What do the different flowers mean? Language and meanings of colors

Since time immemorial, people have believed that every flower has its own meaning. Over the years the meaning has changed, different interpretation gave in different eras. Florists say: “The language of flowers.” Knowing what a particular flower means, you can give a bouquet to your loved one with a subtle hint of her qualities. In this article we will look at which flowers mean what. So:

What do lily flowers mean? This flower in Ancient Rome symbolized luxury and wealth, success. They were depicted on coins; not a single noble house could do without a lily. France gave a new meaning to the flower - purity, majesty, nobility. The lily flower, so demanding of care, will delight you today with its tenderness and delicate aroma.

What do rose flowers mean? The meaning of a rose directly depends on the color of the bud.

  • White roses are considered symbols of innocence and purity. Usually they are given to young people in order to emphasize their youth and purity.
  • Red roses, on the contrary, express the passion and ardor of love. Red roses are the most popular flower. Today they are given not only to a loved one, but to a business partner, in order to express respect and gratitude.
  • Pink roses endowed with romantic meaning. It is a symbol of grace and tenderness. They should be given to young girls, hinting at your sympathy.

What does a lotus flower mean? Many cultures attribute magical qualities to this flower. The meaning of a lotus flower, like a rose, depends on the color of the petals:

  • The white lotus is a symbol of sleep, as it blooms only at night. Spiritual perfection is another meaning of the white lotus.
  • The blue lotus is a symbol of awakening. These flowers were placed on the chests of the deceased so that they would wake up in another world.
  • The pink lotus is associated with the highest deity. This flower is a symbol of Buddha.

What does an orchid flower mean? These flowers symbolize luxury, splendor, and sophistication. They are given only to the most beloved people. In China, the orchid is a symbol of fertility and a talisman against impotence. They were often depicted on Chinese vases as a sign of agreement. Orchid is very exquisite flower, with a distinctive strong aroma of a mixture of tropical fruits and oriental spices.

What do calla lily flowers mean? Callas in the language of flowers mean admiration, respect and admiration. In addition, callas are a talisman of marital happiness. Very often, the bride’s bouquet contains this modest, vanilla-scented flower. In addition, our ancestors believed that a calla flower at home would protect spouses from quarrels and disagreements.

What does a tulip flower mean? A tulip flower can have many different colors. In general, the tulip symbolizes pure love, a declaration of love. The same meaning applies to the red tulip bud. But a yellow tulip means happiness, according to an ancient European legend. A variegated tulip symbolizes beautiful eyes. Tulips are not sold all year round, so giving a tulip in the spring is an excellent occasion to express your feelings to your beloved.

What do iris flowers mean? For some peoples, the iris symbolizes good news. However, in most countries, iris flowers are given the meaning of fearlessness, wisdom, and valor. In Japan, these flowers are also given to men to awaken courage and courage in them. After all, iris flowers are very similar to swords. In Japanese calligraphy, the same character represents iris and warrior spirit.

What does the poppy flower mean? The poppy flower is credited with dreaminess, imagination, oblivion. IN ancient Greece The poppy was a symbol of the god of sleep. In addition, the poppy symbolizes the desire for pleasure. The Slavs have many rituals associated with the poppy flower. For them, the poppy meant dawn, dawn. Our ancestors believed that poppy seeds could protect against evil spirits. Poppy flowers are rarely given as gifts. That's why bright bouquet poppy flowers will be an original gift for a woman.

What does a chamomile flower mean? According to one legend, a chamomile will grow where a star falls to the ground. The name of the flower is Slavic, but daisies are known in many countries. Chamomile is the progenitor of chrysanthemum. In Belarus, chamomile is national flower. In the language of flowers, chamomile means youth, romance, and innocence. Many girls love to receive this simple and pleasant flower.

What do gerbera flowers mean? Gerberas are called the flower of paradoxes - they combine mystery and openness. The meaning of the flower is also shrouded in mystery. Some believe that gerberas mean mystery, reticence. Others think that gerberas symbolize optimism, smiling, and flirting. These flowers are a universal gift. They can be given to both your beloved woman and your boss at work. By choosing gerberas as a gift, you will express your sympathy to the person.

What does the chrysanthemum flower mean? The homeland of chrysanthemums is Japan. In the land of the rising sun, a lot is connected with this beautiful flower. Chrysanthemums symbolize wisdom, longevity and health. IN Japanese art Ikebana chrysanthemum is a symbol of friendship and affection. A bouquet of chrysanthemums will be a great gift, if you want to emphasize the importance of a person to you.

What does the anthurium flower mean? Atrium – exotic flower. He is the symbol of the flamingo. This flower also symbolizes masculinity. Atrium is endowed with great energy in the tropical countries where it comes from. Some call it the cupid flower, making it a symbol of love, because it really resembles a heart pierced by an arrow. If you are not afraid to experiment in choosing a bouquet, then the atrium will be an excellent choice.

What does the sakura flower mean? Another flower from the distant land of the rising sun - Japan. Holidays are celebrated on the occasion of cherry blossoms; this flower is sung by Japanese poets. Sakura symbolizes hope, the birth of life. The life cycle of sakura is short, so the second meaning of the flower is the fleeting nature of life.

Many nations depicted flowers on their coat of arms. The most different flowers can be found on the coats of arms of cities, clans, and shields of medieval knights. What do the flowers on the coat of arms mean? The meaning on the coat of arms is directly related to the symbolism of the flower. For example, the 16-petal chrysanthemum on the coat of arms of Japan symbolizes the rising sun.

In addition, the flowers on the coat of arms symbolize respect and tribute to flowers that are important to the people. On the coat of arms of Belarus we can see clover, wheat and flax.

Previously, each clan had its own coat of arms. For example, on the coat of arms of Joan of Arc's parents we can see irises, which symbolized courage and valor. Tulips were the emblem of the Turkish Ottoman dynasty.

Flowers are also depicted in tattoos. What does a flower tattoo mean is a rather complicated question. In the old days, the pattern on the skin played important role. Using it, one could determine a person’s class, type of activity, and merits. A tattoo with a picture of a flower also had its meaning. So, for example, a lily on a girl’s shoulder was a symbol of purity. The image of a lilac meant that a person undertakes to remain faithful to his first love. Today, the meaning of flowers tattooed on the body is disappearing. Nowadays flower tattoos are done, largely because of its beauty. Many girls want to emphasize their femininity with flowers. In addition, a flower tattoo is good for its diversity, complexity of design and color range. A flower drawing can be combined with other images, for example, with a zodiac sign.

A person is always interested in the symbolism of the things that surround him. There are a lot of flowers in our lives. Therefore, it is curious to know what the flower means.

The language of flowers originated in the East, where women were forbidden to communicate with men. Communication took place through flowers. Meaning was attached to everything, from the number of flowers in the bouquet and colors to the time of presentation of the bouquet.

This tradition of communication was later brought to Europe, where it flourished in the era of romanticism. The symbolism of flowers was described in flower dictionaries, which were very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries.

At the court of Catherine II, a “Register of Flowers” ​​was created, which showed what flowers symbolize and the meaning of each color. So red was a symbol of love, green - hope, blue meant fidelity, black - sadness.

In the last century, flower etiquette was forgotten, but in modern world More and more florists are remembering it when arranging bouquets.

Flowers symbolize various human feelings from love to hatred, from joy to sorrow, and express respect and gratitude. When composing a bouquet, pay attention to the color scheme.

In Western countries, the most popular flower used in bouquets is the rose. In the east, the most favorite flower to give is the lotus. These flowers have many symbols.

A beautiful rose is the queen among flowers. According to statistics, the most popular flower on the planet.

This is a multifaceted flower that is loved for its tenderness and wide variety of shades. The color symbolism of the rose allows you to create any bouquets that express the whole gamut of human emotions.

The rose as a symbol has many meanings:

  • White The rose symbolizes innocence and purity, virtue. Flowers express recognition of perfection and heavenly beauty. White roses are given to a loved one as an expression of the highest feelings. White Rose It is also a religious symbol. These are the flowers of the Mother of God with which all churches are decorated. White roses express heavenly love and patronage.
  • Burgundy A rose is a flower of ardent lovers who express their feelings with passion and stormy confessions.
  • Yellow Roses are a symbol of happy emotions. The yellow rose symbolizes friendship and deep respect. And don’t be afraid to give these yellow flowers, considering them a symbol of separation. Vice versa yellow roses give to your significant other after a quarrel. Such a gift will mean a new beginning in the relationship.
  • Red rose is a symbol of love. A flower is given as an expression of passion and admiration. This gift shows true love, the unbreakable union of two hearts.
  • Purple rose is a symbol of prosperity. This is an unusual rose, it consists of symbols of power. And they give it to the rich and wealthy.
  • Pink Roses are a symbol of the emerging relationship between a man and a woman. Light pink shades show tenderness, love, sympathy. Pink roses dark shades symbolize gratitude, respect, gallantry.
  • Blue roses are a mystery and a mystery. Artificially bred flowers are given to special people, with mysterious and attractive character traits. This rose symbolizes admiration and love when a woman gives a man a bouquet.
  • Black The rose is a symbol of farewell. Flowers are used as mourning flowers, expressing separation and death. Even hatred and negative emotions expressed with a bouquet of ink flowers.

In ancient times, many peoples of the world compared the Earth to a lotus located on the water surface. When the lotus blossomed, the earth was reborn, and the world was filled with life-giving forces; when the lotus closed, everything fell asleep, life froze. Therefore, the wonderful lotus flower has become a symbol of the spiritual world in many Eastern religions. In Egypt, China and India, the plant is considered sacred, it belongs to the gods. Divine powers bestow this flower on mortals in the form of a special favor.
You need to understand what the lotus symbolizes, because spiritual world people are diverse. In some countries, it is customary to give a lotus as a sign Great love and disposition towards a person. In other countries, this flower is given as a symbol of longevity. In the language of flowers, lotus has many meanings:

  • White the lotus symbolizes sleep. Through sleep, wisdom comes and spiritual improvement is realized.
  • Blue The lotus is a symbol of new life, so it is placed on the last journey of the dead so that they are reborn.
  • Yellow lotus means wise life, allows a person to maintain purity and chastity.
  • Red The lotus symbolizes love and the heart and is given to loved ones.
  • Pink The lotus personifies divine signs, it is given for religious holidays, it means well-being in life.

Many other flowers have no less interesting symbolism than the rose and lotus.

Symbolism of popular colors

Each flower included in the bouquet needs to be given attention. Flowers chosen incorrectly according to symbolism will violate the whole meaning of the flower arrangement. You need to learn how to correctly express your feelings in the language of flowers.
We will analyze in detail what flowers it is customary to give, what they will symbolize.

Pansies. This is a symbol of joy and fun. Pansies symbolize good and happy moments in life.
Begonia. Warns against dangers. The symbolism of begonia is emphasized by the words: beware, be careful. Begonia speaks of the presence of enemies and envious people.
Cornflower. This is a shy flower that young men give to girls, offering their friendship. Cornflower can express politeness, gallantry and courtesy.
Heather. This is a dual symbol, on the one hand it means charm and delight (white color), and on the other hand loneliness and the need for protection.
Hyacinth. Depending on the color, hyacinth symbolizes the following: white – charm, yellow – jealousy, red – surprises for loved ones, purple – forgiveness, blue – confidence and calm.
Hydrangea. The flower is dual. Hydrangea can signify modesty, chastity and understanding in relationships, but can show indifference and insensitivity.
Guzmania (Guzmania). The guzmania flower symbolizes masculine energy, so it is given to men as a sign of respect. This is a symbol of nobility.
Cactus. This is a symbol of patience and constancy. A cactus for lovers means that they are two halves. Giving a cactus, a person says: “I understand you better than anyone.”
Water lily. This is a symbol of the lover's other half. A gift of a flower means: “Don’t deceive me in love.”
Lavender. A lilac flower expresses admiration and charm for a person. White lavender speaks of fulfillment of desires.
Lily of the valley. The lily of the valley flower symbolizes the path to happiness, consent to the wedding.
Lily. The flower has many symbols. Lilies of different colors symbolize the following: white - purity, yellow - gratitude, multi-colored - prosperity.
Magnolia. This is a symbol of nobility. If a flower is given by a lover, then it means assertiveness, such a bang will pursue you.
Poppy. Poppies serve as a symbol of youth and beauty and are given as a sign of admiration.
Myrtle. It is a symbol of hope and a symbol of love. This is a wedding emblem, it gives joy and fun.
Forget-me-not. This is a flower of true and sincere love, which is given with the words: “Don’t forget me.”
Orchid. It symbolizes beauty in the West, so it is customary to give them to beloved women. In the east, orchids are a symbol of childhood.
Chamomile. Flower of youth and tenderness. Daisies symbolize romance and fidelity.
Sakura. Favorite tree Japanese people, whose flowers symbolize kindness and tenderness, fast current life.
. This is a symbol of first love and love confessions.
Violet. This is a flower of modesty and caution. White violet says: Let's try to be together?
Chrysanthemum. It is a symbol of friendship and cheerfulness.
Apple tree. In the language of flowers, apple means peacefulness.

What flowers are usually given in a bouquet?

When collecting a bouquet of flowers for special moments in life, pay attention to who the gift is intended for.
A bouquet of flowers can be given to friends, loved ones, parents. Let's see what flowers you can give to whom:

  • For girls - lily of the valley, lavender, orchid, forget-me-not, rose, lilac.
  • For the wife - hyacinth, poppy, red rose, cherry and apple branches.
  • For a friend or sister: chrysanthemum, chamomile, rose.
  • For mothers: carnations, lilies, lotus, yellow rose, orchids, chrysanthemums.
  • For grandmothers: sakura branches, magnolia, roses, tulips, violets.

The number of flowers in the bouquet is also important. One flower shows attention, three – respect, five – love, seven – passion, nine – admiration. In our country it is customary to give even number flowers, but in the world they give even numbers. So, 8 and 10 flowers in a bouquet are popular in Europe; such a gift means gratitude.
According to flower etiquette flowers are given not only to women, but also to men.
You can watch what flowers are given to men in a short video:

Hi all!!! For you, dear readers, today I have prepared interesting topic. I want to talk to you about fluorography. The information will deviate greatly from the topic of computer graphics, and in general, we will not talk about the virtual. Although, you have to read some formulas.

Fluorography - this, one might say, is a whole science that reveals the meaning, symbolism various colors and plants. Simply put, this is language of flowers, with the help of which ideas, feelings, moods are expressed. Personally, I was very interested in this topic, and, as you can see, I’m sharing it right away.

During the Victorian era, the language of flowers was very helpful in cases where feelings could not be spoken openly, but required secret expression. Created flower arrangements from fresh flowers (plants), wreaths, bouquets, multi-colored objects or painted objects were used.

It is believed that language of flowers originated in the East. It was founded by women who were deprived of communication, who were forbidden to often reveal their faces. They transferred their feelings and shades of mood to flowers. What was once an emerging association gradually grew into persistent symbols and helped to carry on the conversation.

These flower dictionaries have come to us; they tell in detail about the meaning of many plants. Below I will give an example of a number of flowers and their meanings, but this is a small part of what flower dictionaries actually contain.

For your convenience, I decided to talk about flowers in alphabetical order, therefore, it will be easy for you to find the flower that interests you. I learned some flower names for the first time, but decided to leave them on the list because I liked their meaning. So….


Azalea- a symbol of fragility, restraint, femininity and devotion, passion and sadness. With the help of him they said " take care of yourself for me".

Astra (white) - in “flower language” this means " I love you more than you love me!". It is a symbol of love and grace, as well as memories.

Pansies - nowadays these flowers are rarely given, but in the language of flowers they mean fun and entertainment.


Basil- although this is a spice, it also has its own meaning: disgust, hatred.

I would like to add and note to this letter: a bouquet of dried (dried) flowers means rejected love.


Water lily(water lily) – to pick such a flower, you will have to remain wet, but confidently declare your eloquence, sincerity and persuasiveness. And also say "Feelings are raging in my soul."


Gloxinia– I don’t know what kind of flower this is, but I liked the meaning - it means love at first sight.

Dahlia– it’s strange why, but it means impermanence.

Gladiolus- This is the flower of gladiators. And in the language of flowers it can mean " I'm really sincere", And " Give me a break".

Hibicus- a funny name, but in the language of flowers it means long and eternal love.

Carnation- means charm, passion, fidelity, female love, honor. It is also worth noting that the color of a carnation carries different meanings. For example, if you wanted to say " I won't be with you", then they gave me a striped carnation.


Jasmine– the aroma of this flower strikes with sharpness, although in the language of flowers it means sensuality, femininity, elegance.


Iris- I've never seen what he looks like live, but it's nice, which means " I value your friendship very much"and symbolizes hope, trust, faith.


Crocus- means affection, fun, joy. But in the language of flowers, giving purple crocus, may I ask " Do you regret loving me?", gift yellow – " Are your feelings true?".

Cactus- well, everything is simple here - it means perseverance and it’s clear why.


Lily – a very common flower even in modern bouquets. But do you know what you are saying when you give it? If you're white, then admit it" Being near you is divine"The yellow lily expresses gratitude, the orange lily expresses disgust, hatred, the tiger lily expresses well-being, prosperity.

Lavender– the sung flower means admiration, white lavender promises the fulfillment of desires.

Palm leaves – if you decide to decorate the bouquet with these leaves, you will wish them success and good luck.

Lotus– means health and happiness.


Poppy– speaking in the language of flowers, it will mean dreaminess, youth, imagination. A poppy picked in a field says " I dream about you", garden – " Let's love each other while there is time".

Mimosa- hiding their feelings, speaking the language of love, they announced: " I hide my feelings".

Daisy– means true love, purity, innocence.


Narcissus– contrary to legend, in the language of flowers, narcissus means attention, chivalry. yellow flower they said" You are the only one", "When I'm with you the sun always shines".

Forget-me-not– with this flower you can express fidelity, true love, and talk about your memories.


Dandelion- it is unlikely that a man will choose this flower for a bouquet, but even if he takes a risk, he will hint that he is happy and faithful.

Orchidluxury flower and means beauty, love. And it is also considered a Chinese symbol of childhood.


Fern– by the way, I sometimes saw it in bouquets. In the language of flowers it means magic, charm, grace, mystery, enchantment, as well as the secret shackles of love.

Peony- in the language of flowers, it means a cheerful life, a happy wedding and, in contrast, compassion.

Snowdrop- giving the first spring Flower, say " You're not like everyone else", and it also means tenderness and hope.


Rose– oh, how many of them have already been donated! It turns out that there is a difference in what form you give it: a bud means an innocent heart; lethargic - you did not make an impression; dried - " Better death than living without happiness". Color also plays a role: red speaks of love, dark red - mourning.

Chamomile– many girls like this simple flower, and it means innocence, youth, romance and love.


Lilac- if white, it will mean first love, purple - " My heart Belongs to you".


Tulip- everyone knows that it is the emblem of Holland, which is famous for its tulip plantations. Yellow tulip in the language of flowers means " Your smile is like sunlight ", red - " Trust me", motley - " Perfect eyes". In general, this is a flower symbol pure love.


Violet– my wife’s favorite flower, I love to see her delight when I bring a bouquet of these miniature fragrant flowers. It means modesty, innocence, dignity. White says " Let's take a risk?!", blue – "Carefully!".


Chrysanthemum– yellow means fragile or rejected love, white means truth, red means good luck and best wishes.


Rose hip– in the language of flowers it means spring and poetry.

I guess I'll end the list here. If you don't find the flower you're interested in, it means you have a very unique, original taste.

Give flowers to your loved ones, matching their tastes with their meaning!

The tradition of giving flowers appeared in the distant past in the East. With the help of flowers, lovers communicated with each other, because writing appeared not so long ago. Each flower expressed a specific symbol and had its own meaning. Despite the fact that ancient traditions have already been lost, people continue to be interested in this information. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of flowers in a bouquet.

In the East, they attached importance not only to the color of plants, but also to the number of flowers in a bouquet. The design of the bouquet also mattered decorative elements. The floral tradition came to Europe, and in the 17th century floral dictionaries were compiled, in which the language of flowers and bouquets was described in detail. The language of flowers reached Russia, however, it acquired its own meaning and national flavor.

The same flower different cultures has a great meaning and symbol.

For example, the lily in ancient Rome symbolized wealth, and in ancient Egypt The bodies of dead girls were decorated with lilies. The meaning was similar to the Egyptian one in ancient Germany, where the lily was considered a symbol of suicides or victims of violence. The Germans believed that lilies mystically grew on the graves of the unfortunate. But in France, the lily had a symbol of royal greatness and power.

How to determine the true meaning of flowers in bouquets if interpretations differ? What matters are the associations that the perception of a flower evokes in a person or group of people.

The meaning of the color of the bouquet

In the modern world they have not been used for a long time in the old language flowers, but they attach importance to the number of flowers in the bouquet and its color.


Among European peoples, white is associated with purity and innocence. This shade also denotes tenderness and freshness, truth and truth.


In our country, the yellow tone symbolizes separation, however, it incorrect value. In the language of flowers, this tone symbolizes the sun, joy, wealth and happiness. Sometimes yellow signifies the beginning of love.

Red and pink

This shade has several opposite meanings:

  • passion and love;
  • anger and revenge;
  • life and freedom.

In the interpretation of the red tone it also has the appearance of a flower. For example, carnations and roses symbolize strong love, and the poppy has the meaning of mourning and sadness. Pink flowers symbolize youthful love without a hint of sizzling passion, they are given to young girls.

Purple and blue

What does this unusual shade mean? Purple tone symbolizes trust, sincerity, friendship and peace. For example, a bouquet of lilacs purple speaks of friendly and trusting relationships.

The blue hue signifies loyalty and devotion. For example, a bouquet of irises symbolizes respect. The blue tint also signifies fidelity as well as hope.

The meaning of roses

Roses are the most common flowers given to women. Red and burgundy roses express passion and ardent love, pink ones - modesty and romance. Saturated pink tone expresses gratitude and appreciation.

  • yellow tone symbolizes attention and care;
  • cream tone - an expression of appreciation, gratitude;
  • the blue tone emphasizes the mystery of nature;
  • black color symbolizes mourning and sadness.

Roses light shades can be given as a sign of friendship and gratitude.

Number of flowers in a bouquet

Let's consider the numerical value of the flowers in the bouquet. Everyone knows that living people are given an odd number, and dead people are given a bouquet with an even number of units.

Number of colors value:

  • one on a long stem is a sign of respect and attention;
  • three - an invitation to a date;
  • five - declaration of love;
  • seven - has the meaning of engagement, love;
  • nine is an expression of friendship;
  • eleven - expression of friendly intentions;
  • thirteen is an expression of contempt;
  • fifteen - friendly intentions.

The belief that an even number of colors attracts misfortune is ineradicable in people's minds. The superstition dates back to before the baptism of Rus', when the Magi considered an even number as the completion of a cycle. An odd number was considered as a talisman against dark forces. Does this superstition spread to other countries? No, in Europe and America they do not attach importance to the even/odd number of flowers in a bouquet.

What flowers to give

Roses suitable for all occasions, they can be given as gifts different people. White bouquet Given to brides as a sign of purity and innocence, red roses express love and passion.

Chrysanthemums given as a sign of gratitude and friendship. Red chrysanthemums will help express love, white ones - purity of thoughts, yellow ones speak of the manifestation of tenderness of feelings.

It is customary to give flowers in flowerpots only to close people.

Tulips- flowers of joy and happiness, they can be given to any person. In our country, tulips are given to all women on March 8th. The color of the tulips does not matter.

Lilies suitable for the bride as an expression of purity and innocence. Bridal bouquet choose white.

Gerberas They look very attractive, as they resemble daisies in their appearance. Gerberas can be given to a girl as a sign of attention and as an expression of your feelings.

Language of flowers

Found interesting selection what certain flowers mean.

Now you will know exactly what they wanted to tell you by giving these or those flowers. And you yourself will choose the right flowers as a gift.

Language of flowers Only at first glance it seems simple, but it is not so. U different nations the same flower can be interpreted differently and sometimes have radically opposite meanings.

Take lilies, for example. In Ancient Rome, white lilies were considered the flowers of luxury and wealth, they were even depicted on coins. The ancient Egyptians decorated the bodies of dead young girls with these flowers. But in Germany there is a belief that this flower grows under the influence of some unknown force on the graves of suicides and people who died violent deaths. But the French are crazy about lilies! Direct evidence is the old royal coat of arms of France. It featured a shield and three crossed lilies, symbolizing mercy, justice and compassion. If you are given lilies in this country, it will be considered a sign of respect.

But in France pansies white are a symbol of death, but in England pansies are given to women as a sign of devotion and recognition of love, they are a symbol of fidelity and purity.

So, what do flowers mean?


Azalea- a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sadness. It is customary to give azalea before an unwanted separation. By presenting an azalea, you seem to say: “I hope you will wait for me,” “Take care of yourself for me,” “I believe you!” When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the one and only for him.

Acacia (blooming)- hidden love.

Aconite Beware, a mortal enemy is nearby.

Ambrosia Your love is mutual.

Amarylis means pride, inaccessibility, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is more than just a friend to you, then give him amaryllis.

Anemone means sincerity, directness.

Pansies air kiss, fun, entertainment, “I miss you!”

Aster- a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when burned, drove away snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing grief and memory of the dead. There is a myth according to which asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and cried. The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters.

Astra (white)- “I love you more than you love me!”, “Say that you love me again,” “I can’t think about anything but you...”.

Basil- disgust, hatred. An excellent reason to give this flower to someone who is unpleasant to you, but to whom for some reason you cannot say this!

Begonia- literally “Beware!”, “Not everyone likes you as much as I do,” “Know: they envy you!”

Bouquet of dried flowers- rejected love. If you want to put an end to someone's overly persistent advances, make the person who disturbs your peace so original gift. Even if this person is not familiar with the language of flowers, a dried bouquet will make him think: “It looks like I’m not very welcome...”

cornflower- “I don’t dare express my feelings to you”; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and loyalty. As a rule, they are usually given to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance. The giver of cornflowers should not be suspected of immodest desires. Blonde flowers.

Vicar - "Will you dance with me?"

Water lily (water lily)- eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity; “You should never deceive me,” “Feelings are raging in my soul.” A water lily is given by a person who wants to convince you that he is your “soul mate.” The donor asks you to trust him and promises to be gentle and caring.

Convolvulus- means beauty, “Take a closer look at me”, “I will decorate your life.” They are often given as gifts by experienced ladies' men. But the life of bindweed is as short-lived as the feelings of the giver.

Gardenia- secret love, “You are beautiful!”
Wintergreen- harmony.

Carnation- woman's love, charm, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers is different: it all depends on their color. Below is a description of what color means.

Carnation (white)- wishes of good luck and success in everything. "May all your wishes come true." You are considered a very charming, bright and positive person if you were given white carnations as a gift.

Cloves (yellow)- “Are you avoiding me?”, “Are you offended?”, “I want you to be more attentive.”

Cloves (red)- victory, success, leadership. Big bouquet It is customary to congratulate authoritative and respected people, managers, and directors with red carnations. It is better to give red carnations to lovers in mixed bouquets.

Carnation (pink)- “I will never forget you”, a symbol of maternal love. In the states, pink carnations are traditionally given as gifts for Mother's Day. The person who gives carnations wants to express his gratitude to you and assure you that under any circumstances you can count on his help and support.

Carnation (one color)- agreement, “YES!”
Carnation (striped)- refusal, “No!”, “I won’t be with you!”

Dahlia- whim, inconstancy, passing fancy. The giver of dahlias says: “I really like you, but I don’t promise anything,” “I’m not ready for serious relationship", "Why complicate everything?"

Geranium- stupidity, recklessness. “You are a very frivolous person,” “It’s time to settle down.”

Hyacinth- play, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability, achievements, sports. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. However, rest assured: you will not be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.

Hyacinth (white)- constancy. “I am forever fascinated,” “Beauty, I will pray for you!”

Hyacinth (blue)- self-confidence, calmness, poise, consistency, integrity. “I know why I like you”, “I have no doubt that you are right for me.”

Hyacinth (yellow)- jealousy, mistrust.

Hyacinth (red or pink)- game, “I know what you want”, “Many pleasant surprises await you”, “Our whole life is a game...”

Hyacinth (purple)- sadness, “Forget Me!”

Gladiolus- “I'm really sincere”, “Don't be afraid of anything”, “Give me a break.” Gladiolus - flower of gladiators. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.

Wisteria- "Welcome!"
Gloxinia- love at first sight.

Hydrangea- “Remember me”; modesty, sincerity, hope. In addition, coldness, indifference, callousness, heartlessness. Many peoples believe that hydrangea has the ability to ward off illness and misfortune.

Delphinium- modesty, unpretentiousness; “I’m ready to be your shadow,” “Call me.” Pink delphinium- impermanence.

Sweet pea — departure, “Goodbye!”, “Thank you for a great time!”

Jasmine- sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. In India, jasmine is called “moonlight in love.”

Acorn Scandinavian symbol of life and immortality.
Jonklia desire, sympathy, return of affection, "Love me!"

Arbutus- "I love you!"
goldenrod- success.

Candytuft- indifference, indifference.

Iris- “I really appreciate your friendship” trust, wisdom, fearlessness, faith, hope.

Cactus- perseverance, determination. “Aren’t you tired of loneliness?”, “I understand you like no one else,” “You and I are alike.”

Calla- admiration, “You are magnificent.” If a man gives you calla lilies, be sure - in front of you extraordinary person and a real gentleman.

Camellia- admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly being." Very good gift to a man.

Camellia (white)- admiration, “You are amazing!”

Camellia (red)- fire, flame, “You are the flame in my heart!”

Camellia (pink)- longing for someone, “I miss you”

Clover- expectation, fertility, homeliness, “I would like to know.”

Clover (white)- “Think about me”, “You are unlikely to find someone better than me!”

Clover (four leaf)- a symbol of good luck. If you find a four-leaf clover, then make a wish and it will definitely come true!

Irish bluebells- luck.

Bell- constancy, humility, humility, “I will always be with you,” “Why do you torment me with whims?”

Coreopsis- always cheerful.

Crocus- joy, fun, revival, freshness of feelings.“You gave me unforgettable moments.”

Lavender- admiration, loneliness, “I will never forget you,” “No one will replace you.”

Lavender (white)- fulfillment of desires, protection.
Kelp- sadness.
Linen- family symbol.

Lily (white)- purity, majesty, nobility, virginity, “It’s something divine to be near you!”

Lily (yellow)- gratitude, extravagance, brightness, frivolity, capriciousness, lies, “I want you to notice me,” “I’m not like the others.”

Lily (calla lily) - "Beauty!"

Lily (orange)- curiosity, coquetry. “You are a mystery to me,” “Is your heart free?”

Lily (sacred) - girlish charms.

Lily (tiger)- self-confidence, pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being.

Palm leaves- Victory, victory, success. Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: “You are the very, very, best in everything”

Lotus- happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of family and friendly feelings.

Snapdragon - strength, cunning, deception, flattery, condescension. The giver of this flower believes that you can be useful to him, he is looking for your protection.

Magnolia- nobility, perseverance, perseverance, “You will still be with me,” “I am your destiny.”

Poppy (regular)- imagination, oblivion, eternal sleep, daydreaming, youth, sociability.

Poppy (red) - desire for pleasure.

Poppy (white) - consolation.

Poppy (yellow) - wealth, success.

Daisy- innocence, purity, true love, “I am happy when you are happy.” The person presenting daisies deserves your reciprocity.

Coltsfoot- maternal love and care; proven justice. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle everything.”

Mimosa- sensitivity, bashfulness, shyness, also banality, mediocrity, “I hide my feelings”, “March 8 is coming soon.”

Myrtle- love, fun, joy, it is also a Jewish wedding emblem.

Monstera- purposefulness, sophistication, chic. “You are perfect!”

Moss - mercy, motherly love.

Mint- chastity, kindness, sincerity.

Narcissusstrong feelings, chivalry, formality, unrequited love, dashed hopes, “Stay as beautiful as you are,” “The sun always shines when I’m with you.”

Narcissus (white)- attention, annunciation, meekness, humility.

Narcissus (yellow)- attention, non-reciprocal love, “You are the only one”, “When I am next to you, the sun always shines.”

Nasturtium- conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely happy about your success. However, most likely, he is not thinking about any romantic relationship with you.

Forget-me-not- memories, sincere, true love, constancy, fidelity.

Marigold- cruelty, sadness, jealousy.

Dandelion- happiness, smile, joy of life, devotion, fidelity. The person who gives the dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: “Don’t be sad,” “I’m glad that we are together now,” “I want to stop this moment.”

Oleander - attention.

Orange flowers - eternal love, innocence, wedding.

Nut- stupidity.

mistletoe— “Kiss me”, affection, overcoming difficulties. In general, this is a sacred plant of India, magic flower Druids.

Orchid- love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy, beauty. It is customary to give orchids only to loved ones. The orchid is a Chinese symbol of childhood.

Fern- charm, magic, grace, patronage, trust. “Life is beautiful when you are with me!”, “You are a witch.” It is better to give a fern to an extraordinary, mysterious girl. This will help you gain her trust.

Petunia- irritation, anger. “You can’t hear me,” “I’m not happy with your behavior!”

Peonyhappy wedding, fun life, “I have nothing more to dream about.”

Snowdrop- hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your naivety." The person giving snowdrops wants to emphasize your fragility and femininity.

Ivy- harmonious love, affection, fidelity, friendship.
Ivy (sprig)- affection, desire to please.

Sunflower- pride, but also admiration. “You are a miracle!”, “I have never met someone like you,” “I am proud that you are with me.”

Primrose- “I can’t live without you”, “We will never part”, “Let’s live together!”

Primrose (evening)- Incompatibility.

Rose (white) purity and innocence, modesty and tenderness, mystery. “I will get you”, “You are an angel”.

Rose (bud)- an innocent heart.

Rose (bud, white)— youth, inexperience, charm, girlhood, “I’m ready to wait for you,” “I don’t want to lose you.”

Rose (bud, red)- purity, charm, love, “I think I’ve fallen in love with you”, “I’m glad we got to know each other”, “Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger”

Rose (yellow)- happiness joy. "You are my sun". A flower that expresses the most positive emotions. According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with infidelity, jealousy or separation (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

Rose (red and white together)- unity, tenderness and passion. “You mean the whole world to me!”

Red rose)- love, passion. “I love you”, “I can’t live without you”, “You should be mine”.

Rose (cream)- elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy. "I remember! Always!”, “You and I - perfect couple", "You are beyond praise!"

Rose (pink)- the highest happiness, “Trust me.”

Rose (wedding)- happy love, reciprocity, “We are together forever.”

Rosa Grand Prix- respect, generosity, love, trust, “You deserve the best.” Rose Grand Prix expresses the most noble feelings.

Chamomile- youth, innocence, mistrust, romance.

Lilac- beauty, falling in love, the first excitement of love.

Lilac (white)- first love, “Let's love each other!”

Lilac (lilac)- “Do you still love me?”

Lilac (pink)- love and recognition.

Lilac (purple)- "My heart Belongs to you!"

Tulip- a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; harmony, excellent lover. The flower is the emblem of Holland.Zinnia (red)- long-term attachment.
Zinnia (mixed)- “I’m thinking about an absent friend.”
Zinnia (scarlet)- constancy.
Zinnia (white)- kindness, generosity.
Zinnia (yellow)- “I remember you every day!”

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