What is a paradigm in simple terms? The paradigm is in simple words

0 Our advanced age sometimes " throws up"We have a lot of different terms, the meaning of which we cannot always clearly explain. An example would be such outdated, but now again gaining popularity, words as “courage” and “opportunity”, as well as a rather rare word, “biryuk” or sometimes the expression “kamo gryadeshi” that pops up in conversation. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks to always be aware of the most interesting and informative news. Today we will talk about a rather rare, but at the same time actively used word. Paradigm", which means you can find out a little below. Moreover, such a term sounds very beautiful, and shows your intelligence, and arouses admiration among girls.
So let's continue what does Paradigm mean?? This term was borrowed from the Greek language "παράδειγμα", and is translated into Russian as "sample", "example", "model".

Paradigm- this is a system of certain views within which a particular theory will be considered

Synonym Paradigm: sample, diagram, model.

Paradigm- is a system of means, methods, values ​​and technical skills accepted among scientists, and is used within the specific framework of an established scientific tradition

Paradigm- is a special theory expressed in a system of concepts reflecting the most important features of reality

As you probably already realized, this concept is not one of the simplest, and clearly talks about something global, " sublime" and associated with a certain doctrine, teaching, concept of the world or theory about something.

It turns out that all our numerous Paradigms(models) make our further development possible, at some stage. We try our best to place our view of the world into a narrow one" Procrustean bed"the next model. For some time, we believe that we have managed to dot all the points" Y", but as time passes it turns out that we were in trouble again.

Our reality is much more complex than even the most powerful intellect can imagine, and to some extent this is wonderful, but at the same time sad. After all, we will never fully understand our surrounding reality, although now we know that we will always have something to strive for.

After reading this article, you learned meaning of Paradigm, and now you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation when you discover this word again.

Paradigm (from the Greek paradeigma) - sample, model, sample, example.
A set of scientific achievements recognized by the scientific world in a certain period of time and serving as the basis and model for new scientific research. The paradigm, on the one hand, excludes all concepts and theories that are not related and inconsistent with it; on the other hand, it orients the scientific community towards using theory to search for something new, which in turn leads to the improvement of the paradigm itself.

“Paradigm is our way of perceiving the world; it is for us like water for fish. The paradigm explains the world to us and helps us predict its behavior" (economist and philosopher Adam Smith"Powers of the Mind"

Examples of Paradigms

  • In physics:
    It is impossible to exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.
    the movement of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum is a given.
  • In cosmology:
    The development and evolution of the Universe begins with the Big Bang.
  • In cosmogony:
    planets and their satellites arose as a result of the compaction of a gas and dust cloud.
  • In art:
    a combination of harmony, texture, form and content.
  • In politics
    the predominance of individual rights over the rights of the state, equality of all before the law
  • In economics
    basis - market relations
  • A game
    clear rules, ability to solve problems, criteria for success

“Paradigm is the main way of perceiving and understanding reality. A paradigm is rarely stated explicitly, but is implicit and passed on to subsequent generations through culture and direct experience rather than through learning." (Stanford Research Institute W. Harmon)

Scientific revolution - paradigm shift

Over time, science begins to experience a crisis. A crisis begins with a questioning of the paradigm. The end of the crisis is marked by a scientific revolution, the essence of which lies in the emergence of new paradigms.

Examples of the Scientific Revolution

- Aristotelian physics functioned as a paradigm from antiquity to the late Middle Ages. The physical and mathematical discoveries of the 16th and 17th centuries by Galileo, Descartes and Newton produced a scientific revolution and Newtonian physics acted as the paradigm of scientific research, which at the beginning was then replaced by relativistic physics with the theory of relativity and
- Decentralization. The old rules required centralization and a complex hierarchy. As a result, serious problems arose. And then it turned out that there was another way to deal with problems - to decentralize the organization and simplify its structure.

Other values:

  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and tools adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and techniques for displaying political reality that define the logic of the organization of knowledge, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Also, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • Generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, a model of the world or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, spheres of life and activity), accepted by a large number of people. Examples: the beneficial paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia in 1993, the general programming paradigm.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential method of decision-making, a mental model of a particular person. The current statement is incorrect that “naturally, it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything,” but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

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    See what “Paradigm (meanings)” is in other dictionaries:< παραδείκνυμι «сравниваю») в философии науки означает совокупность явных и неявных (и часто не… … Википедия

    This term has other meanings, see Paradigm (meanings). Paradigm (from ancient Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, sample” Scientific (from the Greek paradeigma example, sample) set of scientific achievements recognized by the entire scientific community at one time or another and serving as the basis and example of new scientific research. The concept of P. has become widespread... ...

    paradigm Philosophical Encyclopedia Great psychological encyclopedia

    Paradigm, inflectional paradigm in linguistics is a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different grammatical meanings. Usually presented in table form. The word παράδειγμα in Greek means “example, model, sample”;... ... Wikipedia

    PARADIGM- (from the Greek paradeigma - example, sample). 1. System of forms of one word (morphological P.). 2. A set of linguistic units connected by paradigmatic relationships, i.e. a class of linguistic units opposed to each other... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    Paradigm- (Paradigm) Definition of a paradigm, history of the emergence of a paradigm Information about the definition of a paradigm, history of the emergence of a paradigm Contents Contents History of emergence Special cases (linguistics) Management paradigm Paradigm... ... Investor Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Paradigm. Paradigm (from the Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, pattern”) inflectional paradigm in linguistics a list of word forms that belong to the same lexeme and have different ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from the Greek παράδειγμα, “example, model, example”) a set of fundamental scientific attitudes, ideas and terms, accepted and shared by the scientific community and uniting the majority of its members. Provides continuity... ... Wikipedia

    paradigm thematic- A thematic series that unites words that have an integral explicit or implicit hyperseme in their meaning. There may be a large number of thematic paradigms: 1) verbs of motion; 2) mental verbs; 3) names... ... Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

Paradigm– generally recognized scientific achievements on the basis of which philosophical, religious or scientific theories are developed. For scientists, this is a world of truths that are not subject to any doubt. In other words, a paradigm represents certain boundaries within which everything that is known, proven and accepted by everyone is located.

Where does it come from?

All paradigms are created by people. A paradigm is formed when the majority of people who understand one topic at the same level have come to a general agreement, that is, they begin to consider this theory to be the best in explaining the subject of study (any area listed below).

Since the late sixties of the twentieth century, this word has been used to designate the initial ideological schemes, models for defining problems and their solutions, methods of research that prevailed during certain historical periods of time among scientists.

What does a paradigm define?

  • Objects and phenomena that are worth exploring.
  • Questions needed to study in a particular area.
  • How should these questions be structured?
  • What assumptions can be made within the boundaries of generally accepted theory?
  • What should be changed in the results of scientific research?
  • Plan and equipment for the experiment.

Types of Paradigms

Paradigms can be in:

  • Philosophy . In it, paradigms are patterns of thinking in the form of theories, research techniques, postulates and standards. Thanks to which further constructions, generalizations and experiments in this area are created.
  • Religions . Different faiths in different Gods.
  • Science . Scientific paradigms are recorded in school and other textbooks, and in the notes of scientists. They define for a long time the scientific fields in which there are problems and how they need to be solved correctly. Typically, scientists choose and follow one paradigm. After some time, after the crisis of normal science, scientists can change the paradigm, move from one to another.
  • Political Science . Sets the direction for the study of politics, according to which a person, based on rules, political theories and ideas, deals with solving certain problems.
  • Rhetoric . A fable and a parabola can be used as an example for comparison.
  • Education . The compatibility of various theories, concepts, rules and ideas, which in certain periods were recognized by the pedagogical community and are the basis of scientific research.
  • Programming . The complexity of ideas and concepts that determines the style of writing computer programs and the organization of calculations and structure performed by a computer.
  • Linguistics . Used to denote a class of elements that have similar properties and inherent grammatical categories, such as declension and conjugation.

There are paradigms:

  • Absolute . They have been proven by scientists and other researchers who have conducted various experiments to prove their theories.
  • Generally accepted . These include dominant decision-making methods that are accepted and not challenged by a huge number of people.
  • Personal . Certain subjective models of behavior of different people, formed from personal experience, from influence in childhood, based on the example of someone. The approved subjective point of view of a specific person.


An individual (personal) paradigm can be formed in childhood, even if a person does not remember it at all - the memories are erased in the conscious mind, but preserved in the subconscious.

For example, two friends receive an offer for a very profitable business. As a child, my first friend lived with his father, a businessman, and constantly saw only the positives in his dad’s business: money, success, career, meeting and communicating with new people, traveling, etc.

And the “business – success” paradigm was firmly ingrained in his memory.

And as a child, my father regularly told his second friend about his father, who lost everything because of business and was left in his old age with a bunch of debts. The second one developed the “business – loss of everything” paradigm. Which of these two friends, already in adulthood, will accept an offer for a profitable business? Most likely, only the first friend. Even if the second one agrees to start his own business, then most likely, due to the underlying paradigms on a subconscious level, he will lose everything, having the wrong attitude in advance. This is a personal paradigm.

Commonly accepted paradigms are created from the opinions of the majority of people. If a theory is widely accepted among a large number of adherents, then it is an accepted paradigm. For example, the beneficial paradigm of Russia's constitutional course in 1993 and the general programming paradigm.

Absolute paradigms include truths such as: gravity, the planet Earth is spherical, human evolution, any undeniable truths and natural phenomena.

In parallel with the paradigm, there is also a syntagma - for an oak tree, a syntagmatic group is those words with which it has common (or opposite) characteristics. For example, table, hare are also masculine nouns.

Some examples

  • Rhetoric . Here the paradigm is an example taken from mythology or history. For example, “Waterloo” or “Augean Stables”. Here the concept of archetype is synonymous with paradigm.
  • Programming . A programming paradigm is a set of ideas and concepts that a programmer uses when writing code. For example, object-oriented programming is one of the programming paradigms. Depends on the programming language, the task and the programmer himself.
  • Sociology . Here, a paradigm is a system of the most general initial and important justifications for a fairly recognized sociological theory, which determines its approach to setting and solving problems. For example, the game theory paradigm, in which there is a non-zero-sum game, zero-sum game, etc...
  • Political science . Dictionaries give too cumbersome a definition, so for greater clarity it is better to explain it this way - a paradigm is those principles, words, terms, and methods that describe a certain social phenomenon and its development. For example, the paradigm of democracy is universal suffrage, and the paradigm of communism is the dictatorship of the proletariat, and reptilians belong to the conspiracy theory paradigm.

That is, in the most general terms, a paradigm is “in one bottle” a short vocabulary, a channel of movement and a norm of behavior of a certain phenomenon. Naturally, such an interpretation is also lame, like all other “general theories of everything.” But maybe you can come up with this formulation?

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