What is done first: suspended ceiling or wallpaper. What comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper: recommendations for the order of repair work

  • Installation of a stretch film or fabric ceiling occurs after completion of all construction and finishing activities in the room, incl. after wallpapering.
  • First, the suspended ceiling is installed, and only then the walls are wallpapered.

Considering both of these methods from the point of view of manufacturability and compliance with building codes, we can safely say that they are completely competent and have the right to use. The choice of whether to glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling first should be guided by the specific parameters of the room and taking into account the working conditions. In any case, if the finishing and decoration of the premises is carried out by highly qualified workers with the necessary experience, both works will be carried out at a high quality level. This is a theory, but in practice, unfortunately, everything does not always go smoothly.

There is a step-by-step technology that allows you to hang wallpaper on a suspended ceiling, alternating works. But both customers and builders are not very willing to use this method. This is caused by the following:

  • takes more time: before wallpapering the walls, it is necessary to install a stretch ceiling profile;
  • requires additional financial expenses, because stretch ceiling installers will need to be called twice - before wallpapering the walls (to fix the profile on the wall) and after (to install the canvas on the ceiling).

Installation of a stretch ceiling after wallpaper

Proponents of this method point to the following circumstance as the main argument: a finished suspended ceiling in the process of finishing walls (including wallpapering) can most likely become contaminated with glue or paint. There is also a risk of damage to the canvas with any sharp object (spatula or scissors) when wallpapering or painting walls.

This probability is especially high if the interior design of the room involves not only wallpapering the walls, but also their subsequent painting. In this situation, you must first glue the wallpaper and only then install the suspended ceiling.

Among the negative aspects that can be quite easily avoided, the following should be noted:

  • To install a suspended ceiling profile around the perimeter of the wall, you need to drill quite a lot of holes. In this case, a lot of tiny dust is formed, which settles on the wallpaper.

To minimize the ingress of dust from the wall drilling area, use a special hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner or use an ordinary household vacuum cleaner. Another quite effective way to protect wallpapered walls is to cover them with a special film.

  • One of the conditions for high-quality installation of a stretch ceiling is heating the room to +60 °C. Such a high temperature can negatively affect the wallpaper and cause it to lag behind the wall surface. Most often, such moments occur when there is a rush to carry out repair work. If the customer or contractor is in a hurry to complete the finishing of the room and put the facility into operation, they often use a heat gun when installing a stretch ceiling, without waiting for the painted or wallpapered walls to completely dry. Although any instructions for wallpaper glue or paint indicate how long it takes to dry, and how long it takes to create a complete coating on the walls. As a rule, after 4-5 days, wallpaper pasted in compliance with the technology perfectly withstands significant temperature changes.

In practice, a measurer from a company that provides manufacturing and installation services for tension fabrics is called after the room has completely acquired its final dimensions. That is, the walls are prepared for finishing or the wallpaper has already been pasted. As a rule, it takes one week to produce a fabric or PVC ceiling sheet. This time is enough for the wallpaper not only to dry, but also to acquire all its strength qualities.

  • Installing suspended ceilings may cause deformation, damage or contamination of the wallpaper. As mentioned above, such cases are possible only due to the low professionalism of the performers.
  • Since the suspended ceiling profile installed around the perimeter of the room presses the upper edge of the wallpaper, difficulties may arise in the future if the need arises to re-glue the wallpaper. But this is a more imaginary problem than a real one. Replaceable wallpaper can be easily trimmed to the very edge before being removed from the walls. And new wallpaper can be glued end-to-end without much difficulty. Even with minimal differences, the uneven top edge can easily be hidden with decorative tape.

The question of where to carry out repair work first - on the walls or ceiling - has been asked since the advent of tension films.

You don’t want to dust off the fresh gloss that reflects the entire room. It’s also a pity for expensive wallpaper if it suddenly gets damaged while working with the stretch fabric. To understand this issue, we will try to follow the process of repairing ceilings and walls step by step.

Process Features

Whatever work has to be done first, each will be to the detriment of the other. When installing a baguette under a stretch fabric, holes are drilled in the wall, which produces a lot of dust, and fresh wallpaper can be damaged. In addition, the installation of the canvas itself involves high temperatures. No one knows whether the wallpaper will like it.

There is a way out. Carefully prepare the walls for pasting and invite specialists to install the baguette (do the most dusty work), then paste the wallpaper and again invite workers to install the ceiling. The method is good, but there is one problem - the craftsmen will not agree to such a lengthy method of work.

To understand the features of the process, and at least get closer to figuring out what to do first, you need to try to figure out what a suspended ceiling and wallpaper are.

The canvas itself is a fabric base or a PVC product, which can be matte or glossy. Installed on a specially prepared metal or plastic frame.

If the ceiling was planned to be multi-level, all work with plasterboard should have been carried out in advance. First, the old finish is removed, the ceiling is cleaned well, otherwise in the future finishing debris will fall onto the tension fabric. Then it’s time to treat fungal stains (if any). Before installing the ceiling, all electrical work must be completed.

Wallpaper is a roll of various types: paper, non-woven, vinyl. Many people had to glue them. To begin with, the walls are leveled, and a layer of glue is applied to the dried surface (if the wallpaper is paper, the glue is also applied to the canvas). Then the coatings are placed on the base, glued well, air bubbles and excess glue are squeezed out with a roller.

There is nothing complicated about this, but there are two types of developments: either the wallpaper is pasted in front of the ceiling installation and pressed down with a baguette (in this case they look neat), or after that the top of the canvases will have to be carefully trimmed, trying not to damage the ceiling structure.

What is the sequence?

Let's try to understand what is better: to stretch the suspended ceiling before or after wallpapering. To do this, consider both options.

First the wallpaper, then the ceiling

If you decide to act in this way, it is worth considering the need for a break of 4-5 days between pasting the walls and installing the ceiling. The wallpaper must dry well before the heat gun works..

Some experts believe that you should first work with the walls and align them perfectly, otherwise the ceiling panel may be skewed.

The main danger of pre-gluing is contamination of the walls when working with a hammer drill.

If traces of brick remain on the wallpaper, it will be quite difficult to remove them.

A hammer drill equipped with a vacuum cleaner would help solve this problem to some extent. Gluing the canvases before installing the ceiling frame will result in them getting under the baguette. It will press down the top edge of the canvases, which will make it difficult to dismantle the wallpaper during the next repair.. The positive thing is that the top contour of the wall is perfect.

You can opt for liquid coatings. They are beautiful and modern, but the risk of staining the finished ceiling when working with a spatula increases.

If you have to glue wallpaper for painting, the risk of staining the ceiling becomes even greater. On the other hand, high temperatures during installation can affect the quality of the paint at the base of the ceiling. The same problem can happen with liquid wallpaper.

First the ceiling, then the wallpaper

If the wallpaper is light and delicate, it may be irreparably damaged during the installation of a stretch ceiling, so it is better to paste it over at the last stage of repair. In addition, a lack of professionalism among those working with the ceiling can lead to mechanical damage to the wallpaper.

Pasting the walls, You should work carefully with the top edge of the sheets so as not to disturb the ceiling plugs. Everything will work out if you show diligence, but during the next repair the wallpaper can be easily dismantled.

Both options have their pros and cons, but responsibility for the choice always lies with the owner.

Important nuances

The issue of order has not yet been clarified. What to do first, install suspended ceilings or work on the walls? Wallpapering, as well as installing a ceiling, have their own nuances. When working with walls, there is a chance of damaging or staining the stretch fabric, but it is virtually eternal, while wallpaper can be re-pasted every year.

When a profile is placed under a suspended ceiling, there is a possibility of contamination of the wallpaper, and there is also a fear that it will not withstand high temperatures. In this case you can abandon the PVC surface in favor of fabric, which is mounted using a cold method.

And one more nuance - the profile for a woven ceiling requires shallower drilling, which means there will be less dust. However, well-dried wallpaper can easily withstand temperatures of 60-70 degrees.

The PVC film needs to be heated to soften it. The prepared canvas is immediately tucked under the profile using special tools. The gap between the material and the wall is masked with plugs. They are the first to suffer from poor quality wallpaper work.

An important nuance: any suspended ceiling can be installed in the presence of wallpaper, even in a room furnished with furniture. Sliding wardrobes and curtains are also not a hindrance to this process. You'll just have to use a vacuum cleaner afterwards. But, if the renovation has just begun, you need to ask yourself many times what to do first.

But what if the renovation was done a long time ago and you need to re-stick the wallpaper without damaging the ceiling? Dismantling should be carried out very carefully, especially if the wallpaper was pasted at the initial stage and fell under the ceiling profile. They will have to be released without damaging the canvas.

To complete the work you will need a spatula and a construction knife. Carefully insert the spatula between the ceiling and the knife. Moving them along the walls, slowly cut off the old wallpaper. In this way, you can protect the material from being cut, even if the knife comes off.

It is much easier to remove the finish if you wet the walls with water and wait a while.

After studying the workflow, we expected to immediately get an answer to our dilemma. There is no answer, you will have to turn to specialists.

Experts' opinion

The renovation is coming to an end and it is hoped that experts will shed light on the sequence of construction work.

Craftsmen believe that it is better to cover the walls and then install the ceiling. The arguments are the same: there is a risk of damaging or staining the walls; in addition, high temperatures are unfavorable for fresh wallpaper. Perhaps these craftsmen are afraid of responsibility for dusty walls.

Other experts, on the contrary, advise installing the ceiling after gluing, fearing for the canvas, which can be damaged with a construction knife when cutting wallpaper. And glue and paint getting on the canvas will ruin it forever.

There is no clear opinion even among professionals, because the material for work, the premises, various nuances - everything can be extraordinary, requiring an individual approach.

Successful examples and options

In conclusion, I would like to dwell on the aesthetic component of the work done. If you see how beautiful the ceilings and wallpaper have become, the answer to the question of what to do sooner may emerge by itself. Or it may not work out.

Stretch ceilings have always been an interior decoration. It can be amazing and mysterious, like a country through the looking glass. With it, the room is filled with colors, it seems larger and brighter. Ceilings come in different types and have their own design and style.


Absolutely flat surface without a hint of reflection. The texture resembles a classically painted canvas. Used for large rooms.

The matte finish is so neutral that it suits any style. Soffits will be good equipment for the ceiling, or other sources of bright light, because the matte canvas does not reflect light.


A good option for small rooms. They get the opportunity to visually double in size. Moreover, the dark gray fabric has a stronger reflectivity.

Spotlights (even with a weak glow) on such a ceiling look like stars. By building multi-level compositions using plasterboard and placing a canvas in them, they achieve the effect of an almost natural image of water or sky.


Despite its textile origin, the fabric is still processed with polymers and acquires special strength.


The texture is reminiscent of satin (the surface is slightly shiny), and if equipped with the appropriate pattern, it will be difficult to distinguish it from fabric.

Many homeowners who decide to renovate are interested in the order of finishing work. Most often this applies to rooms in which it is planned to install a suspended ceiling structure. In this regard, the question arises: “What do you do first—stretch ceiling or wallpaper?”

It is quite natural if the work is carried out by non-professionals: after all, when covering walls with wallpaper, you can inadvertently damage rather thin stretch fabrics, and if you decorate the walls first, then when installing the ceiling plinth, you can stain the new wallpaper.

Factors influencing the order of work

In such a situation, finishing specialists offer two options:

  1. Wallpapering walls after installing a suspended ceiling structure.
  2. Installation of the canvas after decorating the walls with wallpaper and completing all finishing work in the apartment.

It should be recognized that both options will be correct. Provided that the work is carried out by experienced specialists, it will give a positive result. But in reality, each stage of decorating a room can create certain difficulties. This depends on a number of factors:

  • Is it planned to install a ceiling plinth?
  • What material are the walls made of?
  • The quality of the tension fabric used and its fastening system.
  • Quality of rough work.

You can combine rough work on the ceiling and walls. After this, finishing is carried out.

Joint preparatory work

This process includes:

  • removal of old finishing materials (wallpaper, plaster or paint on the ceiling);
  • treating walls with antifungal primers;
  • elimination of cracks and other minor defects;
  • plaster and putty surfaces.

Upon completion of the preparatory work, the measurers begin their duties: the installers calculate the dimensions of the ceiling structure, and the wallpaper pasters measure the walls and calculate the amount of materials needed. The rough work is completed by attaching the baguette to the base, laying sound insulation, and installing the metal structure.

After completing the rough work, you can start gluing wallpaper, but after the walls are completely dry. The edges of the wallpaper under the baguettes are carefully trimmed with a sharp stationery knife before installing the tension fabric to eliminate the risk of damage. Walls covered with wallpaper are left to dry completely. Only after this do the tension structure installers get to work.

Their responsibilities include installing lighting fixtures on the ceiling and installing the tension fabric to the pre-prepared structure. Although many finishers consider this order of work to be optimal, it is impossible to guarantee that installers will not accidentally damage or stain the canvas.

First wallpaper, then suspended ceiling

Let's consider the first option, which is used quite often. When deciding whether to put wallpaper on the walls or a suspended ceiling first, you should take into account that when gluing the former, the pre-installed pre-stretch ceiling may be contaminated with various compounds (paint, glue, solvents). Some of them can leave indelible stains and spoil the texture of the canvas. Therefore, if you plan to decorate the walls with wallpaper and then paint, it is advisable to install the ceiling after wallpapering.

Disadvantages of this method and their elimination

The disadvantages (which, however, are easily eliminated) of this method include the following arguments:

  • When installing a ceiling molding, installers drill many holes in the wall for fastening. This leads to contamination of the wallpaper. You can minimize damage by using a hammer drill with a vacuum cleaner. The effectiveness of this method is low, but it will remove some of the dust.
  • Installation of PVC sheeting requires heating the room to +60 °C. In some cases, this leads to the wallpaper peeling off. Most often this happens due to the rush in which repair work is carried out. Installation of a stretch ceiling using a heat gun technology should be done only after the wallpaper on the walls is completely dry. As a rule, canvases become immune to such treatment six days after pasting at room temperature.
  • When deciding what to do first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling, you should take into account that a certain scheme for ordering tension structures is usually practiced: a measurer arrives, takes measurements of the room in which all the preparatory work has been carried out. It takes about a week to produce the canvas, so the glued canvases have time to dry completely and become resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, it can be argued that the occurrence of such problems (with wallpaper coming off) is associated with serious violations of the pasting technology or with the use of low-quality materials.
  • Some experts consider another disadvantage of the method of first-priority installation of the ceiling to be the difficulties that may arise if it is necessary to re-glue the canvases in the future, since they are pressed with a baguette. It should be noted that these difficulties are rather far-fetched: it is quite simple to trim the wallpaper. No one is stopping you from marking the level at which the baguette is installed around the perimeter of the room and gluing the canvases, starting from there. Even with small differences, they are easily hidden with decorative tape or an insert.

Ceiling to wallpaper

Finishers do not stop arguing: what comes first - wallpaper is glued or a suspended ceiling is installed. If you choose the method of first installing the ceiling structure, then you must remember that preparing the wall for wallpapering should in any case be done at the preparatory stage. The thing is that when installing a molding on an uneven wall, it will not be beautiful, and no decor will hide the defects. The surface of the wall must be perfectly leveled and well puttied.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, when first installing a suspended ceiling, the canvases on the walls can be protected from damage with the help of a film, but the ceiling canvas is unlikely to be closed, so the likelihood of it being damaged or dirty is high.

The advantages of this method

Experts arguing about what to do first - wallpaper, and then a suspended ceiling or vice versa, the advantages of this method include the following advantages:

  • Due to the fact that thermal exposure is carried out before finishing, the wall covering is preserved.
  • Easy to replace wallpaper if necessary.


Do not forget about the disadvantages of this method:

  • The material of the tension structure is susceptible to contamination and damage. Considering its cost and the fact that quite often it is not possible to clean the surface, it is necessary to think about the feasibility of using this technology.
  • After installing the decorative technological tape, trimming the canvases without certain skills is quite difficult. At best, you can damage the tape, and at worst, the canvas.

Step-by-step installation of ceilings

If you have not yet decided whether to install wallpaper or a suspended ceiling first, we suggest you pay attention to one more method. It is used quite rarely, since its implementation significantly increases costs, which is usually unprofitable for customers and performers. But at the same time, this method guarantees excellent quality and minimization of all possible disadvantages of the previously described methods. We will talk about the phased installation of ceilings.

A similar installation scheme is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Installation of baguette.
  2. Wallpapering walls.
  3. Installation of ceiling sheet.

In this case, you can avoid a number of disadvantages that accompany the described traditional technologies:

  • The baguette lies on the prepared wall without gaps or cracks, completely evenly.
  • When attaching the baguette, the resulting dust does not harm the wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper is glued and even painted without the threat of damage or contamination of the ceiling canvas. In addition, wallpaper is much easier to adjust to a baguette, and small gaps can easily be covered with decor.
  • When the wall surface is completely dry, it is covered with a protective film, which prevents damage and reduces exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, with a professional approach, installation of the ceiling sheet can be carried out without much concern.
  • Taking into account the fact that when installing fabric ceilings there is no need to heat the room, this method can be considered the best option, which equally preserves the surface of both the ceiling and the walls. Therefore, when deciding whether to install wallpaper or a suspended ceiling first, it is advisable to slightly increase the budget for repairs, but achieve excellent quality by reducing various risks.

Let's sum it up

When choosing what to install first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling, weigh the pros and cons. As you understand, there is no clear answer to this question. The opinion of professionals largely depends on each specific case. If you have decided to carry out major renovations in your apartment, we recommend that you first choose not the sequence of work, but a team of professional performers who will choose the best option. Different teams structure their work in different ways: first they glue wallpaper or make a suspended ceiling. This largely depends on the specific conditions and wishes of the customer.

What comes first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling?

The order of work performed during the renovation of a room plays an important role, both in the quality and cost of finishing work. And in order to decide what to do first - wallpaper or suspended ceiling - you need to understand how these works are performed, what materials are used and how one work is interconnected with another.

The relationship between the two types of finishing work is that one of the processes, to some extent, can have a negative impact on the completed finish. Or vice versa, completed finishing may interfere with the process of performing other finishing work. That is, in order to understand in what order it is necessary to install suspended ceilings - before or after the wallpaper - you need to study the influence of these works on each other.

Pasting wallpaper on the wall

  • So, how do you stick wallpaper on a wall? First of all, you need to prepare the surface of this wall, that is, make it even.
  • As a rule, either drywall, putty, or plaster is used to level the walls (see). There is no question of leveling the walls if a suspended ceiling is installed, since the solution will certainly stain the vinyl film, and it is difficult to “pull” the wall to the top if contact with the ceiling is not allowed. In this situation, the question “Are stretch ceilings installed before you start gluing wallpaper, or after?” clearly says that you need to do the walls first.
  • In the same way, there is no point in trying to level the walls with plasterboard if the suspended ceiling is already installed. The CD profile, on which the plasterboard sheets are attached, is framed around the perimeter by the UD profile, which, in turn, is fixed to the rigid surface of the floor, walls and ceiling. Even if you do without a ceiling UD, you still need a rigid connection at the adjacent corner, which cannot be done with soft vinyl film.
  • But maybe it is possible to install a suspended ceiling after leveling the walls? Well, to install the profile fastening baguette, you just need a flat wall and on this side everything seems to be smooth, but the wallpaper has not yet been glued (see).
  • We continue to argue further, what comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper? To paste wallpaper on a flat wall, you need to prime the surface, since dust settling during any repair will turn adhesion into cohesion and the glued strips will simply fall off. The walls must be primed close to the ceiling, and if it cannot be dirty, then masking tape is applied.
  • Now let's move on to the finishing of the walls and consider when to glue the wallpaper, before or after installing the suspended ceiling. To fix the strip on the wall, it must be coated with glue. The wallpaper itself can be glued dry - it all depends on its structure.
  • In order to smear the wall, you will again have to make contact with the ceiling, since the surface must be covered with glue close to the ceiling, which will again cause unwanted contact. Of course, the ceiling can be protected with masking tape.
  • Wallpaper can be glued by immediately leveling the top line, but this only applies to a single-color coating. If there is a pattern on them, then the glued strip is cut a few centimeters longer than the required length in order to join them according to the pattern, and then the top and bottom are cut off with a knife.

Installation of suspended ceilings

  • The installation of suspended ceilings has two points of intersection with the walls - this is the installation of a mounting molding and heating of the canvas and, naturally, the room itself. And in order to decide how to do it first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper - consider these points of contact (see).

  • To install an aluminum or plastic profile, you need to drill holes in the wall, which does not in any way affect the finish, since the damaged area is covered with a baguette. And if we talk about what comes first - suspended ceilings or wallpaper - the beginning, of course, will be with the wallpaper.

  • There is an opinion that when working with a heat gun, which is used to heat PVC sheets, you can damage the wall finish. Yes this is true. But it can be damaged simply by bringing furniture into the room - it all depends on the accuracy of the craftsman. Even the most delicate wallpaper is not deformed by the temperature required to heat the vinyl, which is 70⁰-80⁰C, and this is not a threat if the flame is not directed directly at the wall.

Recommendations. The choice of priority in the question of what comes first - suspended ceiling or wallpaper, of course, will be yours, but if you carefully consider all the pros and cons, the decision, of course, will be clear. The first item in the repair order is, of course, wallpaper.

The harm that you can cause to the wallpaper when installing a stretch ceiling is negligible compared to the inconvenience that will arise if you do the opposite. You probably yourself understand what the renovation craftsmen are doing - definitely gluing wallpaper on the wall.


So, we found out that first they glue wallpaper, and then install suspended ceilings, but this only applies to those situations when the mounting molding is fixed on the wall, and not on the plasterboard islands of the figured ceiling. But the priority applies not only to wallpaper - suspended ceilings, as a rule, are the final chord of all renovations in an apartment, with the exception of minor imperfections. This view is justified by the minimal amount of room clogging that occurs when installing vinyl sheeting compared to other renovation work.

When it comes to the option: “What do you do first: the tension base or the wallpaper?”, you need to know the answer in advance. It depends on the future interior design, individual preferences, and the choice of finishing company. You are initially required to draw up a detailed plan that determines the procedure for decorating a separate room.

Characteristics of materials

Let's start with the main thing. A stretch ceiling is a suspended structure made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fabric. They are mounted on profiles made of steel, aluminum, and plastic. Often the base is combined with drywall to create tiers. Fabric with vinyl is also available in different levels. The strip is attached to the roof, but it can also be attached to the wall. It all depends on the design of the room.

Wallpaper is a paper roll. Manufacturing standard: length – 10 m, width – 53 or 106 cm, depending on the material. There are one- and two-layer designs, vinyl, acrylic, non-woven fabric. What composition - such a cost. The better it is, the more expensive it will cost. Paper strips are coated with glue; when interlining is used, glue is applied to the side fences.

Factors when choosing a sequence

When repairs are started, a team arrives, offering two options: first install the tension base, then paste over the sides or design the side fences, performing finishing operations and then stretch the canvas. Which is more correct?

Both variations are justified. Stay focused when choosing specialists. During work, difficulties will arise that professionals can solve. Difficulties are caused by the following points:

  • Is ceiling plinth installed?
  • Material for making walls (brick, concrete).
  • How well is the tension tape used, the fastening technology.
  • High-quality roughing procedures.

Good to know! It is advisable when rough treatments of the ceiling and walls are combined. Then comes the finishing touches.

Preparatory procedures for all options

First they clean the room. They clean the old coating from paint, lime, and remove stains of grease and dirt. Past defects cannot be left behind: the old finish will begin to crumble and fall in pieces onto the tension structure. First, prepare the side rails before installing the material:

  1. Remove previous processing material (paint, plaster, trellises).
  2. Treated with primers against fungi.
  3. Eliminate cracks and minor defects.
  4. Plaster and putty surfaces.
  5. Having finished preparing the surfaces, the workers measure them: the installers measure the top, those who glue the walls measure the side fences.

How does the process work? Installers install baguettes (frame). When the sides dry after finishing, they are pasted over. Excess edges are trimmed using a sharp stationery knife. This is done before the fabric is stretched so as not to damage it. Having pasted over the fences, they wait for them to dry. Afterwards, the installers tighten the base.

In what cases is wallpaper glued first?

This choice is made by those who have a modest budget, not wanting to risk damage and contamination during finishing operations. This is rational, since mixtures of building materials are difficult to wash off.

Important! When preparing to install wallpaper or a tensile structure, they are guided by the following: first, dirty processing occurs, which subsequently seriously stains further finishing.

What does this method hide? The disadvantages are:

Reference! Statistics say that wallpaper is changed every 3-4 years. This causes difficulty in peeling off old trellises when they are pressed against the molding. Therefore, they think in advance about the correct pasting technology and the frequency of interior changes.

To begin with, we consider the standard design, in which the canvas is tensioned to the profile. If you install the top sheet and then glue the trellises, the risk of staining the fabric is high, because they are pulled up to a sufficient height. The conclusion is simple: start from the sides, gradually moving to the roof.

When is a suspended ceiling first made?

If the top is installed first, the walls are still prepared for gluing. After all, when you fix a baguette and the sides are uneven, it looks sloppy. Damage is visible through the decor. Therefore, first the side planes are leveled and puttied.

Before installing baguettes for suspended ceilings, it is necessary to level the walls in advance

Note! When initially installing the top, take into account that the side panels are easier to protect from harmful influences than the ceiling. But even protecting the top is an inconvenient, difficult process that slightly reduces the risk of damaging and contaminating the surface.

What other difficulties are there? The cost of the material is not affordable for everyone. The top is stained by chemical adhesive compounds. Accidentally smeared - the stains are cleaned, which is painstaking, cut - additional troubles. When the decorative technological tape is stretched, it is trimmed evenly, excluding distortions with excess. The process of adjusting wallpaper to the canvas requires skill. There is a high probability of hitting the tape, tearing the expensive fabric.

The conclusion is simple: professionals will do a high-quality job, but the level of skill required for their choice increases, and the home owner needs a sufficient amount for vinyl covering. What are the advantages? While the top is being processed, a gun is used to dry it and the side rails retain the coating, unless the gun is heated to high temperatures or pointed at the walls. The trellises are also easy to replace.

When choosing light colors from paper or fabric to treat the side surfaces, glue them while installing the ceiling. They are weak when cleaned wet. But the profile is attached to the side planes by drilling holes in it. If the house is built of red brick, there will be a lot of dust, without wet cleaning.

Attention! When planning an interior with paintable wallpaper, first they are glued, painted, and then the top is mounted.

Ceiling installation process:

  1. Install profiles.
  2. Stretch and smooth the fabric.
  3. They warm it up with hot air using a gun.
  4. Fix the heated sheet in the required places.

After work, the surface cools down for about 3 hours. At this time, open the windows and ventilate the room.

For construction beginners, to simplify the concept, installation is divided into two types: harpoon and without.

Sequence of the first: measure the room to the size of the future panel, install a baguette, which is laid on nails driven into the wall. The design “takes away” 4 cm of the plane’s height. Next, the panel is heated, stretched, and snapped. Sometimes it is made with a recess under the curtain or placed on a certain area of ​​the room. As it dries, it hardens but covers the top evenly.

Harpoonless method - the base is clamped, like fabric on a hoop. The method is cheaper, simpler, excluding measurements and fabric production. But there is a greater risk of material sagging.

If you wallpaper first

Let's ask ourselves: if the top is mounted first and then the sides are covered, which will suffer more? The answer is clear - the ceiling, because it is more expensive. The damage caused to the trellises is nothing compared to the opposite outcome. As a last resort, it is easier to re-glue one strip of the side fence than to buy a new stretch ceiling sheet. A strong argument in favor of the initial finishing of the sides.

This option is convenient if your budget is small and you decide to save money by completing the repairs yourself. A huge advantage of the initial application of trellises is free, fast work. You calmly and confidently design the side rails, without fear of getting the top dirty.

Sequence of work:

  1. Wallpaper is being glued.
  2. Install the frame under the ceilings.
  3. Stretch the fabric of suspended ceilings.

Remember! The ceiling in a papered room is installed, observing measures to protect the walls from dirt and damage. The main enemy of damp wallpaper is drafts and sudden climate changes. The room dries for at least 5 days, then the four sides are covered with film and work begins.

If you first make suspended ceilings

Why do you install the top first and then cover the sides? Arguments:

  • Even when using a gas gun, excluding its direction to the side, the wall covering is preserved with careful, careful handling.
  • Despite the dust generated from drilling under the baguette, by vacuuming and washing (if washable) the wallpaper in time, damage to the side fences will be avoided.
  • Often, manufacturers themselves call for first mounting the frame on flat surfaces.
  • When the suspended structure is installed first, do not be afraid to paint the fences and trellises. The top is carefully protected with masking tape, and if necessary, use a ceiling plinth and re-glue the gap between the top and side supports of the room.

Installation of suspended ceilings before wallpapering

When starting a renovation, home owners agree on how often they want to change the designs of the side rails. If 1-2 times a year, they are glued in contact with the decorative baseboard. Subsequently, they can be easily removed without damaging the tension structure.

The operating procedure in this case is as follows:

  1. Prepare the side planes.
  2. Install the frame under suspended ceilings.
  3. Pull the base.
  4. Install decorative plinth.
  5. Wallpaper is being applied.

Remember! The decorative plinth is installed when the base is tensioned. It is fixed to a bare wall.

This is an exceptional example where the top is installed first. But then every year or more often you will only replace the trellises without worrying about damaging the base.

Have you forgotten about multi-tiered bases? After all, customers often design a structure in several tiers with intricate plasterboard figures and wonder what they do first. First the base is puttied. Afterwards, unpleasant marks remain on the walls with new patterns. This leads to the conclusion: first they process the top, then move on to the side rails. The fabric or vinyl is stretched when finished - this is the finishing operation.

A profitable alternative has been found

There is a rare but effective method that guarantees a high-quality result and minimizes the disadvantages of previous methods. It's called stage-by-stage installation of ceilings. Infrequently used because it increases downtime and financial costs.

Subsequence :

  1. The side surfaces are leveled.
  2. Install a baguette under the ceilings.
  3. Cover the fences on 4 sides.
  4. Mount the panel.

What disadvantages are avoided in this case compared to traditional technologies? Read below:

  • The frame is placed exactly on the designed wall. There are no gaps or cracks.
  • The baguette is strengthened in such a way that dust does not harm the trellises.
  • Wallpaper is easy to glue and paint, eliminating clogging of fabric or vinyl. They are easier to adjust to the baguette, small gaps are covered with decorative elements.
  • When the side surfaces are completely dry, a protective film is applied to all sides, reducing temperature effects. Then the canvas is mounted without threatening the trellises.
  • When, the room is not heated, which is optimal for covering the top and sides. By choosing this method, they accumulate a budget while achieving productive results.

Today this is the most professional option, which has one feature - the effect of temperature. But when the fences dry out for 5-7 days, the risks are negligible.

What do the experts think?

Even the professionals don’t have a clear answer. They push and advise, but you are responsible for planning design decisions. Some recommend starting from the base, others from the wallpaper. What reasons support the first option? The statements are as follows:

  • After installing the ceiling structure, the sides sometimes crack from the weight. Once the finishing is done, the work is wasted.
  • They tirelessly repeat about the large amount of dust. And if the house is old, and even made of brick, the appearance of the papered tones is at risk.
  • When installing a profile or panel, the walls are touched, leaving traces of dirty hands and special equipment in different parts of the room.
  • It's better to play it safe and avoid exposing your new wallpaper to a heat gun. At temperatures of 60 degrees and above, the glue may not withstand. The walls are allowed to dry for 7 days. This will minimize peeling and blistering.

After completing all repair procedures, thoroughly clean the room. The tension surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth. When absorbing dirt with a cloth, use a coarse brush with the addition of 3-4 drops of detergent. For a characteristic shine of the surface, it is wiped with an ammonia solution of 1:9.

A successful choice is the key to a comfortable life

Having considered all the options, they choose based on finances, individual preferences, and the services of the construction company. All varieties have both positive sides and disadvantages. If you are going to change your wallpaper more often than once every 10 years, or are planning a multi-tiered ceiling structure, then it is better to first make suspended ceilings and then stick the wallpaper. In other cases, you can safely paste the wallpaper and then install the ceilings. For maximum effect, they devote time to issues of room changes, study the details, and look for quality craftsmen. We wish you joyful design implementations!

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