What to give a vegetarian for the New Year. What to give to a vegetarian? Useful and eco-friendly gifts

To make your pre-holiday bustle easier, we've put together in one guide all the most versatile gifts for vegetarians, vegans and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The result is a useful list for all occasions!

Essential oils set

Aromatherapy is the ancient science of healing and relaxation using natural aromas. Essential oils can be added to relaxing baths, aroma lamps to create coziness, and even applied to areas of the body for pain relief. You can buy a ready-made set of essential oils or create your own and pack it in a craft bag - the one to whom you give such a gift will definitely be delighted! Citrus, lavender, rose, rosemary and ylang-ylang essential oils are great. But remember that real essential oils cannot be too cheap.

Stylish cookbook

The best gift for a food enthusiast, vegan or vegetarian is a cookbook of healthy and delicious recipes created by the most famous vegetarian food bloggers from around the world. Stunning photos and stories turn this cookbook into a full-fledged inspiration album! Check out the Deliciously Ella cookbooks, as well as Minimalist Baker's Everyday Cooking and Green Kitchen at Home.

Yoga membership

A universal gift for those who are just getting acquainted with the world of a healthy lifestyle and for those who have been practicing yoga for a long time. Depending on the options chosen, a yoga subscription allows you to attend any yoga club classes or hotel practices. Thanks to your gift, a beginner will be able to plunge into the world of asanas and pranayamas, and an advanced yogi will be able to get into an unusual practice or study with a famous teacher.

Set of spices

What vegetarian or vegan can imagine their life without spices?! Get creative and create your own spice gift set for your loved one. Pour curry, turmeric, paprika, cinnamon, star anise into beautiful small jars, tie with a beautiful ribbon and attach a warm wish.

Yoga mat

You can never have too many yoga mats! If you know that a person is interested in yoga, a high-quality and bright mat will definitely not be superfluous for him. Choose a rug that is heavy enough that it will not slip on the floor. By the way, some companies can create a rug with an individual design for a specific person - an ideal gift!

Massage subscription

Absolutely everyone is usually happy with a massage subscription, and it doesn’t matter what type of diet the recipient follows. Relieving stress at the end of the working day or relaxing on the weekend is the cherished dream of any metropolis resident. Become a dream come true!


A photobook is an album with photographs, printed in the form of a book, a kind and sincere gift for those closest to you. Collect all the best shots of those you want to congratulate and print them under a beautiful, unusual cover. We promise the recipient will be delighted!

Dry massage brush

Massage with a dry brush tightens the skin, improves blood circulation and stimulates cell metabolism. A brush made from cactus or palm fibers will be a great gift for a girl who loves to take care of herself and strives to live eco-friendly.

Cupcake in a jar

A budget-friendly and delicious gift - a cupcake in a jar. Take a nice jar, like a Mason Jar, add the dry ingredients for the cake (flour, sugar, cocoa, etc.), put the lid on, and attach a nice card with the recipe. This is the very gift that can be given to those who have everything.

Plant in a stylish pot

An elegant dracaena, a bright monstera or a small cactus - every living plant carries the energy of life, harmony and goodness. If you don't like the pot the plant is sold in, replant your gift in a different pot of your choice. Another option for an original living gift is a florarium: this is a beautiful glass container in which small succulents grow among stones and crystals. You can buy a ready-made florarium or make it yourself.

Delicious and beautiful tea

Ayurvedic and herbal teas, masala and rooibos, Earl Grey, green and white tea - you have a huge scope for imagination, which is limited only by the preferences of the recipient. Organic teas in very beautiful packaging will give you comfort and a festive mood, which is sometimes so lacking for modern people!

Detox program

Another tasty and very useful gift is a juice detox program or a certificate for it. We are sure that spending a couple of days on juices is a great idea after delicious feasts.

Anastasia Baranova

Surely many people don’t know what to give to a vegan, because they don’t fully understand who they are and what philosophy they are guided by. Let's try to figure out what can be given to them and what should not be given.

How to choose?

Vegans follow a stricter diet than simple vegetarians. They exclude not only meat, but also any other animal products. In addition to food, their principles apply to clothing, cosmetics, medicines and everything in general. Veganism can safely be called a lifestyle, not a diet. If at least one animal must suffer to make an item, then veganism prescribes its abandonment.

When choosing a gift you should be extremely careful. Even when choosing chocolate you should be extremely careful, because if there is cream or any amount of milk in it, the gift will be rejected.

Therefore, the easiest way is to buy edible gifts in specialized stores, fortunately there are more and more of them. There you can also buy various unrefined oils, for example, flaxseed, sesame or olive. They can be very useful.

Kitchen appliances Since a vegan places great importance on preparing healthy food, something healthy for the kitchen is perfect for him.

He will probably be happy with a juicer, blender or fruit chopper. A microfarm for sprouting grains would be a great gift for a vegan.

It automates this painstaking process, which otherwise requires a lot of time and attention. You just need to scatter the seeds on special trays and pour water into the device. Surely every vegan at least once wanted to make their own butter and be absolutely sure of its quality. You can give him this opportunity by giving him a home oil press.

With its help you can prepare not only butter, but also nut paste.

A vegan who is unable to dine at home is often forced to carry some healthy food with him. Since regular containers take up too much space, a vacuum sealer is an excellent solution to the problem. It allows you to pack food in compact bags. A dehydrator is perfect for making fruit snacks.

With its help you can get an excellent alternative to store-bought chips.

Cloth Even silk that seems harmless at first glance will not work, because innocent silkworms had to be tortured to produce it. So we can say with confidence that giving a vegan leather shoes or a silk dress for his birthday means mortally offending the birthday person.

Other little things

A special cookbook for vegetarians would be an excellent gift.. Many may argue that, at first glance, it is impossible to prepare anything complex or tasty from vegetables. But such people will be very surprised to learn about the diversity of the vegan diet. This is partly due to the fact that the limited number of available products forces one to resort to various tricks and stimulates the cook’s imagination.

You can give a vegan a real basket of abundance containing various spices, tea, nuts, dried fruits and some aromatic herbs.

Honey cannot be given as a gift, since to obtain it, people keep and torture unfortunate bees in captivity.

Since choosing cosmetics for a vegan woman is not the easiest task, she will certainly be very pleased to receive a set of cosmetics that have not been tested on animals as a gift.

Also, any housewife will be happy with a set of dishes, a cutting board or jars for spices in the shape of apples. This, of course, is banal, but if you don’t know what to give to a vegan, then this might be a good option. Although it is better to buy him a certificate from some specialized vegan store. There he will be able to choose what he needs most.

Most likely, many people are perplexed about what to give to a vegetarian for their birthday or what to give to a vegan on Vegan’s Day, because they don’t quite understand what ideas guide vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and others like them.

In this article we will discuss what can be given to a vegetarian and what is better to refuse.

Vegetarian Day October 1 – a fresh, good tradition

Refusal of meat in the diet is not surprising. More and more people, especially young people, are becoming adherents of vegetarianism. They are encouraged to refuse to consume animal products by two main motives – ethical and health-improving.

It is believed that giving up meat promotes longevity, makes the body more resilient and stronger. Every year there are more and more people who hold this point of view.

The date of the holiday was chosen by the Vegetarian Society of the USA. This day marks the beginning of “Vegetarian Mindfulness Month.” This is the name of the period when many events are dedicated to vegetarianism, attracting the attention of the world and local communities to this movement, promoting the ideas of non-violence and refusal of meat. At this time, enthusiasts in different countries of the world hold charity events and organize concerts with the participation of stars.

Among world-famous celebrities, by the way, there are also many supporters of vegetarianism, for example, Paul McCartney, Richard Gere, Madonna, Brad Pitt. Domestic stars did not stand aside either. World Vegetarian Day can also be celebrated by famous Russian vegetarians - Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Tina Kandelaki.

Russia also celebrates International Vegetarian Day, especially in big cities. In honor of the holiday, they organize tastings of vegetarian dishes without paying to show that a vegetarian menu for every day can be not only healthy, but also tasty and varied.

Traditionally, as part of vegetarian holidays, leaflets, booklets, and brochures telling about vegetarian ethics and the benefits of vegetarian nutrition are distributed. Events in honor of refusing to eat animal meat end on November 1st. This is a landmark day for radical vegetarians - adherents of veganism.

From its supporters, this movement demands a complete refusal to use animal products in everyday life.

What to give a vegetarian in October-November in honor of holidays dedicated to nutrition, or for a birthday, or any other holiday?

The best thing, of course, is to decide and join the ranks of vegetarians. But also vegetarian dish, prepared with your own hands, will be a good surprise for supporters of a humanistic lifestyle.

Gift for a vegetarian on his birthday and vegetarian day

If vegetarians refuse meat, fish and eggs in their diet, lacto-vegetarians refuse the same and dairy products, then the approach of vegans to nutrition and lifestyle is stricter. They exclude any animal products from their menu.

Apart from food, they follow ethical principles in clothing, medicine, cosmetics and everything else. Without exaggeration, veganism is a way of life.

If the production of an item does not involve the suffering of at least one animal, veganism dictates that the item should be discarded.

You need to be careful when preparing a gift for a vegan or vegetarian.

Even when choosing, you need to be extremely careful. If it contains cream or even a little milk, the gift will be rejected. That’s why it’s easier to purchase edible surprises in specialized stores, of which there are more and more every day. In these you can buy unrefined oils - sesame, flaxseed, olive, amaranth and others. They are rich in nutrients and are useful both on their own and in salads.

Kitchen appliances - a vegetarian's delight

Since a vegan pays a lot of attention to preparing delicious and healthy food, a good gift for him would be some kind of kitchen aid - something useful for the kitchen.

It could be juicer, fruit chopper or blender.

A great gift option for a vegan - microfarm, allowing you to germinate grains at home. The device automates the germination process, which without a germinator requires too much time and attention. It is enough to pour the seeds onto the trays of the device, pour water into it, and very soon the seeds will germinate.

Probably every vegan at least once wanted to make his own oil, for example, coconut, sunflower, almond or any other, and be sure of the quality of this oil. Please a vegan - give him oil press. And a follower of a healthy diet will be able to prepare natural fresh oil himself whenever he wishes. A butter press helps you make both butter and nut butter.

If a vegan is unable to come home for lunch, he is forced to carry healthy food with him. Since conventional containers are quite bulky, it would be a good idea to replace them with more ergonomic products. Vacuumator will help vegans pack food into small, easy-to-use bags.

So that a vegan can prepare fruit snacks, give him dehydrator. The device will help you get an excellent alternative to industrial chips.

Clothing – environmental friendliness comes first

When choosing clothes as a gift for a vegan, remember: non-plant materials are unacceptable.

Natural silk is also blacklisted. After all, to make it you have to torture helpless silkworms.

Be careful when choosing a gift.

When deciding what to give a vegan for his birthday - a silk tie or leather shoes - you seriously risk offending the birthday person.

All sorts of little things as a gift for a vegetarian

A good gift for a vegetarian - cookbook for vegetarians.

In it he can find recipes for vegetarians for every day or for the holiday table.

Uninformed meat eaters may think that it is unlikely that something tasty or complex can be prepared from vegetables alone.

But they will be very surprised when they find out that the vegetarian diet is very varied. Partly because the limited number of available products encourages the cook to be cunning, come up with something unusual, and show imagination.

As a gift for a vegetarian you can give basket of abundance, filling a beautiful container with dried fruits, nuts, tea, spices, and aromatic herbs.

If you're giving this gift to a vegan, don't even think about honey. After all, in order to get this product, a person captivates and tortures bees.

Since choosing cosmetics for a vegan woman is not the easiest task, she will probably be happy to receive a set of cosmetics that are not tested on animals as a gift.

Any housewife will be happy cutting board, set of dishes made from eco-friendly materials, for example, made of wood or bamboo, birch bark spice jars or a wooden mortar.

You can present such products if you don’t know what to give to a vegetarian.

But you can also buy a certificate from a specialized vegetarian store and give the certificate as a gift.

Then the recipient himself will be able to choose something he needs and enjoys.

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Vegan Day: fruit and vegetable palette for the festive table

“To eat or not to eat – that is the question,” - this is how humanity has solved for centuries the eternal problem of the appropriateness of eating meat. To this day, the idea of ​​vegetarianism has ardent supporters and equally implacable opponents. However, be that as it may, the choice of each person must be respected. And if among your friends there are those who proudly call themselves vegan, or simply adhere to a fruit and vegetable diet in order to achieve ideal shape, he will be pleased to receive at least a small gift from you on November 1st. Why? Yes, because on this day vegans all over the world celebrate their holiday!

Being a vegetarian is good, but being a vegan is better

This is exactly what adherents of more radical views say, although to an outsider these two concepts seem absolutely identical. What's the difference? If your friend, due to his convictions, has once and for all refused to eat the meat of “our little brothers,” but does not consider it shameful to sometimes taste fish or eggs, since the latter, apparently, are not among his relatives, then he can be considered a regular vegetarian.

With a vegan, everything is much more complicated, since his value system categorically rejects any product of non-plant origin, making no exception even for such a seemingly absolutely harmless product as honey, for the sake of which no living creature has to be destroyed. Moreover, a convinced vegan feels a deep disgust not only for the meat departments of supermarkets, but also for shoe stores and other boutiques that sell products made of fur, leather, wool and even silk.

Therefore, when you go to choose a gift for a vegan friend, remember a simple rule: only cosmetics and fabrics made from plant materials can be natural, all other things and accessories must be artificial. In addition, other eco-friendly gifts are welcome - wooden frames, herbal compositions, figurines. You should not give flowers in bouquets - the thought of wasted flower lives can seriously upset a sensitive vegan.

Gifts for a vegetarian: learning to eat healthy

“Why does a vegan need a book about tasty and healthy food?” - some may object, “After all, all that can be done with fruits and vegetables is to eat them raw, boil or fry them.” However, in order to eat exclusively products of plant origin, a person must apply all his diligence, skill and imagination, otherwise by the end of the first month of such a life, every night he will dream of a delicious steamed cutlet. Do you remember how in the film “Girls” the main character, the cook Tosya, listed many dishes that can be prepared from simple potatoes? Therefore, a book on healthy eating with many simple but varied recipes is an excellent gift for November 1st.

Kitchen appliances at the service of a vegan

Have you ever tried to “extract” juice from an apple or carrot using an ordinary grater? Then you know that to obtain even one glass of life-giving nectar you need to spend truly Herculean efforts. A modern

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