What does the start of menstruation mean? Types of fortune telling on critical days

It turns out that by looking at the “red days of the calendar” you can find out not only whether you can expect a baby in 9 months, but also what the future promises. There are techniques with which you can create your own horoscope of critical days by numbers, days and times of day.

Times of Day

Day of the week

Day of the month

1 - you will feel joyful during this cycle. This feeling can be described by the phrase “in seventh heaven.”

2 - you will be forced to think badly about some person. It could be suspicion, jealousy or even contempt.

3 - threatens to quarrel with someone dear to you. Whether the offense is long or short depends only on you. But nevertheless, you should still be careful with loved ones and try to create a positive atmosphere around you.

4 is a wonderful number that indicates that luck and joy are somewhere nearby.

5 means that someone will definitely give you a gift.

6 - you better be ready, rumors are coming.

7 is a symbol of love. Seven says that someone has strong feelings for you.

8 - this number portends mistrust. Either you will not trust your partner, or he will be jealous of you for someone. You should moderate your ardor, because this can be avoided.

9 - some turbulent moments are coming in your life: there may be some inconvenience due to rumors. Don't take them seriously, then this cycle will go easier.

10 is a harbinger of love feelings, you will be in love with someone. Maybe it will be your spouse.

11 is a sign of family well-being. Your love is true to you. Eleven promises sincerity and frankness in love and family matters.

12 - expect a difficult cycle. Probably someone will cast a love spell on you, maybe just drive you crazy or draw your attention to themselves with the help of their charisma.

13 - this day is considered unlucky. And unfortunately, it brings negative aspects. You have to be patient, the cycle won't last forever.

14 - good news awaits you if your period occurs on this day.

15 - this day, on the contrary, suggests that you should expect sad news.

16 - you should keep your mouth shut, otherwise things will be hard.

17 - sorrows and future separation from a lover.

18 - reports new attraction throughout the cycle.

19 - does not promise falling in love, but true love.

20 - also speaks of love, but unfortunately unrequited.

21 - warns that you need to be more careful, someone wants to deceive you. If you don’t want to be deceived, then you should be more careful!

22 - some material joys await you: it can be either money or a cake.

23 is a harbinger of great happiness. Probably every woman would like her period to fall on this day.

24 - wait for guests. They may come unexpectedly, but be attentive and hospitable to them.

25 - a new person will appear in your life.

26 - someone will show pity for you. Sometimes this is very necessary.

27 - your dream will come true.

28 - speaks of luck.

29 is a harbinger that you will cry. The tears will be quite bitter.

30 - your love will not go unnoticed by the object of your adoration.

31 - promises pleasant surprises.

Fortune telling by women's days is a very effective way to predict the future. And if your critical days began on a bad day, then you need to remember that “Forewarned is forearmed.” In any case, you can always drink tea, calm down and just wait them out. And if it is predicted that the cycle will be good, then you need to take every moment from it!

Attention, TODAY only!

Since ancient times, everything that had anything to do with menstruation was considered mystical, mysterious and frightening. And even though science has now fully explained this phenomenon, still during menstruation a woman is endowed from above with some otherworldly power. Therefore, if you carry out fortune telling on critical days, then this power will be directed for good and will allow you to lift the curtain on the future.

Should you believe fortune telling based on menstruation?

Before we start guessing, many of us want to first find out how true the result of this prediction will be. So, according to numerous surveys, fortune telling by critical days for women is one of the simplest and most effective. And all because these days the fair sex’s feelings and emotions are heightened to the maximum, and intuition allows them to see even what is hidden from view behind the veil of the future. Moreover, our craving for the otherworldly and mysterious is directly influenced by the Moon; in the female menstrual cycle there are exactly 28 days, that is, the same number of days as there are in the lunar month. Isn't this proof of the veracity of the prediction? The main thing is to add up for yourself the results of all fortune-telling based on menstruation, and then from this you can draw a conclusion about your near future.

Rules for fortune telling

In order for the results of divination on menstruation to be as accurate as possible, you should remember the important rules for its implementation.

  1. The beginning of critical days plays an important role during fortune telling, because it is by this time that we will predict the future.
  2. The result of the fortune telling will only be significant until the start of the next period, so after receiving it, write it down on a piece of paper to then check whether it came true.
  3. If the result of a prediction promises you something pleasant in life, then you should not tell anyone about it, as this may lead to the fact that the happy event will never happen due to dark thoughts or the intervention of an outsider.
  4. It is imperative to combine several fortune tellings, because this is the only way to get the most accurate result of fortune telling.
  5. To get an accurate answer, on the eve of the start of your period, you need to ask the universe a question that worries you, and then the date and time of the start of your period will tell you the right solution to the current situation.

Fortune telling by critical days by the dates of the month from 1 to 7

The number of the month in which they began is important in fortune telling by menstruation. And if they went from the 1st to the 7th, then the interpretation of this can be seen right now:

  • 1 - joyful events await that will bring happiness and euphoria to life;
  • 2 - you will be disappointed in something or someone or feel disgusted with the person;
  • 3 - quarrels and conflicts with loved ones await you;
  • 4 - good luck and fulfillment of desire awaits;
  • 5 - a pleasant gift from a loved one or an unexpected gift of fate awaits you;
  • 6 - you should beware of gossip and slander from your inner circle, including those people from whom you do not expect it;
  • 7 - a person who is your destiny will appear in your life, or your chosen one will confess his love to you.

Fortune telling by monthly dates of any month from 8 to 14

And here is the interpretation of fortune telling on critical days, which you can turn to if your period began from the 8th to the 14th of any month:

  • 8 - soon you will begin to experience extreme jealousy of your lover, both with and without reason;
  • 9 - you better not continue to promise others what you cannot give them, otherwise they will no longer trust you;
  • 10 - you will soon fall in love or experience a revival of feelings for your boyfriend;
  • 11 - there is a possibility of separation and a serious quarrel with a person whom you will be jealous of or experience unreasonable distrust of;
  • 12 - you will have a secret admirer who, moreover, may want to bewitch you;
  • 13 - difficulties, failures and disappointments await you;
  • 14 - you should expect good news as soon as possible.

Prediction for menstruation by the dates of the month from 15 to 21

The interpretation of fortune telling by critical days for women that began from the 15th to the 21st of any month is given below:

  • 15 - in the near future you will encounter a difficulty, but it can be overcome;
  • 16 - you should watch what you say and to whom, otherwise it will turn into a serious scandal;
  • 17 - portends separation from a loved one or unrequited love;
  • 18 - a marriage proposal awaits you or a new round in your relationship with your loved one;
  • 19 - foreshadows the arrival of a new love, which will be very strong, but perhaps not mutual;
  • 20 - someone close to you will deceive you, however, this person may think that such a lie will be for your benefit;
  • 21 - you can be deceived, so you need to be careful, because this deception can destroy a family.

Fortune telling "Critical days" by date from 22 to 31

But if your period started at the end of the month from the 22nd to the 31st, then the result of this fortune telling will be as follows:

  • 22 - your financial condition will be improved by a good bonus, salary increase or even winning the lottery;
  • 23 - true female happiness awaits you;
  • 24 - guests will come to your house, which can be both your relatives and friends;
  • 25 - you will make a new acquaintance who will play an important role in your destiny;
  • 26 - they will lend a hand to you and help you in a difficult situation;
  • 27 - the fulfillment of your cherished desire awaits you, perhaps with the help of some person;
  • 28 - success and good luck in your work or even promotion awaits you;
  • 29 - grief and tears await you, but you should not hide them from loved ones who can help you;
  • 30 - a person will appear next to you who will not be indifferent to you, and with whom you will have a long and serious relationship;
  • 31 - you will receive unexpected good news or go on a trip.

Fortune telling by day of the week when menstruation begins

The result of fortune telling on women's critical days also depends on what day of the week they began.

  1. Monday predicts future troubles and serious worries, however, they can be either pleasant or not, which depends only on you.
  2. Tuesday predicts a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, or you will meet a person who will occupy an important place in your life.
  3. Wednesday promises troubles and disappointments, however, you should not worry about them, as they will be fleeting and not fatal.
  4. Thursday foretells that soon you will be invited to an important meeting or visit, where some important event may happen, so it is better to be careful so that this meeting leaves behind good memories.
  5. Friday predicts unexpected news and surprises that can radically affect your life.
  6. Saturday foreshadows a romantic date, a declaration of love, or the beginning of a new love story full of tenderness and romance.
  7. Sunday promises the fair sex a lot of fun, joy and active recreation in the company of a loved one or friends.

Fortune telling by the hour of the beginning of menstruation

The hour when menstruation began is no less important in the “Critical Days” fortune telling, given that the time of day does not matter here. That is, that regardless of whether menstruation began at one in the morning or at one in the afternoon, the interpretation of fortune telling will be numbered “1”. So let's look at the results of such a prediction.

  1. Pleasant surprises and good news await you.
  2. You need to watch what you say so you don't get into trouble.
  3. A serious conflict may occur, so to avoid problems, it is better to be restrained and carefully weigh everything before saying or doing anything.
  4. Happiness is at your doorstep, so this month will be one of the best in your life.
  5. A very pleasant surprise awaits you, which will make you rejoice.
  6. Among your friends there are many gossips with whom it is better to stop all communication.
  7. You will receive a declaration of love, which can be either from a loved one or from a secret admirer.
  8. You will become jealous of your chosen one, but before you do this openly, it is better to analyze whether he deserves this jealousy or whether it is completely groundless.
  9. They want to slander you, so it’s better not to give ill-wishers a single chance for this.
  10. Soon you will fall in love.
  11. You will be very jealous of your lover, which may offend him, because he does not deserve it.
  12. Someone from your inner circle is in love with you.

Prediction by time of day of the beginning of critical days

However, the time of day still plays a certain role in fortune telling on critical days. Therefore, now we will find out what awaits a fortune-telling woman if her period begins:

  • in the morning, this promises love, tenderness and mutual understanding with family and friends;
  • during the day, this portends a lot of positive emotions and a charge of excellent mood;
  • in the evening, this predicts sad events and loneliness for a whole month;
  • at night, this promises separation from a person dear to her.

Love fortune telling by menstruation

Fortune telling for ladies on critical days also allows you to find out what they can expect in love. The time period at which menstruation began also plays a role here.

  1. Menstruation that begins from midnight to 8 am portends love, shrouded in mystery, since a woman will only secretly sigh for a man, but will not be able to confess her feelings to him.
  2. Menstruation that begins from 8 am to noon predicts an unforgettable candy-bouquet period, beautiful courtship and romantic dates, both for established couples with a long relationship and for newly created couples.
  3. Menstruation that begins from noon to 6 pm predicts that the girl will receive a gift or surprise from her lover.
  4. Menstruation that begins from 6 pm until midnight does not promise women anything good in their relationships, which will consist only of lies, jealousy, understatement and betrayal.

Signs for critical days

However, menstruation allows not only fortune telling on critical days, but also some signs and prohibitions regarding various aspects of life are associated with them.

  1. During menstruation, you should not go to church or swim in a pond.
  2. During your period, do not cook food or do housework, so as not to spoil everything.
  3. During critical days, you cannot plant plants or seedlings in the garden, as this will lead to crop failure.
  4. If a woman begins menstruation right on her wedding day, she should immediately read the plot, otherwise her children will have a very difficult life.
  5. If a woman starts her period right at 12 o'clock at night, then she should not look at people or livestock during her menstrual period, so as not to accidentally jinx them.
  6. If you collect a little menstruation and then sprinkle it on your house, then it will be under serious protection from all evil.
  7. If menstruation comes suddenly, this promises a woman an unexpected surprise and a new turn in her life’s path.
  8. A delay in menstruation foretells a woman stability in her life and the absence of any changes.

And finally, I would like to mention that fortune telling based on critical days for women on the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 26th and 29th lunar day will not be accurate. If your period started on such a day, then you don’t have to look at the interpretation of fortune-telling, but if on any other day, then the prediction will be as truthful as possible.

Since ancient times, menstruation and superstition have been closely linked. The attitude towards these days differed among different peoples and in different centuries. For example, in the Christian world, a woman during menstruation was considered “dirty”, “closest” to the devil, and certain restrictions were imposed on her daily life. And in the eastern philosophy of Feng Shui, on the contrary, such a period is considered a moment of purification, thanks to which the female half of humanity lives longer than the stronger sex.

Fortune telling on menstruation is a simple and accessible way for every woman to find out her future for the next month. Based on predictions that have come to us from ancient times, various troubles can be avoided. Or, on the contrary, pay attention to some pleasant little thing that will bring good luck in the future.

A regular menstrual cycle allows you to get a forecast for the coming four weeks. Until the next period begins, representatives of the fair sex will have important information that will help them avoid mistakes and tell them how to act in a given situation. The essence of fortune telling is that each hour, day of the week and number has its own meaning. Remembering the moment the period begins and finding an interpretation of this sign is all that is needed for fortune telling.

There is one more aspect that fortune tellers, soothsayers and bioenergeticists always pay attention to. If a person sincerely believes in the prophecy received, then it will certainly come true. That is, when a woman is firmly convinced that pleasant meetings await her, she will definitely look for them herself and “attract” them, paying attention to those little things that usually would not interest her.

It’s easy to check if this is true and find out whether you should believe the predictions for the female cycle. It is enough to remember when your period began, find the interpretation and remember it. And after that, when the next menstruation begins, analyze whether the prediction came true. This article will help every woman figure out for herself what to believe, and which fortune telling turned out to be the most accurate.

General information about fortune telling

Fortune telling by menstruation does not require any special techniques. There are several interpretations of the moment at which menstruation began. To get the most accurate result, you will need to pay attention to the following points:

  • hour of the start of menstruation;
  • Times of Day;
  • day of the week;
  • date.

The main existing methods of decoding are based precisely on the moment of the onset of menstruation. The better a woman remembers the time of the first discharge, the more accurate the fortune-telling result will be.

But what to do if one interpretation foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news, and the other promises an unpleasant meeting? Firstly, both events can happen before the next menstruation. Secondly, perhaps it was the prediction that made it possible to avoid an unpleasant meeting, that is, prevented it. It is worth understanding that any fortune telling is not a dogma, but rather a guide to action. It speaks of possible events, not of accomplished facts.

Everyone has probably encountered a situation where “everyone is against him.” When getting ready for an important meeting, every little thing bothers a person: necessary things are “lost”, it is not possible to quickly cope with usual tasks, transport is delayed or gets stuck in a traffic jam. Events seem to indicate possible problems. Further analysis shows that the negative result could have been “predicted”; too many signs were sent. Fortune telling in advance would help to pay attention to these signs, refuse or reschedule the meeting. As a result, you avoided trouble, the prophecy did not come true, but this does not mean that fortune telling was useless.

Is it possible to tell fortunes during menstruation?

To tell fortunes by menstruation, no special rituals or auxiliary means (cards, etc.) are required. It is enough to have one or more sources for interpreting the time of the onset of menstruation. You can use them all at the same time or stick to just one option.

Since various prejudices and superstitions have long been associated with critical days, the question of whether one can guess during menstruation or not will be relevant for many women. It should be understood that predictions based on the beginning of the menstrual cycle and fortune telling during bleeding are somewhat different things. In the first case, you only look at the results (interpretation), and in the second, you perform a certain ritual, for example, laying out the cards. Fortune telling by the beginning of the menstrual cycle is just an interpretation of an already accomplished fact (the moment the bleeding begins). Here we can say that the female body has already performed the ritual of fortune telling based on menstruation, and all you have to do is look at the results. Therefore, there are no restrictions here.

Rules for correct fortune telling

True fortune telling by menstruation is an opportunity to receive certain predictions that are based on centuries-old traditions and knowledge. For different methods, the time of day, day of the week or day of the month, even the hour of the onset of menstruation, matters. That is, there is a clear connection with numerology, the sacred meaning of the days of the week, etc. In the version of fortune telling according to the Feng Shui system, a connection with a certain element and zodiac signs is also used for the most accurate predictions.

To get a correct prediction on critical days, you need to pay close attention to the beginning of your period. The more accurately you determine the moment of the first discharge, the better the result of fortune telling.

Let's look at how this works with an example. If a woman detects the first discharge during the day, then there will be no difficulty in determining the day of the week and date. And if they started at night, then it is difficult to say which result will be correct. It is almost impossible to understand whether your period began before or after 24 hours. Therefore, it is difficult to choose the right day of the week and date for interpretation. You can look at (or better yet, write down for yourself) both interpretations. And after the start of the next menstruation, compare both results of fortune telling and find out which was accurate. Until this moment, focus on the method that is available, for example, by time of day.

5 main options for fortune telling

There are several ways to interpret the menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that the results are “linked” to different data (time of day, date, etc.), fortune telling is based on one general fact - the time of the appearance of the first discharge. The better the start moment is determined, the more accurate the fortune telling for menstruation will be (there are two interpretation options when assessing results by the hour, different methods for fortune telling by day of the week, etc.).

We will look at various methods of interpretation that will help women independently choose the most accurate one. For example, 2 options for fortune telling by the beginning of menstruation are offered by the method of days of the week and Feng Shui. The eastern technique takes into account the connection with the zodiac sign and the elements, the usual one - just the day of the week. You can choose either one or view the results of both.

Fortune telling by the hour

Determining results by the clock is a long-known and proven method. There are different decryption options that allow you to find out the near future. If you want to use this method (fortune telling by numbers, time of day, days of the week will be described in the relevant sections), then the main thing is to note exactly at what hour the first discharge appeared. When interpreting using this method, it does not matter whether it is day or night, it is important to determine the exact hour. After this, you can evaluate the results:

  1. Positive changes can be expected this month. Good news, joy or happiness are predicted by the fortuneteller.
  2. You should be careful in your words and actions. If a person you meet during this period is annoying, do not waste your emotions, soon the attitude will change, and the person will become indifferent.
  3. Upcoming conflicts can significantly complicate life; learn to restrain yourself, not give in to emotions and think through the consequences of your actions in advance.
  4. Serious changes for the better are possible, dreams can become reality, and happiness will find you.
  5. Expect pleasant surprises, they will make you rejoice.
  6. Being attentive when communicating with others will help you avoid gossip and empty talk; limit your communication.
  7. Your feelings will be reciprocated or a secret admirer will reveal himself, expect a love confession.
  8. Your jealousy can be groundless; before blaming your loved one, analyze the situation.
  9. Gossip and slander - this is what you should expect from others in the near future. Fortune telling warns - do not give them a reason.
  10. You are destined to experience all the joys of falling in love.
  11. Jealousy is the main emotion, but you shouldn’t give in to it, your chosen one doesn’t deserve it.
  12. To meet your destiny, sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at those around you; perhaps someone is already in love with you and is looking for reciprocity.

By time of day

Another proven option for fortune telling by menstruation is to determine not only the hour, but also the time of day. It is believed that the second method can give more accurate results. Firstly, it is easier to determine the onset of menstruation in a certain time period. Secondly, the day and night periods are important for fortune telling.

An assessment of fortune telling by menstruation, taking into account the time of day, will help you find out what will happen in the near future:

  • Early morning (before 11). Harmony with others, repairing damaged relationships with loved ones, or a new romantic period - this is what awaits women whose periods began early in the morning.
  • Noon (from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.). Joy and good fortune - these are the results of fortune telling for those who find their periods at this time.
  • Afternoon (from 14:00 to 17:00). Caution and attentiveness will help you avoid troubles and failures. It is better to believe only in yourself and not rely on others.
  • Evening (from 6 to 9 pm). Menstruation at this time predicts a sad mood and possible loneliness. It's better than the previous version, but still not very happy.
  • Night. Some surprise awaits you, and it’s unlikely to be a pleasant one. Fortune telling on menstruation predicts separation, quarrels, deceptions are possible, dishonesty of others can cause many unpleasant moments.

There is another way to evaluate results taking into account the time of day, but it is more related to love experiences, so we will consider it later (see section Fortune telling for love at the beginning of menstruation).

By day of the week

If you want, you can tell your monthly fortune by day of the week. Let's find out how critical days are connected with them:

  • Monday. It’s not for nothing that a day is considered “hard”; troubles and worries await you, but it’s impossible to say for sure whether they will be pleasant or not. Here the chances are 50:50. As compensation, fortune telling predicts an expensive gift from a loved one.
  • Tuesday. Perhaps the appearance of an old friend, an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time. Perhaps your period wants to warn you about an important event. The beginning of the cycle indicates an imminent meeting with a person who has a chance to occupy an important place in your life. Or wait for serious changes.
  • Wednesday. Get ready for troubles that may completely absorb your thoughts and feelings for the next month. Periods on Wednesday indicate exactly this.
  • Thursday. Fortune telling warns about something incomprehensible and unexpected if your period comes on Thursday. Receiving guests or visiting friends can either turn into a fun party or cause trouble in the future. It's better to be on guard until your next period.
  • Friday. Unexpected news portends major changes. But for them to happen, you will have to make an effort. Everything that happens will be associated exclusively with pleasant emotions and positive results.
  • Saturday. Good things await a woman whose period begins on Saturday. Fortune telling predicts the ability to effortlessly overcome difficulties and obstacles, receive unexpected “gifts of fate,” the fulfillment of long-standing desires or a sudden love confession. The coming time will pass under the motto “everything is good, easy, fast and pleasant.”
  • Sunday. For those who lead an active lifestyle, the coming month will be ideal, joy and carefree fun will be constant. Menstruation on Sunday predicts the opportunity to resolve all disputes with a loved one or eliminate personal problems.

By day of the month

In numerology, special significance is given to dates. That is why it is believed that the beginning of the menstrual cycle and the days of the month are interconnected, and such an assessment will provide a fairly accurate forecast. This method will be interesting even for those whose “ovulation” lasts almost a month. It doesn’t matter whether the period between periods lasts 30 or 31 days, a gradual transition is still inevitable, as the calendar will change.

You can check the relationship between periods and numbers here:

  1. Menstruation on the first day portends pleasant events; they can cause euphoria in a woman, and what a stimulus they will be for further action!
  2. Perhaps you will be disappointed in your loved ones, and their actions will become a reason for worry;
  3. Expect quarrels, some will be serious, others will quickly be forgotten;
  4. Perhaps it is this month that a long-standing secret desire will come true;
  5. Your loved one is apparently preparing a surprise for you, wait for it;
  6. Be careful, menstruation portends gossip, slander and other intrigues on the part of ill-wishers;
  7. Perhaps your prince is already close, his love will fill your life with new meaning;
  8. With or without current, you will be jealous of your loved one;
  9. Menstruation warns: your enemies, secret or open, will try to upset your personal life, your happiness is clearly interfering with them;
  10. There is a chance to meet your knight, or maybe just old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor;
  11. Either they will be jealous of you or you, but such emotions can threaten relationships, do not give a reason for this and keep your own emotions under control;
  12. The chance of meeting a new love is great, but maybe it’s just a love spell?
  13. Get ready, this month will not be easy, you will face serious challenges;
  14. Good news will come soon, wait for it;
  15. You cannot do without unpleasant surprises, the question is who will present them, a friend or a loved one?
  16. Avoid the company of talkers this month; your words may become a reason for gossip. And then a scandal is inevitable;
  17. Perhaps your period is warning you about separation. But what it will be like, whether it will be long, short, peaceful or as a result of a quarrel, is difficult to say;
  18. Married women are waiting for a new round of relationships, and unmarried women have a chance to enter into legal marriage;
  19. There is a risk that the love that comes will be unrequited, perhaps the man is simply using you, be careful with your own feelings;
  20. Close friends or a loved one may deceive you, perhaps for your own good, but a lie is a lie;
  21. But menstruation on this day speaks of a serious deception that can destroy even strong relationships;
  22. For women who have begun menstruation, financial well-being is predicted for the coming month;
  23. Pleasant events await you; perhaps the month will be the beginning of personal happiness;
  24. Even if there are no special occasions, expect guests, there will be many of them, this is a pleasant event;
  25. Be more attentive to new acquaintances. They will be pleasant even if you do not meet your fate;
  26. Menstruation is hinting, a meeting with a new friend is being prepared;
  27. You may suddenly have a personal wizard ready to fulfill all your wishes;
  28. You will have work and financial profit. And with your personal life it’s better to wait until the next cycle;
  29. Tests await you, and you will not be without worries and even tears. Do not hide your condition from your loved ones, they are ready to help;
  30. Menstruation predicts a meeting with a new person who can enter your life for a long time;
  31. Apparently you have a journey ahead of you. Be careful with your actions, perhaps they will become the reason for leaving, and not the best one.

Fortune telling for love at the beginning of menstruation

The onset of menstruation may portend changes in love, the emergence of new relationships or the breakup of old ones. This was mentioned a little in fortune telling by calendar days. But there is a more accurate option. Remember when you first started having discharge. Then fortune telling for a woman’s periods for love will help in deciphering the results:

  • Morning. Falling in love this month awaits you, it will bring positive emotions;
  • Day. There will be luck in love, and it will also accompany you in everyday affairs;
  • Evening. There will be a lot of negativity this month; conflicts and troubles will accompany you constantly. But against this background, you will especially appreciate personal relationships and other pleasant moments of your own life;
  • Night. Stealth is the motto of the coming month, be careful with your own “skeletons in the closet”, they sometimes have destructive power.

Prediction based on lunar days

Lunar days are a special time of every month. You should know how they are related to menstruation, then the results of fortune telling will be more accurate. If the first discharge appeared on days 1, 12, 13, 14, as well as 19, 23, 26 or 29 (look at the lunar calendar, it is different from the usual one), then you can forget about other forecasts. The potential for errors is too high.

Another option for predictions is based on the phases of the moon: waxing - expect good news, plans will come true, full moon - a secret wish will come true, happy days await you, waning - expect unpleasant and undesirable events.

Folk signs for menstruation

Fortune telling by women's critical days will help predict the near future. But there are other ways to get a forecast. Remember that back in ancient times people observed various phenomena, analyzed them, and studied the relationship between events. This is how folk signs appeared. Here's what they say about menstruation:

  • During menstruation, a woman was forbidden to: swim in reservoirs, plant plants, cook food, visit temple, and do household chores;
  • Did menstruation begin on time: if earlier - expect new events, on time - desires will come true, it will be calm and measured, later - stability awaits the woman;
  • Menstruation on a full moon is a sign of a witch who can put the evil eye on people and animals;
  • On the wedding day: in order to avoid the difficult fate prepared for the bride’s children, a special ritual must be performed;
  • To prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings, a menstruating woman had to walk around the building in a circle three times.

The use of menstrual blood for charms, amulets and love spells is also well known.

Feng Shui fortune telling

Fortune telling based on monthly Feng Shui is a variant of predictions based on the days of the week. But at the same time, each element has its own prophecy. The element Fire rules such zodiac signs as Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Earth is Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are ruled by Air, while Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Water signs. This is how the beginning of menstruation is interpreted for various elements.

  • Monday. For Fire: acquaintance with influential people is predicted, and not always pleasant ones. For the Earth: positive emotions, success and pleasant events await. For Air: love affairs and romance are coming, stability in business, but health may fail. For Water signs: the beginning of something new that will have a significant impact in the future.
  • Tuesday. Fire: career growth is possible. Earth: Financial changes can be both positive and negative. Air: difficulties at work are compensated by peace at home, but the risk of conflicts will be great everywhere. Water: your plans are close to being realized.
  • Wednesday. Fire: mutual love and complete harmony await you. Earth: a responsible conversation will help you adjust your outlook on life. Air: pleasant events await you, but enemies and envious people will try to ruin the overall pleasant impression of the month. Water: luck in everything is the motto for the next month.
  • Thursday. Fire: Beware of events that could ruin your plans for the future. Earth: lucky in everything, especially in love. Air: money and good luck in all your endeavors await you this month. Water: difficulties and obstacles can ruin all plans.
  • Friday. Fire: caution in everything will help to avoid conflicts and showdowns. Earth: luck awaits you not only in love, but also in business. Air: Enjoy calm and stability. Water: for women I expect mystery and intrigue, there is a high probability of mental anguish.
  • Saturday. Fire: turn plans into reality, luck is on your side. Earth: difficulties await you at work, but good luck on the personal front. Air: positive emotions and unforgettable events await this month. Water: get ready for gifts, surprises and pleasant events.
  • Sunday. Fire: peace is guaranteed, enjoy it. Earth: difficulties will melt away by themselves, leaving room for joy. Air: a good time to implement plans. Water: enjoy the long-awaited vacation, problems will fade into the background.

As you can see, fortune telling on menstruation has many nuances and features. Choose any option or use all of them at the same time to make the most accurate forecast. And don’t forget about folk signs that will help in everyday life.

Since ancient times, menstruation has been closely associated with superstitions, despite the fact that different peoples had their own attitude to critical days.

Fortune telling by menstruation is a simple method for every representative of the fair sex, thanks to which they can find out what awaits them in the coming month. If you listen to the predictions, you can avoid most problems or, conversely, pay your attention to some little thing that will bring good luck in the future.

With a regular cycle, it is possible to obtain a forecast for a month in advance. Before the next period, women will already have the necessary information, thanks to which it will be possible to prevent failures and mistakes. You just need to remember the day your period starts and look at its interpretation.

If there is sincere faith in the prophecy, then it will certainly come true.

Methods of fortune telling by menstruation

There are many methods that allow you to get a prediction based on the menstrual cycle. This could be a specific time, day of the month, or day of the week. When fortune telling using Feng Shui, connections with zodiac signs and elements are also used to obtain an accurate prediction.

Some people are very surprised when they first learn about this method of fortune telling. But the process of menstruation may well be endowed with energetic power. In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the cultures of many countries associated menstruation with something otherworldly. This is how many beliefs, signs and traditions were formed, among which fortune-telling occupied its niche.

This method has many supporters and opponents, both among ordinary girls who want to learn more about their future, and professional fortune-tellers and psychics who are well versed in the topic. Girls with an average cycle length only have periods once a month. Monthly fortune telling allows you to regularly make forecasts for the next four weeks, always being aware of energy affairs. This is the most compelling argument made by defenders of such procedures.

The opposite camp most often points to the low reliability of the evidence obtained. This is especially true for simplified variations of procedures. They also become sources of opinion about the general humorousness of rituals associated with menstruation.

In order to avoid misconceptions about fortune telling by menstruation, two types of acts should be distinguished:

  1. Fortune telling based on the magic of numbers.
  2. Rituals whose power is based on menstrual blood.

The first type is a more simplified variation, which gives the most unreliable results, but is completely undemanding in terms of time and concentration. The second provides an almost guaranteed result, but it will require a more serious attitude and increased time investment.

There are many different numbers associated with the menstruation process. The start time of the critical days is of greater importance. This is an hour relative to a day, a day relative to a week, and a number relative to a month. All these numbers contain a certain secret that can easily be turned into a prediction. True, we should not forget about its possible deceptiveness - these methods rarely give a true result.

About the time of day

The earlier your period starts, the more likely the prognosis is favorable. But the countdown starts not from midnight, but from 4 am. There is a general interpretation of the five phases:

  1. Early morning speaks of the girl’s good energy potential, which will allow her to maintain warm relationships with loved ones. In this case, the girl most often manages to maintain coziness and comfort in the home circle or on the personal front.
  2. Morning also promises prosperity. It is very likely that the next month will be associated with happiness and success.
  3. Afternoon not so bad, but it already implies the possibility of trouble. Most likely, the girl will face minor quarrels and minor upsets, but they will not cause much harm to her emotional health.
  4. Evening wants to suggest that more serious events may occur. They will have a greater impact on the emotional background, but will not affect life in general.
  5. Night- this is the worst time to start your period. Most likely, the girl will face some significant grief. The loss of a loved one or separation from a loved one is possible.

It is important to remember that this method of fortune telling is very general and not reliable. You shouldn't trust him too much.

Day of the week

Each day of the week has its own color forecast. Among them there are almost no clearly good or bad options. A specific coloring of the expected event can be obtained by combining this point with fortune telling by time of day.

Monday most often associated with small but annoying troubles. Not the most successful day, however, it does not foreshadow any serious threat.

Tuesday- this is a signal beacon that will lead you to a meeting with someone from your old circle of acquaintances. Perhaps it will be a relative with whom contact has long been lost. This is the most ambiguous of days, because it can lead to both positive and negative developments - everything varies from case to case.

Wednesday warns of many minor troubles. Although they are more significant than when your period starts on Monday, they still remain solvable. To get rid of problems of this kind, it is enough just not to lose heart.

Thursday- this is a day associated with celebrations and feasts, or with a simple visit to someone else's house. At the same time, the nature of the events is not described in any way - they will not be successful for everyone.

Friday portends many bright situations: both good and bad.

Saturday- one of the safest options. The girl will not be bothered by serious difficulties. Most problems can be solved without much difficulty. Pleasant events that can significantly change your life for the better are quite likely.

Sunday gives the most excellent forecast. It contains all the positive signs of the past day. The main difference is the complete absence of any negative aspects.

Lunar calendar: women's version

Another method of positional fortune telling by menstruation for a woman. Every girl hopes for love, but will she be able to meet her lover this month? The calendar will answer many other questions.

Girls whose menstruation begins on the 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th or 30th can count on success in love. Unpromising numbers in terms of love: 3, 6, 11, 16, 23, 27.

The following days will tell about the influx of positivity: 1, 4, 8, 13, 24 or 28. The numbers warn about possible misfortune: 2, 9, 14.

There are ambiguous dates that can be harbingers of both great happiness and great sorrow: 15, 20, 31.

The 17th day is considered the day of poverty, and the 29th day of wealth.

All other days indicate that no special changes will happen in life.

Fortune telling for love

Real rituals differ from horoscopes in their seriousness. They will allow you to find out the truth in 90% of cases. But their implementation is possible only with the assistance of an experienced fortune teller. In this case, it is better to look for an adult specialist who has already reached menopause. People of this age give the most accurate forecasts. This is the only proven method of divination by menstruation for a woman that can give a true result.

It must be taken into account that the menstrual cycle is directly related to the reproductive system. This means that these methods are aimed primarily at the love and sexual spheres of life.

There is not only fortune telling by menstruation for a woman. Other rituals can also greatly influence love. Let's say a love spell that uses menstrual blood is very powerful. A glass of red wine with a few drops of blood will make even the most inaccessible man fall in love with you. The derivative of the female physiological process activates the masculine principle, flooding it with a sea of ​​passion and love.

Have you decided to tell your fortune about your periods? Folk customs will predict your future!

Attention, TODAY only!

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