What is a high-quality architectural design of a private house? Plans, elevations and sections in the project.

DIY house, for seasonal or permanent residence. All frame houses are complex technical construction kits for adults, and their assembly is carried out only if the instructions are followed.

Blueprints frame houses is a large and voluminous document that contains about 100 pages, which contains a detailed plan, diagrams and detailed instructions for assembly and installation.

Detailed guide to building different types of foundations

A detailed plan for the arrangement of the walls is also attached, and it indicates the typical design of the entire space of the house, or design project interior of the house and its layout, previously agreed with the customer.

Also included in the project documentation. Provided general design home, a special version of the roof, fences and lifts was developed. During the construction and installation of country houses or 6x9, all working documentation must be completed with all necessary details both elements and window structures.

For buildings of a seasonal nature, single-glazed windows are most often used to reduce the cost of the entire structure, while for houses with year-round use, double-chamber plastic windows are used.

According to this scheme it is possible
. Standard frame house assembled on site, its basis- this is a frame made of, supplied separately, and which is sewn up after the assembly of the main frame is completed. Technological process assemblies panel house will be a little different. The main beacons are set up and fasteners and parts are mounted. And the panels themselves are elements of the walls; they are assembled on a horizontal surface, and only then installed on the foundation.

Depending on the complexity of the project, the thickness of the walls is also selected, usually up to 270 mm. This will ensure required level and will not allow waste of material. The insulation is usually mineral wool, and for interior decoration it is plasterboard. The roof is covered with metal tiles. But it is also worth noting that any standard frame house projects with 6x8 drawings can be changed at the request of the customer.

Detailed instructions for laying and installing all utilities

Gas pipeline, electrical network, sewerage and water supply are the main parts of modern frame house.
Not only the comfortable use of this facility, but also the reliability and quality of the entire structure will depend on the correctness of their installation and installation.

In this section of the instructions, you can find out how many switches and sockets you will need, and where it is best to place them for safer functioning of the frame house.

These principles will also apply to plumbing, ventilation and sewerage. High-quality frame house projects include all communication junctions and routes. Laying order utility networks and their connection are present in the documents on the installation and installation of utility networks.

Estimate for the construction of a frame house

The biggest danger when starting construction of a one-story frame house is incorrect calculation of the entire construction budget and failure to take into account all the necessary building materials. In the most ideal case, the process may drag on indefinitely, but in the worst case scenario, the project may be frozen and work will be suspended.

To avoid this situation when self-construction frame house, you need to order design documentation from specialists.

Free drawings of one-story frame houses and their diagrams also include a special detailed estimate. Which indicates how much building material is needed at each stage of construction in rolls, meters, kilograms, and also indicates a specific range of market prices.

If you are building a house in stages, then you will not need to spend money on purchasing all the building materials at once. You can buy them gradually, as phased construction Houses.

This is quite convenient from the point of view of storage, delivery and unloading. This issue is especially relevant for house builders in garden plots. IN small space It will be almost impossible to install the house, arrange all the building materials, and protect them from external precipitation.

Nice free project

Good ones are working drawings, detailed plans and diagrams that are necessary for each stage of building a frame house.

After viewing this type of document, you will not have any questions about building a house. High-quality and understandable project documentation is great opportunity plan all work at a construction site and minimize all errors.

In addition, a good and high-quality project optimizes the work of builders, minimizes sawing work and adjusting material, and this leads to significant savings in time on construction.

You can also avoid unplanned waste left after cutting building material, and this will lead to significant waste. This can be done using selection special materials for a specific project, or when developing a frame house project, taking into account the materials currently on the market. Sheet material a multiple of the wall area makes it possible to make cladding very quickly and without any unnecessary waste.

A good and high-quality project can reduce costs in other ways. For example, the project provides for the use of lumber in future construction, and this leads to a significant reduction in costs and large savings.

One-story frame house: free projects and drawings

Free projects are a definite myth that is widespread among builders.

Downloading or finding a ready-made project that would completely satisfy you is simply not realistic. The Internet contains hundreds of free drawings of some parts of the house, different layouts and models of one-story frame houses, and options for decorating the facade. But there are no high-quality and reliable projects on the network.

Studying house designs allows you to create a sketch plan of a house with your own hands. The house plan or your project should show: the strip foundation, the facade of the house, floor plans, attic floor and roof drawing.

What is my goal when studying house designs? I try to collect, organize and transfer ideas found on the Internet that meet my criteria to my house plan. In order to create a house plan with my own hands, I decided on the main vectors - the mandatory presence of a basement and attic floor, choosing the number of storeys of the house, choosing the shape of the roof, choosing the location of the fireplace, designing the water supply and sewerage system, as well as drawing the location of the electrical wiring.

For myself, I highlight two main aspects that allow me to cope with a house project. The first is the technical side, which shows the nuances of construction, and the second is a 3D visualization of the planned house, which will help me understand my desires.

Having sorted through a huge number finished projects(only beautiful, in my opinion, houses were selected) I quickly realized that I would have to start from the financial component of construction and create my own unique small details individual house project.

To solve my two aspects, I chose two software products - Visio from Microsoft for displaying technical drawings, and for 3D visualization I chose ArCon - a program that is not difficult to understand, but allows you to rotate the house from the outside and imagine how everything will look, right down to furniture inside the building.

All that I managed to create - drawings, drawings, plans and projects provided below, I conventionally called sketches, since they are as simplified as possible in terms of detail for my story, but are sufficient to understand the essence individual project Houses.

Project of the first floor of the house on the plan.

I’ll start, perhaps, with the plan of the first floor, for which I need to decide on the following points: what will be the dimensions of the house, taking into account the location on the site and the material aspect, the material and thickness of the walls of the house, the size and number of rooms that satisfy my needs, and this will help determine the types interfloor ceilings, think over the location of the stairs and the entrance to the basement, decide on the size and location window openings and so on.

For myself, I decided to build a house from aerated concrete blocks and 300 mm thick walls. dimensions the houses on the plan were 8500 mm by 8300 mm and in accordance with the layout, I received the following room dimensions:

The entrance hall and kitchen are about 14 square meters,

The main hall occupies 20 square meters,

Bedroom 20 square meters,

Combined bathroom 4 square meters,

A separate place is occupied by the staircase to the second floor.

In the end I get an analogue two-room apartment, but with a bonus of two guest rooms on the second floor. The entrance to the basement is 5 square meters, located under the stairs and will be used as a wine cellar.

A separate story is the fireplace located in the hall and proper breeding duct systems can be used to heat the house.

After I have drawn the layout of the first floor, I can begin to draw the rest of the house plan, or rather, the design of the house’s foundation.

Calculation of the strip foundation of a shallow house.

We read about the design and construction of my monolithic strip foundation with our own hands in this article.

My choice fell on tape monolithic foundation shallow, because this option can be done independently, without using construction equipment, but at the same time it is simple and reliable.

A strip foundation is a solid structure, poured below ground level and above the ground to the height of the plinth, located under the external and internal walls of the building and must have the same cross-section. To save money, I made the foundation thickness a little thinner under the interior walls.

When choosing the type of foundation, the main factors are the groundwater level under the house being built and the depth of soil freezing in the construction region.

The groundwater level in my area is below two meters, which forces me to choose a shallow foundation, to positive qualities which I can attribute to the relatively low cost.

Now let’s look at the level of soil freezing, which will help us determine the depth of the foundation. In the Kyiv region, the depth of soil freezing ranges from 800 to 900 mm, and if we take into account the sandy loam that makes up the soil at the construction site, then my choice fell on the type of foundation in the form of the letter T, only turned upside down and with a laying depth of 1 meter.

I also draw for myself the location of the bookmark on the section of the foundation. reinforcement cage. The top view of the foundation will help me decide on the size of the trenches to be dug under the foundation, which will correspond to the bottom of the base of the foundation being laid.

Below, in the picture you can see a section of the foundation, which displays the structure and reinforcement.

Foundation reinforcement

In order to avoid deformations of the foundation and, as a consequence, cracks on the walls, the laying of reinforcement should be done in the uppermost and lowermost parts of the foundation at a distance of no more than two diameters of the reinforcement being laid. I chose the expanded base of the foundation to minimize the processes of frost heaving of the soil, as well as to increase the support area, provided that there is not much under the foundation. better soil for construction - sandy loam.

Since I described the calculation of my foundation in detail in the article, which can be found at the link a little higher, I will not dwell on the nuances, but will say that the width of the support area of ​​my foundation is approximately 50% larger than necessary.

The drawing below shows a top view of my monolithic strip foundation.

This foundation plan shows the base of the foundation, which follows the profile of the trenches being dug; for the upper part of the foundation to be poured, formwork assembly will be required. For ease of understanding, I removed the location of the reinforcement from the foundation project. It is important at the design stage not to forget to draw technological channels for laying electrical wiring and plumbing.

Calculation of monolithic and wooden floors on the house plan.

Now let's talk a little about the floors of the first floor. I plan to make it two types:

There will be flooding above the bay window and bathroom monolithic ceiling, because concrete floor The bay window will act as the floor of the attic balcony and will be in contact with precipitation, and the bathroom ceiling will be exposed to high humidity.

The rest of the first floor ceiling will be made using wooden beams 100 mm by 200 mm. Wooden floor or as it is also called beam, easy to build with your own hands, and is a budget option.

A beam of 100 mm by 200 mm was selected using tables for calculating floor beams with a maximum span width of four meters and a step between wooden floor beams from 40 to 60 centimeters.

I will fill the monolithic sections of the floor simultaneously with a monolithic belt 140 mm high and for reinforcement I will use twelve-diameter reinforcement in the upper and lower parts with a pitch of 150 mm.

As shown in the house plan above, beam floor and a monolithic ceiling will create a floor and ceiling between floors.

Attic floor and roof on the house plan.

Let's start displaying the attic floor plan. To do this, just remove unnecessary elements from the ground floor plan and change the thickness interior partitions– the design plan for the attic floor is ready. On the attic floor I get two guest bedrooms and a living room, from which there will be access to a bay window balcony.

Above in the picture is the attic floor shown on the house plan.

I’m starting to draw a plan for the roof of the house in relation to the walls of the attic floor on which it will rest. The entire rafter part and beam ceiling of the attic floor is carried out on wooden beams 50 by 150 mm, and the roof will be made of metal tiles.

I plan to make gable roof, with a small birdhouse above the bay window. The only complex process I see here is the production of two valleys, so doing everything with my own hands has no doubt in my mind.

This is what a roof plan drawing looks like.

Sketch plan of the facade of the house..

This sketch of the facade of the house is intended purely for my idea of ​​what my building will look like appearance. Using this plan, I will try to choose the optimal roof angle to maintain visual proportions.

This is how my sketch of the house facade ended up looking like.

Applying water, sewer and electrical wiring to the house project.

Well, in conclusion, we will draw a diagram of the electrical wiring of the house, a plan of water supply and sewerage.

Electrical wiring diagram for a house project.

The purpose of creating this house wiring diagram is to save money on cables, the use of which needs to be optimized.

I have the following requirements for the wiring diagram:

Each room must have at least two sockets and an socket near the window for installing an electric heater.

Several lighting points per room.

Light is also needed on the stairs.

It is mandatory to have a residual current device for rooms with high humidity.

Electricity is supplied to the site from a pole to the garage using a self-supporting SIP cable to the electrical panel. From him to plastic pipe Using a VVG 3x6 cable, the cable is installed underground and enters the house through a sleeve in the foundation (red in the drawing).

Thus, I get a wiring diagram for the first floor.

Electrical wiring will be carried out in grooves of aerated concrete walls.

Sewerage and country water supply.

In the previous image I also showed how the plumbing and sewer lines are planned. In blue, I showed the feed cold water from the well to the basement, where distribution to the kitchen and bathroom will be carried out. Also, brown, shows the route of laying a sewer system to a septic tank located on the street.

It is important not to forget when laying water supply and sewerage systems that the pipes have a slope of 2-3 degrees.

Recently free project houses could only be found in albums of standard drawings. All these buildings were of the same type and faceless. Not every person could build according to such projects, because for this it was necessary to have at least some construction education and be able to understand drawings and technical terms.

We want to revolutionize the world of design and construction. Now almost any person who wants to build a house with his own hands can receive a complete project of such a structure with detailed description all stages of construction. We will describe each stage in such detail and completeness that even a person who is not very well versed in construction will be able to make their dream home come true.

General information about the house

The free house project is presented in the form one-story house with two side verandas. The foundations are made in the form of solid reinforced concrete monolithic tape. The external walls of the house are designed from porous POROTHERM 51 blocks, and the walls of the veranda are made from wooden beam With additional insulation using hard mineral wool slabs. All interior walls are built from clay solid bricks. The roof of the house is designed as a simple gable roof with load-bearing frame made of wood truss structure.

Concerning exterior finishing, then the house design involves using it as wall cladding decorative plaster followed by painting it facade paints. The finishing of the plinth is decorative plinth tiles. The covering of the verandas and gable of the house can be made of siding or clapboard for outdoor use. Choice roofing depends on your preference. It can be metal tiles, corrugated sheets, or flexible bitumen shingles. However, it is worth remembering that in the case of using flexible roofing materials it is necessary to arrange a continuous sheathing along the rafters.

terrain. I would like to note that it is advisable to choose the orientation of the house as indicated in the project. This means that south, southeast and southwest should be oriented living rooms at home, but windows may face north, northwest and northeast non-residential premises or rooms with short-term stay of people (in our case, this is the bathroom and furnace).

Construction of the foundation

Let's start with the fact that the free house project includes monolithic strip foundations made of class B 25 concrete with reinforcement with class A III and A I reinforcement. The depth of the foundation is 1.2 meters. It is worth noting that before starting construction it is necessary to call a geologist and carry out a soil survey. This is necessary for the right choice type of foundations and its calculation. The designed foundations are suitable for ordinary soils with a freezing depth of 1.2 meters. The terrain of the area is calm. If your site has clay or sedimentary soils, a high groundwater level, or the terrain of the site has a sharp slope in one direction, then it is necessary to adjust the foundations taking into account the characteristics of the terrain.

We carry out foundation work in the following order:

After determining the location of the house and completing the layout of the area, we begin to dig a pit
. Now along the entire length of the proposed foundation strip it is necessary to make a gravel backfill and compact it.
. Next, you need to perform formwork to fill the foundation strip. You can do the formwork yourself or rent it.
. After installing the formwork, we begin welding the reinforcement and installing it in the formwork.
. Now you can start pouring concrete into the tape.
. After the concrete has hardened, the formwork can be removed. It is worth remembering that the formwork can be removed only after the concrete has gained the required strength. IN in this case A strength of 70% of the design strength will be sufficient. As a rule, complete setting of concrete occurs after 28 days from the moment of pouring.
. Now we need to waterproof the foundation. To do this, all concrete surfaces in contact with the ground must be coated with hot bitumen 2 times. As a result, on concrete surface A continuous bitumen film should form.
. At the mark - 0.200 it is necessary to perform horizontal waterproofing made of two layers of hydroglass insulation.

Realizing that the geological conditions in different regions construction differ significantly, the project also provides for the option of installing a house on monolithic slab. This solution is optimal for unstable foundation soils, as well as in the case of high level groundwater. In this case, the foundation slab will protect your home from moisture penetration.

The process of constructing a monolithic foundation slab is not much different from the construction strip foundations and consists of the following steps:

First of all, you need to dig a pit and tamp the gravel backfill along the entire bottom.
. Then it executes concrete preparation from concrete grade B 7.5 to a thickness of 100 mm.
. After the preparation has set, you can weld the reinforcement frame and lay it.
. Formwork is installed along the edge of the pit and the foundation slab is poured.
. After the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork is removed.

All subsequent stages of constructing a building on a foundation slab are carried out similarly to a house on strip foundations.

Construction of the building box

As you already understand, the free house project involves the use of large-format porous POROTHERM 51 blocks (block thickness 510 mm) for the construction of the external walls of the house. The project provides for longitudinal and transverse load-bearing walls.

Among the features of masonry made from porous large-sized blocks, it is worth noting the following nuances:

The layer of mortar under the first row must be perfectly horizontal, since the horizontality of the first and subsequent rows, as well as the correct installation of waterproofing, depends on this
. masonry from blocks is carried out similarly to masonry from small pieces wall materials, that is, the construction of walls begins from the corners of the building, each corner, as usual, rises by three rows;
. the solution is laid in a continuous, uniform layer over the entire width of the row;
. Before laying, each block must be wetted with water, this is necessary to prevent moisture from being absorbed from cement mortar, which can subsequently complicate the positioning of the block;
. after raising the masonry in the corners of the building, they lay the blocks between them, focusing on the horizontal, broken off using a stretched cord;
. if the project requires laying incomplete blocks, then you can use special half and corner elements, in the absence of such, you can simply cut it in place regular blocks(for this you will need a power tool with stone cutting wheels);
. the shift of the vertical seam of the blocks of each row should be at least 10 cm (it is better to shift to the floor of the block);
. When laying external walls, it is necessary to provide special vertical grooves at the junction of external walls with internal partitions; this will ensure the necessary strength of the structure.

When installing window and door lintels It is worth remembering that the opening should overlap with a 20-30 percent margin. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of the block, since the main resistance to compression is provided by its thin-walled partition.

After execution load-bearing walls the building can begin installation internal partitions and the construction of verandas. External verandas are made from wooden beams with a cross-section of 150X150 mm. To insulate the veranda, we lay hard mineral wool slabs 150 mm thick between the posts. Since all work here is carried out using traditional building materials, no questions should arise.

Construction of the roof

A free house project, like any other building, will not be complete without a roof. All bearing structures the roofs in the project are made of wood coniferous species humidity not more than 20%, grade not lower than second.

Used as load-bearing elements of floors wooden beams section 100X150 mm. And the main load-bearing elements of the roof truss structure are triangular arches with a raised tie. Rafter elements the arches, as well as the ties, are made of timber with a section of 50X150 mm. All rafters are connected to each other by means of a ridge beam with a cross-section of 100X150 mm.

All wooden elements roofs in contact with stone, concrete or metal elements must be wrapped in two layers of roofing felt. Wooden posts with a cross-section of 150X150 mm were used as the main elements of the rafter structure in the project.

After completing the roof truss structure, you can lay the sheathing. For this purpose, a beam with a cross-section of 50X50 mm is used, which is laid in increments of 400 mm.

It is worth remembering that everything wooden structures roofs must be treated with THEF-PT. This is necessary for fire protection of roof structures.

Fireplace design

As a rule, laying a fireplace or stove is a rather painstaking and difficult task. In this case, the presented free house project, among many, has one undeniable advantage - this is a serial masonry plan for the installation of a fireplace. By strictly following all the instructions and advice on the presented masonry drawings, you will be able to independently arrange in your home real fireplace, which will become a gathering place for the whole family over a cup of tea on cold winter evenings.

Electrical work

If you do not understand electrical work, then laying internal electrical lighting and installation power electrical equipment It is better to entrust it to qualified specialists. Drawings presented in the project this section will help you correctly carry out all the work on laying the electrical networks of your home.

We hope that the free house design will help you realize your dream of own home. A full set drawings for all sections project documentation together with our recommendations will help you construct a building to the maximum short time in compliance with all GOST and SNiP requirements, which will guarantee the durability and reliability of your future home.


More recently, an affordable house project could only be found in albums of standard drawings. All these buildings were of the same type and faceless. Not every person could build according to such projects, because for this it was necessary to have at least some construction education and be able to understand drawings and technical terms.

We want to revolutionize the world of design and construction. Now almost anyone who wants to build a house with their own hands can receive a complete project of such a structure with a detailed description of all stages of construction. We will describe each stage in such detail and completeness that even a person who is not very well versed in construction will be able to make their dream home come true.

General information about the house

The affordable house project is presented in the form of a one-story house with two side verandas. The foundations are made in the form of a continuous reinforced concrete monolithic strip. The outer walls of the house are designed from porous POROTHERM 51 blocks, and the walls of the veranda are made of wooden beams with additional insulation using hard mineral wool slabs. All internal walls are built from clay solid bricks. The roof of the house is designed as a simple gable roof with a load-bearing frame made of a wooden rafter structure.

As for the exterior decoration, the house design involves using decorative plaster as wall cladding, followed by painting it with façade paints. The finishing of the plinth is decorative plinth tiles. The covering of the verandas and gable of the house can be made of siding or clapboard for outdoor use. The choice of roofing depends on your preference. This can be metal tiles, corrugated sheets, or flexible bitumen shingles. However, it is worth remembering that if flexible roofing materials are used, it is necessary to install a continuous sheathing along the rafters.

For many people Vacation home is something like a cherished dream - the prospect of taking a break from the bustle of the city in cozy corner seems rosy enough. Moreover, you don’t just want to purchase a ready-made building with equipped personal plot, but to create the estate of your dreams, in which all your wishes regarding design and layout will be correctly embodied. There is only one thing left to do - transfer your ideas to paper, and only then, having drawn up a house project and determined its location on the site, bring it to life (engage in the actual construction of the house). If regarding the second point, by definition, there can be no doubt about the need for third-party help - even if you are a professional builder, you will not be able to build the right mansion yourself, but the costs of hiring an architect can be eliminated. How can design and construction be made cheaper? Yes, it’s very simple - it’s quite possible to do the work yourself, even without any special skills in creating a private house project. Designing a house (drawing it on paper schematically) is actually not that difficult!

What should you consider when designing your own home yourself?

The most important thing is that the house construction project you develop is created based on the following principles:

    Multiple functionality - that is, the house built according to this project will be convenient and practical in all respects. A do-it-yourself house design should be no worse than an architect’s;

    Simplicity of design - it will not be difficult to design a house only if it does not involve any frills. The creation of some particularly complex project, the implementation of which will require a huge amount of creative delights, is highly discouraged for a person who does not have a special education, because some fundamentally important things may not be taken into account;

    Aesthetics - of course, a country house should look beautiful and please the eyes of its owners. The design of a reliable house should also be spectacular!

Remember - if the project is created taking into account these principles, then it will be very good in life. Again, we are talking about a rather primitive independent structure - an amateur would not design a premium-class cottage. Only an architect should be involved in designing houses of this level - beginners here very often make mistakes.

Geological exploration of the house site

Where does “do-it-yourself home project work” begin? First of all, when working on a house project yourself, it is necessary to conduct a geological exploration of the site - assess the nature of the terrain, soil and find out the groundwater level. Best time The year for this is spring, then their level is as high as possible and it is possible to determine this indicator with maximum reliability. It is very important to do this based on what exactly this indicator has highest value when laying the foundation of a private house.

To determine the depth of groundwater, we recommend contacting a specialist

Start designing a house

For clear example Our editors used the free demo version of the Visicon program. But all the steps can be performed on a regular sheet of paper. A simple project was chosen as an example two-story house 10 m x 10 m

To design houses, you will need to “arm yourself” with an ordinary checkered notebook sheet and a pencil, while setting the appropriate scale. The most rational thing to do in this situation would be to do the following: ten meters of land should be designated by two squares. Thus, one millimeter on a ruler will equal 1 meter in real life- the ratio is one to a thousand.

Step 1: draw the outline of the house on a notebook sheet using a ruler and pencil on a scale of 1:1000, i.e. 1 mm on paper will be equal to 1 meter

Drawing on paper the outline of the site itself, as well as future buildings. In this case, all work must be carried out in strict accordance with the correct scale - by carefully measuring every meter on the ground and putting it on paper in accordance with dimensions one to a thousand, you ensure the reliability and aesthetics of the building being constructed. You can draw a project this way very quickly. It is imperative to take into account not only the contours of the site allocated for design and construction, but also all the objects located on the site that were there even before its planned construction, and at the same time there is no possibility of moving them. After this, it will be possible to begin designing the building itself - to simplify the task, we will assume that the designed house will consist of four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms (standard housing for a family of several people).


A few words about design basement. It should be noted that it is not always necessary. For example, if groundwater are high, then this will be a very expensive pleasure - it will be much easier to include another room in the project - as an additional room.

First floor project

We draw the vestibule and the hallway on the sketch - and from there there will be transitions to the kitchen and other rooms. The location of the premises must take into account the following points:

    The bathroom and kitchen should be placed in close proximity to each other - thanks to this location it will be much easier to carry out communications;

    It’s very good if the drawn up project implies the absence of passage rooms - this is an integral element of comfort;

    On the ground floor, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all auxiliary structures and premises - their location will be very important not only to ensure the functional suitability of the house, but also for the comfortable movement of residents.

Step 2: draw all the rooms and premises of the first floor with the required size

After this, we arrange and plan all the doors of our house

Step 3: designing doors on the first floor

Then windows, taking into account the desired lighting of the rooms and your budget

Step 4: designing windows on the first floor

As a result, we get this first floor:

This is how the 3D model of the first floor turned out

Drawing the second floor

Here everything will be much easier - after all, the rooms in the house can be located identically (the most important thing is not to change the relative position of the bathrooms - in order not to complicate communications). It will be enough to design the location front door(many architects recommend making two entrances to the second floor - at home and from the street) and windows.

Step 5: We plan the premises of the second floor in the same way. Don’t forget about communications - we place the bathrooms and bathrooms one below the other

Step 6: Place the Doors

Step 7: draw the second floor windows

We received this 3D model of the second floor

Attic and roof design

We decided to create a house project ourselves - there would be no need to try to draw some kind of too “abstruse” roof with big amount bends. Remember - the roof is one of the most important structural components in the house, and trying to create additional aesthetics by calling into question reliability is certainly not worth it. All this will lead to leaks occurring at the bends. If you are drawing a project, please adhere to the principles of minimalism in architecture.

To design such a roof, you cannot do without an architect.

Dependency of designing a house with insulation

There is one very important rule- All auxiliary premises must be built on the north side. Despite the fact that thermal insulation performed using building materials is of paramount importance, the relative position of the rooms should also not be overlooked - if only because of the savings in energy consumption for heating the house.

Approval of the project to begin construction

The need to adjust the project. Even if you yourself were able to depict the house of your dreams on paper, you will still need to consult with specialists before starting construction of the house - the opinion of a competent foreman or architect will not be superfluous. At a minimum, the following points will need to be agreed upon:

    Electrical installation;

    Conducting your own sewerage system;

    Carrying out water supply;

It is necessary to understand that all the above issues are not an artistic or architectural part of the project. These are all the most routine issues, a competent approach to solving which is provided only by professionals in their field. As a last resort, any oversight when independently drawing up a house project, which was made by a person who does not have a specialized education, can be corrected by a competent foreman, who practical side understands any idea much better. Although even if the project is drawn up by professional architects, purely practical shortcomings cannot be ruled out.

Independent work on a house project and its advantages

You can create a project for your house yourself - in order to develop drawings relative position of certain premises, as well as to determine the place of the house on the site, no special knowledge is required. A competent and responsible approach to business will ensure the success of your event. However, in terms of communications, it will be necessary to consult with professionals. This way you can properly plan a house that will serve you faithfully.

Read about the following stages of construction:

Watch also the video on how to make a house project yourself

Read about the previous stages of construction:

Designing a house yourself: creating a house project

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