okinawa, creating beautiful flowering thickets. At home, it will bloom if cool conditions are created, and then from November to February wonderful flowers will form on it.

This Camellia was the basis for the development of new hybrids. The shrub has a height of one and a half meters and beautiful large flowers of various shades bloom on it:

  • White;
  • Pink;
  • Dark red;
  • Burgundy.


This type of Camellia grows along river banks in China. This is a tree up to 10 m high. does not shed its leaves for the winter.

White flowers begin to bloom in September and bloom until the end of October. After flowering, a seed capsule is formed, which contains seeds containing a large amount of fat.

It is cultivated for oilseeds.

This is no longer a bush, but huge tree, having a height of 20 m. Large double red flowers bloom on it. This flower is 20 cm in diameter and the color of the buds changes from white to red, mixing these shades. People call this color of buds Chimera.

This species of Camellia grows in the forests of China and Vietnam and is different from other species large presence of blooming flowers. On one small bush there can be about 200 of them. bright yellow flowers. This species is listed in the Chinese Red Book.

Camellia beautiful decorative flower. Some gardeners consider it a rather capricious plant, but if the right conditions are created, it will delight with its flowering every winter or spring, depending on the variety purchased.

After all, the main thing that is needed for flowering is a bright, cool room, where the temperature will remain as in the homeland of Camellia at 12 degrees Celsius.

In today's article we will take a closer look at such a beautiful indoor plant as camellia. So…

Camellia ( lat. Camellia) - a genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with beautiful flowers families Tea plants (Theaceae).

The genus was named by Carl Linnaeus in honor of the Jesuit missionary and botanist of Czech origin Georg Joseph Kamel (1661-1706), who worked as a doctor and apothecary in the Philippines, who first brought camellia to Europe from the Philippines.

Camellia is widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Southeast and East Asia, South of the USA, on the peninsulas of Indochina, Korea, in Japan, on the islands of Java, Sulawesi, and the Philippines.

Most known species plants - Camellia sinensis (Camellia sinensis), from the leaves of which raw materials for making tea are obtained. Many types of camellia are used in ornamental gardening.

Camellia It is a small evergreen shrub or tree with a height of 2 to 20 meters.

The leaves are simple, elliptical to broadly and oblong-ovate, leathery, glossy, pointed or obtuse, one at a time, sometimes 2-3, alternate on short petioles, 3-17 cm long.

The flowers are solitary, 1-12 cm in diameter. The petals are fused at the base, pink, red, white or variegated, the stamens are numerous. Camellia blooms in winter at temperatures no higher than 12°C.

The flowering period of the camellia bush is 1-3 months. One flower lasts up to a month. The fruit is a dry capsule that is usually divided into 5 compartments with 8 seeds.

Some camellia species have received wide use as valuable ornamental evergreens and flowering plants. They are widely used for landscaping interiors, creating exhibitions in the park during summer period. Others are used as tea, as you and I already know.

An essential oil containing 97% eugenol is obtained from the leaves of the Japanese-Chinese camellia eugenol (Camellia sasanqua).

In the genus Camellia different sources refers to from 80 to 250 plants.

Types of camellia

Camellia sinensis , whale. 茶 "cha" , Japanese 茶 "cha") . Other plant names: Tea, tea bush. Homeland - tropical and subtropical mountain forests of Southeast Asia (Indochina).

Camellia sinensis is an evergreen shrub or small tree up to 10 m high with spaced branches.

The leaves are alternate, oval or elongated-oval, narrowed towards the apex, short-petioled, dark above, light green below, 5-7 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide, slightly pubescent when young. The pulp of the leaves contains branched supporting sclereids.

The flowers are fragrant, solitary or 2-4 in the axils of the leaves. Bracts and flowers are arranged in a spiral. The calyx is fused-leaved with 5-7 sepals, almost round, remaining with the fruit. The corolla is 2.5-3 cm in diameter, falling off after flowering, of 5-9 white petals with a yellowish-pink tint, fused at the base with each other and the calyx. Stamens in two circles: the outer ones grow together with stamen filaments and grow to the petals, the inner ones are free; anthers small, ovoid. The gynoecium is coenocarpous, with columns fused to the middle.

The fruit is a flattened tricuspid woody capsule. The seeds are round, dark brown, 10-13 mm long, 1 mm thick.

Blooms from August to late autumn. Fruits in October-December.

The tea bush was first cultivated in China, from where it came to Japan. In 1824, the Dutch began to cultivate tea on the island of Java, and in 1834 the British began to cultivate tea in the Himalayas. Currently, the main tea cultures are concentrated in China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Africa (Kenya and Natal), and South America. In Europe, it grows outdoors in Russia (Krasnodar Territory), the Caucasus, southern England, Portugal, Sicily, and western France.

. This type of camellia is common in forests and along the banks of rivers in China, at altitudes of 500-1300 m above sea level. Sometimes it is cultivated there for its seeds rich in fatty oil.

Camellia oleifera - evergreen tree up to 10 m high. The trunk with a diameter of up to 20 cm is covered with brown bark. The leaves are alternate, simple leathery, petiolate, ovoid, pointed or obtuse at the apex. The flowers are white, bisexual, single or paired, axillary, appearing in September. Their flowering period lasts until mid-October. The fruit is a large capsule with numerous spherical seeds up to 3 cm long.

Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica) . Found in forests in China, Japan, and Korea.

Camellia japonica is a shrub or tree 10-12 (up to 15) meters tall. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, 5-10 cm long, pointed, along the edges, serrate, leathery, glossy, dark green. Flowers are single or collected in several, 4 cm in diameter (mainly garden varieties with large flowers, 7-12 cm in diameter, are cultivated), simple, semi-double or double, pink, red, white, variegated, Seeds are large, almost rounded. Blooms profusely in December-April.

Various forms are widespread in culture, but mainly garden varieties, which differ in the degree of terry, flower size, arrangement of petals and color. Outside the subtropics, it is also a widely known plant in cultivation; it is grown in cool rooms as a potted plant, tub plant, and in the ground; grows and blooms well in rooms, requires no higher than 12°C in winter. It bears fruit in greenhouses.

In Chinese traditional medicine All Camellia japonica plants are considered anti-cancer. The flowers have astringent and tonic properties.

Some varieties of Camellia japonica:

"Adolphe audusson"



Lavinia maggi

"Sea foam"

"Winter rose"

Mountain camellia (Camellia sasanqua) . Synonyms: Camellia miyagii (Camellia miyagii), Camellia tegmentosa (Camellia tegmentosa), Miyagi tea (Thea miyagii), Mountain tea (Thea sasanqua), Tegmentosa tea (Thea tegmentosa). Lives in mountain forests on the islands of Kyushu and Okinawa.

Mountain camellia is a shrub up to 3-4 (up to 5) m tall, with thin branches and reddish hairy shoots. The leaves are elliptical or oblong-ovate, 3-7 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, bluntly pointed, serrated at the edges, glossy and dark green above, with a hairy pubescent midrib below. Flowers are single or collected in groups of 2-3, up to 6-7 cm in diameter, simple, white, pink or red, fragrant. Blooms profusely in November-January.

As evergreen and flowering plants, garden varieties are mainly bred in cultivation. Suitable for cool rooms.

There are five main groups of sazanka cultivars:
— “real” carp Camellia sasanqua;
— camellia Camellia x hiemalis;
— camellia Camellia x vernalis;
- a group of camellia hybrids with the common name “Egao”;
- frost-resistant Ackerman camellia hybrids.

Some varieties of mountain camellia:






"Double pinks"



"White doves"

"White double"

Camellia grijsii

Camellia care

In the room, the camellia grows, blooms and even bears fruit if it is provided with proper care.

Lighting. Camellia prefers bright, diffused light and is suitable for growing near windows with western and eastern exposure. At windows with southern exposure, the plant is provided with shading from direct sunlight. Near northern windows, the plant may not have enough light for normal growth. To prevent the crown from being one-sided, the plant can be turned towards the light. Just under no circumstances do this during budding: disturbing the plant during this period will cause the buds to drop.

In summer, the plant can be placed outdoors, in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Temperature. In the spring-summer period, Camellia prefers air temperatures around 20-25°C. To bookmark flower buds a temperature of 18-20°C is required, and during flowering in December - February, on the contrary, 8-12°C. At higher temperatures, flowering occurs earlier, but the quality of the flowers will be worse, and there is a risk of buds falling off. With short daylight hours The formation of flower buds can also occur at a temperature of 8-10°C.

Camellia needs access to fresh air.

Watering. In summer, camellias are watered evenly and abundantly; after the top layer of substrate dries, you should not overwater the camellias. When kept cool in winter, to avoid acidification of the soil, water carefully. As a result of soil acidification, the leaves turn brown and the flower buds fall off. Plants lose their leaves due to prolonged drying. The plant does not tolerate high levels of calcium in water, so it should be watered with soft, settled water.

Air humidity. Camellia prefers high humidity air, it is advisable to regularly spray it with soft, settled water, place pots with plants on pallets with wet expanded clay or peat. During the flowering period, spray carefully, avoiding moisture on the flowers.

Fertilizer. Once every three weeks, camellias are fed with full mineral fertilizer at the rate of 1 g/l. Feeding is carried out all year round.

Features of cultivation. Camellias are short-day plants, and 12-14-hour daylight hours are optimal for the formation and normal development of flower buds. To set flower buds, adult plants also require a temperature of 18-20°C; When growing in conditions of low positive temperatures and in a shaded place, flower buds are not formed. During the flowering period (December-February), camellias are kept at a temperature of 8-10°C (12°C); at higher temperatures (18-20°C) there are premature flowerings, while the quality of the flowers is worse, and the fall of buds, the latter is also observed when plants in the budding phase are moved to another place (the change affects light mode). In areas with short daylight hours, flower bud formation can occur at temperatures of 8-10°C.

Trimming. In October-November, shoots are pruned to stimulate the growth of axillary buds.

Transfer. Young camellias are replanted annually. Plants that bloom annually are replanted every 2 years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring, at the same time the tops of the shoots are pinched so that the plant branches better.

The soil. For camellias, acidic soil (pH 4.5-5) is preferred. Of many subtropical plants camellias are distinguished by their unique ability to grow in acidic soils with a pH of 4 and below. The composition of the substrate can be as follows: turf - 1 tsp, peat - 2 tsp, heather or leaf - 2 tsp, sand - 1 tsp. Potted plants are rarely replanted, but annual addition of soil and fertilizing are necessary. The bottom of the container provides good drainage.

Reproduction. Camellias are propagated by fresh seeds and cuttings.

Seeds are sown one at a time in 5-7 cm pots or boxes, then in the phase of two leaves they are planted in pots.

If you want to grow a varietal plant, you should propagate vegetatively - by cuttings, since when propagated by seeds, varietal characteristics are lost. In ornamental gardening, camellia varieties are especially valued, so they are propagated vegetatively in order to preserve the characteristics of the variety.

Ornamental camellias are most often propagated by apical non-lignified cuttings 6-8 cm long in a propagation box at a soil temperature of 20-24°C in January and July. The substrate for planting cuttings is made of sand - 1 tsp. and peat soil - 1 hour... Cuttings are cut with 3-5 developed leaves. They take root within 50-60 days (especially summer ones). Caring for cuttings consists of watering and spraying. In view of long term For rooting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings in a heteroauxin solution and then periodically water them, however, even in this case, it is possible to extend the rooting. Rooted cuttings are planted in 7-centimeter pots. Composition of the earthen mixture: leaf - 2 parts, peat - 2 parts, turf - 1 part, sand - 1 part; pH 4.5-5. Vaccinations are carried out on 1-2 year old camellia seedlings, sometimes on rooted cuttings. Water abundantly, then reduce watering to promote ripening of the wood.

Poorly rooted varieties are propagated by grafting, mainly in January, with developed buds from the top of the shoot. Vaccinations are kept at a temperature of 18-20°C. Germination is observed after 2 months. Caring for young plants consists of watering, spraying, shading from the bright rays of the sun (as leaves with burn spots fall off), creating air humidity and pruning shoots. In the 2nd year of culture, the plants are transplanted into 9-11 cm pots. The substrate is the same.

In the 3rd year of cultivation, the plants are transferred to 11 - 14 cm pots. Earth mixture made from turf - 2 parts, peat - 2 parts, leaf soil - 2 parts, heather - 2 parts, sand - 1 part.

Possible difficulties

As a result of soil acidification, the leaves turn brown and the flower buds fall off.

appear on the leaves brown spots as a result of burns from direct sunlight (especially in summer).

The main reasons for the failure of an amateur trying to grow camellia at home: low air humidity, lack of light, high temperatures and unsuitable soil composition.

Plants lose their leaves due to prolonged drying.

From a lack or excess of moisture, camellia can shed its leaves.


The main reasons for the failure of an amateur trying to grow camellia at home:

— low air humidity;
- lack of light;
- high temperatures;
- unsuitable soil composition.

Camellia in history

The first written mention of camellias dates back to the 1st century AD, when the governor of the province of the island of Kyushu dealt with the leader of a gang of criminals using a club made from camellia wood. That's why this part of Kyushu is called Tsubaki after Japanese name Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica), and the battle site itself is called “Bloody Field”. The name reflected the fact that the flowers of wild Tsubaki are bright red, and the first white flower of this species in history appeared only in the 7th century and aroused such interest that it was even brought to show Emperor Tenmu.

The culture of camellia cultivation in Japan experienced several periods of decline and prosperity. In the 11th century, camellias lost popularity; interest in them awakened only during the Muromachi period (1333-1568), the era of formation traditional style Japanese garden. Breeding camellias became one of the occupations of the samurai class. In addition to Tsubaki, Sazanka (Camellia sasanqua), an autumn-blooming mountain camellia, was popular. It is smaller in size than Tsubaki, but it blooms more profusely and has a flower of a more asymmetrical shape, and easily tolerates open sun.

Throughout history, camellias have represented cultural symbols with often opposing meanings. At first, the Tsubaki camellia was one of the symbols of the sun goddess Amaterasu, and during the ban on Christianity in Japan, it also became a symbol of Jesus Christ for Japanese Catholics, who were forbidden to wear a cross.

To this day, the Catholic Church in Nagasaki is decorated with an ornament of Tsubaki flowers. Initially, this camellia was also a symbol of longevity. And in the 15th century, a belief arose that a samurai who touched it would be beheaded. The explanation for this belief is that the Tsubaki flower falls to the ground as a whole, like a severed head, and does not rain down petals, like Sazanka.

Members of the Japanese Higo Camellia Society believe that this superstition was part of the “black PR” of some samurai clans against others. Even stranger, in America in the 19th and 20th centuries, members of the racist Ku Klux Klan organization used the Japanese camellia as a symbol of the white race and called themselves the Knights of the White Camellia.

Contact with America - the arrival of Commodore Perry on the islands in 1858 and the subsequent opening of Japan to the world caused a decline in interest in camellias in Japan, as the Japanese began to quickly copy everything Western, from western roses to warships. With the destruction of feudalism, many samurai, who were the guardians of the culture of growing camellias, lost their collections, and the younger generation began to perceive camellias as flowers for cemeteries. It was only a century later, in 1958, that a group of flower growers in Kyushu decided to revive the tradition of Higo, the flowers of the Kumamoto samurai clan. They found about a hundred varieties, many of which grew on ancient graves. Thanks to the enthusiasm of this group, as well as the Italian florist Franco Ghirardi, Higo camellias spread throughout Europe and the United States. This flower perfectly conveys the Japanese taste, based on simplicity, asymmetry and closeness to nature. Traditionally, Higo is grown as a bonsai, although Higo enthusiasts in Europe also grow them as regular-sized camellias.

Medicinal and other beneficial properties of Camellia sinensis

Tea seeds in Japan and China are used to obtain fatty oil. Refined oil is used for food, while unrefined oil is used for technical needs.

Camellia sinensis in medicine

A significant part of the leaves and branches of tea, cut when caring for tea plantations (during molding), as well as tea dust generated in tea-packing factories, are used as raw materials for the factory production of caffeine and theophylline alkaloids. Caffeine is important medicine. It has a stimulating and tonic effect on the central nervous system, improves mental and physical activity, is a diuretic and a remedy for migraines. Theophylline is used as a means of improving coronary circulation and as a diuretic for circulatory disorders of cardiac and renal origin. Tea alkaloids are included in a number of drugs (aminophylline, diuretin, etc.) used for coronary insufficiency, hypertension, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, edema of cardiac origin, etc.

In addition, a complex of catechins with P-vitamin activity is obtained from old tea leaves and tea dust, which is used for disorders of permeability and increased fragility of blood vessels, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhages in the retina, radiation therapy, hypertension, etc. Due to the presence of caffeine and tannins substances, the tea drink and the isolated alkaloid caffeine are used as an antidote for poisoning by poisons, narcotic substances and alcohol.

Along with black, so-called long tea, it is widely consumed green tea. Green tea is less aromatic, but physiologically more active. Experimental studies have found that green tea has antimicrobial properties. Its decoction was proposed to treat dysentery. It is also indicated for whooping cough, enterocolitis and dyspepsia. In combination with other drugs, it stimulates hematopoiesis, increases elasticity and reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and has an anti-radiation effect.

In folk medicine, strong tea compresses relieve pain and heat from sunburn and inflammation of the eyelids.

Camellia sinensis in cooking

From tea leaves, through complex processing, the well-known dry tea is obtained, which is used to prepare a tea drink. The most important components tea drink (tea) are tannins, caffeine and essential oil. The taste, color, aroma and medicinal properties of tea depend on these substances. Tannins and catechins give tea a bitter and astringent taste, and the essential oil has a subtle fragrant aroma. The invigorating effect of tea is due to caffeine.

The ways of drinking tea are unique. In Central Asia, slab tea is used to make a stew with salt, fat and milk (sometimes sheep's blood is added). IN Central Asia In some places they drink green tea with salt, in Tibet - with the addition of rancid oil. In England and many regions of Russia, they prefer a strong infusion of tea, diluted with milk or cream.

Chemical composition of Camellia sinensis

The leaves contain 9-36% tannins, including up to 26% soluble and up to 10% insoluble, resins, nucleoproteins containing iron and manganese. The composition of soluble tannins includes gallocatechin gallate, L-epiatechin gallate, L-epigallocatechin, L-gallocatechin gallate and L-epicatechin, free gallic acid and other substances. Also found in the leaves are alkaloids - caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, xanthine, adenine, hypoxanthine, paraxanthine, methylxanthine, isatin and other organic bases. Flavonoids were discovered - kaempferol, kaempferol 3-rhamnoglycoside, quercetin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, rutin, etc.

The stems, roots and seeds contain steroidal saponins. The seeds contain 22-25% fatty oil, 30% starch and sterols - stigmasterol and β, γ-sitosterol, up to 8.5% protein.
The leaves also contain coumarins, vitamins - ascorbic acid (more than 0.230%), thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, phylloquinone, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, essential oil.
Part essential oil from fresh unfermented leaves (yield 0.007-0.014%) includes hexene-3-ol-1 (66%), methyl alcohol, hexene-2-al-1, isobutyric and isovaleric aldehydes, acetic, propionic, butyric, n-capronic and palmitic acid, salicylic acid methyl ester.

Fermented green leaf oil (yield 0.003-0.006%) consists of β, γ-hexenol (25%), n-hexanol, methyl alcohol, n-octyl alcohol, geraniol, linalool, citranellol, benzyl alcohol, phenylethyl alcohol, secondary alcohols, butyl-isobutyl and isovaleric aldehydes, hexene-2-ala-1, benzaldehyde, acetophenol, n-hydroxybenzalacetone, cresol, phenol, acetic, butyric, caproic, salicylic and phenylacetic acids and methyl salicylate.

The components of black tea oil are as follows: citronallol, geraniol, linalool, secondary terpene alcohol, benzyl, phenylethyl, butyl, isobutyl, isoamyl, hexyl, octyl and 3-methylbutyl alcohols, aldehydes (capronic, isovaleric, benzaldehyde), propionic, isovaleric, caprylic and palmitic acids, esters of these acids, cresols, quinoline, methyl mercaptan, methanesulfonic acid, 2-acetylpyrrole, methyl-, dimethyl-, trimethylamines, ethylamine, n-propylamine, etc.

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Tags: camellia, camellia, camellia flowers, camellia photo, Japanese camellia, Chinese camellia, domestic camellia, camellia at home, tea camellia, camellia plant, camellia flower photo, camellia tea bush, camellia care, chemical composition camellias, camellia in cooking, medicinal properties of camellia

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