What ages an older woman: Rules of beauty for the soul for mature ladies. Aging of facial skin in women - causes, age-related changes What ages a woman after 40 years

Why deceive yourself?! Wearing sexy clothes that were worn in the past now just seems wrong. Smoky eye makeup looks great on 19-year-old girls, and turns middle-aged women into ladies gone crazy. TO How to look beautiful after 40 years? Part of the problem with aging is that growing up often requires changes, but most women don't want to settle into the old-fashioned midlife style of smart shoes and boring clothes. Here are the 8 most common mistakes of aging.

Mistake #1 – not understanding style changes

The biggest mistake women make when it comes to how to look beautiful after 40 is to do nothing at all. Hair, makeup, clothes, in which the young lady looked simply fantastic in her younger years, are often not suitable for ladies of noble age. If you want to age gracefully, you need to make some changes. Many women are doing the same thing they have been doing for decades. This technique very often does not work and cannot be flattering for women over 40. Often women do not even realize that they are making mistakes.

Mistake #2 – not paying enough attention to clothing

Unfortunately, the days when “hot” beach clothes could only be worn to the beach are over. How to look beautiful after 40 - invest in clothes, buy things from stylish and expensive brands. You can find suitable clothes at any age. You'll probably have to fork out more for business class clothing.

Mistake #3: Comparing yourself to 20-year-olds

Sooner or later the lady will be asked: “Who is this beautiful lady in the album?” And you need to prepare for this issue. Some young ladies look as attractive as in their youth. There is no need to “walk down memory lane” and despair. The goal of looking beautiful after 40 is not to recreate your 20-year-old face and body.

Mistake #4 – not doing fitness

Middle age is not a reason to stop working on yourself (although for many it is a temptation). Fitness is movement, an opportunity to prevent health problems in the coming years, such as creeping weight, diabetes, heart disease or dementia. Now is the time to visit the gym, pool, start doing yoga, or fall in love with brisk walking.

Mistake #5 – not getting enough sleep

Gone are the days when a lovely lady could stay partying at a club all night and wake up in the morning with a radiant complexion and ease of movement. Many people have probably heard that lack of sleep makes you look tired. Of course, it’s hard to keep up with everything, especially if a woman takes care of her parents or looks after children. But responsibilities are responsibilities, and you need to take care of your health. It's time for change. Fewer hours of sleep means more opportunities to show your true age, not to mention the occurrence of health problems.

Mistake #6 – ignoring teeth

In the fight against age, you can focus on wrinkles and gray hair, but don’t forget to smile in the mirror. One thing that can make a woman look older is yellowed teeth. But dental health is more than just unattractiveness. Dental health is closely related to overall health. Gum disease is becoming more common, which can be associated with a higher risk of heart disease as you age. So don't miss your visit to the dentist.

Mistake #7 – excessive anti-aging efforts

This is a common mistake that celebrities and real women make. Nobody likes wrinkles, but this is better than a face “frozen” with Botox or terrible falling lips. Retinol products may help reduce wrinkles. If you are satisfied with the result, why look for an alternative? A face without a single wrinkle is not real, it looks unnatural.

Mistake #8 – short haircut

A woman should keep her hair short or just above the shoulders as soon as she reaches middle age. This is not a rule at all, but a misconception, because there are no rules for playing with hair for middle-aged women. The choice depends on the woman, her lifestyle, the condition of her hair, and preferences. With age, your hair will probably become thinner, perhaps coarser, and turn grey. Choose a natural hair color that will help you stay in your 30s.

When you turn 40, things change a little. The status of “woman over 40” entails many different prohibitions, as well as new opportunities. This applies to hairstyles, wardrobe and life in general. But today we will talk about which colors in clothes are suitable for ladies over 40, and which ones will age you.

Be that as it may, turning 40 is not a reason to give up bright clothes, you just need to choose the right shade. And the editors "So simple!" will tell you how to do this.

Shades of clothing

The most important rule for the wardrobe of mature ladies is that clothes should not age you. It is in this case that a lot depends on the color. Some colors poorly highlight the skin, emphasizing all the imperfections, and some look too provocative for a mature lady. Let's figure out which shades are guilty of this.

  • Hot pink
    This is not a color that will decorate a mature woman. He looks defiant and even slightly vulgar. On a girl pink clothes will look quite harmonious, but on a woman it risks turning into a clown outfit. So beware of bright pink things, only one detail is allowed in the whole outfit.

    Instead of flashy pink, you can add slightly more delicate shades to your wardrobe. Pale pink and lilac will look good. And if you want something really bright, then it’s worth remembering the shades of red. Scarlet colors are ideal for women over 40.

  • Violet
    This is the shade that steals the complexion. If you have pale skin, a purple outfit will only emphasize this, making your skin even slightly sallow. Besides, this color makes you look old. If you love this color very much, you can choose sets with a dark purple bottom and a light top.

    Dark purple is replaced by a delicate lavender color. Less bright, more delicate and pastel.

  • Swamp green color
    A shade that turns glowing skin into unhealthy skin. Yes, and it makes you darker and older. Dresses and entire outfits of this color will not be the best option. However, if you dilute the image with light-colored items, the marsh color will look quite stylish.

    Instead of dark green, it is better to pay attention to mint-colored clothes. Light shades of green will refresh your look and make you look younger.

  • Orange
    Bright orange color does not go well with the wardrobe of a mature woman. It looks defiant and shows that you are an impulsive person. Still, acidic colors are best left to teenagers. This color is not suitable for a dress, but it is good for accessories and bags.

    It is better to choose a delicate peach color. And if you are a red-haired beauty, then feel free to wear a copper-colored outfit.

  • Brown
    Probably the worst color for an image. It makes you look old, even if you are 20. The color speaks of some kind of despondency and melancholy and is clearly not created to make you look younger. You can add it to your look, but you shouldn’t make the whole outfit brown.

    Instead of dark brown, it is better to choose the color of coffee with milk or even lighter shades of it. They will look aristocratic and stylish.

  • Grey
    He himself is faded and boring. The fact that you are 40 does not oblige you to wrap yourself in gray plain rags. It makes a woman colorless and invisible, hiding even the most obvious advantages.

    Gray can be used in a wardrobe, but only a little and in combination with other colors.

  • Black
    Wait to get angry and say that everything is wrong. No one is saying to remove black from your wardrobe altogether, because it is basic and you can’t go anywhere without it. But total black is definitely not your option. Black adds age, without much effort you get plus 5 years to your age. In addition, such an outfit can give the impression that you are depressed.

    Of course, you can and even need to wear black, but only in combination with bright colors. And don't forget about the classics: the combination of white and black.

  • White
    This color emphasizes all the imperfections that are possible: pigmentation, cyanosis, fine wrinkles. As you age, your skin can take on a yellowish tint, and a completely white color will only make the problem worse.

    An alternative would be any shade of white that is slightly darker than your teeth. Ivory, pearl - these shades will look good. A successful combination with bright things will be. And don’t be afraid to experiment with prints, sometimes they can save any color.

  • As you can see, everything is quite simple, you just need to avoid those shades that frankly age you. You know very well that one image can make you irresistible, and another can turn you into an old woman. And a lot in this case depends on the right combination of colors. So experiment, create brilliant looks and be irresistible!

    What colors do you usually use in your wardrobe? Tell us in the comments and share with us your most striking and unusual images!

    After 40 years, the first “bells” begin to sound, reminding us that the body is aging. Pay attention to these signals...

    1st call. Pressure surges

    If you “don’t feel anything like that,” don’t flatter yourself. Only half of those with high blood pressure feel it. A person who is accustomed to working intensively and pursuing a career often does not pay attention to headaches, irritability, and decreased performance, attributing everything to fatigue. As a result, he loses valuable time, and the disease gains strength.

    It is known that so-called type A people suffer from hypertension much more often - responsible, ambitious people who experience any “inconsistency” as a personal tragedy. They often occupy leadership positions and always try to make the world better than it is - unlike Type B people who calmly go with the flow. Change your attitude towards life - and hypertension will recede.

    If you work, try to never combine two tasks of paramount importance in one day. Don't make an important appointment a couple of hours before your doctor's appointment or co-op meeting. There is a wonderful English saying: “Never do your best.” People of your type should take it into service.

    If you are late for a conference or presentation and there is still no bus or there is a traffic jam on the highway, ask yourself a simple question: “What will happen if I arrive ten minutes late?” Will you be deprived of your job or publicly disgraced?

    No, most likely, no one will notice this, or in extreme cases, people will calmly accept your apology for being late. A calm, even somewhat ironic attitude towards problems is the key to life without unnecessary stress. And that means the pressure surges that accompany it.

    Don’t try to be “the most, the most.” The pursuit of the ideal, of course, is commendable, but it takes too much energy - both emotional and physical. Few people can become a great housewife, mother, wife, daughter-in-law and employee at the same time.

    Give up this idea - and your life will become much easier. By the way, everything will work out much better, because you will stop being nervous.

    2nd call. Tired on Monday

    It’s the beginning of the work week, there’s a lot of work ahead, but you don’t have the energy for anything. This didn’t happen before - you could spend the whole weekend doing laundry and cleaning or preparing for an important meeting, and on Monday show miracles of vigor. Unfortunately, as we age, our energy resources decrease.

    And the conclusion from this is simple - there is no need to torment the body. Enjoy a healthy weekend. If it is not possible to spend a couple of days in the fresh air, in a boarding house or on a tourist trip (this would be best), and going to a fitness club is too expensive, try setting up a home “seaside resort”.

    Take a bath with Dead Sea salt and seaweed. Instead, you can use micronized, that is, very concentrated, seaweed. They contain many vital amino acids and microelements that easily and quickly penetrate the skin.

    They activate the immune, nervous and endocrine potential of the body. To enhance the effect of a sea salt bath, you can apply a special gel with an extract of red and brown algae to dry skin.

    The active ingredients will work differently depending on the temperature of the water. At 38–39º C, amino acids responsible for the utilization of fats will begin to fight cellulite.

    A cool bath (34º C) will increase peripheral blood circulation and improve the condition of low blood pressure and vegetative-vascular dystonia, which are often the cause of lack of energy.

    Use essential oils

    A stimulating bath with Scots pine oil, peppermint, and rosemary will help you wake up and invigorate. After a sleepless night, add relaxing oils to the water - lavender, magnolia, rose, chamomile and orange. They are also good for those times when your nervous system is on edge.

    For swelling and heaviness in the legs, a bath with draining oil of basil, carrots, and wintergreen will help. Oils of Moroccan cedar, peppermint, cardamom and juniper berries have an anti-cellulite effect.

    To ensure complete relaxation, create a pleasant atmosphere in the bathroom. Light phytocandles and turn on soft, relaxing music. After water procedures, wrap yourself in a terry robe and rest for another 20–30 minutes.

    Complement your “sea” session with a cup of herbal tea - and you will feel that you have had a good rest over the weekend and can “go back to battle” on Monday.

    3rd call. Hormonal imbalances

    Their cause may be a simple lack of certain microelements. It very quickly affects sexual function, the menstrual cycle, and attractiveness. And also on the work of many other systems and organs, for example, the pancreas. This is why sometimes aging begins much earlier than expected according to “calendar” age.

    In women after 35 years of age, the ovarian reserve gradually begins to deplete and reproductive capacity decreases. It is impossible to stop or slow down the internal biological clock. But it is possible to reduce the rate of hormonal aging. It is noticeably accelerated by constant stress and tobacco smoke.

    The latter has a bad effect on blood circulation, especially in small vessels, and the ovary is literally riddled with them. Of course, the “well-being” of the eggs also suffers. So first of all, give up the bad habit.

    A very active complex of antioxidants that protects against tobacco smoke and other harmful environmental influences is contained in the leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant. It protects the fats contained in the membranes of nerve cells from destruction by free radicals. Buy yourself a good preparation with a high content of this plant.

    Try to provide your body with zinc and selenium - they are very important for the functioning of the reproductive system. Oysters contain a lot of zinc, but this delicacy is extremely rare in our diet. So, “gain” the norm of microelements by including wheat germ, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and oatmeal in the menu.

    To provide the body with selenium, you need to consume coconut and pistachios more often. This useful microelement is also contained in lard and garlic.

    There are drugs and supplements that contain zinc and selenium in active form. Periodically drink them in courses.

    Nutrition and hormonal balance

    The body's hormones are balanced in the body with the help of various glands. The thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands all have a major impact on how the body works and its functions.

    When these glands do not work the way they should, it can lead to various health problems in the body. And hormonal imbalance is one of the main problems associated with this.

    Diet is often the main culprit behind many health problems. The various glands in our body can be managed and maintained simply by making healthy food and lifestyle choices. Lack of vitamins, minerals and general nutrition cause the glands of our body to work in vain.

    Since these glands do not have the proper support they need in the form of nutrition, they are not able to support our body and various functions at the proper level.

    Therefore, the first step in helping to balance hormonal problems is to start eating well. Sugar and starch simply wear out your body. They also add excess fat and increase weight. Mainly our body needs fibrous foods, especially fruits and vegetables.

    Simply taking a small step to add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet can make a huge difference in how your body feels on a daily basis.

    For women with natural menopause, combination medications are recommended to prevent possible complications. While taking them, hormonal levels and the natural monthly cycle resume: menstrual-like bleeding occurs.

    In terms of strength and duration, it is much weaker and less natural, but since due to menstrual irregularities in menopause, the endometrium begins to thicken and thereby creates fertile ground for the development of uterine cancer, it is combined hormonal drugs that ensure the prevention of this disease.

    Some women attribute weight gain to taking hormone replacement therapy drugs. The true cause of obesity at this age must be sought in abundant food rich in fats and carbohydrates, as well as insufficient physical activity.

    When using hormone replacement therapy, sometimes, of course, an increase in body weight of approximately one kilogram can be observed due to fluid retention in the body, but this phenomenon is short-lived, as are engorgement of the mammary glands and menstrual-like reactions.

    At the same time, aging skin, which suffers from a lack of fluid during menopause, becomes firmer and more elastic when taking hormone replacement drugs, some wrinkles on the face are smoothed out, and the face looks fresher and younger.

    In addition to hormonal drugs, herbal and homeopathic drugs, bioresonance therapy are used to treat menopausal syndrome, but only for the purpose of prevention and to relieve external symptoms - hot flashes, perspiration, insomnia.

    Unfortunately, these drugs do not prevent complications such as heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.

    It is also necessary to take into account that any treatment will be ineffective if it is not combined with a regimen of moderate physical activity and rest, normal sleep and a balanced diet.

    During menopause, it is necessary to regulate mental and physical activity so as not to disturb the rhythm of sleep. To do this, first of all, you need to go to bed at the same time.

    Immediately before bedtime, it is undesirable to work hard, have dinner, watch TV for a long time, or read. If the first signs of insomnia appear, take a walk one to two hours before bedtime.

    Morning exercises every day for 15-20 minutes are mandatory, after which you need to take water procedures, rub the skin of your hands and feet with a hard towel.

    Contrast showers, hot foot baths, general baths at a water temperature of 36°C with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs for 10 - 15 minutes help reduce neurovegetative signs.

    It is advisable to do self-massage and body massage in a sitz bath at a water temperature of 25°C for 30 minutes.

    Of particular importance is a balanced diet, taking into account the caloric content of dishes, since it is not only a preventive, but also an auxiliary factor in the treatment of metabolic disorders and obesity during menopause, restoration of the function of the digestive tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular diseases and allergic diseases. states.

    The diet must include foods containing calcium, phosphorus and other minerals:

    • vegetables fruits,
    • black bread with bran,
    • dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese),
    • fish, fish soup,
    • dried apricots, raisins, nuts and herbs.

    Carefully introduce butter, cheeses, eggs. It’s not bad if breakfast consists of only fruits.

    Train yourself to drink the following juice mixtures at least in the morning:

    • carrots and spinach (in a ratio of 10:6);
    • carrots, beets and pomegranates (9:3:4),
    • carrots, beets and cucumbers (10:3:3),
    • carrots, celery and parsley (7:4:3).

    Avoid spicy and stimulating foods!

    It has been established that the onset of menopause can be delayed. To do this, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle with mandatory, but not excessive physical activity, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the body: sex hormones, which are released into the blood during physical activity, prolong a woman’s reproductive function, which ideally should last until the end of her life.

    Menopause is not a tragic end or the beginning of physical aging of the body. This is simply a new phase of life that can and should be favorable. You can finally start living for yourself - reading, traveling, doing what you love.

    It's never too late to start living in a new way, especially after forty

    Every woman dreams of looking younger. But it happens that the wrong hairstyle can add several years to your age. A properly chosen haircut, on the contrary, can make a lady over 35-40 years old look fresher and more youthful. In this case, it would be right to ask the question - which hairstyle can make a woman look younger, and which one should be avoided?

    Sometimes representatives of the fair sex do not change for years, having become accustomed to one image. Stylists advise choosing a hairstyle based not only on the shape of the face, thickness and volume of hair, but also according to age, in order to look the best possible.

    So, let's look at the top 5 hairstyles that are better not to do if you are over 35 years old.

    1. Straight, flowing hair

    This is perhaps the most comfortable hairstyle because there is no need to hold the hair in place, the only thing women with this hairstyle do is wash their hair. In principle, the hair does not require any further manipulation. However, it is worth noting that a woman over 35-40 years old looks less well-groomed with such a hairstyle. Straight, flowing hair, especially long hair, is more suitable for young girls. If you don't want to look like a mermaid from a fairy tale, then at least curl your hair. This will make your hairstyle look more interesting.

    2. Smoothly combed hair tied into a bun

    This hairstyle was popular when the Bolsheviks came to power, but this is the 21st century, isn’t it? Feel free to say goodbye to the image “a la Nadezhda Krupskaya” and experiment! You can find out which hairstyle is suitable for older women from a competent and experienced hairdresser or in our article below. It has been noted that hair tied in a bun adds about five years to the age of ladies over 35 years old.

    3. Backcombing

    Surely, looking at photos from the 60-70s, you will find many variations on a similar theme. What can I say, representatives of the fair sex with a similar hairstyle can often be found in line at social services or at the therapist. It’s not difficult to guess that these are women who have crossed the 50-year-old threshold. In the images of these women, this hairstyle is quite appropriate. But women aged 35-40 should avoid backcombing. Firstly, it looks pretty boring, and secondly, why do you need extra years?

    4. Ponytails and braids

    Even when we hear the phrase “woman with a braid,” we imagine a very middle-aged lady. If you are over 35, then it is better to avoid braiding, unless it is something very original, non-standard (Yu. Timoshenko’s braid is beyond competition). Ponytails are ideal for schoolgirls, but older women who have a ponytail hairstyle give the impression that they are deliberately looking younger; it does not look very beautiful, as does bright makeup.

    5. Very short haircut

    This hairstyle, which reveals the forehead, temples and neck, suits a very small number of women; it mainly suits thin ladies. For the majority of women over 35 years old, short hair does not suit them.

    By the way, when considering the question “which hairstyles age you,” you shouldn’t forget about hair color. Dark hair color, especially bright black, noticeably adds age to a woman. But the leader in “aging” is, of course, the color purple.

    There is a joke on the Internet about this: “Every woman sooner or later realizes that her hair is not purple enough. Usually, awareness of this fact occurs closer to old age.”

    Therefore, try to avoid the above hairstyles and dark shades of hair if you do not want to be mistaken for a very mature lady, because 35-40 years is still young!

    Now let's move on to the “most delicious” - hairstyles that can refresh a woman’s image and help her look younger than her age. Ready? So, let's begin.

    1. In first place for rejuvenating a woman’s image is the bob hairstyle.

    The hair in this case can be of medium or short length, the ends of the hair can be curled outward or inward. There may be no bangs at all, this is the modern version. There are also bang options: straight, asymmetrical, torn. The parting can be placed either on the side or in the center of the head. It is believed that a bob haircut visually brings the fair half of humanity closer to the age of 27 years, therefore, as they say, it is a sin to refuse this opportunity to look younger.

    2. In second place is the bob hairstyle.

    Usually, many people confuse bob and bob haircuts, but there is one significant difference. "Bob" implies the presence of sufficient volume of hair at the back of the head. This can be achieved by cutting the so-called “leg”. If you look at the hairstyle from the back, you can see that the neck is open. Sometimes the hair on the back of the head is shaved, but women over 35 should not do this. Asymmetrical versions of this haircut will help you hide imperfections and, on the contrary, emphasize the advantages of your face.

    3. Voluminous hairstyles with soft wavy curls make a woman look younger and more attractive.

    The main thing is not to use a lot of hairspray so that the feeling of lightness and softness of your hair does not disappear. Combined with a smile, this hairstyle can visually remove several years from your age.

    4. Nowadays it’s fashionable to have messy curls and careless styling.

    This hairstyle creates the effect of naturalness and slight confusion; it can make the image of a woman over 35 more youthful and perky.

    5. Cascading haircuts and “ladder” haircuts, differing only in hair length, are increasingly gaining popularity

    For women over 35 years old, a cascading hairstyle opens up and rejuvenates the face. And the “ladder” haircut looks very flattering on almost all women, creating a casual, stylish look!

    Hair is a real wealth for every woman, be able to use it correctly, choose hairstyles that will make you younger and brighter!

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    Previously, older women were considered to be women in their thirties; now older women are considered to be women aged 30 to 40 and older. But is a woman of Balzac’s age necessarily an old piece of junk to be written off from the accounts of life? Not at all! A woman looks as old as she feels, and therefore if a mature woman feels like an old woman, it means she has aged herself.

    Moreover, not all adult women after forty dream of the beauty of eighteen-year-old beauties. A modern woman at 40 feels much younger than her female friend of the same age felt two hundred years ago.

    Thanks to cosmetics, a career, fashionable clothes and gyms, and equal distribution of responsibilities between spouses in the family, modern thirty- and forty-year-old women look very good, fresh and cheerful.

    In the fall of 2009, Western scientists conducted a sociological survey among women from 40 to 60 years old and found that 40% of women felt most beautiful and sexy at 33, and 20% of older women said that at forty they looked better than when -or earlier.

    Thus, a mature woman herself chooses whether to be happy and beautiful at the notorious Balzac age or not. Nothing ages a woman more than her personal decision to put a big cross on herself, her destiny and appearance.

    Most often, older women themselves create embalmed and terrible creatures out of themselves, and they do it unconsciously. It’s just that when a woman gives up and stops taking care of herself, she ages very quickly, she becomes depressed. When she stops liking herself, she stops liking men, including her own husband, who will tolerate this state of affairs for the time being.

    What ages an older woman the most? The desire to look younger, to look like a young girl - that’s what. When a woman puts bright, catchy war paint on her face, when she dresses in a defiantly short mini and a youthful top, stands on high stilettos and douses herself in a whole bottle of perfume, it can be simply unpleasant to look at from the outside.

    So, in order not to age yourself, your beloved, ahead of time, remember, dear ladies, a few simple rules:

    1) dress in accordance with classic fashion, do not blindly copy youthful, flashy fashion trends. An older woman must look fashionable if she wants to extend her biological age and set the clock down. But her clothes should not only be fashionable and beautiful, they should also be elegant and quite discreet. Otherwise, there is a big risk of becoming funny and pathetic in the eyes of people around you. Mature ladies should take advantage of grace and style, subtle taste in clothing.

    It makes sense to wear butt-tight tops if a woman has a great shape and figure and her face looks really young. Otherwise, if a woman has a face with wrinkles, then a sexy tight T-shirt and a short skirt will look pathetic even on the coolest figure, because... in the image of such a woman there will definitely be a sense of disharmony, an imbalance between the age of the face and the youth of the figure.

    And if an older woman’s figure leaves much to be desired, if her breasts are sagging and there’s cellulite on her butt, then there’s no point in exposing yourself to chickens’ laughter and disgracing yourself. Dress classically - elegant dresses and stylish suits will help you.

    2) a mature woman’s shoes should be comfortable. This is an axiom. It is only proper for prostitutes from the Boulevard des Capucines to drag their bodies from place to place on high spindles at the age of fifty. Classic shoes, sandals or boots, ankle boots with flat soles or low heels of 2-6 cm - this is it.

    3) it is not appropriate for an older woman to paint her nails with varnishes of bright, provocative colors, both on her hands and feet. And normal men are generally repelled by overly long hair and overly tacky colors from women of any age. A classic manicure and pedicure with a transparent coating or varnish in a delicate red, brown or purple color will not scare away men, but will demonstrate to them the well-groomed and neat nature of a woman.

    4) bright, catchy, daring makeup can be forgiven for a twenty-year-old girl or a young twenty-five-year-old woman, but not for a mature lady over 50. Therefore, follow the golden rule - the rule of the golden mean, do classic makeup that is in harmony with the type of your face, be attractive, but not catch your eye.

    5) many women of Balzac’s age and not only are aged and disfigured by an incorrectly chosen hairstyle. Where has gone now to the almost forgotten art of hairdressing to create paradise from three hairs and select a hairstyle to suit the client’s face type, and not to suit the desire of another barber to earn more money?

    But let's turn from rhetoric to reality. An older woman is greatly aged by the desire to look too young. Therefore, long flowing hair or a too-short boyish haircut do not so much give a woman her former, youthful charm as turn her into a living, but already embalmed mummy.

    Again, a classic hairstyle with medium length hair - not too short and not too long, a classic hair color, preferably close to the hair colors that are actually found on women's heads in nature. This means that dreadlocks and purple hair on a forty-year-old woman will look funny and pointless, to use youth slang.

    And in general, the feminine beauty of older women is a purely individual concept; you shouldn’t put yourself under the same comb as everyone else - what suits Aunt Dulcinea may look disgusting on Baba Klava’s head. Blonde hair will make a woman look younger, and hair of dark tones, blue-black, ashen hair will age her. Although, again, everything is purely individual, you need to try, look, feel, analyze and try again if the first attempt was not entirely successful.

    Coarse hair that sticks out in a crew-cut also makes a woman look very old. Women with such a “bush” on their heads are often considered by men as persons of indeterminate gender, as they are immediately classified as “mature women”, and therefore use less henna, which quickly makes the hair hard and unpleasant to the touch.

    A woman’s hairstyle, like her clothes, makeup, and shoes should make a woman feminine. Teenage experiments and youthful extremism when creating the external appearance of a woman of Balzac's age are unacceptable, unless, of course, there is a secret desire to make people laugh.

    6) complaints about life, a bad husband and ungrateful children age a woman in a matter of years. Very often women like to suffer for show. Modern psychotherapy has found an explanation for this phenomenon. In short, by showing off her suffering, a woman (men, by the way, act in the same way) receives inexplicable pleasure from it on a subconscious level, and at the same time manipulates this suffering in order to bargain for certain conveniences and preferences for herself from the people around her. Another question is whether a woman succeeds or not, it all depends on the degree of her acting skills, but the mechanism of suffering in general terms is exactly like this.

    The saddest thing about this whole performance is that when a thirty-year-old woman complains that she is an old bag, her words are justified and literally after a couple of years she actually turns into an old bag. After all, thoughts and words are material - if you repeat them often enough, they materialize, because... manage to take root on a subconscious level, and then grow into a person’s consciousness.

    Therefore, an older woman and a young girl should also give up the pleasure of suffering in public - you must be strong both for the sake of yourself and your happiness, and for the sake of the happiness and well-being of dear and beloved people who love you.

    Don't moan, but dare, don't complain, but work, roll up your sleeves! Smile, laugh, live, be active, love life in all its manifestations! The fact that you are alive is already a great gift. Be able to carefully and wisely manage the other most valuable gift of life - its time, because it inexorably flows away, take it up with some personally or socially useful work.

    Take a psychological test about Balzac's age for women. What is your biological age? Are you young or old at heart? Free test without SMS.

    7) wrinkles on the forehead and cheeks, near the ears, bags under the eyes, folds on the neck, downturned corners of the lips, flabby arms - all this shows age. And here you can resort to either the help of creams, mud baths, or lie under a surgical knife. But what’s the point of undergoing an operation that will have to be redone in 5 years and from which, after the same 5 years, there will be no memory left?

    And the pain in old age from each operation will make itself felt. Therefore, you should still prefer temporary, but more gentle on health and beauty, cosmetic procedures to a temporary and artificial panacea for skin problems.

    Again, exercise for the eyes, for the muscles of the face, exercise for the muscles of the neck and muscles in the décolleté, in short, a healthy lifestyle, as always, rules. If a woman has developed the healthy habit of doing exercises every or almost every day at home or in the gym since the age of 30, giving all or most of her muscles sufficient physical activity, then she will look young, fresh and cheerful even at 70 years old.

    8) nothing makes a woman look younger at forty than having a beloved man. Then the gait of an older woman is flying, like that of a fluttering moth, and the skin itself smoothes out from the hormones of happiness and female hormones and becomes a pleasant, natural color of love, and no mistakes in clothing or behavior can no longer throw the Balzac woman out of balance - after all SHE LOVES AND IS LOVED!

    9) excess weight ages people of any age. And therefore, you must first decide whether your body structure is so dense that you are a tall lady, or be honest with yourself and admit that you are simply fat. If a person is well built from birth, has wide bones and a powerfully developed chest and muscles, then it will not be possible to significantly lose weight using natural methods, no matter how hard you try, and why? Sexy crumpets are now becoming fashionable.

    But if a mature lady has allowed herself to become fat, then, of course, she needs to declare a fight against excess carbohydrates - she needs to eat less sweet and fatty foods, meat foods, lean on vegetables, fish, cereals, and she needs to walk more, do exercises in her twilight years, or something, finally.

    10) do not become depressed because you are already far beyond... You should not react sharply to failures in life and attribute all problems to age - this is the path to the abyss. If an older woman is not hired to work as a consultant in a bridal salon, because... the employer has set an age limit, then don’t be upset! If in one place some doors slammed in front of you, it means that they opened in front of you in another place. We must not panic, we must persistently continue our search with the mindset only for success and only for victory.

    Of course, it is difficult for an older woman to start her own business. But, believe me, if you don’t have experience starting, it’s difficult to do at any age. Therefore, try to turn your hobby into a profitable business. Start small. Don’t lower the bar for your own capabilities, stop working for dad Carlo, it’s time to become this very “dad” yourself.

    And, believe me, there are quite a lot of hired professions in which mature age is a plus for a woman. The main thing is not to get hung up on the most unsuitable options for you. And you can always go from the center of the unemployed to free courses of the same hairdressers, manicurists, secretaries; it’s always not too late to learn a language, get a first or second higher education, and start a new life professionally.

    11) also older women are aged by both naivety in the eyes and cynicism there. You shouldn’t pretend to be an experienced matron who knows the value of everyone, and you shouldn’t play with dolls when a lady is over thirty. You just have to be yourself and understand that imitating Angelina Jolie or Sharon Stone is a deliberately losing option, because these ladies, by the way, are also Balzac’s age in the original understanding of this term, which the writer Balzac put into it, look good precisely in those circumstances and where they are now, but not in your place.

    Thus, to avoid premature aging, take care of yourself, take care of yourself like an indoor flower. In clothes, cosmetics, shoes, accessories, hairstyle, manicure, stick to a win-win classic style, but in the spirit of fashion, while adding to your appearance a touch of your individuality, which is popularly called “zest.” In expressions, lipstick, hair and nail polish colors, be restrained and not vulgar. "The golden mean in everything!" - this should be the motto of older women who have themselves reached the age of the golden mean.

    Realize yourself professionally, if until now you haven’t had the time to do so. And most importantly, be interested in life and it will be interested in you! Love life, people, men, and they will reciprocate your gratitude! Don't look for excuses or complain, but find solutions and new opportunities. Be happy! After all, no one can become happy for you. Happiness is not rented to others. Become a woman-smith of your own happiness, regardless of your age - after all, age is such a small thing compared to the powerful forces that lurk in the unspent treasuries of our hearts, brains and souls! Smile, be active, loved and happy!

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