What useful things can you give to people?

Incredible facts

Self-confidence is a vital key to a healthy and productive life.

To be confident, you need to master a basic set of skills, to be a jack of all trades.

Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack-of-all-trades is much better equipped to face real-life challenges than a highly specialized person.

This list is not all-inclusive, however, the following are 47 things that every person should be able to do.

Life skills

1. Make a fire.

Fire is heat and light, one of the basic human needs for life. At some point, this knowledge may save you.

2. Work with a computer.

Fundamental computer knowledge is essential in this day and age. Please help your neighbor if there is such a need.

3. Know how to use Google.

This search engine knows everything. If you have a problem finding something using Google, then the problem is not with Google, but with you.

4. Be able to do artificial respiration and the Heimlich maneuver.

Perhaps someday your child, wife, husband or friend will need emergency help, and you will miss precious seconds.

The Heimlich maneuver is a method of removing foreign bodies from the upper respiratory tract, and is especially effective when they are completely blocked.

5. Be able to drive a car with a manual transmission.

The time will come when the lack of this skill will play a cruel joke on you.

6. Know the basics of cooking.

If you cannot cook steak or scrambled eggs with your own hands, then rather learn how to do it, sooner or later, the lack of this skill will make itself felt.

7. Be able to speak in such a way as to attract people's attention.

8. Do not get into a fist fight if you are not sure of your victory, not just physical.

9. Know how to bear bad news.

Someone has to do it. Unfortunately, someday, at least once in your life, you will turn out to be this person.

10. Know how to change tires on your car.

11. Know how to behave with dignity during an interview.

Nervousness and sweat in three streams will definitely not bring you a good job.

Life Skills

12. Know how to manage your time.

Otherwise you are wasting it. Sometimes this is good, but not on a permanent basis.

13. Learn to speed read.

Sometimes you urgently need to understand the main essence of the material, and you needed it five minutes ago.

14. Remember people's names.

It is unlikely that you will like it if, after you have introduced yourself, after some time they turn to you: “Hey you!”

15. Change your living space.

Even though it is a little more difficult than you might imagine, it is extremely beneficial for your mental health.

16. Travel light.

Take with you only the essentials. It's both cheaper and simpler.

17. Behave within the framework of the criminal code, because prison is no fun.

18. Learn to give correct instructions.

Nobody likes to go in circles.

19. Be able to provide first aid.

You don't have to be a doctor or a genius to treat a wound.

20. Learn to swim.

71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered in water, so knowing how to swim isn't a bad idea.

21. Learn to parallel park.

Even though parallel parking is a required skill to obtain a driver's license, many drivers have no idea how to do it.

22. Know your alcohol limit.

Otherwise, your life will end like this man's.

Life Skills

23. Choose quality food.

Spoiled fruits and vegetables can tempt you with low prices, but ultimately play a cruel joke on your health.

24. Know how to handle a hammer, ax and hacksaw.

Carpenters aren't the only people who need these tools. Every person should have a basic knowledge of basic hand tools.

25. Maintain your budget.

Being in debt is no fun. Controlling your expenses is key.

26. Speak at least two common languages.

Approximately 300 million people in the world speak Russian (this is less than 5 percent); 25 percent of the population speaks English. It would be nice to be able to find a common language with English speakers and with the remaining 70 percent.

27. Do push-ups and squats correctly.

The wrong technique for performing these basic exercises will not only bring you nothing useful, but will also make your body hurt, and you will waste your time.

28. Know how to give compliments.

This is one of the greatest gifts you can give a person. And it's free.

29. Know how to negotiate.

30. Listen carefully to others.

The more you listen and the less you talk, the more you learn and the less you miss.

Life skills and abilities

31. Know basic geography.

If you don't know anything about something outside of your comfort zone, most people will assume that you don't know anything at all.

32. Learn to paint.

The cost of painting a room is 90 percent labor. There is no point in overpaying for something you can do yourself.

33. Learn to give short, informative public speeches.

At the next meeting, when your boss asks you to share what you've been working on over the past month, deliver the information in a short, clear, and informative way.

34. Learn to smile when you are photographed or filmed.

People who don't do this are associated with dull creatures.

35. Know how to flirt properly.

There is a fine line between successful flirting and complete failure. If you try too hard, you will end up losing. If you don't try hard, you'll end up losing.

36. Learn to extract useful and relevant information.

Useless notes are useless, and not taking them sets you up for failure.

37. Be hospitable.

Otherwise, you will stay in hotels every time you go to a new place.

38. Learn to make a good first impression.

Aristotle once said: “He who begins is already half done.”

39. Know how to use a map and compass.

What happens if the GPS suddenly stops working and you find yourself in the middle of nowhere?

40. Learn how to sew a button on a shirt.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

41. Learn to type quickly.

This skill will save you a total of several days over the course of your life.

42. Always protect personal information.

Identity theft can be costly. Don't be careless.

43. Master the basics of computer security.

You don't need to be a programmer to understand the basics of creating strong passwords and using firewalls. This will certainly save you from many problems one day.

44. Learn to recognize lies.

People will lie to you. This is a sad truth.

45. Know how to end dates politely without making any promises.

There are no excuses for making promises you don't intend to keep. Just like there is no reason to make spur-of-the-moment decisions about someone you barely know.

46. ​​Learn to remove stubborn stains from clothes.

It's cheaper than buying a new one.

47. Keep your house clean.

Order in the house means organization in life.

In society you can often hear that people harm nature more than they benefit it. In this regard, we will consider how a person is useful for the planet, whether he brings benefit to it or not.

What's good for the planet?

Scientists argue what is more beneficial for our planet - a decrease in activity or, conversely, an acceleration in the pace of development? This is a problem of the future, but it is already making itself felt. There are more and more people on the planet every year, but fewer resources. Production does not stop, but on the contrary, it increases its pace every year. All this often has a negative impact on the planet.

However, without the growth of technology, it is impossible to achieve progress, which means it is impossible to create something that can help our planet. The task of how to return to nature everything that has been taken away and how to compensate it for the damage caused over the entire existence of civilization has long been facing people. Especially since the 20th century, when there was a sharp leap in industrial development.

Human benefits for the planet

It is known that in nature there are a lot of phenomena that have a detrimental effect on the environment. These phenomena can be directly or indirectly caused by human activity. However, the elements themselves can cause severe harm to certain regions of the planet.

One such disaster is drought. Desertification is now a real problem for the countries of Central Asia and African countries. As a result of the harmful effects of droughts, desert flora dies and fauna finds itself in critical conditions for life. Not a single animal can live without water and food. In a number of countries in Central Asia there is water, but it is completely unsuitable for drinking, as it contains a lot of salt. But in countries such as the UAE, Qatar, and Israel there are seawater desalination projects. Many of them are already working.

These projects can be used to create so-called oases that desert flora and fauna can visit.

Solving the problem of crowding out

The problem of displacement is that some species of animals displace others. For example, in Australia there has long been a dominance of rabbits, which were once brought from Europe. As a result, these rodents very quickly spread across the mainland and began to eat plants in huge quantities. This led to many animals being left without food. Because of this, the Australian government has allowed the annual shooting of rabbits in order to reduce their population. Measures were also introduced to green the continent and, again, to combat desertification.

The same applies to warthogs. These boars were also introduced and spread widely across the continent. They not only deprive other animals of food, but also cause soil erosion due to the constant impact of their hooves and tusks.

Of course, these animals themselves are not pests, but due to their large numbers, they have begun to have an extremely negative impact on the lives of other species.

Is oil production really dangerous?

Many people consider oil and gas production to be dangerous activities that can greatly harm the environment. Of course, both oil and gas are potentially dangerous fuels. However, if they were not mined, the threat to the environment would still exist. The fact is that every year many earthquakes occur on our planet. Including in regions rich in gas and oil. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were cases when earthquakes at sea caused faults in the earth's crust and the release of oil into the marine environment. Therefore, the extraction of a number of minerals often prevents the leakage of substances harmful to nature. After all, the equipment is made in such a way as to withstand a variety of loads and prevent leakage.

People often ask these questions when they are trying to determine their place in the world. If you are thinking about issues of self-knowledge, visit the section.

Many people say they want the best for themselves. The best girl, the best job. But the best comes only to the best. Pay attention to yourself and your life, is it possible to say that a girl who lives her successful life, is beautiful and well-groomed, will want to be next to you, as you are now?

Only you know the answer

Every person, even without a lot of money, can share. It’s true that a person can share when he has something himself. For example, he has some knowledge and skills. All this needs to be developed and trained. A person can give away his own resources - mood, motivation.

Of course, I do not deny that there are naturally cheerful people. But now there are fewer and fewer of them. Therefore, it is necessary to create a cheerful lifestyle. Nowadays people in society are very bored, television is boring, people around are boring, they need entertainment and if you are such a person, then this is useful for people.

In order not to be a boring person, you need to constantly be interested in new trends, information, read a lot and learn about a certain type of activity.

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Special skills are now highly valued, and it is on the basis of a common cause that friendships and relationships are built. The wider the range of skills you have, the more people will want to communicate with you. Moreover, it is not slackers who will want to communicate, but quite enterprising people with whom you will be quite interested.

What to do if you don't have it?

The answer is obvious - to develop skills and an interesting lifestyle. If you work and your work does not develop you, then you should devote all your free time to studying or how to make your life more interesting.

Here are some ideas:

  • Sign up for a new sports section.
  • Go to the library and borrow books on topics that interest you.
  • Learn something new (skiing, touch typing, writing articles, etc.).
  • Go to another city and find out how people live there.
  • Go to a place where you have never been before and become your own there.

You can invent such tasks for yourself almost every day! The main thing in all this is that you become the person who can give something to others, whatever it is: mood, motivation, knowledge, skills - share!

There are already a lot of people in society who want everything for themselves, but people are black holes, absolutely empty, boring because they do not produce anything new or interesting. They live a boring, monotonous life, and do not want to become the Reason for Change and the Person of Inspiration!

Try to give to other people and then other people will love you and help you!

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You begin to value health when your body begins to malfunction. For example, it’s difficult to think about the health of your heart when you don’t feel it. And only at the first unpleasant sensations in the engine of the cardiovascular system the question arises: what can I do for my health? The same applies to any organ where there are any deviations from the norm.

You should also avoid snacking to avoid overworking your digestive system. We all need rest after work. It’s the same with the digestive organs: if you overwork them, it will worsen their condition and quality of work. Thus, the next thing you can do for your health today is to chew your food for a long time and drink clean water instead of snacks.

  1. Walk for half an hour. With the development of transport, many people have simply forgotten how to walk and go to the “bakery”, although not by taxi, but by personal car. Fortunately, not everyone does this, but it is an indisputable fact that modern man has a lack of physical activity. This does not mean that you need to start jogging from today. Start with . Fresh air and a medium-speed step will pleasantly please your body, especially if you get into the system.
  2. Eat a clove of garlic or a little onion at lunch. In Rus', food was always heavily seasoned with phytoncides - garlic, onions. Modern man has forgotten how to eat these extremely healthy foods without heat treatment. And very much in vain! A large amount of vitamins and natural antibiotic substances are contained in onions and garlic. In addition, garlic cleans blood vessels and removes low-density cholesterol. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to challenge the world for fear of embarrassing others with the smell of onions and garlic. But the problem of smell can be solved, and a healthy lifestyle is more important than the fact that someone suspects you of eating garlic and judges you.
  3. Limit your time on the Internet, take breaks from working at the computer every 30 minutes. The Internet reduces immunity, according to recent studies. And the point here is not the Internet itself, but the abuse of it. We can also say that excessive TV watching reduces immunity. Everything in which we lose measure turns into harm. Conduct an experiment, how will you feel if you limit your time on the Internet to 30 minutes a day? Of course, for those whose work is directly related to the Internet, this is impossible to do, then set your limit, set reminders on your phone for 5-minute breaks and do not delay with pauses after the signal.
  4. Let's toughen up: pour cold water on your feet. Everyone has heard that dousing with cold water is very beneficial. It is recommended to douse yourself with cold water even from infancy. cold water is something we can do for our health every day, spending a minimum of time and money, but providing great help to the immune system. The greenhouse comfort conditions in which most of us live have a detrimental effect on the body's resistance to various infections. Pouring with cold water brings us closer to nature, mobilizing the body's protective functions. But dousing must begin gradually, either lowering the degrees every day, or moving from bottom to top. For example, today you can pour cold water only on your feet, tomorrow you can move higher. Those who practice dousing note a surge of strength, vigor and good mood after such a water procedure. So, 7th place on our list is dousing with cold water.
  5. Prepare a healthy dinner for the whole family. Needless to say, proper nutrition is the key to health, everyone understands this. This article cannot describe all the principles of proper nutrition. You can only pay attention to the fact that you need to avoid fried, smoked, highly salted, processed meat (sausages, sausages, factory dumplings, etc.), harmful confectionery sweets, fast food products, soda and other harmful products. We may well remove from our tables what is truly harmful. You just need to do this for your health. It is also useful to sometimes replace your usual tea and coffee with herbal infusions, such as mint or chamomile.
  6. Take a mental time out. The previous points dealt exclusively with physical health. Here we will also turn to the psychological, since many diseases are psychosomatic - that is, diseases of the body under the influence of the psyche. We are always in a hurry somewhere, constantly thinking about something, the heads of modern people are sometimes filled with an unbearable burden of thoughts about business, news, and so on. In such an environment of a barrage of information, it is vital for a person to stop and take breaks in his thoughts. Returning to state Here and now, we understand that it is impossible not to think about anything. It is useful to concentrate on one thing, for example, on the thought that now my mind is silent and thereby cleared. Such minute, even 30-second breaks will provide invaluable assistance to the internal psychological state, and therefore to health in general.
  7. Go to bed no later than 10 pm. The fact is that sleeping until midnight is very important. By going to bed before 12 o'clock at night, we provide ourselves with adequate rest, since sleep is most effective at this time. Many experts claim that 1 hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to 2 hours. This is due to the biorhythms of the body. Agree, it’s very good to sleep for only two hours, but to get as much as four! By organizing a quality night's sleep, we take care of the health of the whole body. So, the last item on our list of things you can do for your health is good.

Of course, you shouldn’t start doing absolutely everything right away. Extremes are harmful to the body, but gradually incorporating the principles of a healthy lifestyle into your life will bring only positive effects. You can choose a few of the most easily accomplished points for yourself and start acting today, right now.

The great Charles Darwin at one time put forward a very interesting theory, which, according to the scientist, could perfectly explain all the unclear questions related to the origin of species, including answering the burning question of the origin of man. Far-sighted materialist scientists, having received at their disposal such a wonderful weapon in the fight against the Christian doctrine of Creation, immediately practically elevated Darwin's theory to the rank of an axiom and an immutable truth.

However, now we will not enter into any disputes about how everything that exists on Earth, including man, came to be. We are more interested in another question: What makes a person a Human...

Man is, in essence, just a highly organized animal with intelligence. But is there something that distinguishes humans from primates? So what is it anyway? What it does Let's look at some opinions on this matter.

The ability to learn is what makes a person human. Indeed, the ability to learn favorably distinguishes humans from highly organized animals - as it seems at first glance. But many dog ​​owners, trainers and handlers will disagree with this statement, confirming the correctness of their words with the numerous achievements of their pets. Moreover, there are computer programs that are capable of self-learning, and this cannot even be called alive.

It is only human nature to think. Maybe. But if you take a closer look at the behavior of many animals, birds and even insects and remember that not a single scientist in the world has yet proven the opposite, we can assume that our smaller brothers can also think...

Perhaps society makes a person? Yes, society is a great force that can influence the thoughts and actions of each individual person. But this also does not always happen. How then do outcasts and hermits come about? After all, if society makes a person, then everyone should be the same?

Another question that worries the minds of many is the question of morality. It is morality, as well as the ability for creativity and Love, that seems to distinguish humans from highly organized animals. In this regard, too, not everything is clear. It is believed that only an educated person can be moral. But does education make a person moral? You can answer this question simply by looking around. Surely in the life of every person there have been brilliantly educated people who have excellent manners, are pleasant to talk to, well dressed, but at the same time capable of betraying and literally walking over the bones of those around them to achieve their goals. Does education make a person moral? - Alas, that would be too easy...

Love and Creativity are what actually makes a person a Human. Only this can be characteristic only of man from all the diversity of Creation. It is these qualities that bring a person closer to the Creator. “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them” (Gen. 1:27).

Elsewhere (1 John 4:8) in Scripture we find wonderful words: “God is Love.” So, it is precisely the manifestation of Love that gives a person the right to this high title? Man is the best of all the Creations of the Lord, and the Lord loved us to such an extent that he sacrificed His Son so that we would have a chance to be saved and become His Children. Big, great Love, which each of us is able to recognize, connects us with the Creator, which means it makes a person a Human...

It brings a person closer to the Lord, therefore, it gives the ability to creativity, which only man and none of the animals are endowed with. But here we must keep in mind that God’s Creativity is primary. He creates out of nothing. Human creativity is secondary, because works of art are created only on the basis of what is around or in the heart of a person...

Of course, all reasoning on these topics may seem very controversial, like any philosophical conclusions, but can be regarded as a good attempt to get closer to the answer to one of the most troubling questions for all people: Who am I? Where? For what?

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